#its a little confusing to msg me if u want i'll clear shit up i swear
fightmejeonkook · 7 years
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GENRE: Demon Au, angst
WARNINGS: Mention of death, and little bit of blood
AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter is very action filled so please bear with me as this is much needed to play out certain information regarding the MC’s. Will get back to smut & fluff soon ;) Anyway, tell me what you think! 
“She remembers.”
Waves splash against the large cliff, water burning your skin as you look down at the abyss beneath you with wide eyes and a slacked jaw. Tight arms wrap around your waist, steadying you as he pulls you against him, saving you from the split second that your foot had lost its balance. You push down the cry of relief that vibrates against your lips as you’re pulled back, body arching against Taehyung’s chest as he lets out a steadying breath.
“Shit, Y/n.” He mumbles, words tickling your neck as you shut your eyes, feeling your heart slamming against your chest as you recall the moment of death that you had faced a few seconds earlier. Your knees give in on you and just as you were about to collapse onto the ground, Taehyung twists you to face him, his eyes studying you with obvious concern.
“Are you okay?” His voice cracks as he stares down at you, knowing damn well he was to blame for what had just happened.
“I’ve been better.” You croak out as you open your eyes, a squeak of surprise leaving you when you see how close his face was to yours.
“Do you feel sick, nauseas, dizzy?” Taehyung leans forward and you can’t help but struggle out of his grip, cheeks burning as you note how good it felt to have him that close to you. You recall how his lips had felt against your own earlier, your blood singing with a need to wrap your hands around him and claim his swollen lips once more. To press your body against his and feel the heat of his skin against your own as you ravished one another.
As if sensing your thoughts, Taehyung steps forward, his pupils shifting for a quick second as his eyes glance down at your lips, fingers itching to reach out to you as you take another step back. The sane part of your brain was already replaying the image of the lady in red who you had run into earlier and how Taehyung had not wasted any time to escape her presence. How Taehyung had wrapped his arms around your waist then in a blink of an eye, he had jumped, dragging you along with him and twisting your insides as you land god knows where, your body tipping towards the edge of the cliff and sending you to a possible impending death.
“Who was that?” You blurt the question out and Taehyung stiffens, hands returning to his sides as he snaps out of the trance he had set himself in. He lifts his gaze to lock with yours, lips pursing when he sees the determination in your eyes, warning him that you were not going to let the topic drop without any answers.
“No one.” The demon still tries though, watching as you let out an unbelieving scoff, eyebrow cocking up in irritation as you recall the treacherous glare the lady in red had directed at your earlier. You recall her scarlet pupils clawing into you before they were casted back towards Taehyung, the horrible intent behind them as clear as day.
“Try again, Taehyung.” You cross your arms over your chest and the demon boy bites back a groan as he turns to look back at the cliff, cursing the darkness for the way the night had turned on him.
“She’s a demon.”
“That much I could put together.” You mutter, eyes studying his features under the moonlight and to say he was beautiful was an understatement. Taehyung was ethereal, something so close to perfect that you still doubted if he was real or just another figment of your imagination, a figment of your greatest fantasy bound to disappear the moment you wake up.
“Then what else would you like to know?” He stuffs his hands into his pockets, head angling to look at you with a cock of an eyebrow.
“Why run from her?” You voice out your thoughts, head flashing with the memory of Taehyung’s face when he had laid his eyes on her.  The way his body had stiffened when she had smirked at him. Why had she affected the demon boy so much? Why did he look like he was so scared to be in her presence? Why did she look like she knew him so much? Why did she—
“Y/n.” Taehyung smiles, taking a seat against one of the large boulders as he motions for you to join him
“That’s a lot of questions to be asking me at once. How about we take it one at a time, what was the first question again?”
Your eyes widen when you realized that you had spoken out loud, voicing out every question racing against your mundane mind. You feel the furious blush burning against your skin as you turn away from him, hands rubbing together as you clear your throat.
“Why’d you run from her?”
“Ah.” Taehyung nods, tongue swiping against his lips as he pushes back a smile, pleased to see the apples of your cheeks turning red.
“Well, I ran because she’s here to rip my head off of my body.” He shrugs, leaning back against the boulder like it was the most normal thing in the world to say that someone wants to rip you limb from limb. You watch as he keeps his eyes on the waves, studying the large body of water push and pull against the cliff, looking so beautiful yet still being something so completely dangerous.
Just like him.
“Care to expound?” You take the seat beside him, teeth pressing against your lower lip when you feel the heat vibrating off of him, caressing your skin deliciously as he shuts his eyes and tips his head back.
“What woman wouldn’t want to slaughter the man who left her at the altar?” He chuckles darkly and your eyes immediately widen, turning to look at him in shock as he ignores your gaze, slowly opening his eyes to look at the stars.
“She’s my—Ah no, she was my fiancée.”
Taehyung’s fiancée.
You swallow the lump stuck in your throat, questioning the constricting feeling against your chest. You try to nod your head, to turn away from him and find any possible way to mask the shock that vibrates against your system as you imagine him as the groom to the beautiful girl who had laid such deadly eyes on you earlier.
“I didn’t want to marry her.” Taehyung continues on, lips curling up in regret as he recalls a fond memory. He remembers the young 8 year old princess smiling down at him, eyes twinkling with fondness as she sticks her tongue out at him before skipping away, her skirt dancing with every movement.
“She wasn’t the one I was supposed to marry; I had a different fiancée before her.”
You furrow your eyebrows, showing your confusion as you lean back against the large rock behind you.  You watch him in silent contemplation, lips parting when you see the look of affection that passes Taehyung features as he recalls another fond memory. Your chest constricts once more, nausea finally sweeping over you as Taehyung turns to look at you, brown eyes showing you what you had suspected all along.
Taehyung was in love with someone else.
“Who is she?”
Taehyung shrugs, mind clogged with memories of his childhood as he links his fingers with yours, wanting nothing more than to be pulled back into reality.
“A princess from my world.” Of course she would be a princess. The more you looked at Taehyung, the more you assumed that he wasn’t just a lowly demon. Taehyung looked like royalty from head to toe, his features definitely suited to be a prince.
“We have 4 kingdoms in my world, the north, south, east and west kingdoms.” Taehyung smiles “I’m a prince from the south, the youngest prince to be exact.”
“Let me guess.” You mutter, heart racing when you feel his thumb swiping back and forth against your palm “Your princess, she’s from the north?”
“Bingo.” Taehyung chuckles “She’s the only heir of the north, which is the strongest kingdom of the four. Making her the daughter of the strongest demon in our world.”
“The king?” You ask and Taehyung immediately shakes his head, nose crinkling with amusement.
“The Queen.”
You turn to look at him, eyes wide with shock to which Taehyung just chuckles as he lifts both your hands, staring at where you two are linked “The princess was her mother’s successor, predicted to be twice as strong the more that she aged. And when living in the demon world, strength meant power, and just like in every other world, power was always a dangerous thing.”
His voice is now octaves darker, gaze losing its gleam as he stares blankly at the body of water slamming against the dark rocks below.
“Did something happen to her?” You ask, feeling Taehyung’s hands shaking as his grip on you tightens, his eyes flashing with horrid memories.
“Like I said, power is a dangerous thing Y/n.” Taehyung mumbles, recalling the screams of terror and horrible cries of his mother when the news had broke out “People had heard rumors of the extent of her power, of the strength that the north kingdom was gaining. The east and west kingdom formed an alliance with some darkworlders, who were the damned of the demon world. They formed an alliance and struck while she was young, while she had no control over her powers.”
You feel your eyes prickling with tears at the pain that flashes against Taehyung’s face as he shuts his eyes, chest heaving up and down as he relives the story he had tried so hard to forget.
“They killed her?” You stutter out and Taehyung purses his lips, shaking his head as he grits his teeth.
“Not just her.” His voice shakes as a stray tear slides down his cheeks “Her entire kingdom. They killed the north.”
You slap a hand against your lips, eyes suddenly flashing with the image of a dark kingdom in flames as screams and cries shake each corner of their walls. You see a little girl in white, her once beautiful dress in shreds as she sobs, knees pressed against the ground as she watched her home fall into crumbles before her. Her eyes brimming with tears as she stares at the large building filled with fire and blood when it was once upon a time her safe haven.
Taehyung turns to look at you, watching as you meet his gaze blankly, tears streaming down your own face as you ached for the little girl in white, as you cried for the young prince who had lost the love of his life without being able to do anything.
“That girl earlier, the girl in red, she’s a princess of the east.”
You blink up at him, fresh tears spilling out of your eyes as you try to put everything together. Taehyung was a demon prince bound to marry the princess of the north, the girl who he was in love with. The princess of the north was considered one of the strongest demons in their world, that’s why the east and west kingdoms had come together to kill her before she had gotten even more powerful.  And after the death of the love of his life, Taehyung had suddenly found himself forced to marry the very princess of the kingdom who had killed her.
Taehyung watches as you furiously wipe your cheeks with the back of your hands, feeling so much hurt for the demon boy who had to go through such an amount of torture that no normal being could stand. Taehyung lets out a smile, the pain in his heart subsiding as he lifts his hand, swiping his thumb against your cheeks as you do your best to push the tears away with an embarrassed laugh.
“I’m sorry, I can’t believe I’m the one who’s crying. This is about you but here I am—“ Taehyung doesn’t give you the chance to finish your sentence as his lips press against yours once more. You gasp into his mouth, the tears finally stopping as he tugs onto your wrist, pulling you towards him. He lifts you up off of the ground, allowing you to sit against his lap as his fingers wrap behind you neck, free hand pressing against your waist to push you even closer to him.
“You’re good at making the pain go away.” He mutters against your lips, making you widen your eyes for quarter a second before you’re molding into him, arms wrapping around his neck as you shut your eyes. You push back any warning thoughts in your head, savoring the feeling of his lips against yours as you slowly circle your hips onto him, pleased to hear the growl the rumbles against his throat as he tightens his hold on you.
“Do that again, sweetheart.”
 “Where’s Y/n?” Yoongi breaths out, stepping away from Jimin, chest heaving from the lack of oxygen as he watches the pink haired boy frown, lips swollen and his hair a mess on his head from their previous event.
“Way to ruin the mood.” Jimin growls, a flash of red crossing his eyes before his dark orbs scan the vicinity.  He lets out a frown when he notices that Taehyung was nowhere in sight, a sudden chill running through the guardian’s bones.  Before he can reach out to Yoongi, it’s already too late when strong fingers wrap around the General’s neck, grip bent on breaking bone as a sinister smirk plasters itself on the assailant’s lips.
“Well well, what do we have here?” Her smooth voice dances with the wind and Yoongi lets out a choked sound as Jimin grits his teeth, staring down at the shorter girl who simply smiles up at him
“Really jimin? I’m much prettier than him.”
Yoongi balls his hands into fists, eyeing the mass of bodies surrounding them as he grits his teeth, pushing back the need to slam her against the asphalt for even daring to lay a hand on him.
“You’ll have to excuse her, General, she’s quite new.” Jimin mutters, fingers snapping before he’s wrapping his fingers around her wrist, snapping it off of the older boy’s neck. Yoongi sucks in a much needed breath, his restraint thinning as he glares at the short haired girl, watching as she frowns up at him before tugging her hand out of Jimin’s grasp.
“General?” She choruses and Yoongi’s pride gets the best of him, his eyes flashing a deadly shade of red as he glares at her. She takes a shocked step back, before letting out a scoff of disbelief
“Holy shit, and here I thought he was human.”
“Watch your tone Mera, you’re talking to one of your seniors.” Jimin warns before the sudden realization hits him.
If she was here then that had meant that—
“Where’s Princess Kira?” Jimin narrows his eyes at the younger guardian, heart hammering against his chest as a chill runs through his spine. Yoongi suddenly feels the same amount of panic, his eyes snapping around the area as he searches for you.
“Oh she’s having her fun with her dear prince.” The short haired girl hums, trying to wrap her hands around Jimin who just shoves her back, muttering curses as he starts searching for his royal. Yoongi widens his eye, watching as a red whip flashes in front of him before it’s wrapping around Jimin’s wrist to pull him back. Jimin turns his head, eyes threatening as he bares his teeth in rage.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Mera?!”
“What I was ordered to do.” She grins, ignoring the curious glances of the human’s around them as she tugs her flaming lasso back, causing Jimin to fall flat against the ground with a horrible thud.
“Which is to keep you out of her way.”
“Not here, Mera.” Jimin seethes but she simply bobs her head to the side to tease him. She remains ignorant as Yoongi calls for his spear, creating a quick illusion around them to conceal them from the mass of humans that now blink in confusion, as if in a trance.
Jimin turns to Yoongi, a smile pressing against his lips when he sees the older boy’s ash blonde hair. Yoongi had the power of concealment which Jimin had no idea why he found it so completely attractive. Yoongi doesn’t spare him a glace as he waves his spear, slamming its rear against Mera’s lasso, snapping it in half as she lets out a howl of rage.
Jimin jumps to his feet, calling out his twin blades as he smirks at the shorter girl.
“Two against one? Really?” She rolls her eyes “And here I thought you guys were seniors?”
“I can see Almace in the distant, Mera.” Jimin cocks an eyebrow, directing his blade behind him as another guardian watches them from the distance.
“There are 3 more circling around.” Yoongi scoffs as he angles his head to the side, watching the rest of the guardians cornering them to attack “What a cheap tactic. Is this what you young guardians have been taught now?”
“How about you shut up old man?” She rolls her eyes “You oldies really are no fun to ambush.”
 “Really, Tae?” A sudden voice from the darkness snaps Taehyung out of his reverie as he angles his head back, eyes widening in horror before he’s on his feet and blocking you form her view. The lady in red is too fast for him as she jumps out of his view before her fingers are around your throat, lifting you from the ground as your eyes widen, gripping onto her cool fingers as you start to lose the ability to breathe.
“KIRA!” Taehyung screams at the princess, watching as she smiles at him before turning to look back at you, the red of her eyes a flame against the dark night as she studies the mark on your neck “My My, has my fiancée been cheating on me?”
Taehyung grits his teeth, summoning his blade before tossing it towards her, letting the cool metal slice against her wrist before she’s hissing and tossing you back. You slide a good feet away from them, letting out choked coughs as your throat burns for air, the feel of her fingers digging into your skin still pressing against your throat.
“Where’s my brother, Kira?” Taehyung tries to distract her as she calls for her katana, his stance in a defensive position as he spares you a quick glance, thankful to see you moving after the earlier assault.
“I left him as soon as we entered this world.” She smirks, finger swiping over her scarlet lips as she takes a step towards him “God knows the honorable prince would never let me rip his own brother into shreds.”
“You shouldn’t have come here, Kira.” Taehyung frowns, watching as she lets out a scoff before crossing her arms over her chest.
“Why not? So you could live your happy life while I die in embarrassment in our world after you left me in the altar?” She grits her teeth, fingers tightening around her weapon before she’s charging forward. Taehyung rolls his eyes at the sight of her rage before he’s calling for his own sword, pleased to finally have use for it again after years of keeping it at bay. His fingers tighten around its base in familiarity, lifting it up in the air to block her hit as she bares her teeth in rage.
“You knew I couldn’t marry you!” Taehyung growls, pushing her back as he mutters a quick chant, allowing the winds to circle around them as a distraction.
“Why?” She cries, surging forward yet again, a bright light flashing as she swings her weapon, legs kicking out against Taehyung’s abdomen, sending the demon prince flying back a few steps.
“Cause you couldn’t get over that dead princess? She’s gone, Tae! You’ve got a world that needs you but you’re mourning over someone who has long been forgotten!”
Taehyung lets out a growl of anger, finally pushing himself forward as he attacks her, her words fueling a rage in him that he had always pushed down. She meets his advances head on, her other hand calling for a blade and swiping it forward to slice against Taehyung’s cheek. The demon boy immediately ducks down, using his strength to swipe against her legs before he’s wrapping his fingers against her throat.
“Your family killed her.”  He seethes as she lets out a bloodied laugh. Taehyung’s eyes widen for a quick fraction, knowing the look on her face all too well. She had something up her sleeve, something wicked.
“Taehyung!!” You scream, watching in horror as the princess mutters something before a wave of black flashes before your eyes. You press your hands over your face, watching in horror as Taehyung’s arms go numb beside him, his weapon falling to the ground as he drops to his knees. Your hands start shaking as Taehyung lands against the solid ground, eyes wide in shock as he tries to move, all efforts useless as her spells digs into his blood and bones.
“Oh.” The princess smiles, tongue pressing against her teeth as she smoothes down her dress to look at him “I learned a new trick too.”
Black magic.
Taehyung grits his teeth, dotting his hatred for the two kingdoms even more. If it was true that their world was in danger, then to have demons messing around with black magic meant that the orders were truly in complete shambles. Black magic was a restricted form of sorcery that no demon was allowed to use, the deadly enchantment only allowed to be used by the strongest and eldest of demons. But all the elders were dead and now no one was allowed to handle this form of magic. Because with every form of black magic used came a price that the using demon would have to pay.
You watch in terror as the princess’s form shakes, her pearlescent skin blurring for a few seconds as a coat of oozing black blood covers her skin before she’s focusing back into her usual form. The princess stands still for a few seconds, her eyes widening in horror as she looks down at her fingers, relief flooding through her when she sees long elegant fingers rather than horrid black tendrils.
“You—You can’t use that, Kira, the side effects –“ Taehyung’s words are cut off as she wraps her fingers around his neck, lifting his limp body off of the ground as she lets her rage blind her once more. She brings his face inches away from hers, lips curled up in a sinister smirk as she sees the usually powerful prince completely under her demise.
“I don’t care about what I can and can’t do.” She hums “You can’t leave a princess in the altar then run off to the human world my dear prince, but you still did.”
“You murdered her.” Taehyung spits out, watching as a dark fog wraps around her body.
“MY GRANDFATHER DID.” She screams in rage “I had nothing to do with her, Taehyung! I was a newborn, how would I even have—“
“You would have killed her nonetheless.” Taehyung seethes “You are your father’s daughter. You are blinded by power and stature that you have no regards for anything else. You want to kill me? Why? Because I tainted your status! The powerful princess of the east nothing but a waste thrown away by the prince who refused to marry her.”
The grip on his throat tightens, blocking Taehyung’s path for breathing as she grits her teeth, summoning her katana once more. You watch in horror as she presses the tip of her sword against his chest, the sharp tip digging into the demon’s skin as he lay completely limp before her.
“You learned and practiced black magic just to you could rid me of my powers and my ability to move. Is this how you’re going to kill me? With weakness? Well then my dear princess, be my guest. And with all due respect, please return to our realm without excluding the story of how your once beautiful locks are now burning into ashes as your hunger for power is now turning you into a darkworlder.”
She lets out a cry of anger, wrist moving back to drive her weapon into him before a grip on her wrist has her freezing in place. You don’t know why you had done it, or what had pushed you to do it at all, but you found yourself with your fingers wrapped around her wrist, eyes wide with horror as you bite down onto the flesh of her skin. The act does not cause the demon princess pain but it does buy you time as she flings you back, tossing you a few feet into the air before a flash of white blinds your eyes as you scream. Hands tighten around you and suddenly you hear blades slamming against each other as you snap your eyes open, turning your head to look at your savior, finding Yoongi staring down at you in concern.
“Are you alright?” His deep voice shakes your bones and you lift your head up in shock when you find his once dark locks now colored ash white, giving the usually rude boy a more mature appearance.
“How—How did you—“ You don’t even finish your sentence when you hear a scream of pain, turning to look back at the princess who was now bending the wrist of a pink haired boy who was on his knees and fighting back tears of pain as she mutters another incantation. A fog of black escapes her mouth before entering his own and the boy falls to the ground, screams of horror vibrating against his mouth as he digs his fingers into his hair, every part of his body branded with an illusion of horrid pain.  
“Yoongi, what’s going on?!” You use his arms to stand back on both your feet, eyes scanning the area for Taehyung as she smiles down at the pink haired boy, her form flicking yet again as her once red pupils turn completely black.
“Black magic.” Yoongi seethes “Y/n, we have to get out of here, this isn’t going to end well.”
“What do you mean get out of here? We can’t leave them to die!” You call out in panic, watching as she turns her head to look back at Taehyung. She no longer acknowledges your presence as her need for vengeance barricades her senses. She had come with a mission to kill and she wasn’t going to stop until she has Taehyung’s blood on her hands.
“Yes we can, and we have to.” Yoongi growls, gripping onto your arm to stop you from stepping forward “She’s using black magic, Y/n. It’s a deadly form of incantation. It’s already taking over her as we speak, she’ll no longer have control of herself if she keeps this up. She’ll kill anything and everything in sight.”
“Then she’ll kill him.” You breathe out, watching as Taehyung struggles to push himself up, falling countless times onto the cold ground as she stalks towards him, her lips pulled up in a smile of monstrosity.
“My queen.” You hear a strained voice behind you, making you snap your head back to find a bloodied short haired girl with crystals eyes, her gaze bent on the creature behind you.
“That is what you supported Mera. That is what you praised.” Yoongi hissed as he summons his spear before pointing at the possessed princess.
“I didn’t know. She didn’t tell me she was using black magic.” The young guardian cries, hand pressing against her mouth as she takes another step forward, her heart calling out to her royal who she wasn’t sure still existed.
“She’s too forgone now.” Yoongi sighs “She won’t stop until she kills him, and the only way she can is to use even more black magic. By then, your queen would already be long gone; the magic would have consumed her by then.”
You watch in complete terror as the said princess picks Taehyung back off of the ground, black tendrils pressing against his throat as the young prince tries to lash out, his will to survive still singing through his veins as he looks down at the blank void of her gaze. Taehyung’s skin starts turning blue as she sings out another chant, her voice filed with wicked demise.
“Yoongi, do something!” Your shrill cry vibrates through the dense night as you feel your insides churning at the sigh before you. Jimin grips his throat, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he tries but fails to push the burning feeling away, the sound of his master’s pain a few feet away from him doubling his own.
“I can’t, I don’t know what to do.” Yoongi mutters, feeling as hopeless as you as he watches the demon prince slowly lose his consciousness.
“I can summon him.” An idea springs to your mind, eyes widening with realization as you grip your best friend’s wrist “Yoongi, I can summon him. He’ll appear behind me if I do and he’ll be safe.”
“Y/n, no!” Yoongi warns you “If you do that she’ll come after you, you’ll be in her way. She’ll kill you.”
“IT’S THE ONLY THING I CAN DO TO SAVE HIM!” You scream, glaring at the guardian who widens his eyes at your outburst.
“It’s not your job to save him.” He whispers, a distant memory flashing through his head as he tightens his grip on his spear.
“He’s saved me more times than I can ever recall, Yoongi. I wont watch him die. It’s my turn to save him.” You growl, turning to look back at the horrific scene a few feet before you. You purse your lips, fingers pressing against the palm of your hands as you push the fear away.
“Kim Taehyung.”
“Y/n, please don’t do this.” Yoongi tugs onto your wrist but you simply brush him off, eyes intent on Taehyung who widens his own at the sound of your voice calling for him.
Y/n, listen to him. Don’t call for me. Don’t do this.
“Kim Taehyung.”
“What is she doing? She’s human, how can she summon him!” Mera gasps behind you when she sees Taehyung’s skin start to fade in and out, the flame of your summons calling to him.
“Kim Taehyung!” You scream out your final call, watching as the demon princess lets out a shriek of fury when Taehyung disappears before her own eyes, landing right behind you just as you had planned. Before you could process the situation, Yoongi tugs your hand once more, forcing you to face him as a look of intense sorrow crosses his features. He presses a palm against your cheek, free hand tugging onto something on your neck, twisting a pendant that has a bright light flashing around you both.
“I want you to know that everything I did was to keep you safe, Y/n. Your mother wanted you safe.”
Taehyung lets out a cough, his head spinning as the bright light surrounds him, slowly washing away the pain he had felt just a few seconds earlier. The young demon boy is finally able to move his limbs, lifting his hand to shield his eyes as the light fizzes out. He hears the shriek of the possessed princess a few feet away from him, furrowing his eyebrows as he lifts his gaze, finding you meeting the lucid creature head on. Kira was no longer the regal princess she was a few hours ago. After using an immense amount of black magic, her demonic strength had washed out and finally turned her into a darkworlder. Taehyung winces at the sight of her skin oozing with black blood, her once long black hair now dried up into dead gray strands, her beautiful red dress ripped at the edges as long claws now replaced her once beautiful fingers.
“General Min, save her.” Taehyung croaks out, watching as Kira raises one arm to strike at you but before the demon boy could even blink an eye, your arm is reaching out to stop the demon princess’s advances. Taehyung’s eyes widen in astonishment when he hears the cry of pain that escapes Kira’s mouth, her jaw slacking as she struggles against your grip.
The princess uses her free hand to strike at you but you’re already tossing her back, causing her to fly meters away from you as your stance suddenly changes, ready for another attack. Taehyung pushes himself off of the ground, hands pressing against his abdomen as he tries to understand what was happening. All sanity immediately leaves the young demon when you angle your head back, gaze locking with his own and leaving him at a loss for words when your eyes shift blood red.
The eyes of a demon.
“What are you?!” Kira screams, her voice sounding much like broken glass as she rockets forward, katana in her hands in a motion to strike. You dig your foot against the solid earth, twisting it clockwise before you’re summoning a sword out of the ground, ripping it out of time and space before you’re blocking her hit, metal pressing against metal. Your mind is void, all forms of logical thinking placed on hold as you feel a numbing throb against your head. Each movement of your advances seeming like something your body had memorized as you slash forward.
“I’ll kill you.” The demon princess seethes and you can’t help but smirk as you twist your body, slamming the butt of your sword against her ribcage to enrage her.
“You’ve tried once, princess. I’d like to see you fail one more time.” You don’t know where your voice was coming from, your consciousness feeling so far away as you watch her stalk towards you before you’re summoning your sword away. Kira lets out a howl of success, pleased to see you gone with your weapon as she wraps her hands around your neck, claws digging into your skin with intent to kill. You watch the look of terror the crosses the creature’s features, the sound of her palms fizzing as she holds on to you, a cry of pain escaping her as she drops her grip. You don’t back down though, stepping forward to press the palm of your own hands against her arms, watching as she thrashed and cried as her skin burned due to your touch.
Taehyung steps forward, eyes widening in alarm when he sees the extent of your power. He had only known one demon in his entire lifetime to have that type of power. The kind of power to be able to project any type of pain once she holds onto her assailant.
And Taehyung even still had the scars on his palm to prove it.
Taehyung turns to Yoongi, finally piecing each amount of information together, his heart hammering against his chest as memories of his childhood finally flood back into his mind in full force. He watches as you smirk down at the creature, eyes void of any emotion as you tighten your grip on her, finally breaking bone.
“Your grandfather killed my family; maybe I should pay him back by killing you?”
“Y/n, stop!” Yoongi screams, using his spear to slam against your wrist, finally causing you to break your hold on the demon princess who collapses onto the ground, her horrid form washing away as she returns into her regality. Her guardian immediately speeds to her aid, wrapping her arms around her royal who had now lost consciousness, lying lifeless against the hard ground.
Jimin, who lies a few feet from them, finally lets out a breath, the pain finally fading away as he sits up, searching for his own royal with a sigh of relief when he sees the young prince standing on his own two feet.
Taehyung’s eyes are focused solely on you as you snap out of the trance you were in earlier, the humanity finally brimming back into your eyes as you take a step back. A sharp pain shoots through your chest as a flood of memories cascade into your mind, causing you to slap a hand over your mouth as tears immediately stream down your face. You let out a cry of torture, your knees giving in on you as you collapse to the ground, the image of every person you’ve ever loved swallowing you whole.
“What’s wrong with her?” Taehyung watches you let out scream after scream, hands clenching against your chest as you shake your head, the pain suddenly too much to handle.
Yoongi shuts his eyes, his own heart clenching in pain as he grits his teeth, the guardian’s heart aching for his royal.
“She finally remembers everything.”
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