#just because they fuck. say that again istg i'll kill u in my wolf form...
loelett · 10 months
What do you think about the iwtv tv show?
It's fine enough! Funnily enough i got into iwtv in the first place because my friend suggested I check out the show and I forgot what medium they suggested the series in so I read the book instead lmao. I think if I watched the show first I would be a lot more into it, but honestly with the context of the books I didn't love a lot of the changes. Mostly to do with Claudia (esp relating to her relationship with Lestat). I love Louis in every iteration tho! he is always a delight to see and I love seeing different interpretations of his character and story. Idk I could point out all the reasons the show didn't hit in the same way as the books to me but it's been talked to death by book fans and my opinions aren't super original I'm sure
On a slightly more frustrated note I'm really not cool with the way the showrunners erased the canonical asexuality of the characters. Because honestly that's what it is to me and a lot of other fans. Iwtv is the first adult series I've gotten invested in that had asexual themes that didn't feel tacked on and also didn't need to be pointed out. It's taken seriously and the lack of sexual attraction doesn't infantilize the characters in any way which is just really nice. The romance and passion in the books is something that really connected with me and the fact that they both made sex possible and also an important point to several different character's arcs is really frustrating and it's kind of the reason I don't like interacting with the show.
Idk I could go on but a lot of people who are a lot more well spoken than me have articulated better comparisons than I ever could so I'll leave it here
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