#iz su and a lot of musicals are to send
carnationcreation · 4 years
can I request a sunset curve x reggies little sister? Like how they would treat her/help her and Reggie through everything going on with their parents? Do whatever you want with the plot just make it fluffy please!!
TITLE: The Walkman (Sunset curve x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in! Requests are sent to my ask box or DM’s!
Request: can I request a sunset curve x reggies little sister? Like how they would treat her/help her and Reggie through everything going on with their parents? Do whatever you want with the plot just make it fluffy please!!
Prompt/summary:  Reggie and his sister had always been good at avoiding their feelings about their parents, until one day it all comes crashing down.
Word Count: 1,102
Authors note: takes place in 1995! And woahhhh a new imagine? Am I going insane???? 
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WARNING: Mentions of domestic violence and panic attacks. Please read with caution!
Reggie and I both dealt with the stress of the catastrophe that is our parents differently. 
For Reggie, coping with stress looked like blaring his headphones on a walkman while in his locked room. Hoping the bass line would carry his thoughts away from the house he so desperately wanted out of.
For me, it was grabbing my notebook and riding my bike away from the house to the garage the band always practiced in. As my mind got sucked into the lines and lines of lyrics, poetry, and other writing projects I was working on, the sound of yelling and things breaking flew away to my subconscious. 
The boys normally left me alone when they knew things were bad, letting me write out all my feelings into the purple spiral-bound notebook I bought every week at the dollar store.
The papers would litter my folders in my room. I’d sort them into various folders based on what type of project it was. Pink for songs and lyric ideas. Blue for poetry. Green for story ideas. The words never seemed to stop and the notebooks kept piling up in the drawers on my desk. Along with my various books I cycled through during the week. A room without books is like a body without a soul in a way. 
Being a year younger than Reggie left me in a weird position with his friends. On one side they tried not to treat me as a little kid, but on the other side it made me feel like I was their little sister too. I’ve never complained, it helped me gain a lot of friends in school. Well, if you could call people who just wanted to talk to you so they could get close to the band ‘friends’.
By the time I got to my junior year in high school I had become an important member of the band, even if I didn't play an instrument. Those lines and lines of lyrics would never get put into full songs if Luke didn't make me haul the giant folder down to the garage once a week (normally the day before I buy a new notebook) to search through the couple hundred pages to find his new inspiration. 
Alex would read through some of the story ideas I had written during breaks at practice and give me new ideas to play around with during the next week at school.
Reggie would steal my notebooks and draw or doodle on the sides of the page or in the margins in between the lines. Sometimes they'd be so funny or good I would cut them out and tack them to the cork-board in my room. Bobby would read through my poetry and share some of his own with me. He could be really good if he wanted to, he did it more for the girls he dated though.
Writing was always something I was good at, music not so much.
When we were around people, it was an agreement between me and my brother that we pretend it doesn't bother us that much. That the fighting was just something that happens sometimes and we just shrugged it off if anyone mentioned it.
Until it did start affecting us.
I didn't mean to get in the middle of it. I was just trying to leave to get to band practice because I was already running late. The kitchen was the battle zone today and I ducked my head and tried to walk past the kitchen table without them noticing me. I heard the plate fly through the air before it even hit the wall right in front of my face.
The shards of ceramic seemed to go in slow motion. The impact it had on the ground caused on piece to fly back up and scrape my cheek.
I was out the door before they could even yell at me to stop.
My five minute walk to the garage was a two minute sprint as I ran with both tears and blood streaming down my face.
The cut was right under my cheekbone. With my hand pressed against my face I couldn't tell how big it was but the amount of blood gathering against my palm made me run faster to get to the garage.
The first few seconds after I entered the boys didn't notice my panicked state over the sound of their music. It wasn't until Alex shot up and ran over to me that they noticed the blood dripping down my arm.
Reggie yelled my name as Luke pulled the plug on the amp.
"What happened?" Reggie said as he pressed the flannel that was normally wrapped around his waste against my cheek to stop the blood.
"I- I can't-" I struggled to breathe as I continued to choke on sobs.
"Luke, go get paper towels from the bathroom," Alex yelled and Luke stumbled to the back.
Bobby grabbed a water bottle and wiped off my arms.
"(Y/n) I need you to calm down so you can tell us," Reggie said, I could still see the panicked look in his eyes.
The beating of my heart was almost loud enough to drown him out. So loud I almost didn't notice the sound of music start as Reggie slipped his walkman over my ears and slide my favorite cassette in.
He still held the flannel up to my cheek until Luke returned with the paper towels and a first aid kit.
Slowly my breathing steadied out as Alex ran his hands through my hair and Luke tended to my cheek. The music helped my sync up my breathing. Reggie grabbed my hand and slid the headphones off.
"Please tell me what happened."
"They were fighting again. One of them threw a plate and it hit the wall and flew up to cut me," As I described it my eyes started to well up with tears again. Reggie pulled me into his chest to comfort me as I cried into his shirt.
"You're okay, you're here. Nothings gonna happen to you," Reggie said. I felt Alex's hand on my back rubbing circles into it.
Bobby sighed, "Lets all stay here tonight."
We drug down blankets and pillows from the loft and laid them out all over the garage. Reggie and I took the couch.
He gave me the walkman to listen to as I laid my head in his lap. Finally, after a few hours of watching the boys roughhouse and mess around on Luke's guitar, I finally fell asleep to with the walkman still on.
*If you signed up for my taglist but don’t see your name please message me!
Taglist:  @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @nicolewithasoul @homealone200 @hemmingsness @persephonequeenofthedead @bookfrog242 @itz-jas @smol-book-nerd @thewifeofhades @igotissuesmister @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp  @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis ​ @marinettepotterandplagg @idkanymoremansstuff @spooky-season-bitch @chenellearose @voguesir @thegirlwholikestomanythings @mandiscadelinha @crybabyddl @jasm1nesdragons  @daisiesforlacey @khiaraaa-in-spacee @harrys-bitch @bookdealer5 @echocharm17618  @trxnxtysstuff @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @i-should-prob-be-asleep @twist3dtinkerbell @fangirlangioma @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic @lavender-writer @tinyboxxtink @justalittleweirdoo @al1fet1me-away  @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @intoanothermind @etherealexsistence @schnapp-my-neck @ficticiouscreativity @lukeys-giggle @dmcfarland1 @a-sweet-little-fangirl  @sunsetcurve-h  @peresphoncs @lolychu  @starenemy @caitsymichelle13@noncannonships  @itskindyl  @emotionalbruv @thegirlwhocriedwerewolf @ifilwtmfc @teenwaywardasgardian @badwolf00593 
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waterparksdrama · 3 years
awsten is starting to super piss me off. at this point, he seems nearly desperate to get this album out sooner or after 21 may. the latest stunt with blake shelton is whats sending me over. hes growing desperate. wouldnt 300e have known what other labels were planning (minus fbr bc eff them)? im just asking because it seems sus that the special editions of the cd were cut in half for the first release and now whoever olivia rodrigo is, blake, tøp, and now rumoured taylor swift have 21 may release date.
it’s kinda glaringly obvious at this point that 300e does not give that much of a shit about them
from what i’ve found, they already have a history of withholding artists from releasing music and just having no regard for promo but for controversy and stunts. there is something probably wrong behind the scenes if you go from having a times square ad to desperately promoing yourself on twitter like you did when you were in shitty local bands. 
parx aren’t getting a lot of the resources they need for the promotion and distribution of the album and that’s not fucking good. you can see why awsten’s so desperate for promo but you don’t have to like it either it's just kind of sad at this rate - iz 
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carnationcreation · 4 years
can you do 15 with reggie peters pls❤️
TITLE: 3 Simple Rules (Reggie Peters x reader) [MUSICAL THEATER AU]
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in! 
Request: can you do 15 with reggie peters pls❤️
Prompt/summary:  [Musical Theater AU] Reader has to explain the three simple rules of the theater to Reggie. (And also help him out of trouble)
Word Count: 1,411
Authors note: From my AU prompt list on Tumblr!
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There were three rules that came with being in the theater department at Los Feliz High School.
Rule One: No talking in the wings.
From the moment I met my co-star Reggie Peters at auditions, I knew he was going to be a pain to work with.
For example, he did not prepare an audition song. Instead, he broke out a guitar and took a request from Mrs. Harrison and wowed with his impressive vocals instead. His lines were half memorized and his wardrobe was not fit for the dance portion of the audition.
For Christs sake we’re doing NEWSIES!
The rehearsal period was over a month long and every week about thirty students crammed into the auditorium to relentlessly rehearse and prepare for opening night. 
My character, Katherine, didn’t dance much other than in King of New York. The big tap dance number I had to master next week.
A lot of my time was spent waiting in the wings for my next cue. Unfortunately, so was Reggie’s. 
“Wait was that my cue?”
“SHHHHH!” I said, looking anxiously to see if the stage manager on the other side of the stage heard us.
“Oh come on,” he said, “they can’t hear me over the music.”
I rolled my eyes before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the hallway of dressing rooms right behind the stage. 
“Do you seriously not know anything?”
He looked at me confused.
“The rules of being in theater?” I said, when he shrugged I continued, “One, no talking in the wings. Two, no eating or smoking in costume. And three, always show up early or else you’re late.”
“I didn’t think this was that serious.”
I scoffed, “Why did you even sign up for this?”
He shrugged, “Mrs. Harrison cornered me in English and said she needed someone who could actually sing for Jack Kelly.”
I rolled my eyes, “You better keep your mouth clean. I don’t want to have to kiss someone who’s breath stinks every weekend.”
Suddenly, the door we just came out popped open.
“(Y/N)! It’s almost your cue! Reggie, what are you doing out here?” Julie whispered.
“Nothing. Let’s go Reginald.”
“It’s Reggie!”
Rule 2: No eating in costume
The snack table near the dressing room was kept stocked with lots of different things, and it was meant for those out of costume or stagehands since we didn’t get to eat dinner until afterwards on show nights. 
I’d never been a stickler about eating in costume considering I’ve done it myself numerous times. At least I was always careful about it though, putting on a jacket or blanket over me to keep stains from getting on the meticulous costumes our school would make.
“What are you doing?” 
I tried to keep my voice low, but the shock and panic that went through me when I saw orange smears on Reggie’s vest from the pack of Cheetos in his hand made it come out in a squeek.
He looked up at me frantically, “I forgot!”
I huffed in frustration before running into the womens dressing room to grab paper towels.
Reggie tried to take them from me when I came out but I slapped his hand away.
“You’ll try to rub it, you need to pat the stain out.”
The wet paper towel made the brown vest look darker, but at least I got the orange out.
I grabbed his hand and dragged him back into the dressing room, “Stand there.”
He stood where I pointed right beside the electrical outlet and watched me silently as I plugged in the hair dryer and set it to the cool setting. I put it on it’s lowest setting so I could carefully listen so we wouldn’t be late for our cues. Luckily it was Pulitzer’s solo so we should have enough time.
I looked up and noticed his cheeks were red, “What? It isn’t too hot is it?”
“Uh- no I just- we’re in the dressing room alone-”
“And I’m getting the stain out of your shirt so Katie won’t go nuts when she sees your costume almost ruined. No one’s gonna say anything Reggie, especially not to me. This happens more than you think.”
He nodded and looked down at the vest. It was still slightly damp but not enough to be noticeable on stage.
“Thank you,” Reggie said as I pulled the door open.
“Next time put a jacket on before you eat. Three simple rules Peters. Remember them.”
Rule 3: Always show up early or you’re late
It was almost the end of our show run. The past few weeks had been amazing and it was saddening to think that tonight I would have to say goodbye to Katherine. 
As I sat in my dressing room I heard a knock at the door, Julie entered and stood behind me as I pinned my hair up for my wig.
“Have you seen Reggie? It’s almost 10 minutes till places.”
“No I haven’t, has he messaged Luke about being the understudy?”
She shook her head, “Katie said he hadn’t.”
I felt anxiety rise in my chest, hopefully we wouldn’t have to delay the show just to get someone in costume.
I peaked my head outside and just as I did Reggie Peters came sprinting down the hallway.
“Where have you been?”
“I got a flat on the way, how much time do I have?”
“10 minutes till places. If you hurry you might not be late.”
He nodded.
“Rule number 3 Peters!”
He shouted over his shoulder back at me, “I know!”
I rolled my eyes. Having pity for the boy, I decided to try and help.
I went and grabbed his mic from the stage manager and updated her on the situation. With it in hand I went back to his dressing room and knocked.
“Come in!”
Reggie stumbled around the room finding pieces of his costume to pull on. 
“Sit,” I said once he had the pants and shirt on.
I handed him the vest and tucked the mic pack into the back of his belt before letting him run the wire up through the shirt.
“Do your hair, I’ll get the makeup ready.”
He tousled his hair and I couldn’t help but stare. Him clearing his throat brought me back to reality and I began applying the foundation and powder to his face. The entire time I felt his eyes looking at me causing my face to become unexplainably hot.
Finally I pressed a cut up makeup sponge covered in black and gray eye shadow to give him the look of a dirty newsie. 
“All done,” I said. I tried to stand up quickly so I could go and get my face to not feel like it’s on fire.
He grabbed my wrist, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
He sighed, “You’re always helping me with something.”
“Well,” I smiled, “Hopefully you’d do the same for me if the situation was reversed. Besides theater geeks look out for each other.”
“I’m not a geek!”
I laughed, “It’s almost time for places. Let’s go Peters.”
The final curtain call had most of the cast in tears. This was the night we’d have to put all the props away and say goodbye to Newsies.
I neatly put my costume away before turning off my dressing room light for one last time.
I’ll admit. Working with Reggie wasn’t all that bad. At least he was a good kisser and took a mint before the finale each night. 
I pulled my duffle bag over my shoulder and walked towards the entrance of the school.
I looked behind me to see Reggie jogging to catch up with me.
“The rest of the crew is going to iHop, are you coming?”
“I dont know,” I said, “I’m kinda tired.”
“Come on,” he groaned.
“No Reginald I’m tired and sad the show ended.”
He smirked, “And going with the rest of the cast will make the grief a little less.”
I rolled my eyes.
I walked off leaving him to trail behind me.
“Please (Y/n)!”
“Why do you want me to go that bad Reginald?”
“It’s Reggie,” he said, I smirked, “And... I don’t know anyone else that well.”
 I stopped and turned to him, he looked slightly embarrassed. 
“Please? I don’t wanna go by myself.”
I sighed, “Fine. But you’re buying me a milkshake.”
He smiled widely and before I could react pressed a kiss to my cheek.
As he pulled back he realized what he had done causing us both to blush.
“Is that against the rules?”
*If you signed up for my taglist but don’t see your name please message me!
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @nicolewithasoul @homealone200 @hemmingsness @persephonequeenofthedead @bookfrog242 @itz-jas @smol-book-nerd @thewifeofhades @igotissuesmister  @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis ​ @marinettepotterandplagg @spooky-season-bitch @chenellearose @voguesir @thegirlwholikestomanythings @mandiscadelinha @crybabyddl @jasm1nesdragons  @daisiesforlacey @khiaraaa-in-spacee @harrys-bitch @bookdealer5 @echocharm17618 @caution-kaminari @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @i-should-prob-be-asleep @twist3dtinkerbell @fangirlangioma  @lavender-writer @tinyboxxtink @justalittleweirdoo @al1fet1me-away @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @writella @amazinggracy @sarcasticallywitty15 @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @intoanothermind @etherealexsistence @schnapp-my-neck @ficticiouscreativity @lukeys-giggle @dmcfarland1 @a-sweet-little-fangirl @meanergreener @teti-menchon0604 @meangirlsx
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