#ive gone to school feeling unwell so many times it's not even funny
Sometimes I just think about all the stuff I wasn't allowed to do when I was little
#my dad never had any out of the ordinary rule besides not being allowed to cry it was mostly my mom who had those types of rules lmao#technically I'm still not allowed to do them my mom just gave up on me for the majority of it lmao#Like I wasn't allowed to be weird or talk negatively in any way about any family member#doesnt matter if they sucked or not doesn't matter if they hurt me I still wasn't allowed to#Shes so worried about her looking like a bad mother#not allowed to call her out especially not in front of people because then she looks bad#Not allowed to even go in our backyard if I couldn't be watched like a hawk#not allowed to not do a sport can't be lazy#Cant stay home from school if sick but still functioning#ive gone to school feeling unwell so many times it's not even funny#Im pretty sure that's normal tho#Wasnt allowed to do or like anything 'for boys'#actually im still not lmao#my mom ha told me straight to my face that she wishes I was normal but she pretends it never happens when I bring it up#Uhhh im supposed to hav straight A's....thats not going well#I literally have to be perfect and I mean im trying my best but clearly that's not working#being weird/liking weird things/befriending weird ppl/etc etc were an still are big no no's#yeah theres more but I can't think of them now#my nanny (grandma) has these rules too which means she probably made my mom follow them too and actually now that I think of it still does#Huh#im deleting this later#probably idk lol#maybe
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