#it's too bad woojin isn't here ; o ;
jeon-woong · 4 years
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breathe — (seoul music awards, 200130)
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sungieskies · 5 years
Demons - I
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Demon! Gang! AU
A collab story with @doubleknot42
Summary; lee miso tries to summon a demon, summons an asshole.
Genre; Angst, fluff?
Warnings; cussing, violence
Words; 1.3k
A/N; this is written in second person but when the main character is addressed she will be addressed with The name Lee Miso.
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You sat down on your bed, sighing as ypu looked at the book in front of me. It was a book on Demons, you knew it wouldn't do anything but wanted to try and summon a demon. You open the book to the page with the spell on it and read it over before grabbing the candles you needed. You grab your lighter and lit all 5 candles before setting them up correctly.
Once everything was set up, you looked back down to the book. You sigh gently before chanting the spell (Im lazy so I'm not putting a spell 😂). You squeaked as all the candles suddenly went out and ypur mirror cracked. You closed your eyes after seeing everything happen and sat there shaking. You thought nothing was going to happen so when something did, your bad bitch persona left and you looked like a scared puppy instead.
You opened your eyes once all the noises stopped, thinking everything had died down. You were wrong as right in front of you stood a male in all black, glaring down at you. "You summon me and then act like a child, god I hate people like you. 'Lets summon a demon. This will be fun' well sweetheart i have something to tell you, this isn't fun for me. You are interrupting my damn work." The male spoke, his voice deep and dark. You sat there dumbfounded as you had actually summoned a demon and the first thing put of the demons mouth is trash talk.
You slowly stood up and looked at him before making the bold move to try and touch him. The male tsked and teleported away to a corner of your room. "Don't fucking touch me..." He growled out. "I'll send you to hell if you do.." You roll your eyes before trying to touch him once again. You push against his chest gently before squealing as he grabbed you roughly and threw you to the ground, growling as he did. "Look Princess, learn to listen and shit doesn't happen to you" he spoke before putting his hand around your neck and gripping tightly. You choke and cough, trying to get air. You cry out and scratch at his arms, cutting into him. He hisses and pulls away as he holds his bleeding arm "why the fuck are your nails so sharp..." He says as you get on your knees, coughing and gasping. "You owe me your soul...or I'm killing you." He growled out. You nodded, not even thinking about what he said since you were still light headed.
He laughed at you "stupid girl...you are now owned by a demon..." He said as he gripped your hair and started whispering something but you passd put before hearing it all. You woke up and looked around, you were in your room but something felt off. The mirror was fixed, your closet was suddenly full of nothing but black and white clothes and you felt empty. You got up and walked to the door, going to open it. Once it was open You were greeted by unfamiliar faces. One of them came up to you, he looked familiar and then you saw the bandages on his arms. He was the one from your room, the one who almost killed you. You instictivly back away from him, trying to go back into the room you just came from but the door didn't want to open. He got closer and close to you and eventually you could feel his breath against your cheek. You whimpered and started shaking as you were finally scared of him.
"So it really takes me dragging you to hell for you to be terrified of me? Pathetic..." He spits out before grabing your arm. You scream before feeling a hand hit your mouth and cover it "shut it..." He growls. He then pushes You back into the room and to the bed. "You stay in here...no body knows you-" he was cut off by another male, skinny and much taller than the one infront of you. "Changbin who the hell is this? Why do we have a human here?" The taller one asks. "Goddamnit..hyunjin just leave. Now!" The one holding you to the bed, now known as Changbin, yells out. You watch then scared and your shaking never stopped. As Changbin turned his head, you were passed out once again. He sighs and leaves the room to deal with Hyunjin.
When you awoke the second time, you were surrounded by 9 people. One of which gently held you down as you tried to get up. "Don't get up... You have too many needles in you to get up." The male spoke gently. He sounded much nicer than Changbin and you welcomed the calming voice. You laid back down on the bed and sighed softly before your eyes opened wide "n..needles?" You ask softly "for what...?" You continue with another question.
"You're Lee Miso aren't you? You have a ton of medication that you take so I'm making it easier on you and giving it through an IV..." The male said. You calmed down and nodded "w..who are all of you...?" You asked quietly, your eyed looking around at all the faces. The one taking care of you opens his mouth first. "My name's Woojin...but to make this simple so you don't ask...we are all demons..." He spoke softly as you went to open your mouth, but you soon closed it when he answered your question.
You nodded before your eyes travled to the next male, the youngest looking one. "Name's Jeongin..." He said quietly, his braces making him look even younger. The next one was the one who came into the room while changbin wss pushing you earlier. "Hyunjin" he said as he waved before looking at your neck "damn Changbin...you really did a number on her neck...those bruises are dark..." Changbin rolled his eyes "shut up...she'll live..." He said coldly. Soon enough you had been introduced to all the boys, all of them but Changbin and chan looking concerned about your body. "Why did you bring a human here?" Chan asked as he glared at Changbin. "For one, why the hell are you asking weakling... You're the one who brought the slut here. And for two i took her soul, didn't expect she'd come down to hell with it." Chan rolls his eyes before leaving the room.
You watch him before looking at woojin, he had an apologetic look on his face. "I need to take the needles out..." He said softly. You nod "o-okay..." You said and closed your eyes as he started taking them out. It hurt but it was way less of a pain then changbin trying to strangle you. You soon sat up as the needles were finallt out. All the boys leave besides Changbin, making you really worried.
"Stop being so scared. I'm not gonna kill you" he said as he came over to you. "I'm sorry about earlier but you were pissing me off. Also, this is an exact replica of your old room minus your clothes and belongings we couldn't duplicate. The clothes in the closet are my old clothes..and your laptop is on your desk. Tell me if you need anything..." He said, sounding a lot less mean than he did earlier. You slowly got out of bed after he left the room and you went to the closet to change into something that wasn't the hospital gownesc clothing you had on. As you stripped the dress and your bra off, you heard the door open again. You turn to the door to see Changbin standing in shock as he wasn't expecting to see you without clothes or a bra on. He blushed deeply as did you. You cover your breasts before huffing "what do you need..?" You ask softly. "I..i was just gonna tell youbwe ordered food...so you can come eat..since you have met everyone." He said before shutting the door. You sigh and grab one of the large hoodies in the closet before leaving the room.
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lee-minhc · 5 years
//Unlikely Friends\\ 6
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-a lonely,abused teen calls upon the devil himself for protection against anyone who harms her,and makes an u likely friend along the way
"minho.do i really have to go back?i don't like that house"i ask as i sit at the island in the kitchen.
"i mean.you don't have to.you are more than welcome to stay here."minho says,turning to face me.
i nod my head and jump up."thank you minho"i say softly as i back out of the room.
i walk to my room, and lay on my back,staring at the ceiling.i hear my door open,and turn my head to see hyunjin.
"want to go out?"he asks as he leans against the door.i shake my head."are you okay?"he asks as he furrows his eyebrows.
"i guess.yeah.i'm okay.yeah.i'm fine"i say as i nod my head.he walks up to me,raising an eyebrow.i look away from him and sigh out.
"i'm okay hyunjin"i say in a small voice.i feel the bed dip,and widen my eyes as i feel him grab my waist and pull me against him.
i turn my body toward his,and lay my head on his chest,draping an arm over his stomach."you sure?"he asks.
"i'm just tired.i haven't been sleeping a lot.everytime i try to sleep,i only get visions of minho's memories."i mutter.
"i love seeing his memories,cause i get to know him more.but i'm not getting a lot of sleep,and it's catching up to me"i mumble as my eyes start to droop.
"try to get some more sleep,jisoo"he says softly as he rubs my back.i finally close my eyes,and am immediately out like a light.
i see red flashing,and hear screams of agony.i watch as minho slowly walks up to a man strapped to a table.
"what did you to to katy?hmm?"minho breaths out.the man starts shaking.minho lets out a feral growl as his eyes flash red.
"not talking huh?"he smirks as he pulls up a knife and drags it along the mans chest.i feel tears slip down my cheeks."stop!"i cry out.
i rush forward to grab his arm,but my hands just go through him.i stumble back in shock and watch as minho drags the knife down the mans torso.
"minho!stop it!"i gasp out through the tears."what did you do to her!"minho shouts at the man.
minho drops the knife and wraps his hands around his throat,squeezing so hard his knuckles turn white.
i watch the mans eyes roll to the back of his head and scream."minho!your killing him!stop!please!"i sob out.
i feel my body shaking,and sob harder."please.please stop minho"i whimper out.i watch the man fall limp and sharply inhale.
"wake up.wake up!"i hear someone shout."jisoo!wake up.come on,wake up!"the same voice says in a panic.
i watch as minho smirks down at the mans corpse.he snaps his fingers and the man comes back to life.
"welcome back,you sick bastard.now tell me what you did to katy"minho spits evily.
"n-no"the man sputters out through jagged breaths.minho walks to a table against the wall and turn around with a bottle of whiskey and a match.
i watch as he takes a swig,and them pours the rest of the contents over the mans body,lighting the match and chuckling dryly as he drops the match onto the mans stomach.
"little bunny,come on.wake up for me"i hear minho say softly.i feel a soft touch on my face and flinch away.
i hear the mans screams echo through my head and cry out."make it stop.make it stop,"i whisper weakly as i throw my hands over my ears."make it stop!"i shout helplessly as i shake my head vigorously.
"little bunny,it's okay now"i hear minho say softly as i open my eyes.i see him standing in front of me and scream,backing away from him as fast as i can.
"n-no!"i cry out as i stare at him,only seeing the man he was from the vision.he moves toward me slightly and i whimper in fear.
"d-don't please"i whisper as i start shaking."jisoo.please.you have to understand.that isn't me"he tries to explain.
"then what the hell did i just have to watch!i couldnt even stop you,"i shout."m-my hands just went right through you!"i gasp out.
"jisoo.i'm so sorry"he says weakly."minho.please get out"i mutter.
i quickly get up and lock the door after he walks out,and ignore the boys when they come to my door,asking if im okay.
"jisoo.come on.open up"i hear woojin say.i sink further into the mattress and pull the blanket over my head.
i hear woojin sigh out and walk away.i fall asleep,and actually get some good sleep in before waking up in pain.
i shakily stand up and look at the clock.i see that it is 4am,and slowly walk to my door,instantly going to minho's room.
i open the door slowly and softly shut it after i slip in.i walk up to the side of the bed he is sleeping on and shake his shoulder lightly.
"m-minho"i strain out.i shake his shoulder again,and he opens his eyes."little bunny,what are you doing up?"he asks as he pulls me to sit in front of him.
"it hurts really bad"i whimper out.he furrows his eyebrows and then remembers.
"let me see"he says softly as he sits up and turns on the lamp next to his bed.i turn my back to him,and shakily pull my hair over my shoulder.
minho gently moves the collar of my shirt and sighs."it's just a bit swollen"he says in relief.he moves my shirt back and i whine in pain.
"it's from your shirt.the collar is too tight.you can borrow some mine till it's all healed up"minho says as he stands up and walks to his closet.
i widen my eyes at his bare back and quickly look away from him."here,you can borrow this one for now"he says
"t-thank you minho"i mutter as i take the shirt from his hand and quickly change.
"o-oh i didn't think you were gonna change in here"minho stutters out."it's not a big deal.i'm covered completely"i mutter as i hold my previous shirt tightly in my hands.
"hey.uh.i'm-i'm sorry for freaking out on you earlier"i say as i look up at him."i was just really scared cause the minho i saw,was not the minho i know.you-you were.i don't even know how to describe it"i breath out.
"you didn't hesitate to hurt him.i saw the pure anger and hatred in your eyes.it was scary.i had never seen that amount of negative emotion in anyone's eyes before"i say truthfully.
minho breath out as he sits down next to me,grabbing my hips and turning me toward him."i promise.i haven't been like that in at least 300,almost 400 years.i would never do anything like that again"minho explains.
"i believe you"i mutter.minho smiles softly as he pulls me into his chest."can i stay in here tonight?"i ask as i snuggle into his chest.
i hear minho chuckle,and then he lays down,holding me on top of him,my legs on either side of his torso.
i sit up,and stare down at him.he places his hands on my hips and lets them rest there.
i tuck my hair behind my ears and lay back down on his chest,resting my hand on his shoulder,the other one laying flat on his chest.i listen to his heart beat,and slowly fall back asleep.
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