#john f. clauser
nordleuchten · 2 years
Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger were just awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for their works in quantum information science.
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averycanadianfilm · 2 years
2022 Nobel Prize lectures in physics
Dec 7, 2022
Alain Aspect: From Einstein’s doubts to quantum technologies: non-locality a fruitful image 
John F. Clauser: Experimental proof that nonlocal quantum entanglement is real
 Anton Zeilinger: A Voyage through Quantum Wonderland Aula Magna, 
Stockholm University, Frescativägen 6, Stockholm 
Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 
“for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”.
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nicolae · 2 years
Premiul Nobel pentru Fizică 2022: Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser și Anton Zeilinger, pentru inseparabilitatea cuantică
Credit: NASA / Sonoma State University / Aurore Simonne Academia Regală Suedeză de Științe a decis să acorde Premiul Nobel pentru Fizică 2022 lui Alain Aspect (Universitatea Paris-Saclay și École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Franța), John F. Clauser (J.F. Clauser & Assoc., Walnut Creek, CA, SUA) și Anton Zeilinger (Universitatea din Viena, Austria), „pentru experimente cu fotoni inseparați,…
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newsso · 2 years
Winners of Noble Prize in Physics 2022 is announced
Winners of Noble Prize in Physics 2022 is announced
On October 4th, 2022, the winners of the Noble Prize in Physics 2022 will be announced. John F. Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zillinger have jointly received the Nobel Prize in Physics for their incredibly outstanding work in the field of quantum mechanics. Of these three, Alain Aspect is from France, while John F. Klauser and Anton Zillinger are from America and Australia, respectively. On…
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eurekadiario · 1 year
“El cambio climático es un engaño”, dice el Dr. John F. Clauser, ganador del Premio Nobel
John F. Clauser, ganador del Premio Nobel de Física 2022, ha declarado que la narrativa del cambio climático es un engaño perpetrado por globalistas de mala fe que quieren despoblar el planeta.
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Clauser decidió firmar la Declaración Climática Mundial de Clinton con su mensaje central: “No hay emergencia climática”.
Clauser es el segundo premio Nobel que firma la declaración, el primero el Dr. Ivar Giaever. El número de cientos de científicos y expertos que firman la Declaración Mundial sobre el Clima está creciendo rápidamente.
Guus Berkhout, presidente de Clintel, dice: “En las últimas décadas, el público se ha visto inundado de historias que infunden miedo, diciéndoles que las temperaturas globales aumentarán a niveles catastróficamente altos.
Los activistas climáticos afirman que la causa de toda esta fatalidad inminente es la creciente cantidad de CO2 producido por las actividades humanas. La solución propuesta es la llamada política de emisiones netas cero, destinada a reducir las emisiones humanas netas de CO2 a los niveles de la era preindustrial de finales del siglo XVIII.
Esos activistas también afirman que la gente debería entrar en pánico y que el tiempo se acaba: “¡Tengan en cuenta que faltan cinco minutos para la medianoche, debemos actuar sin demora!” Muchos miles de científicos no están de acuerdo; "Ya 1774 son signatarios de Clintel". (Fuente)
Expose-news.com informa: Ahora Clauser se ha distanciado públicamente del alarmismo climático y este año también se unió a la junta directiva de la CO2 Coalition. En el anuncio de la CO2 Coalition, Clauser fue citado de la siguiente manera:
“La narrativa popular sobre el cambio climático refleja una peligrosa corrupción de la ciencia que amenaza la economía mundial y el bienestar de miles de millones de personas. La ciencia climática equivocada ha hecho metástasis hasta convertirse en una masiva pseudociencia periodística de shock.
A su vez, la pseudociencia se ha convertido en chivo expiatorio de una amplia variedad de otros males no relacionados. Ha sido promovido y extendido por agentes de marketing empresarial, políticos, periodistas, agencias gubernamentales y ambientalistas igualmente equivocados. En mi opinión, no existe una verdadera crisis climática.
Sin embargo, existe un problema muy real a la hora de proporcionar un nivel de vida decente a la gran población mundial y una crisis energética asociada. Esto último se ve exacerbado innecesariamente por lo que, en mi opinión, es una ciencia climática incorrecta”.
El IPCC está difundiendo información errónea peligrosa
En julio, Clauser dio una charla en el evento Quantum Korea 2023. Advirtió a la audiencia sobre la creciente cantidad de pseudociencia y desinformación.
“Ahora no soy el único que observa la peligrosa proliferación de la pseudociencia. Recientemente, la Fundación Nobel ha formado un nuevo panel para abordar el tema llamado Panel Internacional sobre el Entorno de la Información. Planean seguir el modelo del Panel Internacional sobre Cambio Climático de la ONU, el IPCC.
Personalmente creo que están cometiendo un gran error en ese esfuerzo porque, en mi opinión, el IPCC es una de las peores fuentes de información errónea peligrosa. Lo que estoy a punto de recomendar es para promover eso, los objetivos de ese panel. […]
Tengo un segundo elefante en la habitación que descubrí recientemente sobre el cambio climático. Creo que el cambio climático no es una crisis. […]
Tener cuidado. Si estás haciendo buena ciencia, puede llevarte a áreas políticamente incorrectas. Si eres un buen científico, los seguirás. Tengo varios que no tendré tiempo de discutir, pero puedo decir con confianza que no existe una crisis climática real y que el cambio climático no causa eventos climáticos extremos”.
Como demostró Clintel en su reciente libro The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC, el IPCC efectivamente cometió graves errores en su último informe. Poco después de su charla en Corea, el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) canceló una charla programada de Clauser sobre modelos climáticos. En una entrevista con La Gran Época, Clauser dijo con respecto a la ciencia climática: “Estamos totalmente inundados de pseudociencia”.
Guus Berkhout, profesor emérito de geofísica en la Universidad Técnica de Delft y presidente de Clintel, da la bienvenida al Profesor Clauser a la Comunidad Clintel.
“Es muy alentador cuando científicos de alto perfil como el Dr. Clauser están dispuestos a hablar sobre la flagrante corrupción de la ciencia por parte del establishment climático. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de Clintel una contraparte de pleno derecho del IPCC. Cuantos más científicos excelentes haya en la red Clintel, más fuerte será nuestra posición en el debate con el IPCC y con los líderes de las organizaciones políticas supranacionales”.
La Declaración Climática Mundial de Clinton se publicó en 2019, el año en que se fundó Clintel. La fuerza de la declaración es su accesibilidad y su poderoso mensaje: no hay crisis climática. Esto es válido independientemente de si se cree en una contribución grande o pequeña del CO2 al calentamiento de los últimos 150 años. Los científicos y expertos que quieran firmar la declaración pueden presentar su solicitud aquí.
Fuente Declaración Climática Mundial de Clinton
Una excelente manera de aprender más sobre la vida y obra del Dr. Clauser es ver esta entrevista del Premio Nobel con él:
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rdsolenodonte · 1 year
Clauser afirma: "El cambio climático no causa eventos climáticos extremos. La verdad real es políticamente incorrecta"
El Premio Nobel de Física Dr. John F. Clauser, es uno de los 1609 científicos firmantes de la Declaración Climática Mundial, que, bajo el título “No hay emergencia climática“, Cuestiona las creencias comunes del ecologismo al poner en duda las graves catástrofes naturales atribuidas al calentamiento global provocado por las emisiones de CO2 humanas. El Dr. John F. Clauser, nació en 1942 en…
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starseedpatriot · 1 year
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Nobel Prize winner (Physics 2022) John F. Clauser about climate narrative
"The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world's economy and the well - being of billions of people. Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock - journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills.
It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists.
In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world's large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science."
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scienza-magia · 1 year
Meccanica quantistica fuori dall'Universo localmente reale
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L’universo non è localmente reale. È ciò che hanno provato i vincitori del premio Nobel per la Fisica del 2022 in seguito a esperimenti di correlazione quantistica tra fotoni. A quanto pare, l’universo non è localmente reale. A rivelarlo sono stati i vincitori del premio Nobel per la Fisica del 2022, Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser e Anton Zeilinger. Ma cosa vuol dire “localmente reale”? Si dice ‘reale’ quando gli oggetti hanno proprietà indipendenti dall’osservazione: per esempio, una mela può essere rossa anche quando nessuno la sta guardando. Mentre ‘locale’ significa che gli oggetti possono essere influenzati solo dall’ambiente circostante e, in particolare, che qualsiasi influenza non può viaggiare con una velocità superiore a quella della luce nel vuoto. Ciò che è stato scoperto è che l’universo non può essere locale e, forse, nemmeno reale. Un apparente paradosso della meccanica quantistica Un famoso esperimento mentale pubblicato nel 1935, il cosiddetto paradosso di Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky e Nathan Rosen (paradosso EPR), era inteso a illustrare la presunta assurdità della meccanica quantistica. Il loro obiettivo era mostrare come in determinate condizioni la teoria può fornire risultati privi di senso.
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Niklas Elmehed, Nobel Prize Outreach/a." width="678" height="381" /> Ritratto, in ordine da sinistra a destra, di Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser e Anton Zeilinger, vincitori del premio Nobel per la Fisica nel 2022. Crediti: Niklas Elmehed, Nobel Prize Outreach. Una versione semplificata e modernizzata di EPR funziona più o meno così: abbiamo delle coppie di particelle che vengono espulse in direzioni diverse da una stessa sorgente e raggiungono due osservatori, Alice e Bob, posizionati alle estremità opposte del sistema solare. La meccanica quantistica impone che sia impossibile conoscere lo spin, una proprietà quantistica di ciascuna particella, prima della misurazione. Una volta che Alice ha misurato una delle sue particelle, trova che lo spin risulta up oppure down. I suoi risultati sono casuali, eppure appena dopo aver effettuato la misura, sa immediatamente che la particella corrispondente di Bob deve avere spin, per esempio, down. Eppure lo spin di quest’ultima particella era indefinito prima che fosse misurato lo spin dell’altra. Se le particelle di Alice non hanno uno spin definito prima della misurazione, allora come fanno le particelle di Bob, dall’altra parte del sistema solare, a ‘sapere’ che la misura è stata effettuata e il suo risultato? Nonostante i miliardi di chilometri che separano le particelle accoppiate, la meccanica quantistica prevede che le particelle di Alice sono in qualche modo legate a quelle di Bob (un fenomeno noto come entanglement quantistico). I tre scienziati premiati sono riusciti a studiare fotoni in stato di entanglement. Secondo la meccanica quantistica, quindi, la natura non è localmente reale: le particelle possono avere proprietà indefinite prima della misurazione, come lo spin up o down, e influenzarsi istantaneamente tra loro a prescindere dalla distanza. Ciò però non viola i risultati della teoria della relatività ristretta, in quanto i risultati delle misurazioni sono casuali e quindi l’entanglement non possono essere utilizzate per comunicare a velocità superiore a quella della luce nel vuoto. Fonte: Scientific American. Read the full article
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frank-olivier · 2 years
2022 Nobel Prize lectures in physics (December 2022, Aula Magna, Stockholm University, Sweden)
Alain Aspect: From Einstein's doubts to quantum technologies: non-locality a fruitful image
John F. Clauser: Experimental proof that nonlocal quantum entanglement is real
Anton Zeilinger: A Voyage through Quantum Wonderland
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
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4gravitons · 2 years
Congratulations to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger!
Congratulations to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger!
The 2022 Nobel Prize was announced this week, awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science. I’ve complained in the past about the Nobel prize awarding to “baskets” of loosely related topics. This year, though, the three Nobelists have a clear link:…
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gtunesmiff · 2 years
How entanglement has become a powerful tool
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indiandefencenewz99 · 2 years
3 physicists share Nobel for work on quantum science
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NEW DELHI: Three scientists jointly won this year's Nobel Prize in physics on Tuesday for their work on quantum information science, a “totally crazy” field that has significant applications, including in the field of encryption. Frenchman Alain Aspect, American John F Clauser and Austrian Anton Zeilinger were cited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for discovering the way that unseen particles, such as photons, can be linked or “entangled”, with each other even when they are separated by large distances, a field that unsettled Albert Einstein himself, who once referred to it in a letter as “spooky action at a distance”. What is Quantum Mechanics? Classical physics tells us that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Until the early 20th century, it was believed that this was a fundamental law of physics followed by everything in nature. But then scientists began studying particles like atoms, electrons and light waves, which did not appear to obey these laws. And so, the field of quantum mechanics was born, pioneered by Max PlanckNeils Bohr and Albert Einstein, in an attempt to investigate the “quirky” laws that did bind such particles. Quantum mechanics, for instance, tells us light can be both a particle and a wave – depending on how it is observed. But until it is observed, light is neither a particle nor a wave. This lack of definition led Einstein to remark, “God does not play dice with the universe”. Since then, physicists have been investigating the laws that govern this uncertainty. A leap forward for Quantum Mechanics Quantum mechanics, unlike classical physics, allows two or more particles to exist in an entangled state – what happens to one particle in an entangled pair determines what happens to the other, even if the particles are at a great distance from each other. Physicists initially believed that this coordination was the result of hidden variables – Einstein described it as “spooky action at a distance”. But in the 1960s, John Stewart Bell found that there aren’t any hidden variables at play – in fact, the coordination between entangled particles is a matter of chance when measuring the properties of one of the particles. Bell developed a mathematical inequality that says, “if there are hidden variables, the correlation between the results of a large number of measurements will never exceed a certain value”. However, quantum mechanics shows that it is possible to exceed this value, resulting in a greater correlation between the result than is possible through hidden variables. Exceeding this value proves that there is no unexplained “spooky action” and that the world is governed by quantum mechanics. Over a span of several decades, this year’s Nobel laureates have built on Bell’s work. American physicist John Clauser developed a realistic experiment by passing entangled photons through polarisation filters (commonly used in sunglasses to block light at certain angles) to test Bell’s inequality. His experiments showed a clear violation of Bell’s inequality, confirming that there were no hidden variables at play. But Clauser’s experiment had its limitations — the settings for measuring the entangled photons passing through the polarisation filters were fixed, meaning it was possible that the experimental setup itself may have been unable to detect some particles that were controlled by hidden variables. Alain Aspect, a French physicist at the Universite Paris-Saclay, sought to develop an experiment that removed this potential bias by changing the measurement settings only after the entangled photons left their source so that the setup itself would not impact the results. Anton Zeilinger, an Austrian physicist at the University of Vienna, was among the first to explore quantum systems that use more than two entangled particles, which now form the basis of quantum computation and allow entangled particles to be manipulated. Among his most notable achievements is the discovery of quantum teleportation, which allows particles to take on even unknown quantum characteristics from other particles over long distances. But what do these advances in quantum mechanics mean for the world? Transistors and lasers were developed as a result of the first quantum revolution. In this new era, the ability to manage and manipulate systems of entangled particles will give researchers better tools to “construct quantum computers, improve measurements, build quantum networks and establish secure quantum encrypted communication”. Quantum computers can perform complex calculations that are far beyond the capabilities of conventional computers, which rely on binary signals (1s and 0s) to store and process information. Already, quantum computing has shown promise in chemical and biological engineering and cybersecurity. Areas like artificial intelligence and Big Data also stand to benefit from computing systems that can handle large datasets and run complex simulations. Source link Read the full article
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swissforextrading · 4 days
LHC experiments at CERN observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet
LHC experiments at CERN observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet Quantum entanglement is a fascinating feature of quantum physics – the theory of the very small. If two particles are quantum-entangled, the state of one particle is tied to that of the other, no matter how far apart the particles are. This mind-bending phenomenon, which has no analogue in classical physics, has been observed in a wide variety of systems and has found several important applications, such as quantum cryptography and quantum computing. In 2022, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger for groundbreaking experiments with entangled photons. These experiments confirmed the predictions for the manifestation of entanglement made by the late CERN theorist John Bell and pioneered quantum information science. Entanglement has remained largely unexplored at the high energies accessible at particle colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In an article published today in Nature, the ATLAS collaboration reports how it succeeded in observing quantum entanglement at the LHC for the first time, between fundamental particles called top quarks and at the highest energies yet. First reported by ATLAS in September 2023 and since confirmed by two observations made by the CMS collaboration, this result has opened up a new perspective on the complex world of quantum physics. "While particle physics is deeply rooted in quantum mechanics, the observation of quantum entanglement in a new particle system and at much higher energy than previously possible is remarkable,” says ATLAS spokesperson Andreas Hoecker. “It paves the way for new investigations into this fascinating phenomenon, opening up a rich menu of exploration as our data samples continue to grow." The ATLAS and CMS teams observed quantum entanglement between a top quark and its antimatter counterpart. The observations are based on a recently proposed method to use pairs of top quarks produced at the LHC as a new system to study entanglement. The top quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle. It normally decays into other particles before it has time to combine with other quarks, transferring its spin and other quantum traits to its decay particles. Physicists observe and use these decay products to infer the top quark’s spin orientation. To observe entanglement between top quarks, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations selected pairs of top quarks from data from proton–proton collisions that took place at an energy of 13 teraelectronvolts during the second run of the LHC, between 2015 and 2018. In particular, they looked for pairs in which the two quarks are simultaneously produced with low particle momentum relative to each other. This is where the spins of the two quarks are expected to be strongly entangled. The existence and degree of spin entanglement can be inferred from the angle between the directions in which the electrically charged decay products of the two quarks are emitted. By measuring these angular separations and correcting for experimental effects that could alter the measured values, the ATLAS and CMS teams each observed spin entanglement between top quarks with a statistical significance larger than five standard deviations. In its second study, the CMS collaboration also looked for pairs of top quarks in which the two quarks are simultaneously produced with high momentum relative to each other. In this domain, for a large fraction of top quark pairs, the relative positions and times of the two top quark decays are predicted to be such that classical exchange of information by particles traveling at no more than the speed of light is excluded, and CMS observed spin entanglement between top quarks also in this case. “With measurements of entanglement and other quantum concepts in a new particle system and at an energy… https://home.web.cern.ch/news/press-release/physics/lhc-experiments-cern-observe-quantum-entanglement-highest-energy-yet (Source of the original content)
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korrektheiten · 3 months
Wissenschaft: Wissenschaft Nobelpreisträger John F. Clauser: Der Klima-Ketzer
Die JF schreibt: »Der amerikanische Physik-Nobelpreisträger John Clauser zählt zu den klügsten Köpfen des Planten. Um so mehr sorgt seine massive Kritik an der These vom menschengemachten Klimawandel nun für Wirbel. Dieser Beitrag Wissenschaft Nobelpreisträger John F. Clauser: Der Klima-Ketzer wurde veröffentlich auf JUNGE FREIHEIT. http://dlvr.it/T8yWtN «
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deblala · 7 months
Climate Change and the Crisis of Pseudoscience - John F. Clauser
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wmproprt · 7 months
"As much as it may upset many people, my message is the planet is NOT in peril. … atmospheric CO2 and methane have negligible effect on the climate. The policies government have been implementing are total unnecessary and should be eliminated. …" John F Clauser, Physicist
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