#its funny how they're a bunny and a cat
dovewingkinnie · 3 months
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youve been promoted to her business partner
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
I have been reading the masterlist n hosts character is so funny 😭😭😭 like when someone asked how ur ocs would react to a pet and everyone had an answer that was detailed while host only had
“animals dont really like host”
I just find that so funny ☠️☠️ Its like “no, host doesn’t have a problem with pets, but pets have a problem with him.” WHAT DID HE DO?? (other than being a life-form from a different planet)
Animals just know there's something wrong with that man.. This makes me think of a cat/bunny hybrid darling that meets host while he's pretending to be a normal man and just immediately gets bad vibes from him. Streamer bunny darling gets invited on his show for a interview and they're trying not to freak out in front of him. It doesn't help that on top of his natural weird energy bro has an unnatural desire to have the poor rabbit.
Host: We're so glad you decided to join us for a interview today. Tell me, how are you feeling at the moment?
Bunny Darling, tearing up: I don't even know how I ended up here. I heard laughter coming from my bathroom and when I opened the door something grabbed me...
Host: That's wonderful. Onto our first question - I hear you're quite talented with your hands. Care to prove it?
Bunny Darling: y-you want me to bake a cake?
Host: ...That is exactly what I had in mind.
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
The sumeru love hexagon.... imagine that darling has their own cat that hates everyone except for darling and wanderer👀👀
I'm giggling just imagining the scenes 🤭
It's like Wanderer and your cat share this weird out-of-this-world connection, or at least, they both have a consensus that they cannot allow anyone to lay their dirty hands on their human. Whenever the puppet sees that someone has crossed boundaries (it's his own envy, mostly), all he needs to do is bring your cat to the person's face and his feline partner-in-crime tends to resolve the issue. It's efficient and has very little consequences ✨
Oh, if Kaveh wasn't miserable enough already. As someone who's fond of animals himself, he genuinely wants to befriend your pet. He also recognizes that doing so would make you two even closer, but how can he achieve that when the animal in question hisses if it even sees him in your vicinity? Spends way too much time trying to win over your cat and unintentionally creates the opportunity for others to win you instead.
It's Alhaitham who utilizes the chance. He's already dead last in realizing his affections and the fact that he needs to fight in order to earn yours. He isn't going to let go of any opening now, however miniscule it might be. As for his opinions on your cat and its passionate distaste for your suitors... well, in the end, it's still just an animal. He doesn't consider it his competition, neither something that he absolutely has to earn the approval of.
If stares could kill, both Cyno and your cat would be dead and one with the soil by now. Intense glaring competitions occur whenever they're in the same room, neither willing to back down. It's silly, maybe a little funny — who are you kidding, it's absolutely hilarious seeing the General Mahamatra at a serious stare down with a cat of all beings. Cyno would never raise a hand against it (because let's be honest, he could kill it without much effort) but your pet certainly has gotten handsy a few times. You always end up tending to the scratches anyway, so, who's winning now, huh?
Tighnari is a little irritated at first, but maintains distance from it for everyone's peace. He's most likely to tame your cat, given his expertise with these kinds of things. But hear out this little side tangent of mine : Reader who owns a pet bunny who hates Tighnari. It's angelic and sweet demeanor with others taking a drastic shift once it senses the presence of the fox. You know the drill, archaic nemeses.
[ au masterlist ]
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perfectlovevn · 7 months
Hello!! I just finished playing Perfect Love and OMGGG, I LOVED ITT. The entire plot-line and game concept was extremely unique!! And ouuhhh I loved Milo the most <33. Best boy, really.
Is there anything else you can mention about Milo? Like some sweet fun facts about him that were not mentioned in the game? I'd really like to know him full on out! Otherwise, that's all. Have a good day, afternoon, or night!! :D
Wooo! I'm glad you liked it! It always makes me happy to hear!
I did have a list of things here about Milo, but here are some more.
Pre Milo:
In theory, Milo can have multiple forms, not just Violence and Manipulation. He can be motherly, competitive, preppy, vain, anything so as long as Eris is able to influence them in that way.
In the same vein, Milo is actually a really fast learner, as you can see in the game. He doesn't think he is but under the pressure of wanting to make sure that his love doesn't leave him, he learns and understands remarkably fast.
Milo is deathly afraid of bugs, as seen in the manipulation route. I guess that's what happens when you're forced to eat insects as child. Thanks bullies.
I think I should probably make him shorter but I headcannoned him to be about 6ft. It's literally because I'm really bad with heights so I wanted a good round number.
He really likes rabbits/bunnies as it's his favorite animal. He still has his first bunny stuffed animal that he had as a child and has repaired it several times. He likes large lop bunnies the most but his parents wouldn't let him keep it when he was smaller.
His major is school is kinesiology for the sole reason that I think it would be funny that he's kind of buff under all those clothes. He probably does work out on occasion, but considering how sad he is I don't think he always maintains it.
The backpack he is wearing actually handmade by him. He actually is pretty good at handmade crafts and makes a lot of stuff, however, he usually ends up not finishing them or throwing them away because he ultimately thinks its useless.
If you make anything handmade for him, no matter how bad you think it is, he will keep it. He also would probably add something onto it because he can't help himself.
If given clothing, handmade or bought, he will try to sew something onto it unless you tell him not to.
He is pretty good basic first aid because he always had to patch himself up when he was growing up.
If you access the scene in the code, you'll find that he likes more relaxing games like Stardew Valley, Spiritfarers, Animal Crossing, etc.
When holding hands, he will usually hold Eris by the fingers, not the palms for some reason.
Manipulation Milo:
He's learned he's like rubbing his face on things he likes (not at all influenced by my habit of doing that). Because of that, he likes to rub against Eris's hair a lot.
Pre Milo can actually hold his alcohol pretty well because of his size, but doesn't drink much and gets sleepy pretty fast after drinking. Manipulation Milo has embraced this and now basically can drink a ton without getting wasted. Tends to be a lot more clingy towards Eris the more he drinks.
Manipulation Milo practices speaking like Eris by recording them when he thinks they're not noticing. Practices a lot in the mirror to be as close to them as possible when talking.
Has learned to have a strong appreciation of cats and they come flock to him when nearby. Also has learned how to purr.
When holding Eris's hands, he tends to sweat a lot. Eris, I imagine can't hold his hand for very long without it getting soaked.
He never wears the first earrings that Eris gave him and keeps them preserved somewhere in his room. Always wears copies of it in case it ever gets lost or stolen.
Changed his eating habits to appear more thinner and dainty, to match his new personality and appearance.
Has gotten really good with social games, so much so that in some groups they can't play it anymore because he always wins. Also is surprisingly good at Co-op, especially with Eris.
Violence Milo:
Probably won't admit it, but likes being headpatted. Will come towards Eris and slightly nudge his head towards their hand to indicate they want to be headpatted, but will never ask them.
Eats a lot more now than he did previously. Pre Milo ate more like a bird, but Violence Milo devours his food. Seeing him eat meat is like watching a dog tear apart steak.
Because of this, he's also learned how to cook more meals. Before Milo just cooked to survive, but now Violence Milo makes pretty good meals. Will cook anything Eris asks.
Has gotten more into shooters and fighting games. He actually seems to have really good reaction timing now compared to what he was like before.
When holding Eris's hands, tends to squeeze too hard before loosening it because he gets shy. He's working on not doing that but Eris's hands have been crushed multiple times before.
Really into wolves and big dogs. Really likes german shepards and watching him play with dogs is like night and day because he's so mushy around them .
Probably has a punching bag with Ryan's face on it somewhere in his room. That picture has been replaced over and over again and that punching bag looks like it's on the brink of breaking.
Growls and whimpers in his sleep sometimes. When his back or head is stroked, it turns into a more comfortable and happy growl and he tries to hug whatever is closest to him. If it's mentioned to him by Eris, he'll probably get embarrassed. Being big spooned will also cause his leg to shake for a bit before he ends up sleeping soundly.
I hope I remember a lot of these facts later because I feel like some of this stuff I just made up on the spot.
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viaviv124 · 6 months
Cotl Orphan AU
So bc i would never in a million years finish writing this as a fic i'll just write everything i have so far here so its out of my head and y'all can also do whatever you want with it. This will be a long ass post so get a drink and get cozy. Of course i won't get on full Detail like characterizations etc, in this post at least, so feel free to ask questions! I'd love to answer them!
This post includes content warnings for all sorts of very dark topics, but especially murder, body horror, torture, cannibalism, suicide, depression, slightly implied sexual abuse, implied abuse in general and other stuff like that. If you're sensible to this please click off or proceed with caution.
It all starts with 5 siblings, Shamura(16), Kallamar(14), Narinder(13), Heket(10) and Leshy(8). When Leshy was barely able to walk they ended up on the streets because one of their parents killed the other before taking their own life. They struggled a lot but they got by.
One day, when Narinder was out looking for food, he found an injured lamb, around his age, in an ally. They seemed starved and the life had already left their eyes as they barely managed to look up at him. Being unable to just leave them there he knelt down to them, ripped off parts of his own clothes to wrap around them as makeshift bandages and left them all the food he gathered so far whilst telling them to keep living, that they shouldnt have to die like this. Once making sure the lamb will be fine alone he left, thinking he can just collect some more food anyway.
Around 3 - 4 years pass and in that time 4 of the siblings were gravely injured. Shamura suffered a devistating blow to the head from someone they stole food from, cracking their skull just enough to keep them alive but also to damage the brain. Kallamar's ears were ripped off by other homeless people that succumbed to insanity. Heket's throat was slit by an older, privileged child who thought it was funny after Heket expressed that she didn't want anything to do with them. Leshy's eyes were all shot during a heist, requiring his siblings to gouge out the remains. It's unclear how they survived all that. From then on the siblings, espacially Narinder, decided that murder is okay and justified if necessary.
More years pass and they reach their current ages. Due to a dispute they're chased out of the current ally they lived in for a long time. Now they're on the search for a new home, but it's very hard. Once they're on the other side of town, where they've never been before, yet still unable to find a suitable place especially Shamura starts to despair, blaming themself internally for being unable to help their siblings. Narinder and Kallamar do their best to try and reassure them.
One night, as they're wandering, they get found by a lamb dressed in rags, covered in scars and dirt and wearing a bag, they're around Narinder's age, who smiles kindly at them and offers a hand, promising a secure home and food. All of the siblings distrust this child, however out of necessity Shamura feels forced to accept the offer, they take the lambs hand. The lamb's smile turns gentler as they introduce themself as Belphy before starting to lead the way.
Belphy leads them to an old, abandoned factory at the outskirts of town, in which are several children of various ages and states, some coming to greet Belphy and asking if they brought new friends. At first the siblings don't trust anyone, keeping to eachother instead of interacting with the others, however eventually Leshy starts to get along with a yellow cat barely younger than him and with a missing arm. Heket becomes friends a bunny girl, who's quite the oddball, detesting touch in one moment and then clinging to Heket the next. Seeing their siblings get along with the other children Shamura and Kallamar also slowly start interacting with the others. However, Narinder only really socializes with Belphy, as they seem to cling to him whenever they're not busy. Seeing them first as an annoyance, Narinder soon learns to trust and appreciate this strange lamb. He also learns that this is the lamb he helped many years ago, being the leading cause of Belphy helping other children in need too.
However, Narinder notices some very odd behaviour from Belphy. He can't say what exactly it is, but it bothers him. But no matter how often he decides to trail them when they go out, they seem to always be a step ahead of him, greeting him with a sweet smile and going home with him before he could even get a rough glance of anything the lamb was doing. Whenever he asks questions Belphy smoothly avoids them or tells him not to worry about it, that everything is fine and nothing's out of the ordinary. Narinder can't help but get a bit scared, though. Because as nice and sweet as the lamb is, whatever they hide, he knows they must hide something, must be horrifying.
But one day, on the day he finds out. This time he wasn't even trailing Belphy, he was just out on a walk of his own when he suddenly heard a scream. He hid behind the corner and glanced into the back ally, having never seen something so horrifying before. In the ally was a bloodbath, Belphy in the middle of it, surrounded by two or three gruesomely mutilated corpses. Belphy licked the blood off their hand with a terrifyingly satisfied smile as the black knife in their other hand turned into a black snake with only a red eye as a face and curled around their arm, conveniantly hidden under the fleece. Confused by the transformation of the knife-snake they looked at their arm "Hmm? What was that for? I'm not done yet." As they look up again their eyes meet Narinders and Narinders blood runs cold as he freezes. His heart beats up and almost out of his chest as Belphys smile softens and they walk torwards him, covered in blood. The closer Belphy gets, the faster and louder Narinders heart beats as he squeezes his eyes shut.
Despite his expectations Belphy just gently cups his face, pulls his head down to their height and leans their forehead against his. They gently caress him and with a soft and gentle voice they attempt to soothe him, telling him that everything is okay, that he is okay and that he doesnt have to be scared. They tell him to breathe. To Narinders own surprise this works unexpectedly well and he manages to steady his breathing and calm down a little, however once he can move again he moves away from Belphy, opening his eyes only for a glare as his fear turns to fury. Narinder hisses not to touch him.
Belphy smiles and puts their hands in the air to show they're not a threat, the snake, now more exposed, stares at Narinder. When Narinder demands answers, Belphy complies with no hesitation.
They tell him that the snake found Belphy several years ago, not too long after their first encounter with Narinder. It said it needed blood and if Belphy provides it'll help them in turn too. So as proof it turned into a black crown with its red eye in the middle, its true form it said, and sat on Belphys head, healing every wound as good as it could it its weakened state. Once Belphy agreed to do it the crown now turned into a combat knife. Belphy only ever kills adults. When they first killed they let out all their pain and sorrows, following the crown's advice to make it easier, and as a result they came to like it. Torturing and killing adults, the ones that made their life so horrible in the first place. Now these despicable creatures are at their mercy as they scream and cry in pain, just like the lamb did too, before taking their lifes at last. Over the years they also grew fond of the taste of their victim's blood and flesh, what once was a necessity now was a guilty pleasure, allthough, they added, they cannot stand the smell.
Belphy reassures Narinder, who is a mix of heavily disturbed and (for reasons he doesnt quite understand) somewhat unfazed, that they won't ever harm him, the other children and his siblings, not now and not when they're all grown. They also make him promise to please not tell anyone, not even his siblings, before suggesting he can help them if he'd like.
With that Narinder is now Belphys partner in crime. He did come with them on a few massacres, he calls it that because of how messy Belphy is, and whilst he's still somewhat disturbed, mainly by Belphy's cannibalistic tendencies and a level of merciless sadism he didn't expect of them considering their sweet and gentle demeanour, he can't help but admit that he also bears a deep rooted spite for adults and that this is a great way to vent all this pain, it made him discover he might also be more sadistic than he thought. Maybe murder for fun was okay and not just a necessity.
Yet all of this still bothered him. Deep inside he was not only scared of Belphy but also himself. Shamura noticed Narinder's off behaviour and after weeks, maybe months, of observing him they finally asked what's going on. Narinder's deep trust in Shamura makes him forget about the promise he made and so he tells the everything. Everything about Belphy, the murders, his own sadistic tendencies, his fears and worries about all of this. Shamura didn't say much about it. They just held him close as he spoke.
It took less than a day for Belphy to find out. They're not happy. And Narinder is going to feel the consequences of a broken promise. Some cuts and bruises, maybe a broken bone or two, but nothing more than a severed finger. They care too much about him to do more. They cant bring themself to do more. So this'll do. It should teach Narinder to keep a promise next time.
They did it. They hurt him. As much as they hate seeing him scared, him accepting their embrace for comfort afterwards was very nice, considering how often he told them to not touch him. Maybe they'll ask the crown to heal Narinder, the message they wanted to send seemed to arrive so there's no need for him to be in even more pain.
AND THATS ALL I HAVE FOR NOW :D Thank you so much reading through this! If you have any questions about the AU and characters etc, feel free to ask!!
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waterfalls-bunny · 3 days
can you tell me some bunny hc of yours i’m curious :3
Sorry for the late reply I was thinking about it really ;o; bunny hcs you say huh i love bunny but im a sane person ofc i dont have hcs of them! Why would I-
- They have 3 pets, 2 bunnies and a rat. The bunny is rescued, they're against buying animals.
- They also have rat and bunny matching pijamas (am i insane about these? Probably)
- Kenny spoils Butters a LOT with pretty little things. Butters will do 1% effort and have Kenny over his heels
- Kenny uses 1000000 nicknames for Butters while Leo uses Ken, but he's aware that he has a power whenever he says a nickname to Kenny (and will use it ofc c:<)
- They roleplay dated more than once
- Their favorite spot for playtimes is Stark's Pond bc is quiet, a lot of their dates happen there
- Kenny is indeed a bad influence for Butters, look at them secretly reuniting almost every day at midnight to have time to chat, sacrificing their sleep schedule 💔
- When they moved together, their first fight was about how messy Kenny is when it comes to both taking care of himself and the house, and Butters being too perfectionist with cleaning
- I can picture them being the sort of couple that prefers doing things offline and not make a fuzz of it in social media, if they go on a trip they wont take many photos and instead just enjoy whatever they were gonna do. Sorta childish?
- Although Butters is a sucker for romance, a genre people wouldn't picture him enjoying as much too is the fight/action genre, he's a very intense fan of these and Kenny its as well so they watch wrestling fights and similar activities together (they're both passionate lmao)
- Kenny surprisingly enough is also a fan of cute idle games (Butters and Karen introduced him to it but he's just a huge fan in any case). Example animal crossing or cat bar snack so he has a file exclusively for him in Butters phone/switch and if it wasnt bc is not his device he'd probably be more advanced than Butters file. Tho Butter's favorite will forever be Hello Kitty Island
- Kenny's taught Butters to do the grocery shopping to no avail, the other will somehow pick the expired products and things will always run out when he buys (bad luck boy)
- Butters at some point will be aware of Kenny's immortality (when his grandma died he asked him if she was in heaven, Kenny didnt want to tell him last time he went to hell she wanted to beat the crap out of him bc she found out they were dating on eart and he beat her in defense)
- Theyre the silly lil couple that does innocent things and would make a big fuzz about it (yes Kenny is a bitch but its 100% different when it comes to Butters its funny)
Oh my I didn't expect to list so many LMAO the worst part is that I can make hcs out if anything so lmk if yall want part 2!
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genderlessghoul · 1 year
Inspired by the recent puppy post from Motley Zoo and my undying love for animals, here's what I think each of the ghouls/ghoulettes would keep as a pet :
Phantom : He saw someone walking their dog his first week topside and made it his life mission to get one. After a lot of research and internal debate, he ended up adopting a pitbull/labrador mix from a local shelter. Her name is Petunia and she's the definition of sweet baby angel.
Mountain : He decided to fully commit to the farm boy aesthetic and he got himself some quails. They have their own coop and fenced little garden. They used to be have free range on the entire gardens but they'd always end up eating his vegetables. They look like tiny little chicks when he's holding them. He lets the other ghouls choose their name which unfortunately got him stuck with one called Cum. His favourite was affectionately named Nugget by Swiss.
Aether : Bunny. Tiny little miniature one too, all white except for a small black spot on its nose. It's free to roam around his room and Aether learned the hard way to hide any and all loose cables (more than once). He named it Dust. Because Dust Bunny. He swears it's funny.
Rain : AXOLOTL. She's albino and he named her Rose because of her pink little frill gills. He can understand her somehow, some weird water creature thing. She has a very simple brain tho and mostly screams at him for food. Dew and Swiss love to draw mustaches and hats on her tank with markers.
Dew : He has a black cat named Purrcifer. The cute little thing just started following him one day and Dew can't seem to get rid of him (not that he tried too hard). He says it's the Ministry's cat cuz he spends all day roaming around the ground and hunting mice, but the cat definitely sleeps in his bed every night.
Swiss : He swore he'd never get a pet, he's too unfocused to remember to take care of one properly. Until he accompanied Rain on a trip to the pet store and spotted a ball python. Love at first sight, just look at that puppy face. He spent weeks doing research and was pleased to learn that they only eat like once a week? Maybe every two weeks? That's perfect. He got a huuuge female and named her Fluffy. Fluffy is his pride and joy.
Aurora : Ferret. She wanted a cat at first but she discovered that they came in noodle format and was like !!!YES!!! She taught him fetch. They play with paper balls. He's stolen other ghouls' snacks on multiple occasions.
Sunshine : She really wanted a chameleon but she saw how high maintenance the suckers are and settled for a crested gecko. It doesn't officially have a name because it wouldn't recognize it anyway. Definition of no thought, head empty. Most times, she calls it NO STOP DON'T JUMP THERE. She loves it so fuckin much.
Cumulus : She has the cutest blue budgie. She taught it so many tunes that they sing together all day long. It loves nothing more than to hang on her shoulder all day and watch her do her tasks. One of its many favourite sounds to imitate is the ringtone of whoever's in the room with them. No one knows how it learned to differentiate them all.
Cirrus : She set up a pretty little saltwater tank in her room. It's home to two clownfish and their anemone. They're called Led Zeppelin and Metallica, no she will not take criticism on the name. The tank is very beautifully decorated and everyone keeps bugging her to put up a big one in the common room, which she always refuses cuz she doesn't trust any of them with salt water.
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mahou-furbies · 3 months
Miss Meguca contest (casual outfits), comments
All preliminary rounds are now over! Since there was some variance in how many people voted each round, I'll have to calculate everyone's scores with percentages. So I think the final round won't start until tomorrow. In the meantime, here are the comments:
Round 1
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Let’s Hope Madoka Wins this Thing Again. I want to See an Idol or Maybe a special Surprise Image song round or something.
Most of these outfits are so good. I only docked off points for some of them cause they weren’t as interesting. Also Ayaka’s outfit is perfect except for the color of her tights
Always glad to see my girl, Ashley!
Hoods are always a good taste, so…
I'm a sucker for suspenders!
Yuuna, Rena and Kokoro are the TOP of winter fashion!!!
There're quite a few outfits I WANT to like but they're just drawn so weird. Like. Why is Mitsune's sweatshirt Like That.
Also why is Mami dressed like she's in her 40s.
I really love all the varied silhouettes Magireco gives its characters in their casual clothes. Yuuna's is probably my least favourite because it's so boring. Ikumi's cat socks are extremely 2010s fashion and I love them.
Ashley has the best one here! It's practically something I would wear!
Rena's was so cute… until the short shorts. Girl!!! Your thighs are going to freeze!!! At least with skirts it's easy to wear skin colored thermal tights!
Ikumi: I'm going to wear e-girl cat socks with the most boring fit possible.
Round 2
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Ren's outfit is so adorable!
Bring On Da Next Round! I Need Madoka to Win!
Yuma stands out not being super detailed, but I like it.
Scene 0 Madoka's outfit isn't bad but I don't think the silhouette and blue jacket necessarily suit her. Also adult Hikaru's outfit looks like something I'd wear in IRL help
Yuna: I don't understand the transparent fabric on her, but aside from that, is a pretty fashionable outfit
Akari: The bunny purse? The bow with the scarf? The puffy shorts? *chef's kiss
Moka: teh top part is a 10, but the bottom is a 3
I would once again kill for Mami's, but Ria's on the block too
Felicia ily but THAT clothes???????
Round 3
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It's designs like these that get my hopes up about character design and fashion.
Alina wins out because of the paint on her clothes!
No Madoka Here but I’m Alright with That Besides Madoka Is Gonna Be the Winner Again!
I love Alina's painting clothes 💚💛❤️
So many cute designs in this round💖
ADORE alinas outfit, its so unique among the rest of the super feminine and cutesy casual outfits!
What is up with that bow on Tomoko’s outfit? It feels like everything was just slapped together when it comes to how she’s dressed.
Round 4
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sorry, kyouko. i cant stand orange+green color combos.
Finally a good outfit for Kyoko!
Why does it feel that they put more effort into making the winter ones and just slap some ramdom shirts and skirts for casual?
They really did Kyouko dirty in this game.
Looking Good I know Madoka is the Winner nothing ordinary or new!
Thought Homura had a mustache necklace for a sec
I was gonna give glasses Homura a -1, but she's getting a 2 for the mustache necklace actually. I don't like it but it's such a bold choice and I love that for her lmao
I dislike Kirika but her clothes are in my fav choices ;;
I find my choices a little funny in hindsight because Kokoro's outfit is a hiking outfit and it looks nice but it also feels very generic, but I also feel like Leila's outfit looks like she's about to go camping or something. Also I am OBSESSED with Homura's mustache necklace.
Round 5
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I'd like to make a disclaimer that I'm not rating Ranka's outfit 1 because I hate it, I just don't think it makes a good winter outfit necessarily. But does this also mean she's into larme kei and shops at places like MA*RS and Ank Rouge? Also: 1) Yachiyo's cold shoulder sweater dress amuses me for some reason. Girl your shoulders! 2) Green is a very interesting colour choice for Temari.
Hotaru, my beloved!! Sleepy queen!!
This is getting Good Final around Ahead and Madoka must Win!
I want Konomi's one so baaaad!!!!
Homura with glasses has the best outfits ;_; I have seen a lot of hers in the polls and always I love how she mixes cutesy with black clothes
Some of these are awful
Round 6
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Lots of threes this time for interesting silhouettes or designs that make me go "yeah, that's [character]"! Also Mifuyu's outfit is just one of my faves in general
These are not as awful as the other but somehow most of them has something that ruins the look for me.
The thing is, a magical girl costume is always so extravagant and beautiful, that when we go back to their casual clothes, we expect nothing less. Bu then it comes some disappointment, because they look so plain and simple.
Last One I Need Madoka To Win!!
hard to be picky abt it ;-; they're all so pretty tbh
ui looks adorable!! i love her little outfit! you can certainly tell she's a kid. i find her outfit works really well over all. a lot of others i felt like there'd be one or 2 elements just don't fit with the rest but ui's just matches perfectly in my eyes
This is so difficult because imo the game has really really good designs for the casual outfits
Round 7
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Kyoko looks really good in purple
After seeing Yachiyo's dress everything seems pretty.
Disclaimer I like Kyouko's outfit but I don't think it suits /her/ personally. I don't really like the mauve on Oriko? I feel like she should be wearing white or a very pale lilac at least. Tsubaki's is okay I guess and there's something about Tsukuyo's I don't entirely vibe with for some reason
I came to the conclusion that Homura is the Fashion Queen…
And poor Kyouko has so much to learn…
Let’s Hope Madoka wins this whole Thing!
Kyoko's outfit is great, but not a good fit for Kyoko.
Nagisa gets a 3. The OG deserves it. Too good for this world. Too pure. Deserves all the cheese.
Again, Homura has the best outfits
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kirric-the-fan · 4 months
Wonderful precure ep 17 and I'm becoming more and more convinced they're regularly sneaking in deliberate references to other seasons now.
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Look, I'm surprised they haven't done more of this in other seasons already: precure has been going on for so long and already has an established cross-over setup between seasons with all the All Stars films (plus what they did in Hugtto) that it would be more surprising if they didn't drop references in.
But while I was making jokes about the Hugtto/Cure Yell Hooray Hooray! and the anti-bear sihlouette looking a bit like Cure Mofurun, this week sees another reference from another season: Star Twinkle. Firstly that the above point in Nyammy's transformation looks a lot like the skirt of another Cat cure: Cure Cosmo Which on its own is still a bit ~ in being a reference because there are only so many ways to depict a rainbow, but coming from a cat cure, where they still had other options to show the same thing (normal rainbow curve, or showing the colours within snowflakes or a snowflake shape) it does seem a bit too much of a coincidence.
And then we did get a little oyo from Mayu this week. (Right before her bunny cuddle puddle fantasy)
IDK. I do think it is funny quite how many references are appearing now. It's fun, and honestly something I'd love to see as more of a regular thing quietly slipped in like this.
My only thought is 'Is there a particular reason they're doing this for this season?'
To which I have no answer just yet. Guess it's going to be a case of 'wait and see'.
(Also on a semi-seperate note, given all the mirror references, and ignoring the animal-shape god we saw last week, I think it would be quite entertaining if the god that created the mirror stone was Blue, who did it ages ago and is now trying to tidy up the mess without worrying the Hap. Charge team.)
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triglycercule · 22 days
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yall..... more jkfashionau fanart,,,,,, fromgshaewru,,,,, the goat..... THIS IS SO FUCKING CYTE!!!!! TH LITTE ICE CREAMZ???? GHE ICE CREAM IS SHAPED LIKE A BUNNY. IT HAS LITTLE KITTY EARS. HORRORS ICE CREAM ID CRYING!!!!!!!!!! THATS SO FUCKING CUTE,,,,,,,, (an is that supposed to be a dogm dog coded horrrot real theyre literally rabbit cat dog trio) AND THEY LOOK SO HAPPY AND KILERS :3 FACE they're absolutely gonna share ice cream flavors except horror's stingy but also greedy for dust an killer's and they had to get a her a spoon and count her spoonfuls so she doesn't just eat their whole ice creams and AND MY GOD TJIS IS SO FUCKING ADORABLE!!!! THIS IS SO CUTR AND SWEET AND LOVELY AND JK FASHION MTT MY BELOEBD MY BELOBED!!!! ⁉️⁉️‼️‼️ OH MY GOD WAIT IS THE LIKE,,,,, A FOLLUIP TO THE OTHER DRAWING I MADE WHER THEH WERENT RUNNING TO TBE CIE CREAM SHOP,,,,,,,,,, OH YM DODDDD IF IT ITS FUCK THSBK YKU SO MUCH THIA SO CUTE what happened yo dyst in the second ohoto ⁉️⁉️⁉️ why did she literally DIE???? her poor precious fave GET UPPP QUEEN GET UOPPPPP THEYRE DRAGGING YOU IN THR QRTS. THEY lion SO FUCKING CUTE in the srcond one like the massive fotball heads are so adorable i fear. its so cut its so cute. straight out of an anime ending ITS SO CUTE and horror's surpirsed reaction and killer little wave I CAN JUST IMAGINE LIKE A DISTANT (aaaaaa) COMING FDOM HER THATS SO CUTEEEEE. dust collasped after they ran to the ice cream shop that one time no doubt i can make it canon im literally the creator so boom i just made it canon. and the stupid fucking third picture. they look so dumb i could punch them. they look like baseball bats. ping pong thingys i forgot the little whackers. lets play tennis with the mtt rackets i pick dust!what was that traced over???? i feel like one of those korean artist reaction photos would work
gshaewru hits me AGAINwith another wave of art. a second plane has appeared (triglycercule. 9/11 jokes are not a safe topic to joke about no matter how funny you find it. i know i know triglycercule,,,, i'll lay off,,,,,,) and once again it is ADORABLE AND SILLY. jk mtt-y. theyre so damn cute my little candies i will eat then and chew them like gum and they will taste delicious. notice the difference between when i spoke about normal mtt and jk mtt. that's because jk mtt are GIRLS CUTE GIRLS they dont deserve to be used as tennis rackets compared to the murderer three over there,,,,, smh
edit: i've just been informed THIS is the fuckass base 😭😭😭
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toxifoxx · 2 months
I ask you questions about William ^_^ !! Answer however many you'd please, I'm just dumping random things atp lmao
♡ would William consider having any pets? if so, what and be as free as a bird of explanation !!
♡ if he didn't major in business and engineering, what would he do? what would've life been like if he had taken another career path? would Henry still be present?
♡ what's something William likes to collect?
♡ if Henry knows William is trans, how did that occur?
♡ if William could choose any other animal besides a rabbit, what would it be?
♡ prior to completing transition, had William thought of other names? in what ways was he discreet of being a boy/man without questions from his parents?
♡ if William were to know of his future, what things would he change? what would he say to/do for his younger self?
YAY YAY THANK U :3 (late answer because i can FINALLY see this now)
1.obvious answer is a bunny since william loves rabbits. he would want to have one and he would most certainly name it bonnie. but perhaps he doesn't have the time to be caring for one, so his secondary choice would be a cat. they're cute and quiet and not too high maintenance :] i don't think he likes dogs all that much. envisioning him as the 'dad and the cat he said he didn't want' meme actually
2.first thought is theater, the motherfucker loves performing & acting he basically does it 24/7 and it gives him a good excuse to be flamboyant and silly and weird. he'd want to be an actor or something. its possible for henry to still be present given that william's circumstances probably wouldn't change and they'd still end up in the same dorm.
3.BUNNY-THEMED ITEMS. i've actually mentioned this one before but he totally has some of those novelty bunny-shaped phones. definitely collects little bunny figures. he has an entire shelf dedicated to random bunny shit he's gathered over the years. no one questions it any more hes just Like That
4.they fucked . thats how it happened they fucked. i mean henry probably saw william shirtless once or twice beforehand but just assumed he had bigger than normal man-boobs (and william could easily play it off as such) but the first time he really learned william was trans was fucking him for the first time and being like huh….. why does he have a pussy…..
5.i almost skipped over this one oopsiesssss. can i answer this with hare /j. uhh truthfully i dont have a good answer but it would have to be something that also looks harmless and disarming since that's the way william likes to portray himself. id say sheep for the wolf in sheep's clothing metaphor but i think he wouldn't want to choose a farm animal.
6.hmmm. good question… think he always wanted to go with some proper sort of name. maybe he considered vincent because i think its very funny and for no other reason. perhaps he just took the name of william from a relative or something. as for being discreet… he brought it up once and never again <3 for the years he lived with his parents he was just dedicated to hiding the fact he was a trans man. feeding into his whole shtick of constantly wearing a mask and pretending to be someone he's not.
7.this one is also a good question. hrm. there's a lotta stuff william internalizes and never ever unlearns so there's only a few things he can really say. honestlyyyyy. maybe he encourages his younger self to just go to fucking therapy. maybe he just says some shit about making the springlocks far far safer than they were (preventing evan's death & his own springlocking incident). but most of all he would try to discourage his younger self from murder (seeing as charlie's death is where everything truly started falling apart)
thanks for the ask!!!!!!!! ^_^
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yurisorcerer · 7 months
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OK. So, this requires a little context. In a Discord server I'm in, they're groupwatching every KyoAni show. Starting today, they got to Haruhi Suzumiya and are going to be watching an episode per day until we finish it. I'm not gonna write about every single episode of this show---I've seen it several times at this point so while I have a fair bit to say about most episodes it's just a lot of effort for a series I don't think many people here on tumblr specifically care about anymore---I do wanna write about this one
because, like can you fucking IMAGINE opening an anime like this in 2024? It'd be impossible. When an anime in the present day wants to make a big impact it'll go for laser focus, trying to present its absolute best foot forward, or a grandiose overlength premiere like Oshi no Ko or Frieren or something. The idea of opening your anime with *this* is just....I mean, even at the time it was baffling. I watched Haruhi a couple years after it aired and I remember being SO confused. What was this? Why is the first episode of this show---a show that aired deliberately out of order, by the way. I'm calling it the first episode here but if you're going by DVD order it's one of the last---some weird, deliberately bad student film that has a snarky narrator CinemaSins-ing over top of it?
The short answer is just that from the very beginning, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has a somewhat antagonistic relationship with its audience. Haruhi herself, as we'll learn in upcoming episodes, is kind of a really unpleasant person before eventually getting better. And I'm not going to claim that this show invented the idea of having your title character be a complete jackoff---it did not---but at the very least, it felt new at the time. (Contrast that to nowadays where every two-bit isekai has a total fuckboy who you're clearly supposed to love from episode 1 anyway.) So the first episode is kind of a....I hate this term, but almost a troll move I guess? More than anything, it's supposed to be *confusing.*
Improbably, this worked, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya became, for both better and worse, one of the defining anime of its era. It's been nearly 20 years and I have no idea how this happened.
Some amount can probably be attributable to the charisma of Haruhi herself---she sucks, but she makes an *impression*---but none of that is really present here since she doesn't show up until the end of the episode for the big mic drop moment, a moment where we get slightly more of an idea of what this show even actually is.
I think honestly the charm of the deliberately bad film might have been a factor. The thing is completely nonsensical; we have Mikuru running around in a bunny outfit doing plugs for random local businesses while vying for the affection of Itsuki. Itskuki himself plays a character best described as "on-screen" and "present." Mikuru's big rival both in love and for the fate of the Earth (?!?!) is Yuki, who wears a fucking awesome witch hat throughout most of the episode. At one point, in scenes that seemed utterly baffling without the context that later episodes would provide, Mikuru's eye appears to actually change color and fire a beam from it, and Shamisen the cat talks like a person. This shit was weird! Even at the time.
Also the bit where she fires a gun and goes "aaaah!" as the recoil gets out of control is still funny to me 16 years later. Many things about me have changed since I first watched this show but apparently my sense of humor isn't one of them.
Haruhi Suzumiya as a series is really important to me in that it was one of the first things I watched that was REALLY OBVIOUSLY "anime." There wasn't the plausible deniability you got with something that aired on Toonami (and thus was visible to anyone with cable TV) or one of the common entry-level access points like Cowboy Bebop or such, which are considered classics not just of their medium but of their *genre* and thus didn't carry the same stigma. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an anime-ass anime, with its bunnygirl outfits and improbable high school antics and psychic powers and aliens and yadda yadda. When I first started watching the series I was vaguely embarrassed about my interest in Japanese cartoons, by the time I'd finished it, I had an actual fucking SOS Brigade patch on my jacket. No less a figure than Tatsuki Fujimoto said that the series was responsible for turning his generation into otaku, and, anecdotally, he's pretty much right about that; most otaku I know of my age had a Haruhi phase at some point. (That's part of why Aya Hirano playing Makima in the Chainsaw Man stage play was such a big deal. It's not just that she's an incredible actress---although she is---that's fucking Haruhi playing Makima, man.)
Its success is also partly responsible for the light novel adaptation hellscape we now live in, so I'm not going to shy away from criticizing it either. Right off the bat there's a really uncomfortable kind of semi-"ironic" sexualization of Mikuru, helpfully lampshaded by Kyon as the film's narrator. This does not let up at any point throughout the show and is probably the worst thing about the series (although it doesn't reach its nadir for a while, if I recall). I'm not a fan.
Other than that element, I think as far as first episodes go, I wouldn't mind if more shows went back to this approach. There's something to be said for just baffling your audience into submission.
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koenki · 1 year
More Late Night Writings
The first time Darling met Neo, Gage really had forgotten something at home. He was still adjusting to the new job and schedule so he had to call or text Roomie to bring it by. Neo trips over himself when they meet, struck by their bold nature and confident smile- only to feel a weight on him when this amazing creature asks to see Gage. Later that day back at the apartment, eating whatever takeout they decided to pick up for both of them, Roomie asks about the cute guy at the front office making Gage almost choke on his food when he hears it. "Gross, you think Neo's cute?" Roomie laughing at his reaction, recognizing the name as the one Gage has come home saying he'd gotten in an argument with- again. There was def a conversation about asking Gage to make up scenarios where they have to go by his workplace now and again. "And what do I get out of it?" Gage would do it anyway, just to see Neo fumbling over his words in front of his crush was funny enough, but Roomie agreed to pay him back somehow. Home cooked meals, getting his favorite snacks on their way home, going out for the night with friends so he and Bug had the place to themselves for night- nothing unreasonable. That's his friend so it's not like he wouldn't help them get with someone they're interested in. Gage's ability to help get friends together is second only to Lauren.
Dion, with the help of the internet, has been taking over a lot of the cooking now and does pretty well. Bunny coming home to some nice home cooked meals so they and Dion can hang out and play games or watch movies, or even take a night stroll on the beach has become something they come to look forward to now. They still need to work out the contract part of their dynamic, but they feel safe and happy with the current arrangement, and want to give Dion something that he'd really love since they can't stay home all day every day. One day Bunny brings home a kitten for the flame demon. They explain that they will help care for the kitten since before Dion showed up they were considering getting a pet anyway (neglecting to mention details of maybe feeling lonely living in the house by themself before the demon showed up.) The wide eyed look asking if this is real and not some sick joke to mess with him makes it all worth while to Bunny to take on any extra responsibilities just to see Dion so happy to (almost) be brought to tears as he loves on the small cat talking about how soft its fur is to the gentle purring it emits as it rubs back against his warm skin. When the kitten is resting and Dion needs to set it down, he clings to Bunny, not able to thank them enough for the little pet that's now "ours", much like everything else in the house, it was shared at this point.
It's supposed to rain later in the day so no park to go to today. Instead Law and Sweets start setting up a tent in the backyard while the sun is still out. Gathering up a few books, lamps, and food, they bring Nat out to the tent to spend time together, telling stories like at campfires around the lamp, having laughs and sharing food as if it wasn't raining cats and dogs outside around them. Eventually Nat would fall asleep, little ones need their naps after all, and as she rested in a warm blanket Law tucked around her, the pair would cuddle on the other side of the tent, either reading their own things or whispering sweet nothings to the other as they listened to the rainfall. On another rainy day Sweets decides to let Law cook dinner and keep Nat preoccupied. Getting her dressed in her rainy day best, boots, coat, hat, they set out and splash in the mud, maybe find some frogs and catch them just to watch them hop away enjoying their best froggy life. Obviously they would need to give her a warm bath before any chill set in from the cold rain and sitting down for dinner. (Both these instances I have been in Nat's place and these are things I did either on my own or with my dad on his weekends, so took the ideas from a special place in my own heart) There's more but this is all I felt like spending time spellchecking and all the fun stuff of having written most of this on my phone today. Altair thank you as always for these lovely characters, they're always fun to think about in different scenarios. 💙
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webkinztournament · 1 year
Skell's Opinions - June 23 Polls
They're funny, I swear. Please remember that these are just virtual pets and stuffed animals. I will not rise from the depths of hell to strike you down for liking them (as metal as that would be).
Something about pets with spots just looks nasty. The signature German shorthaired pointer has a cute plush, but please, keep those in-game spots away from me. Also earth fawn looks like leafeon. Here's a cute image of the dog plush as compensation to whoever this take pisses off.
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Reindeer calf's smile sees something in my soul that even I didn't know was there. Fear. It's some kind of fear. He looks cute in-game though, promise. I have to give it to purple goldfish, however, for having the cooler pet specific item (and being purple).
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Honestly, poodle and mocha pup are equally as good. Defaulting to poodle for simply being more OG.
Wow I hate the cute octopus, but I hate the pioneer pony's patterning more. From afar, it looks like its flesh is falling off the bone. Put it out of its misery.
I can't stop thinking about how the kiger mustang looks like Chris Mclean's ponysona. HELP.
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Lollipop snail looks like something out of Turbo (derogatory).
Akita puppy comes with a cherry blossom hot tub??? Yeah no springy kangaroo is dust.
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We did it. We found the worst Webkinz. It's texting puppy.
Literally what is on top of groovy gorilla's head, it looks like a sea anemone gone parasitic.
Ya'll. Ya'll. The Rottweiler has a pool table with a chain on it. And his food is served in a studded bracelet. The Webkinz I never knew I needed.
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Hoppy floppy bunny wins by virtue of not being celestial unicorn.
Signature horse is VERY cute, but I had to side with Rockerz cat for being horrendous in the most endearing scene-kid-wannabe way.
Weimaraner is the obvious choice when up against a print catastrophe. What is wrong with you all for voting musical Dalmatian? There's worse prints, but I stand firmly on my ground.
I dislike the tinker pets, but I hate the goblins.
Brilliant penguin has a way cooler pet specific item than 2023 French bulldog.
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Ok, tanuki versus axolotl is a wild matchup. These two are tanks that could easily destroy many other foes, and yet they wound up together. Pity. I sided with tanuki for weeb points.
I'll admit, I voted for glamorous gorilla ironically.
*Sigh*, do I have to pick the cat? Well, black panther cub was up against ballet pup, so I guess I do.
Kiwi parrot is a very cute concept, but I'm handing it to the sea otter for also being cute, and, more importantly, having a plush.
Chonk boi expectation versus adult human man reality:
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White swan. Based.
Cocoa dinosaur is a lesson in how to do Valentine's day without inadvertently telling me you only learned 2 colors in preschool (pink and red).
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Angora bunny has a cute plush, but they really dropped the ball with the wing-like ears. Buttons bear is stinkin' cute, however, and comes with a little sewing machine. Bless.
Basset hound. It has everything. Being a classic pet, having a cute plush, and, most importantly, being able to wear more than just shirts, hats, and glasses. Sorry not sorry, blue bay dolphin.
Signature cheetah is so yellow, it looks like cheese. I like cheese.
The boxer is inoffensive, but sheep is baby.
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chromotps · 8 months
Fem!CoraLaw (+ ZoSan, AceLu) HCs bc I love women. (I, too, am a woman). But also, these can be applied to them as men too. (I will be using She/Her pronouns for everyone btw)
- Short-haired, shoulder length and long-haired Cora are all compelling to me. I can't choose which I like more (you can tell I spend too much time on the "create your character" stages in games). Choosing is an obstacle itself in my life /j. One thing for sure tho, it is VERY fluffy, silky, and poofy (obviously). Law likes to run her fingers through it every chance she gets. Cora bends down eveytime she completes a task that Law has given her so Law can pet her head. It's more for Law's enjoyment than Cora's.
- Cora and Sanji uses a very specific brand of makeup. Its high demand and usually out of stock before it even gets displayed for sale. The price is quite high, but Law will be more than willing to use her own money to help Cora buy them. Sanji uses her own money of course, you expect Zoro to buy them? She has a debt higher than Luffy's bounty with Nami /j. But Zoro's willing to sacrifice money for her booze to help Sanji buy the makeup.
- Big gf means big boobies— Law likes to lay her head on Cora's chest after a tiring and stressful day. Sometimes she'll even knead Cora's boobs, cuz it is soft and bouncy (giggles). Zoro, even as a man, has bigger boobs than any of the crew's women 😭 I find it funny af. Sanji is jealous but she loves to bury her face in them so ig that compensates it xD. Zoro and Luffy don't wear bras. (Come on, they're pirates. They can wear whatever they want and if others have a problem with it then what are they gonna do about it? Tell them? Luffy: What's a bra? Zoro: Why are you looking at them in the first place? Oi, my eyes are up here!).
- Fem Cora and Sanji would be perfect as models bro (or maybe I'm just based. I see a tall, blonde and gorgeous person and I'd be convinced they do modeling. And also, maybe I'm based bc fanarts of Fem!Cora and Fem!Sanji are so sexy). They don't do modeling ofc, but their bounty posters are the people's Magazine. Hehehe women who smoke in pictures *sighs dreamily*
- They all look good in dresses. Sanji with a blazer dress, Luffy in an empire waist dress, Zoro in a wrap, Cora in a camisole dress, Law in a fit and flare, and Ace in a backless dress. But only Sanji, Cora and Law are willing to wear heels. Don't worry, Cora doesn't stab herself in the eye with her heels. At least, not yet xD. Flip-flop wearing mf (Luffy), barefooted gorilla (Zoro), and a boots person (Ace) [said affectionately].
- Law likes cute animal stuff. Everytime the crew docks on an island Cora will always come back with something cute for Law. Like, a cat keychain, a bear plushie, bunny themed band-aids, capybara pins and so on. So imagine this, Cora with a cute hairclip of a cute animal. Law really likes them (both Cora and the hairclip).
- Sometimes Cora has a hard time finding a bra her size, and its not even about her boobs, its about how her torso is a bit too wide. So most of her clothes have paddings on them (Law is delighted about this, since if she takes off Cora's top, she'll immediately be greeted by her boobs, no bra on sight lmao).
- NICKNAMES!!!! These are so cute. Ace calls Luffy "Loaf" cuz its food and Luffy likes food and Ace likes Luffy. Law calls Cora "Rosi/Rosy" when she's feeling affectionate (and also when she dominates Cora- ehem). Zoro and Sanji... you know how they are- lmao. They give each other new nicknames every few weeks.
That's all for now! Have a great day!
[ringing a dinner bell] fashionable coralaw fans, come get your food!!!! it's time to eat!!
heheheh Cora's fluffy hair is one of my fav things about his design... it would be so cute to play around with styling it if it were longer, or if fem!Cora was just more inclined to accessorize it. :3c makes sense to me that Law would be a big fan too
Oh to lay my head on Cora's chest, just once......... The jealousy I have for Law and Sanji in this scenario...................... Also lmaoooo I see the no bra thing now and then in fem!character designs and it throws me off. I guess it make sense when they give the character a smaller chest, but it would just be painful for like, fem!Zoro. get those puppies some support so they're not flying around during fights!
(I'm bringing in too much realism, sorry 😂 )
backless dress Ace backless dress Ace BACKLESS DRESS ACE UHHHHHHHHH I need a minute. Brain coming back online.
awww I like the idea of Law keeping that appreciation for cute things kind of secret, but ofc Cora knows... Her indulging it would be so cute!!! and I continue to be endlessly jealous of Law... And also Cora... Haha, speaking of nicknames, I saw a fic where Cora kind of plays with the opposite idea and uses "Dr. Law" to be playful. Could be cute in this case, too c:
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
I send... more blorbo questions! Not for the ranking ask just in general for rotating your ocs in your head. Which animals if any do you associate with your beebs? Is it vibes, symbolism, astrological, appearance similarities? (@uselessidiotsquad)
Not everyone will have banners, but I'd like to use them for those that do !! ♥
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Liifa - SNAKES !!! SNAKES SNAKES SNAKES !!! He LOVES reptiles, his favorite snake is the King Cobra, i NEED to get him the snake skyscale so so so bad !!! If this man EVER got a tattoo it'd be of a snake! he loves them so much! But also for vibes :) and symbolism!!!
Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to mankind and represent dual expression of good and evil.
Liifa has always had this vibe of constantly balancing opposite energies: He's devout to Kormir and her teachings, and yet is bonded to the Binding, a book of Abaddon's. They have similarities in knowledge and secrets, but opposing energies in terms of intent! I also love seeing snakes on The World tarot cards, due to things like ouroboros and their symbolism involving shedding old skins and growing into a new one!! He's a very adaptive little man and i love him with all of my heart <3 <3 <3
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Eliana - Dragonflies! her gun is even named Dragonfly in game :3 that's why im using this banner version kfjdhfkjd
Dragonflies symbolize maturity, growth, looking for deeper meanings, and living in the moment.
In a lot of cultures, they're also seen as good luck! :D the fun part is that while Liifa overtly adores snakes, Eliana's indifferent about dragonflies! Yet she gets associated with them a lot!! While trapped in Gandara, Aurene sends her a vision via a starry dragonfly landing at her window - and again! her gun!! is named Dragonfly!! I also love love love to think that she either has or gains dragonfly wings eventually, maybe when she gets connected to Aurene officially even, so they're things she can hide if she wants! but yes !!! Dragonflies !!!
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Khozzak - White rabbit!! they symbolize good luck very often, and i think its funny given how many near-death experiences he's gotten out of!!!
White rabbits are symbols of love, tenderness, and inner power. In general, rabbits are considered lucky animals, but white rabbits are symbols of good luck and impending opportunity.
this started because his ears make me think of bunnies kfjshkfjsd the joys of asura <3 but !! he gets iced!! and ironically HAS the song White Rabbit on his playlist dkjfhkjdf Khozzak + bunny symbolism is just the gift that keeps on giving !!! he's got rabbit art on his pinterest board for these reasons too lmao kajshdks
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Vesnia - BEAR CAT MODE !!!
Bears are large and powerful animals. They represent strength, protection, bravery, and empowerment. Both brown and grizzly bears are loyal mothers, fierce protectors, and strong warriors. Bears symbolize a connectedness with the earth, and a protective, strong energy.
Bears !!! Big fluffy momma who'll kill you for messing with her cubs :D she's very protective And very down to earth!! She's very very "talk things out first," which is... easy convincing since she's a max height charr and most people dont wanna provoke that, but ahgskfhg !!! alkhfalksjhfdsf !!! BEAR !!!
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Qlikk - specifically Eastern Dragons!!!
In East Asian mythologies the dragon retains its prestige and is conceived as a beneficent creature. The Chinese dragon, lung, represents yang, the principle of heaven, activity, and maleness in the yinyang of Chinese cosmology.
he's a Celestial now too so like !!! listen !!! LISTEN !!! YOU GET IT !!!
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Phoenix - ...do i gotta? like. you Know what i'm about to say.
The phoenix is an immortal bird associated with Greek mythology (with analogs in many cultures such as Egyptian and Persian) that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor.
She has amnesia !! She's rising from her own ashes !! AND IN PATH OF FIRE !! SHE DOES SO. LITERALLY. YOU KNOW !!!! YOU GET IT !!!! and EVERY time she "rises" she just gets better and better at what she does !! she's HERE and she's STAYING and GOOD LUCK TAKING DOWN A PHOENIX !!!!
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Bjiattu - OCTOPI !!!
The blue-ringed octopus is a symbol of transformation, resilience and power. It has been around for millions of years, adapting to its environment and thriving despite its small size.
hehe :) she. sharkrat !!! also Bjiattu's a ranger and her forever-pet (he's undead just like her ♥) is Mizzen, a blue-ringed octopus!!! Also all those stories of like, octopi getting out of their tank and throwing ONE bad shrimp from a whole bucket,, matches her level of pettiness <3 ksjfKFJHSDF
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