#just because of how blatant they're being with the set up of trouble coming from it in s4
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bugsbenefit · 1 year ago
anytime people reblog my hellfire s5 post i can go back to being amazed that they made TWO separate hellfire photo props and how they deliberately switched to a version that includes Dustin, Lucas, and Mike for all the wanted posters, instead of sticking to the presumably older yearbook picture we see them have at first
for reference: the hellfire club photo we get first, with Eddie and the members of his band, but also others like the people on the right who presumably graduated
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and the hellfire photo we see during Jason's speech for the first time, now featuring the party, which also ends up plastered on the wanted posters in places like the gun store
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like, damn, they really went out of their way to make two separate yearbook photo props and showed Jason deliberately went out of his way to find a newer photo to include all of current hellfire for his satanism speech accusing them of ritualistic murder. man did his research
and how that alone already shows how important it was to even the prop department to drag the party into the hellfire mess headfirst since they already had a photo of Eddie in hellfire Jason could have used. but no
they deliberately update to a version including the party
it's just such a fun detail to me bc it's such a background thing too. they just switch to a photo of modern day hellfire when Jason starts accusing the whole club instead of just Eddie, no big deal. with the only exception being the party being on them, since it's their first year in higschool. that change was really for them wasn't it, so fun to me
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thankskenpenders · 8 months ago
Part1: Thank you for the reply! Sorry if I keep pushing the subject, but what I don't understand is Penders' disdain/hate for Chronicles. For someone who always boasts about his contributions to the Sonic IP, one would have thought he would have been elated to be the inspiration and starting point for what would become a plot and setting of the IP's core media, games. Plus, you said it yourself, to everyone's knowledge (Even Penders, maybe?) they were seen as fair game at the time of production.
Part2: I would understand if he was asking for acknowledgement/compensation, but his ownership claims seems to be made out of malicious spite, rather than a proper sense of injustice. Like if DC would have dressed Superman in a red & white costume for a few issues after the Fawcett case (I know it's not exactly the same legal case). But why do you think he acts like that? I would love to read your thoughts as you are one of the few capable of reaching unbiased conclusions when it comes to him.
So the thing with the Sonic Chronicles case is that by that point Ken had discovered Archie had lost his contract, cooked up the story that it never existed, and started filing for copyrights for his work. As such, he argued that Sonic Chronicles taking inspiration from his work was an instance of copyright infringement. In his eyes, Shade literally is Julie-Su, and the Nocturnus Clan literally is the Dark Legion, just with the names changed, and if he never signed a contract then that stuff wasn't fair game for other Sega projects to touch. To him, it wasn't uncredited inspiration, it was theft.
The case was dismissed in court because the Archie v. Penders case to determine who actually owned the copyrights for his work was still ongoing, and then by the time that was settled the statute of limitations for the Chronicles case had passed. (In basic terms: it had been too long since Sonic Chronicles came out to sue over it.) So it ended in a stalemate, with both sides still arguing ownership, and Ken would only be able to revive the lawsuit if Sega did something new with Sonic Chronicles or those characters - a sequel, a port of the game, Shade appearing in new stories, etc.
Since then, it's basically turned into a game of chicken with the copyrights. Ken believes Sega has just washed their hands of Chronicles because they don't want to deal with the legal trouble, which is honestly probably true. Meanwhile, Ken has been testing how far he can push his claims of ownership over Shade before Sega does anything, such as when he announced that Shade NFT that declared she was literally the same character as Julie-Su. (Or at least it would have if he'd ever released it.) If Sega doesn't do anything about it, then they're at risk of forfeiting the copyrights, which Ken will take as a sign that they've fully abandoned Sonic Chronicles as their property and therefore he can do whatever he wants with its elements.
So, basically, yeah, he's still just bitter and spiteful over the plot of Sonic Chronicles being based loosely on his Knuckles comics without his involvement. And to a certain extent I'd get that. Comic artists and writers are paid in table scraps and get no benefits, then they see the companies who own their work turn it into billion dollar movies and video games and mountains of merch, and they don't see a penny of those profits. They don't even tend to earn royalties off of their comics' sales. It's unfair. But while I think he deserved some form of credit and maybe some form of compensation, there's a difference between adaptation and inspiration, and Ken's just being a copyright troll here.
There's immense irony in Ken believing that Bioware's homage to Julie-Su should be seen as the same character as Julie-Su in the eyes of the law, while he's out here publishing a comic featuring K'Nox, The Legally Distinct Character Who Is Totally Not Knuckles. Also, like, one of his pet characters has always been a blatant homage to James Bond. He was out there basing Archie Sonic stories on Star Trek episodes and Superman comics and shit. My favorite Sonic story of his literally just ripped off the plot of "For the Man Who Has Everything." I don't see him out here cutting Alan Moore a check. He's nothing if not a hypocrite.
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besiegedhunter · 1 year ago
So I finished So Long Adele and that's kinda interesting how inhuman Dolly is. Like he is kind and caring, but in a very weird way, which kinda contrasts even with other Beastlord and I guess it's because he's avoida interacting with humans? Like he said that Adele's parents were the last people whom he let to see himself and he had a bit of trouble with using human launguage.
Which makes me ask, do you think Grandma is similar to him in that way? Because for some reason Agnese seems quite normal and all other Beastlords we saw participate in human society in one way or another
Also, I really appreciate all the long answers you give, so please don't apologize for them. They are always great to read
Thank you for the kind message! I think I worry that I say so much that it ends up not being an answer, especially with such a post lol but I'm glad you enjoy them nonetheless! As for the ask:
It's a bit difficult to explain. Like, I think that Dolly has a weird relationship with things that I think is best demonstrated with the volcano at the end, where he says plain out what lava is and then proceeds to kinda just care about surfing on it.
That's how he sees the world and the laid down definitions for things. He knows what's conventional, he just only cares for what he finds enjoyable. He's pretty loose with things whereas basically every other Beast Lord aren't.
Like the Signore dei Lupi create their own terms for things and set rules for their game that they must strictly follow. They also know how to work within other systems, as Zaaro was able to make the Bellone family flourish and keep himself hidden and Agnese understands how Rhodes Island works as well as how limited Lunacub and Red are by the lives they've led up to that point.
Vs Dolly who frequently causes problems within Rhodes Island himself or with his clones. It's moreso his personality and relationship with things that make him come across as more out of touch than the other Beast Lords.
And all the other Beast Lords are very much abnormal and out of touch. They just may not come across as much because they make an effort to learn about society when society benefits their goals.
Grandma... I think Grandma probably will come across as more out of touch than the other Beast Lords if and only if she has much interaction with society. Can't come across as out of touch if there's nothing to touch, you know?
But Grandma didn't even see worth it to teach Red how to deal with society. She didn't try to accommodate Red being a human and her feelings. She shows a blatant disregard for anything outside of her goals and as of this moment none of her goals appear to correspond with any facet of society.
I'd assume that if she were to interact with society in any way it'd be with a complete disregard to it. Like the most she'd do is minimize her own presence or send Red in to accomplish something.
Furthermore I can't imagine when Red has little knowledge for society that Grandma would. Grandma is something that Red logically needs to move away from and she needs to integrate herself with society. Grandma having done so herself or showing much knowledge/respect for it would sort of fly in the face of that.
And Grandma's lack of empathy for Red, her tool. Well... I think she'd have even less empathy for random Siracusans and their rules or customs.
Which idk if that's saying she'll be like Dolly. I feel there'd be an immense difference and how out of touch she is will be masked by how cruel and cold she is which is nothing like Dolly but I think ramping up how inhuman Grandma is would be interesting.
Characters like Zaaro, Ya, even Aulus, Quintus, the First to Talk and Endspeaker don't really come across as that much really and they're all enemies and not human/fully.
That said, it's possible how I'm painting Grandma won't be at all how she's presented (I've certainly been wrong *cough* *cough*) but I also can't see her being very kind... Not with what Red is like...
Which can I just say, the game presents Red extremely lightly for her circumstances? Like I know it just does that with a lot of things but it's so terrible yet really not so much presented as such. And it's Grandma's fault so... yeah. We'll see.
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necrocities · 1 year ago
@cell113 realized tumblr wasn't gonna let me dm you bc this is a sideblog, so I figured I'd @ you since the link is one of your reblogs and I am indeed interested if you happen to have any thoughts.
I honestly don't know how I feel about reblogging the post directly, but I have a thing I've noticed. I'm gonna dissect it further but.
[pedophilia, sexual assault, systemic harm, physical harm, discomfort.]
the energy this gives off is the same as conservatives celebrating when drag queens are chased out, or medical facilities get bomb threats called in, or places are ACTUALLY set up with bombs in the name of "protecting the children."
it was never about protecting the children. not really. even when these people say it is, and they may genuinely think it is, it's about their fears and discomfort. more often their fears imo.
but in this specific case. it even looks to be about the blind adrenaline about "getting something done"
it really can be difficult to sit down and have a clean discussion about what to do to keep people safe without divulging in discussing your personal feelings. it's natural in itself, but the trouble is with not letting that stop the conversation from coming to an effective conclusion. when the answer is to do something that obtains results similar to in the post, that's just beating on someone weaker to achieve getting those you dislike out of the public eye.
even if they don't/hadn't match(ed) up to the accusation (which I'm not familiar with the animator being spoken of), it's about feeling good. those who celebrate the death of those who remind them of their fears and discomforts are chasing good feelings to escape the bad.
and that's breaking it down simply. no emotions are actually inherently good or bad. they're all complex.
this is why it's important to actually be able to set them aside when the time is appropriate. pushing for actions that cause harm to or the death of others is not effective action.
if you're someone worried about either those with paraphilias you see as inherently harmful, or sexual predators, killing them will not conclusively address your goal. I phrase them this way since there tends to not be a comprehensive difference from what I typically see. I want to make sure I fully address this.
when a group decides that the solution us to kill another group, in our current environment, that often means them hiding who they are for their own safety. you can't count all of a population when they're afraid to identify themselves anyways, so it's inherently ineffective. an unlikely goal.
and here's the thing. causing those with paraphilias to hide doesn't mitigate the harm caused by sexual predators. if someone wants to cause harm, they easily can in the US, where I'm mostly speaking of.
the response I see from people when someone actually is blatant about WANTING to cause harm sexually is to freeze and stare at others, waiting for someone to speak up. nobody does.
note that this is OFTEN what I see occur. not always. there's also times where people take action and can attempt to bring victims to safer places or take action against a perpetrator.
but even then, the actual victims don't always find more benefit in speaking up over risk of losing any safety still left. there's nowhere near enough evidence that speaking up will ACTUALLY bring safety to them.
we have to provide safer environments to lessen these fears. provide for and support those who come to you. ask THEM what they wish you to do. they may not want the world to know, but they told you because they think you'll keep them safe. be it physically or emotionally.
I can't say I have a perfect answer as to how to mitigate harm from predators across the board. it's a million dollar question.
what I can say is that we have to do our best to be gentle and understanding with the victims who DO open up to us. let them decide how public to make it. if they need to be quiet, respect it. you often won't know their situation better than they do. work under the assumption you don't if you aren't sure. but support them nonetheless.
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max1461 · 3 years ago
A thing about me is that I am extremely sensitive to worldbuilding that I find silly, and it completely ruins an experience for me. Like I probably enjoy The Matrix about 60% less because the "using humans as batteries" concept is very dumb, even though this is not relevant to the plot or themes at all. I can't overlook it! It's not that I need realistic worldbuilding specifically, but I definitely need consistent worldbuilding. If you want me to buy your dark gritty sci-fi world you cannot run afoul of thermodynamics in such a blatant way!
The worst thing about the The Matrix is that they had a reasonable solution, they could have said "the machines use humans for our computing power", with the assumption being (I guess) that human brains do something special the machines can't replicate. And like, I don't think this is true in real life, but I'd definitely be able to suspend my disbelief for it, and it would play reasonably well with some of the movie's other themes. IIRC this is what they were originally going to do, but then they didn't. Which sucks. But if you're going for the sort of setting which the movie obviously is, serious-ish sci-fi with only moderate art film undertones, you cannot ignore thermodynamics and expect it to just not bother me! This is the single biggest problem with the movie.
Similarly, I have trouble with far-future sci-fi in which people are anatomically just like us—by the time we have interstellar space travel we are almost certainly going to be modded and cyborged and genetically engineered beyond recognition, it seems ludicrous to me to say that we'll still be anatomically identical to humans today. Even fiction which attempts to portray this typically does not take it far enough imo. Worst of all—worst of all!—when they still. speak. English. Like setting something in present day America where they all speak Classical Latin. Patently ludicrous.
I guess this gets at the basic reason I don't like most sci-fi. The fundamental premise of the genre, what separates it from fantasy, is that at some level we are meant to imagine sci-fi stories as possible stories, stories that could really happen in some version of reality. Even for the softest of soft sci-fi, this seems to me to be at some level how we're meant to relate to the narrative. And when that's the conceit, my suspension of disbelief is broken really easily.
Actually I have this problem with a lot of fantasy too. Most urban fantasy gets on my nerves because I just keep thinking "how has nobody noticed all the vampires (or whatever), they're so obvious! The CIA would be all over that shit come on!" Buffy tried to address this and failed and made it worse. I'm currently watching What We Do in the Shadows, which is a very funny show, but even for a lighthearted comedy like that I have to come up with elaborate headcanons to not be stressed out by the inherent plotholes of the premise.
I mean, truth be told I just have trouble with fiction in general. It's like, suspending disbelief is fucking work dude. Baffled that people do this to relax.
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antiterf · 4 years ago
also the absolute irony of terfs being wildly aware that there is so much prejudice and favoritism in the medical field that they, as cis women, face on a regular basis, only for them to turn around and do the same to trans men is laughable.
the way that millions of even priviledged white cishet women are ignored or misdiagnosed just because they're women, they way they're told that it's nothing and they're just sensitive or making it up? terfs care about that with cis women but suddenly it's okay to do the same to trans men??
let alone all the queer patients being mistreated, the blatant fatphobia in the medical field or the fact that people of color, specifically bipoc, suffer and die from doctors straight up ignoring their symptoms/illnesses and/or not being educated enough to treat them based on them having a darker skin color - you're telling me that they're aware about all that but not when it comes to trans people? the lack of brains and heart and empathy terfs have astounds me.
I've been treated less seriously due to diagnosed mental illnesses and general disability stuff too. Either you're making shit up because there are too many things wrong with you already or it's blamed on a prior diagnosis when treatment for that one isn't helping the other set of symptoms.
Which is okay when I wake up having trouble breathing with no explanation being blamed on a panic attack, but not chronic issues that continue to be ignored.
The main issue I have with choosing radical feminism over all else is because that allows a lack of intersectionality. I've seriously seen terfs say that if it's not about women specifically then they don't care. When they do that it starts to center on women who don't have as many factors in their oppression: White, upper class, cishet, perisex, abled, skinny, etc. The only time I've seen separatism mentioned in other feminist theory or statements besides radfem ones was in the Combahee River Collective Statement written by a group of Black lesbians. What they wrote was in criticism because of their oppression from white women and how Black men can also understand racial oppression even if the Black rights movement at the time could be sexist and misogynistic.
With trans men I may even say it's bad partly because a lot of them just don't think trans people face oppression. It's even less likely to cross their minds that being trans can complicate anything.
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egg-emperor · 5 years ago
Those that dislike my take on Eggman's evilness should also know that one of my first pieces of Sonic media (besides X) where I got an actual idea of his character was Shadow the Hedgehog. Heroes was my first game and he was of course barely present.
Shadow the Hedgehog was the game where he was willing to put the truth of him being his grandfather's creation aside so he could lie to Shadow to have control over him. Keep in mind that this was during the time where Shadow was having issues with his flashbacks and Black Doom mysteriously acting like he knows him. While trying to figure it all out, Eggman only comes in and confuses him even more by dismissing all of it, telling him that he has no past at all. And that was all for his personal gain so he could take ownership of him like a family heirloom.
While this aspect of the plot didn't hold much significance to the game in the end, I was so damn intrigued by the concept of Eggman getting Shadow to work with him and accept him as his master. Especially when I went on to play the Adventure games after and learned more about their connection because he was the one to release him and the one to later have him rescued, only to create copies of him and lie to him about his creation.
I felt that there was missed potential with that story idea due to how Eggman would die by karate chop (in multiple slightly different endings) before the concept could be explored any more. I wanted to see it get more spotlight and better yet, have one of the routes be a what if of Shadow being loyal to him for a little longer, instead of it resulting in an Eggman death every non canon ending.
That's why I started creating my own version back then and I still further develop my ideas for it to this day. I find it interesting to look into how Eggman really played with Shadow's mind, dismissed the confusion he had about his past, and the assignments he may set for him to retrieve the emeralds. Eggman has some very cruel and aggressive moments in it, just as he did in the boss cutscenes in the game, where he was very pissed off and threatening.
I've presented him as sinister and mysterious to Shadow, also aggressive and threatening when he gets violent. But he's also the same man that finds a way to enjoy himself the entire time despite the invasion of the Black Arms and the trouble that GUN gives him, gets giddy showing off his Circus Park to Shadow and is still just as comical as his usual unique and jolly self. I enjoy working with the potential of all of that.
It's fun to look into the minds of villainous characters and the true evil they're capable of in general. But when I've liked an edgy game like ShtH unironically and thought about adding more depth to it for so long, it's evident that darker themes are always something that I have been fascinated by and interested in exploring. :P
It’s not just ShtH that has inspired me either. There’s a lot of moments across Sonic media and comics that play a part in how I write Eggman’s personality, actions and behavior.
The Adventure games are one of the most notable as my favorite moments were more great examples of what he can do. Such as nearly blowing up Station Square, the way it was later destroyed by the ancient water god that he awakened, how he threatened to destroy the planet with the eclipse cannon, and his blatant attempts at trying to kill the young members of the main cast- which are just a few examples from that era alone.
What I'm saying here is that a villain's comedy, diabolical schemes and any other aspects of their character are all to be enjoyed and it's perfectly fine to find any or all of it entertaining. He's a villain and does evil things like villains do (but in one of the most unique and interesting ways, might I add) and that's great, along with everything else!
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acearohippo · 4 years ago
OK this has to stop. This blatant red herring that's going on. Yes, the idea of goblins were linked to Jewish people (something I found out two minutes ago through a Google search... And it was mostly about JK Rowling which, well, is a bit yikes but not unexpected) but no that isn't why goblins existed in the first place. Goblins originated in western Europe, on the isles of what is now Great Britain and Northern Ireland WAAAYYYY before they even came into contact with Jewish people. Instead, goblins were created to be cave and underground sprites that help the good navigate the vast systems (they were tin miners back then) or caused trouble for those who were bad. They liked to play tricks on unsuspecting people too (as did all Gaelic/Celtic mystical creatures). Here's a link to a reddit post that goes extremely in depth about the origins of goblins :
To summarise it: there was a belief that many sprites were just spirits of dead people and, later on when they finally met the Jews, they thought "oh, these must be the the people from which these sprites came from" because the Jews buried their dead underground and goblins come from underground. Makes sense. It wasn't until much, much much later that some of the more bad characteristics were linked to Jewish "culture" (in quotes because, obviously, these are just harmful stereotypes not factual links).
Now, I am not saying that just because its origins are mostly benevolent doesn't mean the meaning hasn't or cannot be changed into a negative one. I am also not saying that, if it does make you uncomfortable for this reason that you have to get over it or anything. However, I do ask that you take a moment to think, really think, and realise that the majority of antisemitism in history occurred/occurs in Europe and outside of the country it is not as, how you say, prominent. East Asia, which is where South Korea is located aka the hub of devsister's company, does NOT have the same history with Jews as Europe or even the West. They are aware of what happened but, much like how the West doesn't know about every single ethnic group that's been abused in east Asia and harmful stereotypes and slurs about them, the same goes vice versa.
But what about the goblins? And milk cookie? Easy answer: RPGs and/or DnD. When Milk cookie was introduce it was alongside a very obvious Barbarian Class Cookie. Cleric's are a well known class in DnD as well and the whole finding the dragons and picking up random teammates along the way SCREAMS tabletop rp. Which is what most of the fandom took it as. Goblins? Literally the most basic enemy in any RPG you play, alongside slimes and bandits. They're a staple to RPG culture and, ironically enough, popularised through Tolkien's version of goblins- those goblins being a subspecies of orcs (read the link, its really interesting!). As Western culture grew more into the fantasy genre, Eastern culture picked up on it as well, but they just picked up on what they saw not the potential problematic comparisons.
Which brings me to the end of this rant tirade. I am begging you guys to still be on the lookout for this sort of stuff in popular media. Never stop being wary until every group is respected and treated as people instead of vicious stereotypes. But I also plead for you guys to just take a step back before you go on your rants and look at the context of these situations. If this was an american or European game, then yeah this would absolutely be sus. But its not, its made in Korea, by Koreans, and for Koreans first and foremost. That's why you get the sort of silly outdated 1001 Arabian Nights' Yoghurt Cookie- although him being yoghurt and middle Eastern is very accurate as yoghurt is very important in middle eastern traditional cuisine. Take a moment to pause and see the setting the cookie's are introduced. To use another example, Sorbet Shark Cookie seemingly looking "white washed" in his shark form, when in reality he was a shark cookie FIRST and transforms into a cookie because of whatever spell or magic he obtained. Also, he's a fish he gets his colouring from food he eats. Fish don't get "darker/lighter" by the sun or lack of it, like humans do. But I digress. The Point I'm trying to make is at least wait until the update and get all the facts in before going on a tirade. Much like with Purple Yam Cookie where people just assumed that he would be a bad guy because they thought that's what devsisters were doing when they made him angry (which, honestly, felt rather sus to me for players to claim he was "another dark-skinned bad guy cookie" before he was fully introduced... *cough* who's the r*cist there? *cough*), just wait it out and see where they're going with the story. Overall, they've been very chill. Milk Cookie is not holy righteousness, just a very buff sweetie that wants to help and see the best in everyone.
So sorry, I cannot spread this around genuinely because I do not see it genuinely. Like I said initially, it feels more like a red herring being thrown around, meant to make people feel guilty for liking something without actually giving the reasons behind it. A tactic to get people riled up and readying for battle without any knowledge as to what, who, or why they're fighting. A very, very dangerous form of manipulation that does more harm to the oppressed group rather than help as a lack of research has them fighting the wrong enemy.
I know we’re all very excited for the new update with Kiwi’s buff, the new cookie Melon Bun, etc etc. But we absolutely HAVE to address the issues with Goblin Cookie. 
Goblins, as a whole, are rife with antisemitic sentiment as a lot of their prominent characteristics are stereotypes of jewish people. Goblin cookie is no exception as they have already been stated to be greedy and in search of crystals/treasure. Devsis has had issues with antisemitism before, too, with Milk Cookie’s whole design. I don’t want to see any of you drawing fanart or liking an antisemitic caricature. 
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muzeez · 5 years ago
10th May 2020
Today has been cloudy and windy and guess what?? There's been no sign of Henrietta, Merlin, Persia or Folie. They've kept their behinds indoors all day long. It's not rained and it's not been cold but it's not been good enough for them.
So, a cloudy sky and a slight wind can keep them indoors but the thought of a killer disease that they could inadvertently kill others with can't keep them indoors. Which just proves my point. Most people will only play by their own rules, no matter how dangerous the consequences are to others. Yet, they'll be the very ones what bang on the most about how much they care about the NHS and moan about how lockdown is affecting them so badly. When the sun's been out they've not even tried to stay inside. They've just been doing what they've always done on a sunny day and today they've done what they've always done on a non-sunny day.
I've still had to have my white noise playing all day though because Henrietta has been "facetiming" and talking loudly and obnoxiously. At about 5pm ish,I turned my white noise off because I needed to phone Rasbach about something.
As soon as I turned it off, the first thing I noticed was that Henrietta was totally silent.??! Makes me wonder if she can hear my white noise and because she knows her voice isn't reaching me she gives up. Bitch!! Another thing I've noticed is that when I play my white noise, the window and door banging seems to begin. Henrietta with her windows (it can be like 6 or 7 window shutting slams all consecutive and aggressive. She's only got three windows.) Then there's Persia and Folie with the slamming of the doors. Then there's Merlin with his feet and thuds, like he's dropping a bowling ball on the floor.
It might sound like paranoia on my part when I say this but I believe they're all secretly messaging eachother in spite of and against me.
Maybe I am a little bit paranoid but I'm certainly not stupid. Not entirely anyway. 😂
At seven o'clock I turned it onto BBC1 because Boris Johnson was doing a speech about taking steps to lift the lockdown. Suddenly, Henrietta started talking loud!!
'Bitch!' I thought to myself. Shows you how little of a f**k she gives about what's going on. Her facetiming is more important than the information we're about to receive on coming out of lockdown. Also, I found it odd that she would start smack on seven o'clock.
I turned the tele up so her high pitch, irritating, aggressive, nasal voice wasn't cutting into Boris's words but I could still hear her. I sighed in exasperation and jumped to my feet (without making a thud on the floor... it's possible) and went to my little stereo to put my white noise on. It's only that that seems to drowned her out. Cue the banging and the slamming. The white noise doesn't drown that out.
If I ever confront them. I say 'them' because they're in a click and I know that if I'm confronting one they'll all be jumping in. If I confront them about things, they'll probably turn around and be like, 'oh what about you, the other day, slamming your door and screaming and what about when you play your music and what about that white noise and what about when you're talking.
Door slamming and screaming abuse. There's a big difference between one off episodes of out of control rage and malicious, continuous deliberate banging and slamming and talking loud on a daily basis.
Playing my music and singing. I play my music at a reasonable time during the day at a volume that I'm entitled to play it at that time of day. I've never played my music late at night, which funnily enough Henrietta has, when she's had karaoke parties and Merlin has on a couple of occasions on a Saturday and Friday nights through to daylight. Which, I don't mind, music is a good thing but don't dare have a go at me for playing mine loud during the day.
White Noise. Henrietta, you talk extremely loudly and not just on one off occasions. Ev-er-y single day for 10 whole years. Somedays, I've known you to start your "facetiming" at 8am in the morning and you'll carry on all through the day, through to the evening and you've even carried on till after 12 midnight, shouting and laughing and making childish yobbish jeering noises like you're in the middle of a bustling nightclub. Over the years it's contributed to me drinking, developing ear infections because of using blu-tac as earplugs. These things have played a massive part in me having massive mood swings at work, to me becoming ill and being, I'll be totally honest, Mentally Unstable, you know, over a long stretch of time. Earlier this year, I discovered that white noise is the only thing that has drowned you out and stopped me having to have my tv on so loud. After 10 years of suffering with your shouting Henrietta and your constant heavy footed pacing the floor, you are not going to make out my white noise, which is a neutral noise by the way, is bothering you.
As for me talking. Again, there's a big difference between one off conversations I have on my phone, one off rants that I'll admit I've had, due to the exasperation you guys have put me through and constant agitated shouting, childish jeering, heavy footed pacing, loud SEX, (yes I heard that). Things which are constant and relentless and I feel alot of the time malicious and deliberately inconsiderate. There's a massive difference between my noise and your noise. Mainly because it's your noise that has triggered the majority of my noise and I'm NOT doing mine out of malice.
Also, don't get me started with drunken returns from the pub with Jack the drunk. Screaming abuse effing and blinding, dropping trails of kebab meat allover the foyer, crashing into the walls. Those haven't been one offs either, they've been every single night. Late.
Then there's Persia. Folie's not always been on the scene but having Persia next door has had more than it's fair shares of trouble. Different boyfriend every month, thugs trying to kick her door in then making gun gestures towards MY window shouting 'WATCH! WATCH!" Blatant drug purchases right outside the building.
All that what I've had to put up with from you guys and then you all wanna get into a little exclusive click with eachother, clapping for the NHS but then creating your own rules when it comes to lockdown , so-called "social distance" gatherings right outside my window and outside the main entrance of the building where other people have to pass you all, attracting other individuals from other buildings to approach, chatting, faces uncovered, 2 metre rules gradually turning into 1 metre, drinking alcohol. You welcome Asbo George with open arms who lives God knows where and who once threatened to smash my face in and put my windows through and doesn't even fucking LIVE HERE.
You're all laughing and joking and being boisterous, then I stop by for 5 seconds on my way to get essentials and you're putting on an amicable act but I'm picking up on all the little mannerisms and body language and you allowed that Bastard Asbo George to start having a go at me about stuff at work, which he's totally wrong on and slagging off my friend Rasbach then waving sarcastically at me when I go inside.
All these subtle shady behaviours all because what? Because you've maybe heard some raw hometruths about yourselves in my one off meltdowns. Which you can't prove I was talking about any of you anyway because I don't mention people's real names when I'm ranting or talking on the phone when it comes to complaints. So, if you think you've heard your name you've MISheard but that's what happens when you evesdrop, you can get the wrong end of the stick (apart from when I hear someone telling someone else that I work at ******* and mimicking a banging noise just after I had banged on the floor.) And even IF I had used your proper names, so fucking what? I'm saying nothing that isn't true and what I've suffered, at your hands, this last ten years totally outweighs any anything you can say against me. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I'm pretty damn fucking close. Because I think, I'm a thinker, I take people to heart, I learn people's names, I'm aware of people and who they are as people. I don't have a desire to mess with people's heads, I don't set out to manipulate people or make friends with a person just for the sake of alienating another. I set out to treat everyone with respect and like human beings because I am one.
So, maybe it's about time you as my neighbours started taking a leaf out of my book and stop acting territorial over a building that we are ALL tenants in. You don't own the outside of this building, just you four. There's other people that live here including me and you need to stop being clicky with eachother, so you think you've got the power to behave as you want, sit where you want and ostracize people just because you don't like the look of their face. Everybody here is a tennant and everybody is a human being with equal rights and if I'm forced to confront any of you again about your unreasonable, inconsiderate persecutory behaviour, towards me or any of the other tennants and you try again to argue with me and throw things back at me, I will report you without any hesitation and I won't be as polite as I'm being now.
Maybe you can start behaving right now by getting your arses indoors and abiding PROPERLY to these lockdown regulations.
Don't make me suggest it twice. 😁😁😁😁😁
Oh and Henrietta, if Asbo George turns up, you ignore the door because he's nothing but a user and a bully. I know you've been letting him in your flat and I also know that deep down you are worried about your health and Coronavirus but you feel you can't say no to him and to looking after his dog. If he starts being persistent you call the police. Don't let him push you around. He's an arsehole and if the police are useless or he starts turning nasty and I have to come downstairs and run his ugly arse out the building, I will. Because right now, I'm in the fucking mood cos if he thinks he can be threatening and intimidating, I'll show him threatening and intimidating. In fact, I'll make it so he daren't even show his claaart passed his own front door.
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