#it's weird I'm not even a possessive person by nature like even in relationships it doesn't really bother me
joyridingmp3 · 2 years
spending your whole life doing everything you can to keep your sister safe and protect and shield her from the worst of your parents -> she has a better relationship with them because of that (in part) -> they go to hug her and you have to wrestle with the urge to pry their hands off her
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anantaru · 1 year
— is he jealous?
including dan heng, jing yuan, gepard, blade x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, cute, a little possessive behavior
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— dan heng
dan heng made no big secret of the alarming worry cascading down his entire body and mind whenever he thought about the trifling possibility of you getting hurt while he wasn't by your side.
by chance of this, when it came to his jealousy though, dan heng wasn‘t as jealous as one might think on the outside— as stated, it was more his overprotective nature taking the lead which mostly would look like jealousy at the outset, but really wasn't that.
with that being mentioned, when you both aren‘t spending time together, your boyfriend always appreciates it when you tell him about your day or your recent doings so you're both up to date with your life.
nothing forced or anything, he trusts you wholeheartedly, the last thing dan heng wanted to achieve was for you to feel trapped, suffocated or forced to talk about something you did not want to or didn't feel comfortable sharing.
even so, occasionally he can feel something weird wriggle up on him from behind and a knot in his stomach manifested itself, his racing heart only making it more difficult when he sees you talk with someone he did not trust— not in a sense where he'd think that this person would hit on you, since he trusts you enough to know you'd turn them down, but the dangerous aspect of it, a fear, like a soundless scream, the horror of losing you.
admittedly, it was always there and you knew of that, so what mattered the most were affirmations coming from your side, certainty and the repeated sureness that you are going to be okay.
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— jing yuan
whilst jing yuan doesn't make it more clear on how he was standing on the topic of jealousy in your relationship, in truth— he did harbor some traits of it, albeit nothing too extreme.
in an approximate manner can you discern his laid back personality shine onto such topic as well, he was a fairly confident man and sure of himself, while he also wanted you to have all the space you required, not to mention big, unwavering support for when you needed him.
what the general did not like was when someone was clearly aware that you were taken, in addition to him being your boyfriend— yet they still attempt to take their chance with you.
jing yuan, in that particular aspect, can become quite passive aggressive and honestly frightening to the person who dares to try something so vulgar, besides being incredibly embarrassing to even think you'd leave him for another person.
sincerely, it's downright comical and you can taste your inability to think clearly, shifting weight from one foot to the other when jing yuan was revealing his protective side for your eyes to feast on.
crossed armed, you remain behind him once he makes the person leave your space, then he turns around, conveying a pretty smile, his smooth, handsome face was like the opening of spring blossoms flourishing on a warm day, yet for you, it told the opening of his heart.
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— gepard
without reservation, it's in every way comical whenever you catch gepard become jealous— but it's also endearing, pleasantly attractive and charming whenever you capture the moment he becomes especially passionate.
for one, his jealousy isn‘t one of a toxic kind nor would he apply any damage on the other party, gepard was a proud man and always sought after taking the right route in conditions such as those.
you know it's more severe when you approach him and ask gepard if he was indeed, jealous right now, it was the blush of roses on his cheeks that conducted a conclusion, that peek of champagne pink right on top.
he panics, "i'm not." and curses himself right after because he was evidently lying to you, which he never does, but being in denial for something he claims to be embarrassing to its very core was a reason, if not a big one, it was still a cause. "okay maybe."
"only a little."
his face falls, just a twitch, but you lean forward to kiss his lips.
gepard's emotions were real and vivid, in the end he was true to himself, it all comes down to admitting defeat because he rather risk embarrassment than wear a mask in front of the love of his life.
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— blade
oh, boy.
before going more into depth about blade's perspective on jealousy, it's important to note that in many features, his emotions and way of processing them happens from his subconsciousness.
when he goes too far with it, it becomes a heavy bag wrapped on his shoulders, which he was supposed to put down once he learned on how to embalm his emotions the good, healthy way.
however with this in mind, now that he was in a relationship with you he tries to tone it down for your sake, above all, blade doesn't want to scare nor push you away from him.
the frightening dreams he'd endure of losing you were ice in his guts, stagnant, it could be a hundred degrees out and he'd still be frozen on the inside.
you are kind and understanding of his feelings but also tell him that those aren't an excuse to harm nor curse the person who triggers his jealousy.
"right, right." blade shakes his head. "i am trying my best." and smoothes his broad arms around your frame. he lets his words hang in the air while you stare at him, a smile, although barely perceivable, crossing over your face.
for many years he had punished himself, feeling that if he forgave more, let go of his past, then love would blossom just like it did now— in your relationship. you can feel him shake and you place your hands against his chest, you tap him two times, once twice, as to pull him away from his thoughts.
"we'll get through that together."
you say— but the man doesn't respond, at loss of words each time you grace him with your kindness. instead, blade tips his forehead against your own, closing his eyes and resting, sighing against your lips, dark pupils for one illuminated with hope, trust, and before anything else, love.
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©2023 anantaru do not share, copy, modify, translate
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romeave · 7 days
the real reason why mcd zane sucks, from purely a writing standpoint, is that the writers really want him to be a pure evil villian. a force of evil that can not be reasoned with or stopped. absolutely nuance free and unsympathetic no matter how you slice and dice it.
which, would normally be fine, but is a weird choice for zane specifically because the writers keep naturally bringing up ways to give him depth, only to bend over backwards to shut it down once they remember zane is supposed to be cardboard flat for their kid audience to remember he's the bad guy.
and by all the time i do mean all the time. here is a list of roads blocked off by the no development tree that fell across the road:
Zane grew up isolated even by the standards of noble children, as heirs to the O'khasis throne start their training rather young, and, according to accounts about his childhood, Zane preferred to spend his free time alone as opposed to with family. At some point, his father contracted some illness that turns people into asshole tyrants, and began to groom a very impressionable Zane into a good and obedient pawn for him to control on his quest for world domination -> Zane was actually always evil from birth, which makes him immune to trauma. Garte's dickheadness actually only affected the "good" Ro'Meaves, and actually it's Zane's influence that turned Garte into a bad person. Even shit that Garte did long after Zane died are Zane's fault by proxy.
Zane's strained relationship with his brothers are also largely attributed to Zane being evil. Honestly there's a lot I could put here but the most damning one is probably the fact that Zane isn't allowed to talk about his upbringing at all after vaguely mentioning having a dead brother on the docks.
Zane's initially introduced as an ambitious young priest who came to power due to his commitment to his studies. He secretly uses taboo ancient magic that people can't exactly come across if they don't have an obsessive drive to learn about the divines beyond the church's teachings. -> Actually Zane stole everything from "real scholars" and never actually cared about his research outside of what power it could bring him. Apparently he can't even read for himself without a "real scholar" in the room.
Zane's most terrible deeds (Kiki's pendant, Alexis, Falconclaw) were committed in service of opening the Irene dimension. Its implied that some, if not all of the specific deeds needed to open the portal were decided long before Zane ever got his hands on the amulets. -> Each portal-opening crime is treated as its own separate crime, motivated purely by sadism. Falconclaw specifically is referred to as a "horrific mass slaughter Zane had a lot of fun committing", even though everyone involved just painlessly fell over dead
Zane only raises a sword to people to have actively betrayed him. Jeffory betrayed him, the Wolf Tribe was plotting to eat him the next time he showed up, and Garroth committed treason two seperate times and shoved his own sword in Zane's face before Zane tried to kill him about it -> Evidence that Zane is just a bloodthristy killer who would kill his comrades unprompted. His victims are not traitors, but martyrs to his unreasonable wrath
Zane possessed the protector's relic for a period of time. Surely he must've had some reason to hold it -> Zane was entirely undeserving of the relic. He only had it because blood relations.
Despite already having a relic, Zane wants to get Irene's relic -> Exclusively to hoard power! No personal reasons or family reasons or nerd reasons. Just an insanely dangerous and high stakes task done solely to have them all. Like its a pokemon with life steal.
Zane gets turned into a Shadow Knight. Zane used to have an absurd amount of knowledge on the Shadow Knights, lots of shadow knights hate his gay ass, becoming a Shadow Knight is usually pretty traumati--> Zane doesn't feel trauma, duh!! He's actually stronger than ever.
And I know I'm aphblr's foremost Zane dick rider but this isn't a Zane did nothing wrong post its just bad writing. Zane's actions affect so much of the plot its fucking bonkers to give him the depth of an evil sheet of printer paper. Aph's usually pretty good at fleshing out her villians I don't know why the one guy who everyone and their mother has a connection to is just a knife roomba of a man. At the bare minimum he should've been as fleshed out as his brothers because then it'd be a tragic tale about a family being torn apart by a system they benefit from instead of a karma-farming AITAH post set in medival times.
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
Romantic Yan! Mauga x gn!reader concept
I'D LOVE TO. He comes out on my birthday so this is a bit special for me/hj. Hope you enjoy my take on him! Here's me pouring general thoughts down ^^ (Love you for your Overwatch requests, istg).
If it sounds like I'm self-indulgent, I probably am, my bad.
Yandere! Mauga Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Abuse of power, Kidnapping, Murder/Death, Threats, Intimidation, Violence, Possessive, Restraints, Dehumanization mentioned, Sadism, Forced relationship.
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I feel like there's a lot of scary things about Mauga.
First of all, he's huge.
He's been augmented from a near death experience to be huge and powerful.
His name even means "mountain".
Then there's the fact he takes joy in doing what he does... literal murder for Talon.
He even is oddly chipper/chill with his language.
Even when threatening others he sounds so... excited? Friendly?
He seems so nice to be around... but he's still a murderer.
He'd act the same with you.
Mauga calls everyone "friend".
If he met you he'd immediately be overly friendly.
He'd call you friendly terms, like "friend", "buddy", and "pal".
But if he felt flirty he'd probably call you by some sort of nickname.
I'm not sure what he'd call you exactly but maybe "Teuila"? It's the national flower of Samoa (from what I saw)
He could also call you the classic nicknames such as "babe", "baby", "dear", "doll", etc.
It's just "Teuila" seems more unique to him.
Mauga is another one who likes the size difference between you.
It serves as a good way to intimidate you and he likes it.
Mauga is a sadistic sociopath who doesn't appear affected by the crimes he commits.
In fact he depicts himself as "carefree".
Mauga could be the type to slaughter innocents then look at you with a big grin.
He doesn't mind if you fear him.
He'd part of Talon... he loves the fear.
He knows he's a bad person and doesn't mind.
His apathy towards the life of others is what makes him terrifying.
He only really cares about you, his little Teuila.
If I'm correct, Mauga canonically has sharp teeth.
Which means he would certainly bite you.
He may also like to hold/manhandle you a bit.
He likes the power and size he has over you.
Oh, fighting him a bit?
How do you like being pinned to a wall?
In his obsession he is naturally rough.
Mauga likes to have everyone know you're his.
No one should touch you unless they want a Talon agent breathing down their neck.
You could be a civilian or a fellow member of Talon.
Doesn't matter to him.
He plans to keep you all the same.
Would take you to bars when he could find them.
He sees it as a way to bond, probably.
Mauga could isolate you, yet showing you off can be quite exciting.
A silent challenge for others to take what's his... so he can have an excuse to break their bones, most likely.
He isn't one for "messing with your mind" manipulation.
More like... brute force.
He doesn't want to intentionally hurt you.
It's mostly just enough to show his mark on you, not to break anything.
He knows you're fragile.
If you tried to escape this mountain of a man... good luck.
He found Baptiste with ease when he left Talon.
He can find you.
He'll hunt you down and pick you from wherever you plan on staying.
He deserves to have you in his eyes.
You may cry or scream, but any hit against hist chest just makes him chuckle.
Your hits tickle him... he finds it adorable.
His "Cage Fight" ability implies chains.
This is just being clever, but imagine as punishment he chains you to him?
Now you can't run... he'll just drag you.
If anything you begin to look like a pet to members of Talon.
But they allow it.
They don't need Mauga becoming a problem.
Obviously he is quite possessive.
Loves your touch, your warmth, in a weird way your smell.
He may mark you but tries to treat you as delicately as a flower.
Like the nickname he affectionately calls you....
Mauga doesn't care if you miss your family when he drags you back to him.
He feels things would be better if you forget them.
He may end up doing something bad if you don't... wouldn't want that now, would we?
Overall, Mauga is a powerful and possessive man.
He is unfazed by what he does to obtain you... even when it includes others losing their lives for helping you leave him.
Mauga loves the challenge... even finds it exciting.
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depravitycentral · 1 year
im sorry if this is a lame ask, but i just had the idea and thought i would share it to see if it would strike any inspo! of course on this blog you’ve talked about all the things our beloved troupe members are into, but have you ever considered what their absolute turn offs are? like things that pull them out of the mood almost immediately? or kinks that would seem to fit certain members, but end up not being their thing for one reason or another
Ooh yes anon this strikes inspo !!
This is a good point - it's all fine and dandy to imagine sex with your yandere as being so bad but so good, as if they know every secret, dirty kink and fantasy you have. (That's because they do know, whether through extensive stalking, pouring through your search histories, or raw, natural sexual chemistry with you. They all think they've got that last one, but normally any positive sexual encounters between the two of you will be a consequence of the former two rather than the latter.)
But of course, everyone has turn offs, and while your yandere would be willing to do pretty much anything to please you, even the most obsessed, unhinged yanderes have a few hard, fast exceptions.
I'm assuming you meant just hxh yanderes for this, so let's proceed moving forward with that in mind! If you meant for another fandom, please let me know and I'd be happy to discuss those yanderes too <3
Let's discuss !!
(Tw for petnames, watersports, recording, anal, pegging, crying, hitting, and other smutty things)
Chrollo Lucilfer is pretty hard to frazzle in bed, and is one of those who have done extensive, eager research into both your own personal sexual preferences, and made educated guesses on kinks that seem to correlate with ones he already knows you possess. That said, Chrollo himself isn't especially risky in bed - he'll indulge you, sure, but he doesn't have a strong desire to try anything especially crazy unless you're a big fan. And while he'll let you have your fun (particularly in the beginning of your sexual relationship, just because promising you that he'll choke you or dominate you or whatever else you may like just to get you into bed with him and somewhat willing, just because he needs to pleasure you and get you warming up to him) , most of the time sex with him is quite vanilla. He's open to listening to whatever you want, with one very, very large exception: there is no amount of pleading or bargaining that will let you peg him. He doesn't inherently believe that men should always be dominant over women, but he does believe that he should always be dominant over you. And if you were to peg him, this power structure would collapse, allowing you too much control over both his pleasure and him. He doesn't mind being in a more physically submissive position (he'll never deny you when you straddle him and tell him that you're in charge for the evening, the only response you get being a twinkle in his eye, a soft smirk and a hummed we will see, my love), but the idea of you fucking him just rubs him the wrong way. He's more vulnerable with you than he is anyone else, but Chrollo has his limits. (Besides, the idea of absolutely falling apart for you is both alluring and terrifying, because the moment you discover his prostate, he'll be a gasping mess, his cheeks tinged a light pink and his grip on the sheets below him very, very tight. It would be embarrassing, and he can't allow you to see him in such a weak position - it would derail all the hard work he's done to convince you that you need him.)
Feitan Portor really detests being called Daddy. He thinks it's weird, and even if you - sweet, perfect, irritatingly attractive you - were to say it, he still wouldn't like it. There's just something about it that rubs him the wrong way - it feels too paternal, and while he doesn't remember having a family in any biological capacity, it still just makes his skin crawl. He won't get soft immediately upon hearing you say it (he's always just slightly hard when you're in his vicinity, so rarely ever is he truly flaccid around you), but he'll need to pull out and take a breather, mentally trying to erase the sound of the petname rolling off your tongue. He can deal with other petnames - he'd be okay with sir, if only because he's always kind of had a thing for roleplaying, or at least having some sort of overarching power dynamic present during sex, and being called sir would place him in a position of absolute authority, meaning he could do whatever he wants to you and you'd just obediently obey. (You already kind of do, too scared to say no to him, but it doesn't feel as authentic - he feels less comfortable, more vulnerable and exposed and raw, and he doesn't like that.) You could even call him master if you really wanted to - similarly, it feeds his desire for playing a powerful, dominant role, but he doesn't have any sort of particularly liking towards maid costumes or anything of the sort, so it wouldn't do too much for him. He's good with nearly anything else you could throw at him, but never Daddy. Frankly, he really just prefers his own, actual name - it just sounds so damn good when you gasp it, the sound going straight to both his cock and heart.
Phinks Magcub's brows always get pinched and his lips quirk down when he thinks about the idea of you bleeding during sex. It makes his hands itch, this protectiveness welling up inside him that makes him antsy and nervous and jittery, the energy all pent up and needing to be released because god, he doesn't like seeing you hurt. Even if it makes you feel good, your moans increasing because of the pain twinged pleasure, he's unwilling to indulge you - he couldn't bring himself to purposefully make you bleed, and while he does occasionally (often) leave you bruised and incredibly sore after having his way with you, that's a whole different thing from seeing that crimson color against your pretty skin. It just makes him uncomfortable - if you asked nicely enough he'd consider maybe lightly slapping you or getting rough with you (though he's already pretty rough when he gets lost in the moment - finger shaped bruises litter your body and hickeys dance along your collarbone and neck), but he'll draw the line at drawing blood. (Similarly, he doesn't really want to bleed himself either, but he'd be more willing to be in the position of pain than putting you into that position of pain. Besides, it might help him last longer, the pleasure warded off by negative stimulation - and god knows Phinks needs all the help he can get in delaying his orgasms.)
Uvogin is pretty adventurous in bed, all things considered, but even he has a few hard turn offs, one of which being degrading you. He doesn't mind calling you needy or possessive terms of endearment, but anything with even a slight negative connotation is always preceded by a 'my', so that when he's calling you a slut it always becomes my slut. Even then, he doesn't like doing this - his natural default when he's naked with you is to be praising you, because those are honestly the thoughts running through his mind when he's got his hands on you and he's feeling your soft skin against his. He genuinely only has good, lustful, reverent things to say about your body and the fact that he's getting to touch, kiss, squeeze, and fuck you, and he's not shy about telling the truth. And so, if you were to request for him to degrade you a bit in bed or be a little meaner, he'll oblige, but it'll feel just slightly forced, his words not holding their usual deep, growling timber that always sends shivers down your spine. He ends up compromising by mixing praise and degradation, but absolutely destroying you with his thrusts and well placed circles on your clit, channeling all the harsh, humiliating energy of verbal degradation instead into how he assaults your body with an overwhelming amount of pleasure. He just doesn't like the idea of lying to you, even if it turns you on in this context, because it just feels wrong to tell you that you're only a hole for me to fuck, and holes don't talk. You're not - you're so much more than that, and he doesn't want you to think otherwise. Hell no, not with all the work he's put into making you get comfortable with him and want him. One roll around on the liviing room floor (he'd gotten impatient and didn't feel like making the thirty step journey to the bedroom) isn't worth reversing months worth of warming you up to him. Not even if you leave his back scratched up or end up so stuffed full of his cum that you're literally leaking.
Nobunaga Hazama is, frankly, just thankful and elated that you're touching him. He's delusional, compeltely out of touch with reality, and fucking weird, but he's also a major sap and literally gets heart eyes everytime he sees you. And so, in the bedroom he wants everything to be as close and sensual as possible, and for every bit of pleasure and love shared between the two of you to be expressed in full. This, of course, includes any and all noises he draws out of you - that is, Nobunaga has to have you gasping and keening and moaning. He's loud himself, and he expects sex to be full of wanton cries and a cacophany of sound; one that you are expected to eagerly contribute to. And if you don't deliver? Well, Nobunaga will just try harder, licking at your faster or thrusting harder or pinching tighter - anything and everything to get you to make a damn sound, to give stop him from having to confront the reality that you aren't enjoying this nearly as much as he is. He gets turned off when you're quiet, which is a real bummer if you aren't naturally loud - you have to be, because he won't quite until you are, even if that takes hours and hours and hours.
Alternatively, Franklin Bordeau can tell when you're faking it, and he doesn't like that. At all. He doesn't want your forced moans or fabricated shaking or anything that isn't real - he wants you, your genuine reactions to his touch, and your genuine personality in bed. He doesn't want you to sound like some pornstar - with your moans constant and high and shrill and more pained than pleasured - for two main reasons, the first of which being that it's just annoying. He's never understood the allure of a woman screaming during sex, and even in the context of actual, real pleasure, it still makes him uncomfortable. It's too close to the sounds he hears when he's working a heist - he doesn't want you to sound like them, because he has no intentions of hurting you and just the mere thought of you bloodied is enough to get him soft immediately and clutching onto you like you'll disappear any moment. The second reason why he doesn't want you to be forcing anything is because although he's decently confident in his sexual abilities, he knows he isn't making you feel that good. He's sure him fingering you isn't capable of getting you gasping and whining his name constantly - sure, it feels good, and you'll probably moan and sigh, but still. When he's fucking you, he's hopeful that you'll cry out his name, but he knows you shouldn't be screaming and rythmically, shrilly moaning. He values honesty, and hearing your real, raw reactions to his touch and his presence feels a thousand times more pleasurable than anything you could ever forcibly manufacture - especially your orgasms. He can always tell when you're faking, so don't try it. Don't.
Honestly, it's pretty difficult to get Shalnark turned off. He's kinky, adventurous, and misinterprets a lot of your responses during sex - he likes to think you're just as wild as he is, and even when you clearly don't like something, he still thinks seeing you struggle is just as arousing. (Besides, most of the time he will get you to orgasm - and seeing the internal dilemma of hating what he's doing alongside the pleasure you can't hold back is absolutely delicious.) That said, there are very specific situations that Shalnark doesn't find any attraction in - specifically, he absolutely is not willing to be cucked. Having another person in the room while he fucks you hard enough to make you cry isn't a problem at all - on the contrary, he's very, very interested in that idea, because having another man watch him claim you makes both his possessiveness and nostrils flare, his palms getting sweaty and his pants feeling tight. Cucking, on the other hand, implies that there's someone else touching you - another person sullying you, getting their disgusting hands on your perfect skin that's all his his his, and that's just simply unacceptable. He didn't go through all that trouble of kidnapping you and keeping you in a secure location just to have you touched, fucked, loved by another man. It doesn't matter if it's a stranger or someone Shalnark trusts with his life - you will not be getting intimate with another soul for the rest of your life, simply because he firmly sees you as his property, and him yours. So don't even bother bringing the idea up - he'll fuck you in front of the stranger, no problem, but they're prohibited to strictly watching. (Or, maybe, they'd be good at helping get those camera angles that are really tough to capture - right up in your face, or right zoomed into where his length - flushed red and swollen - is sinking into you over and over, the home video the perfect thing to watch tonight as he cuddles you to sleep.)
Alternatively, Machi Komacine can't stomach the thought of doing anything public. It's not that she fears getting caught, but rather that it makes her uncomfortable that anyone could see the two of you. Someone could just pass by and happen to get an eyeful of you - your pretty skin and curves, your lovely body that her eyes always seem to get stuck on, watching, wanting, yearning. She's not spontaneous in any way when it comes to sex, and she just doesn't see the allure of the risk or danger involved. She's too possessive; it takes her so long to even allow herself to see you naked, and to have a stranger do that and even see your face while she's pleasuring you, while you're coming? The thought makes her nen flare up, the urge to wrap you in her arms and keep the world from even catching a glimpse of you only growing stronger. Even aside from her possessiveness, the idea of doing something where others could see you makes her nervous, too, because Machi isn't entirely confident in her abilities to actually please you in the bedroom. Sure, she understands female anatomy and has a good sense of what you like from all that stalking, but actually doing it? That's a different thing entirely - and the pressure of pleasing you coupled with the pressure of other people potentially watching her struggle makes her feel uncomfortable, a foreign, heavy sense of self doubt settling heavily in her gut. It's just not for her - sex belongs in the bedroom, or perhaps the couch or kitchen table. Not outside of your 'shared' apartment, and certainly not where someone else could get an eyeful of what's hers.
Pakunoda will still jump on the opportunity to pleasure you and be pleasured, but in general she'll be hesitant if the both of you are still fully clothed. She doesn't see the appeal of clothed sex - she wants you completely bared to her, utterly raw, your body on display for her to worship and touch and mark. She thinks keeping the clothing on is not only impractical, but diminishes the intimacy between the two of you. You'll get all sorts of sticky, hard to clean things staining the clothes, and because she can be a little snobby about materialistic delights like luxury clothing, she's not exactly keen on getting your slick all over her nice clothes. (Although, she wouldn't be entirely opposed to having your slick all over her skin, like you're leaving a mark of possession on her. Just not the clothes.) Clothes stop her from being able to fully explore your body, and, as much as she'd never admit it, when you have your clothing on it makes it much harder to use her nen on you. That is, while it makes her feel a little dirty and slimy, she will be using her ability to dig into your memories for any information on your kinks and fantasies, just because she wants to make sex as perfect and pleasurable for you as she possibly can. So shed the layers with her - it makes things so much better. Plus, the sight of you bare and squirming underneath her, looking all pretty and submissive and cute is certainly a drool worthy sight.
All things considered, Shizuku Murasaki is actually kind of picky about sex. She likes things to be her way or the highway, and as her darling you'll be forced to go along with all of her preferences and wants. And while she loves all things oral, there are a few things she's absolutely unwilling to do. Namely, while she worships you and cherishes you as much as a mass-murderer can, she will not indulge you in anything involving your asshole. It's a cleanliness thing for her; she knows you're clean (she'd just bathed with you this morning and personally hand washed you, paying very, very careful attention to your cunt), but she has a mental block against having her mouth anywhere near that part of you. She's always felt this way with every partner she's had - she just doesn't understand the allure of anal, whether that be fingering, oral, or penetration. She'd much, much rather pay attention to other areas of your body - your pussy, your thighs, your breasts, your mouth. She'll always shy away when she's got her face between your legs, but unfortunately for you, this courtesy does not extend to you too. She doesn't expect you to do anything with her ass, but she certainly won't stop you if you're getting too close, or if you get the desire. She'll just blink at you and tell you to be careful, then pull your head in by your hair and get you closer and closer and closer, enjoying the experience despite herself. Shizuku is a little hypocritical in a lot of aspects in sex, but this is one particular area where she's absolutely unfair.
Hisoka Marrow is a freak in every sense of the word. Genuinely, there is very, very little you could do that would cause him to fall out of the mood, or to rid him of the insistant, raging boner nearly everything you do gives him. He'll try anything once, and he firmly believes in keeping your sex life interesting and varied. That said, he certainly has preferences, and one thing that sits quite low on his list of preferred bedroom activities is to be worshipped. It's not that he doesn't want your attention and praise (he does, urgently), but rather that there's something about the position of being the one drowned in compliments and confessions of love that makes him a little uncomfortable. Perhaps it's because he's not used to being in such a submissive, vulnerable position, or maybe it's because he doesn't feel like he's got enough control of the situation. It doesn't really matter, because Hisoka will always send teasing remarks your way when you get the courage to be the dominant one, and that will almost always derail you enough to get you steering away from any territory that gets dangerously close to becoming too vulnerable and real for him. He loves you in his own twisted, strange way, but he's not ready to open himself up fully to you, to let you take full charge and just take care of him. He may never be ready, really, so any dreams you have of fully dominating him and reducing him to a trembling, fucked out mess will have to remain just that - dreams.
In general, Illumi Zoldyck will try most things you suggest. It's not that he's especially adventurous in the bedroom, but rather that you're the first person he's ever had any sexual contact with, and everything with you feels good, so he wants to try it all. He has very few boundries when it comes to you, and so consequently, there aren't too many things that turn him off. However, he does have two surefire things that he'll immediately and vehemently outright refuse. Firstly, he will absolutely not wear any protection. He turns his nose at the thought of condoms, and will only laugh in your face if you suggest using them for obvious reasons. He will be entering you in the most natural way possible, and he will be finishing as deeply inside of you as he can manage. Secondly, he absolutely will not allow another person to be involved in your sex life. There will be no third person in your bed, no other person for you to be pleasuring and be pleasured by. There is only you and Illumi - it's your sex life, and it makes his possessiveness flare up to dangerous proportions to imagine another person seeing you in such a vulnerable, intimate position. So really, don't even bother bringing up the idea - he won't even consider it, already shooting it down before you're finished getting the sentence out. (And after he finishes lecturing you about how another man or woman has no place in your bed, he'll promptly fuck you right then and there - no matter where you are - just to prove his point. He's all you need, after all.)
Sex with Kurapika Kurta is soft and sensual. It can be a little rougher if he's had a particularly bad day, or if he's recently had a run in with the Troupe, but for the most part he makes love rather than fucks. And because of this, he really, really doesn't like seeing you cry during sex. It makes him uncomfortable, his instincts begging him to comfort you and eliminate whatever caused your tears. He associates crying with the early days of when he'd kidnapped you, back when you were still terrified of him and much too scared to even stand to look at him, much less allow him to touch you. And particularly in the context of sex, he does not want to be reminded of all the horrible things he's done to you - things are good now, happy, and you've finally come around to the idea that he loves you, that you'll spend the rest of your life with him. And so, the moment there are tears beading at your eyes, he's immediately going soft, his palms cupping your cheeks as he stares wildly at you, asking in a rushed, still breathless voice if you're alright, if you're hurt, if you're upset and who he needs to kill to right this wrong. He overreacts, and it always, always turns into either self hatred aimed at himself for ruining your happiness, or a bloodthirsty desire to kill whoever is upsetting you. The only exception to his hatred of you crying is when it's done because you're too overstimulated, the pleasure too much for you to even process. When you're so fucked out from the pleasure he gave you, then the tears are acceptable. He still doesn't like them all that much, but it's at least a sign that he's treating you well, that he's able to make you feel good and pleasured, and it makes pride swell in his chest. So in general, try not to cry in front of him - he goes flaccid in mere seconds, his protective nature ramping up and any semblance of sexiness gone immediately.
When Leorio Paradinight has you in bed, he's almost in a state of utter awe, almost unable to really process what's going on. He's just so incredibly aroused by you, even if you're just laying beside him with your clothes fully on, and because of this he's game to try pretty much anything you want in bed. He's genuinely just so fucking excited to be with you that he'll do basically anything you want, no matter how degrading or gross or off the wall. That said, however, he doesn't really understand the appeal of pet play. He doesn't harbor any fantasies of you donning a set of bunny ears or a tail or anything of the sort, simply because he doesn't really like fantasies that change you, even if it's something as trivial as your ears. He thinks of you as perfection, and that includes every proportion of your body, every freckle, mole, hair and blemish you could have, and he doesn't want to pretend that you aren't exactly who - and what - you are. Besides, he just doesn't see the appeal; he wants you to talk and moan for him when he's touching you, not have you purr or whine or any other animal noise. He thinks it's a little weird, if he's being honest, and while he'll begrudgingly agree if you beg him to try it out (he'll do anything to see you smile, after all), his orgasm won't come as pathetically easily as normal. This extends to pet play where he's the one dressing up as a pet, too - he's more likely to enjoy it this way, but there's something humiliating about the butt plug tail and the fox ears, and it's humiliating in all the wrong ways. He's just not too big of a fan - now if you wanted to get some sort of ownership roleplay going that didn't involve pets or animals, he'd be all over that - the moment you refer to yourself as mommy or his mistress, he's practically creaming his pants, getting on his knees for you and begging for you to touch him. (And maybe even step on him, depending on how needy he's feeling that day.)
Razor, despite sometimes losing control in bed and getting a little rougher than he means to, will never willingly hit you in bed. He doesn't like the idea of slapping you. He might gently pat your ass when you're bouncing on top of him, but it's only just enough to make you yelp, only enough to make a slight smack noise of skin against skin. Hitting you - even in the context of sexual pleasure - reminds him too much of his younger days, back when he was a criminal and was much less controlled, much more dangerous. And really, that's the last thing he wants you to see him as - he wants you to take comfort in him, to want him to hold you and touch you, and he's sure that even if you want him to get rough with you and manhandle you, to smack your cheek and tell you to behave for him, you will start associating him with pain and violence. And he just can't have that - not after all the work he's gone through to prove that despite kidnapping you, he's not the monster you think he is. (Besides, there's just something more meaningful about softer, sweeter sex - he's fucked more women than he'd care to admit, but you're the first one he's gone slow with, the first one he's really taken his time with. And while it might be stupid, that makes you different in his eyes - like he's saved something special for you, like the passionate, romantic side of him that comes out when he's got you naked and stretched out on his fingers is something only you'll ever get to see.)
Another man who tries to keep things a bit vanilla in the bedroom (not for the same reasons as Razor, but rather because he just genuinely prefers more intimate and tame sex) is Knuckle, who can't stand the thought of recording your intimate times. He does objectively think the idea is a bit hot, but he's too worried that somehow the recordings will get leaked, that somehow other people will get their hands on precious recordings of him making love to you, of him making you moan and sigh and fall apart on his tongue and fingers and cock. He views the time you both spend together in the sheets as being almost sacred, like something special that's reserved only for the two of you, and having a camera rolling would just make everything feel too impersonal. It would make him nervous, too, because he'd want to rewatch the tapes with you just so he can see your face the whole time (he tends to lose himself the closer he gets to his orgasm, and always buries his face in your neck to try and make himself last longer, so he misses seeing your facial expressions when he's finishing inside you), but he'd be worried about the way he looks, about whether he looks attractive to you, dominant to you, sexy to you. However, despite his reservations about recording himself fucking you, he will photograph you in the pretty, feminine lingerie he buys for you. He'll get a new color or cut, and have you try on the set, posing for the camera while he takes a few shots, his pants visibly straining around his swollen cock because god, you look good. He'll keep the photographs in his pants pocket and never, ever share them, always looking back at them when he's away on missions and missing you. He's a bit hypocritical, but the moment a camera gets trained on him, he's turning red and clamming up.
Morel is another one who's very flexible in the bedroom, and would be difficult to completely turn off. However, one thing that Morel just simply can't get behind is watersports. He'll try it, if you really beg him to, but he just doesn't like it. It feels unsanitary to him (and god, the mess), but even beyond that it just feels a little degrading, and not in a good way. If you really, really pushed him on it, he'd give in and do as you please, reluctantly forcing himself to release onto you, but the entire time he'd be feeling guilty, discomfort eating at him because isn't it horribly disrespectful to be literally pissing on you? He loves you, and it just sits wrong with him. He'll refuse after that first time, and while he's not particularly into it, if you really, really wanted to, he'd let you reverse the roles. He's not particularly eager to have you wet yourself or piss on him, but that's better because now at least you're the one in the position of power. Plus, you're begrudgingly a little cute when you get all embarrassed about it. But still, it's most definitely not something he desires, and while he'd entertain your fantasies once in a blue moon, it certainly won't be a regular occurrence in your sex life together.
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blackmoonoracle · 5 months
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I can see where there was an immense imbalance occurring. It looks like the scales are on the verge of shifting again. It's possible that things up until recently have been going pretty decently for your enemies. I believe there were lessons you needed to experience in order to rise above states of being that served you in no way shape or form. It's weird because I think this shift is very unprecedented by your enemies. This is very much an unexpected- not exactly usurp of power? Because I do see here where you are entitled to being empowered and learning to come back on top. DON'T let yourself become consumed with pride or immaturity. Let the scales move as they're meant to. It's important to mind your business and move in accordance with your highest good. I see here that a QUICK shift is coming, it is possible that people have been feeding on your energy in order to sustain themselves. Without even having awareness. Perhaps you will call back your power and it will shift the scales back into balance. Do not forget all that you've learned. I do see here that there will be a major moment of egotism that could drag down your enemy(ies)? I heard Judas, so this could be someone who betrayed you. I'm also thinking of the song Brutus by the Buttress. They are going to now be forced to undergo the same lessons you underwent. The power imbalance that might've previously existed in past connections you had is being destroyed. I believe that honestly what's in store is truly just the restore of balance. It's possible one of these enemies was very obsessed with you? Or desired to take your place in some sort of way. You were seen as a threat by whoever this individual is. I'm thinking of impostor syndrome, like they want to BE you. I see that this person may have been causing you nightmares, or showing up in your dreams. Or there could be some kind of subconscious, or deeply hidden wound this person caused you or that you caused them. Probably both if I'm being honest. I see that they also could've been doing black magic of some kind on you. You've remained determined throughout all of the trials and tribulations you've experienced and you are being rewarded. Your enemies could begin to experience some kind of financial lack. Perhaps due to a heartbreak or loss of some kind, I also heard something about an investment. They may be investing their time, love, energy, and most likely resources into something that will not last. For some of you it could be into a relationship that is not going to last, they are investing insane amounts of time and energy into a relationship on the verge of failure. I heard something about arguments, violence is even possible. There is a lot of regression that is about to happen in the lives of your enemies or enemy. I heard "time" so in time, things will begin to unfold.
It's possible there was a recent death in the family of your enemy. Either a father or grandfather, I also see there's a lot of conflict unfolding in their life as a result of aggressive tendencies. Some of them could be lashing out in unpredictable manners- some of them could even be leaning on drugs or alcohol to satiate their emptiness. I see there could also be a spiritual attachment on some of these people. There is justice coming into play as a result of their emotionally immature, and tyrannical nature. If there wasn't a death in the family, it's perhaps that their ego has gotten so massive that they cannot even see with gratitude. It's like nothing is enough, I feel like a thirst. It could be that they feel unfulfilled and are smitten with the desire to have, or possess at any cost. This person is being consumed by their own shadow. That is for damn sure. They could be lashing out at others by way of mouth, I see here that there will be a moment of clarity to come for your enemy. It's possible that collaborations they're working in or on could become obsolete, I see here a loss of some kind. It's interesting because in the 3 of pentacles, and the 5 of cups the same individual is present. In the 3 of pentacles though there are 2 others present, and then in the 5 of cups it's just the one character remaining. So this person could end up lashing out or going through some kind of upheaval that ends up being incredibly isolating. This is coming from a lack of gratitude, this person is blind to the blessings that are present in their life. I also see here that this comes from some sort of long standing pain or trauma they experienced. They are simply looking to defend themselves. It could be that this person is in fact blinded by the grief of this death they're experiencing. Whether it be ego death, or a death in the family. They could also be self sabotaging some kind of romantic opportunity being offered to them. If you've made predictions regarding this situation it looks like those predictions are unfolding in haste. I also see they are being blinded to something? Perhaps this has to do with their divination. Maybe their divination is easily swayed or influenced by the pressure that comes from their subconscious minds. I definitely see that some kind of money magic this person could be trying to do is resulting in extreme blockages. They could end up overburdened and overworked, or if that isn't the case their manipulative tendencies are going to result in them having to pick up a HUGE mess. Whether that be literally or metaphorically. This person may be an air sign or have air placements, as well as water placements. It's possible they're an air moon. Regardless, this person is very driven by immaturity and emotional instability and these themes have come to the forefront of their lives in order to be healed and dealt with.
This person is digging themselves into a hole they are not going to be a fan of digging themselves out of. I see they may be isolated in some kind of romantic connection they are struggling to release themselves from. Some of you could also be drawn to pile 1, if so I recommend you check that out. It's weird, this person could be as a result of this connection be losing touch with their family. Being isolated in similar ways that you experienced isolation. Some of you this could be for someone who got with an abusive ex against your warnings? I see that this person is feeling very trapped. On a leash even, or alternatively if it's your ex in question who is the enemy they could be experiencing what they put you through. I see here that they may be feeling like a shallow sense of completion and recognition- I do however see that in the end there is definitely going to be some sort of conflict regarding their public successes. So perhaps this could be a lack of gratitude for what they've received. It could also be that they get too cocky and start creating issues with others. This person may end up feeling like their fun and happiness is literally being killed before their own eyes. A lot of loneliness here, and a destruction of the foundation they've created. This person could be feeling dried out because they cannot feed on your energy. It's like I'm getting this energy that everything they touch is kind of rotting away or rotting under their care. Whatever they love and nurture just sort of wilts. I also heard "willow" so they could like Willow Smith, or maybe Willow trees are relevant. Aren't Willow trees associated with grief? This person could be experiencing a lot of grief and feeling no comfort while going through this grief. They could end up completely alone.
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primojade · 2 years
Request open, yay!!! I always wanted to request you <3
Can i ask for a hc of tighnari & cyno dating a loud, cheerful and clumsy gn reader that is seen by the others as weird?
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | what would he be like in a relationship with someone who was loud and too cheerful for their own good?
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | gn!reader x cyno and tighnari (separate); fluff, slight possessiveness; established relationship; kinda rushed; let me know if I missed anything!
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | Thank you for the request! This was kinda rushed but I hope you like it nevertheless! And yes, requests are still open, comrades~
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First of all, those people who clearly and hinting negatively about your person are either a truly brave individual or a complete fool—probably the latter in most cases. Cyno would hunt down anyone who dared to call you weird, or any other names that would surely affect your cheery self. He wouldn't sit still if anyone dared to sully your name, even if he wasn't supposed to be listening. He treasures you after all.
And his punishment isn't anywhere lenient and merciful, as all of the citizens of Sumeru had known of him as the General Mahamatra, so if they don't want to be at the receiving end of his polearm, fools better guard what they were saying about you. And Archon forbid if they make you cry and sad, the hell would certainly freeze over at how icy his glare and his scowl was.
Though that aside, Cyno adored your unique quirks and even dare say, loves hoarding them all solely for his eyes to see. He wasn't a selfish person by nature, prefering to give you everything you wanted as long as he could provide them and he was already perfectly content to be the recipient of the smile he loves so much, but when it comes to precious moments, some things that he treasures like your smiles, your laughter, and habits that others may seen as weird, he would like to keep them to himself instead of sharing them in a crowd.
Your cheerful and loud person was highly contrasting to his intimidating and cold self. But then again, fate had a silly hobby of attracting the opposites to each other. Other people would've seen your relationship as strange at first, but when they saw you two together as if there's only you and him in the world, perhaps their doubts will be hesitantly purged little by little—especially when they see their once intimidating General Mahamatra being spoon-fed by sweets or any meal that you personally cook in the public.
Jaw dropped and eyes wide as saucers, the bystanders and gossipers reluctantly slide their eyes away from the sickeningly sweet couple for it felt like they were intruding at a private moment reserve only for you two (though perhaps he personally doesn't mind the audience—this way, he could even fend off your potential suitors waiting for the opportune moment to strike a conversation with you when he was not looking).
Although Cyno wasn't smiling as happily as you, or laughing as loudly, there was a fond twinkle in his normally cold eyes that was reserved for you when you were idly talking about your day, or what would be tonight's dinner. It was faint you would missed it if you aren't attentive enough, and while he was not very good at expressing and proclaiming his love for you the way that you do in absolute confidence, Cyno never failed to show you using his actions, his protectiveness and his attention, that he loved you just the same as you do.
“...But I'm already content that you alone know what kind of man I am.”
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At first, Tighnari would admit that your cheery self exhausted him to no end, and your loud voice did grate his sensitive ears. He wasn't a tactful person by default, and if it's any other person, he would simply tell them to shut up, but that doesn't mean he would tell you to scram away because of your natural personality, especially since he loved your company despite it all.
If you're an observant person, you would notice the way his ears twitched whenever your tone raised an octave in excitement; sometimes, it would turn downward and his tail pressed on his thigh if you decided to pester him in a particularly stressful day. While you knew it irked him, it was nice seeing his saint of a patience run thin once in a while, and knowing that he would never snap at you feed your ego and mischievousness a little.
He knew what you were doing though, but Tighnari convinced himself that he was a grown up and mature person and he would never stoop down to your level of being an adorably annoying gremlin. Though make sure you know when to stop and give him a lot of consolation and kisses later on! Because you never knew what his "punishment" and "comeback" would be if you pushed him over the edge too much. Heh.
In the eyes of other people, this kind of relationship must be so exhausting and tiring; the type that their General Forest Watcher wouldn't even dare to enter (even more so being on board with it for a long while!). And not to mention this supposed "romantic" relationship looked like it was between a mischievous child and its perpetually petulant caretaker.
But to those who knew you and Tighnari on a personal level would say something different. Something that other people might think otherwise. Because only when he knew that he had you all for himself at the end of the day was worth dealing with your constant bullshit. And whenever he gets to thinking that your bright smiles are reserved only to him, Tighnari thought that this is the final reward for his never ending patience—one that he would gladly endure all for the sake of loving you as you are.
“When my heart feels like it will break, love appears in the most unlikely places and the most unlikely people.”
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TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added in my future works!): @samarill , @maehemthemisfit , @chocogi , @rvoulte , @luvwukong ...
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believemetheodore · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy
Ted Lasso x Reader
Requested by @lavendernlemons (I'm so sorry it took so long!!!)
"okay, can i make a request for a ted x reader, where the reader’s brother/close male friend comes to visit the reader at richmond (reader is maybe keeley/rebecca’s PA) and ted gets a lil jelly? maybe an indirect confession from beard or roy that just can’t handle it anymore?"
Jealousy isn't usually his style. It doesn't fit. It pinches at his sides and sits tight around his chest, and shoulders. It closes in around a friendship and relationship he normally feels so comfortable in. It's like slipping into a once-favourite sweater that's been shrunk in the dryer. He has no intention of giving it away. Hoping that forcing himself to spend the day in it might make room might stretch things back into a tolerable-- no, loveable shape. 
He wonders briefly when this feeling settled in and made itself a home. He knows it's not rooted in any level of possessiveness, that's something he's never felt-- far too much a believer in everyone deserving their own autonomy. He accepts that it's likely the itch of insecurity tickling in the back of his mind. The fear that being him might be too much. not right. not enough. 
Regardless of the source of the emotion, watching his partner tucked under the arm of another man as they take a walk around the pitch just doesn't sit right with him. His heart clenches and he feels his hands doing the same. His palms are sweating and he chooses to head inside to get a drink, unable to watch the scene in front of him play out much longer. 
Beard meets him in the office silently offering a bottle of cold water. 
“You wanna talk about it, coach?” 
“Talk about what, Coach?” 
Beard raises his eyebrows shooting Ted a knowing look, “hey jealousy”.
“Great song-- I feel like we've had this conversation before”.
Beard shrugs. 
“It shouldn't bother me,” Ted offers, lowering himself into the chair at his desk, “but it does. I can't shake it. And it's nobody's fault. I know that”.
“You're right”.
 Ted stares puzzled as his friend, “can you elaborate?”
“It's not anyone's fault. But it isn't about blame. It's about fear. Insecurity. Vulnerability. They're friends. You know they're just friends-- still you're jealous. It's not a fault, it's just something you need to get to talking about”.
Ted nods, opening his mouth to speak.
“Not with me. With them,” Beard cuts him off before he can begin. 
At home he's quite at dinner his brain preferring to stew over all of his thoughts from the day rather than enjoy his meal or the company of the person he loves. He sits further away on the sofa. He Showers on his own when he'd normally crack a joke about conserving water, squeezing himself into the tiny stall jsut to share space and time for just a few more waking minutes. In bed he lays staring at the ceiling, motionless and silent. 
The words he wants are all stuck in his throat, and the ones that find their way to the tip of his tongue are all jumbled up, saturated in misplaced frustration and unfair comparisons. He wants to speak but he can't get his lips to move. So, he just lays there. 
“You were jealous today,” the statement is gentle. Non-judgmental. But it still lands like a punch to the gut, and the sour taste of guilt tickles at him. 
“Yes--uh, yeah. But not in a weird way…”
He stutters out.
 The laughter he's met with is surprising, but welcomed. It's good natured and warm made even better by the hand sliding into his and squeezing. Firm but gentle. Reassurance in the simplest way. 
“I'm sorry. Eddie and I are just friends,” rolling over, their eyes meet and he continues to listen, “and I know you're not one to be controlling in anyway, but I hadn't considered that it might not be very nice to see me so close with someone you've hardly met”.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I guess there's just some lingering insecurity I hadn't anticipated rearing it's head at me today. One minute I was fine and the next I was sinking. Like one of them quicksand traps!”
“I appreciate you telling me,” the statement is punctuated with a kiss, “I love you, Ted”.
“I love you too sweetheart”. 
His heart swells, a smile wide on his face. The tight grip of jealousy loosens, the lead load of guilt lightens. He breathes deep and settles, sinking into the mattress comfortable in the space he's carved out for himself. He appreciates the stretches he made today, the anxieties he had to navigate. He loves those who were by his side. Balance returned to his mind and heart. Jealousy isn't his style, but believing sure is, and with all the love they have in their hearts he knows there's nothing they aren't making it through. 
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zeezelweazel · 1 year
Overwatch| Fluff Headcannons|
Overwatch obsession hit me hard but I'm so bad at this game ( to be fair I've been playing for 3 days lol )
The women in this game lord I'm so gay
Anyway here's a short and sweet piece to make up for the upcoming angst wave
Characters Included: Mercy, Ashe, Widowmaker, Kiriko, D.va
• Mercy •
Mercy is one of the most hard working people in overwatch, if anyone is looking for her they immediately go to her office. She's hunched over the desk, nose deep in her notes most of the time. She doesn't stop even aften the sun falls and her muscles are screaming for help.
At the end of the day she's usually too tired to do anything other than get up, move three feet and slump over the couch in her office to rest for the night.
You often try to break this routine. It's honestly a little funny, how she's a doctor and can't seem to take care of herself. Angela will thankfully accept the massages that you might offer or potentially cuddling if you've managed to coax her into her actual room.
When it comes to pda Angela stands somewhere in the middle. She doesn't want distractions when she's working or is on missions but won't mind you holding her hand in public or a quick peck on her cheek and forehead. She may or may not get flustered if you do the latter.
• Ashe •
Ashe is somewhat weird when it comes to affection. The possessive part of her always wants to have her hands on you so she can show the rest of her gang who you really belong to. An arm around your waist, holding hands even her hand resting on your thigh.
The other part of her though is very awkward when it comes to affection, especially the physical kind. She never got any when she was a child which means that now as an adult she craves it but also it doesn't come naturally to her.
When you first got together with her Elizabeth was very stiff whenever you did as much as hold her hand. She short circuited when you kissed for the first time and even though she desperately tried to hide it she was blushing as red as her lipstick.
As your relationship progressed you noticed Elizabeth being more comfortable with honest affection and now she is also open with asking for affection. She still won't do any sweet stuff in public though, she has a reputation to maintain.
• Widowmaker •
In the eyes of everyone else, and Talon's security cameras, Widowmaker was still an unfeeling cold hearted assassin that they can order around like some kind of pet. In your eyes the beautiful woman you've come to know as Amélie is a very lovable and quiet person who loves affection as much as she loves you.
Most of the time your private cuddle sessions happen in your own room, a place Talon can't pry into, the only times you can go to Amelie's own room is when you've somehow managed to convince Sombra to hack the cameras.
Again at first Amélie was very reluctant when it came to, well, everything about this relationship but she slowly warmed up to you. Eventually she was fine with cuddles as well.
Although nothing could prepare you for the first time it happened. You still remember being almost asleep with your girlfriend next to you, facing you and tracing a cold hand over your cheek. Suddenly you jolted awake when Amélie latched herself at your side, buried her head under your neck and just squeezed you. You later realised that this is just how she cuddles. You definitely have felt tears on your neck more often than not but you don't comment on it.
• Kiriko •
Kiriko is often very busy with her gang and protecting everyone. The stress gets to her but she knows she can count on you to help her relax. The best way to do that is doughnuts, obviously. Kiriko loves anything sweet but she also likes foxes.
Que you bringing her a fox onesie and Kiriko trying not to cry from how cute it is and how sweet you are. I think she'd also enjoy nature so a trip to a quiet forest to relax and spent time together would be great.
Now when it comes to pda I she'd be neutral about it. Kiriko is not shy at all but she wouldn't go over the top with the affection while in public. She would get a little jealous or possessive but not as much as Ashe would and if she did she'll usually end up being more affectionate in private, kind of like asking for reassurance.
Kiriko would love the lazy kind of cuddles. The ones when you're lying in bed and don't want to get up even though you know you have much to do. She also needs a kiss to get her day going. If you see her sulking is because she didn't get her kiss.
• D.va •
Hana is so energetic and enthusiastic about meeting people and her extroverted nature makes it so she absolutely adores everything that has to do with affection and love. You often see her hugging her teammates after a successful mission and holding the hands of those injured.
With you though her affection in public would be much more casual. A hand draped over your shoulders while she's sitting next to you or her just placing her hand on yours.
Of course she has her moments where she sticks on your side like a koala and mushes her face on your cheek, trying to kiss you but failing miserably because she can't stop grinning.
Hana would be very soft with you after one of the particularly hard missions are over. She still struggles with coping and asking for help and being vulnerable but you try to help as much as you can.
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vigilskeep · 11 months
I agree with your points about homophobia in Thedas being an consistent thing (though I've personally always gotten the vibe that similarly to a lot of the sexism in the setting it was writer biases coming in as opposed to like, a truly thought out part of the setting) but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on where situations like Teagan Rowan and Eamon's two dads fit in here? It's always struck me as so weird that homophobia is def an established thing but also these two were so accepted that Eamon naming his son after his commoner father seemingly wasn't even scandalous at all. I mean it's nice obv I'm just confused by it from a Ferelden politics lore perspective? Feels like I'm missing something. Sry if this question is rambly/not worded well I am very tired
so here’s the codex entry that discusses the politics of homosexuality in thedas most directly!
What I find most interesting is that, despite the lack of open discussion on matters of human sexuality, there is commonality to be found on the subject in all Andrastian lands. Typically, one's sexual habits are considered natural and separate from matters of procreation, and only among the nobility, where procreation involves issues of inheritance and the union of powerful families, is it considered of vital importance. Yet, even there, a noble who has done their duty to the family might be allowed to pursue their own sexual interests without raising eyebrows.
The view on indulging lusts with a member of the same gender varies from land to land. In Orlais, it is considered a quirk of character and nothing more. In Ferelden, it is a matter of scandal if done indiscreetly but otherwise nothing noteworthy. In Tevinter, it is considered selfish and deviant behavior among nobles, but actively encouraged with favored slaves. Nowhere is it forbidden, and sex of any kind is only considered worthy of judgment when taken to awful excess or performed in the public eye.
so you can get more of an idea of how varied it is and what it looks like in a few different nations in particular! i don’t know what the legalities are about marriage though. it’s for sure legal in orlais. so i imagine, in finally a win for the orlesian chantry in general, they do have gay marriage? broadly the homophobia seems more of a social thing than having much in the way of legal ramifications
as for the guerrin situation, it’s important to note that the guerrin siblings had three parents. arl rendorn guerrin had a wife, marina, with whom he presumably biologically had rowan, eamon, and teagan. eamon’s son connor who we see possessed in dao is named after rendorn’s lover connor. so first of all, eamon teagan and rowan’s two dads were never legally married. you could consider that a logical compromise alongside the codex lines “Yet, even there, a noble who has done their duty to the family might be allowed to pursue their own sexual interests without raising eyebrows.” and “In Ferelden, it is a matter of scandal if done indiscreetly but otherwise nothing noteworthy.”
the real issue is that the codex in which the mistake was made that led to connor senior’s existence refers to connor sr, textually, in a work of chantry scholarship, as eamon’s father. which feels like a really strong move if you accept that this would be scandalous if public. in-world, there’s a lot of reasons this could be. firstly, the aforementioned codex is written by sister dorcas guerrin, who is, herself, a lesser cousin of the family and may have had some personal understanding of the relationships involved. secondly, rendorn and connor sr were war heroes who died at the battle of west hill fighting to free ferelden, and may receive some political and social leeway in that regard. thirdly, and most adventurously, maybe connor sr was eamon’s biological father and rendorn was the one biologically uninvolved, and rendorn took some legal means to legitimise him. which. is far-fetched but i enjoy because it makes eamon’s obsession with the theirin bloodline absolutely unhinged behaviour.
that does lead us to the fact that of course, as a late addition made to redress a codex mistake, this all kind of falls apart when you look at rowan and eamon’s canonical approaches to love triangles/squares and accusations of bastard children respectively, but man, if you take all this as canon, what an insane relationship the guerrin throuple must have had for their kids to turn out Like That about it
again, it varies, especially in private. the couslands for example are extremely casual about it; if a male warden arranges a one night stand with a man during the origin, he can mention it to his brother fergus (in front of fergus’ extremely pious wife and their young son!) who will simply laugh about it and make an older brotherly protective joke about, like, fighting the guy for him if he does him wrong, which i assume is the exact same line a female warden gets if they do the same. you don’t even mention to fergus that it’s a man—there’s an alternate version if you went with a woman—he just knows one way or the other, implying he already knows this about you and is very relaxed about it
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doveshovel · 4 months
anon is right, more hunter lore.
he's very fun. love your ideas.
Do you mind if I ask what goes on regarding all the magic stuff? Is he Aideen-adjacent or just kind of vibing? Somewhere in-between? I know there's some drama going on with Sabine 🤔
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I wasn't expecting my guy to get this much attention, thank you guys!
Going to be completely honest here: I'm a very new player who only really started playing SSO in January of this year, and took about a month's break from the main quests in March. As a result, I've almost definitely forgotten a lot of important lore surrounding Aideen/soul rider magic, and don't have many of the magical shenanigans in Hunter's story fully thought out :'))
But! It has definitely been on my mind. Hunter's specific role among the soul riders + his relationship with the different circles of magic are works in progress so here's what I've been working with so far!
(Content warning for some (pink) blood in image!)
Lately, I've been messing with the idea (just for fun) that Hunter's a conduit for Aideen, rather than a descendant or reincarnation. He has almost no magical power of his own, and relies pretty much entirely on the whims of an incorporeal, deity-like being to perform any kind of soul rider magic. Essentially, he gets partially possessed every now and again when what remains of Aideen's soul decides that it would be beneficial to the fate of Jorvik and/or its inhabitants. During this "possession", Hunter functions as a point at which her soul (which I think was supposed to be scattered among the horses, people, and nature of Jorvik? correct me if I'm wrong. Hunter's lore google doc is in dire need of revision and organization anyways) can condense enough to produce magic from any of the four circles, and create the illusion that he's the mystical fifth soul rider.
Other bits of this idea from the google doc:
The four runestones in Valedale respond to a concentrated "presence" of Aideen, rather than to Hunter himself.
He's aware of this. Aideen's not of this world in cannon (emerged from a falling star), and practically dissolved into the entire island of Jorvik. Containing even a fraction of her soul in a human body is a jarring experience that can cause a lot of issues for the "host" ranging from minor side effects (cold sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, mild nausea, etc.) to more severe (short memory gaps, nosebleeds, migraines, loss of consciousness, insomnia, severe nausea, visual disturbances and/or hallucinations, auditory disturbances and/or hallucinations, etc.).
Maybe losing so much of his memory and original personality in the process of getting to Jorvik counts as losing part of a soul? So it creates a kind of "empty space" that Aideen's own soul is able to fill whenever she so chooses, and that's why Hunter works as a conduit/vessel, rather than a reincarnation. Idk. May have to workshop this.
The soul riders, valiant reincarnations of previous soul riders. +This one guy who has a weird thing with the local deity
Hunter and Aideen have a similar relationship to roommates who butt heads frequently but have no intention of leaving to seek a better roommate. but in Hunter's brain/soul/body. Bodymates. Soulmates (derogatory) (not romantic) (not platonic either). Symbiotic relationship. Both parties benefit and Hunter recognizes the necessity of it for saving Jorvik but he's still having a very bad no good time with the side effects, and he's still mad at her for letting him die.
This is the idea that I like working with the most so far, but I'll update y'all if there's something better in the works! :^D
As for Sabine: I was in a weird headspace while making that little comic of Hunter and Sabine up in Dinosaur Valley. At the time, it was just intended to be the end of Hunter's story. He'd be a spooky character who haunts the forest up in the valley as a ghost and that's that. Maybe the world's doomed by Garnok now, maybe the keepers find someone to replace him. Hunter doesn't know, he's dead on a mountainside and doomed to spend eternity wandering in search of an escape from Sabine.
A couple weeks after making that scene, I decided I didn't want that to be the end of his story. Just because it's kind of sad :( As much as I delight in making Hunter's wildly out of place string of crimes for a backstory, and making him experience endless horrors, Star Stable's very much a happy game for me. It's something I couldn't afford as a 10 year old but desperately wanted, and bought for myself with adult money a decade later to live out some old horseboy dream with beloved pixel horsies. :) To end my first (and so far only) player character's story there feels like a disservice, so I've got that scenario tucked away as a sort of AU/alternate timeline thing. It's still very fun to draw and think about because I love giving characters horrors to experience, but I want him to keep going on horse adventures in Jorvik :D
I decided that he does in fact die there in the Hidden Valley though. Not many people can survive that kind of thing after all. Aideen, however, decides she doesn't want to lose her vessel just yet, and Hunter's resurrected through a combination of the power of horsies and friendship Aideen's connection to the star circle and WizardEgg's (Starter horse) Starbreed magics. Magical resurrection results in the ability to channel more of Aideen's magic, but also the worsening of side effects, and a glowing star-shaped scar on his forehead that appears when using said magic.
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^Old doodle from when I was playing around with negative side effects of magic :)
The whole scene creates a point of tension between he and Aideen. Hunter thinks Aideen could have done more to prevent it, and isn't particularly fond of the new, worsened magical side effects. Aideen isn't mortal and so doesn't think the way mortals do. She sees her vessel as having gained more power, and knows he'll come to understand the value of that power in the future. She's right, but he's still going to be mad about it.
As for Sabine? Hunter's still scared of her! Her and all the dark riders! They're spooky 👻 and he's a bit of a coward! Hunter lost a lot of his nerve/confidence with his memories during the boating incident, along with coordination and a couple other odds and ends.
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brain-rot-central · 1 month
I think I saw part of that debate too, about AA eventually and surely seeking other consorts in the future besides Tav AND without Tav's consent. What's weird is that a lot of people were trying to base this off of Astarion being poly himself or being okay with Tav having flings so they're like "you just can't accept that he's not monogamous, you were never going to be his only partner. of course he will want others!!!!". I know this is another whole another discourse but I think it's very clear in the game that he's never consenting to Tav having a whole other emotional and romantic relationship with anyone else either as Spawn or Ascended. Just sex only. Yes, even the Halsin thing he views it a fling for Tav and furthermore, he never ever seeks additional partners in the game by himself or shows interest in this by bringing up the topic of being poly himself. He's very happy being with Tav only in both paths (so yes, AA included) if you don't pursue others, so it's quite a leap to claim he will suddenly change his mind the moment the game ends. I think some of these people just want the AA path to be as miserable as possible for those who enjoy it and they know claiming things like this will get people mad.
He's okay with you sleeping with Halsin because it's not an entire other relationship. It's not like Halsin is becoming the third in your relationship. Halsin doesn't abide by traditional relationship standards; he doesn't look at love, sex, or intimacy as possessive. Those things are free to come and go just as nature does. In short, Halsin is no threat to him. That's why Astarion doesn't give a shit. He understands that Halsin isn't going to be staying in his house, so to speak lmao
The rest I think is up to how you characterize AA. If you think he's a straight up bastard who would actually use and abuse you, then sure. He'd sleep with half the city, simply because he can and you have no say because you're him bride/spawn. And that's a completely valid take on him, but personally I don't agree with it.
AA would seek the comfort of another only if a) you died; b) you broke up with him before he turned you; or c) out of desperate need so he doesn't run back to you. Like it's been so long and he just needs to fuck someone, but he'd be thinking of you the entire time.
Like I said before, I don't think he'd mind adding a third to your relationship, but that's something you both have to discuss first. And again, Halsin is no threat to him. That's why AA/Spawn both do not care. He also finds Halsin attractive, so I'm sure that helps too lmao
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quadrantadvisor · 2 months
Was desperate enough to use the search function to find posts about The Host by Stephenie Meyer and I just wanted to say, I love your takes and I agree with everything.
The love square never made sense. Jared and Melanie were impossible to root for because the sole basis of their love was that Melanie felt safe with him and Melanie was the last woman on Earth to Jared, and then neither of those things turn out to be true so all they have is intense sexual chemistry. And especially in contrast to Ian and Wanda, how and why am I supposed to care about them? And there is no reason for Wanda to love Jared. I get her falling in love with him through Melanie’s memory of him, but the reality ought to have shattered that illusion for both of them IMO. Especially for Melanie, because he’d rather scream at and hit her body rather than even entertain the hope she might be in there. Sure, he protects it from other humans, but then he abuses it, so that’s not in fact protection; it’s possession.
The gender bioessentialism never made sense. Sure, Wanda’s in a female body and can make the choice to reproduce, which is super cool. But given that her sense of gender hinges on that ability to reproduce and given that that ability is super rare, why would other Souls gender themselves? I think being agender or someone who just didn’t give a damn about pedantic human gender roles would have been super interesting for Wanda’s character and I think it would have added more dimension to her and Ian’s relationship. He barely had to struggle with the fact that the body she was in belonged to an attractive cisgender girl and he was a cishet man, in spite of Meyer’s weak attempts to call that into question. The gender question might have thrown him for more of a loop.
Contrast that to Jared’s very comphet interpretation of his relationship with Melanie, and ooh baby, we’ve got a stew!
Also would have liked more exploration on ethics in general. Why do the Souls care about the well-being of the organisms on the Fire Eater planet but not on Earth? Instead of stopping from eating them, do they steal their bodies too? And the humans killing other humans in an attempt to save them: Is it okay to murder them if they’re the ones doing the murdering, like before?
Sorry for the long ask. I just have a lot of thoughts. Please feel free to block and ignore if this is too weird. Genuinely no intention to bother or offend and I’m sorry if I have.
Oh man I'm always ready to rant about The Host with people!
Yeah I feel like Meyer thought she was saying something really deep about human nature and the way that our instincts drive us? And there is something there, like, your body having a reaction to another person and that affecting your behavior is interesting! In my opinion she just went WAY too far with it, and it makes the characters seem unrealistic and childish. The ways that both Melanie and Wanderer act around Jared are bizarre (this may partially be my ace spectrum talking but like, c'mon.) Jared just kinda sucks, also. The whole idea that there's this inherent magnetism between MEN and WOMEN and that that physical attraction is the most important thing in the world is so heteronormative and amatonormative and uncomfortable
And the book was SO CLOSE to having an interesting take on gender! Examing the genders and/or lack thereof of a body-snatching alien species could be so fun! There's even the mention of the alien species with three genders, and talking about their family structures. You would think that something like that would indicate a more expansive view on gender, but really it's just an extrapolation of more bioessentialism. Because that species has those biological sexes, their families MUST be steucturedin this way, because that's what's natural for them. There's no room for variability or different sorts of feelings. She completely equates gender with biology, even when that biology is being coopted by a hitchhiker.
You're so right about Ian and Wanderer, I would love more examinations of how different she is from humans, including in a gender sense, and them having to deal with that as a part of their relationship. Setting up Jared as someone very entrenched in social norms and Ian as a foil to him in that way sounds really interesting!
Soul society and ethics are SO fascinating. I do sincerely think that Meyer is an compelling fantasy and sci fi world builder, if nothing else.
It's late and I feel like I'm a little incoherent but I love getting to chat about this book, it's so infuriating but so fun, now I want to read it again.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
captive prince book 1 highlights & annotations
chapter 9
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
He dredged up all the knowledge he had regarding the treatment of slaves. Some of the questions he was asked he had no idea how to answer.
context: damen really doesn’t know much about slaves, except what he’s been shown. 
craft note: indicates unreliable narration of the topic
Just for a moment he remembered Torveld making love to Laurent on the balcony, but the hair was a shade too dark, and curled.
hey what the fuck? “making love,” that’s definitely a choice of words. they were just standing there. laurent pretty much outright told damen he wasn't having fun. if i didn't know any better, i'd almost say that damen is jea—
Laurent was too close to guessing the truth already.
oh baby girl you never stood a chance
‘I’m looking forward to a renewed relationship with Vere, after his ascension.’ Because he’s bewitched you, Damen thought. Because you’re moonstruck and you have no idea of his nature.
“unlike me, who knows his nature, and is still into him anyway”
Considering Nicaise’s loyalties, it was strange that Laurent had seemed drawn to him—had seemed even oddly to like him—but who knew what went on in that maze of a mind?
you’ll figure it out when you re-read, damen
Laurent’s fussy horse began acting out again, and he leaned forward in the saddle, murmuring something as he stroked her neck in an uncharacteristically gentle gesture to quiet her. 
horse girl laurent <3
It was wasteful of nature to have bestowed those looks on one whose character was so unpleasant. Laurent’s fair skin and blue eyes were a combination that was rare in Patras, rarer in Akielos, and a particular weakness of Damen’s. The golden hair made it worse.
damen likes blondes #5. very specifically about laurent, with extra appreciation for his other features!
‘He’s even nicer in person. Did you know he came and talked to me?’ said Erasmus. ‘—He did?’ said Damen. It was something he couldn’t imagine. ‘He asked about . . . what happened in the gardens. Then he warned me. About last night.’ ‘He warned you,’ said Damen. ‘He said that Nicaise would make me perform before the court and it would be awful, but that if I was brave, something good might come at the end of it.’ Erasmus looked up at Damen curiously. ‘Why do you look surprised?’ ‘I don’t know. I shouldn’t be. He likes to plan things in advance,’ said Damen.
‘I have a kind master,’ said Damen. He did pretty well in getting the words out, all things considered.
he soooo doesn’t want to admit that laurent did a decent thing
‘You’re—in love with him?’  ‘Not quite,’ said Damen.
not yet
‘there is no honour in obedience’
piece of an important series theme, especially related to the institution of slavery and the conflation of sex and power. follow this thread.
‘Yes. That is—I . . . I will be a little frightened, but so obedient,’ said Erasmus. And blushed again.
erasmus and torveld are an interesting foil to damen and laurent. erasmus is happily obedient to torveld, and torveld is going out of his way to be considerate and kind to a person/possession who knows nothing but obedience. damen and laurent, meanwhile, refuse to profess or accept obedience respectively, and they are neither considerate nor kind to each other. but in this most recent episode, they’ve recognized the honorable traits they share through their interactions with others, and have unintentionally laid the groundwork for mutual respect.
through getting to know laurent, damen is figuring out that niceness is not necessarily a sign of goodness. he can’t trust people just because they seem good, or because he wants to believe that they’re good (like the regent and kastor). combine this misplaced trust with laurent’s cruelty towards damen (which he believes is impersonal, even though we know it’s because damen killed laurent’s brother), and it makes sense why he can’t see what’s right in front of him: 
laurent is somehow the most morally decent person with any kind of authority in this court, and he’s a total cast-iron bitch about it.
He was the one had to stick a sword through the mare’s throat and put her down. The Prince tore strips off him for not doing it fast enough.
another little “laurent is a good person, just not in the obvious way” hint — mercy killing
‘Something to say?’ said Laurent. ‘I heard you killed your horse.’ ‘It’s just a horse,’ said Laurent. ‘I’ll have my uncle buy me a new one.’ These words seemed savagely to amuse him; there was a jagged, private edge to his voice.
sometimes life sucks so bad you just have to laugh. damen sees the comment as aloofness and cruelty, but i think laurent is just coping.
‘The Prince doesn’t want me to fuck him,’ said Damen.
it’s interesting that damen both knows and verbalizes this. he says himself that he doesn’t understand laurent, but he also is certain that laurent doesn’t want to use him as kastor intended. is it an insult or compliment to laurent? neither? both? or is it just an impulsive response, since this has been implied so many times before?
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ryuichirou · 10 months
More replies! Related to our KaliJami comic + our post from yesterday, and, as always, about some other stuff. There are also some spicier ones at the end of the post.
Anonymous asked:
I'm guessing the latest comic is before they became first years.
Yep! I don’t know if we got any info about how exactly it went in canon, but I’m guessing Kalim didn’t take the fact that they would be separated for the first time very well.
Ironically, I think he got over it right before he got transferred to the NRC lol And all that emotional growth (well, an attempt) went out the window.
Anonymous asked:
Jamil's side of KaliJami is basically that one post that's like 'my favorite trope is when a character realizes they're in love with another character and instead of being cute about it, they're just like "No, fuck, god why?!"'
Yeah, exactly! If Jamil really was to realise that he is in love with Kalim, it would probably be the worst news ever for him lol He’d probably be disappointed in himself too…
Anonymous asked:
Azul X Jamil is the definition of comedy, while Kalim X Jamil is the definition of tragedy. Yeah, I wonder if Azul and Kalim is jealous to one another?
That’s a nice way to look at it, Anon. And together they create an absolute insanity in Jamil’s mind lol
I don’t think Kalim would be jealous at first. He seems to be genuinely happy when Jamil gets along with someone. If anything, if he found out that Jamil slept with Azul, he would assume that Jamil is in love with him and that they are dating, and would try to support them. But I still feel like deep inside he would feel the sting of jealousy, similarly to how he felt it when Jamil was chosen instead of him as a lead vocalist in ch5. How far is he going to take this jealousy? Who knows. Maybe we’ll play around with this theme in the future.
Azul, on the other hand, is very jealous by nature, plus easily annoyed by naïve and gullible people. So while he isn’t antagonistic towards Kalim (he is an Asim after all, Azul has to stay friendly with him), he would still definitely feel jealous. His relationship with Jamil is supposed to be mutually beneficial and not romantic, but Azul has a crush, so of course he’s going to be petty about it lol Nothing of this will be shown to Kalim, he’s way to profitable for Azul to put his own feelings above his gain
Anonymous asked:
Has Ortho been jealous about anyone close to Vil? I knew you talked about Neige but what about Jack. They knew each other way longer than anyone. And what about Rook? Sure Ortho likes him...but we know who he is.
It’s always a bit weird with Ortho and honestly depends on a scenario you want to go with, because the whole jealousy spectrum is possible with this boy lol
I can easily see him coexisting with Rook and Jack and all those people, but I can also see him trying to act like everything is okay, but feeling extremely jealous and possessive. He isn’t used to sharing – his closes person (Idia) is entirely his own, and while he wants him to make friends, he knows that Idia isn’t going anywhere. But Vil is popular, and there are a lot of eyes on him, and a lot of people are close to him.
I don’t think he’ll have a rivalry with Rook – I actually feel like they would bond over their possessiveness in a weird way lol But I can also see Ortho getting teasing and clingy with Vil, just to assert his dominance and make everyone remember that even though there are other people close to Vil, he, Ortho, is the most special boy.
Anonymous asked:
Thoughts on malleus x cater 🤔 the size difference is surely something to consider
Replied here!
In general, every Malleus is great because of just how big he is… all the other characters are so small next to him~
Anonymous asked:
i'm the exceptions anon, and thank you for answering, that makes a lot of sense!
Of course! <3 I’m glad I managed to clarify what I meant.
Anonymous asked:
I’m not sure if you’ve answered something like this before, but what are your thoughts on mobs with characters? The beach scene in book 5 has a lot of…potential…with Deuce and Epel
Anon wait
Anon let me grab the loudest mic in the universe
We absolutely love anything with mobs, doujins and scenarios with mobs in general are one of our absolute favourites LOL I can’t even stress just HOW MUCH WE LOVE IT.
And YES THE BEACH SCENE IN BOOK 5!!! Of course Deuce and Epel managed to not only escape but also fight the guys, but the potential… the potential is too sweet not to think about how else the scene could’ve ended. Deuce and Epel are also kind of perfect for this type of thing, both of them are so cute and pretty, and oh how horrible it would be for them to get outnumbered and mistreated for being so cute. Especially Epel, who basically seduced them with his cuteness in the actual scene anyway lol
In general, twst has a surprising amount of scenes that could lead to steamy mob/character sex, but I guess this is what happens when 85% of the student body consists of spooky douchebags with no eyes.
I gotta draw something with mobs one day…
Anonymous asked:
Flojami when Floyd fucks Jamil brutally and pulls his hair real hard that's when Jamil realized he's a bit of a masochist (<- would never admit it)
See, this is why Jamil doesn’t like being around the octa-boys: they make him learn a lot of things about himself LOL but never to this degree, this is purely Floyd’s merit.
But yeah, Floyd is probably the most perfect sexual partner to unlock Jamil’s inner masochist: he’s mean, he’s chaotic and he doesn’t give a shit. Jamil would tell him to never do this type of stuff without permission (or AT ALL!!), but they both know that the fact that Jami didn’t expect it made it much more pleasurable to him.
Anonymous asked:
I finally got around to reading your dad hcs, and because I am obsessed with diasomnia forever and ever, I cannot stop thinking about Silver as a dad.... Would he have sex with his own kid(s) if he thinks it's just as normal as any other parent-child activities or training? He's such a good man, and if he followed his instincts more, he would be the perfect dad, but if he's trying to immitate his beloved father's parenting.... 😔
Sdfsdf ANOOOON!!! 😭 The Vanrouge methods of alternative fae parenting survives another generation. This is so beautifully cursed.
Well to be completely fair, I doubt Silver would do it, because, just like you’ve said, he has his good man instincts, and they usually lead to him making right decisions. He also has some common sense (despite Lilia’s hard work…), which we’ve seen in that vignette in which Sebek and he tried to take care of a baby bat.
At the same time, Silver definitely doesn’t think that him having sex with Lilia was a bad thing, SO LOL I guess the only reason he wouldn’t do it to his own kids would be because he wouldn’t want to.
But at the same time!!
Would Silver think at any point think that it’s his responsibility to teach the young ones how to fuck someone properly, i.e. lend his butt to them for educational purposes? He would. And he would be so proud of their achievements…
Raising an army of future little Lilia Vanrouges, one tiny top at a time.
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girl4music · 4 months
I don't want to come off as weird, but as someone who doesn't like (but accepts that it's canon) Xena x Gabrielle (since I always saw it as sisterly thing (doesn't help that I thought Gab was like barely 18 and Xena in her 30s), I'm genuienly curious at what season they decided to go for Xena / Gab cuz I grew up with early seasons and there was just sisterly mentorship and constant switching male love interests and no gay teasing.. Imagine my flabbergasted state when I finally found some later seasons episodes and suddenly they're in Japan???, Xena has a daughter I think????, Gabrielle cut her hair???, I think they got crucified??? Xena died??? AGAIN, WHY ARE THEY IN JAPAN???? Gay teasing??? Gabrielle is no longer an innocent sunshine cinnamon but like... depressed and angy???? I was so confused what happened 😭😭💀 (I wish we got at least reunion special, this show (along with Charmed) was my everything as a kid)
It’s anyone’s guess when they suddenly became a thing since the nature of Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship is left down to interpretation. The creators/cast/crew leaned more towards a romantic interpretation which is why the later seasons are more blunt with the subtext between them and even some episodes (like ‘The Ring Trilogy’) are more maintext.
I think most of the shipper fandom unanimously agrees that they became something more than friendship in ‘The Quest’ when Gabrielle had admitted to being in love with Xena prompting Xena (who was possessing Autolycus’ body at the time) to lean in for a kiss. After that, they were in romantic/sexual territory as canon best friends that are in love if not a canon couple. And I think that’s where the creators themselves wanted to leave it at. Best friends and soulmates that are in love. It’s anyone’s guess whether they became actually officially committed.
There isn’t much evidence in the show to say that the nature of their relationship was sisterly or familial in a platonic way since the creators/cast/crew agreed with the shipper fandom and embraced the queerness of both characters but it’s just as valid an interpretation of their relationship too. What is understood is that they shared a ‘love’ connection that went beyond the romance due to the soulmates aspect and although I personally believe that they were physical lovers too and an official couple in the last two seasons of the show, I tend to talk about that more than anything.
As for the last two episodes that happened in Japan. Most fans prefer to think and believe that it didn’t happen. I am not one of them. I like ‘AFIN’. I don’t necessarily agree with the plot itself but I do like the beautiful aesthetics of it and I thought it was an appropriate endgame for both characters. That Xena chose to stay dead and sacrifice her happiness to be ultimately redeemed and Gabrielle took up the mantle of the Warrior Princess and continued Xena’s legacy. I don’t agree that Xena should have had to do that but I accepted that she chose to do that and respected her wishes like Gabrielle did as it wasn’t about ‘the greater good’. This was about respecting Xena’s bodily and mental autonomy. The way I look at it is that while it shouldn’t have been that way because it was unfair, Xena herself chose it to be that way because she didn’t forgive herself and believed it was justice that she had to stay dead to avenge the lives of all she damned. It’s not a nice message. But it is a realistic situation in their world - in Xena’s harsh Universe. I see it as her final test or challenge in seeking her ultimate redemption and I think - well, she had to die first in this lifetime anyway given all they set up with their next lifetimes as Arminestra and Shakti in India. So whether it be at that moment or years down the line when they were old and grey doesn’t really matter. Xena never believed she’d ever reach that point in life. She knew she’d die with a sword in her hand and that was her Way in this lifetime. The Way of the Warrior.
I am not saying I completely agree with the ending as it is. But I am saying I understand it and I understand Xena’s state of mind and therefore her final choices. If she didn’t get to have that agency in the narrative, I wouldn’t have accepted it at all. I respect her wishes and therefore I do not consider it to be bury your gays like most of the fandom do. I think there’s enough there in the narratives and themes to justify it as an a realistic conclusion to ‘Xena’ even if not a happy one.
As for Gabrielle being 18 and Xena being almost in her 30’s when they first met. … I mean I’ve written about this before with Waverly and Nicole in ‘Wynonna Earp’. The old/young dynamic and age differences isn’t really a problem so long as it’s written well and it’s made clear that the older one does not groom the younger one. That they wait to start anything romantic/sexual between them till the younger one is of age or if they already are of age - till the younger one chooses to start a romantic/sexual relationship.
The younger one has to be the driver of what’s going on. The older one has to stay distant and let them set the pace of the relationship between them if it is to evolve into romantic/sexual territory. It’s made clear particularly with Xena that she likes the young’uns most of all and it certainly does seem like she’s a bit of a groomer in her Evil Xena era but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she is when she’s all about conquering. Gabrielle could have been another Anakin or M’Lila or Akemi. But given Xena waited until Gabrielle was of age and let Gabrielle set the pace of where their relationship went… it’s not as much of a problem as it’s made out to be. There’s been much worse handling of this old/young dynamic in other shows.
Xena is relatively okay as far as that whole thing goes to me because Xena always asks or waits for consent. I don’t know whether I can say this about her Evil Xena era but since it’s never shown on screen how she interacts with her young ‘companions’ I don’t think it’s something that we need to concern ourselves with. She was evil after all. I doubt that was just murder and there’s plenty a Conquerer fanfic to explore all that. The Good Xena however - the Xena we know and love - she’s a very respectful and kind lover if it bothers you about the age difference between Xena and Gabrielle in viewing them in a romantic/sexual relationship. If it really is an issue for you in viewing that way, stick to the more sister/familial viewing and interpretation.
As I said above several times. It is anyone’s guess when and where. It’s just most of the shipper fandom unanimously agrees that it happened in ‘The Quest’ and Gabrielle was a consenting adult by that point and had already lost her virginity. So it’s not a problem. If you really want to know how to handle this terribly, watch Buffy and Angel in ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’. Old/young romantic/sexual dynamics in TV art/entertainment - be it whether they’re same-sex or not - are generally handled better today than back then because there is much more awareness and education on what constitutes as ‘consent’ and what does not. As I mentioned above: ‘Wynonna Earp’ and the same-sex romantic/sexual old/young dynamic between Waverly and Nicole (WayHaught) is handled extremely well as they make it clear that Waverly is who drives it. Who initiates all physical intimacy or sexual contact and Nicole is always shown to ask or wait for consent.
Sorry this response was so long.
There was a lot to answer.
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