#jessie kresa
wweallresultspage · 2 years
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ODB Wants More Women’s Wrestlers To Write Autobiographies
wants more women’s wrestlers to write and share their stories.
Former Knockouts Champion ODB recently released her first autobiography, with more than 300 pages on the story of “a different type of woman wrestler,” per the book description. Combining her real name and ring name, the former Knockout filled the pages of Jessie Kresa is… ODB: One Dirty B!tch! with stories from her WWE tryout, OVW days, transition to TNA, and more.
Kresa recently spoke with the Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling podcast about how her book actually came to fruition.
“I wrote this actually during the sh*t show we all had in 2020,” ODB revealed. “I always wanted to write a book and I was never really scared to write it, I just wanted to really just start from the beginning of my life and my story, and obviously through wrestling and then through what I’m doing now. So I reached out to Mick Foley, obviously a number one seller, and he actually came to the food truck.”
“I was in St. Augustine, Florida and I just asked him, I was like, ‘How do I get started on writing a book?’ And he reached out to one of his publishers, Kenny Casanova, and he’s like, ‘You do me a favor. Can you help Jess ODB out in writing her story?’ And Kenny said, ‘Hell yeah, let’s go’. So I worked with Kenny and it was fun. It took about a year and a half or so to get it all finished up. I’m happy with it. It was really fun to actually look back and talk about stuff, and then I kind of forgot half the sh*t I did.” [laughs]
ODB continued on to express her hope for more women in wrestling to write autobiographies. She also noted she became the first TNA Knockout to write one too. “I want a lot of the woman wrestlers too to read this and also because I want more woman wrestlers to write books,” she said. “I’m the very first TNA Knockout to write a book, and it’s a fun read.”
“I love my time in wrestling and just it’s just fun to see, especially the era I was in. I was at a good era, we had fun on the Indies. We all paid our dues. [We] had our fun car rides or traveling was awesome. And then from the OVW days and then to finally making it and then still having a good time in our locker room. The friendships I made in this business are frickin awesome. So I talk [and] I namedrop a lot. So it’s cool. I think it’s fun for a fan to read it if they’re going to hear stories that they’ve never heard before. Oh, and they’re good stories.”
Besides introducing ODB to his publisher, WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley wrote the foreword for the book as well. WWE Legend Al Snow wrote the guest passage, featured on the back cover.
The Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling Podcast
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riberajacket · 7 years
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Got To Go My Own Way part 1
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word count 1,038
@xpartywithmotorcitymachineguns @ohnoitsthebat @prettyinpayne @caite-chan16 @queenofsprongstyle @moreasoldier
Chapter One: Introduction
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Impact Zone,
Universal Studios
Orlando Florida
“I slept with Chris.”
Those four simple words sent Ajay Harters  perfect little world crumbling around her. “What?” She stammered her hand going to her chest to try and slow down her rapidly beating heart.
“You heard me.” Velvet Sky smirked her hands going to her hips.
“I don’t believe you.” She didn’t want to believe it, she couldn’t believe it, this couldn’t have happened again.
Traci Brooks and Jessie Kresa exchanged a look of disbelief, they were the only other two other than Lacie Roode and AJ Styles that knew all about Ajay’s past with her ex-husband Bobby. They knew what Sabin cheating on her could do to the smaller woman.
“Don’t tell lies Toots.” Jessie warned throwing a glare at the bigger blonde who rolled her eyes.
“I’m not telling lies, it’s the whole truth.” Velvet said, “and from what I gathered I am not the only one that he has fucked behind her back.”
“What are you talking about?” Ajay asked as Traci moved behind her rubbing her elbow in some sort of comfort all while tossing a glare at Velvet.
“Oh honey, you didn’t know?” She asked clapping her hands in front of her chest mockingly at the tiny woman. “You thought he was going to be faithful to you.” Velvet let out a laugh that sent more shivers down the already shivering Ajay’s back. “Why would he want to fuck you? When he had the chance to be with me?”
A scream escaped Ajay’s mouth as she darted forward and tackled the silicone filled beauty onto the clothes covered floor. “Bitch!” She screamed landing blow after blow onto her body. Velvet let several high pitch squeals while trying to buck the younger woman off of her.
But it was to no avail, Ashton was just too strong for her. Out of frustration, she reached her hand up and pulled on her rivals hair hard. Ajay let out a low hiss before she slapped her across the face.
“Oh shit.” Jessica laughed hearing the echo go throughout the rear empty locker room.
“Shouldn’t we stop this?” Traci asked, normally she was all for Ajay beating the hell out of Velvet but the beautiful person was her friend too and knew there was another way to go about this. And physical violence wasn’t the answer.
It never was the answer even if it would make Ajay feel better for a while.
Jess looked at the two brawling women and sighed. “Alright, alright. I’ll stop this but I am not stopping her from killing Harter when she sees him.” Traci nodded her head in agreement, that was fair.
“Come on babe. That’s enough.” Jess said going over and hauling the failing woman off of her nemesis.
“Let me go Jess.” Ajay panted, “I’m fine.”
“No you aren’t.” She said keeping her grip tight on her friend. She backed herself up enough to where she was able to push her back against the door to open it. Ajay started wiggling around to get free, she didn’t need the rest of the roster knowing her business.
But luck wasn’t on her side. Her older brother and his friends had just shown up for the show that night.
“Ajay? What happened?” Jay Reso asked quickly climbing the short flight of stairs and over to his sister and friend.
“Nothing I’m fine.” She said pushing Jess’s hands off of her body fully.
“Don’t look fine.” Bubba Ray said folding his beefy arms over his chest his shaded eyes on his young protégé.
“Sabin cheated on her with Velvet.” The ODB informed folding her arms under her chest, she knew that Ajay would never fess up to it so it was up to her to inform her brother and his friends with what had happened.  “And she beat the hell out of her.”
“He did what?” Jay asked putting his hands on his sister’s shoulders, his blue eyes going from her to the woman standing behind her. He would talk to her about the fight later right now making sure she was okay was more important than anything.
Ajay nodded her head, her eyes going to her feet. Jay pulled her into his chest hugging her tightly. “Come on bug, let’s go.” He muttered nodding his head at Jess who nodded back. She almost pitied Sabin when the merry band of protectors caught sight of him or even when Daniels and AJ found out about it.  It was going to be ugly.
ODB watched the older men rally around the small blonde leading her into the veterans locker room before she stepped into the Knockout’s locker room and looked at Velvet. “I hope that was worth it.”
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Chris Sabin shook his head laughter rolling through his body, he had just arrived at the Impact Zone for the taping that night with his tag team partner and his girlfriend. Lacie Roode shook her head in amusement as she pulled her vibrating phone out of her pocket. The laughter slid off of her face as she turned to look at Josh.
“What?”he asked.
“You cheated on Ajay?” She questioned her voice shrilling with each word.
“Um.” He coughed nervously.
“You didn’t.” Alex Shelley piped up shaking his head. Chris looked down ashamed. He knew that he had the best girl and it still never stopped him from going out and cheating. After the first time it happened, he found it easier and easier to do it. Ajay would being doing her own thing or with Alex and Lacie and he would just go do it. .
Lacie shook her head in disgust before she turned on her heel and went to check on her longtime friend.
Chris turned to look at his tag team partner who bent down to pick up his girlfriends dropped bags. “You are on your own.” Chris stared after his friend almost helpless, he never wanted Ajay to find out and that she did there was no way around it. He was screwed.
And there was nothing he could do about it.. Expect face his fate and talk to Ajay. And hoped that he didn’t lose his wife and son in all instant.
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velvetskysohigh · 10 years
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conchairto · 12 years
Katie Lea & ODB backstage (by ChaoticRipper)
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thedailyknockout · 11 years
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New ODB (@TheODBBAM) Photo Shoot: New Knockouts Champ
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thedailyknockout · 11 years
AW! Look who it is... its the STD sisters! Bah!
ODB to The Beautiful People Impact Wrestling
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thedailyknockout · 12 years
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