#its a Midoriya in the nurse's office but not the one you'd expect
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years ago
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
And the random prompt I'm using is: Never Thought I'd Meet You Here, from the Toshinko Week 2021 prompt list! Which I forgot was this week, so the prompt caught me by surprise.😅
Of all the predicaments she could have gotten herself into, Inko was fairly certain that this had to be among the most mortifying. Her poor Izuku was going to be so embarrassed when he found out what had happened! Faking her death and fleeing the country would, of course, have been an overreaction, but Inko let the thought flit through her mind as she let Recovery Girl bandage her forehead.
Parents Day was not off to a spectacular start.
In all fairness, Mr. Aizawa should have known better than to "logical ruse" the parents of his students. Especially if he wanted them to help him pull a similar "prank" on said students. And if Inko was being completely objective, she probably could have waited until Mitsuki demanded an explanation before she acted. But, well, she had been startled! That huge, towering villain in the scary mask had locked the door behind them after appearing out of nowhere! And Mr. Aizawa had just been standing there with a creepy smile!
Hindsight being 20/20, Inko probably shouldn't have hit the villain with her purse.
Legality aside, she just wasn't used to that kind of action, and overbalanced on the swing. And even if her purse did make a very satisfying thwack when it popped the villain square in the face, she couldn't really enjoy it when she was toppling headfirst onto the villain's spiny armor.
The villain had suddenly become extremely apologetic, and Mr. Aizawa seemed to realize then that he had not planned this event well. After hastily explaining that the "villain" was a staff member in disguise, he'd sent Inko with the fake villain to the nurse's office with a halfhearted apology.
Oddly, when Mitsuki had casually remarked, "What a hit! I didn't think Midoriya had it in her!", Mr. Aizawa abruptly went very pale and seemed to stare off into space. Inko hoped the teacher was alright.
Recovery Girl finished bandaging Inko and turned with her hands on her hips to glare up at the fake villain. "I'm waiting for an explanation!"
The man hung his head with an exhausted groan. "Aizawa didn't actually tell the parents what was happening today before they got here. He also did not tell me this."
Recovery Girl twitched. This was far from the first time Shouta's hare-brained "logical ruses" had landed someone in her office.
"I'm prescribing that boy decaf," she groused. "And you! It's all well and good to play a part thoroughly. You clearly put a lot of work into that costume. But for heavens sakes, you're in a school full of overpowered children! Put some safety guards on those spikes, All Might!"
Inko froze.
All Might?
All Might?!
She'd hit All Might with her purse!?
Maybe she shouldn't have dismissed the "fake your death and flee the country" idea so quickly.
"Oh my stars, I'm so sorry!" Inko shrieked. She bowed quickly. "I just never expected to see you here like that- I mean, that is, dressed like a- oh dear! That is-!"
Her face flushed rapidly. She'd felt badly enough about smacking the man when she only knew he was a staff member! But to have walloped All Might himself? With a little knit purse?! Izuku would probably disown her if he found out!
All Might waved his hands quickly. "The fault is mine, ma'am! I feel awful about injuring you, I'm so very sorry!"
He laughed, and it wasn't quite the laugh Inko always heard on TV. It was rougher and raspier, but no less warm. "That was a pretty good swing with that purse! What made you think to do that?"
Inko covered her face with her hands and groaned. "Oh I don't know! I just sort of...moved! I wasn't thinking about it!"
All Might pulled off the villain mask and, after a moment's effort, shook his hair back into its usual look. He grinned down at Inko brightly, but there was something a little more thoughtful lingering around the edges.
"So that's where Young Midoriya learned it from!" His eyes twinkled. "He's got a good head on his shoulders, that young man."
Abruptly, the trademark smile fell right off All Might's face, replaced with a look of horror.
"Oh crap! You're his mother! I injured Young Midoriya's mother!"
He bowed sharply, and Inko thought she spotted sweat beading up on his brow. And she wasn't sure, but it almost sounded like he was muttering,
"The kid's gonna disown me for this!"
Inko peeked out from between her fingers. "Er...maybe it's best if we ah...put this unfortunate accident behind us? F-for Izuku's sake?"
She certainly wasn't going to be the one to tell her hero-obsessed son that she'd smacked his role model in the nose.
"If, er, if that's what you'd prefer-?" It was odd, hearing a voice like All Might's almost squeaking in dismay.
Inko's eyes widened, comically serious. "He can never know about this," she whispered.
All Might straightened and nodded. "Agreed."
Notably, Recovery Girl made no such agreement.
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