#jk i love you finn and i hope you know very well that i'm only doing this because you asked for it <3
theydoctor · 1 year
oh, when will my husband (my friend) return from the war (work)
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
nahhh finn can be into noah too as well as paul rudd, this reminds me of having intense crushes on lecturers at college, i was seriously ready to fuck a couple of them if they'd been game lmao but i definitely fell in love with peers my own age too!
what makes me laugh about finn in that GB interview is the way its so unfiltered when usually he's not this loose ahhahaa
it's noah that's usually more loose and i feel genuine apprehension at the idea of finn and noah behaving as loosely as this when together on set/doing s5 press. you know that feeling when you get what you always wanted and it's almost too much and scares you? that's how i feel about potentially seeing mr wolfhard and mr schnapp flirting like this
i will feel like i have invaded something very very private but also wont be able to look away
If Noah can have multiple BFs so can Finn 😌 (JK I'm barely keeping up w the gossip jokes hahahaha don't get at me sssssssh yall have fun though)
I AM loving the new Finn era of just. Being so open and at ease and jokey in interviews. Oh I really loved the hot sauce show where he got a chance to really, actually talk??? That was lovely to watch. He was certainly having a moment there in the public eye a few months back. Good times. I want that energy for Noah, too. Hope that happens for him too in a hopefully kinder internet post s5. 🤞
The season 5 press tour haunts my nightmares. And I think it might for us all! It can be so many things and we will not be collectively ready IF we get real Byler in the show and then Noah and Finn paired together on press??? With out and proud Noah and confident and flirty Finn??? Woah. Even if there's nothing between the actors, highly possible, they do have some crazy chemistry. Can't wait. My secondhand embarrassment over interviews is going to skyrocket but I've never been an active fandom participant in real time for this thing since I only get deep in post s4. So I'll be eating up everything we get in real time.
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
who from the main cast do you think will have the most successful post ST career?
Very interesting!! Now, I don't know all of the cast's careers equally as thorough, but these are my thoughts from what I do know. Would love to hear other's takes as well to fill in where I might not know the cast as well! I'm going to do the older teens and the party. In no particular order:
Finn - Already a huge star. I think he'll continue to be successful if he stays acting, but I do see him stepping more into directing/writing maybe. And working on his lil indie music hobby. If he acts more, maybe he'll take a role here or there, and I hope he takes more interesting things as he gets older (not that he's been in a string of duds, but I'd hope he branches out into something fresh and not another IP style franchise media immediately). A while ago I remember talking about him maybe doing a cool period piece or a retro comedy movie. I wish he was a lead in the SNL movie, I think that's his sweet spot. I think he's going to be very successful and remain publicly in the industry. I will be following his career the most out of everyone here so, admitted bias.
Noah - very difficult to say at this point. I think it depends on if he decides to continue school, lean into his entrepreneurship and business ventures. He's a very good actor, but I really don't know what kind of roles he's actually looking to take. I think he's said he's more interested in drama movies and I know this is a little type-casty, but I would adore if he becomes a new scream king. Dramatic horror/thrillers but quality, smaller films. I'd love for him to lead an era of queer horror films but I honestly don't really think that's what he'd be into, as much as I personally would love that. He has the range though! It's really hard to say how good of an acting career he'll have because I have to be honest - if he curates his craft he could find a lot of success but I can also see him fading a bit in the acting world and please don't get upset with me for that!! It's just an analysis of the career he's had so far and the crossroads he'll face once the series is over if his role choices are off. An honest read.
Millie - She's gonna have kids with baby Jovi and sell her skincare and ghostwrite shitty books. JK JK sorry for the shade, I'm just not a Millie fan haha oops. But I'm super not sure about her. She's a huge celebrity with a huge fanbase, but now that her Netflix contract is up, right?? Is she marketable and good enough of an actress to land lead roles in things? I think she's going to have a few big roles and those movies will be critically panned and she'll fade away for a bit, and then a decade or so later after a huge flop she'll land something surprising and fall into the spotlight again, but only for a little while. I could be wrong and misunderstand the Millie effect, bit that's how I feel.
Caleb - I feel like he's got talent, he's going to get a steady stream of work in film and other campaigns. He has the makings of being a really good dramatic actor when he's a little older, we'll have to wait and see. But he has the low-key acting chops and needs a little more meat on his resume. He's got promise.
Gaten - I don't know much about him and I love him but I also share the same worries that he himself has expressed in interviews I believe. Nerves about the future after the show. I see him more in television over movies. I don't actually know much about broadway so I'm not sure what his career there was like or if he could break back in. Big difference between child actors on bway and adult acting if I would guess correctly.
Sadie - Promising career, I feel like she could be up for the awards show circuit if she lands decent roles in the future. She could have an Emma Stone type career. Depends on the right roles. But I think she'll have longevity in the industry. Interesting, pretty redheads with dramatic acting chops and high fashion leanings tend to have the potential to go really far.
Charlie and Natalia - I'm putting them on the same page because I equally don't know much about them and I think they'll equally get the same amount of work. I think they're just kinda fucking around and traipsing lazily through Hollywood. Unsure. They're so weird. But, good for them?
Joe Keery - I don't know much about this man and I always refer to him by his full name for some reason. He's a singer? No idea the popularity level there, wasn't my type of music so I never looked too deep into it. No idea what he does outside of Stranger Things. He is an enigma but not one that captivates me. (I have nothing against him I just never really felt an interest in him as an actor even if I really do like Steve).
Maya - Well, she's industry famous already, she'll have a career as long as she wants it. She'll have steady work, unsure how big she'll be. But I think it's as big as she wants it to be personally, what type of projects she wants to work on. I think she's one of the better young actors in the cast. She's probably the one with the most choice in terms of future career.
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