#jet's driver review page on criminal underworld yelp
wait this is entirely obvious in hindsight but I just realized and have never fully appreciated that jet ‘bike safety is important’ sikuliaq must keep various helmets of various sizes in his sidecar if he has to shuffle through them to find one for juno
also how big is that sidecar? did jet have to clear it out before pickup in soul of the people? had to chuck out the other spare helmets except the ones that would fit juno and rita along with fuck knows what else he keeps in there (too many tea thermoses and explosive fixins and Buddy’s weapons) but they’re still squished in with the tool kit and the first aid kit and the desert survival kit? and despite how thoroughly he went at it before leaving he still managed to end up with three blasters two grenades and five knives that weren’t the ones he packed for himself? only half of which he can identify as buddy’s or vespa’s?
and how often was he giving people who weren’t Buddy a lift to require all those helmets in Time Gone By?? does he have a side gig as the go-to Cerberus Province uber driver?
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