#just as kea would want for y'shtola to see their daughter
nhaneh · 7 months
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Miqo'March 13, Colour
The most challenging aspect of the photo-aether-ographic tomestone had been a question of colour - how to best depict the many shades and nuances in a way that made sense even to eyes that no longer saw light, but aether.
(bonus larger shot of the image they're looking at below the cut!)
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nhaneh · 2 years
How do you think y'shtola would be during kea's pregnancy?
She's more protective, definitely.
Even being with child has done little to diminish Kea's thirst for adventure, and as capable as she remains, Y'shtola's determined to keep away from situations that put her or her unborn child - their unborn child - at risk. It's a challenge sometimes, and they're not without their disagreements over it, but they rarely last.
She's anxious, too, as much as she'd rather not admit it - parenthood is not something she expected to ever have, or even want, and now when it's actually happening… she's caught between excitement and uncertainty.
Because she is excited - and fascinated. Not just as a parent to be but also as a scholar: seeing wisps of the lifestream gradually coalesce into what will eventually become a soul of its own is a remarkable experience, made all the more so by how Kea's own aether seems to instinctively wrap itself around that faint spark, keeping it safe from harm.
Kea has her own anxieties about parenthood, and the situation has her rather emotionally vulnerable, but Y'shtola does her best to reassure her all will be well. After all, if there's one thing Y'shtola does feel certain of, it's that she can trust Kea to make sure their daughter will have a happy childhood.
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nhaneh · 2 years
what was the reaction from the other scions to matoya lurvis?
and one question would be how are kea and y'shtola upbringing of the child ? It’s strict or more freedom based?
I expect there was probably a lot of surprise (and questions. oh the questions) involved when they first started telling people about Kea being with child and Y'shtola being the other parent, but I figure once the initial shock wore off it was mainly thumbs up and words of support - with the odd jest thrown in for good measure, particularly from Thancred who I imagine might have an endless supply of commentary on how he didn't think even Y'shtola would able to domesticate her, nevermind convince her to stay away from adventuring for long enough to bear, let alone raise, a child.
Once born, I think the majority response would mainly be one of "awww look at the adorable little miq'itten". Little Matoya's going to have a lot of aunts and uncles, and not just amongst the scions - I doubt they'll ever have trouble finding willing though perhaps not necessarily suitable babysitters should needs arise.
As for her upbringing, I don't see either of them making for very strict parents. Protective at times definitely, but not strict or overbearing.
I mean sure, Y'shtola can be quite demanding at times, and is in many ways more like her Master Matoya than she might like to admit, but she's also still a kind and caring person who values thinking for oneself and staying true to one's convictions, and I can't imagine her deciding she has a bigger say in who her daughter can and cannot be than Matoya herself does. And then of course you have Kea as a further mitigating factor: Kea, who remembers growing up feeling largely unwanted because she wasn't the person her tribe (the nunh, in particular) wanted her to be, who ran away to become an adventurer just so she could finally get to be herself. Kea would absolutely insist that no child of hers ever have to grow up going through what she did, and would do her utmost to ensure they'd always feel accepted and loved for who they are, and never feel as through said love and acceptance might be conditional on them being or behaving a certain way.
And that's without taking into account the presence of the other scions, let alone friends beyond that - Matoya's inevitably going to grow up surrounded by adventure and adventurers, roaming and freedom-loving individuals who all have their own thoughts and styles and aren't ashamed to make it known. The ideals of having the freedom and ability to decide for yourself who you want to be and what you want to be like is inevitably going to be a big theme throughout her childhood no matter what.
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