#jimmy saville warning
javelinbk · 4 months
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Brian Epstein with Paul McCartney and John Lennon of The Beatles at the Empire Ballroom, Leicester Square, London for the Carl-Allen Awards, 23rd March 1964
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On this day, 8 April 2013, former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher died. Street parties broke out across the UK, particularly in working class areas and in former mining communities which were ravaged by her policies. Her legacy is best remembered for her destruction of the British workers' movement, after the defeat of the miners' strike of 1984-85. This enabled the drastic increase of economic inequality and unemployment in the 1980s. Her government also slashed social housing, helping to create the situation today where it is unavailable for most people, and private property prices are mostly unaffordable for the young. Thatcher also complained that children were "being cheated of a sound start in life" by being taught that "they have an inalienable right to be gay", so she introduced the vicious section 28 law prohibiting teaching of homosexuality as acceptable. Abroad, Thatcher was a powerful advocate for racism, advising the Australian foreign minister to beware of Asians, else his country would "end up like Fiji, where the Indian migrants have taken over". She hosted apartheid South Africa's head of state, while denouncing the African National Congress as a "typical terrorist organisation". Chilean dictator general Augusto Pinochet, responsible for the rape, murder and torture of tens of thousands of people, was a close personal friend. Back in Britain, she protected numerous politicians accused of paedophilia including Sir Peter Hayman, and MPs Peter Morrison and Cyril Smith. She also lobbied for her friend, serial child abuser Jimmy Savile, to be knighted despite being warned about his behaviour. Margaret Thatcher was eventually forced to step down after the defeat of her hated poll tax by a mass non-payment campaign. Pictured: Jimmy Savile welcoming Thatcher to hell, reportedly. Learn more about the great miners' strike of 1984-5 in our podcast series: https://workingclasshistory.com/tag/1984-5-miners-strike/ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=605239344982618&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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radfemverity · 9 months
Andrew Tate is the perfect test, and women should use him to vet men.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a better demonstration of how an umbrella fear of all men is justified, than in the support millions of men have given to Andrew Tate these last few years. At the end of 2022, every claim about he and his brother were vindicated when they were finally arrested for sex trafficking.
Both have publicly admitted to preferring when women stay like young girls, beating women in the bedroom, tricking women into making degrading porn, and ploughing ahead in sex whether the woman is ready and willing or not. There have also been leaked footage of Andrew Tate filming himself frightening a woman to humiliate her. @CrayonMurders on Twitter is a living breathing archive for all of this.
Yet his fanbase grows everyday. Very high profile commentators on the Right who the Left have been warning about for years (eg Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Tommy Robinson) have actively endorsed Tate, and his tweets regularly surpass tens of thousands of likes. He has a cult of personality amassing millions of men.
He is the textbook example of everything women have been warning about, it’s almost comedic. Andrew Tate isn’t like most sexual predators. He’s not discreet, he doesn’t use vague language or dogwhistles. He’s not a Jeffrey Epstein, a Jimmy Saville or a Harvey Weinstein, he’s too reckless for that. In caricature Disney villain style, he has been so brazenly unapologetic about his lifestyle of rape, pimping and violence, that unlike many before him, he has given himself absolutely no path to plausible deniability. His fanboys preaching “innocent until proven guilty!!” falls flat in the face of hours of footage and hundreds of tweets of him bragging about being a sadistic monster.
Andrew Tate is so addicted to flaunting his evil, that he inadvertently exposes the sheer number of men who are pro-rape and human trafficking, in a way that more careful predators just don’t. We can all use him as a test to vet any man we consider letting into our lives, and provide other women with the information to do the same.
Ascertain a man’s opinion on him early on. Don’t show your own bias, don’t interrogate, just ask casually and feign ignorance. Say something like “Oh I saw the whole drama on the news, but I don’t really know what to make of it all”. Listen for his answer, and then enquire further, no matter what it is. Even if he says he doesn’t like Tate, ask why. Because while “he’s an insecure beta masquerading as a big man”, and “he’s a bad role model” are true, it isn’t enough.
If you’re going to trust any men, especially in this neoliberal hellscape where they’ve had access to millions of clips of women being raped in every position and every hole since they began puberty, just please wait until they’ve demonstrated an unshakeable empathy for the female sex. Andrew Tate isn’t just a dickhead, or a funny peanut man, or a beta narcissist. He is a monster.
I cannot remember the last time there was a yardstick by which we can so easily measure a person’s humanity (or lackthereof). And while I would never blame a woman for just pointblank avoiding the entire male sex, associating with men is quite the game of Russian Roulette, most women – even radical feminists – would never be willing to do that. So to the 95% of us who wish to have at least one man in our lives, this is the easiest, most perfect test.
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Level of hoarding I'm unfucking at my parents' house: just found this (uh content warning for an ironic jimmy saville book including a photo of him)
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stickthisbig · 9 months
I don't enjoy bingewatching fiction, but sometimes I go on a tear and watch like six docuseries in one week. Here are some recommendations and non-recs for things I watched in the last two weeks! I've included trigger warnings under the cut but kept that kind of thing non-explicit.
Highly recommended:
The Billionaire, the Butler, and the Boyfriend (L'Affaire Bettencourt: Scandale chez la femme la plus riche du monde) (Netflix)
The English title of this French-language documentary about Liliane Bettencourt is godawful (he wasn't even her boyfriend???), but it was riveting. I LOVED how they let the story unfold and the totally unexpected places it went. Highly recommended if you're interested in modern French culture.
PSA for English speakers: What I need you to do is turn the audio track to French and the subtitles to English (NOT British English [CC]). The documentary's dubbing is incredibly distracting and poorly translated, and the British English [CC] subtitles are the subtitles for the English, not a translation of the French. They aren't the same, and the English sub track is a much better (though deeply imperfect) translation.
Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story (Netflix) (TW pedophilia, sexual assault)
By far the weakest thing about this documentary is that it's two episodes and not three. The pacing has some serious issues, and a lot of really interesting stuff from the end of the story gets packed into ten minutes.
BUT. I did think it was excellently made. It lets the story breathe and builds the horror of the fact that he told everyone what he was doing gradually. Really scary stuff.
Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe (Amazon Prime) (TW homophobia, transphobia, coercion)
It's very much a "Damn, you see that shit? That was crazy" documentary without a huge amount of deep analysis. I don't really have any substantive complaints about this documentary and I cried a little at the end. It just wasn't the best one I watched this week.
Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey (Netflix) (TW pedophilia, sexual assault, forced marriage, incest)
Keep Sweet is a good documentary that's well-made; it chooses its subjects well, and though they're all out of the cult, they have different opinions about what happened and different roles in what went down.
However, if you're the kind of person who'd watch this four hour documentary series, you probably already know a little about FLDS. If you already know about FLDS, you will know that Rachel Jeffs is one of the faces of anti-FLDS. She's not in this documentary, and I don't understand why. Not to get too in the weeds of what Warren Jeffs actually did, but Rachel made a series of accusations in her book about FLDS that go far beyond what he was tried for, and which to my knowledge haven't been challenged by other survivors. The story falls flat without those accusations, because you miss a crucial component in his characterization (which again I will not discuss here, because it's fuckin gross). The story never addresses her, her book, or those allegations. It feels like internecine BS. If you haven't read Breaking Free, you'll probably like this documentary more than someone who has.
Evil Genius: The True Story of America's Most Diabolical Bank Heist (Netflix) (TW murder, non-graphic mentions of sexual violence, mental illness)
So this is a well paced and obviously very well researched documentary, though there are a couple of connections I wish they'd made. This documentarian also feels uniquely equipped to tell this story due to the length of his association with the subject (and tbh, that would have been the better film).
However. The fact that the subject has bipolar disorder is central to the film. While I would say that the filmmaker ultimately doesn't make directly ableist statements about the subject, the whole nature of the film's treatment of mental illness is underpinned by an ableist worldview. The filmmaker expresses repeated surprise that the subject was so intelligent and so good in school but also has bipolar disorder, and like... my man the research into a potential correlation is inconclusive but bipolar disorder has been anecdotally been linked to high intelligence since before bipolar was a thing. People thinking mentally ill people are much more clever than they actually are just because they're erratic is fully its own trope.
This is finally addressed head on in the last episode where a judge basically says "cool mental illness, still murder" during a sentencing, but the filmmaker fails to engage with that in any meaningful way. It fully feels like if you told this man he should have had a real bipolar person do a sensitivity read of his script, he would be STUNNED that that was a possibility. There's an attempt to connect the unknowable crime with the unknowable psyche and like. I'm pretty sure you could have got a lot closer to knowing if you'd just asked somebody. (Like me, maybe. My rates are reasonable.)
Anyway I did finish it despite all that, because it was pretty good. I feel like this film also got screwed by Netflix's marketing team wrt its title and branding? Because like... that's not what it's about and it prejudices the viewer pretty badly? If you put someone in the thumbnail then set up multiple parties in a "which one lied", not so great.
Skip it
Escaping Twin Flames Universe (Netflix)
Yes, this is a different documentary than Amazon Prime. They use different informants, and I think they must have been made by different creative teams. I got maybe ten minutes into the Netflix one, which is an incredibly overproduced, schlocky mess. Just tell me about the cult.
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eva-knits12 · 6 months
Quiet On The Set Documentary Series.
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Trigger Warning: mentions of SA involving children, Scientology.
PSA: This has nothing to do with Chris Evans! Some people find a way to make everything circle back to him. He had nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with what happened to the kids on Quiet on the Set. His "marriage" (which is pr and fake, but if you believe it's real, then fine, I have nothing against you if you believe that, I disagree) has nothing to do with this. If you find a way to make this circle back to him, what does that say about you and your character? That tells me that you're so obsessed with him and what goes on in his personal life that you make everything revolve around him! Remember, this about what happened behind the scenes of one our childhood icons, Nickelodeon.
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PSA: The church of Scientology is mentioned. I mention that because Scientology will always find a way to cover up crimes while crimes are being committed. I really think that they should be held liable in this.
Here's my take on the documentary series, Quiet on the Set.
Dan Schneider is a predator and a child molester.
Everyone from parents of the child actors to Nickelodeon executives knew exactly what was going on.
Flag, aka Scientology headquarters, is located in Clearwater, Florida. I'm not surprised that there were several Scientologists at Nickelodeon. They covered up Danny Masterson's crimes-and Danny Masterson got sentenced to 30 years in prison in the end. Dan Schneider will hopefully have the same fate. Scientology may have had more of a deeper role in Dan Schneider's crimes against children than we know about. Nickelodeon was headquartered in Orlando, FL at that time.
Nickelodeon shows were also being filmed in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is the West Coast headquarters of Scientology. So, since there were shows for Nickelodeon that were being filmed out there, so it's no surprise that they were covering up what was going on out there.
The majority of those child actors were the family breadwinners. Since a parent had to be on set with them at all times, it's no surprise that they were told by their parents and by Nickelodeon executives to keep quiet and do their job. Basically, they were expected to be mini-adults. The kids couldn't go to the executives or to the police.
Speaking of which, there's several reasons why the kids and the parents didn't go to the authorities. One of them being is that nobody would believe them. The other being is that the executives at Nickelodeon may have connections in that department. Jimmy Saville was eventually caught for his crimes against children, but was never prosecuted. He had connections at the BBC, and he had connections in the criminal justice field and legal field. So, I'm not surprise that Dan Schneider and several executives at Nickelodeon had connections in the criminal justice and legal fields that looked the other way, possibly with the help of the church of Scientology.
It's scary to even think what these kids were going through at the time.
Those kids need justice, not just a monetary value. They need to see that actual justice is served, not just a slap on the wrist. We're talking a life sentence for Dan Schneider.
I hope these kids aren't hurting other people. Hurt people hurt people. Drake Bell is a prime example of this.
These kids lives have now been destroyed at the hands of a known predator.
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lol can you imagine how patronising these progs are gonna be. OUT T'BOOZER, OUT ON RAZ! That's what the BBCs Ollie Plimsolls from the home counties thinks you want.
The BBC already speak down to pretty much everyone that's not from an upper middle class background. They along with the rest of the arts & media draw heavily from these well off demographics - and they know it cos they keep getting told by Ofcom that they're "too middle class" - but they continue to have it off giving top jobs to all manner of pig shit that leave oxbridge and private schools
Prog makers are even worse tbf. The ones behind progs like Look At These Fat Cunts from an Estate, Benefits Cunts, and in general Cunts
Just let the thing die, it's over, let em join Jimmy Saville in his unmarked grave
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fruityyamenrunner · 1 year
A national treasure is a cherished side character; they are never at the centre of events, and are, endearingly, never the holder of secular powers. They stand around the edges of a ruling class’s mental universe: observing, warning, guiding, admonishing – sometimes obliquely, sometimes not. They act as the conscience of a nation, or, rather, as the conscience of its rulers.
If we look at it this way, then the first ever British national treasure was Edmund Burke, famous for his Reflections. Burke was principled; Burke was conscientious; Burke was solemn; Burke was worthy; Burke never achieved a higher office than Paymaster of the Forces – a minor clerical job. Nevertheless, especially in the decade after his death in 1797, Burke could be cherished as the burning conscience of his society. Impossible to deal with as a man, but, nevertheless, part of the furniture. The immediate inheritor of this role was one of Burke’s contemporaries: William Wilberforce, the apostle of Victorianism, and the scourge of English popular customs like bear-baiting, bull-baiting, and boxing.
The suite of characteristics that makes up a national treasure lends itself to two archetypes, both forces for conservatism: the bureaucrat, and the light entertainer. So it has proven. Bruce Forsyth; David Frost; Stephen Fry; Betty Boothroyd; and latterly, Jackie Weaver, Lindsay Hoyle, and Sue Gray. All have been drawn from either of these two wells, and have led their lives accordingly.
The trouble is that Britain’s governing classes, especially after 1997, have begun to insist more and more strongly on these qualities: more rule-bound; more solemn; more strivingly modest. These characteristics, once endearing in their own way, have now started to ferment. Increasingly, the only individuals who would ever consent to play this role are either second-rate or suspect.
By the early 2020s, the standard British national treasure is an entertainer and informer, a bursar of charitable millions, a practitioner of old-fashioned mannerisms, who maintains a special relationship with the House of Windsor. This model – startlingly – remains the same basic one established by Jimmy Savile.
Meanwhile, the social importance of these people is evermore emphasised by England’s ruling classes. One refrain about Elizabeth II was that she, in her person, ‘held together’ 21st Century Britain: the same has been said of David Attenborough and Captain Tom Moore. This kind of hysteria has no foreign analogue; in the United States, Tom Hanks and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are not assigned such a role in the body politic.
Louder also is the insistence that we like these people. My first visceral experience of this was when I was informed in a series of adverts that I loved Phillip Schofield, a television presenter of little distinction. As we have seen, these people are not for our consumption. It is therefore of little surprise that they seldom inspire any real popular love. Stephen Fry and Sandi Toksvig are not liked, only obeyed. There is a garrison quality to these national treasures. Beyond their core constituency of public sector employees, popular opinion on these people ranges from sullen indifference to outright hostility.
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Im a little embarrassed to ask but could you explain the references in the time capsule video? I get the doll but idk what the other things are or why they're bad
Sure, don't be embarrassed, I didnt know what some of this stuff was before I saw this video the first time either. Be warned, the following explanation is pretty horrible, I tried to keep it basic but these were disgusting people.
Tw CSA, pedophilia
Basically all the people mentioned are famous men who turned out to be pedophiles and child abusers. Gary glitter was a singer who was actually jailed 3 times for different incidents, I believe he's still in jail now. "Jim'll Fix It" was a show hosted by notorious sex offender/pedo, Jimmy Savile. "Stuart" is Stuart Hall, another British celebrity who abused kids, and the last one is Rolf Harris, an australian celebrity. Same deal.
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welpnotagain · 3 years
Quick Overview of UKs Circus
Updated 15.02.22, I added a cut this time because Jesus christ is this getting long
just a quick overview for myself and possibly others that follow @becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys updates on the circus that is in town which is the UKs burning car wreck that they call politic.
Just a list of the named participants so we dont mix them up:
TW brief discussion of paedophilia in the parts about Jimmy Saville
Boris Johnson aka Big Dog
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-UK’s Prime Minister
-Brexit Idiot
-his initials spell out blowjob somehow this was not warning enough for the people electing him
-57 consecutive bad hair years
-Dumbass of the hour
-father of x children who knows he won't even take responsibility for those, how he keeps finding women willing to sleep with him is a mystery
-just wants to be loved ☹
-had so many parties
> Well-catered work event aka wine and cheese party 30 peeps attended, mind you, it wasn't a party, 100 invited, famously you can just dip on work events if you don't feel like it that's why 70% didn't show up
> Surprise! Birthday Party 30+ people "Oh so celebrating my birthday with a bunch of people and drinking and eating cake and having a good time and not working isnt a work even anymore *scoff* yeah right. I was ambushed. I am the victim here."
> Christmas Party wasn’t invited ☹ (was invited & attended; the party was at his place actually) there is a LYING photo of him out there "surrounded by alcohol, food and people wearing tinsel" do NOT believe this picture! it is a LIAR! it would sell its own mother given half a chance,
> Prince Philip Funeral Party lets goooo
> Wine Time Fridays, Parties every Friday during a global pandemic, don’t miss it! >> the one on Nov13th 2020 is revealed to be investigated by the Met >> 300+ photos of parties at Downing Street have been received by the Met, it was a bad year for Bori to find out about disposable cameras and handing them out to everyone at his parties like me and my friends did when we were 15.
-“Covid isn’t that dangerous lol”
-promptly catches covid
-had to be kept in his office like a toddler to not infect others
-“Covid is dangerous unlol”
-decidedly not strong like a bull, but about as smart as one
-wanted senior officials to take the fall and force them to resign
-threatened to cut BBC license fee, ending covid restrictions, Asking the military to protect against asylum seekers crossing the channel so they must go to Rwanda and Ghana for processing instead
-meets MPs and cries because nobody likes him anymore :(
-didn’t attend a party! (yay) because he broke the law by travelling to his second home (nay) also knew about the party and said lmao yeah go-ahead
-lied to the House of Commons (generally seen as a dick move)
-would sell his children, he has enough to go around, so MPs don’t send mean little letters, also offered more money and threatened to take funds away if people wrote antilove-letters
-idiot that made the rules but didn’t know they also applied to him (was warned that he wasn’t cool enough for this to work)
-wrote a book about Churchill, was lying through his teeth while writing it, probably really didn’t know the Churchill speech because he definitely didn’t know a lot of stuff while writing his book, historians delighted to rip it to shreds
-dropped all covid restrictions (scientists are weeping)
-actually did the threatening himself like an idiot
> that’s misconduct in public office which is a crime babyyyy
-in an insanely bad move announces that he decides how much of the report on the investigation on him will be published to really just fucking hit his last supporters over the head with a shovel saying “I am corrupt, you idiot!”
-prioritised evacuation animals from Afghanistan over people, people are very hung up on this and I wish they'd do more about it than complain and actually see the big picture of all his bs rather than just this tiny part, getting real thoughts and prayer vibes from those guys
-said he will make a statement regarding the Gray report once it is made public in the House of Commons, apparently, this was not something that would go without saying.
-said the entire report will be published so we'll how many questions will arise from all the things we already know
-was asked if he thought that the ministerial code "ministers who knowingly mislead parliament are expected to offer their resignation" applies to him, "yeah" "are you gonna resign since you mislead the parliament over your parties?" "no", so uh. no he doesnt
-is willing to be interviewed by the police, beliefs however he is innocent, contrary to all the proof showing that he is, in fact, guilty
-I swear me and my hundreds of working staff and my other coworkers who are living somewhere else are one household! Come by fridays to see us hanging out and drinking wine! Its basically as if we live together!
-man who looks like he couldnt make it up a single flight of stairs without wheezing fatshames someone for pointing out throwing a birthday party during a lockdown might be a shit idea.
-accuses Keir Starmer of letting Jimmy Saville (who is dead), DJ, BBC Moderator, paedophile, avoid justice; completely ignoring the fact that Keir Starmer had absolutely nothing to do with that, had no power whatsoever and didn't fucking do that, since this was a planned accusation in a desperate attempt to make somebody else the boogyman for a second his advisors (Number 10 staff) literally all told him "for the love of God don't fucking say that" Boris, however, knew in his heart of hearts that he had to spread that lie nonetheless.
-didnt know what to say at his "half-time pep talk" so he quoted the movie he saw the night before with his current child (we'll see when he abandons it) and goes on to quote Rafiki,,, from the Lion King,,, basically saying "change is good I promiseee" not seeing the irony that is screaming in his face that demands the change is that he LEAVES, couldnt even be bothered to look up if something similar was said in Hamlet. now if I had read Hamlet i would add a better quote from it but i didnt so alas.
-claims he fired the people who resigned because of the Gray Report (he didn't, let's be honest with ourselves here)
-cares deeply about the environment, the only little guilty pleasure he allows himself is flying with a private jet every now and then 🥰
-claims that offences have fallen, The UK Statistics Authority calls cap because they have increased and BJ cant stop lying
-wrote a very flowery worded article back in 2006 about Tony Blair basically saying "politicians don't fucking know when to quit" obviously once again the irony is palpable
-has """"buyers remorse"""" over his wife of 8 months(as of February of 2022 he said this in 21 tho after marrying her in fucking July) and his new BABIES stop having children then you fucktard, apparently avoids going home because of the misses, Carrie is a bitch in and of herself but fucking Yikes man. two people that really deserve each other and two kids that will grow up severely damaged
-sang "I will survive" to his new director of communications, I can only imagine his beautiful singing voice, kinda like nails on a blackboard
-will NOT be apologising about the Saville thing because he has stuff to do today, tomorrow? he will have stuff to do then too shut up and stop asking
Confirmed Number of sent Letters of no confidence: 17/54
(confirmed by the bbc) r/ukpolitics Tracker for the letters
The Others
MP: Member of Parliament, PM: Prime Minister,
Whipping (The Whip): an official of a political party whose task is to ensure party discipline in a legislature. This means ensuring that members of the party vote according to the party platform, rather than according to their own individual ideology or the will of their donors or constituents
- Pippa Crerar: journalist, with integrity those are rare, that broke the news about the first party, got Dominic Cummings to be willing to swear under oath that Big Dog is an idiot even and knew about the one (1) party that he didn’t attend, posts a picture of boris a the christmas party of No 10 during PMQs (Prime Minister Questions, a weekly session in which the PM has to answer questions from MPs)
- Metropolitan Police: (Scotland Yard is it's headquarters, dont get confused its the same thing)“we’re not gonna investigate suck a dick cough sorry I meant there isn’t enough evidence”, so fucking corrupt o my fucking god, protect number 10 and those officers who did might just actually work with Sue Gray, "goddamit fucking hell fine we will investigate jesus christ fuck you guys. THIS IS A ONE TIME THING. DONT GET USED TO IT", is investigating a "number of events" for potential breaches of the lockdowns at the time, apparently dont investigate crimes that happened in the past? Check it out guys i found a secret photograph of the Met hard at work to investigate future crime, which is their usual business!
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[ID: a screenshot from the show futurama, from the episode in which a robot solves future crime by calculating which crime will happen next. it is a robot in something looking like a bathtub with cables connected to his head and chest. End ID] didnt let Sue Gray release her complete report BUT! thats actually a good thing because it would allow tories to get their stories straight which would be a bad thing, a watchdog has been investigating them and has found "a culture of disgraceful misogyny, discrimination and sexual harassment" we are all pretending to be shocked, I cant show it on my face I just dont have it in me anymore to pretend that much. Actually, if I look at it this way (with my eyes open instead of closed), the Christmas Party might have actually been illegal! 50 Partygoers are being contacted. Have been outright threatened that they better sleep with one eye open if you come for the chihuahua
-Cressida Dick a senior police officer of the Met, its in her name she is a massive dick, FUMING about the "a culture of disgraceful misogyny, discrimination and sexual harassment" allegations, has absolutely NO intentions of resigning!!! Mayor of London: u suck. Cressida jumps on her laptop presumably after writing in her burn book with tears streaming down her face and hands in her resignation.
-Sadiq Khan Mayor of London, presumably destroyed Cressida Dick which she had coming, wants to rebuild trust by appointing a new trustworthy replacement for Dick with the help of no other but Priti Petal, an absolute Cressida Stan.
- Dominic Cummings: ex-chief adviser of big dog, is pretty sure the wine and cheese parties were actually legal so jot that down, advised BJ against throwing parties that were against the law (notably not the wine and cheese ones) and generally a bad idea, ready to go under oath to get his ex-boss in trouble and honestly what a mood, pinky promises he didn't leak the pictures from the parties; BJ, Cummings, the jokes write themselves, called BJ a clown after he sang I will survive to his new director of communications
- Matt Hancock Tory MP “please don’t have wine and cheese parties :( covid is serious” on the day of the wine and cheese party at Boris place which he attended
- Mistress aka Carrie Johnson: (who is btw 33 and her Lovely husband is 53, have been married since july 2021) woman Boris was fucking while his cancer suffering ex-wife was going through chemo, current wife, yet to be cheated on as far as we know, can only be a matter of time, that we do know, threw her husband, the Prime Minister of the UK, a birthday party during a lockdown, could not possibly be more presumptuous, mother of two out of x amount of children that blowjob has, children that boris has said to regret, like he regrets marrying her, yikes.
- Sue Gray, civil servant: Number 10 staff, sure she is corrupt but! Not a politician. We are grasping for straws, let's not be too demanding. the one who got to investigate her boss (the dream) and write her Gray Report, couldn't fucking write fast enough with all the witnesses that came forward, the watered-down version of the report IS be published, Sue presumably went to bed right after and took a two-week nap. It covers all alleged events, However, the parties that the Met is investigating are only allowed to be mentioned briefly , also she had pictures of world-worst-person-in-hiding-the-evidence BlowJo at parties surrounded by wine, according to the tories her official email is [email protected] so don't you guys go around abusing that knowledge, presumably cannot believe she served under these fucking idiots so far
- Keir Starmer MP Leader of the Labour Party and the Opposition, showed a backbone for about 5secs and described Boris as a pathetic spectacle of a man, asked Big Dog if he thought that the ministerial code "ministers who knowingly mislead parliament are expected to offer their resignation" applies to him, "yeah" "are you gonna resign since you mislead the parliament over your parties?" "no", ex lawyer, since he obviously didnt help Jimmy Saville avoid justice and actually used to work on bringing paedophiles to justice he is now famous for doing exactly that, fighting against paedophilia, proud owner of a backbone in form of a jelly worm, has to be rushed into a police car because a mob or protestors swarm him over the Savile thing. Piers Corbyn (climate change denier), brother of Jeremy Corbyn (ex-leader of the Labor party!!!) was part of the mob, drank a beer alone in his flat, surprisingly that did not break the law you get him next time Daily mail! dont stop trying!
- Nazir Afzal former Chief Crown Prosecutor, whos Wiki page literally starts with "a British solicitor with experience in the legal areas of child sexual exploitation and violence against women.", has worked with Keir Starmer and strongly refutes that Keir somehow helped Jimmy Saville avoid justice (because those are literal lies), actually says Keir "supported [him] in bringing 100s of child sex abusers to justice”
- Rishi Sunak Tory MP, Chancellor of the UK aka money boy, looks like a would-kill-you-if-he-could-version of Sam the Eagle from sesame street, possibly Pippa Crerars source?? He isn’t in any pictures so one can only speculate, IS in a picture with boris at the birthday party taken by the official state photographer, not to worry tho his own department threw a drinking party as well (he didn't attend), wants to be PM so bad, asked people who write letters to get rid of Boris if he can help, announces a new tax rise calls it the Prime Minister’s tax, really just wants even the last 3 people that still like Boris to go from :) to >:(, did attend the Seriously-guys-its-not-a-birthday-party-this-work-event-just-so-happens-to-have-cake-and-booze-and-people-illegally-singing Meeting, there is literally a picture of him and Boris at that party! promises however that he wasnt invited :( The chancellor. Of the UK. Wasnt invited to the meeting but the las that painted the walls in a slightly different shade of white was. alright. The present he had in his hands that his mommy let him pick out was just something he found on the street in front of the building and he wanted to ask them if they had lost it. Why he was at the house when he wasn't invited to neither the party nor the meeting? well because -- *runs away* *comes back to finish my piece* anyway after being put on the spot he says he wouldnt have done the insane accusation about the Saville thing, now that only makes sense who the fuck would do that but blowjob himself? Anyway shouldnt the PM apologise for that "Thats for him to decide" ah right the blade of grass that acted as his spine for a second there was immediately crushed by his being a piece of shit, somehow dares to claim that heating bills are a struggle because *insert easily disprovable excuse aka lie*, is torn to shreds about this by Martin Lewis a financial journalist and the guy behind the money saving expert thing, a The guy behind the £600m lost and no PPE thing
- House of Lords; aka Lords: second chamber of parliament of the UK, pretty pissed at the not so good boy Boris so they rejected bills out of pettiness which is good because they were horrific
- Nadine Dorres Tory MP: evil, minister of mental health, will show up when you say her name in front of a mirror three times, looks like you dressed a scarecrow in the fanciest clothes the one aunt you hate owns, looks like someone edited Cartoon version of Cruella DeVil to what she'd look like if she lost all of the things that make her design cool, came up with Operation Dead Red Meat, oh so just because its a birthday party its a party huh? checkmate plebs “My god, Nadine, you’re embarrassing yourself.”, might be BJs new affair the way she is acting, "have you talked with the PM in the last 24h?" "we have communicated" wink wink nudge nudge ;)))))), secretary of state for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, has yet to figure out that in an interview you usually Answer Questions, could not have been worse prepared for the interview that becausegoodheroesdeservekidneys linked, "changed what?" "his attitude" "to what?" girl. How did you even manage to walk into politics with your mediocre at best grasp of the English language? has removed the restriction that stopped Rupert Murdoch, billionaire, fucking executive chairman of fox corporation Rupert Murdoch, Murdoch who publically admitted to having tried to sway public opinion to support G.W. Bushes Iraq war That same fucking Rupert Murdoch. that he now can interfere with the editorial independence of The Times and the Sunday Times which he both ownes. Literally allowing him to produce massive propaganda and expose The Times to his censorship and his other fucking insanities
-Unnamed Cabinet Member (Nadine Dorries???): angry that not everyone follows Doggo and believes his every word blindly (alright yeah its Nadine Dorries), accuses Rishi Sunak the money boy, of conspiring i guess? against the chihuahua, hopes the BlowJo fires moneyboy, which is very very very very dumb because that would just cut him loose, with nothing to lose and probably a bunch of fucking incriminating knowledge against the PM he would fucking destroy him, he'd simply massacre him for all to see
- BBC: Broadcaster, muzzled by tories, turns out can be pretty angry if you threaten to cut their funding and might just actually do good journalism again
- Ghana: has never heard of operation red meat and thinks it's stupid
- Laura Kuenssberg, full-time bitch, sometimes also a journalist. Tory, will be investigating for the BBC
- Queen, The Queen™, Lizzie, turned down the possibility to invite more people to her husbands funeral while the parliament was probably drinking and playing twister
- Christian Wakefield ex-Tory now Labour MP: lives for the drama, sat directly behind Keir Starmer effectively changing parties after telling everyone that he was bullied by Gavin Williamson to be loyal to Boris, was threatened that funds for a new school would be pulled so naturally, he brought that up because literally, everyone can universally agree that that is a bad look
- David Davies, Tory MP: worst David Davies you can find and there are apparently a lot: recited the speech given to pre-Winston Churchill PM so he'd step down “You have sat there too long for all the good you have done, in the name of God go.“; a different one of these said “hey lets not raise the tax" because now it's connected to Boris and who can say no to some free cloud
- Diana Johnson Labour MP, girl bossed the exact right amount when she asked “If the PM is spending his time trying to convince the British public that he’s stupid instead of dishonest, isn’t it time he goes? Now?”
- Will Wragg Tory Mp, presumably unhappy about his name, accused number 10 of blackmail, madman,
- Number 10: House in which PM and the First Lord are roommating, blackmailed folks to leak embarrassing stories if they don’t support Big Boy Boris who definitely did NOT cry (he did), the officials (number 10 staff NOT politicians) were threatened into silence but spoke up to add to the Gray Report, is facing police investigation over alleged 👀 breaches of lockdown rules. "we didnt break the law. check my sources" sources: trust me bro (dont trust them), "listen, LISTEN, we told BJ to not fucking say that about our Keir Starmer okay? We told him to shut the fuck up but he doesnt listen what do you want us to do? tape his mouth shut???"
- Sajid Javid Tory MP, his brother is running the Metropolitan police
- Jacob Rees-Mogg Tory MP, supports little ol boris, threatens that the UK will go to a general election if Bori gets thrown off of his thrown of stupidity "k" says everybody else and immediately goes back to what they were doing before, claims the morning after pill is abortion, it is literally classified as emergency contraception. contraception PREVENTS pregnancy. once again scientists are weeping, everyone with a basic understanding of human reproduction and contraception is weeping, gets demoted to Brexit Opportunities Minister, a job that sounds absolutely made up and something that the useless son of a ceo would do, he now will obviously get a well-earned pay raise of 35K a year. has asked the readers of The Sun to send him benefits they could possibly think of because he sure cant think of any from brexit. you know I was disturbed, angry even, about the pay raise before but you know. I truly think he has earned it.
- Michael Fabricant, Tory MP, semi-professional Boris Impersonator, described Palestinian activists as “primitives” who are “trying to bring to London what they do in the Middle East”, cant pull off Owen Wilsons haircut but he be damned if he isnt trying, a supporter of BJ, “everyone has done a bit of blackmailing, what's the big deal?”, made sure we all knew that Mark Spencer posted a dictated tweet says he really isn’t #islamophobic! He promises! Nusrat Ghani is just like … unimaginative… and mediocre… anyway #Boris is not #islamophobic!, “Are we talking party poppers and wild Ibiza nights? I don’t think so!” says local crazy man that has repeatedly proven he cannot think. believes BJ when he says that he fired the people that resigned once again proving that he cannot think,
- Theresa May, Tory MP ex-PM, UKs second female PM (they have a track record of voting women into office when they are like an inch away from a cliff so the drop can be connected to the female PMs so they can blame them, this does not at all excuse the women who both were/are bitches in their own regard, notably she was the one stuck with having to start the Brexit bs while Cameron resigned after the referendum) was voted out of office because nobody liked her, objectively bad person, filled with schadenfreude, knighted Saville despite being aware that the guy was a fucking paedophile!!
- Fiona Bruce, journalist that hosts Question Time a political debate show. In which nobody would defend Boris because he is a bad person who made bad decisions
- Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, thinks Boris is an idiot and will continue to make the sensible decision to Not drop all covid restrictions because that is insane, “We are a government that doesn’t need to grab headlines to distract attention”
- Rory Stewart, ex Tory MP, looks like a dehydrated John Mulaney, lost in the PM race against Dogboy left politics in 2019, contra Dog, says the whip system functionally makes the UK an elected dictatorship (shocker), easily shows how dumb it would be to fire the people who resigned because they were literally BJs most senior staff and he has no fucking successors?
- Chris Bryant Labour MP, on a moral crusade (he is an ex-priest so it fits the bill) against tories, which.. good for him,
- Nusrat Ghani Tory MP, was too muslimic? Just had to be fired, no way around it; is now back to sitting at the kids table aka the backbenches, in time out maybe she can come out when she stops being a Muslim who knows
- Mark Spencer: Nusrat Ghani means me when she says she was fired for her “Muslimness”, I didn’t do it tho, I pinky promise, who are you gonna believe? Me or some Muslim? Posted a dictated tweet about this, it wasn’t a good tweet
- Baroness Warsi, Member of the house of lords, also experienced Tory Islamophobia (gasp, no way!)
- Dominic Raab Tory MP, Deputy PM: had to announce that BJ will decide how much of the Gray report will be published for the public
- Gavin Williamson Tory MP, threatens other MPs to be loyal to Boris or their funding will be cut, can however not recall the conversations in which that happened so I guess he is free to go, officer!
- Michael Ellis Tory MP: man who is holding too many offices, okay MAYBE (cue laughter) the people setting the rules haven't been following them ugh whatever, I can't talk about ongoing police investigations
-Liz Truss Tory MP, foreign secretary: woman that looks like she'd traumatise the 16-year-old working at McDonalds if they got her order slightly wrong, BJ has her "100% support". Says it might just be not a good idea of publishing the entire report because........ security issues...... so its like ~problematic to publish~, supposedly didnt attend any of the parties -> says she wasnt invited, which is weird to say considering that makes it sound like that is the only reason you didnt go, went to the Tory emergency meeting without a mask, caught covid because karma workes a lot faster these days. described by Russian Foreign Secretary as "like talking to a deaf person" so like probably a very attentive listener
-Conor Burns Tory MP, presumingly the man aiming a gun at Blowjobs head and forcing him to eat cake, "I have been informed it was not, in fact, cake. I have yet to be informed what it actually was. The meme lied to me, it was not all cake all along. I am currently working on building my world up new from the ground since it was shattered in the smallest of pieces.", probably upset that he has to say it wasnt cake because it was probably him who baked it and he was actually kinda proud of it
-Huw Merriman Tory MP, looks like Rami Malek if he was not quite ugly but supremely mediocre at best, stepped into human poo at the Dover lorry convoy kinda like politics shits on the basic human needs of lorry drivers (truckers).
-Ian Blackford Scottisch politican, who actually looks like he'd be the life of the party, accuses BlowJo of lying, this is a serious accusation since lying in Parliament is kind of a crime, when he was asked if he meant that the PM was mistaken he said "Nah, fucker lied" which he was kicked out for
-Ed Miliband former Labour leader, calls Boris "a stain on our politics" which is funny as hell and also brutal lol
-Unispace Global Ltd company, was paid £600m for PPE by the goverment, has since then not answered the phone the money is just ... gone? There is no PPE. There was no exchange of goods and services. there was only money and ghosting >> according to Nursingnotes.co.uk this money would have been enough to double the salary of every NHS nurse
-Priti Patel Tory MP, daughter of the last good immigrants (her father literally is also a child of immigrants, not to worry tho he joined a rightwing party in England) and she be damned if she doesnt try every fucking thing to prevent others from trying to proof that there are good immigrants after her parents came to the UK, child of immigrants that hates immigrants just as much as your conservative disgusting old uncle that you are willing to ruin christmas for just to argue with him because my god how can you be such a fucking cunt, according to her fashion sense she is trying so hard to become white by proxy, literally wants the military to police the channel and send refugees back to france, the Ministry of Defence told her to get fucked, has to find a replacement for her bias Cressida Dick with the mayor of london, absolutely fuming about this
-Mohammed Amersi Major Tory Donor, proofing that even as an immigrant you can be bigoted against other immigrants, wants his 200K back because "I wasnt invited to all your illegal parties. I cant believe you guys would have illegal parties without me!!"
-Dominic Grieve ex-Tory MP, defends Keir Starmer against the Savile lie, "&when the PM tells a whopping lie that's put out by fascist right-wing websites, that's a disgraceful thing to do"
-Yvette Cooper Labour MP, demands PM correct himself when he said that crime stats have fallen when that is literally not true, Boris doesnt care for it so he doesnt.
-Guto Harri NEW director of communications, fucking sucks, made himself a "joke" by being a cunt in welsh politics and is now ready for the big breakthrough and will begin to clown on the entire UK.
-Year Six Kids Students learning about the British political system, hurt the Tories feelings :( by writing mean letters :((( its about time we stop teaching the children. back when the tories were rich children from rich families they didnt criticise the politicians, they were to busy being rich and enjoying that
-John Major, ex-PM, ex-Tory MP, ex-Tory Party Leader, says that Boris broke the law about the parties, calls for Tory MPs to put country before party and get rid of Blowjob, foolishly I had believed they were always supposed to put the country before the fucking party.
Now to our lost tributes, just imagine the cool pictures int the sky like in the hunger games (resigned or fired, incomplete list):
-Elena Narozanski, advisor to the BJ, Education Policy Specialist, resigns. -Martin Reynolds, principle private secretary to the PM (chad who send out the invitations to not waste the good weather. bring your own booze!!), resigns. -Dan Rosenfield, chief of staff at Number 10, resigns. -Munira Mirza, advisor to the BJ, Head of Policy, PUBLISHED HER RESIGNATION LETTER, resigns. -Jack Doyle, director of communication, quote journalist unquote, used to work for the Daily Mail so yknow journalist for what it is worth, resigns. -Cressida Dick, Commissioner of Police of the Met, resigns
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self-loving-vampire · 2 years
You probably just meant “the BBC platforms genocidal rapists” as Exaggerating for Comedy, but the BBC actually did get in hot water for letting Jimmy Savile get away with child rape.
Oh, I was not exaggerating actually. I was referring to the Lily Cade incident, in which the BBC included commentary from her in an anti-trans article trying to paint trans women as rapists even after someone else they interviewed warned them about the fact that multiple women have accused her of rape (and if I recall Cade even admitted to it).
And then on her website Cade wrote multiple unhinged rants in which she calls for all trans women, including several named individuals, to be lynched. Newsweek has the transcript of one of them if you're morbidly curious but it's as bad as it sounds.
She was the only named source in the BBC article. The other source was a hate group that prominently displayed a quote calling all trans women rapists, said by someone who wrote about the need to "morally mandate transness out of existence".
The TERF response about Lily Cade included a whole lot of replies making this argument, like they were mindlessly copypasted from each other.
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Not only were the rapes in the US, but the use of an archaic and heterosexist definition of rape to claim that cis women are just completely incapable of committing it is just not a good look.
These are people who never want to consider themselves as even having the capacity to harm others, regardless of what actions they actually take. Their essential nature as women (and therefore harmless) has more moral weight to them than any consent violations.
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 8 April 2013, former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher died. Street parties broke out across the UK, particularly in working class areas and in former mining communities which were ravaged by her policies. Her legacy is best remembered for her destruction of the British workers' movement, after the defeat of the miners' strike of 1984-5. This enabled the drastic increase of economic inequality and unemployment in the 1980s. Her government also slashed social housing, helping to create the situation today where it is unavailable for most people, and private property prices are mostly unaffordable for the young. Thatcher also complained that children were "being cheated of a sound start in life" by being taught that "they have an inalienable right to be gay", so she introduced the vicious section 28 law prohibiting teaching of homosexuality as acceptable. Abroad, Thatcher was a powerful advocate for racism, advising the Australian foreign minister to beware of Asians, else his country would "end up like Fiji, where the Indian migrants have taken over". She hosted apartheid South Africa's head of state, while denouncing the ANC as a "typical terrorist organisation". Chilean dictator Pinochet, responsible for the rape, murder and torture of tens of thousands of people, was a close personal friend. Back in the UK, she protected numerous politicians accused of paedophilia including Peter Hayman, Peter Morrison and Cyril Smith. She also lobbied for her friend, serial child abuser Jimmy Savile, to be knighted despite being warned about his behaviour. Thatcher was eventually forced to step down after the defeat of her hated poll tax by a mass non-payment campaign. Our latest T-Shirt of the Month, made by a workers' coop and supporting unions in Asia, commemorates this and the miners' strike. Available this month only: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/collections/t-shirt-of-the-month Pictured: Savile welcoming Thatcher to hell, reportedly. https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/1959966177521856/?type=3
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nicanario · 3 years
this post is a product of its time
tw: discussion of racism, homophobia, misogyny and a short mention of sexual abuse.
ok, this is basically gonna be a very long rambling post about my not fully developed thoughts on the justification many people give to bigotry when talking about the past: "it was a product of its time"
it would be fair to say, with me being a raging SJW socialist scumbag, that I don't think this is a very good argument and is most of the time actually an excuse to not think about the problems inherent to our society, historical or not, and, by extension, the problems with ourselves. but I do think that sometimes, just sometimes, this can be a valid point, or at least one that raises some interesting questions.
I'm going to cite examples from several pieces of media, but fear not, I'll try to make this as accesible as I can.
so, let's take Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS) as our first case study. this show has, correctly, been called progressive by everyone except for clueless people who don't know much about Star Trek's history, Star Trek's crew, Star Trek's cast, or, frankly, Star Trek. because if you ignore the clear, sometimes in-your-face political history and present of the franchise, I don't think you know much about it at all. I do think you can call yourself a fan if you like it, you may have watched every single episode for all I know. but lots of mental gymnastics are needed to ignore the political progressiveness Star Trek has had since its very beginning.
episodes like Let That Be Your Last Battlefield are obviously anti-racist, at least in their intention. but the episode in question really is "a product of its time," and at the very end fails to uphold its ideals. the episode ends with the two aliens (who are LITERALLY. BLACK ON ONE SIDE. AND WHITE ON THE OTHER. BUT IN THE OPPOSITE SIDES.) fighting each other on their devastated planet, and the crew is like, "oh yeah if they both would give up on their hatred that they both share both of them equally" when it has been firmly established that one is the oppressor and the other one is the oppressed.
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and that's a lot of Star Trek, not just TOS. even Discovery, one of the most recent series, has done Bury Your Gays (and Trans) TWICE (though both times literally rectified it, which is cool). there are episodes of the franchise that are overtly racist, or misogynistic, etc. TOS is lauded, mostly justifiably, as very progressive, especially for the standards of the time. they put a woman of colour as one of the senior staff, for fuck's sake. of course, when you analyse that same character, as with most of their intentions at being progressive, you'll see that she was relegated and sometimes even outright mistreated when she had the potential to be much more. but, at that time, it was a lot.
I had a friend (emphasis on "had") who, after I told him about TOS's both progressiveness and constant misogyny, told me something like "imagine feminists trying to complain about a show from the 60s." so, with unearned spite, he was, in some way, trying to make the argument that it was a product of its time.
you could say Star Trek, all of Star Trek, is "a product of its time" in the sense that it's not always perfect. uh, yes, I would agree. but that doesn't mean people have to accept it. well, I mean, the show is kinda over, you have to accept it's that way. but you don't have to accept that it's not wrong just because it was a product of its time.
H. P. Lovecraft, as another example, was a greatly influential writer whose works still shape a lot of people's ideas to this day. I have only ever read like one of his stories, so don't expect me to have an opinion on his works. but I can have an opinion on what I know about him as a person (he did have a life outside his writing, after all). and, yeah, he was a huge asshole. if you want to know more in depth about the subject, please watch Hbomberguy's video on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8u8wZ0WvxI
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but basically, he was incredibly racist & homophobic. some people might even say, "he was a product of his time." well, there are two possible rebuttals to that. the surface level one, and the one that examines why that argument is wrong to the core.
The Surface Level Response to "it was a product of its time": um, no it wasn't. Lovecraft was more racist than a lot of people even in his time. he wasn't just a guy who carried the racist beliefs of his society like everyone else, he was a reactionary who actively thought and discussed how racist he was, and how right he was for being that way. but that's only applicable to Lovecraft. one can't argue the same for Star Trek: TOS, because TOS did try to be more progressive and more anti-racist than the rest of its society. that leads us to the next response.
The Response that Actually Deals with the Fact that No Matter How Progressive You're Trying to Be, Your Failings Can Still be Criticized: the thing is, trying to excuse Lovecraft's or Star Trek's bigotry because they were "products of their times" misses the fact that racism is still wrong, and some people knew that in those times as well. people from these times weren't all naive or stupid or whatever. they had the capacity for rational thinking. they could stop and think, "hey, maybe what we're doing is wrong." and the fact is, some people did. not perfectly, not to our standars, but they did. everyone could have stopped and think. but most of them didn't, and we can criticize them for it. racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. HURT PEOPLE. horribly. massively.
also, even if you agree with the "it's a product of its time" argument, some people aren't criticising people's or work's bigotry: they're explaining why they don't want to experience it.
The Talons of Weng-Chiang is a 1977 Doctor Who serial, and it's one of the show's more racist stories. almost all the villains are Chinese, every single Chinese person is a villain. there's yellowface, slurs, stereotypes, the Doctor speaking nonsense words instead of actual Chinese, and a general belittling of Chinese culture.
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note that I'm neither Chinese nor of Chinese descent. I have been searching for hours for a few posts I've read a while ago (some by people who are of Asian descent) about this episode and I can't find them. sorry.
suffice it to say, even though I love Jago & Litefoot (the audio series and the characters), it's not an acceptable episode at all. but it's also important to remark that, because of it, some people aren't going to want to watch it. sometimes, people aren't saying "the episode shouldn't be this way," which causes others to answer that it was "a product of its time." sometimes, people are just saying, "this is an episode that attacks real people. I don't want to see it. I don't care if it was common in that era to be racist, i don't want to experience it."
however, there is an interesting point to the "it's a product of its time" argument. after all, everything is influenced by its society, for better or worse. and we can't change it anymore. TOS sometimes didn't quite understand the political themes it wanted to explore. Lovecraft was a horrible bigot. Talons was racist towards Chinese folks. and that's that. I don't think we should change the episodes/stories or anything. edit them in any way. that would be, in a sense, changing history. and we wouldn't learn anything from it, about how we can do better.
I think there are two solutions to this:
1. warnings before starting the text: this was done with The Talons of Weng-Chiang. on Britbox, where you can watch Classic Who, this serial has a content warning before the start. that's good.
2. the removal as a whole of the text from some places: I think before applying this one, there should be a lot of thought put into each case. I don't think removing a whole serial of Doctor Who or Lovecraft's stories from anything would be, well, fair. especially on tv episodes a lot more people worked on those, not just the writers and the directors. Lovecraft's writing influenced thousands. we shouldn't erase them or anything. but sometimes, for some cases, we should.
those in the US might seen a Confederate statue being taken down. that is, in a way, a form of removal of a piece of history.
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but that is a good removal. statues glorify. one sees a statue and probably thinks "this was a person worthy of admiration." they should be taken down, maybe even with a permanent mark of why this was done (a plaque that reads "a statue of X was here, but he didn't deserve it because of Y" could be put in place of the statues, for example).
another example is the removal from DVDs of the short episode A Fix with Sontarans, a Sixth Doctor minisode that featured Jimmy Savile, a presenter who was later found out to be sexually abusing children.
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the removal of that minisode is good, actually. it's not a full episode (it's not even Doctor Who). some might say that's "erasing history" but, like, you can still find it online or information about it if you want. this minisode deserves removal from DVDs and Blu-Rays and whatever more than content warnings. it's not an important part of the show and it prominently features a horrible person who did horrible things during that time.
so, after all that, I have explained why I don't like the "it's a product of its time" argument. it is an interesting point that deserves to be examined, but it's not very good.
I have had this in Drafts for so long I've probably forgot some of the points I was going to make, but eh, what can you do? hope you enjoyed reading this.
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If your anons want to see what rich, famous, well-connected men can get away with they should perhaps watch the Jimmy Savile documentary on Netflix. One of the UK's most prolific sex offenders and never charged despite numerous girls/women coming forward. Extreme trigger warning. Its truly gross.
I can't bring myself to watch that one.
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sailor-freak · 4 years
About Marilyn Manson
So I’ve never really listened to Marilyn Manson but I don’t think that matters? He’s a big name in the dark music world so I feel like it’s my place to talk about this more than anyone else who is exposed as a predator and/or an abuser (I have put trigger warnings in the tags so if it does affect you please ignore this as I will be using words regarding him like that). Similar to the accusations against Ashley Purdy I will defend the victims (in this case Evan Rachel Wood), because that’s what you SHOULD do.
Anyone who will defend Marilyn Manson, in the same way as those who defended Ashley Purdy, do not follow me, do not engage with me, do not try and twist this story so your fave comes out on top. Anyone defending him are defending because he’s your favourite musician or whatever, I and everyone supporting Evan Rachel Wood and the other women who have spoken out against Marilyn Manson are supporting because they are telling the truth. People can tell lies, people can make up evidence, but it doesn’t mean EVERYONE is. I would much rather support a victim who turned out to be lying, than support an abuser who actually is. If what they are accusing is fake, I will admit I was wrong to support them. But I doubt they are, because what reason would they have to put themselves through that? I am fortunate to not have had an experience like this, but I know people who have, you know people who have, and when the person in question is such a big, powerful and rich person, people will wait until they are DEAD to open up. Look at Jimmy Savile, everyone knew what he was up to, everyone he abused waited until he couldn’t do anything to speak against him. These women are very strong to open up about it while he is still alive, why should you attack them for it? They’re putting themselves through so much, after already going through hell, I see absolutely no reason why they would do this to themselves. It is not okay to defend him, it is not okay to defend anyone who is accused of this behaviour unless there is a real lack of evidence. Evan Rachel Wood HAS evidence. I see no reason not to believe her or support her.
I said this about Ashley Purdy so I’ll say it here, if you are a victim of sexual misconduct, I will 100% always support you. Again, I’m fortunate to have not experienced it myself, but it is something nobody should have to go through, no matter what gender you are either. The only people who deserve to be condemned are the ones committing these actions.
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jayrantsaboutstuff · 3 years
True crime checklist:
(Check for trigger warnings before watching)
Faking it: Tears of a Crime (4 seasons)
Faking it Specials (including Trump, Chris Watts, Michael Jackson, Jimmy Saville, Harold Shipman etc..)
Making a murderer
Tiger king
The Jinx
See No Evil
Sons of Sam
The Ted Bundy Tapes
Little Boy Blue
I Am A Killer
American Murder: The Family Next Door
Night Stalker
Confession Tapes
Evil Genius
The Devil Next Door
Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez
The Vanishing at Cecil Hotel
Murder to Mercy
Don’t Fuck With Cats
The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
Jeffery Epstein: Filthy Rich
Who Killed Little Gregory?
The Keepers
Trial By Media
Amanda Knox
Abducted in Plain Sight
Unsolved Mysteries
Roll Red Roll
The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez
The Ripper
Strong Island
The Innocence Files
The Pharmacist
Crime Lords
Dirty Money
Murder Mountain
Long Shot
The Alcasser Murders
Killer Ratings
Worlds Most Wanted
The Valhalla Murders
Confession Killer
Murder Among The Mormons
Psychopath with Piers Morgan
Confessions of a Serial Killer with Piers Morgan
White House Farm
Serial Killer with Piers Morgan
Killer Women with Piers Morgan
3096 Days
How to Fix a Drug Scandal
Girls Incarcerated
The Boys Who Killed Jamie Bulger
Natasha Kampusch
Casey Anthony: Her Friends Speak
The Turpin Family: Their Friends Speak
Natalee Holiday: Her Friends Speak
Fear of 13
Audrey and Daisy
The College Admissions Scandal
Mommy Dead and Dearest
Time: The Khalif Bowder Story
Wild Wild Country
The Staircase
Beware The Slenderman
The Central Park Five
Have hundreds more on my watch lists and will add any i recommend to the list and repost.
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