#it's the way jack looked at all of the fun things you've sent recently and picked the one where he could be a Bitch and a Tease instead
trickstercaptain · 1 year
@shadowcovcn sent a meme: “Cravensworth's don’t do dishes.” - laszlo
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       “ Oh? So who does, then? The maid? ” He made an exaggerated point of looking around the room for the Upstairs, Downstairs-esque bell he ought to ring for assistance from the scullery maids living below their cramped city flat. Jack wasn't exactly sure when in this... living arrangement, he'd ended up being the one with his hands on his hips bitching about the state of their communal kitchen, but as an ignored only child who'd had the kitchen primarily to himself for all these years, and didn't like sharing at the best of times, it was all starting to get a little ridiculous.
       Laszlo hadn't moved from his position on the couch, meaning that it was clearly time for a different approach. Jack stalked over to where his companion was sat, approaching the sofa from behind, leaning down and winding his arms around the other man's neck. His lips brushed past his ear. “ It's not really doing the dishes, though, is it? You wash the dishes, stack them, dry them, put them away. You don't do them until they're panting, sweating, begging to be done even harder. ” He paused, grabbing a fistful of Laszlo's hair and roughly tugging at it. “ Which I may well be feeling inclined to let you do to me if you go out there and wash the dishes right now, my dear. ” Jack clapped him on the shoulder and withdrew — before glancing covertly at his watch to see if this would be a new record.
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rosesloveletters · 3 years
You said you needed some good vibes sent your way so here, have some Grogu memes, one f/o meme, some general encouragement and one (1) funny Bond meme that makes me laugh in asexual.
It's been a Week for me too, I hope it gets easier for both of us. You deserve all good things in this world, dear 💘💝💖💐
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Also while I'm at it, I'll throw in some gushing over my boys and horses if you don't mind:
Jack's not much of a horserider but he loves being around them and handles horses well enough that I've let him tag along for the slower rides we take after the horses on after they've had a long ride, to let them cool down a little.
He's doing great so far and it's a nice sight to see him on horseback.
Cas and I are still doing our regular rides and it's still a super lovely way to spend time with him.
I remember mentioning (probably when answering some ask) that Cas usually goes for the stallions 'cause he thinks the mares are too jumpy and geldings are "boring". I sually go for the geldings.
Also if Cas is judging my horse choice when I pick a gelding my favourite comeback is "You better watch out or I'll turn you into one." (Geldings are male horse that have had their 🍒 snipped off) It's all fun and games and to be taken with a grain of salt but I did love to watch the colour drain from his face the first time I said it.
even if he favours stallions he always goes for the lazier kind, he loves riding and a bit off a challenge but won't risk a serious injury on too difficult a horse.
And then there's Cowboy (incase you didn't read the recent ask, this is just good old platonic friendship)
When I tell you, this man has no sense of self-preservation whatsoever when it comes to horses (that's why I'm there to make sure he doesn't get himself killed) (he says that "getting 'almost' killed isn't a thing because if something 'almost' happened it doesn't count")
I worry over him sometimes but then again, he's an excellent horseman and at the end of the day I trust him not to take too big risks.
He's the one I usually take the horses out with to let off some steam, just letting them hallop their hearts out.
Don't tell anyone but sometimes we have do some racing for fun, galloping so fast it's all a blur, not really knowing where the horse ends and you begin. It's the best thing ✨
Oh my god this turned long, really hope it isn't any trouble 😗✌🏻 anyway, hope the rest of the week is more gentle on you, you deserve it ❤️
Magda, oh my goodness, look how much thought/effort/work/love you put into this ask I'm shaking🥺🥺🥺 I did ask for some good vibes, life's been kicking me while I'm down for the entire month, and it's not been kind to the rest of my family either. Without going in to much personal detail, I'm traveling out of town for a funeral this weekend, among all of life's other hellishness it's been throwing my way.
Thank you for these lovely memes and encouragement, dear. You've curated a beautiful array of positivity for me and all of this made me smile so many times; I love the Bond meme😂😂
I sincerely hope things get better for you as well, life has been cruel to all of us recently and it's really not fair. The world deserves a breather, I swear. You deserve lots of love, honey, and I hope you're getting all of the love you deserve from your loved ones, friends, f/os, etc. How are you doing? I am sending you so much love, positivity and flowers💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
THANK YOU for the beautiful gushing about your lovely boys (and horses!!) I enjoyed reading about you all!!! Jack seems like the type to be somewhat alarmed by the thought of riding a horse at first and then slowly building up to it and eventually greatly enjoying it and developing a sweet friendship with a favorite horse.
OMG poor Cas, the last thing he'd ever want is to become like a gelding😂😂
Honestly, I completely vibe with Cowboy's explanation that if something "almost happened" then it doesn't count😂😂😂 That's too funny!! I'm sure he really enjoying riding with you and getting that extra time to spend with you in that way. It's great to have someone you can do things like that with and it's wonderful that all of them really enjoy riding horses with you! How sweet are all of you?
That honestly sounds like the best time; it must be so fun to lose yourself in a world like that where the only thing that matters is the horse you're riding and your f/o's presence with you🥺❤️
No this is absolutely no trouble at all! I love and cherish everything that you send to me!! I really loved reading through all of this (might have read it a couple of times too🥺🥺) you're all so sweet and precious and you're such a good friend to me, dear.
Hope this weekend/next week is gentler on you as well. You deserve nothing but the best!! Sending you all my love and care❤️❤️❤️
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phynali · 4 years
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate how positive you've been about the SPN finale. You're probably the ONLY person I follow who has not been making fun of it. I confess I became super disenchanted with the show a long time ago, and definitely fell into the "mocking the ending" hole because of all the frustrations I'd had with it over the years. THAT BEING SAID I'm really glad that there are fans like you who really liked the ending. Thanks for helping me remember why I loved the show
The finale had a lot of emotions. and I think I get why people are upset about some of the things. 
It’s hard to watch Dean die so unceremoniously, impaled on rebar (which - I don’t know why people are making tetanus and rusty nail jokes. rebar is what they build bridges and building foundations on, that shit isn’t moving and will and does impale people). But I think an extreme emotional response to that, with frustration and anger, is totally warranted. Except to me, that’s the whole point? It’s frustrating and upsetting to be human. It’s frustrating and tragic that people die in such inglorious and messy ways. That our mortality is so present. And Dean wanted to be human, to exist outside of god’s story, to write his own narrative. And he got that, messy as is it. He got the ending he always knew he would (and wanted), dying while saving others (children, specifically). And got the ending he always wanted for Sam, with his brother having a long life and a family.
Maybe it helps that before watching the last 5 episodes, I most recently watched 1x12 Faith, where Dean is heading toward his first death and gets saved by someone else dying. And what’s always struck me about that episode is how inglorious his death would have been there as well. He was saving children and got electrocuted on a routine hunt. If it weren’t for magic, Dean would be dead at 26 in a parallel way to how he actually finally died at 41.
And I can get people being disappointed we didn’t see Cas. Tbh I am too, because I do like his character, even if his solo storylines don’t tend to excite me. 
But I’m pretty sure that without covid, Dean’s pyre would have been surrounded by all the surviving hunters and friends they’ve made along the way (alt universe hunters, Garth’s family, Jodi and Donna and the girls, etc), whereas in heaven he would have been greeted by not just Bobby but the rest of the friends and family he’d lost along the way (parents, Ellen and Jo, others), including Cas. And then he’d have driven off on his own only after that welcome. And the message would have been that each of them were supported, in both death (for Dean) and life (for Sam) by others until they could return to one another.
Alas, we never got that, which made it all feel even more tragic because Sam seemed so goddamn alone and I was gutted by that. 
But I also really liked Cas’s ending too?
Because Cas was explicitly stated to be in heaven, to be rebuilding it to be better alongside his son. And that parallels the Season 5 Swan Song finale ending but in a more uplifting way? Because in Swan Song, heaven was in disarray and he left earth to go try and help fix that shit, facing an uphill battle to do so. And in Season 15 Carry On, heaven was in disarray and he was plucked from the Empty by his son to help fix that, facing an easy path forward because he’s doing it with family. 
Also -- this completes his story. Cas is restoring the order he’s always wanted/needed to restore, pretty much since the start of his narrative (from season 4, when he first has doubts and rebelled, to season 6-7 when he wages war and tries to become god, to trying to fix it again and getting played by Metatron to staying out of it to being brought back into it all, to taking on Lucifer to beyond). If you zoom out, his full arc involves destroying/dismantling all that is wrong about heaven and the angels, then ultimately helping rebuild it right, now with Jack (God) finally at his side. 
Cas did it -- the thing he set out to do in Season 5: he found (a loving) God.
(As an aside I’ve seen a lot of memes about how Cas went to superhell but the Impala went to heaven, and I get the joke but I think a lot of people who don’t watch the show now think Cas really stayed in the Empty when he was legit in heaven even before Dean was, probably from the second Jack disappeared in ep 19.)
But all that being said, my strong impression is that a lot of people expressly and vehemently hated the finale specifically due to destiel not having any screentime and not being interpretable as endgame. 
And I know how upsetting it is to get your hopes dashed, but I really wish people could allow themselves to watch the finale outside of that bitterness. Because the show writers and cast and the narrative itself really has not, in the past 6-7 years, so much as hinted it’s ever going to happen. I’ve looked for it, I’ve analyzed it, and I’ve read the shipper analyses out of curiosity. And as a writer and avid fan and person who analyzes media a lot, it wasn’t heading there except that people really really really wanted to convince themselves the story was going to do that.  
I think people built themselves up for something that wasn’t going to happen by feeding off each other and buying into the new-fangled idea that it has to be ‘canon’ to be valid. This made them disengage from or distort what was being said in the text and caused them to ignore or dismiss what was being said by the people creating it. And now they’re mad and “betrayed” because what they read was not actualized, but I fundamentally believe they betrayed each other by creating false expectations and hopes where none were ever promised nor written in.
Not that there’s any issue at all with shipping it! I always give full support to all shipping. Just that it makes me sad that so much of the ire I’m seeing directed toward the finale and show now is about that, about bitterness of false expectations, rather than it being about engaging with the actual storytelling.
All feelings toward the finale are valid (though hate and mean messages being sent to the cast and crew really isn’t), and I get being sad and bitter. But yeah, I really really loved it, and reflecting on it as a writer has just made me love it more and more each time I dig deeper into some aspect of it. Whether you loved it or hated it, it was thought out and considered and carefully plotted and beautifully acted.
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"I hope you realize how much pain you've caused me." Said by Nakayama to Handsome Jack who has recently married (or mated) Rhys. Bonus points if Nakayama tries to persuade Jack in dubious ways and our favorite CEO has to be rescued by a VERY ticked off Rhys. (Bonus bonus points if its Purge That Urge Jack and company)
2/2 The idea that nakayama would spend literal years making an AI that’s a damn near perfect copy means that he knows a lot about Jack. Enough to do things like send him a bouquet of his favorite underwear, clone his ragged yellow sweater at perfect comfort level and strap him to a table in R&D saying he can fix his face. Oh but first let’s have dinner where he attempts to feed Jack pasta as he monologues. Everyone’s idea of the best first date (also maybe a “movie” of intimate moments of Jack)            
This was so up my goddamn alley THANK YOU anon(s?) :D 500 word drabble my ass, this bloated to over 7k haha. This fic is part of the Purge that Urge series AU. This fic labeled as What’s yours is mine. Also on my ao3 here :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
“God you’re so friggin’ weird…” Jack muttered in annoyance, chin in his palm as the diminutive, balding alpha in his office continued to go on about some experiment or whatever that would especially benefit from his personal attendance.  
“–and my personal research has shown that your glorious presence results in a four-point-three increase in success rates and–”
“Yeah yeah yeah, and what was this experiment again?” Jack asked without any real interest, going over the dinner plans he had with his cute little alpha back at home. Would Rhys want to cook together? The younger man had been laying the lovey-dovey shit on pretty thickly since the ceremony… and Jack knew he was lying to himself if he said he wasn’t enjoying the shit out of it. “Hybridization-lasers or whatever?”
“Ah, well, yes sir! In a sense! To force the growth of artificially-injected traits from previous gene-splicing to create SUPER soldier–”
“Who signed off on this again?” the omega CEO interrupted with dismissal, turning his attention to his comm. He smirked at a message from Rhys asking what he was in the mood for tonight, and Jack immediately answered it with a little tongue emoji followed by a hand making the peace sign. He smirked at what he imagined Rhys’ expression was as the younger man was immediately typing back.
>>Husbandface: I meant for dinner, Jack
The CEO almost snorted aloud to himself at that, wondering if the younger man was just having a bad day or if he needed some idiots airlocked. Then a second message followed that made a flame of want sputter up inside the older man.
>>Husbandface: …but ill take it under advisement ;)
Jack smirked to himself with glee at that winky face as he ignored the rambling, balding scientist going on about perfect DNA or whatever like a nerd, instead typing up a very lewd message to his lanky alpha littered with loads of emojis. He was gratified by the image Rhys sent back from his cubicle; a picture of where that stupid red tie disappeared into the top of the young alpha’s pants, followed by another of that gorgeous hand tugging it out. Jack grinned and sent back encouragement about being a ‘hard’ worker, snorting at the next series of pictures the younger man sent.
“–I know I can make this work, Handsome Jack, sir! You’ll be unstoppable, and with my army of upgraded–”
“Listen– Nakajima? Namakaya?-”
“Nakayama, sir!” the diminutive alpha corrected with excitement to be addressed. “Professor Nakayama.”
“Whatever-” Jack started as he turned from his comm with a grin and finally put his attention back on the balding researcher before him, “When exactly was this laser show gonna take place?” The man made an excited noise that Jack openly rolled his eyes at, and he drummed his fingers on the desk, patience running thin. Why had he taken this meeting again?
“I’d hoped to run it some time tonight, sir,” Nakayama said with what he considered one of his best smiles on display, his heart beating hard with excited anticipation. “I know it’s after business hours buuut I was thinking maybe the test can proceed after dinner, and–”
“Ha, yeah I’m gonna stop ya right there,” Jack said smoothly, tone condescending, though it appeared to completely go over the scientist’s head. Either the guy was a complete social dunce, or just another dime-a-dozen useless alpha trying to push his own agenda on the omega CEO.
It made his thoughts immediately return to Rhys, and the dirtiest picture of the lot that the young alpha had just sent from his own cubicle. Jack had the mind to leave work early and head for his pretty young husband’s floor to surprise him… and maybe have a little fun in the employee breakroom to make good on the things Rhys was taunting him with.
“Maybe you haven’t heard, but yours truly here? Recently got married, big hubbub and all that– and my time?- ain’t spent on half-cocked company crap after-hours when I’ve got some hot young thing waiting at home for me. Got it?”
The alpha researcher looked at him a bit blankly– like he was dazed and his mind was pleasantly somewhere else- and Jack couldn’t help much but relate with the feeling to the point that he was eager to see the surprised look of pleasure that would be on Rhys’ face when he showed up– and the slightly disapproving frown as he ultimately agreed to rail Jack in whatever closet the CEO could pull him into.
“I– I understand entirely, sir,” Nakayama said with a bit of a starstruck look, still standing before the dais where Jack’s desk was located. Jack wished he was standing directly over the hatch in the floor to hurry this along. “For your time to be used– Everything must be perfect.”
“Perfect, yeah, whatever.” The omega CEO himself was tapping his foot below the desk impatiently. “Right, cool, thanks for dropping by or whatever, don’t let the doors hit ya on the way out, bye-bye, git.” Jack shooed him out with his hand when he still stood there, and the balding alpha blinked a few times behind his slipping glasses and grinned widely, nodding and backing out of the office in a way that made Jack regret not dropping the idiot down the hatch in the floor.
With a smirk, the omega CEO pressed a button on his desk, speaking before his secretary had a chance. “Meg? Clear my schedule for the rest of the day, ‘kay kitten? I’m going home.”
“Y-Yes sir!” she promised as Jack was already rising from his desk and imagining the look that would be on Rhys’ face when he showed up on his floor.
It had been a while since he’d put a little fear into the younger man’s department, and he definitely hadn’t done it since they’d been married. Rhys had been griping that his managers still didn’t believe him– that he’d been the one to marry their CEO- which was fair as Jack hadn’t publicized it too heavily, but he did encourage gossip.
That Rhys had a picture of him and the CEO on his desk in his cubicle apparently wasn’t enough to convince the higher ups, but a visit down there might just take the snide looks from his husband, and Rhys couldn’t accuse him of meddling where the young alpha wanted to prove himself on his own merits.
Jack didn’t bother with his usual braying to alert the peons on this floor to his presence, instead playing a game with himself as to how deep into the department and Rhys’ own cubicle he could get before the younger man took notice of his presence.
Aside from looks of shock, fear, and apprehension, the use of Jack’s finger to his lip and a wink to any who caught sight of him kept them all quiet– if not confused- and the omega CEO counted it as a true feat of stealth since he was more important and larger than life, and very hard to ignore, in his own opinion.
He made it to Rhys’ little claustrophobic slice of the department floor with more or less total stealth, as Rhys maybe took note of the department going oddly quiet in some areas, but had paid it no mind otherwise. Only minor surprise was evident on the young alpha’s face as Jack leaned on the cubicle wall.
“Hey there, sugarpie,” Jack greeted as Rhys gave him a look that he was trying to make displeased, but there was no tempering that delighted smile, even as Jack gave a long-lingering look at the young alpha’s crotch as if in explanation as to why he was there. “You surprised to see me?”
“Maybe,” Rhys said with a lift of his brow. “It’s only another hour ‘til the workday is done, Jack.” He might’ve been going for unimpressed in tone, but there was a cheeky edge to it that the CEO quickly grasped on to with a smirk, and the sparkle in the younger man’s eyes was undeniable. Rhys might’ve engineered this little meeting, but Jack intended to make him follow it through.
“Yeah, well, you can blame yourself for that, pumpkin,” Jack told the lanky alpha as he bent slightly at the waist to take Rhys’ chin in his mouth, afforded minor privacy by the walls of the cubicle, though not optimistic enough to think eyes were anywhere else at the moment. “You’re the one who started shit.”
Rhys didn’t bother playing annoyed now, instead lifting his head further in invitation for a kiss. Jack bent just like he’d expected, but Rhys pulled back at the last minute, getting a denied-frown from Jack as the young alpha smirked. “And I fully intend to end it,” Rhys told him confidently before pressing forward to kiss the older man properly.
Jack huffed with laughter against his lips and pulled the younger man out of his desk chair as Rhys smugly took hold of Jack’s hips, squeezing a moment before letting go. The genuine smile on the young alpha’s face made the omega CEO’s stomach clench in almost-giddy anticipation, and he gave a tug to which Rhys followed, intending to make it very clear to this floor just who this pretty alpha was to him. “And you can start right now, kitten. In that janitor’s closet around the corner.”
“How do you know there’s a–”
“Don’t act like you don’t know the exact one I mean, Rhysie,” Jack said to the growing smirk on the younger man’s face.
“…The one further down the hall has a working lock.”
Jack just raised a brow but let the string bean alpha lead the way, aiming a shit-eating grin with far too much teeth back at the heads that had popped up from their cubicles to watch the CEO, and now quickly ducked back down to escape any comeuppance Jack might reign down upon them for what they’d seen.
Jack snorted at the delivery waiting on his desk a few days later, wondering if this was Rhys being cute for Jack’s post-sex comment the other night about how the younger man should go commando so he could easily fuck Jack at the drop of a hat, no matter where they were.
Less than twelve hours after that comment, and a bouquet of underwear sat on his desk, the CEO still snickering as he eyed the yellow ‘roses’ all nice and neat atop delicate ‘stems’ of green-painted wire.  
As far as creative burns went, it was a good one, though Jack still didn’t plan on giving up the commando lifestyle any time soon.
He did undo one of the ‘buds’ though, and then another, finding the cut and style to vary just a bit. It made the omega CEO smirk a little. Did Rhys maybe want him to spice it up a little? The single pair of yellow panties snuck in amongst the otherwise regular underwear made Jack lean back with a grin. He’d like to see Rhys in this, to be honest, but the dimensions wouldn’t fit correctly on the younger man as everything was Jack’s size. Didn’t mean Jack wouldn’t try, though.
He picked up his comm and sent a message off to the alpha, slowly moving back and forth in his big yellow chair as he typed.
>>HandsomeHero: got ur gift
>>HandsomeHero: think im gonna put this one on u tho ;)
Jack sent a picture of the panties he’d unrolled, smirking as he saw Rhys was already responding to the sent message and attached image.
–>Husbandface: ??
–>Husbandface: I didn’t send you anything
–>Husbandface: But you can definitely wear those tonight
–>Husbandface: If you want, that is ;)
Jack frowned– at the denial of sending, not the suggestion that Rhys would like him in those- and set his comm down, looking for a card or sticker or anything that might’ve come with it. Not finding one, he pinged Meg quickly to get to the bottom of this.
“Sir?” Meg’s disembodied voice came through the speaker.
“Yeah hey, quick quesh for you– Do you know who this bouquet on my desk was from?… You didn’t get me something nice for Bosses Day, didja?” Jack teased.
“That’s next week, sir!” Meg quickly responded, frankly surprising Jack that there actually was one, and that it was actually soon.
“So this underwear bouquet isn’t from you?”
“….Aaah, no, sir? But I can check security footage and–”
“Yeah yeah, don’t bother, I’m already on it,” Jack said as he was hanging up on the secretary and working his fingers over keys.
What he found provided no answers, and only raised more questions.
Someone had hacked the security footage from the night prior, and the fact that his own sensors weren’t tripped indicated someone who was either very good at what they did, or someone who was intimately aware of how Jack’s personal security system worked.
He picked the comm back up, frowning before cracking a smirk at the number of messages Rhys had sent in quick succession in the time since he’d spoken to Meg and checked his own systems.
>>Husbandface: You don’t have to actually wear those
>>Husbandface: It would be weird to wear underwear -we- didn’t buy, right?
>>Husbandface: I mean, I’ll wear them if you want?
>>Husbandface: Jack?
-- HandsomeHero: i knew u were kinky baby-- HandsomeHero: and nah im not wearing this shit
Jack waited a few moments, watching the screen of his comm. Rhys wasn’t messaging back, but he knew the lanky alpha was trying to think of what to say. Jack knew that Rhys was aware that he had some… hang-ups about being an omega, yeah, and even he was slightly ashamed at how much shit he gave his now-husband over it from time to time.
But Rhys was a good alpha, and that he was so concerned about offending Jack only made the older man more and more in love with him.
-- HandsomeHero: now if it was something U bought me? then maybe ;)-- HandsomeHero: u’ve got good taste sugar-- HandsomeHero: u married me after all ;)
A little over the top maybe, but Rhys was already typing his reply before Jack had even finished, and he felt a little satisfied at how well he knew the younger man.
–>> Husbandface: I’ll get us matching ones if you’re not careful :P
– HandsomeHero: no pinstripes
–>> Husbandface: You’re no fun >:|
Jack snorted and just sent back a little text heart before he actually got on to work, and Rhys presumably did the same.
There were contracts that needed his signature and tours today, and Jack could always figure out the mystery of the underwear-bouquet later. After a recalibration of his own security system sensitivity and chucking the bouquet in the trash.
Rhys hopped up from the couch once Jack walked through the door after work, a smile on his face as the omega CEO welcomed the hug the young alpha had for him.
“Mmm you’re the best thing to come home to after a trip down to R&D.” Jack pressed a kiss to Rhys’ cheek as the younger man cuddled close. Jack almost laughed as he realized Rhys was scenting him, and hard, making the younger man jump as he grabbed handfuls of his ass, though Rhys still kept his face in Jack’s neck. The older man was all chuckles as he realized what was happening and why. “…Are you actually checking me, Rhysie?”
Rhys pulled back to give Jack an indignant frown. “Yes.”
Jack only laughed in genuine delight and wrapped his arms more thoroughly around him, scenting the younger man right back and letting a little pleased moan leave him without shame. “Damn, sometimes I forget just how hot it is when your cute little ass gets all territorial.”
“Yeah, well, I can’t help it,” Rhys slightly growled, pressing a kiss to Jack’s jaw that only made the older man chuckle more. “I hate your fans.”
It was a lame excuse, Rhys knew, and one that entirely shunted his responsibility in owning his behavior, but one that entirely pleased Jack, and the older man took his chin in hand and kissed the daylights out of his pretty younger husband before announcing he was starved and really hoping Rhys ordered a pizza.
“No, but I could if you wanna have a shower.”
“So you can check me for marks, baby?” Jack teased, loving the pout on Rhys’ face that turned into a smile at the waggle of his eyebrows.
“You can have that shower by yourself now.” It was an empty threat, they both knew. Especially as Rhys followed Jack into the bedroom and adjoining bath with giddy excitement.
They’d been properly dating for a while before Jack agreed to marry Rhys, and fucking for way longer than that, yeah, but the young alpha was embodying the ‘newlywed honeymoon stage’ one-hundred percent, and Jack was enjoying the shit out of it.
And it made him waste his own hours at work in little fantasies of his own; what Rhys might be like should he eventually allow the younger man to bond him, if this marriage-shit was having such an effect on the younger man. It wasn’t something Jack particularly wanted– at least not right now- but the fact he was even letting himself consider being bonded by an alpha proved enough to him that maybe he wasn’t immune to all this shit either.
Rhys left the shower mid-way as his echoeye told him that their pizza was at the door, and Jack was certain he’d married right when the towel-covered alpha rejoined him with a little self-satisfied smirk and a slice for the older man. Shower-pizza was a shocking first for Jack, he realized, and with good reason, but if Rhys wanted to be extra attentive then he sure as hell wasn’t going to discourage it.
“So did you ever figure out who sent that underwear bouquet?” Rhys asked as they sat with drying hair on the couch, enjoying the rest of their pizza and beer in comfy pajamas.
“Nope,” Jack said as he chewed. “And the only place on Helios that even does that kinda stuff has waaaaay nicer bouquets. I mean like fancy and shit.”
Rhys raised a brow. “…fancy how?”
Jack turned his head to lock eyes with the younger man, and to his credit Rhys only blushed a little. “Maybe you should go down there and find out for yourself.”
Rhys snorted and looked away, favoring opening another beer instead. “Is that supposed to be you asking me to order one?”
“Oh they had way more fun things than just underwear bouquets, cupcake.” Jack waggled his brows, and Rhys almost choked on his beer laughing.
“I don’t know how to feel about that, but I’m definitely intrigued.” Jack only laughed himself, taking Rhys’ hand and pressing a kiss to the back of his palm. “…you think one of your crazy fans got in there and left it?”
“Something like that,” Jack said with a snort, smirking when Rhys kept Jack’s hand in his own. “Anyways, nothing was messed with except the camera footage. Maybe one of the janitors is sweet on me. What do you think, baby?”
Rhys didn’t comment on the all-access key cards janitorial had for cleaning up after Jack’s latest tantrum, instead focusing on the part that he still found unnerving. “It’s weird they were all in your size though, right? And that thing looked handmade.”
“Pumpkin,” Jack said in a humoring kind of way, “if my belt-size wasn’t on the echonet, I’d be concerned.”
“I’d be more concerned over the fact they were your actual size, Jack,” Rhys teased, prompting the omega to suck in his gut in a dramatic way that only made the younger man laugh.
Jack chuckled and unapologetically went for another beer himself, then leaned back and put an arm around the mouthy alpha. “You’re a little shit, you know that?”
“But you still love me,” Rhys purred unapologetically, leaning in close to bump Jack’s jaw affectionately with the tip of his nose, and the omega CEO laughed and pressed a kiss to the younger man’s cheek.
“How about I let you bend me over this couch and we ruin the upholstery, buttercup?”
“Mmm I’d like that,” Rhys still purred, getting closer and closer to the older man until he was practically in his lap, and all with the intention of rubbing his face in Jack’s neck or his skin against his own.
Jack knew what he was doing and revelled in the fact that Rhys wanted his alpha-scent all over Jack’s freshly-showered body, the little possessive spike from the younger man always thrilling.
One info-mercial later and the pair were hard at work ruining the expensive upholstery of Jack’s couch just like he’d said.
Rhys’ voice coming through the comm was slightly disappointed, but supportive as Jack moved back and forth in the chair up in his office. “Will it keep you all night?”
“Nah, I don’t think so, pumpkin,” Jack dismissed with a heavy sigh. “How these pea-brains managed to spread this crap is beyond me, but someone will be getting a serious demotion once I figure this shit out.” One that lead them right out the nearest airlock at the very least.
Rhys had already been home for over an hour after the work day, and Jack was still typing away in his big office, dealing with some kind of glitch connected to accounting that spread through other departments giving everyone on the payroll an unearned bonus, and that shit simply wouldn’t do.
Especially as it had also affected invoices to several of their rivals, resulting in a ‘credit’ costing Hyperion millions, and something of a deep-enough problem that only Jack’s clearance could go in and mess with the code affecting his space station.
“Do you want me to bring you dinner?”
“I already ordered some take-out, buuuut if you wanna give me some hot little company, I think it would make me work harder. Heh, get it Rhysie?” Rhys laughed despite himself, the sound making the omega CEO grin widely.
“You are absolutely not going to get anything done if I come up there, Jack.” The smile was evident in the younger man’s tone. His voice was pliant though; if Jack actually wanted him there, he’d go without question, and the omega knew that.
“We’ll get one thing done, Rhysie,” Jack teased, leaning back for a moment to break from his coding. “Haven’t let you knot me in the king’s chair in a while, right baby?” Rhys snorted, but his chuckles were deep and throaty. His little string-bean alpha was affected by the idea even if he played coy. “How’d you like to be balls-deep while I find this douchebag and crush ‘em, huh”
“Jack.” Rhys’ voice was amused but back to business, though the aroused tone was still there. “Is this gonna take all night?”
“I friggin’ hope not,” Jack whined with an annoyed huff, sitting back up straight and glaring at his screen. “Might not wanna wait up for me, kitten.”
“As if I wouldn’t…” Rhys muttered, the words bringing a warmth to the older man and an indulgent smile to his face. “Don’t be too much longer, love. Even CEOs need rest.”
“Nah, that’s what coffee and hot young husbands are for.” Rhys’ indulgent snicker of his own was for Jack’s benefit, he knew, but it still made him smile. “I won’t be too late, baby. Pick out a movie or something to bang to.”
Rhys laughed again, voice warm over the comm. “Don’t keep me waiting too long or I will come up there.”
“You got it, sugarpie.”
“Okay. Love you.”
Jack felt a light blush under his mask, still excited every time he heard it, and allowed the small little satisfied smile that took him. “You too. See ya later, Rhysie.”
“You will. Don’t try to sleep in your office, Jack.”
“With your knot waiting at home? As if. Now get off the line, I’ve got important stuff to do.”
Rhys only laughed and told him he loved him again before they ended the call, and Jack sat there a moment reflecting on how goddamn lucky and ultimately satisfied he was. Marrying the young alpha was probably one of the best decisions he’d made since crushing Dahl and taking over Hyperion, and that was saying something. To think he’d find proper happiness in a doting little string-bean with perpetual sass-mouth amused him to no end.
Jack was brought from his sentimental musing about the younger man to the delivery-person waiting outside the office. He buzzed them in, realizing just how damn hungry he was. Took long enough.
With a light threat and a big enough tip, Jack was left alone to chew his burrito in peace and track line upon line of code. The level of incompetence here was staggering, and how it had affected so many departments was beyond him. It wasn’t a virus that had done it, but Jack was sifting through broken code and gaping security holes like the rubble after a rocket went through a wall.
Someone was definitely getting spaced just for keeping him away from his alpha’s fat knot and burying his face in Rhys’ scent. This was a mess beneath him, but so widespread only his clearance could tackle it right.
Jack checked the time, stifling a yawn and double-checking how late it wasn’t. God this shit was putting him to sleep it was so tedious. He dipped his burrito in more of the hot sauce that came with it, hoping the spiciness might wake him up, and polished off the rest of it without particular relish.
Rubbing at one of his eyes, Jack leaned back a minute to consider just leaving this shit ‘til tomorrow in favor of going home to his husband. What was a few million dollar mistakes when he was disgustingly rich? Was he willing to pay that for a few hours of sleep?
The answer was definitely yes. Hell, he’d pay way more for a nice lazy knotting from his cute little alpha instead of having to deal with this shit. Definitely worth it, no questions.
Jack smirked to himself a minute, allowing himself to lean back and take a little break in indulgent thought before he’d get back to business. He fell unconscious instead, never noticing the sound of the hatch in the floor opening, or the creepy researcher who slowly popped out of it and into the office itself.
Jack woke with some confusion, not remembering falling asleep in the first place, let alone being strapped upright to a table in some part of what he was sure was R&D due to the laser device built up into the ceiling.
“Oh, are you awake?” an eager voice asked, the sounds of metal against a tabletop accompanied by a chair scraping the floor somewhere behind him.
A very unwelcome spike of something went through Jack as he immediately fought against the straps holding him down, the omega CEO refusing to acknowledge the instinctive emotion rushing through him for what it was while at the same time he had an unmistakably powerful want for Rhys.
“Namakaya? Hooo just what in the hell is this supposed to be?” Jack’s voice was almost casual but for the growl there, recognizing the balding face that gave him a smile before the other man swiveled the table he was strapped to. There was a projector screen set up, candles, and what looked like a full dinner-spread on another table set for two. This was certainly new as far as his obsessed fans went. “Let me up.”
“Oh, I will, I will,” Nakayama excitedly told him with a somewhat bashful smile. “I’m sorry. I wanted this to be special but then I also know how busy you are. This was the only way to get you here. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
He moved to caress Jack’s face, and the omega flinched away with haughty dismissal. “Hands off the goods, idiot,” Jack said distastefully, still groggy but smelling the alpha’s scent on him already and sure as hell not wanting any more. He didn’t know how he’d gotten here, and he was instantly regretting not taking his security-problem more seriously where crazed fans were concerned. He wasn’t going to allow the balding scientist to touch him any more than he already must’ve, that was for damn sure.
“You’re still waking up, I understand,” the smaller man nodded to himself casually, “I might’ve made the dose a bit too much. You’re a lot bigger than me,” Nakayama added with a sort of pleased smile. “And I didn’t know how much you’d actually eat, of course. Your work ethic is something to be admired.”
Jack frowned, thinking that that burrito had tasted off, and wondering just how in the hell the scientist had managed to spike his food between the time he’d ordered it and the regular delivery-guy had brought it.
A cruel smile made its way to Jack’s face. He’d been monitored without realizing it. It was the only explanation. “You hacked my security system, didn’t ya Nakajima?”
The alpha didn’t correct him on the name, too pleased by what he took to be praise from Jack’s noticing his work. “It wasn’t easy– you’re BRILLIANT- but then I’d do anything for you.” Jack’s snort went unnoticed as the balding man quickly pointed out things in the room with excitement. “I’ve got your favorite movie, a nice dinner prepared, and I think I can fix your face based on my work! Everything!”
A growl left Jack that actually made the smaller man take a step back. If he was close enough, Jack would’ve bit him to tear flesh.
“…Did you like the bouquet I sent?”
“That was you, huh?” Jack stated, testing the give of the straps with his lethargic limbs. It was Hyperion-quality military-grade material. He wouldn’t be busting out of them with brute strength. And his gun was on the table with the tacky candles. Jack wasn’t rendered totally helpless, but the fact that Rhys wasn’t expecting him for hours, and apparently this creep had managed to get him across Helios with no one noticing, had Jack trying to squash minor panic within; panic that only made the rage inside grow.
“Did you like it?” Nakayama asked with sort of pink cheeks. “I’m full of big romantic gestures,” he said with puffing out his small chest with a measure of pride, “even though it might seem otherwise.”
“How’d you break into my office?” Jack demanded; the itch of the alpha’s scent in his nose was maddening and only made him want Rhys. Though what the string-bean alpha might do, he wasn’t sure. Bring the whole of Helios’ soldiers down on this idiot’s head? The idea of Rhys tearing this douche a new one was mildly comforting, but Jack’s hands itched to do the tearing himself. For now, he’d settle with getting the scientist’s stink out of his nostrils.
“The hatch in the floor,” Nakayama announced with pride. “The platform janitorial uses to clean it was easy to ride up. It’s how I got you here, too. It wasn’t easy.”
“My corpse-hatch, huh? Yeah I’ll bet,” Jack muttered, wondering what the time was and if he was even missed yet, let alone what this idiot thought he was doing. “You gonna untie me or what?”
A wan smile was on the researcher’s face, and Jack felt his confidence falter just a bit against rising omega panic. He grit his teeth as the other man spoke. “I hope you’ve realized how much pain you’ve caused me,” Nakayama told him, pouting slightly. “I forgive you, of course. I mean, you’re perfect. The perfect man, the perfect omega… But I’ve made us a nice–”
Jack tuned him out as he couldn’t help but fixate on the comment about his endotype. No one was going to define him by that, let alone think they could dominate him in any way because of it. He was Handsome freakin’ Jack and not just some omega to be party to an alpha’s whims.
God he wanted Rhys, as if somehow this unpalatable bullshit would disappear from his very brain and he could just crawl into bed and scent the younger man. No sense in hiding that want from himself; he needed something else to focus on. And the fact that he was getting so worked up about being strapped down with a creepy fanboy alpha was not conducive to his escape.
“–make you mine and PROVE myself to you,” the alpha promised enthusiastically as he still went on, Jack’s heart rate steadily rising as he felt with very-real fear where this was going. “I knew it was meant to be when you called yourself mine when we last spoke. I can take care of him, too,” he promised– must’ve been talking about Rhys as Jack tuned him out- “I can smell that you didn’t let him bond with you. I’ll be the best alpha ever, you’ll see! I know all your favorite things, all your secrets-”
The defensive growl in Jack’s throat as the alpha came closer made Nakayama pause. The diminutive alpha’s mouth was ajar, studying Jack casually a moment before he looked at him earnestly. “I know it’s a lot of promises, but I’ll prove myself! I will! I’m the smartest and best choice for you, but I know I have to earn you,” he offered an earnest, confident smile. “Why, with my work on the genetic laser, you’ll have your army, your face, everything! And I’ll be right by your side, destroying your enemies just like your alpha should!”
It had to be the biggest psychopathic tribute Jack had ever been a party to thus far, and the omega CEO had to admit to being minorly impressed by the obsession; the same way he’d be impressed by a skag suddenly learning to speak. If all his sycophants were like this, he’d have the entire universe under his thumb in less than a week.
Nakayama, however, was just a plain sicko if the plans he thought he’d involve the CEO in were any indicator.
“You should let me up right now,” Jack said through gritted teeth, not liking the way his damn omega instincts were trying to drive him to hide, to submit to try and gain clemency; to seek out someplace safe, from an idiot like this. It was embarrassing him for one thing, and disgusting himself with his own nature for another. He held steadfast to the idea of giving this moron over to the very department he was in for proper experimentation.
“In due time, I promise.”
Jack wondered how long he’d have to endure being strapped to this goddamn table and what else the other man might have planned. He refused the spaghetti Nakayama tried to feed him from the dinner he had set, even as the alpha promised that their food was okay, eating a forkful himself to prove it. The scientist decided he’d ‘set the mood’ instead, lowering the lights and turning on the projector to one of Jack’s own biopics– indeed, one of his favorite of his own exploits- and sitting close by to interject praise excitedly and bravely touch Jack’s forearm in enthusiasm for what the CEO had accomplished and overcome despite his endotype.
Jack was amusing himself and keeping his calm by considering the merits of undertaking dental surgery to put a cyanide-capsule inside a tooth for situations like these; not for himself, mind– he was far too important to the universe to take the coward’s way out. But spitting that shit right in the alpha’s eyes? Now there was an idea.
Nah, he’d need to come up with a way to make himself immune first. Maybe he’d get R&D on it as soon as he figured his way out of this. And he knew just the candidate to start trials.
Nakayama was praising the strong, capable eptitude of the omega during a firefight that had largely been staged, though the bandits themselves definitely met their ends at Jack’s hands. The audio quality was good enough in the lab that the pounding outside wasn’t immediately noticeable until the girders of the room actually shook with the vibration of impact, and it became apparent it was not from the biopic on screen.
Someone was at the door.
Nakayama was on his feet moments before the door was blown off its frame with a type of impact that shook more than exploded the hermetically-sealed door from its hinges. Some light smoke and debris immediately filtered in through the cracks and was sucked up into the air-filtration system, and like something out of the damn movie they were watching, Rhys himself came kicking through the entrance to the lab, wild-eyed and worked into a proper alpha-fury as his eyes locked on Jack’s own.
The relief that went through Jack was equal in measure to his pride, seeing the younger man in one of his spare sweaters and pajama pants, and holding what Jack lovingly referred to as The Big Fucking Gun in his arms. The string bean of an alpha was angrily growling, worked up into a lather at what he’d found, and he looked five times more threatening than usual.
He’d seen that look on Rhys’ face before, and while the younger man might’ve been smaller than him and not nearly as strong, Jack knew he was ready to murder for him from the strong smell of his scent wafting into the room alone. If he wasn’t so overcome with the situation, he might’ve found it arousing as hell.
“Blow ‘im to hell, Rhys!” Jack immediately barked out without preamble from where he was strapped down, and the other alpha in the room made to take cover and go on the offensive as Rhys immediately took his aim.
Nakayama, however, tripped over the controls to something that must’ve activated the laser-device hooked into the ceiling. The balding alpha yelped right before he got caught in the beam as he tumbled ungracefully to the floor, then violently twitched as his body began to mutate unnaturally and contort into impossible angles. The reaction was not pretty to say the least.
Jack and Rhys both watched, frozen over what had just happened, and Rhys quickly made sure the twitching mass of still-alive flesh that was Nakayama was no longer a threat. With any luck, he’d shortly expire. And if not, well, R&D always needed new guinea pigs, right?
Rhys rushed to Jack next, setting the gun down on the table and holding the older man’s shoulders as he pressed himself against him, Rhys’ face in his neck as he hugged the strapped-down CEO as if he could shield him from the situation.
“Jack, Jack, fuck, are you alright?” Rhys was rubbing his cheek against Jack’s jaw, big inhales as he scented the omega CEO in checking, and flesh and cybernetic fingers digging into Jack’s shoulders hard enough to bruise only made relief course through the older man.
Jack pushed his own face hard against Rhys’ own, needing the younger man’s scent more than wanting, and so utterly relieved and proud that the alpha had come for him that he wanted his scent all over him. “I’m fine, baby. Freakin’ fantastic. Get me the damn hell off this thing.”
Rhys ignored the wavering tone as he made quick work of the straps, wrapping himself around the older man once he was freed and holding tight. Little annoyed chuffs left him– growls where he could smell the other alpha on his omega- and he pulled back several times to look at Jack with still-furious concern before diving right back in and scenting him all over again. “What did he do to you?” Rhys asked with concern, hearing the sharpness of his own voice and tempering it somewhat. “What did he do to you, love?”
“Nothing but waste my time,” Jack growled right back, though he held Rhys just as the younger man held him, and grabbed at the soft, familiar comfort of the worn sweater Rhys had put on. “Goddamn baby you’re something else. I almost got a stiffy seeing you with that gun, ya know? My hero like wow, guess I rubbed off on ya, huh?”
“Tell me you’ve already got security on the way, pumpkin,” the omega CEO asked with tired seriousness, sticking his face back into Rhys’ neck and submitting to the hold the younger man had on him. Rhys’ flesh fingers sought out the back of his neck, gently petting as he could no doubt smell the shameful tang fear on Jack, but of course he didn’t acknowledge it. Rhys pressed a kiss to the older man’s jaw as Jack hummed thoughtfully at the treatment.
“Already on their way,” Rhys informed, pulling back to level another look at what had been Jack’s kidnapper. “I called them once I knew you were here.”
Jack snorted. “You tellin’ me you didn’t call them once you knew I’d been missing this entire time?”
Rhys frowned. Jack hadn’t answered him after the two hours since they’d last spoken, and upon subsequent calls, Rhys had thrown on shoes and went straight to the older man’s office. Not finding the CEO, he’d accessed the security footage and seen all he’d needed before he ransacked Jack’s personal armory and began tracking him down. “I followed your scent down here. I- wasn’t thinking about that,” he growled, and Jack only chuckled and pressed a kiss to his lips. “It’s not funny, Jack.”
“No, it ain’t, sugarplum.” There was a great many things he wanted to say to the younger man, as well as do for all he wanted to reward the alpha for being goddamn perfect. But he was tired, more disturbed by his reactions to the situation than the situation itself, and fully slumped onto Rhys in weariness. The young alpha took his weight without complaint, wrapping his arms tighter around the older man and humming as his fingers still pet at Jack’s bonding gland. “Let’s go home. I reek.”
“I can smell him on you.”
The growl was back in Rhys’ voice, and it only brought a smile to Jack’s face. The rival alpha wasn’t necessarily what Jack had meant, but he didn’t think Rhys would comment on anything else. “I’ll let you personally scrub me down, how about that?”
Rhys nipped his jaw before giving him a squeeze. Their eyes met again, and Jack could see the concern and profound annoyance there, but he kissed him just the same.
“…is he the same guy that sent you the bouquet?”
Amusement was in Jack’s voice, even as Rhys was clearly furious that anyone would make a move against Jack. After what he’d been through, he found that to be fair. “Why, you gonna sniff out every creep on Helios for me, babe?”
Jack laughed and kissed him, open-mouthed and hungry with gratitude. “You’re my perfect little peach, you know that sweetheart?” Jack pulled back to smirk and take Rhys’ cheek in his hand, thumb stroking with deep fondness. “My actual hero.”
“Don’t make fun,” Rhys said with a pout, “I was really worried, and clearly with good reason.”
Jack was too tired to have this conversation here when he’d rather be back at home and cuddled under the blankets with the younger man. He touched their foreheads together and smirked instead, tone dripping with rare gratitude. “Love you, Rhysie.”
“Say it back.”
Rhys smiled and leaned into the older man’s space. “I love you.” He kissed the pleased smirk right off Jack’s face, and the pair left with their weapons just as security was arriving.
Jack gave them instructions on what to do, what department heads to wake up, and how to fix the goddamn financial codes that he was now certain originated from somewhere in the mutated-alpha’s lab.
Back at home, he let Rhys absolutely dote on him; scenting him, touching him, holding him and doing a lot of little possessive alpha-touches that soothed Jack as much as it served to turn him on.
By the time Rhys’ knot was in him and he was relaxed into the pillows on their bed, Jack had fully recovered from situation (at least in his opinion) and promised Rhys that he’d never let something like this happen again.
A week later, Jack presented the young alpha with a ring– far simpler than their wedding bands though still stylish- that matched one of his own. Hyperion’s finest tech, Jack said, and inside was a tracker that he allowed the younger man to integrate with his echoeye.
Rhys had no qualms about Jack knowing where he was every second of the day if it meant he’d also know where the CEO was, and though Jack teased him about being an obsessed little creeper himself, Rhys still kissed him hungrily, the earnest, whispered I love you making Jack’s cheeks flush a bit more than usual.
The following suggestion of matching, tracking cock-rings– if Rhys liked the idea so much- was met with a frown and the moving of his ring to his middle finger.
Jack cackled without an ounce of shame.
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notyetjaded1 · 7 years
Can we ask for answers to 1-100 :) just not ones you've answered already
It’s only taken ages, but alas! 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Um. good...question. Mikey? Maybe??
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
v shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
goth daddy ;p
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I like to think so?? once you get past the awkward 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
take care of in what way?? also, which person I like? also define like
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
kind, intelligent, understanding, thoughtful, supportive, open people 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
...i have not even the slightest of ideas
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
“opposite” gender
pst @destructiveducky :p 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“pretty much, yup!”
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i can’t believe it’s summer, good lord, but...getting to hang with friends has been fun! having the support of people in multiple aeras of my lief has been greatly appreciated, fixing the pool, not dying because of heat, NSP
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I mean, I do think it’s a little ridiculous to assume we’re the only inhabitants in this wide universe 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
as a concept
20. Do you like your neighbors?
lol, there’s one in particular I’m fond of, but otherwise, don’t really talk to them so
21. What are you bad habits?
let’s not even open that can of worms
22. Where would you like to travel?
England, Ireland, Scotland...San Francisco, lol, yup
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Sleep. Or food. But probably sleep.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
ummm, tummy? or legs? or face? or just. all of the body.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
make my bed
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
mom? question mark? 
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
define celebrities? because jack and wiishu are #goals in all the ways
33. Spell your name with your chin.
rather not
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
used to! soccer and basketball!
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
oh boy yeah
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Forever 21, I guess? it’s cheap and easy
40. What do you want to do after high school?
um...bit late to decide that? but college was the answer
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
um. well. quiet it my general state of being, but it could also mean depressed, anxious, uncomfortable so. um. it means all the things.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
try to
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
space. the final frontier. 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
coffee. food. the illusion of productivity. knowing I’ll get to go back to sleep that night. 
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
define drunk
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
only all the time
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
too much
53. Favourite makeup brand?
honestly I don’t even know enough brands to say
54. Favourite store?
can Amazon count?
55. Favourite blog?
mine :p but idk actually, I love a lot of them for different reasons. maybe I’ll do an appreciation post or something soon? 
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
cereal and honeydew for breakfast 
59. First thing you ate this morning?
see above. plus coffee
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
yup! won a jump rope competition. and..probably other things that I don’t remember? I don’t like...actively compete though
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
this is a very complicated question tbh
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
i wish I could, but I genuinely don’t remember it??????? assuming it was with who I assume it was. but like. idk. which either says a lot about the kiss or just my memory
65. Are you hungry right now?
a bit? 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
they’re all...my friends and I like them all in different ways
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
how do define best
71. Craving something? What?
food? sleep? being done with apps. freedom
72. What colour are your towels?
mostly black or grey
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
in my room? zero
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
um. black I think today?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
see above
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
black and green
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
honestly idk anymore
82. Favourite movie?
Requiem for a Dream
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
I’ve...never thought about it? 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
The dad? sure. 
87. First person you talked to today?
ummmm. A coworker
88. Last person you talked to today?
like most recently? another coworker
89. Name a person you hate?
D*n*ld Tr*mp
90. Name a person you love?
So many a people and I want to name them all but not now lol 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
in concept!
92. In a fight with someone?
not to my knowledge? 
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
3, I think
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
damn good question. Guardians of the Galaxy 2, apparently
96. Favourite actress?
Recently? I’m mildly in love with Kristen Stewart
97. Favourite actor?
oh god. idk anymore. arbitrary actor that I love: Aaron Tveit? George Blagden? good lord. i don’t know favs
98. Do you tan a lot?
i mean, I’m sure my body does because sun and I’m actually very olive, but like. not purposefully ever
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
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