#it's your choice on wheter to forgive watcher
wheezingghoulbois · 4 years
Hi, I've always wanted to ask but felt incredibly silly and dumb asking this, but I really wanna know now, so here goes..
I'm seeing alot of discussion for the Steven Lim appreciation blog, which I'm super here for and will celebrate till the end of the world, because that man deserves all of it and more.. my question is, why do ppl say Steven is homophobic? Is it because he said/did something in the past, or because he isn't respectful or something? Idk, I'm asking because I'm kinda new to this fandom, but still know enough, but not enough to understand why ppl say so? Like even in the HWYD podcast, he always refers to the ppl asking questions as they/them if he doesn't know their gender, so I'm confused..
You don't have to answer this ask if you don't want to, it's completely fine, and I'm super super super sorry for such a long ask, I really am.
Also, I am ✨obsessed✨ with your blog and art, you're doing amazing!❤️
oh, hi! okay. im just gonna do a v quick rundown of what happened, if you want more info, feel free to dm me, or better yet, the apology video the bois and katie did for the ep gives a better idea of everything than i could sum up in a short textpost. but basically there was an ep of hwyd, where the last q was asking what to do when you have a homophobic friend. steven’s answer was very... roundabout, i’d say. he chose words very poorly, and ended up basically stating it’s okay to be friends with homophobic people as long as you Think you can change them. (i don’t truly believe this is what he meant btw, as he explains in his apology later, but it Definitely came off as such.) and obviously, that implies homophobes are okay to accept and homophobes will take that as vindication that their hate for others is okay. on top of this shane and katie (ryan was on vacation) didn’t disagree with him or question him or anything of the sort and just moved on. this then led to ppl pointing out all these tiny details and tearing steven apart trying to prove HE’S homophobic. (which is also where the whole “put ur pronouns in bio steven” really gained traction and literally for months every tweet steven did was just filled with that and it was just rude of ppl at that point , quite frankly, pestering him like that is not gonna make him do it). but back to the point, then steven quickly put out a written apology, and said a formal video apology/explanation was coming soon (bc tbh that short apology was moreso explanation of his statement rather than really apologizing for it which left ppl unsure of how to feel). but then within the next few days, the formal apology/discussion video happened, and for the most part, ppl accepted it as it seemed heartfelt, sincere, and honest. responsibility was taken and an effort to do better in the future was promised. and steven also did just plainly state he’s Not homophobic and amended his advice accordingly and genuinely said sorry to the people who’s feelings he hurt. I’m being purposefully vague here because honestly, I don’t remember exact words that were spoken, but i do know i thought long and hard over this and discussed with others and decided to forgive steven and honestly, their apology was very good, and an example of why watcher is one of the best. they didnt try to just ignore the issue and delete the evidence and put out a short shitty apology. they went in and completely discussed the issue at hand, from all sides (because again, shane and katie (and lauren the editor) were at fault here as well for not pointing out “hey thats not great advice.”) and how to move forward. it was a well rounded and in depth video.  hope this is helpful
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