#its like last issue when he could only escape with 'RT and Kon powering him up'
I'm extremely conflicted about this. On one hand? Bart fucking with reality is on brand and we love to see it. On the other hand? This writing is so fucking stupid.
Bart wasn't strong enough to trap a fifth dimensional imp on his own so he... got Tim, Cassie, Kon, Cissie and RT to vaguely wave their arms in his direction? What exactly did they contribute here? How exactly did two non powered humans, a robot, a half Kryptonian and a demigod contribute to Bart's reality bending quantum entanglement trap?
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I'd honestly even take the power of love as an excuse because that's the go to thing in Flash lore but there's no mention of that at all, so????
I'm taking the reality bending quantum entanglement trap for lore purposes and the rest of this series can go jump off a cliff.
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