#jake tag i gotta think of but my 3 brain cells aren't workin' rn
jacobsullivan · 8 days
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name: Jacob Michael Sullivan
nicknames: Jake, Jac, Jackie, Sulli
age / dob: 34 | November 11th, 1989
gender / pronouns: cismale / he & him
sexuality: bisexual
relationship status: single
species: Witch
affiliation: Coven Member
powers: aura reading, healing, teleportation, electrokinesis
hometown: Lunar Cove, Rhode Island
current residence: Sunny Harbor, Lunar Cove, Rhode Island
occupation: Architect
Jacob Sullivan (Jake) is a 34 year old witch who was born and raised in Lunar Cove.
He is a coven member, and his magical abilities are: aura reading, healing, teleporting, and electrokinesis.
1989 - Born on 11/11
2008 - Jake graduates highschool and starts college at the university of Rhode Island.
2012 - Jake moves to New York to get his masters at NYU.
2015 - Jake receives his masters and moves back home to Lunar Cove.
2024 - Jakes becomes an uncle.
Jake has an orange cat named Sabrina.
Jake's sisters, Frankie, moved in with him at the end of May 2024.
Jake never got his driver's license but knows how to drive and does so for fun (illegally)
Jake enjoys fashion and self care. He blames it on having 3 sisters but really he just likes pampering himself ✨
Jake's favorite spot to hangout in town is on top of the water tower.
Family -
Mother: Emma Sullivan (deceased)
Father: John Bennett (biological), Phil Sullivan (adopted / step)
Sisters: Frankie Sullivan (29), + 2 more (wanted connections)
Niece: Emma Sullivan-Baker (infant)
Friends -
Altan Önder - childhood friends, Jake has been close to Altan all his life. They shared many nights together during their lost boy years. Jake counts Atlan one of his best friends.
Nico Castillo - brothers from other mothers, Jake met Nico in grade school and instantly began to idolize him. The big brother he never had, the role model he needed as a misunderstood little boy. Jake counts Nico as one of his best friends.
Poppy Reed - childhood friends, Jake met Poppy in grade school. Jake feels for Poppy's burden as supreme, and he does what he can to support her and the coven; even making her protection charms (shaped like pizza slices because he calls her the Supreme Pizza)
Linden Reed - childhood friends, Jake owes some of his wildest teenage wilds to the Reed boy. As debaucherous as him and even better at not getting caught, Jake counted Linden a best friend; even while growing up.
Prescott Reece -
Nate Windsor -
Partners / Exes / Flings -
Elif Karadaş - a long time friend, a kismet connection, a spark shared between two flames; reignited multiple times over the years, across countries and continents and once more in Lunar Cove.
Rio Tavarez - current friend with benefits. Jake met Rio for the first time at the masquerade ball and began sleeping with her the week after she attended a party he threw for his friends', Poppy and Linden, birthday.
Trigger Warnings:  Adoption, Teen Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Car Accident, Death, Child Death, Mental Health Struggles, Drug Use, Alcoholism, Overdose, Rehab, Cancer
On November 11th, 1989 Jacob Bennett was born to an unwed mother, the secretary of a wall street tycoon, legally renamed Jacob Sullivan two years after his birth when his mother returned to her hometown of Lunar Cove and married his stepfather; Phil Sullivan. Shortly after remarrying, Jake’s mother had three more children and he became a big brother to three little sisters. Phil adopted Jacob before his first sister was born and treated him just like his own child, though Jacob would continue to have a tumultuous relationship with his birth father.
Growing up, Jake was a rambunctious child. Sensitive and impulsive but deeply loved by his family. He was 10 years old when he came into his first power; Aura Reading. Then came the ability to heal, and in highschool Jake discovered he possessed the power of teleportation.
Senior year, Jacob got his highschool girlfriend pregnant and forewent attending college out of state to stay behind with her and raise their child. He began school at the University of Rhode Island in the fall of 2008.
A few months before her due date, Jacob’s girlfriend was hit by a drunk driver and died upon impact alongside their unborn child. Grief came like a tidal wave, drowning Jacob beneath its weight. A loss that forever changed him, but in the wake of the tragedy his family and coven surrounded him. There was no question after that, Jacob would join Lunar Cove’s coven and came into his fourth and final power; electrokinesis.
Devoted to his family and to the coven, yet still an avid wanderer; Jacob took every opportunity to travel. He used his gift of teleportation to explore the world during holidays from school. Which is what convinced him to leave his hometown when given the chance.
In 2012, Jacob graduated from the University of Rhode Island and accepted an offer from NYU to obtain his masters in architecture. An avid lover of the arts his whole life, Jake was excited to marry his passion and profession. It wasn’t his first time living in the city, either. Growing up, he often spent summers in New York, visiting his father.
During the three year program, Jacob gave himself permission to indulge in life. He eased his long held grief in the beds of women and men alike, drowning his remaining sorrows at the bottom of drink and pill bottles.
A wake up call came the night he and an ex overindulged themselves. He should’ve known better than to let his former partner  behind the wheel in the state they were in. No stranger to the deadly implications of driving under the influence, yet thoughtless to the ramifications of their actions until they collided with a light pole.  In a better state than his once boyfriend, Jake couldn’t watch him die and broke the rules to heal him, promising them both he’d get his head back on straight.
After a stint in self admitted rehab, Jake made peace with his past and became committed to sober living. He graduated with his masters in architecture and was set to take a job out in California when he was called home for an impromptu “family meeting”.
Gathered around his childhood’s kitchen table, his mother broke the news to Jake and his siblings that she had cancer. He didn’t hesitate to move home, turning down his job offer to take one in Lunar Cove.
It was hard for Jake to be back home. Every street corner held memories of his youth, of all that he had lost. He traveled as often as he could to keep his mind busy, using his gifts of teleportation once more to put distance between himself and what hurt. Always coming home after a few weeks, though, remaining a constant support in his family’s lives. During this time, Jake constructed his dream home in Sunny Harbor. A three story craftsman he spared no detail in designing. From an attic with no door, not a problem to a witch with the power of teleportation, where he practiced spells, to a backyard with a pool of his childhood dreams.
In 2022, his mother lost her battle to cancer and Jacob returned to a dark place again. Once more, drowning his grief in bottles and traveling. He spent more time away than before, but came home for good at the start of 2024 when the oldest of his three, little sisters had her first baby. Jake’s first niece, named after their mother, little Emma drowned out all the dark.
As madness descends across Lunar Cove, wreaking havoc in Jake’s once safe haven, he has committed himself to staying put and protecting those he loves. The years of Peter Pan have passed. No longer a lost boy, but a man who must resist the call of Never Never land or risk losing the only real home he’s ever known.
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