#just because he doesn't remember any of this doesn't mean the echo can't see em though 😈
mythandral · 2 years
for the prompts - ❛ what aren’t you telling me? ❜
“Congratulations on your victory, my friend!”
Myth had barely got through the door of the Waking Sands before G’raha appeared by his side, eager to know the full details of his most recent heroic endeavour. He had just defeated the blasphemy Izanami, and humoured the Miqo'te with a brief retelling, more than sufficient to make the other man’s eyes light up with admiration.
“That it was so close to the wire - you always manage to turn it around, don’t you?”
The nausea of an impending echo took Myth off guard, hand shooting out to clutch at the railing next to him for balance. He could vaguely hear G’raha’s worried voice, distant, before his vision clouded and was replaced by brilliant light.
A panicked shout: that was G’raha too, wasn’t it? No, not quite - the Exarch. That light, blinding even though it did not touch his eyes, was unmistakably from the First. Through the glare he saw an unfamiliar Lightwarden before him. It stood like a gargoyle, skeletal and passive, looking straight through the Exarch and the Scions with its covered eyes. When had they fought a Lightwarden together without his presence? It must have been some time before his arrival, judging by the absence of crystal upon the Exarch’s cheek. The halos of light binding its bony arms and tattered wings blurred into one spot in his vision, and the scene switched.
Now he found himself in the control room of the Crystal Tower. The Exarch was sitting on the ground motionless - asleep, most likely, hood up and surrounded with scattered books and plans. Engineering diagrams, it appeared, but despite his knowledge of the subject they were beyond Myth. Even so, they seemed familiar - these were not artefacts of the First, but brought with the Tower on its arrival to the shard.
The buzz of an incoming transmission roused the Exarch from his slumber and, with a start, he scrambled towards its source - a fragment of crystal on his desk affixed amateurly to a bundle of wires, crowned by arcane sigils which Myth had no hope of understanding. A voice crackled through. 
“Who is this?” it asked, and Myth’s blood froze. 
Despite the static, he knew that voice, and it made absolutely no sense at all to be hearing it. Joda? The engineer was on the Source, not here, and even if the Exarch was able to contact the Ironworks he would have surely known if there had been any such communication. Joda would have told him all about it. 
The Exarch did not answer the Garlean’s question. 
“Help me save Mythandral.”
He was not ready for the scene to change once again, willed his mind to stay, to hear just a fraction more, but the vision marched on.
“Is thy heart truly set upon this course?”
Again they were in the control room, in the midst of a heated debate between the Exarch and his favourite confidant. In response to Urianger’s question, the Miqo’te nodded resolutely.
“Even shouldst thou try again, thy triumph is not assured,” Urianger warned, tone stern as if he were lecturing a child.
“Then I will go back to the start once more. As many times as it takes,” the Exarch defiantly replied.
“And thou art content to bring doom unto each of the many threads arising from thy actions?” Urianger exclaimed, voice rising in pitch and desperation as he reached the end of his sentence.
Myth had an idea what that implied. His heart sunk into the pit of his stomach, and sunk further still with the Exarch’s indignant response.
“Are we not already doomed without him?”
The vision of Urianger melted before Myth’s eyes, and again it was the Exarch alone. A hum of machinery and flashing lights that had not been present before now permeated the room. The static of the communication crystal hummed as the Exarch pushed buttons and flicked switches, before being interrupted by a dissonantly cheery voice.
“All systems go!”
The Exarch took a deep breath, determination setting in on his features. “Thank you, my friend,” he acknowledged sincerely. “Let us not delay.”
“Ah, before you go
 I’m not going to see him again, am I?” Joda’s tone conveyed that he was already at peace with the answer he knew was coming.
“No. But I promise that some version of you shall.”
“Good luck. Let him know I saved his arse, would you?” Joda laughed, and Myth didn’t need to see his face to know he was putting on a brave one. “Here goes nothing!”
A mighty roar erupted from the bowels of the Tower as Myth’s vision faded to black. Where he was expecting to come to back in the Rising Stones, he instead was greeted with one further scene.
The Exarch disembarked from the Tower, throwing the doors open to the purple flowers of Lakeland. The ground was bare before him, no city where there should have been one - at least, not yet.
Now, finally, it was over. Myth’s brow was damp with sweat, voice betraying the shakiness he felt as he met G’raha’s worried gaze. 
“What aren’t you telling me?”
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Stay Peachy: Kwamibuster
Summary: With Ladybug out of commission Chat Noir is the only one who can stop Kwamibuster... If only everyone would just work with him here!
"Let me get this straight. Tikki's captured. Ladybug's powerless and captured, I was this close to losing you too but you won't tell me where Master Fu is? Am I missing anything?" Adrien asked Plagg.
Plagg twitched nervously. "But- but-"
"You have five seconds to give me a good alternative or we're going to see Fu," Adrien announced.
"You could distract Kwamibuster while Ladybug escapes!" Plagg tried.
Adrien crossed his arms and glared. "I said a good alternative! You getting caught isn't good for anyone!"
"Might be good for Ladybug?" Plagg shrugged his arms and gave his most convincing grin.
"Sure! I'll just hand Papillon the other kwami he needs while I have to use a banana suit to protect my identity or something!" Adrien replied sarcastically.
"You'd love that wouldn't you." Plagg knew Adrien. There was a good chance-
The sound of a door being blown off it's hinges echoed down the hallway as Kwamibuster started searching the floor they were on. "Where are you, little cat? I already have a ladybug for my insect collection. Now I just need a small mammal!"
Plagg gave his best kitty cat eyes.
Adrien didn't budge.
Plagg's arms drooped. "Okay, okay! Let's just get outa here first!"
"Knew you'd see things my way." Adrien smirked.
Master Fu was having a nice, calming, afternoon tea with Wayzz when there was an insistent banging at his door. Wayzz hiding at the sound.
The Guardian sighed. "Who could that be?"
The banging got louder.
"Patience! I am coming! What's the big-"
A blond headed blur shot in and slammed the door shut.
"So this is where you live. Nice place ya got here. Ladybug's in trouble and I need more Miraculous!" Adrien's words tumbling out in a rush as his heartbeat jumped up his throat. Maybe I should have used the window.
"Chat Noir!?" Fu's eyes nearly popping out of his head in surprise.
"Sorry, Master." Plagg appeared, uncharacteristically serious, ears low. "It was an emergency."
"Plagg!?" This was unprecedented! Yes, the Kwami of Destruction was the most free spirited of those in the Miracle Box. But even he knew the importance of secrecy! "What are you doing-"
"Ladybug's in trouble! I just said that!" Adrien supposed he could have worded it better... But also: Ladybug was in trouble! And he was in a hurry!
The Guardian glanced from boy to kwami. Who nodded. "Very well," Fu conceded. Going to the gramophone and entering the code. Bringing out the Miracle Box which he set in its usual place when Marinette came. "Adrien Agreste, choose an ally to help you on this mission. Remember that they mist return the Miraculous once the mission is complete."
Adrien stared as the Miracle Box opened. Kneeling down in imitation of the Guardian's pose. He hadn't known there were so many Miraculous! One of them surely had the power to help! Only...
"What is it Chat Noir?"
Adrien looked up at Master Fu's face. "I dunno what most of these do."
The Guardian sighed. "This is exactly why it should be Ladybug who chooses the temporary hero."
"Hey, it's not my fault you decided she was the only one who could know things!" So this is what being Chat Noir without the mask felt like. "I'm-" Adrien paused as a thought hit him. "Oh. Oh!"
"... Yes?" Master Fu prompted.
"I just realized how dumb it is that I'm not supposed to know the temporary heroes secret identities."
Fu blinked. "Excuse me?"
Adrien shook his head to get his thought process back on track. "Anyway!"
"Chat Noir, what did you mean by-"
"No time!" Adrien pointed at the Miraculous. "Teach!"
Grumbling something about manners Fu acquiesced.
Skipping over the ones Adrien already knew the Guardian quickly ran down the list. The Pig could show you your deepest desire? Seemed like it'd be a good distraction. The Dragon had how many abilities!? Overpowered but okay. The Mouse could make little copies of you. Heh, that sounded adorable but-
"That's it!" Adrien interrupted Fu to grab the Fox and Mouse Miraculous. Which he promptly put on.
"What are you doing!?" The Guardian exclaimed. "No holder has ever used three Miraculous before! It's too dangerous!"
"Well, I don't know who Rena Rouge is and I'm not gonna spend any more time looking!" Adrien turned to the materializing Fox and Mouse kwamis. "Sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry."
"Oh, aren't we always? Name's Trixx."
"Alright. Mullo, transforme-moi!"
Multimouse took a moment to adjust to the unfamiliar magic of his new suit.
"I really don't think this is the best course of action," Fu said, attempting to dissuade the young boy.
"Relax, Master! I'll keep him out of trouble!" Trixx announced.
Multimouse nodded as he opened a window. "Thanks. Now, c'mon Trixx, Plagg. I'll explain the plan on the way!" So saying, he launched himself skyward.
Wayzz finally emerged from his hiding place, floating towards his holder.
Fu looked at his kwami. "Oh, I hope he doesn't collapse on the way."
"True or false? Ladybug has disguised herself as Mr. Banana!"
Marinette was not having a good day. First, Chat Noir's kwami almost reveals her identity. Then, Tikki got captured! And now that tomcat was nowhere in sight. Marinette had barely escaped from Kwamibuster the first time and now she was cornered mere meters from the exit!
"Uh, stay peachy?!" Marinette ran for it.
But Kwamibuster leapt over her and grabbed her wrist. "You can't get away from me!"
From the doorway came a whole swarm of kwamis! Flitting about Kwamibuster and distracting her enough for Marinette to get away.
"You can't get away from me!" Kwamibuster chased after them as they sped off. "You're no match for Kwamibuster!"
Turning around, Marinette saw Plagg and a little guy holding onto his ears. She blinked, this was the first time she saw the Mouse Miraculous in action.
"It's me!" he declared, grinning. "Chat Noir! Or Multimouse, I guess."
"Chat Noir!?" But that meant- No, no, she could panic about that later. "Well, then you must need my Miraculous." Marinette reached for her earrings.
"Uh, no? Why would you think that?"
"Because... Nevermind. What's the plan?"
Multimouse winked. "You'll see. Make your way back to the roof!" And zipped away before Ladybug could ask more questions.
"... A Chat Noir plan. This oughta be interesting."
"I will capture you all!"
Kwamibuster laughed maniacally as she shot her beam at the Plagg reskins. Made by Multifox with his Mirage. And that wasn't the only part of the illusion.
"I have to say. I think Ladybug will be impressed," Plagg stated. Floating directly above the supervillain so she would need to crane her neck straight up to spot them.
"It has to work first," Multimouse replied. Still standing on top of Plagg's head. His small army made their way into position.
Multimouse's invisible doubles launched their indestructible ropes at Kwamibuster. Becoming visible as they wrapped her up like Gulliver on Lilliput.
"What!? What's going on!? Oof!" She toppled none too gently.
Wasting no time Plagg zipped down.
"No! You can't beat Kwamibuster!" She freed her blaster hand.
"Mullo, Plagg, unify!"
"Aha!" Twisting upwards she aimed the beam at Multimouse.
Adrien's power touched the tip of her barrel and the rust spread from it to her pack. Freeing Tikki as dark mist transformed Kwamibuster back into Mme. Mendeleiev.
Adrien merged himself back together as the akuma flew past him. "Uh, Ladybug!"
A red blur shot out and caught the akuma before it could get far. Ladybug releasing a white butterfly in its place.
Multimouse grinned. "Perfect timing as always, My Lady."
"I dunno about that." Ladybug looked around at the destroyed rooftop.
"You think it'll work without a Lucky Charm?" Multimouse asked, following her train of thought.
Ladybug looked at her yo-yo. "The akuma was purified so it should." Throwing it skyward with a little more strength than usual she called out the words. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
The cure swept around them as Ladybug's yo-yo fell back into her hands.
"Knew you could do it," Multimouse praised. "Now, I've got some errands to run-" he tapped the two Miraculous necklaces "-so you take care of Mme. Mendeleiev."
He half turned. "Oh! And sorry about my kwami. No idea what he was doing at that primary school."
"It was a- lycée, yeah. Lycée."
"Right!" He grinned. "A lycée." Totally not a collÚge. Giving Ladybug a two finger salute he leapt off the tower. Mme. Mendeleiev's insistence on the validity of her scientific discovery fading behind him.
Adrien held out his index finger to shake the kwamis' hands. "You were both a big help! Thanks."
"You weren't so bad yourself, Chat Noir," Trixx grinned.
"Yeah!" Mullo agreed. "Usually Plagg's holders are no fun but you ran circles around that kwami snatcher!"
Adrien blushed a little at their praise. "Hope we can work together again someday." The kwamis waved as they reentered their Miraculous.
Master Fu closed the Miracle Box once Adrien placed them back inside. Returning it to its hiding place. "It is quite impressive that you withstood the power of three Miraculous long enough to accomplish your task."
"... Actually it was super easy. Barely an inconvenience."
The Guardian blinked. "What?"
Adrien nodded. "Yeah, I don't think occasionally using two or three Miraculous at once is all that dangerous. Maybe if you wore a whole bunch of 'em. But why would you do that?"
Fu processed that for a bit.
Adrien sipped from his tea, awkwardly. "... So does this mean I finally get Guardian training?"
Master Fu nearly slipped as he sat back down. "Huh?"
"I mean, I already know where you are. And we've seen that if Ladybug is compromised it's better if I know what to do," Adrien reasoned out logically.
"I... That is... Uh..." Fu looked desperately at Plagg, who was gorging himself on cheese.
"Hey, don't look at me. Kid's got a point." Plagg swallowed another wedge of Camembert.
Fu slumped with a sigh. Clearly outmaneuvered. "Where should we start?"
"Potions!" Adrien exclaimed, eyes sparkling. This was going to be fun. He could feel it!
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