#jake and neytiri don't have to force themselves to be his parents
dirtytransmasc · 2 years
This makes me question though what do Jake and Neytiri do when's it's there turn to have custody over spider I like I imagine that Netyrai just teaches spider how to use bow like Archer is there common ground
Meanwhile Jake is telling spider and lo ak not to do anything dangerous and spider and lo'ak as soon as Jake even blinks are gone to do something incredible reckless
I think spider would probably spend most of his time with the kids, at least at first, when the relationship between him and the sully parents it still rocky.
I think they would both try to be better for him, include him more, but it just isn't meant to be, you know? he still prefers to sleep on his own pallet or between the kids if absolutely necessary. he still feels weird eating with them as a family. there's too much pain there, too much damage.
neytiri would feel guilty for it all though, and while she still fails to really connect with him, she does try; I imagine her sitting with him in quiet, not interacting, my simply coexisting. it becomes their thing. spider continues his crafting and beadwork no matter who he's with, so while he's working at his current project she will find a reason to sit close by.
he is still very much a menace, constantly causing and partaking in many the antics. jake is exhausted, cause not saying anything means they will do anything they can think of, say something and they will do the complete opposite of what they're told, while also being smart enough that neither can be reversed psychology'd into behaving.
things are easier, the sully's are better guardians, but the custody is really for the kids, cause spider will never be jake or neytiri's son and that's ok now.
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Ugh. Nov 30 is my big brother's birthday. And my psychiatrist appointment is also on that date. Small world. I was forced to quit thanks to my parents after for maybe almost two years. My mind is disorganized... I am working on my yandere Grindelwald and Love thy enemy series.
A Life Bartered will be out on hold. I don't know how to write the next chapter...
Anyway.... A short random thought. Love thy enemy will probably take years to complete.
I don't want to half ass this like my other works.
But, I love these scenes so much. From other movies. I cannot picture gellert Grindelwald in them but human Miles Quaritch before he came back as s Recom....
Tsk. Tsk. Here it goes.
As you can tell in that picture.... The Colonel was wearing a ring...
You were dating him. after a few mishaps. I mean he was a yandere who acted kind and sweet. But later revealed he was an evil man who wanted to colonize and commit genocide and steal their land.
You felt betrayed. You slept with the enemy. Your Prince charming was rather the beast holding you hostage in disguise. Worst of all is ... You don't think you have any man to rescue you.
You have to fend yourself. You were jealous of Trudy and Neytiri. Jake changed sides for his lover and Trudy helped Norm. You wanted that kind of love. Quaritch wanted to change YOU to be on his side. It should be the other way around. You knew you were morally right.
Before the battle of hometree. You asked him when was his birthday. You didn't want to ask what year. It was rude. You knew Quaritch was a little insecure if his age because of you and those rumors.
The Colonel to your surprise told you causally and was comfortable. He asked why you cared. You cheekily avoided the subject. Then asked for his favorite color.
Quaritch raised an eyebrow. "Are you planning on buying me a gift, sweetheart?"
You looked away avoiding his eyes. Damn it. The Colonel was always too smart for his own good.
You mumbled a "no." The Colonel walked up to you and tucked you underneath him.
"your a bad liar." He snickered.
When the time arrived. You cooked an extra fancy meal and made a small party. His squad and some of your science friends came. It was awkward that scientists and Marines were to be civil.
The Marines and scientists didn't speak to one another only themselves.
The Colonel appreciated the gesture. He didn't eat cake for years. He doesn't like junk food. Especially sweets. He teasingly made you feed him cake Infront of all.
He was amused by your blushing face as you did
And as for his present besides riding him for the first time. He was surprised and he wasn't complaining.
You gave him an antique gold 25 karot and his favorite color gem in the center. Worth 15,000.
The Colonel was touched. He let you be the boss of him that night in his bed. He laughed at how awkward you were. It was cute you were trying.
Since then. He wore it.
As for you... When it was your birthday. He tattooed your name across his chest in big and bold letters. (Please don't ask me how they have a tattoo artist in base. I don't know...)
Then one day. it happened.
Your world turned upside down. Sully was reporting to Quaritch secretly.
Your boyfriend was the whole time keeping secrets. He attacked hometree and lied about peace.
Worst of all, not only was your elderly father dying but died a month ago. His funeral passed.
You tried to break up with Quaritch.
He for the first time. Hit you. He never did this before.
He treated you like a queen and called you princess.
You felt tears down your rosy cheeks and held your cheek. You healed already thanks to your mutant genetics. But, your heart wound of being hit by the man you loved and degraded made you feel disgraced. So many was happening at once. Bad reality checks.
The whole time. Selfridge wanted to steal the natural resources.
He lied to all scientists and other people like Trudy. She said she didn't sign up for this shit.
You sobbed. "If my father was alive...."
Quaritch let out a "tch" in annoyance as he looked down at your pathetic form on the ground after getting hit in the face
"he's dead. Even if he was alive. I am not scared of that old man. Father in law or not."
"You're suppose to be..."
The Colonel rolled his eyes at your naivety. He grabbed your forearm and made you stand up.
He made you look at him. "I am not your prince charming. I'm the warrior who is willing to kill for his prize."
You cried more. Your just like a pretty trophy wife. You thought he was different than the other men and boys in earth. Suitors who wanted to marry you for your looks.
You fell in love with a jerk.
What a fool you were.
Before the Colonel left to the ship to bomb hometree once and for all. He wanted to "touch" you one last time.
He announced to everyone when he bought the entire marines first round at the bar when they destroyed the omiticaya home that he will marry you after the battle is over.
He proposed to you and you were forced to act happy. He went on his knee everyone cheered.
Then... You were locked in your room. The scientists had to leave for Earth. So the labs were shut down.
But, you decided to spite him... You snuck in weapons to the Avatars and gave mad useful information about the Marines plans to invade the Navis.
And gave them keys to the soldiers supply room.
Well... Before Quaritch would fuck you before he wanted to kill Sully. You drugged his coffee. Too bad he noticed something again. Remember, he is too smart for his own good. Nothing gets past him. He spat out his drink. He was only slightly dizzy. He was so angry.
He wanted to punish and rape you again.
"maybe I pump a brat inside you. That will tame your bitchy attitude." He grinned. Your breath heaved.
Before he came. You grabbed a heavy book and hit his head. He bled and howled in pain.
"you bitch!" He knocked the book out. He slapped you. He knew he could kill you easily. So he decided to just tie you up.
But, you used the taiser he gave you for protection against his neck.
He smirked after getting shock. "oh look, doll. A hickey."
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He mockingly beckoned you to come closer. "Come to daddy."
You then kneed his balls. He clutched down. You kicked his nose. He cursed and clutched his face in pain.
"who's your daddy now?"
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You locked him in his room and ran off.
The Colonel kicked the door down open and then was summoned to Selfridge to immediately start the ship.
The Colonel used his phone to make his men detain you. He will punish you so fuckin bad after he kills Sully.
Luckily, Max and your other scientists friends who were also avatars attacked the base and freed you from your cell.
And from Selfridge. He tried to rape you while the base was in a frenzy and you were alone.
Before Selfridge could touch you. A gunshot missed his head.
"don't shoot!" He held his hands up.
"Give me a reason, prick." Your Avatar friend pointed the gun at him.
You then decided to run to the communication room. You heard Quaritch's voice.
"this is Papa dragon. I want this mission high and tight. I wanna be home for dinner." You rolled your eyes.
You called Jake and told him where to find the ship aircraft of Quaritch.
You never heard of Quaritch again...
But sadly. You felt something moving inside your body. And it wasn't guilt. Damn Quaritch. He always gets the last laugh.
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ricekirspies · 1 year
*This is what I think they would be like, don't get cranky if you don't agree*
Seating arrangement!
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You, Tsireya and Kiri were talking about the mickey ears you would buy, while the boys fought about who would be the most scared ( it was really just Ao'nung and Lo'ak at eachothers throat with the other two holding them back). Tuk is just blasting cookie swirl c in her unicorn headphones.
Jake and Tonowari are also arguing about how Jake missed a turn, and Neytiri and Ronal are actually getting along and gossiping.
Then, Tsireya wips out UNO from nowhere and everyone is alert. Even Tuk who has shockingly turned off her iPad ( she's deffo an iPad kid). Now everyone is glaring at eachother with anger, apart from Rotxo. Ao'nung has to pick up 4 cards, Lo'ak blocks Tuk so she chucks her headphones at him, Neteyam and Kiri sit in silence concentrating, Rotxo is just saying well done at everything (You almost chuck Tuks headphones at him because of it) and you and Tsireya are teaming up against everyone.
Surprisingly enough, Rotxo wins and that causes everyone to start arguing. Eventually the mums come in and break it up, Neytiri stealing Tuk from you, so now you can actually swear and proper fight. But that's quickly dissolved when the caravan stops and you all turn your heads out the window to see a gas stop. And where there's a gas stop there is sweets. Trampling over eachother, everyone runs into the small shop and strips the shelves ( the parents are Dumbfounded with Neteyam forcing everyone to only pick up two things and saying 'we can share').
After your snack break, Ronal announces that you still have about 6 hours left. So everyone except Neteyam and Tsireya use this time as a nap break. Kiri decides to move over to the chair that Tuk was in You rest your head on her shoulder, which soon enough falls down to her lap but she doesn't mind. So she softly strokes your hair while you sleep. 30 minutes later, you wake up to see everyone but Tsireya asleep so you make a devious (😈😈) plan. Grabbing a two pens, you give one to Tsireya and starting on different ends you decorate everybody's face with artistic pieces ( the mums see you doing this but don't care). Ao'nung wakes up first, and startles everyone else awake with his annoying laughter. But he quickly shuts up when Lo'ak tells him to look at himself, stealing Kiris mirror and sliding it down the table to him.
Then you all decide to go into the back bedroom to watch a movie. Neteyam sits on the floor, as do rotxo and Ao'nung (who isn't very happy about that and told everyone on the bed to fuck themselves). Everyone agrees to watch Frozen, although lo'ak and Ao'nung don't look too pleased. Now everyone is screaming at the tv singing 'Let it go'.
Then you guys stop at a hotel bc its gotten too late. So Neteyam,Ao'nung,Rotxo andlo'ak share a room, you, Kiri, Tsireya Tuk share, and the married couples all share a room with their partner.
You and the girls decide to have a girls night, with facemasks and gossiping and everything. So that's what you do. Tuk tells you all the tea from her primary, while you guys tell her all the gossip and shit going on at your school. Then soon enough a knock comes, Tsireya opens it and Rotxo asks if he can come in ( the boys are constantly arguing) so you all look at eachother and nod, because he's just the sweetest ever. Then Neteyam wants to come in, then Lo'ak and finally, Ao'nung. Luckily, you brought extra face masks so you do all the boys.
Afterwards, Ao'nung says something stupid, so you throw a pillow at him, he throws it back, so you grab it and aggressively attack him. And thus starts, the pillow fight. Boys vs Girls. Even though Tuk is dead asleep on a bed, you manage to win a three against 4.
As for sleeping arrangements, you and Tsireya are all cuddled up, Kiri and Tuk sleeping on a different bed, and all the boys on the floor with pillows and blankets. You were woken up 5 times bc Ao'nung wouldn't stop kicking lo'ak in the face.
Before you know it, you've tidied up the room and are back on your way, only 4 hours left now. And you decide that is the perfect amount of time to take insta photos. So you spend the next 30 minutes getting a good lighting and angle, and force everyone to get in.
You stop at McDonald's 2 hours before, and Jake is rushing everyone in and out saying 'we're on a schedule here, Jesus people' and Lo'ak makes things worse by ordering the wrong meal and Neteyam says he somehow takes full responsibility. Now Jake's shoved everyone into the car all moody after sorting it out, so you guys have to literally look everywhere but eachother because if anyone makes eye contact you will all set all laughing.
And finally you've made it into disney, getting out of the caravan everyone is overjoyed and you just rush over to the entrance, Tuk has out down cookie swirlc yet again to join you (Jumping on your back, forcing you to carry her).
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Fun facts
Kiri never got her mirror back.
It was actually Neteyams fault that Lo'aks order was messed up
Tsireya is going to ask you to date her a Disneyland (if I make a pt.2)
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fun-k-board · 2 years
- Spoilers ahead, trigger warning for death and a small suicide mention -
My Angst Avatar Way Of Water Headcanons
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I'm sad and you will deal with the consequences
Last time it was languages, now it's the aftermath of Neteyam's death
Neytiri hates humans, she wishes they never came to Pandora in the first place. It keeps her up at night and causes never ending stress, a flurry of 'what ifs' while Jake sleeps soundly next to her. Her father, sister, Tsu'tey, would be in her sleep, blaming her for allowing a demon into her family. Neytiri believes without humans, her friends and family would be breathing and her clan prosperous. She wouldn't have Neteyam lifeless below her.
Jake hates his humanity, he tries so desperately to understand and sympathise with his fellow man, but flashes of Neteyams eyes frantically searching for help before losing their life, his ears relaxing when before they were twitching erratically forces him to be harsh. He will give second chances, after that, anyone who refuses to help the Na'vi is dead to him.
Kiri has images of Grace dying as nightmares, the failed body transfer replaying in her head at heightened points of stress, it's why she relaxes with nature, it let's everything leave. Just Kiri and her two mothers. When Neteyam died, she felt him at the funeral become one with Eywa. She hears his shallow last breaths in her heartbeat, and wishes she could hear his one last time.
Lo'ak can't look at his mother without seeing Neteyam, he tries, he really does. But everything about her reminds him of a brother he feels responsible for letting die. In the water he sees his brother being enveloped into the ocean, forcing Lo'ak to break the surface and cry, screaming and begging for help to save him. Sometimes he tries to drown with Neteyam, to see him again and make for lost time. For those arguments that broke them apart the last few months of his living.
In the early staging of grieving Neteyam, the Sully family sleep in his bed and cry themselves to sleep, hugging each other and begging for a miracle from Eywa. And while Neytiri would never admit it out loud, she began to doubt Eywa in those first few months, she believed that her great mother despised her for the destruction surrounding her and her family. The metkayina clan feels great pain and loss in the stages of grief, hearing their cries at night.
Ao'nung feels guilt about not getting to know the Sully's more, he tries to befriend them now and while they're so welcoming, he feels like he doesn't deserve it for what he did. For all he knows, Lo'ak could've been killed because of him. Even without the what ifs, he notices Neytiri and Jake never look him in the eye, they don't forgive him for what could've happened. It keeps him from speaking to them for too long, because he was responsible for Lo'ak's safety, and he used that against him.
Quaritch begins to have an identity crisis over who he even is. All he knows that even if he isn't Spiders dad, he wants to be better and feels regret for not being there. Although, he's far too deep now. Miles hates him, for good reason, but it stings like a nagging bug biting into his flesh, poisonous thoughts stabbing into him like he was nothing. He knows it's deserved for what he remembers he done, but he isn't that man, and he wants to prove it. Doubts begin spiralling his mind and everybody notices, Neytiri's words of 'a son for a son' kept him sleepless and borderline insane. He could've lost spider that night, would life be better? Would it be worse? He'd never know, and that's the worst part.
Tuktirey sleeps with her parents ever since Neteyam died, never leaving her family's side and hating when they have to split up. She never spent enough time with him before he died, even if it was most of her time, it would never be enough. Tuk asks her mother for Neteyam's necklace, hugging it with her and Jake. After a few months in the family slept separately again, in solitary peace, but every once and a while she'll cry quietly and slip into her mother's arms.
Tsireya feels too guilty to continue a relationship with Lo'ak at first, she can't look at him without feeling like she could've helped in some way. She feels worthless and one day the dam breaks, both her and Lo'ak expressing their true feelings. They bonded over that day and became inseparable ever since, it made things better for most of the Sully family, to have the least willing to move on be helped in such a way that he would have a distraction.
Jake and Neytiri become overbearing and protective over their children, always knowing their location and rushing to find them if they've been gone for too long. It puts pressure on the kids and ends in fights that drift them apart. Of course they work through their issues eventually, but things like this are common when losing children and I don't doubt that the Sully's would have this happen after Neteyam.
Spider is semi accepted into the tribe, however, he wants to go back to the forest. He never outright speaks his thoughts, but everybody can tell, he can't keep up with swimming or holding breath, he's smaller and weaker than Na'vi of his age and is almost useless to their way of life. He wants to go back to the way things were, before humans came back.
Spider regrets saving his dad, he wouldn't tell anybody, ever, and would try hiding all evidence or possibility of them finding out, he doesn't want to lose what he feels is his family. His dad may be 'alive' but deep down he knows it's not actually him, no matter how much more willing the man is to be apart of his life, Spider wishes he could've let him drown.
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