#jade step on me challenge
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yanderenightmare · 9 months ago
TW: noncon, yandere, omegaverse, subjugation, some type of sexism, angsty, also a little fluffy?
fem reader
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Discussions about superiority and inferiority between Alphas, Betas, and Omegas have become more popular lately. It’s always been many people’s opinion that the weak should cater to those stronger than them—but a debate with that as its topic is unsavory. Unfortunately, they’ve found new ways to phrase it. 
A resonating “Unmated Omegas are a danger to themselves!” garners much more sympathy…
And with the rise of people talking about it in the media, it was only natural to move the conversation into school as well.
You keep your head bowed in class as the chill runs down your spine. You feel the glare of thirty fellow students—the points of their teeth, too, and how they snicker under their breath. It’s always been rather scary being an omega, but you can’t say you’ve ever felt quite so alone.  
The teacher’s an alpha, so why should he care how what he says impacts you? He’s preaching to the choir, and you’ve never had the right to sing. The three other Omegas in your class have all chosen to stay home. They probably have the right idea—wait it out until it all blows over.
But you don’t know when that might be… You don’t know if that will be.
Society is on the precipice of critical change—new politics, new laws, new systems, new rights that separate you from them. You wallow in fear of the outcome, lying awake at night and scrolling through the news under the safety of your duvet. The statements seem endless. You wonder, why are all politicians Alphas?
You don’t want any of the things they’re suggesting—mating homes to help you find the perfect Alpha to bond with, systematic pairings done from birth, auctions. Is no one going to suggest they put shock collars on all Alphas and Betas to keep them in check? They’re the ones who need to—
“Your scent is distracting the whole class—don’t you feel ashamed?” 
It’s too easy for him to have you bent over the desk, your wrist on your back in his big fist as he wraps his tie around them. He and his goons stand around, all smiles—watching—enjoying it. It’s as if they’ve planned the whole thing, the way two of them peel away from the crowd to grab each their pick of your feet. Parting them, they use your own shoelaces to tie them to the desk legs.
The ringleader laughs. There’s an awful smell coming off him in waves—it makes you quiver. He flips your skirt up and whistles at the sight, showing everyone your ass and cotton undies. The bulge he presses against you is enough to make your tears spill despite how hard you’d fought to keep them at bay, knowing it only arouses them further.
“Aww, don’t cry, little bitch. You should be happy,” he coos, leaning over your trapped form to whisper right at your ear. “Don’t you know? You’ll never feel happier than you will bouncing on my big Alpha dick. It’s all your little Omega cunt dreams about, isn’t it?” He snickers, fiddling with his belt buckle—you flinch at every sharp clink as he jostles the metal. “Well, salvation is here—”
“Keep it to yourself.” Another voice breaks through the sounds of hollers and cheers.
Your eyes open to see him. You despise how your heart jumps in relief.
“Oi, you—” the guy at your back challenges, stepping away from you and toward the interruption.
“Yeah, me,” he states blankly, jaded. He eyes the rest of the guys with disinterest—five betas, zero threat—before telling them, “All of you. Scram.”
They all take a step to walk out as if his voice alone had compelled them, but then the previous guy interjects, making them stop in their tracks again. “Tch—you know what they’re saying. All unmated Omegas are free game, and I won this one. So back off.”
It was like watching a match of tug-of-war.
“Heh,” the intruder laughs. “That rule only counts for Alphas.”
You spot your aggressor's fists curl—there’s a growl rumbling in the back of his throat. “I am an Alpha, asshole.”
“Really?” he feigns, sizing him up with a cocky tilt of his head. “Couldn’t tell.” He doesn’t seem fazed in light of the aggression—actually, it seems to amuse him if anything. “To me, you smell no different from all these other Beta losers.” 
He takes a casual step forward, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face—baring canines with grace.
“But if you wanna prove it, I’m ready when you are.”
It’s quiet after the declaration. The betas are unsure who’s side to pick, none of them eager to get caught in the middle. It becomes a competition purely between the two Alphas.
Without backup, your aggressor backs down and leaves.
“Thought so,” your savior jeers, showing the crowd out, closing and locking the door behind them.
It’s quiet after they’ve left.
You hide your face. Listening to his footsteps approach—he sighs when taking the place of the former guy. He doesn’t touch you, though.
“Y’know…” he starts. “That guy might be trash, but he isn’t wrong…” He picks up your skirt and drapes it back in place. “None of this would ever happen if you weren’t unmated.”
You speak through grit teeth. “Untie me.”
He chuckles familiarly at that, clicking his tongue at you. “What? Aren’t you gonna say please?” But he does what you say anyway. Squatting down, he starts with your ankles.
The scent of your fear still lingers in the air despite your tough act. You’ve always been so steadfast, ever since you were kids, even when it does you no good. He frees your feet—one, then the other, slowly—he even reties your laces into pretty bows before he’s done. 
He remembers it being so obvious. The sun rose in the morning and the moon at night, and you were supposed to be an Alpha while he a Beta at best. You promised you’d be by his side to keep him safe forever, and he wanted nothing more.
But then puberty hit, and nothing was as you’d imagined.
He stands and unknots the tie keeping your wrists restrained.
You immediately push him off—already storming away.
“Do I get no thank you, no nothing? Always so stubborn—” He grabs your arm.
You spin around, an unnatural snarl on your face. “Let go!”
You’d have been a terrifying Alpha. But as fate has it, you’re not. And you shouldn’t act like it. It only lands you in trouble.
But he doesn’t say that. 
“You been watchin’ the news?” he says instead, ignoring your cry and keeping a firm grip on your arm. “Seems like auctions are winning the voters. You know what that means?”
He feels you flinch, followed by a quiver. He can tell. No matter how good you are at hiding it. He can see—the way you’re fraying at the edges, barely holding it together. Always acting so strong. He can’t tell whether you enjoy torturing yourself or if you’re just that good at convincing yourself you’re fine.
“Pretty soon, new authorities are gonna come storming in here, roundin’ up every sorry unmated Omega they find, and put ‘em all on a farm where pompous Alphas can have their pick of the litter.”
He can never tell what you’re thinking, but he knows he doesn’t need to tell you any of this. You’re not stupid, you never have been. He knows you already know. But…
“You should decide now while it’s still your choice.” 
You must be terrified. He understands. But truly… it’s obvious what you have to do, isn’t it?
“It’s not like you have many options.”
It’s obvious. It always has been.
You don’t meet his eyes. You haven’t for a long while. Actually, you haven't since both of you got your test results. He understands this wasn’t what you had in mind, but you can’t afford to mope about it forever—
“How am I supposed to choose any Alpha when you’re all such assholes…”
Your mutter stunts him. It wasn’t what he expected. Or, the words were more or less exactly something he’d expect from you, but that voice—quiet and soft, dangling on the brink of sweet. If you’d said anything else, he’d have taken it as a confession.
“Can't argue with that,” he ends up chuckling again.
You hate how easy this is for him. He would cry at every turn when you were kids. It’s unfair. 
“But you can’t keep doing this, either,” he states. His voice is soft, paired with that ugly authority they all have when talking to you—talking down to you. “Just look where it gets you—scared and exhausted because of it. At least have the brains to stay home.” He says it as if it’s a joke, but you both know it isn’t. His chuckles are light—far from fullhearted.
He bends down, trying to find your eyes. He still holds onto your arm, knowing you’d sooner stomp away than listen to him. His other hand brushes your cheek gently, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“You hear the call from the rafters—it’s not about what you want anymore. It’s about what you need.”
That’s what they say, isn’t it? What you need. You want to slap him. Scratch him with claws, bite his throat out—make him choke on his own words.��Need? What you need is for them all to fuck off.
You mean to say it with the same sentiment, but something hard and rough in your throat makes all your words come out wobbly. “Mate an Alpha to stay safe from other Alphas. What a joke.”
You bow your head further. The tears return. They burn as they trail down the sore streaks from before.
He’s never seen you like this. He won’t lie, it makes his pants tight—feeling the urge to suck your cheeks, hold you close and comfort you. But knowing you right, you’d probably never let him. Your face would probably scrunch up in disgust, punch his gut, knee his groin, then turn on your heel and leave him on the floor wheezing.
You really would have made the most terrifying Alpha. 
“The world isn’t fair,” he agrees. “But you get nowhere cryin’ about it—do it my way, and you’ll never—”
“Have any freedom,” you cut him off with a sniffle. 
It’s about the most adorable thing he’s seen in his life.
He gets why you don’t like Alphas—they’re all gross. He makes himself sick sometimes. He can’t believe he’s getting off on watching you have a mental breakdown. There’s something seriously wrong with his side of the species. His throat’s tight, mouth watery with the urge to reap your vulnerability. 
Suppressing it only makes his inner beast furious. Some of that aggression comes out in his next words.
“I’m sorry, but the world doesn’t give a shit about your freedom.” 
The grip around your arm tightens, and you look up in shock—watching his narrowed eyes through your watery ones. 
“What you need is safety—now more than ever. Or do you like being preyed on by every Alpha around the corner?” 
Your bottom lip trembles at the reality of it—a little while ago, you were almost— 
“One of these days, I'm not gonna be here in time, and you’ll be a slave to some fucking—” 
He huffs and hangs his head. His hand loosens up—it trembles where he holds you in place.
“In all honesty, I think I’m more scared than you,” he whispers under his breath. “I think I might kill—”
He stops himself again. You don’t know if it’s in an effort not to frighten you or himself.
“Speak about needs…” he begins anew, now softer. “I need to know you’re safe. I need to—” He looks up. His eyes are back to being round. “I need you more than you need me, probably.”
There’s a desperation on his face. It almost looks like he’s on the verge of tears himself.
“So… please?” he begs. “Will you keep me safe like you promised and stay by my side?”
Your tears dry and prickle. Looking into his eyes now, you see the same boy you knew back in your childhood—that one who’d chase you all over even when you’d call him a sniveling crybaby. You realize, Alpha or not, he hadn’t changed all that much at all. 
“It’s not like you need my permission,” you end up saying.
You’ve always been so hard-headed. He has to smile. “No, but I want it.”
You nibble your lip. You can’t believe you’re at the mercy of this big dumb hunk of… you don’t have the words to describe him. He wasn’t exactly a crybaby anymore. 
“Okay. You win.” 
His eyes widen as you bear your neck with a stretch. Head high and shoulders slack. 
You swallow thickly. “Get it over with.”
He shudders at the sight. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but now it almost seemed too soon. 
“We should be supervised by a professional—you know how wrong things can go—”
“Hurry up before I change my mind.” Your eyes remain shut, and your lips pursed.
His tongue grows thick in his mouth at your bark. A sudden stroke of performance anxiety makes his palms sweaty, hands heavy and shaking. But then the sight of your soft neck has his mood shift, becoming drowsy.
He has no control over the growl that begins rumbling from his gut.
But he doesn’t apologize for it either.
He bends forward—breaths on your chest before he licks your throat. You can’t help but whimper at the warmth. He watches you through hooded eyes—your usually angry face is now all cute, riddled with anxiety you try hiding paired with the grim anticipation of pain.
“Shh,” he soothes, kissing the spot softly. He sways you against him, then lifts you up on the desk for you to sit. Grazing your neck with teeth when feeling your hands tangle two fistfuls of his shirt. He expects you to push him away, but you don’t—you tug him closer instead as if silently telling him to hurry up.
But he doesn’t want to rush, doesn’t want to lose himself—that’s how accidents happen. So he sticks to sucking gently, only tiny nibbles that leave your skin hot and lightly bruised in their wake.
You give a moan once he finds the spot, and he growls in restraint upon the pretty sound—feeling you relax despite being threatened with his teeth right at your artery. He almost humps your leg in return, feeling the boil of blood pump him hot and heavy in his pants—breaths turning equally hot and heavy, each one laced with rust.
Drool coated your neck in a cool sheen, soothing the marks made beneath it, while his lips and fangs aroused pleasure in the spot that now ached for the sting of his bite.
“Please,” slipped from your mouth while tugging him closer. 
His eyes, completely drunk on the pretty prayer, had only a slim rim of color left surrounding the hungering bottomless pits, blown full and black with opium.
No one could come and take you away from him now. Not with his print so pretty on your neck. You were his—just as you were always supposed to be.
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♡ BNHA – Deku, Kirishima, Natsuo, Amajiki, Mirio ♡ JJK – Yuji, Yuuta ♡ HQ – Kuro, Miya twins ♡ DS – Tanjiro, Zenitsu
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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redisthenewblue · 1 month ago
(This focuses more on Jessica’s personality than her looks!)
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So, he probably heard about you from Cater or Ace. When he first spotted you hanging out in the Monstro Lounge—singing and pouring drinks—poor guy didn’t even know how to handle himself! At first, he had his own thoughts about you, but eventually, he warmed up. I mean, when you hit him with that classic line, "I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way," he totally fumbled his words and turned a shade redder than his hair!
He starts to relax a bit with the rules when you’re around, but if you’re up for the challenge of learning all 810 of them (or at least a third of them, which I bet you are), that’s a wholeee different story! Anytime someone shows a little too much interest in you he’s like, “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!” Like he loves having an attractive , amazing, dare I say HOT partner but damn is there a lot of things that come as a consequence of such blessing.
And don’t even get me started on how he reacts when you entertain Deuce and Ace’s wild ideas. He loves you to bits, but honestly, you’re stressing him out! Someone save him from the shackles of love🥹‼️
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You remind him of the Lionesses back home, embodying their fierce spirit and strength. He never underestimates your capabilities, especially after witnessing someone get their arm caught in a bear trap while attempting to make advances toward you. If anyone crosses the line, he is always prepared to intervene, although he typically ensures that such situations never escalate to that point in the first place.
Your unwavering loyalty is undoubtedly one of his favorite qualities; you are always ready to defend him and are unafraid to remind him to get a grip when necessary. A significant turning point in your relationship came when you allowed him to rest his head on your lap, and this simple act gradually transformed into a cherished routine between the two of you.
Ruggie frequently reaches out to you, expressing his frustrations about Leona and pleading for your assistance in dragging him out of bed and into class.😭 Depending on Leona's mood, he might even pull you down into the bed with him, making it difficult to escape. During nap time, he wraps his tail around your leg like a makeshift sensor, ensuring you remain by his side and do not attempt to leave the bed. Unfortunately, this means you have to say goodbye to your perfect attendance.(RIP)🫡🪦
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You and Azul first crossed paths when Floyd and Jade hired you, unbeknownst to Azul, to perform at the Mostro Lounge. After witnessing your debut performance, Azul was so impressed that he promptly offered you a contract, recognizing the influx of new customers you attracted. However, he often feels a twinge of insecurity around you; after all, you are one of the most stunning individuals he has ever encountered (Don’t tell Vil he said that💀)
Adding to his struggles, Jade and Floyd constantly bully😭 tease him, making it nearly impossible for him to focus on his work whenever you're nearby. There was a particularly memorable moment when you accidentally walked in on him changing, prompting him to hide away in embarrassment. Your warm embrace brought him to tears, showcasing the depth of his feelings for you.
In a narrative reminiscent of a mafia boss and his devoted, sweet wife, Azul deeply appreciates your willingness to get your hands dirty in his defense. While he may occasionally take advantage of your fierce loyalty, the silver lining is that you are never entirely constrained by your contracts!🤫
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He would totally go above and beyond for you. Out of nowhere, gifts would just show up on your doorstep, which was sweet but also a bit much. You had to remind him that he didn’t need to shower you with presents, but he just couldn’t help himself—everything that reminded him of you ended up in his cart. It got so excessive that Jamil had to step in(per usual)
“Jamil! Do you think they’ll love this?!” Kalim would ask, all excited. And Jamil would just roll his eyes, “You know how they feel about you buying them stuff.” EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU JAMIL‼️‼️
You know you’re always going to be his go-to when he throws a party at the dorm. The whole time, he just clings to you like a koala, and honestly, it’s kind of adorable.
But things got a bit intense when you almost lost it on Jamil after he overblotted and tried to go after Kalim. Ever since then, you’ve kept your guard up around him. Kalim assured you that everything was cool and that there were no hard feelings. He was pretty happy when you said you’d try to move past it for his sake. But let’s be real, that grudge? Not going anywhere. 💀
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Absolutely DANGEROUS couple‼️Like the paparazzi just can’t get enough of you two! You’re probably being followed around everywhere with cameras in your face.
Let's be real, you two must be making music together because when you do, those tracks are hitting the TOP 10 on the BILLBOARD charts in no time! Honestly, you guys are just an absolute power couple, and I applaud you for it(I’m jealous)🫡
But seriously, he wouldn’t let you anywhere near Neige. You go to a ball as his plus one and Neige was there? He pulled out every excuse imaginable to get you away from the guy. Like, “I want to introduce you to a co-star of mine,” or dragging you away and saying“Here’s a good friend of mine!” Come on, buddy, you’re not slick😭
He’s just trying to protect himself from losing anything else to Neige. Please, give him a little reassurance (I’m begging you😞).
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So, imagine this: a total gamer who's kind of a loser, but somehow he snagged a super hot girl—like, how did he pull that off? I'm honestly a bit confused about how you guys even met since he rarely leaves his room. But if you two ever did bump into each other, you’d totally be the oddest yet cutest couple around! This relationship is probably the closest to Roger Rabbit and Jessica.
You always listen to him go off about his games, and I mean, these rants can get up to four hours. Trust me, he’s not going anywhere if it’s not with you. His hair definitely turns pink whenever you stand up for him or tell a waiter they messed up his order.
He totally fell harder for you when he saw how you interacted with Ortho. You two hit it off right away and became besties, teaming up to coax Idia out of his shell more. Honestly, it’s just one big happy family! 🥹
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So, he was super interested in you, right? Lilia had to really push him to make a move and talk to you, even though you might’ve had the reputation to be a bit unapproachable. But hey, that’s probably why you two clicked so well once you finally met! You both totally bond over the fact that no one really wants to come up to you, even if the reasons are different. It just works out perfectly!
When you joined his gargoyle club, he had to seriously hold back a giggle like a school girl. And let’s be real, even though you weren’t really into gargoyles (he could definitely tell🥸), you showed up to every single meeting, listening to him go on and on about those stone creatures. It’s like he’s convinced that you’re the one for him. So, when people start calling you Lady Draconia, just know that this was no mistake 😭
But here’s the thing about dragons: they get super protective over their mate. If anyone tries to mess with you, they're immediately struck down by lightning. He gets all confused when you shake your head and frown, telling him you could’ve handled it on your own.
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bitterrfruit · 1 year ago
you re-enlist
And Captain John Price absolutely doesn't want you to. He begrudgingly takes you to his office to sign the paperwork - and shows you what your decision has brought you.
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18+ MDNI - 5k words
tags: John Price x f!Reader, power play, oral and vaginal sex
a/n: To get some content on here I've pulled this from my longfic Licking Wounds on Ao3. Trimmed/tweaked it a little to make them tumblr friendly :)
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“Just... let me sign what I need to.” You breathed, exasperated.
Captain Price sat behind his desk, leaning back insouciantly in his chair, bouncing his knee in irritation. His cautious and tired eyes flitted between yours, considering his words before he spoke.
“This is your last chance to change your mind.” He grunted.
You sucked your teeth frustration. “I’m not changing my mind.”
“You should.”
“Why? Will my presence really be that fucking draining for you?”
He quickly absorbed your sudden anger, mirroring it as he stood from his chair, leaning against the surface of his desk on white knuckles.
“You know that’s not what this is about.”
His tone was by turn seething and pleading, glowering at you with gruelling severity.
You scoffed. “Oh, so it would be.”
“For fuck’s sake, don’t be childish.”
Evidently fed up with your petulant bickering, his head dropped from his shoulders as he grunted in frustration. “I just... I can’t understand why you’d come back to this.”
“You can’t?”
“You had the chance to get away from it. You got out.”
“Got out. You think I got out, do you? That once I got shipped back to London I was done with it all?” You groaned, impatient. “Just let me sign the goddamn paper."
There was visible dispute burgeoning behind his lips, but he stayed silent – leaning forward to tug open one of the drawers of his desk. He pulled out a pad of blank paper forms, hesitantly but methodically tearing one sheet free along the perforated line. He flipped it, placing it down on the wooden surface and twisting it so it faced you, pushing it towards the edge in your direction with his fingertips.
He plucked a ballpoint pen from the steel mesh cup on the edge of the desk, before dropping it on top of the paper form with a quiet clack.
Crossing his arms, he stood upright with a huff and watched you scrutinisingly; glare challenging yet reluctant.
You quietly swallowed, stepping abashedly towards the desk and leaning over it, holding the pen between your fingers and pensively clicking the end of it with your thumb.
Jaded eyes scanned each word, the tip of the pen trailing each line as you read. You checked box after box, writing down the answers to probing questions as though you were completing an exam under the shrewdly watchful eye of your professor. Existing health conditions, current medication, family lineage, previous rank, promotable status. It would almost be nostalgic, answering questions such as these again, for the first time since you were promoted to sergeant four years ago – if it didn’t carry such painful weight, and weren’t so rife with sordid history.
The nib of your pen met that dotted line, finally, at the bottom of the form. Your eyes looked at the conditions and implications of your signature, that thick paragraph above the box, though not a single word was absorbed by your busy mind. It didn’t matter – you knew the consequences of that pen meeting the paper. Even if the Captain wished it, signing your life back into the hands of the SAS was not something that could be easily revoked.
He seemed to relish hopefully in your hesitation, his breath slowing as he watched you consider, pen hovering cautiously over the paper.
You briefly glanced up at him, from under your challenging eyebrows, meeting his eye. His stiff gaze wordlessly pleaded with you, his mouth in an austere line.
Steadfast, you ignored his silent dispute.
You signed the dotted line.
No backing out now.
A soldier again.
You were astonished at the adrenaline a mere signature could pump from your heart, quivering with it, as you dropped the pen to the desk and stood upright.
His steely eyes did not leave you, face replete with a medley of discernible emotions; ire, anxiety, remorse, solemnity. Arms still crossed firmly over his chest, you listened as his heaving lungs drew in a deep, exasperated breath.
He licked his teeth before he spoke.
“That’ll be all then, Sergeant.”
He dismissed you bluntly, coarse voice dripping with derision. A crease formed in your forehead, taken aback by his sudden dismissal, breath hitching at his use of your rank instead of your name; sergeant, a title he hadn’t referred to you by in two years.
It was as though he was satisfied, doing his best to show you what your decision had brought you, to make you regret it. You were his subordinate again. Just his sergeant.
“I knew you’d enjoy it in the end, Captain.” You seethed, tone draped in sardonicism, an immediate retaliation.
His brow furrowed as he looked down his nose at you. “Enjoy what, eh?”
“You finally get to order me around again, don’t you?”
“Am I dismissed? Or are you going to command me to drop and give you fifty?” You growled pettishly, scowling up at him. “It must’ve been hard, not being able to command me to do your bidding while I was a civilian. But that didn’t stop you from trying, did it?”
He grunted, an increasingly enraged sigh escaping his chest. “I didn’t want to be giving you orders again.”
“No, I didn’t. Just because you don’t know what to do with yourself when you’re not being commanded to do it, doesn’t mean I’ve been waiting for the chance to.”
A kick to the stomach, you worried you’d lose your balance with the blow.
Grimacing at him, you stepped your weight onto your back foot in reaction to his venomous accusation.
“Fuck you.”
You hissed it through your teeth, unable to conjure up any intelligent rebuttal, only lashing out with the reprisal that your frenetic emotions scrambled together.
He sniffed irately, adjusting his arms over his chest.
“Can’t talk to your captain that way, Sergeant.”
Your jaw hung loose in disbelief, overcome with a cold rage that made your body quake as it flooded your arteries.
“Fuck you,” you repeated wryly, daring. “Are you going to order me not to talk back to you, sir? You prick?”
He glared at you with challenging contempt.
“You want me to give you an order, do you?”
“I want you to get off your fucking high horse.”
“Yeah? Am I too honourable?”
“Honourable? You’re a sanctimonious p–”
He put his hands on his hips, brashly sucking his teeth before he interrupted you.
“Take off your shirt.”
His hoarse command pierced the thick air like a bullet.  
The wind was viciously sucked from your lungs, then, your racing heart jolted under your ribs with such voltage it felt as though you had been shocked by a defibrillator. You could only stare at him, stupid, waiting for him to relent, to take it back, to say that he was kidding.
His expression, now, was unreadable. You weren’t certain whether he was purposefully keeping his countenance devoid of emotion – or, if, you had abruptly lost any and all ability to understand him or his intentions.
He was a stranger, but a familiar one. A captivating one.
Before you could stammer out a semblance of a response, he continued.
“That’s the sort of order you’ve been wanting from me, isn’t it?” He goaded darkly, seemingly smug at his ability to render you flustered and wordless with one short sentence.
Dumbstruck, still, you could only swallow a pointed breath as you desperately tried to read any clear objective in his shrouded blue eyes.
“Go on.”
He’s not kidding.
“You wanted an order, I gave you one.”
You were completely staggered by the whiplash. Your distended heart thumped so vigorously in your chest you thought it might crack a rib.
There was a conviction within you, somewhere, to question him. To question if he was being serious, to ask him if this was some kind of sick joke to make you regret your decision.
And while you believed that was the case, that it was a derisive retribution, a game to get back at you – there was a stronger urge to play along. To meet his challenge, to execute his dare.
Meeting his indignant gaze with yours, you tucked your fingers under the hem that sat between your waist and hips, peeling it up your torso and stretching it over your shoulders, then past your head. Sweeping your loosened hair out of your face, you held the thin black fabric in the other hand before dropping it to the linoleum floor. You shivered a little in the cool air of the room, your stiffening nipples concealed by the cups of your rarely-worn grey marl brassiere – practical and unsexy.
But the look on his face was telling; he hadn’t truly expected you to comply.
That surprise waned quickly. His dark eyes tried their best to hold your stare, but they failed him – raking over your torso, jaw clenching as his gaze stuck brazenly to your exposed cleavage.
Trembling with adrenaline, you waited for him to say something. Anything.
You expected dispute; you anticipated he’d say, I wasn’t serious. And that would be a satisfying reaction – your effort to make him uncomfortable would prove a success, a victory, you’d have the last figurative word.
He wiped down his face with an open hand, rubbing his beard anxiously as he wrestled with what to say, how to react – maybe some attempt to restrain himself. He leaned against the surface of the desk, resting his weight on his knuckles.
Through gritted teeth, he uttered his next command.
You swallowed timorously.
It was surreal, really, you worried you were hallucinating – you imagined that in reality he was shouting at you to stop, but you were unable to hear him over your carnal psychosis.
But it was too late now, to stop yourself. You were driven to finish what you started. Changing your mind now, pulling your shirt back over your head and running out the door – would leave you questioning whether any of it was real. You wouldn’t survive in that oblivion, between reality and dream, fact and fantasy.
You needed proof.
You reached behind your back, contorting your shoulders to allow your fingers to grip the clasp against your spine. Your breasts pillowed out of the top of the soft cups as you stretched the band to unhook it, before slipping the straps down your shoulders. It slid from your chest, down your arms, gently – it, too, fell to the floor; you dropped it on top of your abandoned t-shirt.
You drew in a quivering breath, the skin of your breasts tingling as the goosebumps elicited by their exposure trickled across their soft flesh.
He sucked in a heavy breath, deep and slow, rugged and rasping. He took a step, and you retracted slightly; but you watched like cautious prey, as he walked around from the far side of his desk, to the front of it. He leaned on the very edge of the surface, not quite sitting on it, as he insouciantly crossed one boot over the other. His lascivious eyes did not leave you, absorbing every feature, every curve, like he was admiring an artwork.
Despite the metre and a bit of distance from him, you felt the dense heat that hung in the air between the two of you, radiating from him like he was a fucking oven.
A brief conflict almost escaped you, but he quickly smothered it.
Whatever reluctance that lingered melted away, then, dripping off of you like a layer of sticky ice cream – by virtue of the unwavering sternness of his command. And that, you realised, was where your comfort lay; where there was no ambiguity, no remorse for a poorly made decision, no culpability for your actions. If you were following an order, the onus was on him.
So you followed it.
Your kittenish fingers went to the button of your grey cargo trousers, popping it undone, slyly pulling down the zip of your fly. You flayed back the open waistband, pushing them down your hips, struggling briefly to pull them past your ass; its recent plumpness made your pants a touch too small. The polyester fabric loudly shuffled in the distended silence as the trousers fell down your legs, into a puddle at your feet; you stepped out of them as though out of a pond.
By the time you looked up to meet his gaze once again, though, he had already charged at you; quickly taking the base of your head with large hands and pulling you towards him. He forced his eager lips against yours with a ferocity that left you breathless, such an aggression that your first primal instinct was to resist him with claws against his chest.
But you were quick to surrender to him, relishing in the taste of him, his tongue, his breath hot in your mouth, you sucked it deep into your chest. Your starving hands coiled up and around his neck, scratching at the tense muscles in his heaving back through the fabric of his uniform jersey; hooking into him in some feline effort to make sure he was real, to prevent his escape, to keep him from being stolen away.
His mouth wasn’t on yours for long, though, dragging wetly across your jaw to your neck, the crook of your shoulder; he chewed at your soft, fervid skin, teeth skimming and barely digging into the tendonous flesh. His vicious hands gave you no reprieve, clutching at any part of you that could force you closer, tighter against him – ensnaring the meat of your hips, your waist, kneading at your sensitive breast with the other.
He separated from you only briefly, though his possessive hands didn’t leave you. Crouching slightly, he hooked his arms behind your thighs, under your ass – deftly hoisting you upwards with no visible effort. You clutched the back of his neck, wrapping your legs around his hips to maintain your balance as he lifted you, turning on his heel and carting you towards the desk. He quickly used a free hand to sweep aside the papers, flinging them to the floor in a confetti; he put you down hastily, keeping you close, the cold surface of the varnished wood biting at your bare skin.
He gave you a transitory respite, carefully checking your face before he went any further; likely ensuring you weren’t crying this time, that he hadn’t crossed an unspoken boundary. Whatever look you gave him in return was outside of your control or perception – but it was an invitation, evidently.
He dove down to kiss you again, but fleetingly – his savage lips trailed down from yours, biting their way along your jaw, down your neck, across your collarbone. You leaned back slightly on the desk to allow his avid venture, his ravenous mouth biting and suckling wherever it landed; drowning momentarily in the softness of your breast, cupping it with his wide hand to push the pillowy flesh against his face.
That wasn’t his final destination, though. His mouth only brushed over your nipple, sloppily kissing down your tensing stomach as he lowered himself to one knee, clutching your waist with both hands on his journey downward to hold you still. You felt your heart in your throat, in utter disbelief; you could only suck down jagged breaths as his lips grazed against your lower belly, just above your hip, teasing the elastic hem of your underwear. He gingerly kissed your mound through the thin cotton, controlling hands holding your hips by the bone.
Too rapacious to taunt you for long, he tugged sharply at the hips of your panties, leaning back so he could pull them down your thighs, over your knees, off your ankles. Your foot rested gently on his collarbone as he paused in apparent admiration, your exposed, spread pussy mere inches from his face; his breath despite its heat was cold against your wet, feverish skin. You felt embarrassed at his close inspection, his unashamed reverence – but his murky gaze broke away from your intimacy, instead meeting your eye. He wore an expression of unassailable pride, though cloaked in an avaricious hunger; he stared at you cruelly from under his brow, daring you to deny him.
Hitching your legs over his arms so that they rested on his shoulders, he clutched the side of your thigh with his mammoth hand while he pushed his lips into the inside of your leg, high enough, close enough, to make you quiver in desperate anticipation.
Piercing eyes still locked on yours, peering up from your eager flesh, his husky voice murmured deeply into your skin.
“Is this what you wanted?”
He jibed, almost a growl, as though teasing you for your recent behaviour – scolding you for acting out instead of asking for it, causing a scene instead of using your words like a grown-up.
Another kiss, higher, closer, teeth grazing the supple meat of your inner thigh, coarse beard prickling against the burning skin of the edge of your cunt.
You couldn’t think of the right answer, if there were such a thing, to his question – your head was by turn empty and running a million miles a minute. Really, you didn’t even know the answer.
Was it what you wanted?  This entire time? Has it been what you wanted since the last time, in his barrack in Urzikstan? Since the gala? Or, even, since you met him?
Your answer left your wet throat before you had the sense to question it, or rationalise it.
You breathed, a whisper, barely, almost a squeak. You weren’t certain that it was the truth, either – but it was what you wanted now, so it was honest in some sense.
With firm hands he adeptly tugged your hips so you perched precariously on the very edge of the desk, allowing him ease of access to you.
He cruelly denied you still, placing maliciously soft kisses against the slit of your pussy, torturing you with only a light pressure while you willed him to dive deeper. An ardent whimper fled your chest, quiet and pleading.
Whatever carnivore he was doing his level best to restrain escaped its prison at your sheepish sound; his monstrous hands dug deep into the flesh of your hips, maw lunging forward and pointed tongue parting your slick folds like he was searching for water. It dipped into you only briefly, a momentary taste of the dripping syrup he seemed to take pride in inducing from you – before he used it to glide up to your clit where it was nestled. With ravenous lips he suctioned it into his mouth, devouring you; dextrously chafing your sensitive bud with a flat tongue, maintaining a vacuum that made a dangerously loud and needy moan escape your throat.
He only hastened his torment in response, drinking you like he might die of thirst, breathing heavily through his nose so as not to allow you even a second of relief from the unbearable suction. Feverish claws clasped at the top of his head, running through his short hair and scratching at his scalp, holding his head where you wanted it. Your head hung back off your shoulders, briefly staring at the panelled ceiling before your eyes unwittingly fluttered shut, doing your best to swallow the choked cries that threatened to make the whole army base aware of your depravity.
Your constricting legs inadvertently tried to push him away, your body overwhelmed and desperate for a break from his ruthless consumption, almost too oversensitive to be pleasurable – but not quite. He restrained you tightly, though, not allowing you to flee from him for even a second; his firm hands controlled your hips with an alarming strength, head moving with you as though predicting the direction of your attempts at escape, mouth not separating from you once.
One hand retreated from your side, but to quickly prevent your bucking his constraining arm slithered over your lower stomach, clutching the far hip and using his elbow to hold you down to the desk. His free thumb, then, crept to your cunt under his chin. Despite how slick your skin was, drenched in both your clear sap and his saliva; the clenching muscles of your vagina were squeezed so tightly he had to push his thumb into you with effort, almost popping as it broke past your resistant entrance.
That seemed to weaken his resolve, the tightness of your muscles clamping around him rhythmically, in tune with the burgeoning, forcible orgasm that threatened to crash over you like a tidal wave; he released a ragged, resigned exhalation into your skin. You felt yourself beginning to drown in it, that swirling ocean. The floor, the desk, the room sunk in it, slipping away from you as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, only him keeping you afloat.
But he stopped, then, thumb begrudgingly slipping out from inside you, suddenly releasing his merciless suction and separating his wet mouth from your yearning pussy. You groaned in dispute, cut short, a sharp rush of air escaping your overwrought lungs.
“Not yet.” He grunted hoarsely, barely audible.
Brows twisted in pleading frustration, you looked down at him, meeting his frightening glare as he pushed himself to stand; beard glistening with the wetness of you, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“What?” You whined breathily, panting as you watched him tower upright, looming over you in licentious authority.
“I’m not having you come yet.”
His injunction was authoritarian, uttered darkly, his rumbling voice so hoarse it sounded animalistic; a growl, a threat. He stood between your legs, still, you watched in quiet, anticipating obedience as his livid hands tore at his belt. Ferociously unbuckling it, as though it would fight against him – he tugged open the button of his trousers, ripping down the fly and unsheathing his rigid cock from his straining boxers; menacing, it dropped heavy out of the elastic waistband, the solid shaft landing against your ravening cunt with a hard, wet slap.
You winced slightly at the sore impact, and his humanity seemed to return to him momentarily; softening face inches from yours, his attentive blue eyes scanned your features for reluctance.
“Tell me no.” He urged throatily, “tell me no, and I’ll stop.”
A shaky breath seeped through your lips, your delirious gaze flitting between his eyes, lashes fluttering as you processed his promise.
“I don’t want you to stop, Captain.” You uttered weakly, entreating.
His careful eyes darkened quickly at your bashful plea, watching your lips form the syllables of his rank like you were stroking him with it. His dominant hands returned to your hips, then, clutching at the bone and lifting your pelvis so it was angled right, just where he wanted it.
His clouded glare didn’t leave yours, his fingers dipping into your saturated pussy as though scooping the viscous fluid that dribbled from you; you watched, beguiled, as he rubbed your juices up the thick shaft of his cock, coating the head in it, briefly unable to stop himself from fucking his fist, huffing carnally, while he was lubricated by your watery come.
With a tug of your legs that were coiled around his hips, you grounded him, impatient; his sinister gaze met yours again, watching your wanton expression as he obliged you and dragged the soft head of his cock down your slit, the cruel pressure against your agitated clit making your body twitch. He restrained your spasm with his free hand your waist, keeping your pelvis still, as the tip of his length nestled between your lips, pressing against your clenching entrance.
Gripping himself by the stiff base, he pushed past your tight opening with his full weight; stretching it tautly around the girth of his cock as he stuffed you with it. You let out a pained squeak as it abruptly filled you, ramming against your cervix with a pressure that made you flinch.
The sharp soreness briefly frightened you – you had been deprived of the sensation of that angry thickness inside of you, ever since…
You didn’t let your mind go back there, not for a second; your eyelids shot open, desperate gaze sticking hurriedly to your Captain, his riled and yet gentle expression bringing you back to him, rugged but soft hands holding your hips as he impaled you on the length of him. You clutched the fabric of his jersey tight over his chest, gripping his arms, his shoulders; keeping him real, corporeal, there with you. He let out a strained grunt as he pulled you down onto him, as deep as your insides would allow him to go, to the hilt; he held you there, forcing you to squirm.
Your delicate hands held his warm neck, leaning forward as you pulled his head down to kiss him; mouth open and tongue desperate to taste him again, to feel his hot breath against your face, the soft scratch of his beard on your chin. He returned your kiss, tender, compassionate – a stark juxtaposition to his ruthless incursion; rutting into you powerfully but methodically, slow but hard, deep enough to be painful.
But the hurt was translated by your aroused nerves into a bestial pleasure, using your goading legs to pull him further into you, you felt his cock push against your aching organs. It raked against your sodden walls on its way out, a slight sting as it dragged along your taut opening – before filled you again, abrupt, sharp; it forced a sweet cry from your fevered chest into his mouth. He grinned arrogantly against your lips, a ragged, breathy chuckle taunted you in response.
You separated from him, then, lying back over the surface of the desk; you arched your back, angling your hips so that his length beat your walls more viciously, wrapping your legs around his waist and clutching at the edge of the desk above your head with straining claws. Exposed to him now, on display, his thrusting only increased in vehemence, speed, depth; carnivorous hands digging into the meat of your hips as if you might slip away from him, forcing you down on him with each rut.  
Eager for release, your fingers glided down your stomach, navigating diffidently to your clit; you drew wet circles over it, letting out a soft whine as you pleasured yourself with the rhythm of his accelerating thrusts.
He groaned huskily at the sight of you fucking yourself on his cock, his face twisted into an exasperated rapture, forcing himself to slow down slightly so as not to push himself over the edge too quickly.        
He stopped you, hastily; a stern hand tightly ensnaring your wrist and tearing your fingers from you. He pulled your arm upward, pinning it firmly to the wooden surface underneath you, holding your hand by your head. He leaned over you, then, making you watch as he held his free hand to his lips, spitting lecherously into his fingertips; they found your clit without needing to look, stroking the oversensitive spot inexorably, the pressure cruel and unrelenting. His head hung from his shoulders, mouth landing against the hot skin of your shoulder, placing gentle kisses along your collarbone as he ruined you.
The union of the two sensations – his cock, hard as stone, fucking into your stomach, and merciless fingertips tormenting your swollen clit; it surged within you, frayed nerves electrocuting you as your inevitable orgasm loomed, its delay rendering it incensed and sorely overpowering.
He must have felt the muscles of your walls clamping down on the length of him as it dawned on you, the change in the music of your sounds; aching whines growing louder, crawling from your labouring throat.
“You gonna come on me, are ya? Beautiful thing?”
He growled into your skin, only increasing the severity of his torture, relentless in his goal to finish you.
Your delirious tongue was unable to form a word in response, only releasing a high-pitched and arduous cry as your unforgiving orgasm collided with you, waves of carnal heat pulsing from the base of you, the muscles of your bullied pussy clenching tightly around his avid cock.
“That’s it.”
He grinned against your neck as he kissed you there, moving with you, allowing no escape.
“Good girl.”
With no apparent intention of slowing down to offer you a reprieve, he instead began speeding up, forcing you to squirm and shriek in dispute at the overstimulation. Your desperate, animal fingers clawed at his wrist, struggling to tear his stiff hand away from your cunt – but he relented, eventually, falling victim to his own pleasure as he shifted his focus to fucking you harder, deeper.
He scooped an arm under your back, lifting you just slightly from the surface of the desk as he hovered over you; the other hand holding the bone of your hip tightly, keeping it steady while he rammed you. You listened in rapture to his grunts of ecstasy, gentle hands clutching the back of his neck, nails grazing his hot skin as you coaxed him to chase his own release.
You pressed soft lips into his bearded cheek, comforting, reassuring him; and that seemed to do the trick, bringing him too close.
He groaned hoarsely in begrudging pleasure as he paused, for just a hesitant second, before reluctantly tugging his cock out of you and slamming the wet shaft of it it against your mound.
You panted heavily, holding your forehead against his, relishing in the sensation of his hot come shooting over your stomach, painting you; it dribbled down your sides, down the creases of your hips, dangerously close to your cunt. He winced against you, twitching involuntarily as he pushed the last of his semen out of the head, drooling onto your febrile skin.
You kissed him, again; he tenderly pressed his lips against yours in return as he took the moment to catch his breath. His mouth left yours after a moment and landed in the crook of your neck, his heaving body hung over you, propped up by his elbows on the desk under you. You felt him kiss under your ear, his warm breath and prickling beard sending a shiver down the nape of your neck.
You wanted to say something, anything – but there were no words you could think of to offer him. Gratitude? An apology? Your brain was fried, fucked into pliable mush.
Instead you lay in silence, embracing him for as long as it would last, doing your best not to consider the consequences that lay ahead of you as a result of such an unbelievably foolish lapse in judgement.
He’d been your captain for only a few minutes, and you had fucked him already.
And yet you wished the moment could last infinitely; savouring his gentle lips as they planted drowsy kisses on your neck, tired hands caressing your waist in what felt like wordless praise, a silent gratitude.
Despite the reservations, the guilt, the doubts that stormed around you, deafening; your thoughts encircled only one thing, one source of comfort.
He was your Captain again.
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chlorinecake · 10 months ago
🎙️ star-crossed lovers 【 薄幸な恋人 】 ⛦
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summ✩ry ⭑⭒⭑ As rehearsals and promotions for your big collab stage with Enhypen become progressively more intense, you and Niki face challenges that might effect your secret relationship and standing with the company...
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p✩iring ⭑⭒⭑ idol!niki x popstar!reader PREVIOUSLY
cont✩ins ⭑⭒⭑ band au, fluff, secret romance, kissing + a slightly heated make-out scene, mild bullying, LOTS of drama, reader is younger than Niki, 3.6k words
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It felt strange having your hair, makeup, and clothes managed by someone else, especially in such a meticulous way.
Today was the big day of the Riot Grrlz x Enhypen fan meeting that Hybe was hosting in honor of your upcoming collaboration stage, the event acting as some sort of promotional.
The fashion theme for the day, as decided by the likes of an online poll distributed by Enhypen's Instagram account, was 'Schoolgirl / Schoolboy,' which meant everyone would be dressed in plaid neck ties and neatly-ironed button-down blazers.
“This'll have to do,” murmured one of the makeup artist's on duty, simply dusting you with a bit of blush, some gloss, and shimmery eye shadow because they couldn't find a foundation shade that matched your skin color.
“I can't find my contact solution!” Serenity exclaimed frantically in the dressing studio, searching through her sparkly teal duffle bag for the fifth time this hour.
Of course none of you were willing to assist her on the aimless contact solution hunt, especially not with the way she verbally harassed the makeup crew for not "lining her eyes right."
“Just let it go, Ren,” Sunghoon said with an annoyed sigh, “the stylists are making all of us wear glasses for the concept today anyways...”
“Okay first of all, don't call me by my nickname. Second, it's not my vision I'm worried about, but my image,” she clarified matter-of-factly, “I wanna impress the Korean fans with a big and bright boba eye moment...”
“You have sooo many problems,” Jade added with a similar irritation, rolling her eyes at the diva before a hairstylist ran over to clip in another track of fake hair.
“Tell me about it,” Serenity huffed despairingly, sticking her arms out like a scarecrow as the fashion crew adjusted the belt around her waist.
“Let's just try and maintain a good mood before the meeting guys,” you started optimistically amongst the tension, “the fans might pick up on our bad energy if we all show up pouting like this...”
“Easy for you to say,” Niki replied teasingly, “you slept like a baby last night… meanwhile, you kept me up with your insistent snoring…”
“Did not,” you whined in protest, looking back at his attractively playful expression, “it’s not my fault that the stories you tell in your groggy bedtime voice are so relaxing.”
Niki meant to reply but was rudely interrupted by Serenity’s stinky attitude, “Aww, late night bonding moment, I see? Hope a little ‘story time’ was as far as it got for you two lovebirds...”
You and Niki shook your heads in unison at her senseless comment, the rest of Enhypen and your band mates soon rushing out of the dressing room and outside to the awaiting limousine as the schedule manager directed.
“Make sure you have everything you need, guys! We’re running a bit behind on time and can’t afford any more set-backs,” exclaimed a tall, broad man in athletic wear, a black Hybe hat topping off his look.
“Got it, sir,” Jungwon replied politely, double-checking his leather cross-body bag before stepping into the vehicle, the rest of you following after him.
You didn’t expect to see Miss Kim in the front seat with the chauffeur, but you greeted her nonetheless.
“Morning, Miss Kim!,” You and Hearin started enthusiastically.
“Morning, Riot Grrlz,” she returned while not looking at any of you, writing hasty yet neat notes down on her clipboard, “I’ll be bold and assume you ladies have never attended any sort of fan event, correct?”
“Y-yes, that is correct,” Jade answered before you, crossing her legs in her seat, “this’ll be our very first experience today…”
“Oh, that’s cool for you then, isn’t it? Don’t worry if you don’t know what to say or do, by the way... just copy us,” you heard Heeseung encourage somewhere behind you, but your mind was more focused on the way Niki’s hand accidentally brushed against yours while you two glared out of the same window...
Accidentally… maybe…
“I was just getting around to that, Heeseung,” Miss Kim continued after clearing her coffee-stained throat, “Korean fans as a whole are pretty cutthroat, and whether you’re a foreigner or not, they expect you to present yourself a certain way…”
“Perfect,” Sunoo thought out loud, “they expect you to be perfect…”
“That’s just the way this idol life goes, I'm afraid,” Jungwon sighed from his seat, not empathetically, but in a realistic sense.
“Either way, you girls should be safe to mirror whatever the boys are doing if you ever feel confused…” Miss Kim trailed off, the limo being just a few feet from reaching the fan meeting center, “Good luck today, you all.”
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
Things were turning out surprisingly smooth at the event, to say the least.
Needless to mention, you and Niki stayed pretty close the entire time, and the fans seemed to be amused by your attempt at famous duo heart poses with him.
“Just extend your hand like this,” he instructed while giggling, watching as your overhead heart ended up looking more like an oval to the audience.
Serenity was received as a fan favorite, too, her “boba eye” look captivating the male attendees while others were more entertained in her beginner Korean skills.
“Hwaiting,” she exclaimed confidently before the fans one too many times for your tolerance, Sunghoon’s face clearly showing just how much he was enjoying not being the cringiest person in the room for once.
Or, at least that was until an older fan requested that he and Sunoo sing and dance to the infamous aeygo Ottoke song for good luck at the show tomorrow.
“The things we do for engene,” the two boys collectively thought to themselves while fastening coquette bunny ears atop their heads, hoping that their enthusiasm would override the embarrassment.
It was all just such a culture shock for you and your group.
“Uhhh, a little help here?” Haerin worriedly called out to Jake as a particularly excited Korean fan approached her with a lot to say that she could barely understand.
“Oh- allow me,” Jake offered between the language barrier, translating to Haerin what the fan was trying to tell her.
“She thinks I’m a what now?”
“A K-pop Idol, mostly because of your trendy look today,” Jungwon giggled warmly, “the prophesied eighth member of Enhypen, in fact...”
Haerin laughed with both embarrassment and flattery, trying her best to explain to the young fan that she was a member of the Riot Grrlz and Riot Grrlz only.
Interactive activities continued just as well after this, the event nearing its end as you and Niki did a few TikTok dance challenges for the fans on stage.
Dance challenges that you had practiced with him in eery hours of the night, or whenever you two were left alone in the dance studio.
That, alongside other things too… like stealing sweet kisses here and there… or nearly melting while staring into each others love struck eyes—
“____, right?” A fan asked, approaching you with a blue marker and square of paper.
“Yes, that’s me. Nice to meet you,” you returned, keeping eye contact with her, despite the dark shades she wore.
“Nice to meet you, too! I have so many questions to ask you about what it’s like working with Enhypen!… and I really like your hair, too! The highlights look really nice with your outfit hehe… ALSO, I've been listening to a lot of your groups songs recently, and my favorite has to be the main track from your most recent album, it’s so unique!…” the fans voice eventually trailed off shyly.
“Oh my goodness, sorry for rambling!! Uhmmm, can I get your autograph by any chance?”
“Aww, thank you,” you smiled brightly, “and it’s okay! I find it cute how interested you are in my experience and music…”
Your hand reached out to grab the marker from her grasp, your body leaning forward slightly as you signed your name on the photo, resting your weight on the desk before you.
So lost in the moment, you didn’t even realize that the photo you had just signed was one of you and Niki hanging out just outside of Yeouido Park the other night.
It was impossible to hold back the gasp that escaped your throat at the realization, your finger loosing its grip around the marker as your stunned eyes met her knowing ones.
“Look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she chuckled in a facetiously sweet tone, you and her hands fighting over the now autographed-polaroid before your grip overthrew hers.
“Where did you get that—”
“Your secret’s safe with me, alright?” She interrupted with a sharp whisper, “So long as you work on distancing yourself from Niki moving forward…”
You blinked in feigned confusion at her words, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, we’re just colleagues—”
“And he’s an idol,” she cut in again, “idols don’t belong to silly American girls like you… you don’t even belong in our world…”
At this point, you're certain she could see how upset you were with her, and you didn't even care to hide it. “Everyone has welcomed me here, expect for you… and to what gain? I’m here with my band solely for work purposes, and I can assure you there is nothing you have to worry about concerning my professionalism.”
Your strong reply seemed to have rubbed her the wrong way, one of her hands fastening the bag over her shoulder while the other adjusted the glasses sitting at her nose.
“Thank you for your time,” she nearly growled at you, that same phony smile plastered to her lips before she hurriedly walked away, disappearing into the crowd of fans.
You let out a breath that you didn't even know you'd been holding, trying to calm yourself down before anyone noticed the silent commotion that had occurred on your side of the meeting booth.
All you could do was hope that this was the only copy or evidence of you and Niki hanging out that night as you folded the paper into a small square, tucking it under your sleeve in a way that no one would notice.
Above all though, you were just glad that the event was coming to an end soon, a few on-set staff members already helping to put away some stage props, meanwhile Sunoo, Heeseung, and Jade helped themselves to bringing along some gifts from fans.
“Hey... uhm, Heeseung? Can I-”
“Yes, Jade,” Heeseung answered with a giggle, “you can have all of my kitty plush gifts...”
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
The limo ride back to the HYBE building was quiet, the sole thought roaming in the back of your mind being that one fan's cruel words…
…𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶… 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥...
It wasn’t like you were trying to infiltrate the world of K-pop.
You and your group were simply expanding your collab horizons upon being invited, and it seriously boggled you how anyone would have a problem with that—
“Knock knock,” Niki said with a smile in his voice from behind the door to your private backstage dressing room, waiting for your cue that it was safe for him to come in.
“You can come in, Niki,” you replied softly, standing in front of the body length wall mirror while struggling to fix your hair into a suitable style for the stage practice in a few minutes.
“Hi,” you greeted again once he reached you, watching as his eyes traced your reflection, almost immediately picking up on your nervous demeanor.
“You did great today, ____, y’know that?” He started with a low voice, guiding your stressed hands away from your head and resting them at your sides.
“Niki, I have to get ready—”
“And you already look more than prepared,” he encouraged, securing his hands around your waist before leaving a kiss below your ear, “gorgeous, even...”
“Thanks,” you answered shyly, somehow already feeling a bit better about things now that he was near you.
“So. Are you gonna tell me what’s got you upset or are we gonna make this a guessing game?” He teased, making you chuckle a bit as his attempt to cheer you up.
Your eyes fell to the floor, his grip on you loosening as a little sigh escaped your freshly glossed lips.
“A fan…,” you began quietly, “at the meeting today… she asked me to sign this photo.”
Reaching into your bra, you pulled out the mysterious square photo and watched with a pout as Niki carefully unfolded it from each corner.
“I… I don’t understand…” he stuttered, eyes glazing over the sight of you and him holding hands at the firework show that night.
“I know, it’s my fault that—”
“No…,” he interrupted your words before meeting your guilt-ridden eyes, “I don’t understand why you’re letting this get to you…”
“Excuse me?” You asked with a confused expression, “if something like this gets out, it could ruin both of our careers, y’know?”
“Sure,” he responded nonchalantly with a shrug, “but I couldn’t care less about some jealous sasaeng’s creepy little photo fest… by now, it’s gonna take a lot more than an innocent, harmless photo of us hanging out to make me question our status in this field.”
“You never take anything seriously, Nishimura,” you smiled with a sigh, shaking your head as you watched his fingers tear the photo to pieces.
“Well you’re definitely an exception to that trait of mine,” he smirked, tucking the torn shreds of paper into his back pocket before finding your face in his hands, placing a tender kiss to your left cheek.
“How sweet of you to say,” you whispered softly, grabbing the neckline of his shirt and pulling him closer to your height, “now how about you kiss me properly this time?”
He hummed at your teasing tone, sharp features softening as he tilted his head, sealing the space between you and him with the sweet kiss you’d been waiting for.
“I’ll never get tired of this,” Niki sighed against your lips, his right hand removing the rubber band securing your ponytail so his fingers could roam freely through your curls.
Things were escalating pretty quickly now, both of your breaths sounding more labored with each second as you stumbled backwards onto the desk, his energy leading the kiss as he remained on top of you.
It was almost more than you could handle, his hands roaming at your sides before your eyes barely fluttered open, the sight of his slightly blushed button-nose making you feel like melting on the spot.
Thats when you realized his pink hue was a result of two reasons: (1) The way your hands shyly clung to his shoulders right now, and (2) the shadow of footsteps peeking behind your dressing room door.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Hello? Miss ____, its Kim... Are you decent?”
“Erm, one second!” You responded in an obvious frantic.
Niki helped you get up from the vanity table, kneeling down quickly to hide himself under the it as the stern lady made her way into the room anyway.
“Sorry to intrude,” she began abruptly, not even taking note of your currently disheveled hair and flushed expression, “but I’ve unfortunately been appointed as the bearer of bad news for today…”
“Oh... uhm, w- what is it, is everyone alright?” You asked with a concerned tone, trying to take your mind off the fact that a Niki stained with the glimmer of your peach flavored lipgloss all over his mouth was literally under your desk right now, a mere two feet away from Miss Kim’s leather boots.
“For the most part, yes… but it concerns one of your band mates… Serenity, specifically… Since you are the leader of your group, I found it humble to have at least this much respect to tell you first in private.”
You let out a breath, closing your eyes for a moment before opening them back up, restoring your usually confident aura and making eye contact with the woman.
“Thank you, Miss Kim… I’m listening…”
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
The sounds of shoes rhythmically scuffing, mics going in and out of focus, and layered fits of heavy breathing filled your ears for the next two hours.
Design tech, stage directors, and performers alike were giving it their all to perfect things before the big show coming up.
You paced around the shiny stage, a sweat rag secured lazily around your neck as you and the Enhypen members just got through with rehearsing the main choreo at the performing arena for the first time.
Everyone except Jay and Jade that is, who were still busy with working on their guitar duet for the intro show backstage with the music writers.
“I have no idea how you can still see after being in front of these bright stage lights all the time,” you huffed out tiredly, glancing at Sunoo who only shrugged while taking a few gulps from his grey water bottle.
“I’m not too sure either, but for the lot of us, it’s just something you have to get used to,” he tried warmly before letting himself fall on the ground, limbs spread out like an exhausted snowman as sweat trickled down his forehead.
“Here, lemme show you a little trick I like to use,” Niki offered with a smile while approaching you from behind, his larger frame casting a shadow before you.
“Look down there,” he started, guiding your waist with one hand as he pointed ahead of you with the other, “do you see the tech crew down there?”
You looked to where his finger was pointing, eyes being met with the sight of workers who sat in reclining chairs while others drank some coffee, a few sporadic employees carrying clipboards with stacks of paper, giving out orders to their fellow floor members.
“Yeah, I see them,” you answered, making Niki laugh slightly for reasons you didn’t fully understand.
“That means you’re too close then,” he replied, still holding your waist as he guided you to take a few steps back, which ended up being more steps for you given the leg length differences.
“There’s a rule of thumb that if you can see the audience, they can’t see you… are the lights still bothering you now?”
“Not as much, actually,” you said, turning to face him as he still held you close, everything in your body fighting not to kiss him in this moment given the way he looked back at you, “thanks again…”
“Anytime,” he smirked smuggly, “but uhhh, I think people might be looking at us now—”
“Oh,” you giggled shyly, backing a few inches away from him.
“Ahem,” a nagging voice cleared from beside you two, breaking the wholesome presence of the moment.
“Do you guys think you’re invisible or something?” Serenity asked, crossing her arms while staring the both of you up.
“Uhm…. No?” Niki answered for you, furrowing his eyes at the blue-eyed diva.
“Then why’re you just standing there? You’re blocking my light…”
You let out a scoff at her words, feeling baffled at the thought of how insecure girls like her could have such egotistical tendencies.
“Sorry, Serenity…,” you said half-heartedly, “didn’t mean to disturb your… solo mid-break practice session...”
“Really appreciate it, leader lady,” she replied sarcastically, very intentionally bumping into your shoulder as she walked past you before stopping in her tracks, a loose copy of the stage schedule getting caught under her baby pink sneakers.
She leaned down to pick it up, examining the text before her eyes stumbled over a line of bolded words. All of this was for reasons she didn’t understand, but either way, would soon resent.
“Ugh?!!” She exclaimed with a confused scoff, “HYBE is kicking me from the show??”
Your eyes widened at her words, the furious, confused, and torn look on her face doing nothing but make Niki smirk to himself, “Serenity, I can explain—”
“And you knew about this, didn’t you?” She accused with balled fists, looking between your nervous face and Niki’s shamelessly proud one.
“I just found out today, okay? But Miss Kim specifically instructed me not to say anything about until she revealed it to you herself after practice,” you clarified with a shaky voice.
“Please,” she said with a scoff, “And what’s with the face, Nishimura Nimrod? Huh!? Your little girlfriend told you before she told me, her own band mat—”
“I didnt tell him anything!” You retorted with a slightly raised voice, cracking with nerves you couldn't keep buried anymore.
You never liked being in the hot seat unless you were sitting there with Niki, thanks to his ability to always maintain his cool under pressure...
However, for some reason, even with him next to you right now, you still felt like hurling yourself to the ground.
“You had to have told me him something, so just stop with your insistent lies, ____,” Serenity spat, poking a finger in the center of your chest. Hard.
“You couldn’t wait to get rid of me, its been all over your rotten little face ever since we got here… You’re so jealous of me and it’s honestly depressing at this point…”
Oh Serenity, you thought in your mind, if only you knew this was all brought on by yourself…
You’d had enough of her ignorant speech, holding a fierce eye contact with her while trying to conceal the tears forming behind your eyes.
The sadness growing in your heart…
“None of this was my decision, Ren, so if you have a bone to pick with someone, try taking it up with Miss Kim herself,” you said firmly, walking back a few steps in case she tried touching you again, “I'm sure she'd be more than happy to inform you on her reasons for exiling you from the main activities…”
“What’s going on you guys?” Haerin asked timidly in the midst of the chaos, having just come back from washing up in the restroom.
Serenity practically burned holes in your face with her venomous glare before turning sharply on her heel, footsteps loud and startling as she marched off the stage, murmuring a string of curses under her breath.
“Soooo,” Sunghoon started with a curious accent, “I’m usually not the best at comprehending things, but I’m assuming that whatever just happened was a lot more serious than the usual Riot Grrlz drama, correct?”
“Yeah, what's the big deal ____?,” Jade asked alongside Jake, who gave your shoulder a comforting shake.
You fought with everything in your body to not to let any tears fall...
Because in this moment, it just felt right to cry, but at the same time, was it really worth appearing weak in front of everyone?
Everyone who counted on you to remain strong?
You exhaled with a deep breath, wiping the pricks of moisture from your eyes before speaking, “Serenity won’t be performing with us for the special stage anymore… only the ending song.”
A cacophony of gasps filled the room at your words, Jungwon having picked up the loose schedule copy to analyze it for himself, the bolded words reading:
>> SERENITY TAYLOR Authorized to be PULLED from Furthering Her Performance Activities in Sight of Behavioral Decency Violations Under HYBE's Collaboration and Code of Conduct Standards
“Will she be allowed to attend the award show at least,” Heeseung inquired, not out of empathy, but curiosity as all of this was unfolding pretty fast.
“Perhaps, but for now, we can rest on the thought that we’ll have one less problem while preparing from here on out,” you answered, feeling a large hand take your hand in theirs before giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Either way, the show must go on you guys,” he said with a deep voice, the faintest smile being on his face as he looked back at you, dark eyes sparkling with sincerity.
The stage lights flickered from ahead and above you, a key indicator that the radio would be picking up again soon, playing the instrumental to your practice track.
“Mic check everyone and it’s back to rehearsals in five,” yelled out a staff member from below the stage, the ten of you now lining up in formation while adjusting your headsets around your ears.
There was only one thought that remained in your head as the choreographer hopped up center stage to explain how the performance would accommodate for Serenity's sudden absence:
The show must go on.
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🎙️For my baby, @microwvdstrawb3rri3s 💕 This is episode 3 for ya ~ Thanks for being so patient with me :3
⛦ TAGS: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @yourmomscuntis2tighy @nikimeows @kimjiho1 @nikipedia07 @nishimuradaniel @ashgonedash @laurradoesloveu @caithefly @samhomo @rikikiynikilcykiki @3ngene--frvr @illymontyshit @filmofhybe @whoslug @nikiiitties
🎙️ Feel free to check out more fun reads on the pinned post at my home page ~
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songbirdseung · 2 months ago
simply jaded / sim jaeyun
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going into the new year single again was not gonna be on your bingo card anymore. the problem was that no other guy could satisfy you nor treat you like your best friend did. so maybe, why not date him instead?
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going into the new year single again was not something you had planned for. after a string of disappointing dates and relationships that fizzled out faster than fireworks, you were fed up. no one seemed to measure up, no one could treat you the way you wanted, the way you deserved. except, maybe, your best friend.
the thought had crossed your mind more times than you’d like to admit. jake had always been there for you—kind, funny, supportive. he knew you inside and out, better than anyone else. so why not give it a shot? maybe dating your best friend wasn’t such a crazy idea after all.
with a mix of nerves and determination, you grabbed your phone and sent him a text. it was short, direct, and maybe a little impulsive: “why don’t we just date each other?”
you barely had time to process your own boldness when your bedroom door flew open, and there stood jake, slightly out of breath and looking thoroughly baffled.
"are you stupid or just that desperate?" he blurted out, his eyebrows raised in disbelief.
you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. he wasn’t angry, just visibly confused—and maybe a little disgusted at the sudden proposition. "oh c'mon," you said, sitting up straighter. "you make it sound like i'm a horrible person to go out with."
"well, you kind of are," he shot back, crossing his arms. "with how indecisive and bossy—hey, don't even think about throwing that pillow," he warned, cutting himself off as you grabbed one from your bed.
you rolled your eyes but put the pillow down. "you're acting like you're repulsed by the idea of dating me."
jake scoffed, though there was no malice in it. "and if i am? will you drop the idea?"
"tell me what's so bad about us dating?" you challenged, crossing your arms now, mirroring his stance.
he sighed, ruffling his hair in that way he always did when he was thinking. "it’s not that it’s bad," he admitted, his tone softening a little. "it’s just... weird. we've been best friends for so long. what if it ruins everything?"
"or," you countered, leaning forward slightly, "what if it makes everything better?"
he paused at that, the room growing quiet as he considered your words. "you’re really serious about this, aren’t you?" he finally said, his voice quieter, more thoughtful.
"i am," you nodded. "look, jake, we already know each other better than anyone else. we trust each other, we have fun together. isn’t that what people want in a relationship?"
"yeah, but... what if we screw it up?" his voice was laced with genuine concern, and it tugged at your heart.
"then we deal with it. but i’d rather take the chance than keep wondering 'what if.' wouldn’t you?"
he let out a long breath, his shoulders relaxing a bit. "you always have to make things complicated, don’t you?"
you smirked. "you love it."
"yeah, yeah," he muttered, but there was a small smile playing on his lips now. "fine. but if this goes south, i’m blaming you."
"deal," you grinned.
he shook his head, still looking a bit amused and bewildered. "guess we're doing this, huh?"
"guess we are," you said, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness.
jake sat down next to you on the bed, bumping his shoulder against yours. "well, if i’m going to be your boyfriend now, does that mean i get to boss you around for once?"
you laughed, shoving him playfully. "don’t push your luck, sim."
he chuckled, leaning back on his hands. "this is going to be interesting."
"yeah," you agreed, smiling. "but i think it’s going to be worth it."
and just like that, the new year suddenly didn’t seem so daunting anymore.
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the first date came quicker than expected. jake insisted on planning everything, wanting to make it special. after all, this wasn’t just any date—it was the first date, a big step from best friends to something more.
when he picked you up, he was noticeably different. instead of his usual teasing grin, he had a nervous smile. he even opened the car door for you, which immediately made you suspicious.
"wow, look at you being all gentlemanly," you teased as you slid into the seat.
"well, i thought i'd make an effort," he replied, scratching the back of his neck as he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.
the restaurant he chose was cozy and intimate, a little different from the casual places you usually went to together. jake pulled out your chair for you, then sat down across from you, trying to maintain a composed and charming demeanor. it was almost too much.
"okay, who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?" you joked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"very funny," he muttered, but you could see the corners of his mouth twitching as he tried to suppress a smile.
as the evening went on, it was clear that jake was struggling. he kept catching himself before saying something sarcastic or teasing, his usual go-to moves. instead, he attempted to be more romantic, which only made things more awkward. like when he tried to compliment you but stumbled over his words.
"you look... um, really... uh, nice tonight," he said, his face turning a little red.
you couldn’t help but burst into laughter, covering your mouth with your hand. "jake, seriously? 'nice'? that’s the best you’ve got?"
"hey, give me a break," he groaned, leaning back in his chair. "this whole romantic thing is harder than it looks."
"just be yourself," you encouraged, still chuckling. "i liked you better when you were teasing me about my terrible taste in movies."
he grinned, some of the tension easing from his shoulders. "so you do admit your movie taste is terrible."
"don’t push it," you warned playfully, narrowing your eyes.
the rest of the date became much more relaxed after that. jake let go of the awkward attempt to be overly romantic and instead fell back into his usual rhythm—teasing, joking, and making you laugh until your sides hurt. it felt right, natural, like slipping into a comfortable old sweater.
as you left the restaurant, walking side by side, he reached for your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. "okay, maybe i overdid it with the whole gentleman act," he admitted, glancing at you.
"just a bit," you teased, squeezing his hand. "but it was sweet. thanks for trying."
he stopped walking, turning to face you. "i’ll get the hang of this boyfriend thing," he said, his tone more serious now. "just... bear with me?"
"you’re doing fine," you assured him, smiling softly. "we’ll figure it out together."
"yeah," he nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "together."
and with that, you continued walking, this was the beginning of something new, and you were both ready for whatever came next—together.
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svnluns · 3 months ago
⋆ truth or dare
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The clock on the wall ticked past 11:30 PM as Billie was walking towards me with takis and drinks and then lounged on the carpeted floor of her living room, legs crossed, her oversized hoodie swallowing her frame. The glow of the fireplace danced on her face, casting shadows that made her jade-green eyes seem almost liquid. She leaned back on her hands and grinned, the mischievous curve of her lips sending a thrill through you.
"Alright," Billie said, her voice low and teasing, "your turn. Truth or dare?"
You tucked your legs beneath you on the couch, clutching the soft throw blanket tighter. Spending the night at Billie’s house still felt a bit surreal. She’d invited you over after your casual coffee meetup had stretched into hours of laughter and easy conversation. One thing led to another, and here you were, in her living room, playing a game that had suddenly taken on a dangerous edge.
"Truth," you said, hoping to keep things safe. The way Billie’s gaze lingered on you made your skin tingle.
She tilted her head, her silver chains catching the light. "Hmm, let me think..." Her pause felt deliberate, like she was savoring the tension. Finally, she asked, "Who was your first crush?"
You bit your lip, warmth creeping into your cheeks. "Uh, I think it was this girl in middle school. She used to sit next to me in art class. She had these bright blue glasses and the cutest laugh." You peeked at Billie, trying to gauge her reaction.
Her grin widened. "Cute. So you’ve always been into girls?"
You nodded, your heart racing. There was something about the way Billie’s voice softened, something unspoken but electric hanging in the air.
"Your turn," she prompted, leaning forward. The movement brought her closer to you, her scent—a mix of vanilla and something woodsy—filling your senses.
"Okay," you said, trying to focus. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare," she replied instantly, a spark of challenge in her eyes.
You hesitated, your mind scrambling for something that wouldn’t seem too tame or too bold. Finally, you said, "I dare you to... tell me a secret. Something you’ve never told anyone."
Billie’s brows lifted, and she gave a low chuckle. "That’s sneaky. But okay." She sat back, her gaze locking onto yours, suddenly serious. "Sometimes, I wish I could just disappear for a while. Not in a bad way," she added quickly, seeing your expression. "Just... you know, step away from all the noise."
You nodded, understanding more than you could say. "That’s not weird. Everyone needs a break sometimes."
She smiled softly, and the vulnerable moment lingered between you, unspoken but deeply felt. Then her expression shifted, playful again. "Your turn. Truth or dare?"
Feeling bolder, you said, "Dare."
Billie’s eyes sparkled, and she leaned even closer, so close that you could feel the heat radiating from her skin. "I dare you to kiss me."
Your breath caught. You searched her face for a sign that she was joking, but all you saw was open anticipation. The crackling fire seemed impossibly loud in the silence that stretched between you.
Slowly, you leaned forward, the blanket slipping from your shoulders. Billie met you halfway, her lips brushing yours in a kiss that was soft, tentative—at least at first. Then her hand cupped the back of your neck, and the kiss deepened, sending a rush of warmth through your entire body. Her thumb traced the edge of your jaw, making your skin hum with awareness.
When you finally pulled back, her face was still close to yours, her lips curved in a small, satisfied smile. “Was that so bad?” she teased, her voice huskier than before.
You shook your head, unable to form words. Your heart was racing, your mind a whirl of emotions.
“Good,” Billie murmured, her fingers lingering on your skin. “Because I might have to dare you to do it again.” she says it in a playful tone.
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hisui-dreamer · 2 years ago
his cleaner shrimp
Pairing: Floyd Leech x gn!reader
Synopsis: you had only meant to help him once, but he attached himself to you straight away
Tags: fluff, comfort, humour(?), Floyd calls you shrimpy, mentions of blood, Floyd and Jade fought, bot proofread
Word count: 1.5k+
Notes: more floyd fluff! this fic was originally angst can u believe it anyways i was inspired to do a classic shoujo manga scene hehe
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'I did nothin' wrong!' Floyd thought to himself.
In the shadowed back alley, Floyd sat curled up against the wall, his emotions roiling like a stormy sea after a heated confrontation with Jade. Anger still boiled within him, but the sting of his injuries dampened his spirit.
His left cheek was swollen and discolored, a vivid shade of purple and blue, with a raw, angry red spot where Jade's knuckles had landed with force. A small cut near his eyebrow oozed blood, giving his face a gritty and battle-worn appearance. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied as well, the skin was broken in places from the forceful punches he had thrown.
He nursed his wounded pride, nursing his bruised ego, and found solace in the alleyway alone, away from prying eyes. If anyone had dared to even look at him funny, they would be met with a fierce glare from his mismatched eyes, as if daring them to challenge him to a second fight.
But it seemed his glare wasn't intimidating enough, as your shadow started approaching him, prompting him to look up from the floor. You were a small thing in Floyd's eyes, not the best target for a fight, and definitely easy to throw around.
'Pshh... Just small fry...' he thought as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Uhh, hey there," you said hesitantly, holding out a plastic bag Floyd could only assume contained first aid supplies from the red symbols. "I couldn't help but notice you're hurt. Your injuries might get infected if you leave them untreated."
Floyd's initial gruffness wavered slightly as he glanced at you, surprised by your concern. But he didn't want anyone's pity or help, especially not from a stranger. "I don't need any help from small fry like you," he retorted, trying to sound tough and dismissive. "I'm not that weak."
Still, you continued taking steps closer, kneeling down next to him to stare directly into his eyes. "Even strong people can get infections, you know," you said, a wry smile playing on your lips. "It'll hurt more then, so it's better to have it treated now."
Floyd hesitated, torn between his pride and the growing realization that he did need help. Perhaps it was the adrenaline passing, but he could feel his bloodied hand throbbing in sharp pain. He cast a hesitant glance in your direction, taking in the softness and understanding in your face. In that moment, he decided to let his guard down, just for a little bit.
"Fine, whatever," he mumbled, begrudgingly extending his injured hand toward you.
Your touch was gentle and sure, and as you cleaned the wounds and applied antiseptic, you made sure to warn him of the incoming sting, though he seemed unaffected by it all. Despite his efforts to stay aloof, Floyd found himself feeling strangely comforted by your presence. As you continued to patch him up, he felt a warmth spreading through his body, a soft and fuzzy feeling that he couldn't explain. He wondered if that was the infection you had warned him about, but it didn't feel bad or painful; instead, it felt like a balm for his tired soul.
With your curiosity getting the better of you, you couldn't help but ask about the cause of the fight.
"So, what happened?"
Floyd looked at you, his eyes meeting yours, and for a moment, he hesitated. However, the trust he had found in your compassion made him open up.
"Shrimpy's curious, huh..." he replied with a small smile. "Okay, I'll tell ya, but only cuz you're Shrimpy."
You blinked at the peculiar nickname, amused and intrigued. "Shrimpy? Is that... me?"
He nodded happily, a hint of mischief in his eyes. You couldn't help but smile wryly at the odd choice of nickname.
"I had a fight with my brother," Floyd finally admitted, his smile fading into a pout.
"It's Jade's fault!" he yelled, his frustration evident in his voice. "He kept using those weird ingredients in his cooking, even though I hate 'em! I kept tellin' him, but he didn't even listen."
He paused, his voice turning quieter as he continued, "So I broke one of his terrariums to make him stop, but he got really angry..."
You listened attentively, humming as you carefully cleaned the wound on his face. "And so you two fought... I understand how that could be frustrating," you said softly. "You know, cooking takes a lot of time and effort... I'm sure your brother just wanted you to enjoy it like he does."
Floyd glanced at you, his mismatched eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. He couldn't ignore the gut feeling that maybe you were right.
"Yeah, maybe he did," he conceded, a hint of contemplation in his voice. "But it's still annoying he doesn't listen to me."
You nodded, understanding his frustrations. "Of course, it's not nice that Jade disregarded your feelings," you replied gently. "But you should respect his feelings too. Breaking his terrarium wasn't the right way to handle it."
Your words struck a chord with Floyd, and he felt a pang of remorse for his impulsive actions. He knew better than anyone else how much time and effort Jade devoted to caring for his cherished terrariums, often staying up late into the night to tend to them.
"Aww man... Shrimpy's right," he muttered, feeling the weight of his mistake. "Jeez, what do I do now?"
You offered a reassuring smile, glad that his anger had dissipated. "It's never too late to make things right. The best place to start is always an apology," you suggested. "There, all done," you murmured as you finished placing an island dressing bandage on his face, a smile forming on your face at the job well done.
Floyd, meanwhile, stared at you in a daze, your close proximity allowing him to notice all the little details on your face. He felt his cheeks warm as a gentle affection slowly bubbled inside him. Your genuine care and gentle touch had triggered something deep within him, and he found himself feeling drawn to your presence.
"Floyd!" a familiar voice broke him out of his daze. "There you are!"
Jade stood at the front of the alley, slightly panting as if he had been rushing around. You nudged Floyd gently, having recognized that the man must be his brother, and gave him a reassuring nod.
Floyd glanced at his brother, momentarily torn between his pride and guilt. But he took a deep breath and stepped forward, his voice steady as he said, "Jade, sorry... I shouldn't have broken your terrarium, and it was wrong..." He confessed. "But I don't want to eat any of those weird things again!" he exclaimed with a pout.
Jade's initial surprise gave way to a soft smile, appreciating Floyd's rare willingness to apologize and make amends.
"I understand, Floyd," Jade replied, his tone more understanding now. "And I apologise as well. I should have listened to you and respected your preferences."
Floyd's pout softened as he realized that his brother was willing to meet him halfway. "Really?" he asked, a hint of hope in his voice.
Jade nodded. "Yes, really. Though I do not wish to, I will stop using mushrooms for your meals."
"Wait..." you blurted, turning to look at Floyd. "This whole time, the weird ingredients you've been talking about are mushrooms?"
At he nodded furiously, your incredulous expression only intensified. "But mushrooms are so delicious! Why would you hate them?"
Before Floyd could even start to complain, Jade approached you and clasped both of you hands, his eyes alit with surprise and excitement. "I'm delighted to meet a fellow mushroom lover! Would you like to join me on a mushroom foraging trip in the mountains?"
You blinked, taken aback by the sudden turn of events. As you tried to muster up a response, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you backward to meet his sturdy chest. It was Floyd, and you could feel his warmth and presence enveloping you, his chin resting on top of your head, his hair tickling your forehead.
"No way! Go get your own Shrimpy! This one's mine!" Floyd exclaimed, his arms tightening around you possessively to prove his point.
Jade's lips spread into a wide smile, his sharp teeth showing playfully. "Now now, Floyd, I do believe you've broken a precious terrarium of mine," he hummed as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "It's only fair that you give me something for reparations."
"Nuh-uh! As if I'd let you steal my Shrimpy!" Floyd said. In a fluid motion, he picked you up and started running off with you, while you scrambled to hold on tight to him.
You couldn't help but squeal as the unexpected playfulness unfolded. "W-wait! Floyd! Put me down!"
"Nope! You're my cleaner Shrimpy now! I'm not lettin' you go!" Floyd declared, his voice lighthearted and full of joy.
Maybe you should have been more concerned by his words, but you found yourself so captivated by his joyful and innocent laugh, that you couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles with him.
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honeyryewhiskey · 2 months ago
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01. eyes full of stars
ᯓ★ story index abt, your winning streak has caught the attention of outlaw dean. but when he challenges you at your own game, you may have just met your match. warnings, bar scene, alcohol use, strong language, 18+ 2.6k words
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The low hum of Tequila Cowboy’s neon blue sign buzzes over the murmur of voices and the clink of beer bottles. Smoke curls through the air, catching the dim light as it billows out of Dean’s lips. He’s leaning against the bar, one booted foot propped on the brass rail. His green eyes peek from under the brim of his worn-out Stetson, locked on the pool table in the corner, where a small crowd has gathered around you.
Your body folds over the table, a coy smile playing on your lips as you line up your shot. Dean didn’t need to watch to know the eight ball was going exactly where you wanted it. It isn’t the game that has his attention. It’s you—the way you work the room, charming the rich ranchers out of their wallets with every sway of your hip and winning flick of the cue stick.
The crowd erupts as you sink the shot, and Dean caught the faintest flicker of satisfaction in your fox-like eyes before you straightened and collected your winnings with a dazzling smile. When your gaze finds his stare, it lingers for half a second too long.
A smirk plays at your lips as you lean against the pool table, “Didn’t think you’d have the guts to stare me down,” you called out, loud enough for the room to hear. Your voice was light, teasing, but there was an edge to it that cut through the bar.
Dean’s lips curled into a lazy smirk as he pushed off the bar and saunters toward you, his spurs clicking softly against the wooden floor. “Didn’t think you’d be bold enough to call me out.”
The crowd watches with rapt interest as the space between you closes. Dean stops a few feet away, his tan arms crossing as he gives you a slow once over. “Nice hustle,” he drawls, his voice low and rough like gravel warmed by the sun. “But I’m thinkin’ you haven’t played your best game yet.”
You raised an eyebrow, stepping closer until the toes of your boots nearly touch his. “And you think you’re the one to bring it out of me?”
Dean’s tongue swipes over his lips, jade green eyes boring into yours as you notice the dimples in his smile. “I know I am.”
The tension between you crackles, hot and electric, like a summer storm brewing on the horizon. The crowd has faded into background noise as you lean in, your voice dropping just enough to make it private.
“Careful, cowboy. Playin’ with fire gets you burned.”
Dean’s head tilts, eyes dancing with mischief. “Yeah,” he starts, his voice dripping with a boyish charm that hits all your sweet spots at once, “but what’s life without a little heat?”
You laughed softly, the sound low and dangerous, before stepping back and tossing him a cue stick. “Rack ‘em up, Sweetheart. Let’s see if you can back that silver tongue with a little skill.”
And just like that, the match was set. A game neither of you could afford to lose—one with stakes far higher than a few crumpled bills. Because you recognized something in him. The way he stalks around the table deliberate and unhurried, was the mark of someone who knew how to play the long game. But there was fire there, too—smoldering beneath his easy smirk and sharp green eyes, daring you to push him, to see how far he’d go before he broke.
And dammit, you wanted to know. You wanted to unravel him, see if the silver-tongued cowboy could handle being outmatched. 
This was a stand off with a lone wolf like yourself, someone who tricks and swindles their way through life. The rush of such a match was irresistible. It sent a thrill down your spine, sharper than the bite of whiskey and more intoxicating than the smoky haze filling the room. This man, watching you from the otherside of the pool table wasn’t just a charming outlaw; he was a mirror held up to your own reckless soul.
Dean bent over the table, lining up his shot. The room had quieted some, despite the growing crowd watching the close competition of the first few rounds. The air between you two remained charged. His gaze flickering up to meet yours with a spark of mischief.
“You know,” he starts, his voice dripping with mock sincerity, “I’d hate to embarrass you in your own game. You sure you wanna keep going?”
You smirked, leaning on your cue stick with the confidence of someone who already knew how this was going to end. “Big talk for a guy who’s down by two shots.”
Dean grins and draws back the cue, the crack of the shot slicing through the tension. The striped ball rolls cleanly into the corner pocket. He straightens, flashing you a cocky wink. “Make that one shot.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t fight the grin tugging at your lips. “Don’t get too comfortable. You’re still losing.”
As the game went on, it became clear just how evenly matched you were. Every shot Dean made, you countered with one of your own. Every taunt he threw, you lobbed back, sharper and more daring.
“You always this good?” he asked as you circled the table, lining up a tricky bank shot.
“Maybe I’m just inspired,” you replied, flashing him a quick smile, holding his eye contact as you flick the cue stick forward, sending the ball careening off the cushion and into the pocket.
Dean let out a low whistle, shaking his head. “You know, for a sweet little thing like yourself, you sure do play dirty.”
You laughed, stepping aside to let him take his turn. “Flattery’s not gonna save you, sugar. But nice try.”
Dean leans over the table again, his biceps flexing just enough to catch your eye. He took the shot with deliberate precision, sinking another ball with maddening ease. When he looked up at you, his smirk was back in full force. “That one was for you.”
You bit back a retort, focusing on the table instead of the way his voice seemed to wrap around you like warm honey. It was your last turn, the eight ball poised perfectly for the win.
Dean steps back, giving you space but watching you like a hawk. “No pressure, sweet thing.”
You arched a brow. “Don’t need luck.”
With a steady hand and a flick of your wrist, you sank the eight ball, the final pocket dropping with a satisfying thunk. The crowd quickly resounds around you, whistling and cheering as you retain your winning streak. But your attention can’t find a break from your opponent, eyes locked on him as he coolly joins in the applause.
Dean let out a low chuckle, shaking his head as he straightened. “Well, I’ll be damned. You’re somethin’ else.”
You shrugged, feigning nonchalance as you set the cue stick back on the rack. “Told you I’d win.”
Dean follows suit, close enough that you caught a whiff of leather and whiskey. His attention stays trained on you, his head having to tilt down to yours at this closeness. “Guess I owe you somethin’ for the show.”
Your lips quirked. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll find a way to repay me.”
He laughed, the sound low and warm, before nodding toward the bar. “How ‘bout I buy you a drink? Least I can do for gettin’ my ass handed to me.”
You pretended to consider it, tapping your chin thoughtfully. “Well, I am thirsty… and you do look like the kind of guy who can afford my usual.”
Dean shakes his head, clearly amused, as he steps back to let you pass. “Lead the way, miss.”
With a smirk, you took his offer, knowing full well you’d be sparring with him long after the drinks were gone. For once, though, you don’t mind the company.
You settle into the seat across from Dean, swirling the amber liquid in your glass. Tequila Cowboy might be rowdy enough to make the walls shake, but the corner table you’d claimed offered a rare pocket of quiet.
“So,” you start, leaning back in your chair with an easy smirk, “what do they call you?”
“Dean.” He lifts his glass to his lips, his smirk curling against the rim. “Dean Winchester.”
You snort softly, shaking your head. “Ain’t no way that’s your God-given name. Winchester? Like the rifle?”
He hums, jade-green eyes glinting with amusement. His gaze holds an undeniable pull, the kind that could unravel most anyone if they weren’t careful. You’re trying your hardest not to fall into that quiet gravity. “Wouldn’t lie to you, little miss.”
“Oh, is that right?” 
“I swear it.” He crosses his index finger over his middle, pressing them to his lips before pointing them at you in a playful gesture. “And what about you? Got a name to match that sharp tongue?”
You lean forward slightly, eyes narrowing with a knowing glint. This was a question you heard often enough, and you’d learned long ago to keep your name—yourself—guarded from wolves in cowboy boots. “Whatever you want me to be, sugar.”
Dean chuckles, low and warm, a sound that doesn’t crumble under your carefully constructed allure. It piques your curiosity; clearly, he’s not like the others. The thought lingers, tempting you to learn more about the man with green eyes and a devil-may-care smile. “Holdin’ your cards close. I can respect that.”
“I haven’t seen you around these parts before,” you change the subject, tilting your head. It’s not uncommon for wanderers to pass through town. You only came here for the high stakes pool games, but never spent more than a few nights in this town. “You just passing through?”
“Somethin’ like that.” He sighs, leaning back, his knees knocking against your crossed legs under the table.  “I’ll be here a few days, then it’s back on the road. I don’t stay anywhere too long.”
A ghost of a laugh escapes your lips, “Yeah, you don’t look like the type to linger.”
“Oh, yeah?” His brow quirks, eyes roaming over you with lazy interest. “What do I look like then?”
“Haven’t figured that out yet,” you admit, feeling a blush creep up your neck. The admission surprises you; you’re not one to get flustered, especially not when trading sweet talk with another smooth-talking cowboy.
Dean notices, his grin widening as he watches you try to mask the pink dusting your cheeks. His voice is as smooth as the bourbon he’s sipping. “Well, you let me know when you do.”
Shaking off your momentary slip, you smirk. “Oh, I will.”
A charged silence settles between you, comfortable yet crackling with something unspoken. Dean leans forward, breaking it with a question. “So, you always make your living hustlin’ rich ranchers outta their pocket change?”
“Depends,” you say, your voice playful but cautious. “Why? You looking to hire me?”
Dean’s smirk deepens as he sits up to lean over the table. The smell of cigarettes and dark liquor dances between the small space between you. His eyes meander around the people surrounding you as he lowers his voice, the warmth replaced by something sharper. “Word is, there’s a little stash of gold sittin’ in the hands of a real bastard.” His pupils have grown, eyes boring into yours with a dangerous glint of excitement as his voice quirks with sarcasm. “Seems like a damn shame for a guy like that to carry all that weight alone. Was thinkin’ I’d help lighten his load.”
Your brow arches, interest piqued. The thrill of his words settles over you like a second skin. “You asking for my help?”
“Maybe,” he drawls, his smile slow and deliberate. “Would you?”
“What’s my cut?” you quip, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. 
“Oh, sweet thing,” he rolls the pet name off his tongue like honey, the sound making you lean in closer, “you’ll be paid generously for your trouble.”
You shake your head, a smile tugging at your lips. “You’re a dangerous man, Dean Winchester.”
“And you don’t seem like the type to play it safe,” he shoots back, tipping his glass toward you.
He’s right, of course. This is the kind of thrill you can’t turn down, not with a man like him by your side. “When do we start?” 
Dean turns toward the window, where the faintest glow of pre-dawn light softens the edges of the night. Only his eyes flick back to you, a hint of teasing swirling in the green, “Sunrise ain’t for a few more hours.”
You finish the last sip of your drink and set the glass down, standing with a grin. “Lead the way, cowboy.”
He pushes back his chair, unfolding with the grace of someone who’s always ready to move as he slips on his leather jacket. “I reckon we’ll make a damn good team, me and you.”
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@a1ecmcdowell @titsout4jackles <3 ily ily ily mwah
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sugugasm · 2 years ago
#1 : SLUT CERTIFIED ! — eren yaeger
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꒱ ➛ CHAPTER SYNOPSIS : eren’s first favor.
˚◞♡ who ?? : eren yaeger x black fem! reader
˚◞♡ word count : 8.2K ( i am so sorry )
˚◞♡ chapter warnings : minors DO NOT interact, mentions of female anatomy, fem! reader using she/her pronouns, somewhat bimbo reader ??? mentions of asshole connie, mentions of player! connie ( i’m sorry ), use of profanity, oral penetration, cunninlingus, body worship, fingering, pet names such as [ mama, baby, angel ] slow-paced smut, a little bit of a cliffhanger.
˚◞♡ author’s note : NUMBER ONE — i am so sorry for posting this so late. i ended up re-writing the entire thing many times but i have a good feeling ab this ver. BUT ANYWAY !!!! first chapter !!! yayyy !! i’m very exited to share this with you alllll <3 i appreciate the amount of support you’ve given me before this was released and i love u for it 🫶🏽 anyways, excuse any mistakes or typos !! i hope you enjoy. reblogs n interactions are deeply loved <33
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the typical friday night lights of the city shined brightly through eren’s studio apartment. nothing but the sound of livid drivers behind their steering wheels and the occasional dog barking at whomever may pass by. not to mention you — his best friend ; sitting next to him with a burning blunt plied between your fingers as your eyes intensely gaze at the soothing window view.
although, you didn’t exactly look so soothed.
there was a look of a apprehension pervading your features, almost as if you were deep in thought. eren sets his jaded irises on you and the small smile that once stretched across his lips fades.
“uh, you good?”
your eyes trail over when you take heed to his question, w taking a breath before looking at him with hopeful eyes. usually, you didn’t find yourself having such a challenging time when asking eren anything, but as of right now, the next few sentences you say may or may not tarnish your friendship.
“i’m fine. i um.. i just don’t know how to really ask you this,” you confess. eren then turns his rested head towards you, eyes looking at you with scrutiny as he tries to piece together what exactly that little mind of yours was thinking.
“talk to me, what’s wrong? i do somethin’ again?” you rashly shake your head from side to side, grabbing his hands in yours and squeezing as you nervously laugh —
“you know your friend connie, right?”
the audible groan that leaves eren’s lips is priceless, and so was the look on his face, “you mean the annoying bald motherfucker from high school that won’t leave me alone? hm, the name doesn’t really ring a bell.”
well if that wasn’t obvious enough, yes, they knew each other. they’d been friends for a while now. you can recall first meeting connie during your junior year of high school ; eren introducing you at a house party your devious asses had no business being at. he was cute, and even a little funny, but you’d never really paid attention to him until a few months ago.
him now being in his twenties meant you got to see him grow to cover his body with ink — his arms and legs. and you most definitely couldn’t forget the amount of muscle he’d gained just over a year after graduating high school. point being, he was just your type. and you were his. that’s why it didn’t take very long for you two to begin talking. but of course, after a few dates and many, many occasions of giving him severe blue balls, you figured it was finally time to step it up a notch.
“well you know we’ve been talking for a while now..and we’ve been planning to go out of the city for a little vaycay and i was thinking that maybe it was time he and I could take our relationship to the next — “
“for him to fuck you and break up with you like he did that one girl last year? nah. not lettin’ you do that.” he interrupts you before you could even begin to finish, shaking his head from side to side as he focuses his attention back to the moving city outside the window.
you could say he was being harsh, but at the end of the day, eren knew him better than you did — regardless of being familiar with one another since the early age of fourteen. connie was a heartbreaker. a true player at heart.
that boy couldn’t keep a woman for longer than a month before tossing her to the side as if she was some accessory — many of those women being too good to for him to begin with.
women like you.
the women who were too kind for their own good. the women who never failed to put a smile on a saddened face with just a few simple words. you were the type of woman he’d easily break — and that was just something eren couldn’t bare to swallow. but alas, who was he to judge? he just wanted to see you happy — that was his one and only concern, and if this whole ordeal would succeed that goal, he has no problem doing whatever he can to get you there.
“i wasn’t asking for your permission. i just needed your help, but i guess it’s useless to ask now.” the look of lost hope on your face pulls at eren’s heartstrings, him almost immediately exhaling and rolling at eyes at the sight of your pleading yet condescending gaze.
“jesus, what do you want? advice? intel? a wing man—“
“i want you to teach me how to fuck.”
it took everything in him not to laugh because the more he held your gaze, the more he realized you were genuinely being serious. eren’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull. you stare, waiting for his response as he gives you an intrigued looked rather than a confused one, “i think you need to elaborate. that’s a crazy sentence to say.”
“y’know, like blowjo —“
“i know what sex is, yn.”
you and the word ‘fuck’ had never been been a thought in eren’s mind up until now, so to know he’d be the one seeing you bare for the first time was definitely…mind boggling. seriously, the closest eren has come to even seeing a glimpse of you would have to be when you went scuba diving in miami for your nineteenth birthday — and even then, you were still somewhat clothed.
“i know it’s weird and i completely get it if you aren’t comfortable with —“
“i mean..i don’t really mind teaching you. i’d rather you learn from me rather than a lame ass porno.”
that was a response you weren’t expecting. you’d made sure to prepare yourself for rejection when you came over, but eren had proved you wrong. he didn’t seem to be phased — a resting grin on his face whilst you fully comprehend his answer.
“wait — really?”
he nods, shrugging his broad shoulders, “yeah? it’s not like we like each other or somethin.’ just think of it as my favor to you.” eren motions his fingers for you to pass him the blunt, but you nearly drop it from your fingers as you toss your arms around his neck — embracing him tightly as you whisper a stream of ‘thank yous’ into his neck.
you feel eren’s palms trail up and down your spine, rubbing the small of your back. he laughs at your excitement, “what’s connie gonna’ think about all this, hm?” he questions — validly questions. of course he didn’t like the guy, but he still needed some source of clarity. his days of fucking someone else’s girl were long gone and he’d never step foot into that life ever again. it was too messy.
“he doesn’t know he’d be my first — well, second..besides you. plus, he said it himself : we’re not official! it’s not wrong to see other people,” you casually say this as if you hadn’t just admitted to connie openly voicing that he was playing you, but then again, if you didn’t see an issue, neither did eren.
“yeah, i bet he did say that.”
“oh don’t be like that. you’re such a hater — he is your friend after all,” you poke at his bicep teasingly, amused at the side eye he sends you. you knew eren and connie relationship wasn’t the absolute best — frenemies you’d like to call it. they had their good days, and their bad ones, but you knew, on the outside looking in, it was endless love for one another all around.
“he’s an acquaintance.”
your eyes roll and you huff, “whatever. when do you wanna do this? i leave for the trip in a few weeks. i wanna’ be as ready as possible before then.”
“well, i gotta’ meet up with jean and armin for poker tomorrow night, but after that i’m free if you —“
“great. we’ll start tomorrow. and poker? what are you, old men?”
“oh hush, you like to knit.”
you shove him and you both begin burst out in laughter. the rest of the night was spent doing what you and eren would normally do — watching movies, chatting amongst yourselves and every now and then, casually bickering like an old married couple over the silliest of things.
but these innocent gestures would soon hold a brand new meaning in such a short amount of time. neither of you realized the mistake you were about to make. the days of occasional i love you’s and holding hands out of comfort were long gone now.
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saturday night at armin’s ; a night looked forward to by most —most meaning eren and eren only. there was no better feeling than getting together with his closest friends to trash talk, share a few glasses of rum, and catch up on whatever life had thrown at one another throughout the week.
but what he loved most watching the look of defeat on jean’s face when eren finally placed his last chips. it was a scene he’d pay for.
“you’re a fuckin’ cheater.”
eren laughs, stretching his arms across the table and pulling the pile of neatly stacked chips toward himself. he takes a moment to look over at armin who has his phone out recording jean’s rage all the while chuckling tauntingly under his breath.
“hating the player when you should be hating the game. that’s crazy.”
“fuck you,” jean mumbles. eren steers his attention away from the grown man’s mini tantrum when he hears an angry knock at armin’s door. heads turn in unison, “damn armin. forgot you had a girl comin’ over tonight or something?” the blonde rises from his seat, walking over to take a look at the peephole to reveal a standing connie in front of the door, “it’s just con, guys.” the door is pulled open, and at the sound of connie’s name eren could already feel himself tuning everyone out.
the sound of connie’s voice alone was enough to make eren want to gather his keys and satchel to make a run for it, but it was nowhere near the time to meet with you.
“its about time y’all answer the fuckin’ door. i’ve been knocking and waiting for like thirty minutes now,” this was a lie. poker always started at seven, and it was now thirty past nine.
“you’re late,” eren huffs. connie gives him the finger, scoffing as he makes his way over to the table, “where were you?” eren sounded like a stern parent scolding their child, but at the end of the day, there was something off about connie in this moment that was shifting his mood from solemn to easily irritable.
“damn, am i not allowed to oversleep every once in a while?” oversleep eren’s ass. the purple and blueish colored bruises beginning to taint connie’s neck said otherwise. he’d obviously been acting on that ‘seeing other people’ bullshit he fed you — and if eren was being honest, the lack of coverage showed just how little he respected you.
eren conjures a smug laugh, “oversleeping huh?” jean does the same, vividly noticing the markings as his eyes peer over to the exact spot as eren’s, “more like fucking. i see you and yn are becoming pretty close, huh ?” he asks.
“y-yeah, yeah. she’s great, man.”
“just great? you’ve been talking for like four or five months now,” armin chimes in, and thank the heavens above that he did. it was evident that the group as a collective were well aware of connie’s shitty behavior.
“i mean…it’s nothin’ too serious. she’s cute, for real. we’re just taking it slow.” nothing too serious? for christ’s sake, he was planning a getaway with you in a few weeks. it’s like all of this was just a little game of cat and mouse to him. you’d think connie being aware of how tightly knit you and eren were would give him some sort of change at heart, but nope — that was just connie for you.
eren could practically feel the blood pumping through his veins. he rolls his tongue around the inside of his cheek, tapping lightly onto the wooden table with a deep mug twisting his chiseled features.
“i think ima’ call it a night,” eren voices, rising from his reclined position slowly while avoiding eye contact, “i have some shit to do.” shit to do meaning heading towards your place earlier than he should be. he couldn’t stand to be around connie and his ignorance. it was depriving and overall time consuming.
“the fuck? i just got here, eren,” connie scoffs, but eren doesn’t stick around long enough to hear the bass in his voice rise to a T. the door slams behind him, eren now making his way out of the door and down the hall to head for his black mustang parked out front. the skin of his cheeks and the tips of his ears flushed pink with a crack of discomfort bubbling inside of him.
the moment he unlocked his car doors and hopped in, he didn’t know if the adrenaline was getting to him or just the sheer fact that he liked the taste of making connie angry, but that whole interaction just made him all more enthused to see you.
no matter how much you liked connie or how much you cared about a potential relationship with him, he couldn’t beat the fact that eren would easily treat and fuck you way better than he ever could — hypothetically speaking, of course.
and that’s why, the only thought on his mind was to make tonight a moment you’ll never forget.
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with a day consisted of excruciatingly long lectures and excessive amounts of homework given by your professors, you could finally find yourself prancing down your apartment hallway, eager to enter your home to prepare for what the night had in store.
you fumble with the keys on your baby-pink lanyard, specially made for you and given to you by eren for your birthday one year. the sound of your living room television could be faintly heard resonating through the wood as you started to unlock your door. you furrow your brows since you know for a fact that you made sure to turn it off before you departed earlier this morning.
your hand twists at the nob, the fingers of your opposite hand clutching tightly onto your pepper spray, but to your surprise — you quickly feel a sense of relief travel through your body as you see none other than eren. his legs spread, arms behind his head as he lounges on your white couch which a bowl of half eaten ice cream resting on the coffee table before him.
to say he startled you would be an understatement, but the sound of your keys jangling did just about the same to him : his head almost immediately turning toward the door to face you.
“what are you doing here, ren? and how the fuck did you even get—“
“you gave me a key, remember?” he asks, pointing to his neatly hung set of keys on the coat hook beside the front door. as soon as you turn to look in that way, his lifeless lips start to smile and he begins to giggle at your confusion, “damn, about to pepper spray me and everything, huh?” he quips.
you simply plop down next to him, sinking into the warmth of the sofa as his arm gently moves to rest behind your head, “you’re the one who can’t send a damn text. it would’ve been nice to have a heads up, ren,” he smiles at your tone ; sounding just like his mother, carla, when she used to yell at him for being a sneak.
ah, what a time.
“i thought it was poker night. i didn’t think i’d see you until ten,” your inquiry was enough to make eren riled up all over again, but for your sake, he chooses to leave out the part where he nearly wanted to slap your potential partner across his face.
“i kept winning, so i left. it got boring.”
eren’s blatant lie didn’t seem to phase you. in fact, you seemed to have easily glossed over his sorry excuse of a response, and instead choosing to gush over the possibility of him seeing connie.
“was con there? did he say anything about me?” you giddily ask, a smile complimenting your dilated pupils with just the mention of his name. eren only sheepishly grins, “yeah, he was there alright. called you cute too.”
eren barely cracks a smile at this, seeing how effortlessly your face lit up at the sound of the bare minimum. poor, sweet, innocent yn — too blinded to realize the boy you spoke so highly of only used a simple sentence when speaking of you. it was sad almost, seeing you be so naïve. but then again, telling you wouldn’t make a difference — it would only start an argument.
“he’s so sweet. i think he gets nervous in front of you guys…y’know, when he talks about me.”
“…right.” eren decides to navigate the conversation elsewhere, “so..did you wanna’ get some food or something before we start or..”
“don’t be so awkward, eren,” you laugh. you squeeze his bicep consolingly, “i’m gonna’ go freshen up a bit and then we can get going. it’s been a long day.” you tread off toward your room, shutting the door behind you and leaving eren alone on your living room couch.
for some odd reason, eren found himself to be more nervous than he was when he first entered. he didn’t know if it was the mystery of it all or the simple fact that he would be seeing you naked for the first time, but his heart was damn near beating out of his chest.
the scuffling sounds coming from your bedroom only induces his anxious heart, eyes directing their attention toward howl’s moving castle playing quietly on the tv.
“eren! can you come in here for a minute?” he hears your soft voice call out from behind the door. eren blinks a few times, confused on why you hadn’t just come out yet, but the moment he opens the door to your room — he knows.
there you were, standing in the connected bathroom in front of the mirror, adjusting and shifting your waist length faux locs from one side to the other. your body was decorated in a pink, two piece lingerie set. he’s stunned to say the least, eyes tracing the outline of your figure — picking and observing the small tattoos sitting just above your ass and right below your left thigh.
“eren? you with me?” your question snaps him out of your forbidden trance. eren clears his throat, running a hand down his chest in a self-comforting manner. it takes everything in him to control the arousal forming in his pants. there was no denying it — you were fucking gorgeous, but this wasn’t a regular hookup and you weren’t just a regular girl.
you were his best friend and right now, the hard cock in his pants is thinking otherwise.
“y-yeah, i’m with you. i’m right here.” you don’t see the way his eyes look you up and down, nor do you see him sucking on his bottom lip while doing so. instead, your focus is on the inner thoughts in your head, pondering about if your choice of attire was overdone.
“is it too much? i saw it at the mall earlier today after class and i thought it would be fitting —“ he cuts you off before you could even dare finish that sentence.
“nah, you..,” he takes a moment, looking at you in awe as if he’d just seen an angel, “you look beautiful.” you don’t perceive the smoothness of his voice but it’s there. it’s so obviously there, and you’re so obviously breathtaking.
face bare, lips coated in a thin layer of lipgloss and smelling as if you’d just showered in roses — like said, breathtaking.
“i-im sorry. i can take it off if it makes you uncomfortable —“
“no.” that slips out faster than he intended, but he didn’t care. it got his point across simple enough. you laugh, turning to your left to finally come face to face with him, only to dig eren in a deeper hole than he was already in.
“well..i’m ready when you are,” you announce. seeming to be all around enthused about this, you take a few steps closer, inching forward to the point where you’re arms length away. eren still stands there, quiet with gentle eyes as he grips the top ledge of the doorframe. you hear his breathing become unsteady, almost as if he’d lost that smooth talking, serenading attitude he once carried.
he felt like the virgin here.
“are you nervous?” you ask, studying the way his eyes pierce while he stares at your lips, “we can stop before it starts.”
with he way he was feeling, a wise man would’ve called it all off, but eren…eren needed needed you. he needed to touch you, to feel you, to please you in some way — beyond the act of just giving you guidance.
he answers your question with a question, “are you?” you shake your head, rocking back and forth on the heels of your feet as you wait for his next statement.
but his next move surprises you.
without hesitation, you watch as eren towers over you, taking his thumb and index to lift your chin — letting you naturally meet his alluring gaze, “can i kiss you, yn?” the moment you begin to nod is the same exact moment when his lips brush against your own. the contact almost shocking the both of you as a small gasp leaves your mouth, and his stuttered hand grasps the side of your neck.
eren was kissing you. he was kissing you as if you’d easily break under his touch. the butterflies in your stomach begin to flip. by default, you close your eyes and fall into it — moving along and following his soft yet hungry pace.
it was funny. it was like you were kissing each other as if you’d been waiting to do so your entire lives. considering you’d always deemed eren as attractive and an overall somewhat decent man, the thought of him giving you butterflies had never occurred.
if anything, those same butterflies were present while you spent time with connie, but never ever have they fluttered like this. maybe it was the heat of the moment, or maybe it was just an effort to set the mood, but this felt like an eternity you’d never wish to end.
his hand was incredibly light against your neck, giving you a distinct chill as the one creeping down your waist sends an unfamiliar shiver elsewhere. as the kiss gradually intensifies, over the course of a few seconds, reaching its peak, he then sucks on your bottom lip. pulling and yanking on it like he was in dire need of more — which he was.
he’s groaning, he’s hard, and most importantly, he’s infatuated. your lips felt like heaven against his, so plush and so comforting. eren was so lost in you that he couldn’t even begin to fathom the consequences that may come.
“y-you can touch me some more,” you mumble in between breaths — and that was all he needed.
“where…tell me where, baby.”
baby — a word you thought you never hear coming out of eren’s mouth when referring to you. it didn’t make you contemplate much though, it was hard to think about anything at all once you felt his hands grip and mush at your backside. he fondles it in his palms, letting your skin mold into his hands.
“i more, ren. more please…”
he hears you, he hears you so clearly — and he wants more of you too, “what, hm? want me to touch you here?” you feel his hand sneak around toward your inner thigh, fingers tips grazing the area near your pussy. you let out an unexpected sigh of pleasure.
“an important part of intimacy is what makes you feel good. so tell me, what feels good to you, yn?” eren appeared to look and sound more confident than he felt.
“h-here. here feels good.” you gesture toward your pretty pink underwear that had been fighting to be taken off for the last five minutes. eren was just as ready as you were, waiting for the moment you were comfortable enough to allow him to please you like he was itching to.
“yeah, you like touching yourself there don’t you?”
“you want me to touch you there?”
there should be a world record for how quickly you whimper ‘yes’ under your breath. the same goes for how quickly eren scoops you from the floor, cupping his hands underneath the back of your thighs as he carries you in his arms toward your bed. eren lays you on your back, your spine hitting the fluffed sheets of your mattress. as much as he wanted you right then and there, the thought of your innocence comes back to mind.
this was your first time.
“we’ll take it slow, alright?” he asks, and when he doesn’t hear a response from you he becomes worried. the energy shifts from hot and hasty to nerve wracking and what the fuck am i doing, and it’s evident, “do you wanna’ stop? we can forget that shit in the bathroom ever happened, okay? i don’t mind—“
“no! no, it’s..it’s okay, ren. really, i’m just a bit nervous that’s all.”
you weren’t lying. you were more than comfortable with him being the one to do this. in truth, you were more turned on than you’ve ever been, but then again this was all so surreal. the boy you’ve called best friend your entire life was about to be the first to see you in such a personal way.
there were so many what ifs — too many to count on your own two hands. what if there was a possibility he gets uninterested mid-way through? what if he was judgmental of the way you looked? what if he lies about your anatomy just to spare you the embarrassment?
these were all the things you’d thought of, but these were also all of the things that eren would never in a million fucking years do.
“nervous? of me?”
“it’s just, you’re the only one who’s ever…seen down there and i don’t know if —“
“look at me.” his hands travel up and down your thighs, comforting and soothing your jitters as you fight the intense amount of eye contact he was throwing your way, “can you look at me, please?” eren’s treasuring voice allows you to relax a bit, your eyes meeting his.
“you’re an angel — an absolute angel. you have nothing to be ashamed of. especially in front of me, okay?” you nod, breath remaining steady after hearing his words of encouragement. you shoot him that sweet, signature smile, allowing him to wipe away the small tear that’d fallen down your cheek.
“you’re too pretty to be cryin’ like that. worrying over nothing. lemme’ make you feel better..”
you let your back fall back onto your bed once again, watching as eren lowers down onto his knees while coming face to face with your cunt, “spread your legs for me,” he kindly orders. eren has no problem helping you do so, lifting your squished thighs onto his shoulders while your ass hangs off of the bed.
he takes the hair tie around his wrist and gathers his hair back, pulling his strands into a low, loose bun to the back of his head. there were a few more pieces of small hairs that scattered across his hairline, making him look all the more handsome than he already did.
you nod.
“if there’s ever a time where you want me to stop, don’t hesitate to tell me.”
you wished you could’ve captured the look on his face on camera, cause it was definitely a sight to remember. you hadn’t seen his cheeks this red since he peed himself in front of his crush in the second grade.
“can i take these off?” these referring to your underwear. the same pair underwear that reveal a damp patch in the middle now that eren was really looking at them. once you voice a simple yes, he takes a second to admire you. running his fingers along the waistband, eyes roaming all over with no clue what they should look at first. you were too pretty — too lovely for him to even begin comprehending.
eren hears you lightly groan, and he begins to pry your underwear off, but he does this slowly — so slowly that it’s almost unbearable for you. he was moving as if you were a brittle creature in danger of being easily corrupted ; which you were, and that’s when he felt the need to pinch himself. seeing your hips lurch around in an effort to get him to move faster was one of the cutest things eren’s ever laid his eyes on.
there was no way he was in this position right now. kneeled in front of you with your bare cunt staring back at him, your folds sleek with your own liquid bliss dripping from them like honey on a comb. to put it short, you looked good enough to eat — and that’s exactly what eren was going to do : devour you like you were the last meal he’d ever be able to taste.
he kisses your inner thighs, the intention of leaving marks becoming prevalent as he makes his way down toward your pussy, “you ever play with yourself?” eren was so close — close enough for you to be able to feel his breath on your clit, tickling you.
“s-sometimes,” you couldn’t look at him. not when he’s on his knees and touching you like this. he hadn’t even begun the action and you were already losing hope in the idea of you being able to keep your composure.
“ever had someone do it for you?”
with unsteady breaths leaving your lips, you choose to answer honestly, “no.” he chuckles, taking his thumb and unexpectedly grazing it over your clit. you nearly jolt at the feeling. given you’ve been the only one with the access down there, it felt much different feeling someone else’s hand.
“i can tell. look at how responsive you are, mama.” he sounded fascinated, flicking you gently just to get you used to the sensation. you felt so sensitive, so fragile — and that wouldn’t even be the be the end of it, “and this pussy’s so fuckin’ wet..”
“erenn… wanna — i wanna’ feel more!”
“what, hm? more what?” he keeps at the slow pace of his thumb, not stopping or increasing until he hears your next few words fill his ears and shoot straight to his pants.
“your mouth..wanna’ feel your mouth, ren. please?” you say this as if he didn’t look like he was sitting on the edge of his seat just waiting for you to grant him the access. it doesn’t take any further words for eren to latch his mouth onto your pussy slowly. he makes an introduction with small pecks to your visibly puffy clit, making sure to pay attention to the way your body reacted to the simple touch.
he watches your belly rise up and down from the snag in your pattern of breath. once he sees you begin to grow comfortable, he makes the jump to lay his tongue flat against your pussy, licking a long stripe against your core and letting the sticky salvia from his mouth lubricate you.
“ooh – fuck!” you whimper, quickly covering your mouth once realizing what’d slipped out. eren sees this, reaching his hand out for you to grab before taking his mouth off of you for a split second.
“don’t do that shit. i wanna’ hear you.”
he resumes, pressing the bridge of his nose against your clit and licking your folds to create a sort of double penetration. you feel the texture of his tongue tickling your labia, applying minimum pressure to ensure a pleasurable stream of delight traveling through your belly, “feels s-so good. you’re so fucking good at tha – nnn!” when eren starts to feel himself losing his breath, he comes up for air, just to see you now resting on your elbows and looking down at him with quizzical eyes. he’d never seen you look so happy.
there was sweat beaming from your forehead and a bit of it forming on your upper lip, the lips that which eren was fighting the urge to kiss. your bra strap had slipped down a bit, now resting on your upper arm and exposing a bit of your nipple that slipped from the cup.
“w-why’d you stop?” you ask, hyperventilating. eren rests his head against the inner flesh of your thigh, looking as dazed as ever.
“i-im sorry, you just look…so pretty.”
this wasn’t out of the norm. eren always made it a goal to uplift you whenever he could, but there was something about the deliverance of that sentence that sent your mind into a never-ending frenzy. it was hard to believe that this was anything more than just a simple gesture to really get himself into character with the heart shaped desire he carried in his eyes.
“you look pretty too,” the echo in your head must’ve been deceiving you. you’d hoped to keep that one to yourself but the look on his face told you that he’d definitely heard you say that out loud.
“yeah? bet you wonder what else i look pretty doin’ don’t you?”
a smug grin appears on his lips, but the teasing remark did no justice for how he truly felt. instead, he just decides to show you ; placing his mouth back into your pussy with little to no remorse with his tongue this time. your hands magically find their way to his hair, running your nails through his scalp as you balance your upper body with one elbow. eren groans into you, the sound reverberating through your core and shaking you a bit.
at one point, his fingers brush past your hole, earning a loud unexpected moan from you. this shocks him, almost as much as it shocks you. you didn’t know why, but there was a sense of urgency pumping through your veins. you wanted more — more than what he was already giving you after you’d asked the first time.
“oh? you want a finger, don’t you?”
“mmfuck – yes! yes, just, do something eren, please!” you beg. your back arches from the sheets, fists bawling with anticipation. eren stands onto his feet and finds a seat on the bed. his back now rests against the headboard, eren’s chest heaving as he motions his index and middle finger in a ‘come here’ motion.
you hesitate at first, not sure exactly where he wants you until he’s pulling you into the space between his thighs. you instantly feel the warmth as you collide with his tank top covered chest. he was so much larger than you — and well, that’s the benefit of having a best friend that stood tall at a whopping 6’3.
“lemme’ see that pussy,” eren orders and you oblige quickly, parting your thighs for him once again while his chin sits in the crook of your neck, “isn’t she pretty, look at her..” you feel his hand grasping on your jaw softly, directing your focus to the soppy, wet cunt between your legs.
you were still so wet. wet enough to feel your essence dripping down your crack and onto your bed. you were messy but you wanted to be messier — you wanted to feel messier.
and he reads your thoughts before you even have to say a damn thing.
“you want me to play with you, hm? teach you how to take fingers before takin’ dick, is that right?”
“ren, just do something –“
“answer me, baby. don’t be shy. this is about you and what you want. so why don’t you just tell me what it is you want from me?” the room felt hot, and the air felt thick. the only contact between you both being your back against eren’s chest and his hand casually caressing your tummy, “p-put them in. god – just put them the fuck in,” you whine. eren’s chest fumbled with a laugh and he gives the side of your forehead a quick kiss.
“there she is.”
goosebumps pattern your chestnut skin when you finally feel his hand inching toward your pussy. you carefully watch, mouth held agape and your eyes batting shut the moment his fingers move in a counterclockwise motion against your agitated clit.
“gotta’ prep you some more, okay? i don’t wanna’ hurt you.” oh, right, pain. you’d been so blindsided by the pleasure that you’d forgotten that this in fact was not the simplest of processes.
eren keeps rubbing your clit, his eyes piercing into the side of your skull as he does this. you take a second to observe the veins that decorated his forearms. blue and greenish lines hiking from his wrist to his inner elbow. you’d always thought he had the prettiest hands. so neatly manicured and topped with a thick coat of clear polish — a pink color if you’d volunteer to paint them for him.
you don’t know why, but all of this made you crave him — badly. you turn your head, wandering eyes finding his. you stare at him, then his lips, then him again. he looked so kissable.
you just had to do it.
leaning in, you take in his musky scent and it lures you in closer. so close to where you’re practically poking your lips out to get him to kiss you back — and he does. for the second time tonight, your heart bursts with excitement feeling his lips on yours. you place your hands on his thighs, grinding along with his fingers, “i think i’m wet enough,” you mumble. he looks down, seeing that — you were indeed wet enough. your slick covered the majority of his fingers and your pulsing pussy felt like it was just about ready to give up on its orgasm.
“i think so too,” he pauses the motion, hovering his middle finger over your hole, and begins to softly lubricate the area with your own mess, “it’ll be uncomfortable at first. body isn’t used to being stretched, y’know?” eren pauses, lips coming close to your ear as he whispers, “but i’ll break you in…and i’ll do it so good…and you’re gonna’ tell me just how good it feels, okay?”
that sentence alone got you wetter, and eren feels this — literally. he kisses your temple over and over as he slowly begins to push his finger inside of you, “don’t look away, you’ll miss how good you’re doing..” you clench onto his opposite arm ; the one that wasn’t busy giving you a bit of discomfort, and you bite down on your bottom lip.
it was one finger, and you’d been used to that. you’d done it to yourself maybe once or twice, but you’ve never gotten any sort of pleasure out of doing so. but now, it felt so different — the slow in and out, in and out, pace. his finger pushing and gliding along your snugged walls while he licks and nips at your neck and ear. it felt amazing.
“f-fuck eren, so…so good,” your breathless chest rises and falls, nipples as hard as they’ve ever been — needing to be touched. your hand slowly creeps up to touch one of your needy tits, gripping and mounding it in your hand slowly while pulling your nipples between your fingers.
he’s watching you — studying you, actually. this wasn’t just a learning experience for you, but for him as well. eren was learning exactly how to navigate your body. he knew which itches to scratch and what barriers you’d overcome. he got to see you in your purest form — carefree and exhilarated.
“y’know…the human body is a temple, yn,” eren begins, resting his head on your shoulder as he wraps his other arm across your chest, pulling you in tightly, “only the worthiest of men should be able to touch you like this.” you didn’t know where he was going with this, and you didn’t know why it was giving you the feeling it was, but you wouldn’t stop it even if you had the option to. his finger felt too good. you wanted — no, you needed another.
“so, what makes me so worthy, baby?”
“b-because i trust you.”
you feel the pressure of another finger slowly making its move to inch it’s way in — eren holding back until you give him the green light to even try, “yeah? you trust me to do this too?” he asks, pushing the second finger past your barricade as gently as he could. he didn’t lie, the stinging discomfort was nothing to mess with — but you wanted it.
“sh-shit eren!
you wanted to feel him stuff you full.
you clench your eyes shut, face scrunching up as you whine a bit at the temporary pain, “you’re doing good, yn. you’re bein’ such a good girl..”
that opened you up more. able to get better access to you, eren’s fingers moving together as one eventually became pleasurable. the uncomfortable feeling had subsided and somehow turned into an eye rolling, spine twisting pressure against your core. his fingers were slowly, but surely, jabbing into your pussy, a small creamy noise following behind his movements as the wetness of you makes it easier for him to get around.
“o-ooh! fuuuck, eren…right there –” you could barely maintain pulling a full sentence from your brain, but luckily for you, you didn’t need to say a word. eren could feel every little thought or emotion through your pussy. the way your walls naturally open up for him, giving him the opportunity to find that perfect spot ; it was like you were made for this — made for him.
“she’s so needy – thinkin’ maybe i should move a little faster, don't you? all i wanna’ do is make you cum, mama.” he says this as if it’s a promise — and to be honest, he was pretty close to achieving that promise. the sound of your whines and the squirms of your hips were enough to tell him to pick up speed.
so that's exactly what he does.
eren plunges his fingers in and out of you, poking at what he was certain was your g-spot — every time he’d hit it with his fingertips, there was another whimper leaving your mouth, “i feel that pussy tightin’ up, you wanna’ cum, don’t you?” tauntingly, he asks this as if you weren’t already on the brink of tears, “don’t fight yourself. let it go.”
now eren’s hand is moving rapidly, automatically making your legs spread further open. now, he was really there — and so were you. the knot in your stomach that's been there this whole time was starting to unravel. you rest your head firmly against his shoulder, “rennn – feels so fuckin’ good! don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
“i won’t, baby. i’m right here – i feel you, just let me have it.” his encouragement works and he reels you in. you feel your stomach contracting as your heart starts to race. eren sits you up straight, keeping your weakened body from falling over while he keeps working your pussy.
“eren, eren, eren! f-fuuck yess!” you shout and his fingers curl upwards creating a distinct squelching sound and you claw onto whatever you could find — that being the same arm between your legs.
“cum for me. cum for me, come on,” out of nowhere, you release — and all over his hand, at that. your eyes are wandering, seeing blank spots trickling the ceiling as you cum on both eren’s fingers and your mattress, “atta’ fuckin’ girl..”
he pumps you some more before slowly pulling his fingers out, leaving a stringed trail of your cum to follow them. there was enough on him for both he, and you to get a little taste — but he needed to know you were okay first.
you were reclined against his chest still, eyes closed with your exhales being rather hoarse. eren wraps both arms around you, hugging you from behind as he kisses the top of your scalp repeatedly, “m’ so proud of you, yn. you did great – so, fuckin’ great.”
your head is still in a slight daze, and although your vision had come back, you hadn’t yet gained the full consciousness to realize what the hell just happened.
eren just fingered you.
eren just made you cum.
eren just mind fucked you.
there were so many things to think about, so many moments to cherish, but most importantly — there were so many doubts running through your mind. you walked into your apartment today under the impression that this would just be a piece of cake : he comes in, he teaches you, he leaves — that’s it. so why did you want to remain snuggled into his arms? why did you want him to kiss you to sleep after coming down from that life changing orgasm?
why did you want…eren?
“you okay? i wasn’t too rough was i? anything hurt?” he must’ve sensed your uncertainty. you quickly rise a bit, turning over your shoulder only to see him with worried eyes.
“no, no. you were perfect,” you go to lift your hand up to side of his face but you stop before completing that thought, “but, i think we need to make some rules.” his already flattened expression got even flatter. eren could feel his heart dropping to his stomach at the thought of even making you uncomfortable in the slightest bit. that was the last thing he’d ever want to do.
you nod, now feeling the need to sit directly in front of him, still in between his legs. you hold his hands in yours, looking at him with sympathy, “you did nothing wrong, ren. i just think we should set some boundaries?”
“oh. so..uh, what’d you have in mind?”
you sit there for a moment, reminiscing back to a few moments ago when you were shaking in his comforting grasp, “well, maybe we should hold off on the kissing? i just…i’m with connie and i don’t think it’s appropriate to kiss you while —“
“got it.”
you’re left silent. eren had a habit of cutting you off, but as of right now, he seemed rather passive than talkative. the guy couldn’t even make eye contact with you. he only sits, eyes fixed on any other object in sight but you.
“eren —“
“it’s okay, really. i understand. no kissing, anything else you can think of that you might wanna’ add?” eren held a forced grin. there was no need to elucidate. he’d already caught on to what you were throwing down. you wanted him to forget about it. you wanted him to pretend like the brief moment of his lips on yours didn’t mean anything. he knows you’re confused, and so was he, but to deny the spark between you both in that moment would be ludicrous.
“well i…i haven’t really thought about anything else yet, but i’ll let you know when i do,” you stare into eren’s empty eyes for a few more seconds before he abruptly gets up and heads toward your bathroom. you watch as he snags a towel from your linen cabinet and runs it under the warm sink water.
he wrings it out, now bringing the towel over toward you ; who still sits up straight while watching him do all of this. he sits next to you, adjusting the towel in his palm, “open your legs, please.”
you were ineffable. completely silent, but slowly parting your thighs to allow him to gently wipe away the mess that streamed between them. you don’t say anything, and neither does he, but you both secretly cherish the feeling of his hands roaming your body.
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a bit of time passes, and you fall asleep. you didn’t know how, but you’d ended up on the couch in eren’s arms — snuggled in close with your kuromi plushie between your arms as you dreamt of anything besides the events that took place tonight.
you drifted off easily, eren on the other hand, couldn’t spare to shut his eyes. there were too many questions without answers running through his mind for him to even think about sleeping at all.
in all of his years of knowing you, he’d never thought about you as anything more than a companion, a partner in crime, a best friend — but tonight revealed that narrative to be false. eren liked the feeling of your body against his. he liked to be able to navigate which spots made you weak in the knees.
he liked that he would be your firsts.
but to openly say those words aloud is forbidden. you were right, you were somewhat with connie. it wasn’t eren’s place to feel any type of way about how you felt.
you asked him to help you out, not fall for you.
so that’s exactly what he’d do. he’d give you what you want. he’d play the role until his help is unwanted, and although it’d ache him, that ache would be nothing compared to the ache of losing you as a whole.
eren takes a moment to look at your somnolent face, finding himself with the same tingly feeling he’d had when he kissed you earlier. his eyes bat as he finds himself in a daze, reaching his hand up to touch the side of your face, eren’s cracked voice conjuring up one last sentence before returning his focus to the tv.
“you’re gonna’ be the death of me, yn..”
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©️ SATORUBI 2023 please do not copy, or repost as your own <33
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tags : @sully-stick-together @lalalucidity
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domxmarvel · 1 year ago
Twisted wonderland-Card writing challenge-round 2
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Riddle’s birthday was going smoothly so far,you were standing to the side when Carter walked up to you.
“Y/N,could I ask you for a favor?”
“What do you need?” He handed you his phone.
“I've been trying to get a good photo of Riddle,but he never smiles genuinely” He was right,you looked up at him signaling for him to continue. “He smiles whenever he's with you,so do your thing so I can get at least one good photo. That doesn't look like I forced him to smile” 
“Fine I'll help,be ready” You handed the phone back to him. You sat down on the arm of his chair,putting your arm around his shoulder. “Having fun?” 
“I am,thanks”
“Why are you thanking me?”
“Because I'm assuming you and Trey did most of the work,and I've already thanked him” He was smiling at you,like you were the only person here. There was a flash of light and he immediately looked over to Carter.
“Got it” 
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Sitting there Malleus looked every bit the dangerous and cruel fae,that you knew he wasn't. It made you wonder if he would still be like that once he was king,would he change? Would he turn into the cruel fae you were told stories about? 
“Y/N” Lilia nudged your shoulder,making you turn to look at him. “He's called your name like three times already”
“Darling, are you feeling alright?” Before you could say anything else,he added “Perhaps you should sit down,come here” You took a few steps towards him,he leaned in and pulled you down to sit on his lap. 
“Malleus,I shouldn't be”
“it's fine,I want you here”
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When you opened your eyes you didn't recognize the room,you tried to move only to find your hands had been tied behind your back. Frantically you looked around,the door opened letting a blinding ray of light. 
“Finally you're awake”
“Who are you? Where am I?” 
“Those questions will get you nowhere,because they don't matter. You're here for one reason,you're going to help me take down your general”
“You'll never defeat him”
“I don't have to fight him,once he finds out I have you he’ll beg on his knees for your return” You knew he was wrong,once lilia found out all hell would break loose. He wouldn't stop until you were back with him. 
“You’re wrong,once he finds out where I am. You’ll be the one begging him for mercy” As if on cue there was a crash followed by a guard rushing in.
“What’s going on?”
“He’s here,he’s found us and-” Before he could say anything else the door was kicked open,Lilia walked in,his anger clear on his face.
“Lilia” His eyes shifted to you for a brief moment before he fought them off. Once they were both on the ground he rushed over to untie you,pulling you into a tight embrace.
“Y/N,I’m sorry it took me so long”
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It was the end of the night and you were sitting down for a slice of cake with Jade and Floyd,you enjoyed seeing them happy. Which led to you just staring at Jade a few times.
“Something wrong?”
“Too slow” Floyd leaned over taking the strawberry off of Jade’s slice,laughing as he ate it. Jade didn’t seem bothered at all,but you still picked up your strawberry and held it up to him.
“Here” He opened his mouth,letting you feed him. He handed you the rest of his slice and at first you were confused but you quickly figured out what he wanted. You feed him piece by piece.
“Happy birthday” He smirked at you before leaning over to kiss you.
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“What happened to you?” He was still smiling despite being covered in what looked like paint. He laughed at your question.
“I messed up during potions class” 
“You’re not hurt are you?”
“No” He smirked “Shrimpy,were you worried about me?” You rolled your eyes at him.
“You should get cleaned up” You turned back to your room,a second later you felt something hit your back. Reached to touch it,you realize it as the same paint that covered Floyd. “Floyd!” You turned and tackled him,you pinned him down which was easier than you thought.  He looked up at you and noticed that his face had turned red. You quickly got up and turned your back to him again. “Get cleaned up” You tried to leave but he quickly pulled you back to him,picking you up bridal style. 
“You need to get cleaned up too”
“We don’t have to shower at the same time,put me down”
“No,I’ll get lonely without you”
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“Where are you taking me exactly?” You asked,he handed you your camera before opening the door for you.
“It’s a surprise,just get in '' Ever since you joined him for this visit he seemed more energized and he was more clingy. He had already taken you around the city,showing you various places but this time it seemed you were going outside of town. The Sunset savanna was beautiful, it was like a movie and you managed to tear your eyes away long enough to take photos. The wind through your hair and the music blaring made it feel like a dream. You turned to look at Leona,who had one hand on the wheel while the other brushed through his hair. He looked happier than you had seen him since you got here,because despite him being more energetic and clingy you also felt that he was sad,he tried to hide it but you knew him well enough to be able to see through it. Now he looked genuinely happy and carefree in this moment,it was a moment and a smile you wanted to keep forever. Lifting up your camera you took a photo, “I thought you wanted photos of my home land not me” He laughed but it made you sad,had no one ever taken a photo of him?
“Leona,when’s the last time someone took a photo of you?” He thought about it for a while,which made it clear no one had in a long time. “What about your portrait then?”
“My portrait?” He seemed surprised that the thought even crossed your mind. “I don’t have one” He paused,before quickly adding “Well I was in one but it was my fathers portrait,but I was really young at the time”
“So no one’s taken photos of you and you don’t have a portrait?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t get the big deal,why do you care so much if I have pictures of myself? I know what I look like and I can always look in a mirror” 
“Because you deserve to have them,you should have a portrait and photos. You’re beautiful and you need to be reminded of that,I love taking photos of you because it means I get to keep that moment and that smile with me”
“Maybe I should get that portrait,just don’t expect me to smile during it” You both laughed “Y/N”
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“Hey have you figured out your costume?”
“I have,Leona and Ruggie are dressing up with me”
“Is it anything I can coordinate with?” You asked,he thought for a moment before smirking. 
"Actually there is”
“I love you,but don’t you think this too much?” You liked the costume,but it felt weird being dressed like this. 
“Why are you cold?” 
“No,I just feel weird dressed like this”
“Well I think you look beautiful,and I’m about to steal you away from this lame party” Before you could say anything else,he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. 
“It’s captain”
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“You ready? Roi du Poison will be thrilled to see you in uniform”
“How do I look?” You looked in the mirror,it was strange seeing yourself in the Pomefiore uniform. 
“Perfect,let’s go” Rook was only too happy to help you with this surprise. He told you where to go so you could go by yourself while he led Vil there,tricking him into thinking there was a new student he had to meet. You walked up to him,head down so he couldn't see you.
“So you’re the new student,lift your head and face me properly” He used his housewarden voice,his tone strict making it clear he wouldn't accept mistakes. You heard him mumble something about your posture before he saw your face. “Y/N” He rushed over to stand in front of you. “You’re beautiful” Looking you up and down,a faint blush across his cheeks. “Have you ever thought about joining Pomefiore?”
“No,but I could be persuaded”
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“Rook?” There was a knock at your door and when you answered it,there was a note along with a flashlight. Now you were wandering around Pomefiore in the dark,with only a flashlight. The only other light being the candles scattered around. The whole dorm was empty of students and part of you was starting to think Rook was just messing with you. “Rook?” A light drew your attention to one of the rooms,the curtains had been pulled back to let in the moonlight. Looking slightly lower you saw a coffin,and a sound drew your attention to it. Cautiously you approached. “Rook I swear if you scare me,I’ll never forgive you” 
“Why would I do that?” He moved to sit up in the coffin,but not completely he was still laying all his weight on it. Your eyes immediately went to his fangs,he jumped out in one swift motion and walked up to you. “You like them?”
“Why do they look so real?”
“Magic” He answered briefly,smirking as he moved even closer pushing you against the door. “Do you want to feel them?” Rook’s presence was just intoxicating and you pulled him closer to you.
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“Can we leave now?”
“We’ve been here for less than five minutes?” He tried giving you his puppy eyes but you quickly looked away.  “We need to stay a bit longer,just stay next to me” You reached your hand out for him to take. His grip got tighter when anyone would approach you,hiding behind you slightly. He let go for a moment to text someone before taking your hand again. “Everything okay?” He just nodded,not telling you anything else. Fifteen minutes later you turned back to him. “We can leave now if you want” His eyes lit up before he started leading you to the door. You did notice he was leading you the opposite way but you still followed.
Next thing you knew you were sitting in a boat with him,he was blushing furiously, his hair was pink and he couldn’t face you. He glanced at you quickly before looking away again,you relaxed and leaned on him,shoulder to shoulder. His hand slowly moved to your waist,you could feel him shaking. Wrapping an arm around him,you pulled him closer. He finally looked at you fully,and you took the opportunity to kiss him.
“We should do this more”
“The boat ride or the kiss?” You kissed him again.
I'll be doing a third and final round,so as a one time bonus I'll be adding two extra characters. The top 2 character are the one's I'll be writing for. And if you have any suggestions for any of the characters,feel free to send them my way.
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prettygirl-gabi · 1 month ago
Chapter 23: In Focus
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Rating: General Audiences
Warning: none
Paring: Paige Bueckers x !photographer fem reader
Fandom: Women's basketball
Summary: more opportunities...
Welcome to the chapter 23 of Through The Lens. I hope you all enjoy and there is more to come...stay tuned my loveies!! 🏀💕📸
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Reader’s POV
The past few days had been… intense, to say the least. But somehow, through all the tension and heavy conversations, Paige and I had found our way back to each other. Things still weren’t perfect—life rarely was—but for the first time in what felt like weeks, we weren’t dancing around unspoken feelings or fears.
We decided to go on a date that night, something simple and lowkey, just the two of us. No basketball, no cameras, no looming WNBA talk—just Paige and me.
When she picked me up from my apartment, she was wearing her favorite UConn hoodie, her hair pulled back into a loose bun. “You ready?” she asked, flashing me that smile that always made my heart skip.
“Yeah,” I said, grabbing my bag and locking the door behind me.
Paige had planned for us to grab food at a small diner just outside of town. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was perfect. We slid into a booth near the back, away from prying eyes, and ordered burgers and milkshakes.
As we ate, I noticed how relaxed Paige seemed. She laughed more, teased me about my poor attempt at organizing fries into “photo-worthy” stacks, and even let me take a candid picture of her with whipped cream on her nose.
“This is going on my wall,” I joked, showing her the photo.
“Oh, great. Just what I need—my worst moment immortalized forever,” she teased, but her grin told me she didn’t mind.
“Your worst moment? Paige, please. You’ve had far worse,” I said, raising an eyebrow.
“Name one,” she challenged, leaning back with her arms crossed.
“When you tripped during warm-ups last week and tried to play it off like it didn’t happen.”
Her mouth fell open. “You saw that?”
“Paige, everyone saw that.”
She groaned, covering her face with her hands, but she was laughing, and that made my chest feel warm.
The next morning, I woke up to an email from the athletics department of a rival school—Jade’s school. They were asking if I’d be interested in covering their game against Lsu.
I hesitated. On one hand, it was an amazing opportunity to expand my portfolio, but on the other… it felt a little weird. I texted Jade to ask her opinion.
Jade: Do it! I wanna see you at the game. Plus, get that bag.
Her encouragement gave me the final push I needed. I replied to the athletics department, agreeing to cover the game—under one condition.
I’ll cover the game if you’re willing to pay my rate.
To my surprise, they agreed.
By the time game day rolled around, I was running on adrenaline. I finished my classes early, packed my camera gear, and made my way to the airport to catch the UConn team before their flight to USC.
When I arrived, the team was already gathering in the terminal. I spotted a few of the girls chatting near the boarding gate, but it was Paige who saw me first. Her face lit up when our eyes met, and before I knew it, she was walking toward me, her bag slung over her shoulder.
“Hey,” she said softly, her voice warm and familiar.
“Hi,” I replied, feeling my heart race as she pulled me into a hug.
We lingered there for a moment longer than we probably should have. The team was right there, after all, and we weren’t exactly public yet. But in that moment, it was hard to care about anything else.
When we pulled back, our faces were inches apart. For a split second, it felt like the rest of the world faded away.
“Paige,” I whispered, glancing around nervously.
She sighed, stepping back reluctantly. “Right. Not public.”
I nodded, trying to ignore the way my stomach flipped at the thought of being caught.
“I’ll see you after the game, back home” she said, her voice low and teasing.
“Good luck,” I replied, watching as she turned to rejoin her teammates.
As the team started boarding, I pulled out my camera, snapping a few candid shots of the players as they walked onto the plane. Paige noticed, of course. She grinned and held her hood out to cover her face, her eyes peeking over the edge as if to tease me.
“Really?” I mouthed, lowering the camera.
She just shrugged, her smile never fading.
Later that night, as I reviewed the photos I’d taken, I couldn’t help but smile at the ones of Paige. She was beautiful, even in her goofiest moments, and I felt lucky to capture her in a way most people didn’t get to see.
When my phone buzzed with a text from her, I wasn’t surprised.
Paige: Did you get any good ones?
Me: Maybe.
Paige: Let me see.
Me: Only if you promise not to make fun of me.
Paige: No promises, ma.
I laughed, shaking my head. Despite everything we’d been through, we were still us—teasing, laughing, and figuring things out as we went. And for now, that was enough.
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       -Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
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Tag list: @sayurireidotcom , @astroeliza , @paxaz535 , @0phantom0 , @sevyscoven , @authentic-girl03 , @starlighttsv .... (more to be added)
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melodic-haze · 7 months ago
Can I ask for a sub Jade x fem reader? Jade is so cocky and self-confident thinking that she will dominate the relationship, but reader puts her in her place by taking her to the extreme Thank you in advance and have a nice day!💕
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Jade x dom!afab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: None? A lot of biting?? Does that count???? Rough sex in general
☆ — NOTES: To celebrate getting Jade I am writing about scissoring her she CANNOT escape me. As per usual I wrote this at the dead of night so if nothing makes sense then 🤷‍♀️
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It's so funny, dating Jade, bc she's so self-assured of anything and everything—no matter how risky a deal may be, it's as if she has it all figured out.. and really, she probably does. That confidence transfers over to her general personality ofc which. Aha 💀 goodness
She's definitely convinced herself that she was going to take the lead for every single thing, taking care of you and punishing you if you deserve such treatment. She already does so in her daily life, what's a relationship with someone so precious as you make a difference?
A lot, she goes on to realise sooner or later when you have your first time together LOL
"So eager, aren't you," she practically coos at you as she steps further into the secluded room, taking off her hat and placing it carefully on the vanity.
"What, you rather I wasn't?"
"Now, I didn't say that." The pink-haired woman let out a soft laugh, "I would like to give you credit where credit is due, however, for waiting to get inside the bedroom rather than pulling me into the next available alley you find."
A huff slipped past your upturned lips, your eyes scanning every inch of your lover—who you once thought was unattainable without a hefty price, much like such precious gems are, is now standing in front of you at the foot of the bed with a not-so-innocent twinkle in her slitted eyes.
"I wouldn't dare have our first time together in some random setting," you simply say, "a lady should be treated as such.. and I wouldn't want to break you where everyone could see. Not yet, anyway."
That gained Jade's attention, her hand halting to a stop before she could slowly remove her singular glove. "Oh? I was under the assumption that I would have to take care of you, sweetheart. Unless you think that I can't leave you more than satisfied?" She walks up to you as she speaks, tracing your skin with a manicured nail before gently grasping onto your hand, "Because I assure you that I never leave my clients with the feeling of.. incompletion."
"One problem with that statement."
"I'm not a client of yours, am I? I'm much more than that."
She raises an eyebrow, its shape perfectly sculpted and arched and perfect, "Confident in where you stand, aren't you? Such arrogance can often lead to one's downfall, you know."
You walk forward, prompting her to follow your motions like an intimate dance, "Are you saying that because you believe you're the exception to the rule?"
"Not that I'm the exception, no.. but challenging such things is something I am required to have expertise on, considering my line of work."
You hummed in response, "You've yet to prove that to me beyond professional transactions."
"Haven't I?"
You don't speak in turn, though instead you draw your hand back from hers before swiping it under her intricate blazer that hangs on her shoulder, letting it slip down.. and then pressing the same hand on the centre of her chest to push.
Your lover gently falls onto the mattress with a soft sound of surprise, with her long hair fanning out under her like some sort of pink halo. That momentary surprise is easily replaced with a pleased smirk, however, as her hands roam around her body to caress every inch of herself like a tantalising temptress, simultaneously opening up her outfit and fully revealing the lacy underwear underneath.
"So you caught me off-guard. That's a first."
You moved to straddle her, stripping off your topmost clothing and discarding them to the side, "Is it, though? No point lying through your teeth there."
"Ha. I suppose you do have a penchant for surprising me on the occasion." She puts her hands on your hips, gripping you and gently digging her nails into your form, "And I also suppose that that was you taking advantage of the situation, which.. bravo. I hadn't even noticed I let you take the lead."
You leaned down, capturing her lips with your own and cutting off whatever words she had planned to form after—if she ever even planned to, which you sincerely doubt it considering how her arms tugged you closer to her—before drawing back and leaving her wanting more. Her beautiful blue eyes, formerly slits, had seemingly expanded as she laid there in a silent daze.
"And you can continue. Letting me take the lead, I mean." You breathed out as you took one of her breasts into your hand and groped her idly, "Let me take care of your needs and desires this time, yeah?"
"Unfortunately that isn't in my job description," she jests with a slight rasp to her voice.
"Too bad you're not working right now," you quipped back.
And without any more to say, you lean back in as the two of you let your desires take over completely.
She definitely absolutely challenges your authority HAHAHAHA oh my god. She's SUCH a brat actually, teasingly trying to grab the reigns back and dominate you but somefuckinghow you're looking at her and acting a certain way that it actually sends a shiver down her spine once she realises you mean to consume her wholly like a snake with its prey
She isn't used to being on the receiving end, to being the one being taken care of, to being the one overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure you're giving her. And the foreign experience fucking thrills her bc almost nothing scares this woman in bed
I say "almost nothing" bc if your buttons are pushed enough bc she makes it a point to make it INSUFFERABLE for you bc you could just hand her control and she'd take care of you :((( and take the easy route like everyone else :((((( and you snap, there's no telling what'll happen to her 🥰
ROUGH HER THE FUCK UP and that's when she starts getting concerned for her wellbeing (in the fun way), though the thrill is still there and has never been this amusing and overstimulating since.. god knows when. It has her wanting for MORE
She wouldn't beg though. She refuses to do so—something something she still has some modicum of dignity in her—but that's fine.. you can just have her struggle in desperation 😋!!
Such a bestial, carnal act was unbefitting of such a classy lady.. and that debauched expression on Jade's face was even less so.
Her nails dug into your skin, though this time her grip was a far cry from its gentle yet possessive force. Instead, it was harsh and desperate, perhaps even enough to draw blood. Your neck and the line of your collarbone was in a worse state as your lower back was, though, with the multiple bite marks that littered your skin (and some of them were even the slightest bit punctured, not necessarily all that dissimilar to a snake bite).
Not like she was any better either, with how throwing her head back meant that you were able to see the myriad of marks all across her body—her skin was painted like a canvas, signed repeatedly by you and only you through some sort of binding contract.
You bucked your hips into hers with a crooked smirk to your lips that easily broke off as a groan escaped your lips. Your clit had rubbed onto hers in a certain way that had the both of you stumbling, if the time spent repeatedly switching from making her hold off from cumming, continuously pushing her off the edge and having her please you as a form of gratitude rather than her initial service didn't exhaust you two enough already.
Whenever you look at her, she always seems to be on the cusp of truly letting go and pleading for you to finally give her the release she needs from your constant minstrations throughout the night, always seems to be on the edge of admitting that you hold the power over her, that you were more than some random client like she joked about.. but she seems to have some extra willpower within her that prevents such sudden declarations.
Doesn't matter, though, because you have the power to simply draw back and leave her on the tipping point.
And when you look at her again, when you see her mouth smudged with lipstick move as she voices out her thoughts, when you see her reach out for her, when you feel just how embarrassingly wet she is...
When you see the Stoneheart at her rawest, without any sort of modification to suit whoever she deigns to interact with, you just can't help but give her a bit more.
Guys I'm a firm believer in Jade having fangs but anyway
Be mean enough to her and eventually she'll crack 🥰🥰🥰 and it'd be RUDE to leave her hanging..........or yk. Leave her hanging 😜 as a way for her to remember exactly how easily you can put her in her place
Either way now she knows FULL well not to get all cocky again unless she wants that hot-and-cold rough treatment again ☺️ and she also knows not to underestimate you ANYMORE what a way to learn not to underestimate someone
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eywaseclipse · 1 year ago
What They’re Like When They’re Jealous
Headcanon on what the avatar men are like when they are jealous
Warning: slight smut so 18+ please!
Jake is pretty calm and collected as he’s very confident on what’s his
Simple flirtations from the younger clan boys directed at you don’t bother him
He’s secure with his sexuality but he can’t help but feel jaded about his aging body; it’s not as tight and muscular anymore
The jealousy starts out small with ears pinned back, lashing of his tail and flared nostrils
Perhaps you know it pisses him off when you flirt back which is why he wraps his tail around the back of your thighs tickling your skin deliciously
Jake loves to grip the back of your neck gently, as if showing a bit of ownership as the mighty Olo’eyktan himself
He starts with a little growl in your ear “what the hell was that babygirl? Huh?” He almost snickers from the idea of you even entertaining the flirtations
If you’ve really pissed him off he’ll have no problem marking you so that everyone can see; neck, thighs, stomach, collarbones. You belong to the Olo’eyktan his mate and his mate alone
Before the battle against the sky people Tsu’tey was a revered warrior and confident man
Now surviving the war he’s taken a literal hit to his ego
Being his mate includes deep self esteem issues rooted in the near death experience he endured
He can’t help it when he sees you with another clan male and feels the rage burning inside his belly
He knows you’d never do anything to disrespect him as a mate, but he can’t help it, he can’t trust them
He will usually put himself between you and the clan male physically establishing his dominance
It doesn’t take much at all for the other man to immediately retreat with hands up when Tsu’tey rushes you back to your kelku and hastily makes love to you
He seeks praise and constant approval during these impulsive jealous fueled moments
He starts out by dominating you, pinning you down onto the mat “you do not know what this does to me Yawne…” he growls
At the end of the day he just wants you to praise and worship him reminding him who you belong to, which you happily oblige multiple times…
Tonowari is a man of strong resolve, with a very even temper so he doesn’t get bothered by much
He thinks it’s funny when you are in situations where the other clan members flirt mindlessly or harmlessly; he knows they’d never challenge him or his mate
Tonowari may say few words but he’s incredibly intuitive
He’s not as intense as one would think but he has no trouble engaging in physical dominance if he’s jealous
What better way to claim you than to fill you up with his hot seed coating your womb in the most delicious intimate act of love there is?
His way of giving into the jealously is almost an excuse for him to completely breed you senseless in a mating press all night long
Both of you mark each other so the bruises last for days on end showcasing your love and devotion for one another in a moment of weakness fueled by jealousy
He’s a man of few words, a jaded exhausted example of the emotional turbulence that is the survivor of war
So’lek is desperate to show how much he loves you, sometimes losing himself in the process
When he sees you engaging in simple harmless conversations with someone like Eetu, he goes into a deep state of fight or flight
Sometimes he feels as if your love is the only thing is the has true control over, so he steps in immediately
He starts with a low warning grunt towards Eetu, all rational thoughts thrown out the window
Eetu knowing you’re mated, steps back and smiles and bows his head as a sign of respect while So’lek can only manage his physical unwavering intimidation
So’lek feels a deep primal connection to his jealousy which leads him to make irrational split second decisions like kissing you with hunger in front of everyone at HQ
He practically undresses you with his eyes and rips you away, pulling you into the nearest closet taking you right there as if afraid of letting you go
With his soft timid demeanor he sometimes can’t believe you’ve chosen him as your mate out of everyone else
He’s deeply insecure and suffers from a traumatic past but with your constant reminders and vows of affection; he works through it
His jealousy starts out small; anxious looks, lashing of the tail, heart palpitations, pinned ears and grabbing your hand as if he needs to be physically tethered to you
Teylan is a shy little thing so the jealously consuming his mind feels like a message telling him he’s not good enough for you
He will pull you aside, on the verge of tears practically whimpering and crying out
“D-do you still love me?” He’ll avoid eye contact as he winces already bracing himself for an answer
What he doesn’t know is that every time he doubts himself you’re always there to pick up the pieces
When you remind him of your love, he almost acts dumbfounded, immediately cupping your face in a desperate attempt to feel everything
This response leads to a tender sweet love making session filled with sweet little mewls and praises from you, drowning out the insecurities he possesses
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months ago
Wrong Kind of Love
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!reader
Summary: After finding evidence that your boyfriend cheated on you, you dump him and put his belongings in a cardboard box. Within a week, your jaded outlook on love is similarly packed away.
Warnings: angst, breakup, mention/discussion of cheating, fake phone number, fluff, comfort
Word Count: 2.8k+ words
Based on Cardboard Box by FLO (clean version)!
Picture from Pinterest
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“Hello, baby,” your boyfriend greets. He sighs as he pulls a charcoal gray domino mask from his face. “It’s crazy out there.”
He doesn’t look up or notice you standing against the kitchen counter with your arms crossed or the pink fabric hanging from your finger. He doesn’t behold you.
“I've got a confession,” you begin. He hums, so you continue, “I don’t think I want you anymore.”
At that, his head snaps up, his eyes searching rapidly for yours. Taking a step toward you, he asks, “What-“
You raise your hand and the clothing in it before you interrupt, “There’s no room for questions.” The moment his eyes dip to your fingers, you throw the shorts you found at him and add, “I saw her panties on the bathroom floor."
“No, babe, listen, I can explain,” he tries, stepping a foot closer.
“I’ve been putting up with this for far too long,” you snap.
He stops, lifting his chin in what you know will soon become defiance. He’s going to argue – again – and find a way to make this seem like your fault – again.
“You’re not even letting me explain myself,” he argues. “Look, I don’t have to, you’re right, I messed up, but at least give me a chance to change.”
“You ain’t gonna change, boy.”
“You’re seriously going to walk away?” he challenges. He steps back and laughs before he says, “You and I both no we’ll get past this.”
“What’s the point in stringing me along?” you inquire, lifting your brows.
With a scoff, he moves back and begins removing his boots. He's been drifting from you since he started patrolling Gotham with Signal and the We Are Robin team. Part of you hoped having something to do, a mission, would help him grow up and settle down, but it did the opposite; it gave him a reason to go out and an excuse to chase more adrenaline highs.
He looks toward the kitchen and calls, “We can pick this up when you calm down.”
“No,” you answer definitively. “We’re done for real.”
He stands, his boot laces undone as he looks at you. “What are you saying?”
“What I’m saying is that we’re done, broken up, there is no more we or us, and I want you out.”
“It’s not that easy! I have things to do, this city is relying on me!”
“You’re not as special as you think,” you reply. “Apparently we have that in common.”
“I’m supposed to train today, I can’t deal with your jealousy.”
“You’ll never be lucky enough to see it.”
“Whatever. I’ll be back later.”
He storms toward the door, and you watch as he slams it behind him. You have limited time and a lot to do, so you open your closet and pull out the item you bought for this moment.
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Sitting on the arm of the couch, you wait for your ex to return. He’s probably deluding himself into thinking he’ll return to an apology, maybe even planning a makeout session to help you forget about the infidelity. You’ve got an even better surprise in mind for him. The sound of a key hitting the doorknob draws your attention from the floor and makes you smile. You stand and approach the door, and as your smile widens you pull it open.
“One second,” you request. “I’ma put your stuff in a cardboard box.”
“What did you do?!” he demands as he steps in after you.
From the corner of your eye, you can see his chest heaving and tell from the wideness of his eyes that his heart rate is elevated.
“I’m changing the locks,” you answer. “I knew your heart would stop when you couldn't get in."
“Can we just talk about this?”
You spin quickly, dropping a t-shirt he left behind in the cardboard box on the floor. “No! You don’t get to talk to me anymore. I meant it when we said I was done. I’m packing your things so you can get out of my house and out of my life. And I hope she was worth my wasted time.”
“What?” he asks, sounding like he’s been deflated.
“Can she do it like I do?” you ask, not meaning to bait him but not caring that it’s a distasteful question. “You need someone to put you back in line, and she isn’t going to do it. No one will, not until you grow up.”
“Please,” he pleads. “Give me one more chance. This has to be stressing you out as much as me. So, if we just-“
“Stressing? Do you hear a stutter in my words?” you repeat. “I see it as a blessing. Take your stuff and you can go stay at hers.”
You turn around to finish packing his things, though there isn’t much. Your home was relatively free of him, and you’re unsure how that escaped you for so long. It should’ve been a sign that there wasn’t much of him in your life, and what little there was turned out to be an eyesore and a danger.
When you hear him sniffle, you’re surprised to see a tear run over his cheek. You lift the box and pass it to him, but he lets it drop to the floor as another tear follows in the same path.
“You may be cryin’, but boy, I’m not,” you point out. “You need to go.”
“This isn’t… What do you think you’re going to do now?”
You bark a laugh because you did not anticipate his choice of words. “I’m going to do what’s best for me.”
“There isn’t better than me,” he states, puffing up his chest. “Not in Gotham.”
Nodding, you squat to move his discarded domino mask into the box. Instead, you twirl it in your fingers as you stand.
“Besides, this isn’t all of my stuff,” he adds as if trying to test your patience.
“Oh, right. Well, I put your jeans next to the dreams that you sold me, so we both know you’re not getting those back,” you respond, pulling your phone from your pocket and looking at the screen rather than him. “And I put your gold chains down the drain and your Rolly.”
“I swear to-“
“Relax,” you interrupt, “you should know you didn’t leave anything like that here. But…” You raise your phone to show him the screen, and as you press the arrow to send your pre-typed message, add, “I might just drop a text to your homies.”
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The muscles in his jaw twitch, and he tips his head to the side quickly. “Two can play that game. My mom is going to call you in a minute,” he says as he types. “Try explaining this to her.”
You hold your phone, wait a few seconds, then frown. “Never liked your momma, so I guess she’s blocked,” you muse. “Get out.”
“No, no,” he refuses, shaking his head rapidly as he moves toward your couch. "I don’t know who you texted or what kind of crazy power trip finding those clothes put you on, but you don’t get to kick me out.”
“Yet she did,” someone replies from the window.
You look over immediately, and your jaw drops at the sight.
“You texted him?!” your ex exclaims, pushing himself up to stand. He looks at you in disgust, but your attention is elsewhere. Turning quickly, he raises his hands and says, “I’m so sorry, Red Hood, we just had a little argument, but we’re okay.”
Red Hood moves from the open window, placing one foot on your floor before he stands to his full, intimidating height. He towers over your ex and is broader and more muscular than him, but when his helmet swings to face you, something seems to soften beneath his leather jacket.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you reply softly.
“Want him out?”
You nod, and Red Hood places his hands on his hips. “You heard her the last time. Grab your box and get out.”
“Did that sound like a question?” Red Hood snaps. “If you want to cogitate on what happened to your relationship, go home to do it.”
Your ex steps back, then tightens his jaw and turns toward you. Without hesitation, Red Hood moves to the side, nearly running into the smaller man before him. Between you, he completely blocks your view of the cheating scum standing across the room from you.
“Give me one good reason,” Hood threatens lowly.
With his box falling from his arms, your ex scrambles out of your apartment, and Red Hood locks the door behind him. He looks toward you, and you set aside the domino mask in your hand. You stare at each other, and you feel oddly exposed with your face visible to him.
“You need to change those locks,” he says.
“I already did,” you answer. “Thank you. I- I’m not sure why I have your number, I just texted one I found in his We Are Robin notebook.”
“He’s in We Are Robin?”
You nod, and Hood clicks his tongue. He raises his hand to the side of his helmet, and you can tell he’s speaking, but you can’t hear anything.
“Not anymore,” he announces as his hand drops. “Did you put everything of his in that box?”
“I might’ve traded the panties I found in the bathroom for something I could pawn.”
Red Hood laughs – actually, genuinely laughs - and leans forward from its force. As he straightens, he nods. “As you should. Will you be alright?”
“I’ll be much better now. Thank you again.”
Red Hood moves to the window he came in through, and you call out to him before he can leave. He twists on the windowsill, sitting as he had when he first arrived and defended your honor.
“How’d you get here so fast?” you inquire.
“I was passing by and heard the argument. When I saw the text…” He shrugs and concludes, “Put two and two together.”
“And what’d you get?” you ask, smiling.
“That’s a leading question.”
“You’re smart,” you muse. “Well, regardless, I really appreciate what you did.”
“No problem. If he bothers you again, you have my number.”
“I do. I’m sure karma is showing him what she can be right about now.”
“If he’s talking to any of the bats, she certainly is.”
“This city needs vigilantes, clearly, so if you want him to keep helping, I’ll understand,” you offer.
Red Hood extends his leg again, moving toward you more invitingly than he had with your ex.
“If I can’t trust someone to treat a woman with  a little respect in her own home, and to leave after she dumps him, I can’t trust him in the field.”
“That makes sense,” you whisper, looking at the red hood.
“Besides, I would’ve fired him for being that callow with interpersonal relationships.”
“Well, I must be pretty callow myself if it took me that long to see him for who he really is,” you complain. Then you ask, “Did I use that word correctly?”
“You did,” he answers, “And looking for the best in people, wanting a relationship to work, doesn’t make you callow. It makes you human.”
You nod and walk beside him as he approaches the window once more.
“Can I expect any more birds in my window tonight?” you ask.
“No,” he assures you. “But I’ll be around.”
“I’ll remember that. Thanks, Red Hood.”
“You can call me Jay,” he offers.
With a bright smile and stronger feelings than you ever remember having toward your ex, you say, “Goodnight, Jay,” and offer your name in return. Even if it’s just a secret shared between friends for a single night.
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“Yo,” Jason greets when the line connects.
“You had Oracle fire one of the We Are Robin members?” Bruce asks. “That’s a public group.”
“Which gets its equipment and training from Signal, who listens to Oracle, who I told to fire one of them, yes,” Jason replies. “Is that all?”
“Why do I want to know if that’s all? Because I have better things to do than be lectured from a distance. And if you’re about to expatiate about how this isn’t a lecture, I have to go.”
“What made him unworthy of being part of that team?” Bruce inquires.
“He’s a terrible person. Got dumped and he refused to leave her house. Then, after I showed up, he acted like he was going to get in her face.”
“Why were you there?”
“She texted me. Said she found the number in his We Are Robin notebook.”
“I warned you about giving out the vigilante numbers.”
“We all blocked him. Was that all?”
Bruce sighs and answers, “Yes, that was all.”
Jason ends the call before Bruce can say bye, and his finger hovers over your number before the sound of shattering glass captures his attention.
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Three sharp knocks against your door make you groan.
“I already told you to go away,” you call.
“Did you?”
At the sound of a different voice from earlier, and one that excites you to hear, you jump over the back of the couch and rush to the door. Pulling it open, you smile at Red Hood – Jay, you remind yourself - and invite him in.
“He came back?” he asks.
“Idiot tried to use the old key. Again. Can I get you anything?”
“It’s your house,” he reminds you. “You’re not a waitress.”
“No, but… you know, you do so much.”
“There is one thing,” he says after a moment.
You nod, and he falls silent.
“Are you really over him?” he asks.
“I don’t think I was ever really into him enough,” you admit. “Part of me knew it was wrong, but at some point I got scared of the possibility that what we had was as good as it was going to get for me.”
“Why would you think that?”
Shrugging, you offer, “I’m getting older, never felt the spark I used to think existed, or maybe I just got jaded.”
Jay nods, then drops his chin toward you. “Next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then, right?”
Smiling, you agree, “You get it.”
“Usually, the response to something like that is ‘You read Austen?’”
“The first time we met you used cogitate in a sentence, so I’m not exactly surprised. And to answer the original question, I am completely over him. The last week has been… I feel great.”
“Good, good,” he murmurs.
“That was a leading question,” you point out. “I don’t know where you were trying to lead me, but just take me there, Jay.”
He lifts his head slightly, and then the helmet hisses as its seal is broken. Jay removes it and sets it aside, exposing his high cheekbones accentuated by a domino mask and a white streak of hair that draws your eyes upward. Before you can comment on how unfairly attractive he is, Jay raises his hands to your face and holds you. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, and a moment in his touch reveals that you’re not jaded; you just weren’t being loved the right way.
Melting into his touch, you say, “Oh.”
Jay chuckles, his voice undisturbed with the absence of the helmet. Just when you thought he couldn’t get any more attractive.
You open your eyes, and Jay closes the distance between you. His chest presses against yours as his thumbs trace your face as if committing it to memory. Then, his lips are on yours. To Gotham, Red Hood is gruff, violent, rough around the edges, and dangerous. Yet, at this moment, in your living room, he is the total opposite. Each little touch and the connections of your bodies alight with feeling and hope, and a voice screams in your head and heart that this is the right love for you.
“Oh,” he repeats, smiling at you.
“Thanks for answering my text that night,” you whisper as you pull back.
“I was waiting outside,” Jay confesses. “I was passing by, but I heard him snap at you and saw your face and I couldn’t leave until I knew you were okay.”
“I’m better than okay now.”
“Even if I can’t tell you who I am, just yet?”
You raise your hand to Jay’s face, and for a brief moment he recoils from the touch, but then he leans into it and his eyes close behind the mask.
“If this moment is all I ever get, I’ll be better for it.”
“Friday night,” he says against your palm. “I’ll be back on Friday night with more.”
“More?” you question.
Jay steps out of your touch, replaces his helmet, squeezes your hand, and climbs into the window. “You’ll see. But you won’t be needing a cardboard box for this one.”
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s4svnn · 2 months ago
Out of bounds . JJK
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; his love subjected you to the true extent of deception, a merciless lie wrapped in the illusion of paradise, until the truth tore it apart - he was always out of bounds.
↳ Jungkook x reader
↳ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: ongoing
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Chapter Seven
The room was still dim, the faint glow of dawn crept in through the cracks between the curtains, but Jungkook hadn’t moved an inch. He lay flat on his back, one arm sprawled behind his head, staring up at the ceiling as though it held answers he couldn’t seem to find.
His mind wouldn’t shut off. It hadn’t for hours.
No matter how many times he told himself to stop thinking about her—about the way she’d felt in his lap, her body temperature rising as his hands roamed all over—his thoughts kept looping back to it.
His jaw tensed as the memory unfolded again, unbidden and vivid.
Her body, soft and warm, pressed so tightly against his. The way her legs had tangled with his, skin brushing against skin, making it impossible to tell where she ended and he began. Her curves had molded to him like they were meant to fit.
He could still feel the weight of her, the way her chest had risen and fallen with each slow breath, steady and calming, yet so dangerously intimate. And her scent—light and sweet, like vanilla and honey—had lingered, sinking into his skin long after she’d left.
He closed his eyes, but it didn’t help.
All he could see was her—flashes of bare skin, smooth thighs, and the hint of lace peeking out beneath her shirt when she’d shifted on his lap.
And now he was picturing her like that all over again—wondering what her reaction would’ve been had he slipped off her shirt from the delicate slope of her shoulder and attached his lips.
Jungkook groaned, dragging a hand down his face like he could physically wipe the image away.
“What the fuck,” he muttered under his breath.
His voice echoed in the stillness, snapping him out of the haze he hadn’t realized he’d fallen into.
What the hell was wrong with him?
He sat up abruptly, pushing the covers off and running a hand through his hair. He needed to get out of his own head. Out of this room. Away from her.
She wasn’t supposed to get under his skin like this. She was supposed to be a challenge—an annoyance, even. Someone to keep at arm’s length while he had his fun and moved on. But now she was everywhere. In his space, in his thoughts, in his goddamn bed.
This had to stop.
Before he could overthink it any more than he already had, Jungkook reached for his phone. He scrolled through his contacts until he found the name he was looking for and hit call without hesitation.
It rang twice before a sultry voice answered.
“Well, well... look who it is,” Jade purred, her tone dripping with suggestion. “Couldn’t stay away, could you?”
Jungkook smirked, leaning back against the headboard. The sound of her voice was grounding—predictable in a way that soothed the mess in his head.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” he shot back, though his voice lacked the usual sharpness.
She hummed knowingly. “Right. So you’re just calling me at seven in the morning for no reason?”
“Not no reason,” he admitted, his voice lower now. “I’m coming over.”
There was a pause, and he could practically hear the smirk in her reply.
“Give me fifteen minutes,” she said, voice thick with promise.
Jungkook hung up without another word.
It was exactly what he needed—distraction. Something easy. Something that wouldn’t make him think or feel too much.
Because the last thing he wanted to admit—even to himself— was that she had already made him feel too much.
And that scared the hell out of him.
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I pulled myself out of bed and immediately started my morning routine. The first step: making a protein shake. I mixed the powder into the blender with the usual fruits—banana, blueberries, a handful of spinach for good measure—and a dash of almond milk. I pressed the button, listening to the hum of the blender as it whirred to life. The sound felt like it was drowning out the racing thoughts in my head.
Taking a deep breath, I let the familiar routine settle me. I tried to get into a positive mindset, reminding myself that today would be different. Today, I was going to focus on the task at hand, take on the design work, and push back any distractions.
But as much as I tried to clear my mind, Jungkook kept creeping into it.
Shaking my head, I pushed the thoughts aside. Focus. Work. That’s what I needed.
Once the shake was ready, I downed it quickly and decided a jog would help clear my mind even further. The weather was perfect, crisp but not cold. I slipped on my sneakers and stepped outside, letting the fresh air hit my face. The world felt so still, so peaceful, and for a moment, I allowed myself to lose myself in the rhythm of my footsteps.
With each stride, I focused on breathing, not thinking about the mess of emotions swirling inside me. I thought about the project instead—the design, the possibilities of what could be, the future of the work we were doing.
But even as I pushed myself through the jog, the image of Jungkook flashed in my mind again. His face, his hands, the way he held me in place on his lap.
By the time I finished, I was sweaty and breathing heavily, but my mind wasn’t any clearer.
I went back inside, took a quick shower, and tried to ground myself under the hot water. As the stream hit my skin, I scrubbed with purpose, attempting to focus on anything but him, but the thoughts of Jungkook had begun to sneak their way into my mind again.
His hands, those strong, warm hands, were all I could think about.
I let the water run over me, imagining it was his hands washing me instead of my own. I thought back to when he’d touched me, the way his fingers had dug into my thighs, kneading the muscles, working his way up. My breath caught in my throat as I remembered the way his hand had trailed up my stomach, higher, and higher, until I was convinced he was going to touch me in ways I hadn’t yet allowed myself to acknowledge.
I swore under my breath, shutting my eyes and turning my face away from the water. “What the hell was wrong with me?”
I could almost hear the voice in my head screaming at myself to stop—stop letting my mind wander, stop falling into these fantasies.
I cursed again, shaking my head and pushing the thoughts away. No. I couldn’t let myself get lost in them.
Determined to get a grip, I grabbed my phone and quickly typed out a message to Jungkook. I kept it short, businesslike—“Hey, do you want to move on to the digital part of the design process today?”
I hit send and waited.
And waited.
It had been more than half an hour, and still no response. My fingers hovered over the screen as I tried to think of what he might be doing. Was he busy? Or was he just ignoring me? I was sure he said we were meeting today.
I stared at the screen for a moment longer, debating whether I should call him. And then after what felt like a long few minutes, I mustered the courage to hit the call button. What did I have to lose?
It rang once. Twice. Three times.
My stomach twisted, irritation building inside me. I tried again. I needed an answer. I needed something from him.
Then on the fourth ring, he finally picked up.
“Finally,” I muttered under my breath, trying to hide the frustration in my voice.
But the words that came next were not at all what I expected.
The phone crackled slightly before I heard a soft, girly moan—one that sent a shock of discomfort straight through my chest.
I recognised the voice almost immediately, it came out whiny and entitled, just like it had been when I’d encountered her at the design office. It was the blonde.
“Oh, baby,” she cooed, her voice dripping with desire. “Go harder, I want to feel all of you.”
My stomach sank, and I could practically hear the smirk in her words. I clenched my fists, my pulse picking up in an instant as I fought to keep my composure.
Then without even thinking, I ended the call.
I couldn’t breathe. The sting of humiliation hit me faster than I could process, but the thing that hurt the most wasn’t the disgust I felt for her—it was the reminder of how easily he could be distracted by someone else.
It wasn’t like I hadn’t known, but hearing it was a different thing altogether. Jungkook had options. He had people who could give him everything I could, and even more.
And I was just one of them.
A toy. Someone to play with when he got bored.
A pit of sadness settled in my stomach as I stared at my phone. The weight of it pressed on me, suffocating me in ways I hadn’t expected.
With a deep, shaky breath, I pushed the phone aside and tried to ignore the sting. It was just a moment. Just a reminder of what I already knew.
But for some reason, it hurt more now.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jade laid beneath me with her back arched and nails digging into my shoulders as I moved against her, her moans echoing faintly in my ears.
I gritted my teeth, my focus slipping as sweat beaded at my brow. I wanted this. Needed this—or at least, that’s what I’d convinced myself when I called her.
But even as my body moved, my mind drifted.
It wasn’t her I saw when I closed my eyes. It wasn’t her body I wanted under me.
It was hers.
The way her legs tangled with mine. The softness of her skin. The way her breath had hitched when I’d run my fingers up her stomach.
I shook the thought from my head, trying to lose myself in the moment. But then Jade let out a breathless laugh, jolting me back to reality.
“Stupid bitch” she said, her voice sharp and laced with annoyance.
I blinked down at her, barely processing the words. “What?”
She reached toward the nightstand, where my phone was. Her lips curled into a smirk as she glanced at the screen showing me the missed calls I received.
“That dumb girl you interviewed about the design job,” she said, tossing the phone back down like it was contaminated. “Who does she think she is, calling you?”
My stomach twisted.
I froze, my body suddenly rigid as her words hung in the air.
I reached for the phone instinctively, my fingers fumbling as I unlocked the screen. Her name was there, staring back at me—3 missed calls and a text.
My chest tightened. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but the sight of her name hit harder than it should’ve.
I’d called Jade to clear my head, to get her out of my system. But now? Now it felt like I’d made things worse.
“Jungkook?” Jade’s voice broke through my thoughts, but it sounded distant, like I was hearing it through water.
I pushed off her suddenly, my movements sharp and purposeful.
She sat up, confusion flashing across her face. “Where are you going?”
I didn’t answer.
I couldn’t.
I climbed off the bed, grabbing my clothes off the floor and tugging them on quickly.
“Are you serious right now?” she snapped, scrambling to follow me. She reached for my arm, her nails grazing my skin as she tried to stop me.
I turned, my eyes locking with hers. I didn’t raise my voice. I didn’t have to.
The look I gave her was enough.
Her hand fell away instantly, and for the first time since I’d known her, I saw something close to fear flicker across her features.
I didn’t wait for her to finish.
I grabbed my jacket, slung it over my shoulder, and stalked out of the room without looking back.
Once I was in my car, I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I’d been holding. The engine roared to life beneath me, but my pulse was louder.
“Hey, Siri,” I said, my voice rough as I gripped the steering wheel. “Pull up AJ’s address on Google Maps.”
“Searching for address,” Siri replied, and within seconds, the route was on the screen.
I floored the gas pedal, the tires screeching slightly as I sped down the street.
My knuckles turned white against the steering wheel as the city blurred past me, my mind more clouded than it had been all morning.
I didn’t know what I was going to say to her when I got there, but I knew one thing for certain. I couldn’t let her slip. Not before I was done with her.
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strawberrygummiess · 5 months ago
idia shroud x gender neutral!reader 2.4k words cross posted on ao3 "Now, you sat on the sidelines, watching the team endlessly run the routine over again, clutching your cat/space heater to your chest to fight off frostbite. You severely regretted not talking to Idia more while you shopped for souvenirs and snacked on various apple products. At least you could admire him from afar."
You worked very hard for your relationship with Idia. Slowly but surely getting closer to him by sneakily probing Ortho and Azul out of any information they would give you (of course, in Azul’s case, not without a price). And it had all culminated in a budding friendship where he could barely stand to look you in the eye during a conversation, but he at least was happy to play Blockcraft with youoccasionally.
Baby steps, you supposed.
You knew Idia loved Sled Over Heels before he mentioned it to the group so while you knew his interest was piqued by Epel’s pitch to Sebek, you were pleasantly surprised to see him so excited to see him voluntell (or maybe volundemand was more appropriate) to join Epel on his homecoming trip. It was a win-win for you, seeing a brand-new city and hanging out with your crush at arguably the most romantic time of the year.
It was too bad fate was determined to make your trip to Harveston the most un-romantic, miserable weekend ever. You were here with Epel and his sledding team, freezing your butt off in Harveston. Back in your world, the cold hadn’t bothered you too badly, but the chill in Harveston was unlike anything you had experienced before. Even with the thick coat on, the bite of the winter wind still gave you full-bodied shivers. You had never been so grateful for Grim’s higher-than-average body temperature, gripping him tightly to your chest whenever he misbehaved, or you were just too cold to deal with the outside air. Which, to his dismay, was frequent.
On top of the cold, the competition took up much more of Idia’s free time than you anticipated. You weren’t a stranger to the boys’ competitive streak, having seen them all display it throughout your time at Night Raven College but, the introduction of the Royal Sword Academy’s participation in the competition kicked the team into high gear.
Now, you sat on the sidelines, watching the team endlessly run the routine over again, clutching your cat/space heater to your chest to fight off frostbite. You severely regretted not talking to Idia more while you shopped for souvenirs and snacked on various apple products.
At least you could admire Idia from afar. You really liked his new braid.
When Epel frantically gathered the team after practice, Grim struggled in your hold. Keeping him still for this long was challenging, and he was getting tired of being cooped up in your arms.
“Let me go, henchman!” Grim grumbled, still squirming. “I’m starving!”
“Just wait- I’ll put you down when we start walking towards town, okay? Besides, you’re warm,”
Grim wiggles again, before finally breaking free. He gives you a smug look before prancing ahead of everyone, and then taking off into a full sprint towards town, yelling about smelling something tasty! Sebek and Jade begin to chase after him. You watch as the scene quickly descends into chaos.
“Ugh! What a mess. Maybe you should keep that thing on a leash,” In his frustration, you hear Epel’s twang, words strongly laced with Southern animosity. You grimace in embarrassment, quickly apologizing for Grim’s behavior. You glance at Idia, who’s staring off in the direction they ran in, completely indifferent to you standing next to him.
Great, you’ve annoyed him into silence.
You’re sulking the entire way back to town, watching Idia from behind while Epel yaps about the competition and the “Welcome Feast,” You’re too busy trying to figure out ways to salvage your “romantic” getaway to listen.
You needed to find time to corner him into a conversation. Of course, you needed to be careful that you weren’t too enthusiastic, or else you would scare him. But you can’t be nonchalant in case you bore him. And you had to be topical, but not too on the nose about the conversation, so mentioning Sled Over Heels seems safe enough-
You run into Idia’s back. You squeak out an apology, moving around him.
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,”
“Duh,” He grins, and you feel your body relax (you didn’t even realize you tensed in anticipation… this crush of yours was just terrible) after seeing he wasn’t annoyed. “Off in sla-la land, huh?”
“…Sla-la land?”
“Um, yeah, like, sledding,”
It was neither clever nor funny. It was entirely endearing to you, though.
You go to respond, but you see Grim sneak past your peripheral, and you know scolding him is more important than trying to salvage the conversation with Idia.
Once you’ve finally settled on a team name (you can’t help but sulk a bit that no one thought “Granny Felmier” was clever; a product of being from different universes), you join the rest of the town at the Welcome Feast.
It’s lively and warm, and you enjoy stuffing your face with different foods after freezing in the cold. Grim, for once, is behaving himself, giving you time to finally relax without keeping a watchful eye. Luckily, this allows you to think about your approach to Idia. You've noticed he settled into an opposite corner, shrunk down as small as possible. Social settings were antithetical to Idia’s entire demeanor, and it was obvious to anyone who looked in his direction that he was incredibly uncomfortable with the size of the party. You thought about approaching him, the conversation topics from before floating through your mind. Hopefully, he wouldn’t shut down before you even opened your mouth. He emanated an “don’t approach, don’t converse,” aura, brooding in the corner of the room. Maybe you could ask about practice or pretend to devise a strategy for them to use in the real race.
“Hey, Prefect,” Epel taps you on the shoulder. “Do you mind taking a bowl of fruktsoppa Idia? I don’t think he’s moved from that spot since we got here, and besides, I think he likes you best,”
You’ve never been so grateful for Epel in your life.
You grab the bowl and practically prance to Idia, head full from the compliment. He looks up at you, relief flooding his features once he realizes it’s you. Or when he realizes you brought him food. Either way, he looks happy. And pretty. So, so pretty.
“Hey, uh, I brought you some soup,” you say, suddenly feeling awkward. All the confidence you had while approaching him is out the window. “It’s fruit soup. I don’t know how to pronounce it like Epel did.”
“Is it… cold?”
“Soup typically isn’t cold to begin with,” You sit next to him, careful not to spill the bowl on you or him. You set it on the table and begin to shake your hands. “It was burning my fingers actually,”
Despite your warning, he takes a spoonful of fruktsoppa and gulps it down quickly.
“LOL,” you always loved how he pronounced the text-speech. “This is barely lukewarm. But it‘s good, thanks,”
You quickly say something before he gets too comfortable eating in silence.
“So, um,” You try to remember any of the topics you were supposed to talk to him about.
“How are… sports?”
Your question shocks a laugh out of him. He sputters out his soup as he devolves into a series of giggles.
“How are sports? What are you, a stereotypical sitcom nerd? Cri-i-i-inge!”
“Pot meet kettle! You’re only competing because of your favorite anime,”
“Sled Over Heels is a valid reason to compete. It’s the best sports anime to exist! Totally not cringe,”
You shake your head and giggle. It’s very cringey, but you’re charmed by it. You watch him take another bite of the soup, propping your head up in your hand as you stare at him. His coat is perfectly oversized, a welcome change from his usual hoodie. Plus, his hat and new hairdo do wonders for his face; something you barely see. While you poked fun at him for joining the group for an anime, you were happy he was here. You benefitted from it more than he ever knew.
“…I feel like the protagonist of a bizarro weirdo shoujo anime right now.”
“What?” You can’t control your voice. If you weren’t so focused on the surge of embarrassment coursing through your body, you’d notice the boys laughing at your outburst. Instead, you were focused on trying not to look guilty. You were probably failing.
“Look at you! You’re drooling all over the table, like some incel shut-in after he maxed out his love-bar in his otome.” His grin is splitting his face right now.
You cannot believe you're getting bullied by him right now. You cannot believe he’s right.
You can’t think of a clever retort, and you can’t even imagine denying the fact. You just try to avoid his eyes while hoping you’ll get cold enough to get rid of your flush. You’ve been intolerant of the cold the entire trip, but you start to think that if you ran outside without a coat, your body would be so hot that the snow would melt under your feet as you walked. You wonder if you’ve been this obvious the entire time and he was just being polite.
“Lawl, nothing to say because you were caught right? You’ve always been a weirdo,”
Idia starts giggling again, trying to keep his hair out of sight. If you catch the pink in his hair, you’ll find some ammo against him. Right now, he’s relishing someone being more pathetic than him.
It’s okay, he’s charmed by it.
“I guess it takes one to know one,” You mumble, utterly defeated. You chose to ignore his retort; and stand, claiming Grim has been quiet for too long.
At first, Idia thinks nothing of it. It was weird for you to stare at him. Him. But then, his mind began to race.Was there something on his face? Was he just that weird-looking? Were you only hanging out with him out of sympathy? He knew you were out of his league, but he always thought you were into it- at least a little bit. Idia glanced at you, watching you sit with Grim, petting his head absentmindedly while he devoured slice after slice of smörgåstårta. He’d rather not confront what it meant for you to leave so abruptly. Maybe he was wrong about your feelings to begin with. Idia sighs and puts his head in his hands. He would be the person to mess everything up.
After embarrassing yourself with Idia the night before, you tried to find solace in the rest of the team. The boys, however, were happy to humble you further.  To be (playfully) bullied by your crush was one thing, but to be the butt of Sebek’s “you’re obsessed” jokes felt extra humiliating (although, you had to extend your thanks to Epel once more, for calling the kettle black). After everything, you wanted the race to come to an uninteresting finish. You weren’t necessarily advocating for them to lose, but you were hoping there would be no more opportunities to be humiliated. However, it seemed they had other plans and showed determination in a way you had never seen before.
Team sports were usually a disaster for Night Raven College students, but now you were convinced they had a genuine chance of winning first place.
Once the team reached the pitstop, you couldn’t help but be excited by their performance. Despite a tear in Sebek’s plushie, they were making exceptional time. You joined Granny Marja in congratulating them; passing out their snacks while she reinforced the stitching on Sebek’s plushie.
A twinge of embarrassment pangs through your stomach as you hand Idia his sandwich, your hands accidentally brushing. You couldn’t even feel his hands through the thick gloves you both were wearing, but it still felt strangely intimate.
“You guys are doing great. I expect you to win, okay?”
“Yeah… thanks,”
You both stand awkwardly for a second.
Your mind is racing, and your heart is beating wildly. The rest of the team is preparing their sleds for the second leg of the competition, but Idia is still standing in front of you, tightly gripping his sandwich like he’s waiting for you to say something. Or like he’s psyching himself to say something to you.
A rogue thought flies through your brain. You should kiss him. No, you probably shouldn’t. You couldn’t. He would be so flustered he’d lose the competition. It was tempting, but you couldn’t.
“Idia!? Are you ready to go?” Epel calls. “We can’t let those RSA punks beat us!”
Idia glances at them and begins to shuffle his feet. He keeps hoping you’ll make the final push. He knows he won’t.
He makes it to his sled and takes one last look at you. You’re still staring at him, air puffing from your lips. Snow speckles your hair, and he swears your eyes are sparkling. You look like a typical shoujo love interest, right before they do something drastic; like confessing their love for the MC before kissing them dramatically.
So, he really should’ve seen this coming.
You bound towards him, and before he can scream at you, you grab his collar and pull him down to your height, pressing your lips to his cheek. It feels like you're kissing him forever, but as soon as he gets used to the feeling, you’re releasing him. He can faintly hear cheering (and polite claps from Jade) but it's like everyone else around him is muffled. You’re telling him something, but he can’t hear you, his ears are ringing too loud. He feels his face burning hotter than his hair, and if he thought the pink tips from yesterday were embarrassing, the hot pink color must be mortifying. He just turns and faces forward, readying his plushie for Epel’s command.
“Go Idia! You have to win this thing!”
Your cheers of encouragement ring out into the air as the team takes off from the pit stop, snow flying wildly in the air as they speed off. You’re waving them off until they disappear from your sight. Your grin is massive as you help Granny Marja pack up the rest of the equipment, ready to meet your team at the finish line. Based on how they took off; you’re hoping your good luck kiss propels them to finish first.
“Your kiss was a total party-wide stat debuff; there was no way for us to recover in enough turns to win!”
“Oh, for the love of- shut up!”
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