#jia bennett
violetren · 1 year
Aether Chapter 27
This is the official start of my "Give Chance Rights, and also all their stuff back!" 2k23 campaign.
Of fucking course the government would lock away all their assets under the context of "we don't know if they count as a person" but that doesn't mean I'm not furious about it.
I am curious if Focus made the holo projector based on old knowledge, or if she just had one lying around as a remnant of her world/her travels.
Emilia might give her wife shit but she broke the mood perfectly after the "time at a different scale leaves us impossibly lonely" convo. It's nice for Maggie and Chance that they have each other to discuss that feeling with even if its not exactly a one to one comparison, they are the closest each other has got.
Also another instance of Varsha being a sweetheart.
Eurion is a total softie when she wants to be huh? Ordering ahead for Varsha and Maggie because she knows Varsha's metabolism, and because Maggie has been working hard and jumping on board with Jia Li's suggestion of teaching some special dragon meditation techniques the second the topic came up.
If Maggie and Varsha ever do dip a toe into polyamory they'd be far better off with Eurion than Sierra. And Eurion has been through a lot surrounded by all these hot unavailable lesbians, she deserves a little extra love.
I am ecstatic that Chance has jumped aboard Focus's peanut butter obsession train.
Oh that's what Bitch Boy Ragusa needs. Ties to a shady international cabal of criminals. He wasn't annoying enough already. Follow up book where Danny and Ayanda kick his ass into obscurity when? (mostly joking)
Also I fucking called the Unitarium funding Garrett theory! Nomi will be PISSED.
"How the fuck do you miss a whole ass fucking moon?" made me laugh because I can imagine the distress threaded into the annoyance at the levels of incompetency being shown.
I can't believe we got Chance, Stupidhead and Maggie in a room together and we didn't even get to see Chance snark at Stupidhead for how she's been treating Maggie the past couple of days because plot was happening.
Don't get me wrong, it's good plot. It's a fantastically comic-booky superhero plot and exactly the kind of story I expect and want to be happening as a vehicle to carry my messy lesbian romances. I just really want to see Sierra go from grumpy to speechless to defensively furious while Maggie puts her face in her hands and internally debates just teleporting to the other side of the planet instead of peace keeping, after Chance calls her Stupidhead to her face.
Using Emilia's origin story to explain what the potential threat was in a way that makes it clear and yet limits what we know another characters limited knowledge and perspective was a very cool way of going about this section. It expands on what we know of Airheart, it gives us an idea of the potential threat levels, and it just helps unfold more world building all in one go. Just a very clever use available writing resources, I like it.
I was so ready to just start laughing at the idea of later down the line Maggie purposefully trying to arrive to brunch after all the dragons so she doesn't accidentally get thrown into the aether when the assorted dragons roar their way in, and circumstances just never quite letting it work out. Just every other brunch Maggie's got some french toast, or a mimosa half way to her mouth and "Roar"*pop*"dammit"
But then she had some kind of revelation and now I have to balance the fact that I need to be up early to run the shop with my desire to read the next chapter rn immediately.
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Deleted/altered Monsterverse scenes in Godzilla & Kong: The Cinematic Storyboard Art of Richard Bennett
Kong: Skull Island
There's a longer opening sequence, with Marlowe discovering Gunpei's camp instead of them both crashing at around the same time.
Conrad stows away on the expedition instead of being hired as a tracker
Weaver and Conrad meet at a Philadelphia train station (no clue what the context was).
Kong swings around a helicopter while the gunner is still firing and the bullets hit another helicopter, which I think is the closest he's ever come to using a gun.
Packard's group watches Kong fight the Mire Squid instead of Chapman.
Very different take on the Iwi village, with smaller lost ships/planes incorporated into the architecture.
The big one: Conrad flashes back to an encounter with King Ghidorah in Vietnam. The three-headed monster's silhouette is basically just the Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah version, but he has at least five prehensile tails he uses to snatch up soldiers.
Conrad and Weaver are tied to a tree during the napalm plot against Kong. Another character sets them free and they go wild on a few soldiers, with Weaver hitting one on the head with a rock. The Skull Devil emerges in a separate scene.
Kong uses a plane wing as a weapon in the final fight.
The Skull Devil has a grappling tail similar to that of Otachi in Pacific Rim.
The Iwi fight Conrad's group (I think) as the Gray Fox is lowered down a waterfall with a pulley system and something ambushes Kong in the background. This one was especially hard to make any sense of without dialogue.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Jonah spies on Emma and Madison as they drive to Mothra's temple.
The video montage in the Senate hearing is done via hologram. A mushroom cloud is displayed while Serizawa argues with a senator.
Mark bows to a wolf that approaches him in a nice bit of foreshadowing.
Mothra arrives in Boston alongside Godzilla instead of turning up later.
Godzilla vs. Kong
In an alternate opening, the Iwi retell the history between Godzilla and Kong's species using highly-elaborate puppets. There's a horned character loaded with weapons who briefly traps Godzilla in a cage and transforms into a Rodan-like figure. An ancient mecha?
Text mentions that "the Pensacola/Florida Godzilla attack scene was going to be much longer, involving a mall stampede.
A massive explosion takes place on Skull Island (I believe coming from the Vile Vortex there).
Jia is first shown signing with Kong just before the fleet engages Godzilla.
In true kaiju kid fashion, Jia messes with the controls of the ship to set Kong loose.
Nathan discovers his brother's crash site in the Hollow Earth and gets into a fight with several guards. This scene was definitely filmed.
Bernie was at one point a woman (drawn with ultra-short hair, although in general the human characters in these storyboards bear little resemblance to their screen counterparts).
Kong finds a skeleton of another member of his species sitting on the throne. He breaks off the skull, stares at it, and throws it aside.
Group troops engage Godzilla and Kong during their Hong Kong fight; neither even notices.
Mechagodzilla coils into a semi-sphere to deflect Godzilla's atomic breath.
Echoing his fight with Kong, Godzilla tries to outrun Mechagodzilla's Proton Scream through the streets of Hong Kong.
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heavenlyyshecomes · 2 years
misc reads pt. 11
The legend of the music tree, ellen rupell shell, smithsonian magazine
The depths she'll reach: freediving's alenka artnik, xan rice, longlead
Sufi Islam thrives humorous, eloquent and poetic as ever, nile green, aeon
Mars is a hellhole, sharon stirone, the atlantic
Obliterating the natural world, nathan j. robinson, current affairs
What lies beneath, julian sancton, vanityfair
A winelike sea, caroline alexander, lapham's quaterly
The centuries-long quest for the scent of god, john last, noema magazine
Hayao miyazaki and the art of being a woman, gabrielle bellot, the atlantic
The death of the ‘chic’ writer, barry pierce dazed digital
All about eve—and then some, lili anoulik, vanityfair
The archive of a vanishing world, grace linden, noema magazine
In the land of living skies, suzannah showler, harper's magazine
Daydreams and fragments: on how we retrieve images from the past, maël renouard, lithub
The haunted city, azania imtiaz khatri-patel, aeon
Princes of infinite space, kyle paoletta, baffler
Humans are overzealous whale morticians, ben goldfarb, nautilus
immortal by default, jared farmer, lapham's quaterly
Short fic:
Morning, Noon & Night, claire louise-bennett, the white review
Office hours, ling ma, the atlantic
Nights at the hotel splendido, sam munson, granta
shanghai murmur, te-ping chen, the atlantic
The hydraulic emperor, arkady martine, uncanny magazine
Goodnight, melancholy, xia jia, clarkesworld magazine
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wawamouse · 2 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S4E14: Orpheus Descending
Lockdown ends with Redding and Morales agreeing to a truce, but tensions remain; Supreme Allah makes a deal with the Latinos to get Hill to kill Redding, who has disavowed Hill
Redding and (the Colonel guy) bond over ’Nam.
Hughes continues to antagonise the Unit J peeps; Basil finally meets with his wife; Hughes shanks Basil and is placed in Solitary
Sister Pete agrees to help Beecher get in contact with Keller; Beecher meets with his lawyer; Keller tells Beecher to not call
Schillinger meets with Carrie and Jewel; a former pimp inmate (named Curtis Bennett) reveals to Schillinger that Hank pimped Carrie out a couple of times and Cloutier urges Schillinger to be patient while the situation is figured out
Said tells Glynn that Robson hired Tidd to kill him and then sent Jenkins to kill Tidd; Said asks Cloutier to convince Jenkins to confess, but the Aryans threaten Jenkins and force him to commit suicide; Cloutier’s meddling causes Schillinger to pull away
McManus challenge Vahue to 2v2 and gets Glynn’s approval for one exhibition match; McManus is partnered with Dave Bass and Vahue is partnered with Busmalis; Vahue and Busmalis win after Busmalis makes a half court shot
Deyell meets with the donor recipient for his corneas; Deyell leaves to go to the hospital to meet his heart recipient and dies in his escape attempt
Padraig Connolly (Padraic Connelly in the subs?) arrives at Em City; Kirk and Burns attack him
Suzanne visits Ryan again; Suzanne reveals that Cyril is his half-brother
Jia Kenmin gets knocked into a coma by Cyril and McManus once again pushed to have Cyril moved to Connelly Institute
Arif tells Said about seeing O’Reily kill Patrick Keenan; O’Reily asks Gloria to help him and Cyril escape
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Sister: What would you be doing, sitting on your bunk or staring out your window? Me: During a lockdown? Sister: Yeah, look at all them staring out the window. I wouldn’t be standing up for this crap. Me: (inhales whiteclaw)
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Sister: Does he have another pair of legs? Me: His arms. Sister: But that’s incorrect. That’s like saying your dog has a hand. Me: So what do you think? He’s like a secret centaur or something? Sister: Could be.
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Me: Wow, they cuff their legs, too? Sister: Yeah… Very sexual. Me: But they didn’t cuff Miguel’s legs. Sister: Yeah, well that wasn’t sexual. And he’s already sexual. Plus this other guy apparently has all kinds of shanks. Shanking everyone. He probably has a shank in his foot. You don’t know.
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Sister: Well at least with this, she gets one point… (laughing) But she has negative one thousand points right now, so it doesn’t matter.
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Sister: This place is pretty nice… They got their own machine. They even have their own library. Me: yeah, but they’re not allowed to go anywhere. They even have their food brought to them. Sister: Oh yeah, you’d have to worry about the spit in the food. Me: But it’d suck if you hated the people you were stuck with. Sister: That’s okay, I’ll take you with me :) Me: To prison?!
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Sister: I keep thinking that he should be evil.
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Sister: Why… why is this a plot line? Me: This won’t be the last time you have to ask this.
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Sister: Do the show creators think they’re playing some medieval games? Always putting on jousting matches? What’s next, hockey? They gonna put on a swimming match next? (As McManus) It’s be fine! We’ll just do it in the showers.
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Sister: Listen to the balding voice of reason. So embarrassing. It’s like he’s going through a mid-life crisis because he just got stabbed again.
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Sister (a big Greek mythology nerd): That is NOT how it went… Of COURSE they were sentimental… They let him go down to Hades BECAUSE they felt so bad about how sad he was and how his songs kept making everyone else so sad. And then the women all killed him because he was still moping afterward and turned away from them. Like Ovid said Bacchus turned the women who killed him into trees or whatever because he was so mad they killed his bard… Everyone was sad for him. This is fake news. (after the episode) Sister, returning to my room with a giant Greek mythology book: See, the D’Aulaires version says that the muses picked up his body off the isle of Lesbos and held a proper funeral for him because they were so sad. I think Ovid thought that Orpheus should’ve commit suicide to be with Eurydice, but that’s because he always had to tell life lessons in his versions and his whole thing was “you can’t cheat the gods”. (later, while I’m screencapping) Sister: Also, what was even the theme of this episode? I want to figure out a better story they should have used. Me (reading Hill’s opening statement): “Back in the old Greek times there lived a man named Orpheus. Loved his wife, took it easy on the ouzo, played a mean guitar. Upstanding guy. So what did the almighty gods do? They fucked with him. Made his life Hades. Why? 'Cause that's what those in power do to those of us with none.” …So I guess they were trying to do a thing about how those with power fuck the little guy over. I guess they should’ve done the Book of Job or whatever. Orpheus is like the opposite of that… They gave him every chance. Sister: Yeah, they loved that guy. They were so sad. They could done that, uh… That guy they sent out onto the water forever… Odysseus. Or Sisyphus. Me: I’m surprised they DIDN’T use Sisyphus. Sister: Or they could have done Hercules, he got pretty fucked over by everyone. Me: “So, Orpheus wife's strolling along, gets bitten by a snake and dies. Orpheus freaks out and heads down into the Underworld to demand that his lady be returned and some Goddess says: "Okay, on one condition. If you look at her before you get back to Earth, she'll disappear." With, like, ten feet left to go, motherfucker turns around and wifey's sent right back to Hell. Orpheus should've known better; you don't fuck with the Gods.” Sister: Sisyphus would’ve worked better. Me: Yeah, but I think they wanted to use Orpheus because of the love angle. Because it was about loving his family. He lost his wife. Sister: …They weren’t married. That’s like the thing. Some tales said the reason he was so sad was BECAUSE there were going to get married that same day. Me: “Myths are supposed to teach us something, but what's the life lesson in this sad tale of Orpheus? No good deed goes unpunished? Fuck that, ain't no such thing as a good deed. Love conquers all? Never has, never will. Maybe the moral of the story is that those in power are just as fucked up as those who ain't and the worst thing a body can do is give up his or her own power to some buttheads on Mount Olympus 'cause if they're so fuckin' powerful, how'd they let us get away with all this shit in the first place. Answer me that.” …I think maybe there was a misunderstanding about the myth of Orpheus. Like they got some points right, but it's like a wikipedia understanding. Sister: What good deed? Oh, they could’ve done Asteria and Leto, too. Honestly, they could’ve picked any women out of Greek mythology and it would’ve fit better…. Io, got turned into a frickin’ cow just to hide and she was like “can you turn me back?” and they were like “no”. And then Hera kept bothering her, too. Sent a gadfly down just to bother her and chase her around. Just look up “lovers of Zeus” and you’d have a better “fucked over by the gods” story. Typical. They had to frame it around a man. (continues giving Stories It Could've Been & Rambles about Greek gods and myths for another like 15 minutes)
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Me: Honestly…. Why would they think that? He’s never shown any real sign in the show of being insane or having no tether to reality...
Stray Thoughts
McManus states he was in the hospital 10 days
Em City controls:
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Sister Pete indicates that it is February
The TV channel they always watch is WYAT according to the anchor
Hospital sign:
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etaliia · 10 months
i haven't been on here for a few months but wtf happened to my dash.
anyway updated muse list.
anxelin ( descendants, child of my own rapunzel ) aqua ( kh ) arlecchino ( genshin ) kamisato ayaka ( genshin ) bennett ( genshin ) chongyun ( genshin ) claudia auditore ( ac:2, brotherhood and revelations ) elyon escanor / brown ( w.i.t.c.h. ) fréminet ( genshin ) jane darling ( peter pan 2 ) johann ( vnc ) lyney ( genshin ) mika ( genshin ) rashel jordan ( night world ) rosaria ( genshin ) sakura haruno ( naruto ) shion sonozaki ( higurashi ) suigetsu hozuki ( naruto ) tessa gray ( the infernal devices ) thalia grace ( pjo ) yang xiao long ( rwby ) zarina ( pirate fairy ) oc children with @xheartpages hiroyuki, asuka ( hawks and rapunzel ) jia ( shaw and rapunzel ) érasme ( vanitas and rapunzel )
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alienahellsparkle · 4 years
now, let's add some favorite characters from movies and TV series (in fact, I will only show half, since there are too many of them 😁).
p.s.: yeah, I know, that maybe I have weird preferences, so I will understand if any of the some characters surprise you... 😅
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first row, from left to right: Ursula (from De Griezelbus (or The Horror Bus) ), Michael Langdon, Xavier Plympton (from American Horror Story).
second row, from left to right: Richard Ramirez (from American Horror Story), Ryn, Donna (from Siren).
tried row, from left to right: Cami, Levi (from Siren), Rue Bennett (from Euphoria).
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first row, from left to right: Lexi Howard, Jia Bennett (from Euphoria), Zelda and Hilda Spellman (from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina).
second row, from left to right: Salem (from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Catherine Of Aragon, Catherine Parr (from Henry VIII and His Six Wives).
tried row, from left to right: Jane Seymour (from Henry VIII and His Six Wives), Red (from Us), Anna (from Wildling).
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ninfanaiade · 3 years
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I was tagged by @thatidomagirl to share some of the books that I have on my reading list. 
- Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid
- Trick Mirror by Jia Talentino
-  Vulnerable AF by Tarriona Ball
- A Song Below Water by Bethany C. Morrow 
- Threadneedle by Cari Thomas
- A Witch in Time by Constance Sayers 
- Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett 
- Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
- Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
-  Cadáver Exquisito (english title, Tender Is The Flesh) by Agustina Bazterrica
I tag: @herfleur @neshatriumphs @theblackpearlofwakanda @that-green-woman @intheindigo @ladymazzy @ai-yo 
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compneuropapers · 3 years
Interesting Papers for Week 36, 2021
Synaptic plasticity as Bayesian inference. Aitchison, L., Jegminat, J., Menendez, J. A., Pfister, J.-P., Pouget, A., & Latham, P. E. (2021). Nature Neuroscience, 24(4), 565–571.
Reconstructing feedback representations in the ventral visual pathway with a generative adversarial autoencoder. Al-Tahan, H., & Mohsenzadeh, Y. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008775.
Glial amplification of synaptic signals. Beppu, K., Kubo, N., & Matsui, K. (2021). Journal of Physiology, 599(7), 2085–2102.
Increasing the statistical power of animal experiments with historical control data. Bonapersona, V., Hoijtink, H., Sarabdjitsingh, R. A., & Joëls, M. (2021). Nature Neuroscience, 24(4), 470–477.
Assessing criticality in pre-seizure single-neuron activity of human epileptic cortex. Hagemann, A., Wilting, J., Samimizad, B., Mormann, F., & Priesemann, V. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008773.
Learning receptive field properties of complex cells in V1. Lian, Y., Almasi, A., Grayden, D. B., Kameneva, T., Burkitt, A. N., & Meffin, H. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1007957.
Learning compositional sequences with multiple time scales through a hierarchical network of spiking neurons. Maes, A., Barahona, M., & Clopath, C. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008866.
Rational inattention and tonic dopamine. Mikhael, J. G., Lai, L., & Gershman, S. J. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008659.
Force variability is mostly not motor noise: Theoretical implications for motor control. Nagamori, A., Laine, C. M., Loeb, G. E., & Valero-Cuevas, F. J. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008707.
Excitatory-inhibitory tone shapes decision strategies in a hierarchical neural network model of multi-attribute choice. Pettine, W. W., Louie, K., Murray, J. D., & Wang, X.-J. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008791.
Linear-nonlinear cascades capture synaptic dynamics. Rossbroich, J., Trotter, D., Beninger, J., Tóth, K., & Naud, R. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008013.
Rare rewards amplify dopamine responses. Rothenhoefer, K. M., Hong, T., Alikaya, A., & Stauffer, W. R. (2021). Nature Neuroscience, 24(4), 465–469.
Optimal prediction with resource constraints using the information bottleneck. Sachdeva, V., Mora, T., Walczak, A. M., & Palmer, S. E. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008743.
Temporal dynamics of the cerebello‐cortical convergence in ventro‐lateral motor thalamus. Schäfer, C. B., Gao, Z., De Zeeuw, C. I., & Hoebeek, F. E. (2021). Journal of Physiology, 599(7), 2055–2073.
Signal-to-signal neural networks for improved spike estimation from calcium imaging data. Sebastian, J., Sur, M., Murthy, H. A., & Magimai-Doss, M. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1007921.
Survey of spiking in the mouse visual system reveals functional hierarchy. Siegle, J. H., Jia, X., Durand, S., Gale, S., Bennett, C., Graddis, N., … Koch, C. (2021). Nature, 592(7852), 86–92.
Neural modelling of the encoding of fast frequency modulation. Tabas, A., & von Kriegstein, K. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008787.
Addition of new neurons and the emergence of a local neural circuit for precise timing. Tupikov, Y., & Jin, D. Z. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008824.
An elasticity-curvature illusion decouples cutaneous and proprioceptive cues in active exploration of soft objects. Xu, C., Wang, Y., & Gerling, G. J. (2021). PLOS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008848.
Adaptive Memory Distortions Are Predicted by Feature Representations in Parietal Cortex. Zhao, Y., Chanales, A. J. H., & Kuhl, B. A. (2021). Journal of Neuroscience, 41(13), 3014–3024.
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violetren · 1 year
Aether Chapter 26
My "I'm gonna be annoyed at Sierra" senses are tingling.
At least Maggie got a cute peck on the cheek from Varsha first.
I have a mighty need for Maggie to give Chance the nod to get Eurion to punch Stupidhead.
Fucking revenge... I was right. I am annoyed at Sierra.
At this point I could probably write a fucking essay on why it's not just reasonable but healthy and better in just about every fucking way that Maggie chose Varsha over Sierra. It's probably get to like paragraph 8 before it even touched on the fact that Sierra is in a highly unstable trauma induced transitory period of her life and should not be trying to date anyone. Fucking hell. I think at this point I'm closer to thinking of her the way Maggie would think of Garrett (not wanting to be too mean because she's someone Maggie loves, and therefore giving her more credit that she's fucking due).
"She lets me be selfish" is a very interesting way of "she reminds me I have choices and encourages me to do what will be right for me and doesn't try to push me into making decisions that would suit her" but you know what basically everyone who ever puts on a supersuit and means it has this kind of thinking when it comes to letting themselves be happy so I can't even pretend to be surprised, or exasperated over it.
I live in desperate hope that Maggie will be the straw that breaks the camels back and gets Ashley to just fucking talk to Hannah already.
I kinda wonder if Maggie actually needed the heads up about Chance's pronouns. I mean... I guess a big part of Digilife is being someone else, but Chance could put their pronouns there or let slip to Maggie as they got closer online. Idk. Still nice of Ashley to give the heads up even though they're technically already friends since this is kind of a paradigm shit for them.
I'm gonna blame this on playing Synth Riders with some suprise custom songs earlier this evening, but probable hologram Change was just spotted talking to Fractal and a little gremlin voice went "oh Hatsune Miku style" followed by another thought slipping in like a wizened elder gremlin smacking the other with a stick to go "Like the Voyager EMH you heathen." Wild experience since both are pretty well valid comparisons but the important part is actually CHANCE CAN VISUALLY MANIFEST INDEPENDENTLY OF NAOMI AND TALK WITHOUT EVERYONE FEELING LIKE THEY ARE ON A PHONE CALL!
I love this for them.
It is of great comfort to me that Jia Li is consistently a flirty shit stirrer and genuinely hilarious that Eurion stands there grumping over the fact that Jia Li gets away with it when she doesn't.
There is so much good banter (and general dialogue and a decent bit of description) here that is doing a fantastic job of drawing relationship lines, (re)establishing character personalities, and showing how these people fit in a space that I cannot possibly gush over all of it and get to bed in time to be up for work in the morning. But I did want to say it was all awesome and I was delighted to finally see Maggie meet not just Chance, but Naomi, Anika, Jia Li, and Emilia. And she even managed to be so distracted as to not immediately have a gay meltdown over Emilia! Good on her!
Maggie is about to have a VERY full schedule, but she's going to have EXCELLENT company. Also the potential variety of "hot for teacher" jokes that I might get to make (if in world characters don't make them first) as she trains with Varsha is great.
It's very secondary to wanting to see Maggie become a competent ass kicker and kiss Varsha some more, but I think it would be cool af to see Hannah stop by for some of these training sessions and just be cool with Chance and Naomi (both much more open and out about their trans/nontraditional gender status) and just blow that "what if she isn't accepting" fear of Ashley's right out of the water in text.
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god-of-queefs · 3 years
As It Was (TVD/Twilight) Ch - 1
The world went quiet when Jia (JEE-YA) Kwan was born, or at least that's how it seemed to her father Jin (CHEEN). She had a little tuft of black hair on her head, and later after she opened her eyes he discovered that he had her mother's earthly green eyes. Sadly he couldn't celebrate her birth for very long. Her body had been weak after the birth, much too weak. So a week after Jia was born, her mother Madison passed away in her sleep. 
Jia Kwan spent the first 17 years of her life in her hometown of Mystic Falls, right by her best friend Bonnie Bennett's side. The two girls were like two peas in a pod, and they did everything together. It's not like Jia hated Caroline or Elena, Bonnie's other two friends, but she just never clicked with them. 
Bonnie and Jia only got closer when she had to move in with Bonnie's family after her father got into a fatal collision with another car on his way home from work one evening. The girls had been 13 at the time.
This brings us to the present: Bonnie and Jia are on their way to pick up Elena Gilbert for the first day of their junior year of high school. Jia and Elena didn't exactly get closer over the summer, even when both of Elena's parents died, but she was very sympathetic to the other girl. 
"Bonnie, she'll be fine. We don't want to overwhelm her when we pick her up, who knows how many people have been treating her like a glass doll ever since that night. When she gets in the car we'll treat her how we treated her before the accident." Jia instructed, knowing how awful the pity people treated you with after your parent/s died could truly be.
On their way to school after picking Elena up they almost crashed, which caused both Elena and Jia to seize up a little before they forced themselves to be okay. Jia walked into school first, not wanting to be late to AP English on her first day. 
During lunch she ate alone, preferring to do so. It would always quickly get unbearable to eat with Bonnie and her friends, mostly since Bonnie was averagely popular and friends with two very popular girls. Bonnie's whole section was always packed with girls (and guys) who Jia described as tedious and vapid attention-seekers. 
Despite being the closest friend either girl had, the two were complete polar opposites (and not just in personality). Bonnie is a five-foot-two black girl with long wavy hair, which is such a dark brown that it is nearly black, and earthy brown eyes. Jia on the other hand is a five-foot-six Chinese girl with naturally black straight hair (which she dyed green a week prior to the first day, and had gotten cut into a bob with straight bangs), pale skin with a rosy tint around the apples of her cheeks and the tips of her fingers, and moss-green eyes. 
Bonnie's personality is also much more . . . Palatable than Jia's. Bonnie is self-sacrificing, kind, empathetic, extremely compassionate, and friendly girl. Jia herself though . . . well she is kind (to Bonnie), more sympathetic rather than empathetic, rarely compassionate, and mostly self serving. 
Their fathers had also been childhood friends as well, which does help explain how Jia and Bonnie had become friends in the first place. 
The first day was entirely unremarkable, save for the new boy at school, though Jia was entirely uninterested in him. There was just something about him that screamed 'danger,' which made her very uncomfortable. She didn't know what it was about this 'Stefan Salvatore' (as she would later find out he was named) that she did not trust.
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fillourstands · 7 years
Throwin Down Episode 4
Topic:  Rookies
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ohmykazuha · 3 years
To Jia,
Hello love~ have you been well? I've heard of your feats all the way to Mondstadt! You surely are a popular fellow, aren't you..?
Somebody hasn't been responding to my letters this past few months, When are you coming to visit? Even Bennett has started to wonder where my partner in crime went.
..truly, will you come visit once again? I'll even save some drinks for your arrival! I'm not the only one who's missed your presence after all. Ehem, I can only hope that you'll receive this letter in good health. Shall we meet again.
ー With love, Kaeya Alberich
hi kaeya!
hehe, yes i am XD i'm sorry for not responding to your letters!!! i'll come visit in two weeks. tell benny i miss him too! you can save the wine for when i visit! :D wait, but i can't drink wine... soda will have to do. i'll have whatever diluc's having, then. see ya later!
p.s. i won't be able to see you for a while... i may have made a contract. i'll be off the grid for a week!
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jnmegan · 4 years
September 2020 List of Read-A-Likes
Notes from the GPL BiblioFile: Read-A-Likes List for 9/20
Anthology/Short Stories
               George Saunders
                               What We Talk About When We Talk About Love – Raymond Carver
                               The Largesse of the Sea Maiden – Denis Johnson
               Carmen Maria Machado
                               The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror – Mallory Ortberg
                               Awayland – Ramona Ausubel
               Jane Austen
                               Death Comes to Pemberley - P.D. James
                               The Jane Austen Society - Natalie Jenner
               John Steinbeck  
                               Angle of Repose – Wallace Stegner
                               The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time – Mark Haddon            
               Vladimir Nabokov
                               Being Lolita: A Memoir – Alisson Wood
                               My Dark Vanessa – Kate Elizabeth Russell
               Alice Walker
                               Americanah - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
                               The Nickel Boys – Colson Whitehead
               David Sedaris
                               Wow, No Thank You – Samantha Irby
                               Running with Scissors – Augusten Burroughs
               Zadie Smith
                               Bad Feminist – Roxanne Gay
                               Trick Mirror – Jia Tolentino
               George R. R. Martin –
                               The Blade Itself – Joe Abercrombie
                               Fool’s Assassin – Robin Hobb
               Diana Galbadon-
                               The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
                               The Midnight Library – Matt Haig
Graphic Novel
               Neil Gaiman
                               Y: The Last Man – Brian K. Vaughan
                               Nimona – Noelle Stevenson
               Marjane Satrapi
                               Habibi – Craig Thompson
                               My Favorite Thing is Monsters – Emil Ferris
Historical Fiction
               Colson Whitehead
                               Homegoing – Yaa Gyasi
                               Pachinko – Min Jin Lee
               Madeline Miller
                               The Water Dancer – Ta-Nehisi Coates
                               Once Upon a River – Diane Setterfield
               Stephen King
                               Imaginary Friend – Stephen Chbosky
                               Full Throttle – Joe Hill
               Anne Rice
                               A Discovery of Witches – Deborah Harkness
                               The Twisted Ones – T. Kingfisher
 Literary Fiction
               Gabriel Garcia-Marquez
                               The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami
                               Migrations – Charlotte McConaghy
               Margaret Atwood
                               Vox – Christina Dalcher
                               Never Let Me Go – Kazuo Ishiguro
               Fredrik Backman
                               The Rosie Project – Graeme Simsion
                               The Vanishing Half – Brit Bennett
               Ann Patchett
                               Such a Fun Age – Kiley Reid
                               This Tender Land – William Kent Krueger
               Arthur Conan Doyle
                               IQ – Joe Ide
                               Moriarty – Anthony Horowitz
               James Patterson
                               The Whisper Man -   Alex North
                               Bluebird , Bluebird – Attica Locke
               Agatha Christie
                        The 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle – Stuart Turton
                        The Monogram Murders – Sophie Hannah
               Louise Penny
                        Case Histories – Kate Atkinson
                        In the Woods – Tana French
               Lee Child
                        Runner – Patrick Lee
                        TripTych – Karin Slaughter
               Nicholas Sparks
                               A Perfect Day – Richard Paul Evans
                               Waiting in the Wings – Melissa Brayden
               JoJo Moyes
                               Eleanor & Park – Rainbow Rowell
                               Sex and Vanity – Kevin Kwan
Science Fiction
               Orson Scott Card
                               Ready Player One/Ready Player Two – Ernest Cline
                               Interference – Brad Parks
               Octavia E. Butler
                               The Space Between Worlds – Micaiah Johnson
                               The Warehouse – Rob Hart
               Dan Brown
                               The Rome Prophecy – Sam Christer
                               The Order – Daniel Silva
               Lisa Unger
                               The Wife Between Us – Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
                               The Silent Patient – Alex Michaelides
               Louis L’Amour
                               Between Hell and Texas – Ralph Cotton
                               Crossing Purgatory - Gary Schanbacher
               Hayley Stone
                               The Sisters Brothers – Patrick deWitt
                               The Six Gun Tarot – R.S. Belcher
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leap-loves · 4 years
Leap’s Selfship Masterlist!
I’ll try to keep this up to date!
Romantic F/O’s (I wanna date them):
- TFP and Knightverse Bumblebee x Dawn [ Float Like A Butterfly ]
- Nightwing / Dick Grayson x Indi / Gloria [ Sunshine in the Shadows ]
- DBZ(A) Android 16 x Raine [ Fly Away with Me ]
- Pokemon SW/SH Raihan x Chantae x Leon [ My Greatest Challenges ]
- BNHA Taishiro Toyomitsu / Fatgum x Mai Kanemoto / Monarch [ MaiTai ]
- BNHA Keigo Takami / Hawks x Asuka Hoshino [ Winging It ]
- Obey Me! Beelzebub x Faith Holmes  [ Devils Food Cake ]
- Bungou Stray Dogs Doppo Kunikida x Christina Andersen [ Written in the Waves ]
- Bungou Stray Dogs Chuuya Nakahara x Sachiko Yoshihara  [ Red and White ]
- Genshin Impact Childe x Jade [ Soak and Shock ]
- Genshin Impact Albedo x Calla [ Opposites Attract ]
- Genshin Impact Scaramouche / Wanderer x Ava [ Third Times the Charm ]
- Genshin Impact Tighnari x Shiko x Cyno [ From Land to Sky ]
- Genshin Impact Jean x Jia [ For You, Always ]
- Genshin Impact Baizhu x Yuming [ YuZhu ]
- That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Soei x Meira [ Strings of Fate ]
- That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Carrion x Elaine [ Deer to Me ]
Platonic F/O’s (I wanna hang out with them):
- TFA and TFP Ratchet + Dawn [ I Needed That ]
- Red Hood / Jason Todd + Indi / Gloria [ Light in the Dark ]
- Red Robin / Tim Drake + Indi / Gloria [ Vigilantes Run On Caffeine ]
- Robin / Damian Wayne + Indi / Gloria [ Tiny But Mighty ]
- DBZ(A) Vegeta + Raine [ Monkey Say Dragon Do ]
- Pokemon SW/SH Hop + Chantae [ We Could Be Legends ]
- BNHA Eijirou Kirishima / Red Riot + Mai Kanemoto / Monarch [ Hardwing ]
- BNHA Tamaki Amajiki / Suneater + Mai Kanemoto / Monarch [ Fly With Confidence ]
- Obey Me! Lucifer + Faith Holmes [ Double Blue ]
- Obey Me! Mammon + Faith Holmes [ Golden Glow ]
- Obey Me! Leviathan + Faith Holmes  [ Game Night ]
- Obey Me! Satan + Faith Holmes [ Hell Hath No Fury ]
- Obey Me! Asmodeus + Faith Holmes [ Beauty with a Hoodie ]
- Obey Me! Belphegor + Faith Holmes [ Nap Time ]
- Obey Me! Luke + Faith Holmes [ Sweet As Sugar ]
- Obey Me! Solomon + Faith Holmes [ The Sorcerer and His Apprentice ]
- Bungou Stray Dogs Osamu Dazai + Christina Andersen [ Calm as the Sea ]
- Genshin Impact Venti + Calla [ Easy Breezy ]
- Genshin Impact Bennett + Calla [ Heal by Fire ]
- TMNT Turtles + Renne [ Turtle Time ]
- Cyborg 009 00 Cyborgs + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Alpha-Numeric ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 001 / Ivan Whisky + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Just A Baby ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 002 / Jet Link + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Gotta Go Fast ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 003 / François Arnoule + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ ??? ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 004 / Albert Heinrich + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Swiss Army Cyborg ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 005 / G. Jr. + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Team Yeet ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 006 / Chang Changku + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Fre Sha Vocado ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 007 / Great Britain + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Why Mom Doesn't Fucking Love You ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 008 / Pyunma + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ Sand Guardian ]
- Cyborg 009 Cyborg 009 / Joe Shimamura + Ashley Sanders / Cyborg A [ ?? ]
Other Links
Self Ship Content Masterlist
Ask Game Masterlist
Also I'm perfectly fine with sharing f/o's!
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perfectday1972 · 5 years
2020 reading list
hello lovelies! my goal is to read 52 books next year, written by authors that are women/poc/lgbt+. i would love some input for books to read, so if you have any recommendations, please send me an ask! here are the books i have on my list so far:
white teeth - zadie smith
the house of mirth - edith wharton
if beale street could talk - james baldwin
slouching towards bethlehem - joan didion
norwegian wood -  haruki murakami
the awakening - kate chopin
mrs. dalloway - virginia woolf
the brief wondrous life of oscar wao - junot díaz
exit west - mohsin hamid
americanah - chimamanda ngozi adichie
to the lighthouse - virginia woolf
the wind-up bird chronicle - haruki murakami
never let me go - kazuo ishiguro
pride and prejudice - jane austen
little women - louisa may alcott
jane eyre - charlotte bronte 
the handmaid’s tale - margaret atwood 
wuthering heights - emily bronte 
one hundred years of solitude - gabriel garcí­a márquez 
beloved - toni morrison
one day we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter: essays - scaachi koul
the feminine mystique - betty friedan
bad feminist - roxanne gay 
trying to float: coming of age in the chelsea hotel - nicolaia rips
what is not yours is not yours - helen oyeyemi 
boy, snow, bird - helen oyeyemi
on beauty - zadie smith 
her body and other parties - carmen maria machado
the paper menagerie - ken liu
homegoing - yaa gyasi
the mothers - brit bennett 
little weirds - jenny slate
the sympathizer - viet thanh nguyen 
between the world and me - ta-nehisi coates
the farm - joanne ramos 
long live the tribe of fatherless girls - t kira madden
good talk - mira jacob
women talking - miriam toews
the new me - halle butler
the affairs of the falcóns - melissa rivero
gingerbread - helen oyeyemi
queenie - candice carty-williams
normal people - sally rooney 
trick mirror: reflections on self-delusion - jia tolentino
severence - ling ma
with the fire on high - elizabeth acevedo
frankly in love - david yoon
emergency contact - mary h.k. choi
the library of lost things - laura taylor namey 
the remains of the day - kazuo ishiguro
barracoon: the story of the last “black cargo” - zora neale hurston
heart berries - terese marie mailhot
if they come for us - fatimah asghar
the poet x - elizabeth acevedo
the girls - emma cline
the fire next time - james baldwin
the female persuasion: a novel - meg wolitzer
circe - madeline miller
when katie met cassidy - camille perri
laura & emma - kate greathead
the great believers - rebecca makkai
so far so good - ursula k. le guin
play as it lays - joan didion
manhattan beach - jennifer egan
modern lovers - emma straub
if not, winter: fragments of sappho - sappho
i might regret this: essays, drawings, vulnerabilities, and other stuff - abbi jacobson 
paperback crush: the totally radical history of ‘80′s and ‘90s teen fiction - gabrielle moss
conversations with friends - sally rooney 
julie the maniac: a novel - juliet escoria 
brazen: rebel ladies who rocked the world - pénélope bagieu
choose your own disaster - dana schwartz
passing - nella larsen
awayland: stories - ramona ausubel
wide sargasso sea - jean rhys
if, then: a novel - kate hope day 
the mandarins - simone de beauvoir 
the dreamers: a novel - karen thompson walker
pulp - robin talley 
the care and feeding of ravenously hungry girls - anissa gray 
the murmur of bees - sofía segovia
blue nights - joan didion
autobiography of red - anne carson
swing time - zadie smith 
the source of self-regard: selected essays, speeches, and meditations- toni morrison
i’ll give you the sun - jandy nelson
the ninth hour - alice mcdermott
girls burn brighter: a novel - shobha rao
red at the bone - jacqueline woodson
costalegre - courtney maum
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lindsaysheltongross · 5 years
Year in Books 2019: The Halfway Point
I used to challenge myself to read 50 books a year, and for a few years I pulled it off! And then Netflix happened.
(Sidenote: apparently, I forgot to post my 2018 End Of Year list? Oops.)
From the archives:
2018 Halfway Point
Year in Books 2017
2016 Halfway Point; 2015 Halfway Point
Year in Books: 2016
Year In Books: 2015
Year In Books: 2014
So far in ‘19, the most interesting thing I have noticed is that I apparently no longer read anything written by men.
Trick Mirror - Jia Tolentino
God Land: A Story of Faith, Loss, and Renewal in Middle America - Lyz Lenz
Normal People - Sally Rooney
What it Means When A Man Falls From the Sky - Lesley Nneka Arimah
How to Do Nothing : Resisting the Attention Economy - Jenny Odell
Ghost Wall - Sarah Moss 
The Apology - Eve Ensler
Magic for Beginners - Kelly Link
Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace - Jessica Bennett
All We Can Do Is Wait- Richard Lawson
The Great Believers - Rebecca Makai
How Could She - Lauren Mechling 
Teeth - Mary Otto
The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai
Red, White and Blue: A Novel - Lea Carpenter
All the Ugly and Wonderful Things - Bryn Greenwood
The Witch Elm - Tana French
Feminasty- Erin Gibson
Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewell
What If This Were Enough - Heather Havrilesky
Circe - Madeline Miller
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