#its 2024 i wish we were done with this bs
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alyjojo · 1 year ago
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Thinking of You - February 🫦 2024 - Pisces
Whole of their energy towards Pisces: 9 Cups
This could be about your birthday for some, some person around you may be acting…not thrilled, if so it’s because they don’t have a lot of money, or don’t know what you even like or want perhaps. It’s possible what you want is kind of expensive and they’re stressed out trying to make it happen. Other than that story, this is someone who has no idea what you want, or they know that you don’t know, that they want a fresh start with you. 50/50 half are you as the issue, half are them. 9 Cups is a wish, what you want, or what they want, and whoever this wish belongs to is being very quiet about it and keeping it close to their chest. Ace of Wands at the bottom is something exciting, inspiring, it gets the blood flowing, something you’ve never done before - that describes what is wanted 🥳 Could just be sex, if that’s not a regular thing with you, or someone is very attracted to you but acts like they’re not.
Feelings: 4 Cups
Again either they feel this way or they just know you do, and the topic circles back around to sex. This person knows if they come in all hot and passionate trying to get at you, you’re going to roll your eyes and dismiss them - 4 Cups. No thanks Romeo. Knight of Wands takes action, he is full of passion, the human version of “hot and ready” 😛 and that’s what is desired. Or it’s fun instead, they could be someone spontaneous and adventurous, they like to come up with plans at the last minute and just DO IT - whatever it is, hang gliding, ice skating, bonfire on the beach, PARKOUR, they’re game. But you may be uninterested, bored, don’t even care about that kind of thing, to the point of condescending even is what I’m getting. Or that’s all switched. Someone may act like they’re “better than” a good time, you or them. If it’s them, they know what you like, they just don’t. Or they perceive you in this way - true or not. If it’s you, they feel rejected by you.
Intentions: 9 Swords
Ugh. It’s not everyone, but there’s a small group of cringey people, the kind that snidely judge or have something negative to say about *everything and everyone* like shuuut up, who asked you? We all know them, for some this is one of those. They’re just waiting for whatever fun and “immature” thing you want to do next so they can fake nice at you, but also fear being called out for their bs - which shows its conscious behavior. If that’s the case, stop involving them at all honestly, fk this person 💯 For the passionate story, they’re terrified of telling you what they want with you because they assume you’ll just ghost 👻 & ignore, which is something you may do or have done to them, they assume it’s going to be this way. They could just want you and not know if you want them back.
Separately, it’s possible someone has already tried coming towards you in the wrong way, and they know/fear if they do it again, you’re going to bite their head off. So they wait for some kind of signal from you and may assume you just don’t care, and it’s making them uncomfortable & bitter, like they were wrong but it’s your job to come to them. In this case, they’re the immature ones - Page of Cups rev.
Actions: King of Cups & Page of Pentacles
Hmm. Someone is a shit. King of Cups can be you, feels like them for some too, could be dealing with some bullying ass Scorpio placements, again it’s 50/50. I do see an apology here, and Justice. I also see 5 Swords, 10 Swords, 5 Wands at the bottom, what the hell? Someone is apologizing for betrayal, a lot of hurt and pain, could be something snide or bullying that they’ve done to you. Page of Pentacles can be someone offering a gift, something tangible, this could be a snide gift to knock you down a peg 🎁, dude someone here is immature as fuck. Or was. It’s not the main energy, I keep hearing that, but whoever has this person, they’re pissing me off, my head is starting to hurt. If so, you’re going to see it too and call them on their shit - goodbye, Justice.
*Others* of you, could be you or someone else, are apologizing for hurting someone, bad behavior, tit for tat back and forth drama and hurt. It may be being said that it was not realized how much this hurt - I don’t get that as true it’s just an excuse - whoever it’s from. I also don’t really trust the intentions of this person. They may just not like you, but they can’t just say that and fk off somewhere 🙃 Or they do like you but they wanna play games, like that’s who they are.
Advice: The High Priestess & The Tower
I couldn’t leave it like that, but I’m not getting an answer either. Spirit says you’ll know what to do, trust your intuition, you’re already onto it or them, and The Tower feels like something pending that will shock the hell out of them, probably a response/action from you. If this is someone that likes you and is pissed off you’re not into them, you just know they gotta go, they could try to start drama and create problems for you if you don’t - you’re aware. Whew, this one was a doozy. Whatever you’re saying or not saying is Justice, and your messages are great, you’re coming out on top no matter what happens.
Their side:
- You make me so hot 🥵
- I can’t CHANGE!
Your side:
- No Hard Feelings
- BOSS 😎
Possible signs:
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces & Gemini
If you’re dealing with:
Justice again, you are kicking ass and taking names when it comes to your whole life, friends too, family, coworkers, whoever wants a piece can get it seems like 😆 If someone is good to you, it’s happy, healthy, balanced, everything is fine. If they’re shady, sheisty, rude, whatever, Justice holds Ace of Swords and makes the decisions whether things may stay or go, and it’s a swift cutoff. Or you may need to do this, either way.
Aries - feels hurt or betrayed that you’ve made a decision *for* them, could be to end this, or they’ve done something enough times you’re like no this is done, have a good one ✌️
Taurus - someone that flirts with you at work, or that’s what they think they’re doing, or intend to do, they really like you and are willing to put in the effort to get you 😍
Gemini - planning big changes, or they’re coming up on a new cycle that has big changes, all of this is very positive - for some it’s career related, moving on up ⬆️
Cancer - “you need to calm down” - or they do
Leo - could be a player, could be lgbt, two Queens here, if not then they’re alone but they’re on top of their money, drinking their water and taking good care of themselves, perfectly secure on their own - could also be a loving & supportive friend or you are
Virgo - hearing this really old song “Didn’t We Almost Have It All?” or I think that’s the name of it. Whitney? They’re super nostalgic about the good times but fail to see the bad - that ended it.
Libra - could be having issues with a child or there’s some sadness/disappointment with a mother/child, what’s unknown will come to light
Scorpio - single unexpectedly or having to pay a lot of money for some kind of repair/disaster, if so they have enough it’s just…still a lot
Sagittarius - unrequited, a missed opportunity, does not even care, could be this person
Capricorn - taking a break from a specific person, may stop talking to someone, could be dealing with someone’s health, or they’re not telling anyone what they’re doing they’re just going to do it - nacho business 😎
Aquarius - they’ve got a lot on their plate and are trying to approach everything in the most balanced & intelligent way, could be telling you about it or that’s why they’re not around much
Pisces - obsessively watches you, thinks about you, for some some it’s sexual & others it’s trying to figure you out, and some are talking about some of the toxicity in their life or looking into information and learning about why they are stuck, what is toxic, it’s good 👍
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veliusthewanderer · 4 years ago
My Most Rage-Filled Rant EVER!
As I’m writing this, nearly a month has passed since the Capitol Hill riots which took the lives of 5 people, injured dozens more and very likely contributed to the greatest Covid-19 spread in the new year, I feel a need to make my feelings known. I also have to make clear that not everyone who is a conservative is going to get the full fury of my rant. Hence, I decided to break this down into two sections. The first will be addressed to those conservatives who might’ve supported Trump until the Riots happened, then turned their backs on him. I’ll even address those who may have abandoned Trump well before the events of January 6. I will be dignified, respectful, and compassionate. The second part will be broken down for three groups, and here I will not be so merciful, so if you offend easily, you may wish to stop reading now.To the first group, now that you’ve seen how Trump behaved during the last four years, and up to the dreadful day where 70,000 people stormed the Capitol on his orders to stop the election certification, do you have any regrets backing him back in 2016? You likely have turned your back on him and even denounced him. The first step to handling any problem is acknowledging that you have a problem, and its never easy to do so, especially in a time where emotions continue to run high as a result of the most contentious election that this country ever had. You no doubt have family, co-workers, friends, lovers who have all but ostracized you for your decision to abandon ‘the cause’. As hard as this will be to read, at this point these people should be considered lost causes. No matter how much factual information you try to provide them, they will never accept it. Instead of trying to rehabilitate them, its better to cast them adrift and let them stew in their disgust. You may feel like you need to keep a line of communication open-and that’s certainly your choice-but you run the risk of inflaming the resentments to a point in which the outcome will not be a good one, so if you choose to keep a line open, always approach the topic slowly. For many in my own inner circle-family mostly, there may never be a way to bridge the gulf of misunderstanding. As much as I would love to open their eyes to the damage Trump has done, its never going to break the hypnotic trance he’s put them in. For you, its enough to know you aren’t alone in not knowing how to handle the division. You took a big chance in condemning Trump even if only because of his role in the Insurrection and for that you have my never-ending admiration and respect. I personally will not shame you for the prior support you gave to Trump because you honestly didn’t know what kind of person he truly was. I will apologize if I have put you in the crosshairs with your colleagues who still adore Trump, but you needed to know that I do not hold a grudge against you for whatever prior support you showed him.Now that I’ve addressed the first group and offered them my moral support, its time to address the lost causes out there. I must insist again that if you’re easily offended by the slightest truth, then you need to stop reading because the gloves are about to come off. I will be addressing three particular groups in this second half: the rioters (assuming they haven’t been arrested already), the co-conspirators in Congress (all GOP, by the way) and lastly, the people who while not directly involved in the Insurrection continue to espouse the Big Lie that Trump was cheated. I will be sure to break my rage-rant down, but all will start with the same opening line. I will also remind you that as my identity has not nor will ever be revealed, there is no point in posting death-threats. However, if you insist on doing so, I WILL report them to Tumblr and the police.
- To the rioters who have yet to be arrested:
HOW DARE YOU!! How dare you attempt an insurrection against a lawfully elected government on the basis of a BS claim by your ‘Great Leader’ Trump. You claim to be fighting against ‘communism’ yet you’re willing to enact a fascist dictatorship because you’re frightened of the alternative. This is a DEMOCRACY, and in a democracy there are winners and losers. Those who lost have an opportunity in four years-unless they’ve already had two presidential terms-to run again. Had Trump not incited 70,000 people to storm the Capitol with calls to hang Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, then half-heartedly attempted to stop the rioting, he could’ve had his chance again in 2024. Because of your actions and his role, he will very likely NEVER run for political office again. The fact that many of you who participated in the Insurrection were military veterans is the most damning thing about this situation. You fought against fascism, you were on guard against communist insurgency, you defended this country from Islamic extremism, yet you were willing to march in lockstep with a soon-to-be ex-President Trump to install a dictatorship because you bought into the Big Lie. You should not only be ashamed of yourself, but you should be stripped of any medals and commendations you earned in your career. Another point to make, and one I will repeat throughout the rest of this rage-rant, the fact that 5 people died during the insurrection. 5 people that shouldn’t have had to die. Four of the deaths were rioters and at least one of them was a military veteran. One police officer who did his duty to hold off the mob also died. You may think you did your patriotic duty by making your outrage known, but that is no consolation to the families of the people who died. They died because you wanted Trump to seize power and stop a legal election process. If the very thought that their families will now have to celebrate birthdays, Holidays, anniversaries and other happy occasions without them doesn’t make you feel guilty and ashamed, then you are not patriotic at all, only cold-hearted and stupid
-To the GOP traitors who abetted the Trump Insurrection:
HOW DARE YOU!! How dare you aid a would-be dictator to overturn the results of a legal election. You not only bought into the Big Lie, you promoted it within your offices. You even ran on the Big Lie and-somehow-won. Case in point is Marjorie Taylor Green, the woman known for her QAnon videos. She was on record as suggesting execution of Democrat leaders would be the only way to end the ‘pedophilia ring, Deep State system’ that she claimed was working against Trump. But its not just Green. Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas were the loudspeakers for the Big Lie, and even after the Capitol had finally been cleared of the rioters, insisted on objecting to the electoral results even knowing the objections were based on false claims and would not be considered. Even now, they remain committed to the Big Lie and have already begun their effort to obstruct President Biden’s agenda which can help ALL Americans regardless of political views, particularly where the pandemic is concerned. They would rather see Americans suffer with disease, loss of jobs, foreclosure, eviction because they still believe Biden is illegitimate and Trump is the rightful winner, than to assist in improving the conditions the pandemic has left and continues to leave in its wake. I make this warning clear: we will remember what you did when 2022 comes and you’re up for re-election. This goes for the other 137 House GOP and 13 Senate GOP who participated in Trump’s attempted coup and in some cases (Mo Brooks of Alabama) even fired up the rioters just before the Insurrection began. I should also remind you that the blood of 5 people coats your hands, and that the families of those 5 souls lost on that terrible day will never forgive you for your role in it. Shame on you and may you rot in eternal damnation.
-Finally, to those who still believe Trump won:
You, who spread the Big Lie around social media. You who couldn’t be bothered to actually research some new claim before spreading it around because it came from a ‘trusted source’ such as a family member, close friend, co-worker, fellow churchgoer, even ‘news’ outlets like F*X News, OANN, and Newsmax. You like to tell those who challenge your information that they refuse to question ‘facts’ and buy into whatever CNN or ABC News says. The cold truth is, it is YOU that refuse to fact-check. Whether its because you believe the source or because the idea that the alternate fact is in fact a bald-faced lie scares you doesn’t matter. It was because of you that 70,000 people went to Washington DC, listened to the fiery orations of Trump, Don Jt., Giuliani, and Brooks, then marched with the intention to take hostages, even execute government officials all for the purpose of making sure Trump won his second term. It’s because of you that Marjorie Taylor Green is now a congresswoman and still-despite her claims otherwise-attached to QAnon. It is because of you that there is division in this country that may or may not ever be truly healed despite the best efforts of the new POTUS. Worst of all, it may very well be you that keeps us locked down in a pandemic that your so-called ‘saviour’ had the power to defeat but instead chose to sit on his butt and dismiss as a novelty that would magically go away. If you’re already thinking of sending hate posts in response to this, I can only see it as your continued refusal to come to reality and accept that your Great Leader lost the election, lost his numerous court battles to save his legacy, and ultimately failed to forcefully overturn the legitimate results of an election that was already contentious before Covid-19 changed the rules. You are a lost cause and should henceforth be treated as such. And if you went to Washington DC to participate in the rally-turned-insurrection and have found yourself hence without a job, ostracized by friends and family, then you deserve it. You cannot blame the “libtards” for costing you your job, costing you your love life, costing you respect. You ultimately have only yourself to blame. You might as well hide in the basement, stick your fingers in your ears and hum as loud as possible for the next four years because like it or not, Biden is now the POTUS
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