#japan visa examined and passed
myconsultantcanda · 9 months
How Do International Students Decide Where to Study?
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Here’s why Canada is one of the most sought-after study destinations.
The turn of the twenty-first century saw the old boundaries of the world shrink considerably, and they continue to do so with each passing day. Technology was a crucial factor in this, since it has helped people see a broader picture of the world that exists beyond the confines of their familiar traditions and homes. Now, more than ever, young people are ready to make the bold decision to leave their country and culture behind in the hope of a cosmopolitan life.
Over the past few years, there has been a record rise in the number of students applying to study abroad. According to UNESCO, the number of international students abroad increased roughly 12% each year since 2000. This article will examine some current trends in international education and student recruitment. The results and opinions contained herein are based on an online survey conducted to determine the factors that impact a person’s choice when contemplating foreign study. The survey asked students for the top five reasons why they chose to study abroad and their motivations for studying in a given country.
Source Countries
According to the Canadian Bureau for International Education, the main source countries for international students are China, India, South Korea, France, the US, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Japan, and Brazil. The US and UK remain popular destinations, but students are now increasingly opting for Canada, Australia, and EU countries as well. In fact, in 2017 the US saw a 7% decline in international student enrolment, largely owing to its cumbersome and complicated visa application process and turbulent social and political environment, which can be highly detrimental to the student recruitment process.
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afukuokacityfreeschool · 10 months
Fukuoka City Free School
Fukuoka City Free School is a school that does not charge tuition for elementary and junior high students. However, students must pay fees for school lunches, supplies and some school trips. Students who have financial difficulties paying these fees may apply for assistance. Details can be obtained from the schools or the School Enrollment & Finance Subsection (Gakuji-gakari) of the Educational Support Section (Kyoiku Shien-ka), Fukuoka City Board of Education. Check their site to know more details 福岡市フリースクール.
Located along the shores of Hakata Bay, Fukuoka has been an international port city since ancient times. This historic city continues to draw visitors from around the world, especially since Japan reintroduced visa-free entry for foreign tourists in October 2018. Visitors are drawn by Fukuoka’s renowned cuisine, casual atmosphere and arts scenes.
One of the city’s many cultural assets is the Fukuoka Museum, which combines classical Japanese architecture with modern art and is also registered as a Tangible Cultural Property of Fukuoka Prefecture. Another must-see attraction is the Hakata Port Tower, a symbol of the city that offers beautiful views over the sea and a modern shopping and dining complex below.
The city is a leading center of Japanese music, with an abundance of venues and talented artists. Notable musical names include renowned singer-songwriter Ayumi Hamasaki, the popular duo Chage & Aska and Morning Musume 6th generation member Reina Tanaka. In addition, Dominican singer and songwriter Juan Luis Guerra paid tribute to the city with his bachata song Bachata en Fukuoka.
Fukuoka is home to a number of universities and colleges that offer courses in the liberal arts, sciences and technical subjects as well as business and economics. In addition, Fukuoka City runs an extensive program of educational and cultural events for citizens and visitors from abroad.
There are also several private schools in the city that cater to students with special needs or those who do not pass the entrance examination for public schools. These schools are operated by the city and not by the prefecture. The city also offers after school care for children of elementary school age whose parents are away during the day. These clubs provide a safe environment where students can study and play.
As a major gateway to Asia, Fukuoka is a hub for international exchange with China and Korea. The city encourages citizen-led exchange through partnerships with local exchange associations and other organizations. In addition, the city supports overseas students with scholarships and offers consultations on human rights and resident status procedures for foreigners living in Fukuoka. The city also hosts an event for new international students every autumn. This is a great opportunity to meet other international residents and learn about the city’s culture and history.
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hotelreviews9 · 2 years
10 Countries With Long Visitor Visas for Travelers
Every country in the world has different guidelines about how long visitor visas can be. There are a couple of complaints where slow travel is easier than others.
A couple of countries are serious. China will require a Explore the world's best hostels point by guide bit by bit timetable of your trip toward stay for north of 30 days. To visit Turkmenistan Explore the world's best inns you really want to seek after a supported visit and book every one of your lodgings somewhat early. In Russia, you really want to go through a marvelous application process.
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Then again, various countries make it incomprehensibly easy to visit. You can enter as a traveler with very little limits, and stay for quite a while on extended visitor visas. This permits you a chance to take as much time as is required, travel bit by bit and genuinely participate in your goal. The going with overview incorporates a couple of great countries where getting a visitor visa is by and large smooth and you'll have the choice to stay for a liberal proportion of time.
Compassionately note: The visas I am examining in this post are traveler visas, NOT Working Holiday Visas. A visitor visa is an excellent travel report that you need to need to enter a distant nation (despite your recognizable proof, clearly.)
Assuming you want to find out where you can work abroad, sympathetically see our assistant: Which Countries Offer Working Holiday Visas?
long visitor visas in Georgia
Expecting you follow this blog, you could see that I continue forever a LOT about Georgia. I love this somewhat dull Caucasus country for a lot of reasons: the stunning snow-covered mountains, the delightful great meat dumplings, the deteriorating houses with their rich shades, the powerful craftsmanship and culture scene… But another inspiration to treasure Georgia is its unbelievably welcoming long visitor visas.
Right when you enter Georgia as a voyager, you can stay for up to a YEAR. Right, you read that right. You can circumvent this faultless country for quite a while, eating khinkali, washing in regular springs and drinking qvevri wine on rooftop decks. The Georgians have a saying that a guest is a "gift from god" - so perhaps that is the explanation they generously give their guests such a great deal of opportunity to celebrate the good life.
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
Here is the overview of 94 countries whose occupants are equipped for this long visitor visa, including all EU states, USA, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
long visitor visas for Malaysia
Lee and I ended up in Malaysia pretty for arbitrary reasons. We expected to book a ceaseless excursion out of Thailand, and passes to Kuala Lumpur ended up being the most economical game plan on the web that particular day. It's incredible that we did, because we revered it and ended up leftover for the full 3 months the long visitor visas allowed.
Malaysia is one of the most issue free countries to enter as visitor. Only here and there do they ask you where you are going or interest to see proof of resources or travel arrangements. It's truly straightforward.
To stay longer, you could go on an expedient excursion to Singapore or Brunei for quite a while, then, start the multi day clock ticking again.
Lee and I met an individual who had lived in Malaysia for a long while, fundamentally hopping across the limit and back into the nation predictably. (While I wouldn't recommend doing this, it's kind of dumbfounding and it's challenging to imagine something along those lines happening in various countries.)
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
Inhabitants of 63 countries are equipped for this long visitor visa, including each and every European occupant, New Zealand, Japan, USA, Canada, Australia and Iceland.
long visitor visas in Ecuador
Ecuador not simply has rich unsettled areas, wonderful coastlines and unbelievable climbing trails - it in like manner has a splendidly lenient visa procedure. Inhabitants of most countries will not need to get a visa preceding visiting.
Exactly when you appear in Ecuador you'll get 90 days visa free (various limits could apply to the Galapagos Islands). You furthermore have the decision to extend your traveler visa.
Ecuador is an uncommon spot to participate in a drowsy, loosened up speed of development. Whether you want to go through your 3 months riding on the beach front, getting a charge out of city life in Quito or Cuenca or moving in the Amazon - it justifies requiring the venture to explore.
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
Inhabitants of every single country in the world are equipped for this long visitor visa. There are certain countries whose inhabitants ought to apply for the visa somewhat early, including Afghanistan, Kenya, Nepal and Cuba.
panama long visitor visas
However lengthy you wouldn't worry having the Van Halen tune locked onto your psyche mind during your visit, I'd vivaciously propose focusing intently on Panama.
Occupants of most Western countries can get a multi day explorer visa upon appearance in Panama. Right, honestly. You can walk around Panama and wrap out there for quite a while if you really want to.
Panama City is wonderful, with cobblestone streets and paramount trailblazer plan. In any case, you can moreover go to some place like Bocas del Toro and swing in a lounger in the sea breeze for quite a while. Clearly, don't miss the potential chance to see the nation's most notable planning wonder - the Panama Canal.
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
Here is the full once-over of countries whose occupants are able to stay in Panama for 180 days. It integrates all EU countries, Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Brazil, Georgia and Mexico.
australia long visitor visa
The Electronic Travel Authority Visa for Australia has superseded the previous more puzzled visitor visa. It is a various entry visa that will allow you to enter the country boundless times during the authenticity season of a year. You can stay in Australia for a constraint of 90 days on each visit. This makes it one of the more versatile long visitor visas on this overview.
The visa doesn't surrender work honors, but you can do "business visitor works out" like making trades, going to get-togethers, etc. Mulling over is allowed on this visa.
If you're underneath the age of 35 and from one of the certified countries, you ought to truly ponder an Australian Working Holiday Visa taking everything into account. This will allow you to stay for 12 progressive months and find another profession while you are there.
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
To apply for the Electronic Travel Authority Visa for Australia you ought to have a certified recognizable proof. Here is the overview of countries whose inhabitants Australia licenses to apply for this visa. The summary consolidates Canada, Ireland, Germany, France, Greece, UK, USA and Malaysia.
seychelles long visitor visas
Seychelles, a bewitching tropical island country in the Indian Ocean, is irrefutably open for travelers. It is a "visa free" country which infers that inhabitants from wherever in the world can visit for up to 90 days upon appearance. It's an interesting decision to consider accepting for a moment that you're looking for protests with long visitor visas.
Arranged around 900 miles off the shore of East Africa, the Republic of Seychelles has 115 unmistakable islands - countless which are uninhabited. Notwithstanding the way that it has long visitor visas, but it moreover incorporates stunning beaches, unsettled areas and mountains. A couple of truly incredible creatures involve these distant islands, including goliath turtles.
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
All new nationals visiting the Seychelles are surrendered visa free access - beside holders of Kosovo recognizable pieces of proof who are not allowed to enter.
long visitor visas Albania
Albania is another exquisite country with long visitor visas of 90 days. This is exceptional data, since this little European country is surely worth researching.
There's the unique capital city of Tirana (with an exquisite lakeside park), wonderful beaches along the south coast, cool verifiable focuses and craftsmanship presentations and a ton of archeological leftovers. This pursues it a very captivating decision if you're looking for spots to go with long visitor visas. Lee and I were there in the colder season, at this point I'd a lot of need to head back in the pre-summer and check the stunning shore out.
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
Visitors from these 85 wards can enter Albania without a visa and stay for 90 days, including all EU countries, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, USA, Iceland and that is only the start. Similarly, any visitor who has a genuine various section visa from a Schengen country, the USA or the UK can enter Albania without a visa for 90 days (as long as the visa was as of late used something like once.) And clearly, Americans can stay in Albania for up to a year without applying for a residency award!
long visitor visas
Imagine having a half year to devour new ceviche in Lima, go to a chocolate making studio in Cusco, climb the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu and experience down into Colca Canyon. The liberal visitor visa methodology in Peru simplifies it to travel this country as relaxed as you like. From the Amazon wild to the clandestine Nazca Lines to the floating reed islands of Lake Titicaca, there is adequate to research in Peru that the a half year will simply fly by.
Note: According to Peruvian guideline, new visitors ought to have a forward ticket booked to leave the country. Your transporter could demand to see your booking before you check in. They will recognize a vehicle ticket or a transporter ticket, so guarantee you have it booked!
Who is Eligible for This Visa?
Inhabitants from 99 countries can visit Peru without a visa for up to 183 days, for the movement business purposes. The r
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wren-fell · 3 years
Stuck in Borderland
Chapter 10.1: Recovery Part 1
I split this chapter into two parts because of a division of time.
Enjoy the slight fluff. Been dying to write it ;).
Thanks for reading!
Warnings: language, blood, talk of death
Nothing. There was nothing, but darkness and silence.
Am I dead? Sayaka wondered again for what seemed like the hundredth time. A ding and the distant sound of a voice seemed to answer her question to the universe, “congratulations! All participants have been issued a six day visa.”
So I’m not dead… She slowly rolled her head on her shoulders groaning at the pain that seared through the left side of her face. Slowly she tried to roll onto her side, but a shooting pain through her shoulder made her gasp and her eyes flung open. Curling in on herself she gritted her teeth as tears threatened to spill down her face, “fuck!”
She drew in slow deep breaths trying to steady her breathing as she opened her eyes again. Pushing herself up slowly with her good arm Sayaka ripped the belt off her waist and examined it. The singular blue flag she had left was still hanging on even after the fall, and she couldn’t help but laugh. Had the tagger ripped it off when he’d attacked her she’d be dead.
Tossing the belt she surveyed her surroundings. She was in the courtyard. Furrowing her eyebrows together she looked up at the 5th floor of the apartment complex where the broken railing was hanging over the edge. “That’s right… I fell off the balcony…” she mumbled. She glanced off to her side a deep frown forming on her face as she eyed the limp body of the tagger beside her. The smiley-face mask had been pulled up, and she could see his mouth lolling open, his chin and neck covered in blood where the collar had exploded. One of his legs was twisted at an odd angle, and the gun he had held to her body moments before had slid across the patio. She turned her gaze away from the tagger grimacing at the spots that swam across her vision when she moved.
She opened her eyes again and the light of her phone caught her eye. The screen had a large spider crack that distorted the words, but she could still read “Congratulations” in big letters.
I won…
She raised her head back to the 5th floor balcony she’d fallen from, but she didn’t see anybody there, we won.
Groaning she pulled her legs towards her as every muscle screamed in protest. I need to go, or I’ll be walking home, she thought to herself as she struggled to her feet. She tried to keep herself steady as her legs wobbled. The adrenaline from earlier was wearing off, and now the pain from being slammed into the wall and falling five stories was catching up with her. Drawing in deep breaths she forced her legs to move grabbing her arm as it hung awkwardly at her side. She could move her fingers, but if she tried to move her whole arm searing pain went through her whole shoulder. But now wasn’t the time to worry about that. She had a car to catch.
Sayaka stumbled through the courtyard towards the complex entrance passing the boy from the beginning of the game still slumped over the wall. A pool of his blood had formed at the base as it dripped from his chest. She kept her eyes forward trying to focus on her footsteps, and not the pain or the fog clouding her thoughts.
Stumbling past the entrance Sayaka could see the car. The driver was sitting in the front along with the other beach passenger, and Chishiya was already in the backseat with Kuina holding the door open. Sayaka felt her heart leap in her chest as she looked at them, they made it. Raising his head as she approached the driver quirked an eyebrow that made Kuina turn around. She gasped staring at Sayaka with wide unbelieving eyes like she was seeing a ghost.
Sayaka smiled, “got room for one more?” she quipped tilting her head back.
A wide smile broke out on Kuina’s face, “Sayaka!” She ran towards her wrapping her in her arms as gently as she could when Sayaka winced.
“Sorry…” Kuina whispered as she loosened her grip.
“It’s okay,” Sayaka sighed and rested her good arm on Kuina’s back leaning into her body, “I’m glad you guys are okay.”
“Ha! Us? Sayaka you’re the one I’m glad is okay!” Kuina laughed.
Sayaka smiled and let a small laugh escape her, but flinched when the movement made the pain shoot through her shoulder again. She closed her eyes and let herself melt into Kuina’s embrace feeling all the weight of the borderlands on her muscles. The adrenaline had worn off, her head was fuzzy, and the pain washed over her in waves. All she wanted was to close her eyes and sleep like this was all a bad dream.
Kuina picked her up bridal style letting Sayaka’s head lean against her shoulder.
“Come on let’s get you back to the Beach,” she whispered.
“Okay…” Sayaka mumbled. She was placed in the backseat of the car and she pulled her useless arm into her lap as she leaned against the door. Leaning her head against the doorframe she sighed.
Sayaka faded in and out of consciousness on the car ride back to the Beach. Every bump smacked her head against the door making more white spots flash behind her eyes. By the time they reached the Beach her head was throbbing.
 Kuina followed Chishiya out of the car as they arrived to the Beach and eyed Sayaka with a smile as she sat curled in the backseat. She frowned and turned to look at Chishiya, “I’m going to find Ann. Bring her to the infirmary.”
He glared at her with a frown, “no.”
“I wasn’t asking,” Kuina hissed and turned away from him heading to the door leaving Chishiya to pout. With a sigh he turned his head to look at Sayaka who still hadn’t moved from her spot in the backseat.
He pushed her gently so she didn’t fall out when he opened the door, and she groaned in protest. Rolling his eyes he slipped one arm behind her back and the other behind her knees as he picked her up bridal style. She snuggled her head into his shoulder, her eyes still closed, and draped her good arm around his neck to steady herself.
Chishiya looked down at her face that was much too close feeling his cheeks heat up. A deep frown formed on his face, and he trudged towards the door. The quicker he could get her to Ann the better.
 Sayaka felt someone push her gently away from the doorframe causing her shoulder to shift and a groan to rumble in her throat. She could hear the mechanism of the door handle click as it opened followed by a pause. Arms slid behind her back and knees as she was hoisted out of the car, and leaned against someone’s chest. Squeezing her eyes closed she wrapped an arm around their neck and leaned her head into their shoulder.
She sighed as she felt them walk, and let her mind drift again. Kuina must be taking me to Ann... Is there anything they can even do? She felt a deep frown form on her face, and she snuggled into Kuina’s shoulder as her chest tightened. It’ll be fine, it isn’t that bad. Focus on something else. She shifted her head again and felt something soft like fabric on her cheek, and she froze. Kuina was wearing a bikini top, not a shirt. Sayaka opened her eyes squinting at the harsh fluorescents of the Beach. She could see white fabric beneath her cheek, and she leaned her head up a little to look at Chishiya.
“Hm?” He glanced down at her.
“Where’s Kuina?” She asked.
“Going to find Ann,” he replied simply.
Sayaka watched him for a second before closing her eyes and leaning her head back against his shoulder, “I’m glad you’re okay…” she let the words slip feeling his shoulders tense beneath her head. A sigh escaped her lips as she enjoyed the warmth his chest was spreading throughout her body. She drew in a deep breath and the smell of soap and pine drifted past her nose, “you smell good…”
He tensed again, “you definitely have a concussion,” he mumbled.
“What was your first clue?” Sayaka snorted.
She heard the door to the infirmary squeal as it opened and she opened her eyes to see Kuina helping Ann pile medical supplies on a table.
“Set her down here Chishiya,” Ann ordered clearing a low table.
As the table touched the back of her legs Sayaka shivered and her fingers tightened on Chishiya’s sweatshirt. He slipped his arm out from behind her knees, but his hand stayed on her back keeping her upright as her torso sagged towards his chest. The infirmary was brighter than the rest of the Beach so Ann could see, but the lights were making her head throb even more if that was possible.
“Kuina, wipe the blood of her head,” Ann directed. Sayaka heard the squeal of wheels, and opened her eyes slightly as Ann scooted towards her on a rolling chair, “Sayaka look at me.”
“I am.”
“Raise your head,” she ordered. Sayaka pouted, but pulled her head upright with a groan. Kuina pressed a warm cloth to her forehead dabbing at the dried blood by her hairline.
Ann reached up and put a hand under her chin, “look at the light.” Sayaka pulled her head back and squinted as she shined the penlight in her eyes, “well you’re pupils are still constricting even if it’s slow. So that’s a good sign,” Ann muttered.
“Great,” Sayaka mumbled.
“I want you to answer some questions for me, okay?”
“Mhm,” she muttered closing her eyes and leaning against Chishiya’s shoulder again ignoring his muscles tensing beneath her.
“What’s your name?”
“Sayaka Umino.”
“How old are you?”
“Where were you born?”
“Tokyo, Japan.”
“What is your profession?”
“I’m a phD student studying chemistry.”
“What year are you in the program?”
Sayaka hesitated. She knew the answer, but all her thoughts were balloons that had lost their strings floating untethered in her mind and jumbling together. “I was starting the second semester of my final year. If they decided to accept my thesis.”
“Good. Do you know where you are now?”
Sayaka opened her eyes to look at Ann a smile curling her lips, “I’m in hell.”
Ann put her head to the side pursing her lips and Sayaka sighed, “I’m at the Beach in the borderlands.”
Ann nodded slowly, “have you had a concussion before?”
Sayaka laughed earning an unamused glance from Ann, “yea, once or twice.”
Ann sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, “usually I’d say get a cat scan, but that’s out the window here. Otherwise, I think that you’re okay. There doesn’t seem to be any cognitive issues.” Her eyes traveled to Sayaka’s arm resting against her stomach, “this I’m concerned about…”
Ann grabbed Sayaka’s arm pulling it towards her earning a hiss of pain, “move your fingers for me Sayaka.”
She obliged curling them in and out of her palm, “good, now move your wrist.”
Sayaka eyed her, but rotated her wrist, “now your whole forearm.”
She flexed it up and down and Ann nodded, “move your whole arm as much as you can.”
Sayaka hesitated looking towards her shoulder and drew in a shaky breath as she tried to lift her arm. Pain shot into her chest and she pulled her lips into a thin line stifling a cry as she closed her eyes and shook her head, “I can’t.”
Ann nodded standing up and grabbing at her shoulder roughly making her gasp. She squeezed up and down the joint sending more jolts into her chest, and Sayaka shook her head again, “Ann stop!”
She gave her a glance, but pulled her hands away from Sayaka’s shoulder, “it’s dislocated,” she said matter-of-factly.
Sayaka closed her eyes as she leaned against Chishiya, “I know.” She felt his hand shift on her back trying to keep her sitting straight.
Kuina dabbed the sweat off her face with the wet cloth, “can you fix it?”
“Yes, but it isn’t going to be pretty. I’ve only done it once before, and they weren’t exactly…” Ann paused searching for the word, “a responsive patient.”
Sayaka drew in slow breaths through her nose as she tried to even her breathing. She wanted this to be over.
“Bite down on this,” Ann ordered. Sayaka opened her eyes slightly as she opened her mouth, and Ann placed a folded face cloth in her mouth. She bit down and closed her eyes again drawing her eyebrows together.
“Kuina hold her shoulder.” Ann grabbed Sayaka’s upper arm, while Kuina gently placed her hands on Sayaka’s shoulder.
“Okay Sayaka deep breath in,” Sayaka drew a deep breath through her nose, “and out,” her chest fell in as she exhaled, “another. In and out. Deep breath in, and out,” Ann yanked her arm down and up as a loud pop sounded from Sayaka’s shoulder. The towel in her mouth muffled her scream, and tears streamed down her cheeks as the pain tore through her. It felt like the ligaments in her shoulder were being pulled and pinched like an accordion, but the pain subsided and Sayaka was left with just a burning in her joint.
“Breath Sayaka,” she heard Chishiya whisper into her hair. She drew in slow breaths trying to stop herself from hyperventilating. Pressing herself into his side welcoming the warmth that seeped through his sweatshirt. If it wasn’t for the pain racking her body she would be embarrassed by their closeness, but right now she was just glad he was there.
“Open your mouth,” Ann ordered tugging lightly on the towel. Sayaka obeyed opening her mouth to draw more air into her lungs.
“Okay, move your arm now,” Ann said.
Sayaka opened her eyes a little to glare at the woman, “I need to know if it reset properly. Now move your arm,” she repeated.
Sayaka held her breath as she gingerly raised her arm wincing as she brought it to chest height.
“Good. It’ll be painful, and you need to be careful not to overwork it, but it’s back in the socket,” Ann stood up from her chair and walked over to a cabinet at the far side of the room, “I can give you some pain meds and a sling, but that’s the best I can do I’m afraid.”
“It’s fine,” Sayaka mumbled raising her head from Chishiya’s shoulder her cheeks tinged pink. Ann handed her a pill and a glass of water that she took quickly throwing her head back.
“You’ll need to be delicate with it for a few days. Don’t move it too much or it could pop back out,” Ann explained while she worked fitting Sayaka’s arm into the sling.
“Don’t immobilize it completely or you’ll freeze the joint,” Chishiya added.
Ann nodded, “right.”
Sayaka bowed her head forward as Ann slipped the sling around her neck setting her arm against her chest. Ann carefully wrapped a bandage around her head to cover the wound in her hair where she’d smacked the patio stone and the wall before sighing, “you’re going to be sore Sayaka that’s for sure.”
“Sore is better than dead…” Sayaka mumbled.
Ann nodded slowly, “true. Well come see me in three days Sayaka and we’ll evaluate your recovery.”
“Right,” Sayaka nodded slowly feeling her brain fog with the movement as the pain meds started to kick in.
“Kuina help me clean up,” Ann ordered.
“Sure, Chishiya take Sayaka to her room to rest,” Kuina said turning to the blonde boy who frowned.
Sayaka’s eyebrows knit together and she shook her head, “I can make it on my own. Just someone go find Madoka, okay?”
“I’ll tell Madoka you’re okay, but Sayaka you should let someone help you to your room,” Kuina pressed putting her head to the side with a worried expression.
“I’ll be fine. I’m all fixed up now, thank you Ann,” Sayaka smiled and jumped to her feet. Her legs wobbled and she grabbed the edge of the table to steady herself.
Kuina opened her mouth to speak, but Sayaka started for the door before she could, “thank you guys for putting me back together. Good night,” she waved over her shoulder and left the room ignoring any protests behind her.
Sayaka climbed the stairs from the basement to the third floor sagging against the railing as she ascended the steps. By the third floor her head was starting to swim again, but she wasn’t sure if it was from the medication or the concussion. She pushed the door open onto her floor and stumbled into the hallway. Leaning against the wall she closed her eyes as everything began to spin. The diagonal pattern on the wallpaper and carpet was making her nauseous and she cursed whoever decorated this hotel.
“You don’t need any help, right?” She opened her eyes to glare at Chishiya as he stood beside her with a smirk curling his lips.
“I…” she swallowed heavily as his form doubled, “don’t.”
“I disagree,” he said simply.
Sayaka pushed herself off the wall and wavered. She took a few steps before leaning against the wall again squeezing her eyes shut, “who the fuck decorated this place?”
She heard footsteps before he grabbed her good arm and pulled it over his shoulders, and slid his arm around her waist again.
“I don’t need your help,” she slurred as he pulled her off the wall.
“Kuina won’t leave me alone if you don’t get back to your room safe and sound, and I’d like to go to bed,” he replied as he half walked, half dragged her down the hallway.
Sayaka sighed leaning against him, “fine…”
Her feet stumbled beneath her and Sayaka tried to keep her eyes open, but stifled a gag as the carpet spun beneath her.
“You throw up on me I’m dropping you,” Chishiya hissed.
She snorted, “I told you you’re bedside manner sucks.”
“Don’t launch yourself off buildings and we won’t have a problem,” he said.
“Ha, funny. Still haven’t gotten a thank you from you,” she mumbled.
“I never asked you to jump off the balcony. It was a stupid decision you would’ve survived if you had done nothing,” he replied.
Sayaka opened her eyes a little to look at him with a frown, “but you and Kuina wouldn’t have…”
He huffed in response, but didn’t say anything.
They walked into her room and Chishiya laid her gently on the far side of her bed. Sayaka kicked the covers out from beneath her and sloppily pulled them over her body as she sighed into the pillow. Now that she was comfortable in bed her consciousness was beginning to fade.
“Chishiya…” she whispered.
“Will you stay and make sure I don’t slip into a coma?” She mumbled.
She laughed lightly, “should’ve expected that answer.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“Shot in the dark,” she murmured feeling her limbs grow heavy and her eyelids slide closed, “thank you for taking me… to my…room… goodnight… Chishiya…” The sounds of the Beach were fading as Sayaka slipped into unconsciousness. But, before she fell she felt the blankets pulled up around her neck and her bangs be brushed away from her face.
“Goodnight Sayaka.” And she faded away from the Beach and the Borderlands unsure if what she had felt was real.
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we provide Official certificate with registration into the database and actual center stamps for customers interested in obtaining the certificate without taking the test.If you already took the test and it less than a month that you took the test, we can update the results obtained in your previous test to provide you with a new certificate with the updated results for you to follow you PR procedures without any risk.
 We  only provide  original certificates with online verification possibilities . You are guaranteed at 100% doing this with us, as the certificate you obtain is 100% legal and accepted anywhere without any doubt. Customers interested in obtaining the certificate should contact us through the contact details listed below Payment and prices shall be discussed upon your respond to this ad.
kindly contact with us directly for more info regarding our Services Contact Details:
Email: [email protected] website:davedocument.com skype:David.powell950
Have you also been looking for a passport, SSN, driver's license, I.D, Birth certificate, diploma or any other document?  Or maybe to buy passport for Australian or a Canadian document?  Is it fake or real passport, SSN, driver's license, I.D, Birth certificate, diploma or any other document? Please "Search no further", Your curiosity has landed you to the right place whether you are based in America's, Australia, Africa, Asia or Europe as long as you have a Valid P.O Box or House Address we shall make sure the problem is over. For more information, Contact us ([email protected]) for more guidance.
We offer only Original high-quality data  base registered passports, Drivers Licenses, ID cards, Stamps, Visas, School Diploma, working permits, birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, green cards,credit cards, bank receipts and other documents for a number of countries like: USA, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Italia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, Japan, China and This list is not full!
The outstanding and unique producers of both REAL and FAKE Travel and Identity Documents Worldwide such as Passport, Visa, Resident Permit, Id Card, Driver's License, Birth Certificate and other documents such as Social Security Cards, Diploma, IELTS and Many More...
We produce Real database registered documents which are legally use and passes all airport scans and data-check machines. Any time these Real documents are being verified in the system, all the holder's information will validly show up making the document real and acceptable and the holder can legally use it without any problems because it is being registered under the authorities recognition in the system
Contact info's
just contact us via email.
For any inquiry send an email at:
Email: [email protected] website:davedocument.com skype:David.powell950
Key words
Canada Cards United States Cards Student Cards International Cards Private Cards Adoption Certificates Baptism Certificates Birth Certificates Death Certificates Divorce Certificates Marriage Certificates Custom Certificates High School Diplomas G.E.D. Diplomas Home School Diplomas College Degrees University Degrees Trade Skill Certificates Social Security Validate SSN Number Driver License Search Spy Products Voice Changers Listening Devices Invisible Ink DMV Record Inquiry Background Check Investigate Anyone
just contact us via email.
For any inquiry send an email at:
Email: [email protected] website:davedocument.com skype:David.powell950
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