#its so sweet he'd be such a good parent he's an amazing s/o already
k0kichiimagines · 2 years
saerans "i get to be a father ill be a father who'll love his wife" ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️
#no because i grew up listening to my parents fight in case i needed to go and protect my mum when i tell you that call made me sob#a father who loves his wife :((( <333#its so sweet he'd be such a good parent he's an amazing s/o already#i love when men love their gfs / wives i hate the i hate my wife jokes i love men like saeran who love their wives#i can picture just lying in his arms with your small child flopped out on both of you#or the baby sleeping on him ☹️❤️#he has big hands too they'd look so tiny#imagine having a baby and seeing they have saerans smile waa#him teaching them how to bake cookies#him listening to their every word while they tell him all about their toys for the thirtieth time#he'd be so good when they're having a tantrum too i feel like while some days he may find it harder to deal with and ask you most of the#time he's able to calm them down so quickly#hes rlly good at reading emotions#i think he'd be able to be protective and yk like tell them not to do things firmly but also be so sweet#it's like with you hes so weak to the both of you but in a lighthearted way#i hope the babyd first word is baba or similar because could you imagine his eyes lighting up at hearing it#it makes my heart feel so full i love dad saeran#hes young too i think you and him would spend a few yesrs travelling and doing this and that and then have a child / children#like look you could spend a decade / almost a decade together if you wanted and then have children saeran would only be in late twenties
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Lovely tag : whitey winn
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A - Affection [How affectionate are they with you?]
Whitey Winn is rather affection but at specific times, in the office he'll barely give you anything but in bed he'll wrap you up in his arms and never let you go giving you a million kisses a minute. Even if he does like holding your hand and waist most of the time and whispering in your ear how much he loves you.
B - Butter [How much do they coddle you, and how?]
Ohhh you where coddled worse then ever! Your father had always been protective of course as your his own little girl and his only child before your mother died so being protected was just something you where used to. However when you and whitey got together you assumed it would stop that he'd let you be more independent but ohh no you where mistaken Whitey's worse then your father ever was, he was extremely protective of you holding you on his arm, sitting behind you on your horse, barely letting you out after dark unless he was with you.
And it somehow got even worse when you got married, and even more so once you got pregnant. At that point he would even let you pick up spoons for yourself.
C - Confide [How easily do they confide to you?]
He's pretty open as far as confiding goes he was very happy to tell you things as soon as you two started courting he liked telling you things and he loves listening to you tell him to.
D - Defensive [How protective are they over you?]
Super protective! Another man looks at you Whitey's growling like a wild dog pushing you behind him or into his side. One of the mine security men tried to hit on you one evening and honestly your surprised whitey didn't kill him but it was a close call if maggie hadn't have stopped the fight you think that boy would have been dead. Not to mention the time one visiting boy pinched your bottom thought your dress and by the time you had squealed and turned around the boy was knocked out in the dust and you where tight to Whitey's chest. But you know it's just what he's like and that he's just trying to help so you'll give him a little reward later after dark.
E - Exhausted [How do they take care of you when you're tired or feeling low?]
He'll spot your tried or upset from a mile away he'll find someplace cosy and sit you across his lap, and make you tell him all about it he'll play with your hair and stroke your skin while you explain nodding and agreeing at moments he needs too and once it's all explained he'll pulling you to rest your head on his shoulder and chest and let you rest till your better.
F - Fluffy [How sappily sweet can they get?]
He can be a very sappy boy, giving you flowers, giving you cuddles telling you he loves you a hundred times a day
G - Game [How much do they play around, and are they a tease?]
He's not much for teasing or playing around he'd rather just be sweet to you.
H - Happy [What's their favourite thing to do with you, that makes them happy?]
Cuddle! Or go out riding he loves sitting behind you his arms around you to hold the rains of the horse as you go off on little adventures together.
I - Initiate [Do they make the first move?]
Depends, if it's a cuddle then one hundred percent whitey is asking and moving first, but other stuff like kissing and so on its almost always you. Even after your married with children you still have to make a first move to give him a kiss or hold his hand and each normally make him go bright red
J - Jealousy [How jealous can they get and how do they show it?]
He gets super jealous. Luckily labelle doesn't have alot of men and the ones who are in labelle are mostly older men who barely do much of anything so he didn't need to worry much about you, but when those young dirty mining security men came whitey was not happy as at times it seemed almost like the intentional picked on you to wind whitey up and make him do something so they could lock him in the cells. He gets defensive, violent, he'll do anything do defend you even if it means he gets in trouble for doing it because your his girl and knowone is going to hurt you or take you away from him not while he breaths.
L - Love [How do they react to you giving them affection?]
Blush!! He blushed when you kiss him, when you hold his hand he just always has blush in those dirty cheeks. But he loves when you give him affection he just wishes it wasn't so obvious how much he liked it.
M - Married [What's it like to be married to them?]
Amazing, he always cuddles and kisses you once he's home from work, compliments atleast three times a day, and cuddles and sleeps beside you every single night he's not at work.
N - Newborn [How are they with having kids, and how would they be as a parent?]
He got so excited when you told him you where pregnant, but he wouldn't let you do anything for yourself he was going to care for your every single need until baby came. And as soon as it did you saw him smile wider then you had ever seen before he was so happy to be a daddy and he was an amazing one. He loves all your children so very much and takes such good care of them even if he does spoil them a little bit mostly because your first child was a boy and whitey was ecstatic! Having little whitey jr so he kinda spoilt him rotten. But then soon enough when little addison came he had to spoil her too so it was fair. And then elijha came so he had to spoil the boys as much as the girls and so on and so on spoiling all your children rather alot. Even if you keep saying when you have a baby in the house that you won't have anymore children after this and yet it keeps on happening. Even if you think whitey secretly really wants more children, you have said you draw the line at five but with your current tummy thats already out the window.
O - Outdoors [How are they with you in public?]
Defense and sweet, he likes holding onto you but other then that he's okay he doesn't much like kissing you or anything outside because that's privet stuff even if... Maybe the office is privet enough for a snuggle or two.
P - Propose [How would they propose, and when would that be?]
It was nervous. He barely got thought it without stuttering. Almost all of labelle came out to watch which probably didn't help as whitey let it slip to bill in the office that he was going to do it so bill told maggie and of course within an hour the whole dam down new except you. He of course had asked your father's permission first and once he had that he got you as many flowers as he could and asked you in the middle of town in front of everyone.
Q - Quarrel [How are they after a fight, and will they try to make amends right after?]
You've never been in a fight with whitey, he's too sweet, the moment your upset about something he cuddles you holds you hands and let's you explain all about it and how he can make it all better. I don't think it's actually possible to get into a fight with him over anything you can try and tell at him and he'll just stand there politely and nod agreeing with you and discusses ways he can improve and how he can help. "Of course, your right darlin' I'm sorry. I'll remember next time"
R - Romantic [How much of a hopeless romantic are they, and how do they show it?]
He is rather a hopeless romantic, he always brings you flowers after a long day of work and tells you he loves you almost constantly.
S - Snuggles [Do they like to cuddle, and how do they do it?]
Whitey loves to cuddle he almost always starts a cuddle or asks for a cuddle he adores cuddling with you, he moves just wrapping his arms around you having you engulfed in him, usually both arms around you, Maybe a leg around you too with your head nuzzled into him so you have no escape from his love.
T - Touchy [How touch starved are they, and would they show it?]
He was so touch straved when you where first together you could poke him and he'd have a heart attack, but even when he's been in the office a few nights or just hasn't seen you all that much he gets a little desperate for kisses for touching for anything you'll give him. You can tell he's getting touch starved because he'll bite on his mouth alot more and you can see it in how his eyes lingure and move much slower.
U - Urchin [What's one negative trait about them that hurts you?]
That he can be a little too accommodating t the ladies in town, you understand that Whitey Winn is the deputy of La Belle a town almost all of the women have lost their husbands but you get rather jealous when you see the women going to the office to try and bring him things in the office, he never flirts or anything you just get a little worried sometimes
V - Vibe [What energy do they give off when you're with them?]
he gives off the energy of being very cocky and strong but also very sweet like sugar, he is so blushy with you its a rarity he gets though a sentence with you before he's blushing and stuttering 
W- Wedding [What are they like at their wedding?]
a mess, He cried so much when you got married, he was so happy, so excited and so thrilled your father finally allowed you two to get married, you met him in the half-finished church and half of Labelle showed up mostly all the women to see you and whitey get married and they spoilt you with presents of baked goods and wine for you, and bill spoilt you giving whitey a week off for you two's honeymoon
X - Xtreme [What lengths would they go to for you?]
He's do anything for you, anything you asked just to see you smile, back before your father found out about whitey courting you he used to ride out to the river with you just for dates even if it took about half an hour to get from his house to your spot, but he still did it every day after work. 
Y - Yogurt [What's their ideal place for a date?]
A little ride out to the river, sitting down by the edge with maybe a little picnic of maybe some beer and pie, maybe a little cuddle if it gets too cold out as the sky gets dark and you can sit and stargaze together maybe He'll wrap his jacket around your shoulder if you get too cold and maybe if he's lucky he might get a kiss at your door when he walks you back to your door Before your curfew of course so he doesn't get yelled at by your father.
Z - Zipper [What clothes do they like seeing you in?]
he loves seeing you in your underdress when you don't bother to really get dressed he thinks you look sweetest that way.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 3, Chapter 17
• I'm basically sitting here and thinking "jeez, these guys really want us to know FOR SURE that they don't give a shit about their lone female LI, do they". Like, you gotta admire the dedication this team has to the cause. Like, the audacity of them to put out an entire extra Drake scene while not speaking a word about Hana's sexuality in canon, esp if she isn't your fiancée. That probably takes guts. Or maybe not. Maybe all it really takes is actually giving a damn (or not) about your characters.
• Title: Save the Date. Alternative Title: Proof That Team TRR Has Excellent Memory, Unless Your Name Is Hana Lee.
• The TRR team everytime they need to do their homework on Liam or Drake:
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The TRR team everytime they need to do their homework on Maxwell or Hana (but especially Hana):
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• So I assumed based on the description and the title (Save the Date), that this would include a RoE-esque selection of dress, decor, cake, all free except for a few choices. So far all we've been able to select for our wedding is food. Today we choose cake via a diamond option, our maids of honor, the kids who will carry the ring down the aisle and our officiant. And gifts for the LIs.
• Madeleine thinks Gladys has "risen" to her "level". Madeleine has a level???
• Okay so we're doing a publicity run of our wedding preps. Are we that desperate to show the rest of the country how much last-minute-wedding-planning we can cram in two hours??
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Terrence, is this your summer job?? Also, Tina, girl, I saved your ass last book after you screwed me over. The least you could do is say "thank you, O Great One and Saviour of Us All" Jeez, what do I have to do to be worshipped around here these days 🙄
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PURPLE 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 (Sorry I love that colour it's my favouritest). But wait why am I paying for a dress if I'm going to the bridal boutique to pick out my wedding gown...right? Right?? (Orrr am I going to get a lovely fancy wedding gown for free??? 😀 Who woulda thunk!) (...oh. I have to wait till next week to see my gown. Okay. Okay. 😑)
• So we're now here in this boutique with half the court and Ana de Luca. First on our agenda: the maid of honour. If you're marrying Liam or Drake, you get to choose between Hana, Kiara, Olivia, Penelope and Maxwell. All good options xD If you're marrying Maxwell you get those four. If you're marrying Hana, you get three: Olivia, Penelope and Maxwell. Kiara isn't available because by default Hana picks her to be her MOH. Hana is clearly very, very close to Kiara and values her. Way more than the rest of us in the group seem to do, anyway.
The choices I want for Esther are Hana or Kiara. I love both. I'm so glad they included Maxwell, I like Penelope, Olivia is amazing, and all their reactions are wonderful, but these two are my favourites. (Though I'd say Esther would definitely pick Hana. She's closest to her, even calling herself "the Elizabeth to Hana's Jane").
• Once that's done, the LI gets to choose their Best Man/MOH 2. Liam chooses Drake, and he mostly behaves a little surprised and afraid that he might embarrass Liam on his wedding, which is quite the sweet sentiment and a little sad. Drake chooses Liam and from what I see, the narrative makes it a point to mention that Liam has to force his happiness because he's still not over the MC. He shows this even if the MC has not had romance points with him. Maxwell chooses Drake, specifying that even if they weren't related by marriage, he'd still consider Drake family. Drake is surprised and a little touched by the sentiment. Hana, as I mentioned before, chooses Kiara.
• Time for our ring bearers! The number of choices you have depends on whether you bought the corgi in Book 2 or not. If you do, he shows up as an extra option. The other choices are:
1. Bartie, who will be carried along the aisle via Savannah. I'm getting nightmares of the few times we took my daughter V to church and...nope. Sorry Bartie.
2. Cordonian children. Bertrand tells us that using Cordonian kids, as ring bearers and flower girls, would count as "a sign of commitment to the common people". My headcanon for Esther was that she wanted a mix of both Cordonian and New Orleans traditions (she grew up in the French Quarter), so she took every possible chance she could to highlight how Cordonian a wedding it was so the NOLA elements wouldn't completely alienate people. So she obviously chose this option.
• We now move to the last bit. If you're marrying Maxwell or Hana, Liam automatically becomes an option for the role of officiant, since it is mandatory to have a royal officiate the ceremony. If you're marrying Drake, Liam's not included because he is already Drake's best man by default. The other two options are Leo and Regina. If you choose Regina, the MC views it as fitting, given that Constantine would have been the officiant were he still alive. Regina in that sense would be a fitting stand-in. If you choose Leo, the MC maintains that he would lend "humour and levity to the ceremony" and that's something they all need at the moment.
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This man and his "my love"s slay me every time.
• Esther Noelle DuPont would NEVER leave wedding gown stuff for the last minute. Nor would she wind up on the eve of her wedding not knowing who was designing her dress until the day before. She would be badgering Liam about the cake way before. She would be badgering him about the decor. She'd be badgering him about every little detail. She'd be bridezilla. No way would she be chilling the day before her wedding, ice tea in hand.
• But they did remember that Ana de Luca was originally introduced as a fashion designer from way back in MW! Madeleine also gives Ana some of Krona's finest lace, which makes me wonder if it's a tradition to have lace from Krona on a royal/aristocratic wedding gown. My theory about this gown for the next chapter is that it might be the same for everyone, but will have additional elements behind a paywall. Or will she have options between two or three gowns? Idk.
• We get to choose how we want to be announced, and then comes the diamond option - choosing our cake with the LI.
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(Screenshots - @kennaxval for Hana, and YouTube channels Vika Avey for Maxwell and HIMEME for Drake)
This is the breakdown of what this scene looks like in each playthrough:
Cake flavours: Vanilla Chantilly (white), Mocha Fudge (chocolate) and Sweetened Cordonian Ruby (pink). Liam loves the vanilla one for its subtle and complex flavours, considers the mocha one "strong, daring...somewhat sensual" and finds the pink one full of surprises (due to the Cordnian Ruby flavouring) and that "there's more to it than meets the eye". If you notice all of these are flavours Liam has an established preference for (vanilla, coffee, apples).
Decorations: The Royal design reminds Liam of his parents, so there is an element of nostalgia still there. He loves the colours of the Fairytale design, finds them "fantastically beautiful" and thinks it would be good inspiration in case they would like to expand the palace quarters.
Cake Filling: The filling options are the same across the LIs. Vanilla buttercream, rich chocolate ganache and strawberry mousse. In Liam's case, you can either feed ganache off of each other, simply try each flavour, or have him surprise you. I love my Kinky King so I knew "surprise me" would involve a blindfold somewhere 😂 (Love that option. It's quite sexy). I've also noticed that only Liam seems to have 3 options for the ganache tasting, while the rest have just two.
You also get to choose between Cordonian Ruby Pie and Baklava for a surprise dessert!
Cake flavours: Coconut (white), Passionfruit (pink), and Spicy Chocolate (chocolate). He thinks of the coconut one as being "pina colada in cake form", loves the element of surprise in the passionfruit and thinks its "non traditional" flavour describes them as an aristocratic couple perfectly, and just says "wow" about the chocolate. The baker, who remembers Maxwell once trying to surprise Bertrand with cheetah cake on the latter's birthday, even sends one as a bit of an inside joke.
Cake Decorations: Maxwell jokes about the royal design being more decked out than some estates but thinks that "nothing says you're a big deal like gilded flowers, gold and jewels you can eat". He loves the castle in the Fairytale design and likes to imagine there are little cake people walking in there.
Surprise desserts for Maxwell include Cordonian Ruby Pie and Cheetah Cake.
Cake flavours: Strawberry (pink), Madagascar Vanilla (white), and Devil's Food Cake (chocolate). She thinks strawberry makes her think of it as "something...different. Adventurous". She thinks of the Devil's Food cake as "daring" and loves the vanilla because classic white cakes remind her of storybook weddings, and on cajoling from the MC to tell her honestly what flavours are her favourite Hana speaks of vanilla in a manner similar to Liam's.
Decorations: Hana is wowed by the artistry of the Royal design, confessing that she has always wanted to learn to make icing pearls as perfect as the ones on the cake. There is a tiny conversation about her baking that takes a minute, tops. The fairytale option feels whimsical and reminds her of that saying about "building castles in the clouds".
The surprise options for dessert are Cordonian Ruby Pie and Hot Chocolate.
Cake flavours: Pink Velvet (pink), Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake (chocolate) and Tahitian Vanilla Cake (white). As we all must know by now, he is okay with the flavour but finds pink "girly", doesn't have much to say about the vanilla cake and the chocolate makes him very nostalgic, because the chocolate cake was similar to the recipe his mother would use for his or Savannah's birthday cakes.
Decorations: Drake has reservations about the grandness of the Royal design but thinks it works since the occasion itself is an elaborate one. He admires the structure and craftsmanship of the Fairytale design and both him and the MC speak about the cake reminding them of the towers in Valtoria.
The surprise options for dessert are Cordonian Ruby Pie and S'mores.
• I've noticed that the story clearly references Liam's love for baklava and Maxwell's love for cheetah cakes in this chapter, but for Hana and Drake, they use desserts from their first scenes in Book 2 (where Hana prepares hot chocolate for the MC, and Drake toasts s'mores for her).
• Hmm so apparently there's some sort of surprise that all four LIs are planning for the MC. I'm guessing we'll find out next chapter.
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My favourite scene in this chapter. I loved how Kiara immediately got protective of Savannah and made it clear that she cared about making Savannah comfortable. I think it's also pretty cool that they remembered to reference the Savannah/Kiara friendship hinted at in Book 2, and it looks like Penelope was quite fond of her too.
• The MC now needs to run to a gift store, because Madeleine lets her know at the nth moment that Cordonian tradition dictates you get gifts for the bridegroom/bride and your closest attendants. Savannah offers to help, in exchange for a little advice on her love life.
• We first pick up wedding favours at a patisserie (chocolates or macarons). I had Esther pick macarons coz she has a liking for French cuisine and food, and macarons are delicate, delicious and versatile.
• We then pass by a shop called "The Gilded Apple" that sells beautiful and rare antiques. Olivia, who loves weapons and artifacts, and is hoping she will find replicas there, is understandably excited. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to find any (unless she did off-screen and we didn't know? Poor Olivia. Why was it so hard to find Nevrakis artifacts/replicas there?)
• So even if you buy that diamond choice to help Bertrand woo Savannah at the Costume Gala, she confesses there are still barriers. Savannah fangirling over Bertrand's "stern, yet sexy eyebrows" is a Mood™.
• Savannah tells us the entire story of how she fell in love with Bertrand, pointing out that she hero-worshipped him and thought him glamorous, and was amazed that he was so protective of her. The MC has a range of joke replies to suggest to Savannah, before telling her seriously that she should confess to him what is in her heart. But my big question is: why are almost all the BertVannah scenes for free? Why couldn't you use that free scene to...idk...properly develop Hana's character maybe??
• So here are our gifts for the LIs:
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A Historical Tome for Liam. This is a hand-written history book with a blank chapter left presumably on purpose. The MC points out that he will appreciate either the rarity of the book, or the empty pages. The second option is my favourite, because the blank chapter seems to signify that Cordonia's story is "far from over" and it is "upto Liam to write this next chapter".
Maxwell will get a statue of his namesake. Savannah speculates that even though he looks like little more than an enthusiastic partygoer on the outside, both he and Bertrand can be fierce in their own ways. The MC gets to joke about what the Beaumonts might do with this statue of their ancestor, including imagining a half-drunk Maxwell using his namesake's spear to pop open champagne from a ladder.
Drake's Marshmallows Inside A Whiskey Box is quite funny and the MC gets to roast him a bit. She jokes about how it symbolizes what a softie he is on the inside even though he looks tough on the outside. It can either be spoken of as an inside joke, or as the MC showing him how well she knows him.
Hana's Telescope...well. It doesn't reflect her actual, genuine interests or personal/family history like the other three do, but instead involves some generic messages about "following your path" or "searching out your passions". Which is...eh. Tbh it sounds more like the MC is buying her a Hallmark card or something. This gift doesn't tell us much about HER, but then again when you don't develop your female LI with enough substance, that's what's bound to happen. You'll just throw over any piece of random bullshit to make do.
• I like the little story Kiara gets with her dad using that telescope, though. The one where he fooled her as a child into thinking she could see all of Europe using a telescope. I like the dynamic of that entire family. Sure they can appear businesslike to some but the love and the closeness is clearly there.
• Okay before I say anything...CONGRATS Drake stans. Nice to see so many of your MCs become Mrs Walkers now.
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(A huge thank you to VioletFlipFlops for this screenshot)
Okay so if you're a Drake stan, you get an extra scene. The MC wants to give Drake a wedding he will be happy with, and Drake would love it too, so Maxwell suggests they elope and he will be their minister/officiant (apparently he got himself ordained to officiate over a wedding between peacocks). So they go to a nearby cliff, where you can have a lovely view of the sunset. Drake brings with him a horse named Lone Star who came all the way from his mother's Texas ranch. They have their secret country wedding and the screenshots I saw look like the stuff out of every Drake stan's dreams. Story wise, this is important for Drake's arc because it shows that he has found his place and he doesn't have to completely leave behind who he is to be the man the MC wants. Both the duel and this impromptu secret wedding bring his story full-circle beautifully.
I had to leave this scene midway though. I couldn't stomach it, couldn't stand it, and for the first time in forever I left viewing a diamond scene before it got over (or before it got to sex if they weren't my LI). I felt a little sick and quite frustrated tbh. And it really isn't because of Drake. My problem here goes deeper than that.
• From the little that I saw, Maxwell was amazing as well. He set aside the bromance jokes for the day because "this isn't about me, it's about the two of you". Oh Maxwell. You really do shine when the writers allotted for you actually bother, and they didn't do you justice this book.
• It's now almost night and our LIs have returned from whatever surprise thingummy they were planning. Everyone's happy and excited and advising the MC to take rest and Mara is here to lead everyone back to the palace. And then a crowd that first looks like a bunch of excited onlookers closes in on the MC, intimidating her, and from among the lot we see...TERRANCE. WITH A GUN. AND A PAPER FULL OF INFO ON OUR WEDDING PLANNING. WTF.
• The tone of the chapter's end sounds like there will be some level of investigation going on but we can't entirely be sure. In any case, I don't know how they will handle both this and the rest of the wedding prep. Let's see.
General Thoughts:
• We'd better get lingerie. I've been through enough I want the kind of sex where my king rips off my clothes and breaks my bed and makes me scream and Gladys has invest in earplugs next and...yeah. I need the right lingerie for that.
• RoE Book 3 could have been better in certain respects but one of the things they did really well was to spread out the wedding preps. It's tougher to do that here, because of all the subplots, but leaving it until so close to the end wasn't exactly the best idea either.
• I'll be honest: the "girly pink cake" comment irked me but didn't entirely anger me. On one level I hate it when people say stuff like that because I'm a girl who grew up hearing those things and I'm a mum who doesn't want my children to internalize that. It may sound like a small thing, like a casual preference, but stereotyping and forcing people into boxes start out with things we believe are "small"...and whether you think he's that kind of person or not, bottomline is the writers shouldn't have had such a massively popular character say that. It could have been ten times easier to just have him say he doesn't like that colour very much or something. See? Crisis averted.
• However, I didn't have as much of a problem with this scene as I did with, say, that scene where the MC and Drake talk to Kiara in Lythikos. Frankly for me, the fact that Drake's sympathy towards Kiara was conditional and depended solely on the MC's responses was way more disturbing. In one option, it's established that Drake and Kiara both struggled mentally in the aftermath of the attack, and that he understands it's difficult for her to get out of that trauma so easily.
But then...if the MC is insensitive and trauma-minimizing, she gets to question Kiara about not being driven enough, about "what will people say if you spend a crisis hiding away in your home?", and Drake agrees. He doesn't contest what she's saying, he doesn't challenge her, he doesn't seem to even have a mind of his own in this sequence. In this option, the MC and Drake face no repercussions at all for essentially minimizing her experience and not addressing their lack of concern for her safety, after finding out about her PTSD. My expectation when I eventually chose that option was that Drake - as someone who went through something similar - would correct the MC, and Kiara would give her the tongue lashing of a lifetime. But no, in that scene Drake is interested in validating this woman's trauma only on someone else's say-so. If I - personally - were to have a problem with Drake as a character, this scene would highlight why. And even then I know the core of the problem is not Drake. Not really. It's not as much Drake as it is the fact that the writers themselves were only interested in lip-service for this scene, not genuine validation (which is why normally sensitive people like Hana and Liam don't seem to question the group's approach to Kiara much, and nor does Maxwell). The writers possibly didn't think Kiara's experience deserved the level of sympathy that was present by default in Penelope's scene at Portavira (which is why I HIGHLY regret speaking positively about the Lythikos conversation in that chapter's QT now).
• But my biggest problem is not Drake himself. The way he is written wouldn't have been a problem at all, under different circumstances. My biggest problem is the discrepancy in how the LIs are treated in the books, how some get quality content and carefully developed character arcs while others are simply given lazy writing. And right now, the differences are so obvious and so glaring they're impossible to ignore.
• Drake got a whole extra scene today. A whole extra scene, on the logic that unlike the other three, he would be way more comfortable with a private ceremony involving just him and the MC (he says as much in Lythikos, both to Kiara and to the MC). Normally, I would have probably been happy about this. It works for Drake's character and story, and brings it full-circle to that photoshoot they had in Chapter 2 on some levels. From the little I managed to read, I can tell it was written really, really well.
And that's the problem. Over here, we have the team working on AN ENTIRE EXTRA SCENE for this character, after chapters and chapters of well developed scenes that acquire depths and layers if he is marrying the MC. Drake's narrative tends to have extra layers stitched into it - the expectations of being a Duke, the reluctance to let go of who he is while embracing his role as a future noble, the insults he faces from people like Neville and how he manages to rise above them by proving himself. Hell, they even ensure that they reference his bond with Liam and how his relationship with the MC complicates things. In this chapter alone, Liam's pain is highlighted differently in Drake's playthrough compared to the others (he shows some level of heartbreak when Drake asks him to be his best man, compared to when Hana or Maxwell ask him to be their officiant). The group chats, too, highlight Liam being part of the chat in the Hana and Maxwell playthroughs, and completely absent on Drake's:
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(Screenshots from (2) @kennaxval (Hana), (3) YouTube Channels Vika Avey (Maxwell) and (4) HIMEME (Drake))
I wouldn't be surprised if they had some kind of a closure scene between Drake and Liam on this account later, while having him be absolutely okie-dokie in the Hana and Maxwell playthroughs. That's the level of attention Drake's story is being given (you can argue that Liam's relationship with Drake is different, and you'd be right, but it just goes to show how much WORK went into building this character).
And this is not restricted just to Drake. Liam has way more in terms of content as well and his scenes are of great quality. He has practically the entire book revolving around him! The book aggressively pushes him as an LI until almost the end of Book 2. The narrative has made an effort to view Liam as someone intimately involved and invested in the history of his country - it shows in most of his individual scenes, and in his cake scene and gift this chapter. Even Maxwell, who normally hasn't been given much attention this book, gets memories and some historical stuff this chapter (such as the ancestor who is his namesake and the story about the cheetah cake).
On the other hand...you have Hana. Whose canon sexuality - and her larger struggle with it - is hardly addressed in the books. Whose experience with bullying at the hands of Madeleine has been largely forgotten, even as we're constantly expected to protect Penelope from the same person. Who has gotten some of the most lackluster scenes in the series. Whose character arc got the laziest wrap-up you could imagine, who now doesn't even get original lines to describe a cake flavour she likes, or a gift that adequately reflects who she is. Whose story is given lesser focus than secondary characters like Penelope and Madeleine. PENELOPE. AND MADELEINE.
• Forget about every other chapter and take just this one as an example.
Notice how there is very little genuine personalization or memories attached either to Hana's cake scene - she simply echoes what Liam says about the flavour of vanilla when speaking about her love for classic white cake, and briefly mentions baking - or her gift which is a telescope, and which the MC attaches some generic saying/phrase to. The gift assigned for her itself is SO random, has little to no connection to Hana, and is a very odd choice for a gift. Couple that with the Hallmark-esque sayings that the MC wants to push forward, and compare it to her thought process for any one of the other LI gifts. You will see the difference.
(While you're at it, also check out this story by @i-dream-so-i-write called "The Perfect Gift". It's a rewriting of the scene for Hana's gift)
There is no throwback to, say, a time when they all had to bake pies for Queen Regina, and the latter praised Hana. Or to stories narrated to her. Or to things the MC knows she likes to do. No memories connected to Hana's grandmother, who she was obviously close to. Nothing that tells us anything new about her.
This isn't the first time this is happening. And it definitely won't be the last.
• And it's not as if they don't get any money from Hana's scenes. Even when she isn't picked as a final choice on a very large scale, she still manages to make it to the top ten in terms of diamond spending. She may not be making as much bank as Liam and Drake, but she IS clearly making bank. I'm surprised that's possible because a lot of the writing for her since Book 2 isn't worth the money people like me are constantly spending on her scenes. So I can't even buy the excuse that she's written badly because she's not popular. Clearly there are enough people invested enough in her to buy her scenes despite the lack of effort.
I wish I had more to talk about besides these complaints about how Hana is written, but I'm really not left with much of a choice. I'd like to close this QT by mentioning just one thing: the original line up of LIs given to us was Liam, Drake and Hana. One of them has the entire plot of the story revolving around him. The other has consistent and well-written character development, including an extra secret wedding scene and vast differences in his dialogue with the MC based on his relationship with her. The third LI...is given less attention and validation than at least two secondary characters in the book.
All these three were characters meant to be LIs from the very beginning. All of them made a good amount of money and had great potential for growth. So why is it that only one of the original lineup is given only scraps, while the other two get an all-you-can-eat buffet?
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