#its taken a few years to crystalize my own style and come up with comps that don't all sound wildly different from each other bc
fangirl-central · 1 year
content aside (BECAUSE I AM LOSING IT AND CANNOT PROCESS IT RIGHT NOW) i cannot express how much the EXISTENCE of this show means to me. like not only is it explicitly and implicitly queer all around -- like literally queering what a comedy show can be, what a pirate show can be, what a SHOW can be -- but it's also so fucking good. it uses camp in really smart, funny, and moving ways. it has really nuanced and engaging character arcs for basically ALL the ensemble, and instead of being plot-forward like most of the action/adventure genre, it's SO character-forward which makes the plot even better. everybody's so fucking hot in completely different ways, new/better/queer-er ways to what's usually onscreen. and it so unabashedly without shame proudly EMULATES FANDOM. the CAMP, the ROMANCE, the TROPES, the LITTLE CHARACTER MOMENTS!!! WHILE REMAINING TRUE TO THE CHARACTERS AND NARRATIVE AND BRILLIANT WRITING. I'M GONNA GO INSANE. I'M GOING INSANE! I'm going to be insane by october's end.
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