#it's too weird and freaky! brother you are in a shakespeare class
girlbloggerdotcom · 4 months
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Hamletmachine, Heiner Müller.
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years
Thought it’d be fun to do the old school Monster High profiles for my 4 MH ocs
Violet Afton
Daughter of Michael Afton/Glamrock Freddy
Killer Style: a lot of neon with a strong 80s aesthetic. Loves big poofy clothing, the brighter, the better.
Freaky Flaw: has a tendency to be attracted to things that are dangerous for her and has bad stage fright
Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: n/a (can’t taste and food is bad for her gears)
Biggest pet peeve: stories that don’t make sense
Favorite activity: singing with friends/family and writing fix it fics
Pet: mangle the second, a dog animatronic that got damaged over time and rebuilt by violets older brother, Gregory
Favorite school subject: literature. Loves writing and finding any way to write better
Least favorite school subject: computer programming. Was always more her brothers thing
Lucille Demon
Daughter of the ink demon
Killer style: punk mixed with 30s lady fashion. Combining such an old style with such a rebellious one is appealing to her
Freaky Flaw: hotheaded and very brash. Likes to be loud and proud but can easily overdo it. Also she can turn into a giant, very dangerous beast when pissed off enough
Favorite color:black
Favorite food: Halloween cookies (the ones made black with charcoal stuff)
Biggest pet peeve: people who say animation is a genre
Favorite activity: pranking and spooking people, especially with her dad
Pet: does Boris count?
Favorite school subject: animation class
Least favorite school subject:history. Too much religious s••t
Alyssa Isabella
Daughter of Monika
Killer style: kawaii/Japanese school girl. Adores pastels and cutesy stuff
Freaky flaw:very naive and copies what others do when she’s confused/nervous. Does not do well with being alone
Favorite color:pastel green
Favorite food: calamari
Biggest pet peeve: fandom drama on social media. She’s just here to have fun and ship cute couples. Why does everyone have to complain about something?
Favorite activity: scrolling/posting on social media. Loves joining in roleplay blogs and channels and has many many roleplay blogs
Pets:n/a. Couldn’t have one programmed in
Favorite school activity: theater. Is really good at Shakespeare
Least favorite school subject: math. She’s good at it but it’s SO boring and the teachers get so annoyed when you don’t show your work
Huxley Wuggy
Son of Huggy Wuggy/Kissy Missy
Killer style: furs, layers and long sleeves. Anything that wraps around him and feels comforting
Freaky flaw: insane anxiety. Not at all a risk taker and gets nervous by many many things
Favorite color:yellow
Favorite food: raw meat, but doesn’t wanna tell others cause he knows it’s weird
Biggest pet peeve: people touching him without his permission. I didn’t say you could touch my hair. Why are you grabbing me? Don’t hug me stop it stop stop it
Favorite activity: volunteering to work at the daycare or read to kids. He has a lot of anxiety but loves kids and finds their presence warm and calming
Pet: catbee
Favorite school activity: home economics
Least favorite school activity: public speaking. Got forced to take it and hates every second there
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