#just because he's a bitch and willing to fight anyone anytime doesn't mean he isn't a healer too! it all comes from the same source:
bylertruther · 2 years
hot take: you know that "lovingly tending to your love interest's wounds and bandaging them up while telling them to be more careful next time with lovey dovey eyes" trope? well. stop saying that will is the one doing the tending. he isn't.
this is will in the face of danger, blood, and stress:
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meanwhile, mike ...
housed, clothed, fed, and tried to lift the spirits a girl he'd just met in the middle of the woods + immediately wanted to see lucas's head to check if he was okay after eleven threw him against the rock
spent all of season two holding will, tending to him, fetching and finding him whenever he wandered off, asking him if he was okay whenever he so much as breathed differently, watching him like a hawk, motioning him to move back when dart was moving, standing in front of will to protect him from dart, dropping to his side asap when he fell during the burn, (possibly) reaching for his ankle when will was in the hospital bed, and he immediately helped max up and asked her if she was okay when she fell
held onto el the entire time that she was injured, stayed strong even when that shit was way too McFucking NASTY as everyone else was cringing, applied pressure to her wound and did what he was told easily once someone that knew first aid told him
held will back from going after jonathan during the shootout, put his arm over will, and let will cling to him all the while despite the fact that he was defenseless and in just as much danger, too, and calmly (compared to jonathan and a certain scared hamster) continued to apply constant pressure to the agent's bullet wounds as he bled to death all over them, purposely went to stand by will's side in the hospital room after will looked back at him, and put his hand on will's shoulder to offer comfort when will told him about vecna being alive
one of mike's best, most popular and lovable traits is how attentive and caring he is. obviously they'd both tend to each other and no one is saying they would just let each other die lmao, but if anyone is more likely to throw googoo gaga major heart eyes at someone while tending to them and doing everything they can to protect, save, and help them and make sure that they're okay because they don't want to lose them... if anyone is more likely to say something like "please be more careful next time", which curiously sounds within the realm of "i feel like i lost you"...
canonically, it's mike.
put some respect on his name, please.
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deadbydangit · 8 months
Getting into an Argument with them
Dwight, Jane, Adam
Dwight Fairfield
When Dwight gets upset, you know he's either been pushed to the limit, or it was just that bad.
He doesn't like to argue with anyone.
But today was just Hell.
Shitty trials, shitty killers, shitty survivors.
It was all shitty.
So he was short.
And when you commented on that.
"Well, you're just a fucking bitch!"
And it will come out of nowhere.
When Dwight's upset, things just come out of his mouth.
It's like he's a whole other person.
Immediately, he'll realize what he said.
And he'll feel so bad about it that he shocked himself into silence.
He'll just make incoherent sounds trying to form an apology.
After about a minute of stuttering, he'll run into your arms and pull you into the tightest hug.
"I'm sorry; I didn't mean that! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!-"
And he will start crying too.
He'll continue blubbering apologies until you're able to stop him.
If you don't stop him, he'll go on for hours.
He'll remind you how much you mean to him. How much he loves you.
He might even be begging at your feet for forgiveness.
These arguments are extremely rare, so cut him some slack.
If you're upset anytime, he'll understand.
In the meantime, he'll do everything you like to make it up to you.
Because he loves you; and he never wants to lose you.
Jane Romero
Jane is very vocal when she's upset.
It doesn't matter what happened. You'll know when she's upset.
Usually, she tries to stay out of everyone else's path.
She doesn't like taking out her anger on people who don't deserve it.
If you accidentally cross her path while she's upset, she'll probably snap at you.
Most likely, she'll tell you fuck off.
You have two options at this point: walk away or engage with her.
If you walk away she'll likely scoff at you.
"Oh, now you're too good for me?"
When she gets angry she just lashes out.
If you engage with her, get ready for a screaming battle.
Jane has a very loud voice and she isn't afraid to use it.
No matter how loud you yell, she'll find a way to yell louder.
And even if you do try to yell over her, she'll keep interrupting you while you're talking.
She has a habit of shutting people down when she's upset.
It's a: my way or the highway type of deal.
It's best to give her space.
Give her some time to cool off before approaching her again.
She'll be very embarrassed and apologize sincerely.
She knows what she did was wrong and, even if why she was upset was your fault, she shouldn't have said those things.
She's very good about fessing up to her mistakes, even though she doesn't like to.
She won't be upset if you're angry with her. She knows she would be too if she were in your shoes.
After a little time to decompress she wants to talk about what happened.
"Bottling up your emotions isn't healthy."
She knows she has a temper, and she wants to work on it.
She's aware she isn't perfect. She knows she has flaws.
But she's willing to work on them with you.
Because she loves you and can't imagine a world without you.
Adam Francis
It's very rare that Adam gets upset.
He's usually very mild-mannered and calm.
Being one of the more mature survivors, he knows how to control his emotions.
However, like everyone else, he has his breaking point.
And, well it's very hard to reach that breaking point, it is achievable.
He's always around to lend an ear or help anybody in need.
But, the stress does get to him occasionally.
Adam is the one who is usually mediating fights between other survivors.
But when he's upset, he isn't going to be helping anyone.
If anything, he'll make it worse.
But he isn't doing it on purpose.
When he gets upset he's very short and sarcastic.
And that usually creates more tension.
He isn't one to yell, instead, he'll try and seclude himself or give very short snippy answers.
Or, he'll give you the silent treatment.
He won't let you know that he's upset. He doesn't want to start a verbal argument with you.
Mostly because he knows it won't fix anything.
If you passed him enough, he may snap at you.
"Yes, I'm angry. Now could you leave me the fuck alone?"
He won't shout, but he'll be very stern.
Like he talks through his teeth and tries not to yell.
Kind of like a growling.
Then he'll storm off.
Don't follow him.
It's better to just let him have his alone time.
After he's calmed down, he'll return to you and apologize for his behavior.
He'll want to discuss what had happened and what led up to the chain of events.
And how things could have played out better.
This is to improve your relationship for the future.
It may seem unnecessary at the moment. But it's only because Adam loves you and never wants to lose you.
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