#it's the same way i LOVEEE tragedies !
cetoddle-archive · 1 year
like it sounds INSANE if you don’t already get the vibe but i really don’t read horror books with the intent to be scared i read them cause i find so much comfort and fasciation in the grotesque and macabre but u can’t just SAY that to people without sounding absolutely batshit 
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lesbiantrish · 5 months
would u have enjoyed toa more if piper died and valgrace sort of happened in an implied way than the canon
i think it needed to have been done well,, like if rick kinda was just like “ya theyre dating now but anyway moving on” i would be like 😠.! i think part of the reason im so drawn to them is because a) of how tragic they are but also b) because of all the symbolism there. i loveee tragedy, but tragedy can also turn out really well if there’s a good ending.
take the hunger games,. i love katniss and peeta and they are so tragic but they have a “happy ending”. same with percabeth. so YEAHH if it was done well then yes
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colemckenzies · 1 year
Jesus Christ Superstar: Ultimate Edition
this easter It Is Time. using my years of fixation and research i present to you The Best Version of every song from jesus christ superstar, plus commentary. obviously subjective opinion so do feel free to discourse in the tags bc as you may have picked up i enjoy talking about the relative merits of jcs productions. also i might not even stand by this in a week bc i find it hard to keep multiple versions in my head at the same time for comparison and there are so so many versions.
please note that acting, vocal quality, music direction, and where available staging have all been taken into account. act 2 in rb bc of link restrictions.
heaven on their minds - 2012 broadway revival
obviously in terms of pure vocals carl anderson is unbeatable forever, but the staging of the 2012 broadway revival pips it for me. josh young's voice is still gorgeous and the judas/jesus/mary throuple is everything. i love versions where hotm is sung directly To jesus, and i love that in this version jesus actually listen and takes judas' concerns on board. the love and respect between all three of them is palpable and even though it is a serious disagreement, part of that disagreement comes from the fact that they care about each other so much. that's tragedy baby!
special mention to henrike tönnes on the 2022 rob carroll version, i specifically like the Ending of the song for that one. also the sarcastic clap along w the disciples that judas does in the 2013 hungary version.
what's the buzz/ strange thing mystifying - 2018 tv event
annoyingly this isn't on youtube but tbh the staging is nothing mindblowing. i think what's the buzz is a great song for showcasing the usp of each version and in this one i think being able to hear the real crowd actually cheering for jesus (john legend) really adds to the narrative. i also absolutely love brandon victor dixon and as i have said before he would be one of my favourite judases if judas were straight. sara bareilles does a great 'offended' face when he bitches about her lmao.
honourable mention to the 2012 uk arena tour for again showing off the conceit of 'modern day activists' really well in this song, not forgetting of course WOTS THE BUZZ #buzz tweet
then we are decided - 2013 hungary
(starts at about 9:49) obviously not a huge amount of competition for this one, i wish more versions included it bc it's a great song :( anyway i loveee the staging choice to have everyone else freeze-framed on stage with the priests walking among them, and i freaking love this caiaphas. literally inserting it into what's the buzz also works nicely
i do miss kurt yaghjian from the 1973 film tho, forever obsessed with his voice and facial expressions. extra shout out to the striving artists version for simply existing.
everything's alright - 2006 austria
something about the musical direction in 90% of versions of this song goes right through me, like there is always some weird instrument that makes me Cringe. but this version is Nice :) really enjoy how Pissed this judas is. and i love the way the long notes last into the next section of the song. i will say i prefer the alt melody for 'people who are hungry' but you can't have everything
this is a really nice one on the all-female cast recording as well, obviously it's already the most female-heavy song of the show but shoshana bean's judas is particularly good here i think. also of course carl anderson with tears in his eyes grasping ted neely's hands while the music swells is ingrained on my brain for all time.
this jesus must die - 1994 studio cast
this album as a whole is probably my Least Favourite JCS Ever, but i will admit that this song fucks. the haunting eeriness at the beginning. the way it kicks into a funky little syncopated rhythm. the disembodied hosannas. unexpected delight.
2012 uk arena tour is unfortunately disqualified for having possibly the Most antisemitic portrayal of the priests, which is a shame because it's probably my favourite casting. one of my favourite annas portrayals, but in general all of them are distinct and fully embodied which does make that version very fun to watch. i also really enjoy the 2019 castaway productions version for this song, the way they play instruments while they sing like a lil band, and caiaphas' eye make-up is sick. 1973 film is obviously also iconic with the little scaffolding tippy taps, and the way kurt yaghjian sings 'a trick-or-two with lepers'. i love this song sorry.
hosanna - 2017 striving artists
i kind of don't have justification for this one LOL i just like it. i know there are versions that are sung better and really the staging is quite important for this song but idk i just find this version really calming. i don't know if it's the music direction? i don't know enough about music tbh
admittedly this is another one that works really well for the 2018 tv event, but doesn't quite win for me as the crowd don't cheer in all the right places and john legend doesn't react at all to the 'would you DIE for me?' line which is crucial. for good reaction to that line the 2000 film where it elevates the bitchy gay tension in the love triangle really nails it.
simon zealotes - 2011 austria
EASYYY WIN FOR ME this is actually the song that made me want to pick a best version for each one because this version IS so much better than any other one for me. the guitar!!!!!! rob's energy!! the music design for this one really fucks so severely and then there's just rob jumping around hyping up the crowd (there is a film version from 2008 on youtube, but i wanted to capture the music for this one). iconic.
big love also to hungary 2013 for having a simon who's in a wheelchair, particularly notable when it's really the highest energy role in the show. i do enjoy.
poor jerusalem - 2022 rob carroll
i cannot find any information about this album other than what's on spotify but i do enjoy the slight alt melodies in this version and i like his voice.
not a lot to go into for this song really. i like the ben forster version a lot as well, and the 1996 london cast version. 'close your eyes' is a better lyric than 'live a lie'. moving on.
pilate's dream - 2022 all-female cast
may be biased bc I LOVE ORFEH but i just think this version is so gorgeous. i love the little vocal drifts without going too overboard and distracting from the song. the music composition is especially pleasing as well.
there's a lot of honourable mentions i could give here bc i think pilate has so much potential for power and gravitas, but 1973 film, 2012 uk arena tour, 2013 hungary, and east end theatrical ensemble. are also big favs. in terms of staging i love the fact that 2019 castaway productions has jesus himself on stage playing the backing piano like he actually is haunting pilate.
the temple - 1992 australia
australia 1992 habitually has some of the most interesting and creative music direction and this is one of the songs where it particularly pays off. love the whistles. i also like that the second 'get out' is spoken, not screamed. the second half is appropriately creepy with the sustained 'chriiiist'. pretty boring staging but at least the costumes are fun.
i don't know how to love him - east end theatrical ensemble
possibly controversial choice but ugh i love this version i even love how low the sound quality is. like listening to a vinyl. i think her voice is so gorgeous and i love her accent. deeply soothing to listen to. i feel like im in the 70s rn.
i'm also a huge fan of the 1996 london cast recording, joanna ampil has such a sweet voice and the way she emotes so that you can really Hear it works well for this song. special shout out to 2012 uk arena tour which i don't think is a particularly amazing version but we get the absolute gunshow from mel c at the end so we love it.
damned for all time/blood money - 1973 film
CARL!! I feel like 1973 film and 1996 london album are at a disadvantage in this bc they're what i grew up with so i kind of take them for granted but this is undeniably iconic. no one can commit to the tortured soul but belief he's doing the right thing like him. the way he can scream but it still sounds Good. i prefer versions that have annas suggest 'a fee' rather than caiaphas just repeating himself so that's here too. the weird keening way he sings 'on thursday night'. annas dropping the coins just as he reaches for them. UGH so good. a lot less brassy than other versions as well.
this is another song that kinda fucks in every version, but the original 1970 album and the 2018 tv event are particularly good i think. also that one bit in 2012 uk arena tour where annas is like '...... get up off the floor.'
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
Century of Love Live Blogging
For a couple weeks before this show's release, I had been getting some DaouOffroad videos on my Twitter timeline and man, I was really getting into them despite never having watched Love in Translation. I knew this was releasing 2 eps a week and the concept was interesting enough, so was eyeing this for live-watching since like July 2, a week before the show released. Now I'm finally watching it after my other on-air shows (My Stand-In, Wandee Goodday) are done and 6 episodes of this have released. People seem to be really liking this, even though some people were critical about the concept once the trailer was released. Hope I love it, I enjoyed To Sir, With Love which I think is the same team? Gotta love a lakorn BL.
Ep 1 (July 27)
old-timey lakorns really do have the same vibes as the indian serials or historical bollywood movies, loveee
the graphics when San's being healed are killing me
San and Wad are cute from the 2 seconds we get to see of them lol
tragedy strikes
eat half of the stone now -> body frozen for a hundred years but endure pain every night -> Vad feeds second half to him when they reunit and San's body returns to normal
1944, 1974, 2004 - so it's like a new generation of the Savant/shring caretaker's family
2024 - 100 year anniversary
100smth-year-old young-looking San is so funny, especially the grandpa calling San great grandpa
so true, young Juu teaching old ass great grandpa San about victim blaming
Juu is soo cute omg
omg a century's worth of wounds and injuries reopen every night?!?! girl, love cannot be worth this much pain
2 more months left until March 15
pls this would've been romantic and beautiful if this was a different show and her name is even Wad
SanVee first meeting
ah, Vee just moved here, so that's why they just met
omg the make-shift red string of fate in front of the goddess
the ring going to Vee, how cute
Juu is seriously sooo attractive
Khun Wad reminds me of Namtan a bit
Vee is quite charming
incredible lack of dust underneath that cabinet
San being charmed by Vee despite not wanting to be
I wonder if Vee knows he likes men/knows he's starting to like San? He seems like he'd know
okay Vee knows
I know this scene is a dream that San's having, I wonder how it was watching it without knowing that omg they went from 0 to a 100 for seemingly no reason
120smth year old grandpa's wet dream smh
Vee reminds me of somebody but who... I thought it was Lee Dohyun for a second but I don't think so. Maybe OnePact Oh Seongmin??
Suchhh a good first episode. I was anticipating this show and really hoping I like it and so far, it's great. Can't wait to watch ep 2.
Ep 2 (July 27)
cryinggg at San going to tell Tao about his wet dream
Vee has a sick grandma. I think I read about this
Actually I think I also read a stray post or tweet about grandma and Vee living same man, so I’m gonna assume this guy who saved grandma as a little kid is San lol
not the kind pratfall kiss
loll Juu knows about the dream and being able to perform again
hmm this uncle who made a bad investment… is the police record real
a literal tiny child 120smth year old great grandpa!!!!! I was spoiled about this too but omg
not Vee being in trouble and chased the way San kind of was in ep 1 beginning
lmfao San finding a way to get Vee's birth time, location details
Juu: "If you can't accept that he's a man, then just have him complete the ritual and part ways." okay I was thinking this esp because some people are guessing a bit that maybeeee Vee actually isn't Vad reincarnated. So if that theory's true, maybe San will indeed meet the correct reincarnation and just have them feed him the stone but continue being in love with Vee?
Vee saying what comes to his mind but it clearly stings deeply for San. Vee saying that he wouldn't want the other person to wait if he were Wad because when would he come back, what if he looks different, what if he has a worse personality, like omg these are all San's current struggles
who took that video of San healing? was it Vee or somebody else?
Vee possibly linked to a shady businessman who searches for the 5-coloured stone
oh, the people are straight up robbing them for the stone
omg, San is so mean to Vee here yelling at him about the stone and calling him a thief and letting it slip that he'd done a background search on him
but if indeed Vee knew about San and is after the stone, then Vee is a great actor within the show
ah, the shady businessman
Ep 3 (July 28)
wtf the Youtube vids don't have English subs? agh
dang, unexpected time to turn into a child
pls San has never needed to think of a name for the kid version? I guess he can just use San because usually it's not like people know that he's related to San somehow
plsss not the naked San + Vee toppling over him + fall into the bathtub and turning the shower on + the family all coming home and seeing them
ah, marriage is brought up because of this
aw, Vee got framed for that criminal record bank account thing. the bank account fraud also reminded me of DFF
Vee's lack of money or status reminds San of how he originally was with Khun Wad
ever since I first saw the clips of the scene of San describing who he loves and their characteristics and Vee being like "o! that describes me!" it has reminded me of a very similar scene with a different Vee... Love Mechanics Mark telling Vee his ideal type's character traits and Vee being like oh! I fit all of them! even though he fits none loll
dang, he's plainly telling his grandmother about the fake wedding and getting paid for it and she doesn't seem to care. kinda interesting, i'd expect more scolding and disapproval
don't hide your face in the towel you were using to clean her feet!
but Vee doesn't deny liking San oof
the uncle guy doesn't approve of the wedding, who would have guessed?
San being so grouchy to vee during the wedding while Vee's trying his best and is so smiley >:(
ahh the serendipitous bride veil
I wonder if Vee will ever ask why they call San Great Great Grandfather lmao
not the attacks and gunshot wounds! how must San feel to see Vee take a bullet for him when Wad had died that way
Vee finally finds out about San's situation and the stone + that he's maybe/maybe not Wad's reincarnation
I think I saw something about Vee trying to steal the stone... will it be for his grandmother?
kinda bad acting when Vee's sad about his grandma but the situation is indeed devastating and he's going through so much
beautiful, gorgeous Juu
Ep 4 (July 28)
Vee's plan to steal the stone step #1: start living in the house lol
my poor fucking Vee fr
stoppp San being rude and clippy but still being like if you want anything tell Juu + puts some meat on Vee's plate
San's nightly pain and horrors being stopped by touching and being near Vee omg, this show is soooo good and handles the tropes so well
"It must hurt a lot... but it's better than being dead, right Phi?" Vee... it might be worth it for San who has a mission but it's senseless to have your grandmother go through that when she has lived a full life
the first night in a 100 years since he's had good sleep was when Vee was near him, running his hand through his hair, like bruh the tropes and the implications!!
this annoying ass uncle mans
I think it'd be nice if Vee really isn't the reincarnated Wad but just shares the same fate as people keep saying
ah, Vee going sneaking and getting caught by San, though he managed to not give his position away
Aw, San's kinda cute, putting on the music and smiling while watching Vee go through the photos and such
yaas bisexual king Vee who's dated and messed around with men and women lol
grandpa San having a breakdown hearing about homosexuality like whelp you're gonna have to come to terms with it sometime
not Juu telling Vee about San's horny dream about him to console him and tell him that San's actually into him lmfaooo
Vee's next plan is to seduce San lol but Vee looks so good with slightly messy hair standing at the doorway omg
San to Vee: "Where your clothes at?"
kitsune Vee! San's wet dreams are great lol and the water glass motif in all of them too lmfaoo
girl you're married! fuck meditation, go have sex with your husband
a fake stone in place of the real one?
oh man, cliffhanger with injured Vee who found the (fake I guess) 5-coloured stone but then was stabbed by one of the guys searching for it who then took it from him. + the grandpa got taken too.
also the robber guy has to be the annoying uncle mans right
Ep 5 (July 28/29)
as expected, the uncle is in kahoots with the stone stealers
damn, San meant that the doctor was a fraud who doesn't know about the stone's realities, right? not that the doctor was working with San or anything. because mans got shot in the head
hmmm Suchat and them escape, right?
San being so nice to injured Vee, cooking for him and feeding him
ah, especially because San believe Vee got injured in a fight to protect the stone from the thieves, not knowing that Vee was stealing it himself
the stone stealing has to come back some time later for angst purposes, right? can't be a secret forever...?
ah, the Prince Trai who killed Wad accidentally is back as Wee's friend and doctor Third
omg nightmare where Wee takes Wad's place in the dying scenario...
damn, San even being rude to Third who's like ...? but hmm why did San seem familiar to him, did he just happen to see him around or is he really reincarnated Trai and somehow remembers from his past life?
lol Vee really invited Third to San and the family's house to hang out pls
San seething with jealousy and stalking Vee lol
Vee being like wow this grumpy poser dinosaur sure reminds me of San
I was wondering if San and Juu were gonna be seen at the back when they were taking selfies! he just saw it later
ahhhh San doesn't quite want to reaaaally find Wad (as he's falling for Vee) but that obviously makes him feel confused and aimless
Love to see Vee being straightforward like don't be controlling and say what you mean, i don't like to guess
ahhh cute cute cute even though they didn't actually kiss
Ep 6 (July 29/30)
insecure San
ahh the perfume wrist sniffing scene i’ve seen around so much lately
not Vee going to get hotpot with Third
what a gracious back down from Third compared to the gun! that Trai had brought out lol
ahh I thought Vee was gonna come from behind and hear the confession and it’ll be a comedic moment but it just became angsty though i wonder if Vee hadn’t actually heard… and is trying to avoid San bc of it…
them looking at each other and smiling as Juu guides Vee up the stairs to get ready is sooooo good
ah date and dance
okayyyy Vee did indeed hear
confession and kiss ahh
okkk i was wondering if i can continue watching this on my phone at work (i’ve been watching this ep on phone) but uhhh they are shirtless and maybe sleep together so ig id rather not. will watch when i get home today huhu
now what does San even know about sex, man hasn’t had a boner for a century
ok vee started leading the sex thing after a bit
idk whether to believe Vee really is the reincarnation or not
oh, grandma and San became friends afterwards, I thought San and her only met like once when he apparently saved her
grandma and grandson in love with the same man reminds me of Blank where mother, father, daughter all loved one woman loll
Nuwa is crying and the weird dreams…
omg a kuhn wad lookalike/real reincarnation? is she for real or is she possibly sent by the enemies?
I sooo wish the YouTube episodes were subbed bc it’s a hassle to watch it on random sites lol and i can’t just easily download it for commute
omg antsy teaser for next ep, so glad I only have to wait one day and that we’re getting 2 eps within the next 48 hours. I'm excited to see what questions and conflict and angst is in store.
Ep 7 (July 31)
I'm getting to watch this finally 7 hours after its release. I hope it breaks my fucking heart.
the thing is i kinda want her to be rencarnation fr bc its angsty and means more if san still chooses vee but also i just don't think shes her fr
san didn't even do anything fr he caught a scared crying girl in his arms but ig it can seem that way when you don't know the background info...
I need her to say something from her memory that nobody else except her and San would know because he might've told somebody else/the nephew-uncle mans and he might've told the new Wad if she is indeed a ploy from him
damn, they're just showing every single step to get this stone
the stone not giving a clear answer but still San can die if the wrong Wad reincarnation feeds it to him oof
Ouchhhh Vee being like "at first I thought she's stealing you from me but in fact, I'm the one who came later" as he's leaving San's place back to his own. but San's gotta stop him cmonn
good Vee and San still sleeping in the same bed
she's too insistent on Vee giving up San + her being the real Wad, hmmm. like girl you don't actually even know San
...Wadfah said she remembered... but Third walked right beside her, did she not realize that he looks exactly like the guy who killed her?
oof, Vee really wants to save his grandma with this stone. girl it already bestows a lifetime of pain on San, your grandma's gonna get even more fucked up if you feed this to her without San's permission since the stone's tied to him
at least Vee's telling the grandma about it instead of secretly feeding the stone to her, whew
Vee's so naive and eager and sad and DESPERATE when it comes to his grandma owwww this convo so sad
Wadfah trying to sow discord... I mean she's correct that Vee did steal the stone to save his grandma but... she's too eager to declare she doesn't think Vee is trustworthy... then again, if we were following a story of a reincarnated Wad who comes to the house to find somebody else has been thought of have been her and is living the life that's supposed to be hers and has fooled everybody into trusting them, we'd be on Wadfah's side in this story
San in tears after confirmation that Vee stole the stone omgggg
THIS IS SO FUCKING SAD, THE WHOLE FAMILY FEELING BETRAYED and the story of Vee trying to originally steal it resurfacing even though they thought he'd tried to protect this whole time omggg
returning the ring !!! T.T
nooo San steal loving and believing in Vee and calling after him owowowowowowowwwwww T.T
aw man Vee living with Third for now
stoppp don't think about the cute good and hot times while looking at your bed you shared with Vee, San :( also they do a whole lot of flashbacks to scene we've seen (and repeatedly too like 5 times seeing flashbacks of the same scene), so I'm glad that they showed a completely new cute scene of them together.
this fucking perfume coming up multiple times T.T
ahhh San's intense confrontation with Third omg, this was so good and it felt in character with both of them and the amount of drama/the conclusions that people drew from the confrontation also made sens
okay I just feel like San should at least bring up Wadfah's lack of reaction to seeing Third what the hell
nooo my poor Juu crying nooooooooo
San kneeling in front of Wadfah gave me a heart attack like omg 120smth year old guy please get up
now why did it start raining and thunder and lightning appears
girl, Wadfah outright asking for the 5 coloured stone... if the antagonists sent her, then they could've sent her to get the strong from San out of his own will
tears down Nuwa's face pls
whelp goodbye stone. i don't think San has another stone decoy to give to her
ah, he's again weak and in pain as the stone is far away
Wadgah's delighted smile while looking at the stone...
The angst is so good because it's something tangible and real and has been leading up to this for the whole show and there are so many people involved like San and Vee but also the family and Wadfah and the stakes are so high (100 years of waiting, true love, death if we have the wrong person, etc.). Becuase of it all, the angst doesn't feel over-dramatic or drawn-out, like this is big enough that people would be having these sorts of reactions. Similarly with San and Third's conflict, that was also violent and dramatic but it makes sense that San would get angry with Third because he's been jealous of him from the beginning and can't let go of Third's past life Trai's crimes while Trai is like mad but not over-the-top until he sees Wadfah and thinks San cheated and so everything came crashing down; the escalation to the punch and yelling made sense then. ahhh so good
I got San choosing Vee without knowing whether he's the real Wad or not, which was great and incredible (even though it hasn't led to their romance again yet) and even gave up his fucking stone for it. We also know Wadfah isn't really a good person and was after the stone. Ideally for me, I think the show would have Wadfah indeed be Wad's reincarnation but just be a different, worse person - not the same Wad as a century ago, the same way Third is a better person than Trai a century ago (unless he too is hiding something and is secretly a villain...). So have Vee and San end up together even though Vee's not Wad. However, I think maybe Vee really is Wad because somebody's gonna have to feed San that stone and if Wadfah's not a good person, we're gonna have to have Vee do it. so idk maybe neither of them are 1-1 Wad's reincarnation since we know both Vee and Wadfah share similar fates? and were born same time and place nad the stone glowed for them both... so maybe Vee and Wadfah could both have the power to feed San and Vee ends up doing it.
What a good episode omg
Although that's not to say everything was perfect and dandy; I think some more reasoning or conflict from Vee's end about stealing the stone would have been good. Like stealing it again without any thought to San? crazy. they should've at least had something like Vee believes very strongly that San would be fine without the whole stone, just a little bit. or like when Vee asks San for the stone, we don't see what San says except no but maybe they could've had San downplay the problems if the stone was gone and just been like no, not worth it to make your grandma be in pain, making Vee think there aren't too many consequences from San's end. or SOMETHING because it's wild how callously he just stole it and ran. or at least stronger sense of regret once he come out of the panic of thinking his grandma was dying and being like omg what have i done? i was in a zone when thinking about my grandma dying that i didn't stop to think omg like at least acknowledge it on text.
Also, Wandee’s necklace returning scene was a let-down fr, so I’m glad it hurt more and had more weight here
Okay somebody mentioned that in First Love, Again (I've watched this kbl but don't remember a single thing), the reincarnation started 1 cycle earlier and during that time the 2 men were together? or smth? and so maybe there was an earlier incarnation of Vee and San and then San and Wad came later. Also I'm nosy and forgot and so went to look through First Love Again, wasted 10 minutes of my time but couldn't find that part while skimming. whelp
Ep 8 (Aug 1)
ummmm why did I see some screenshots on Twitter with San clutching Vee's (??) body on the floor and crying... If this episode doesn't end happily/ends on a cliffhanger, I'm gonna lose my shit
ouchh San and Vee's scene
kiss w/ tear-striken faces aw
damn the ash baggie got lost so quick
Third is here too
not the "I don't wanna live if it's not with you" and resignation to die in a few weeks without the damn stone. San I'll smack you
okay they made up hehe hug
loll maybe Third really is a clueless nice dude like I've been hoping. confused af at these revelations
bro i'm so freaking sleepy but i also wanna finish watching this episode...
Juu my beloved finally realized Wadfah not recognizing Third is weird
lol not her being a seasoned criminal okayyyyy let’s go loll
fake stone trick again
man i can’t chill knowing that those screenshots exist like Vee probably gonna get shot this episode
did Chen and whoever keep the fake stone or give it back to wadfah bc it’s annoying if they kept it
not them all actingggg lmfao both Wad and San’s side putting up a play
ah oof, the stone not with Wadfah, I wonder if she will also come up with some fake stone to trick
oh nvm she got the stone from Chen unless They gave her a fake stone lmfaooo
they’re so fucking cute man
now why is San the bold one while Vee is shy, Vee’s the one who was talking about fucking people loll
cryingggg at Juu swearing on Dr. Tao’s life that the fake stone is the real stone lmfaoo
ohhh omg we’re the screenshots from San’s vision that Nuwa gave him?
girl i’m nervous the stone gonna suddenly stop glowing
lmfaoooo just in time
replicas so good neither of them can tell the difference?!
oh it’s flowing for Vee fr
are they gonna have to team up with Wadfah?
the shooting is very funny idk
the end?! girl what the hell
Pretty enjoyable show so far, I think the writing for this is quite strong, which is fairly rare. Hope the next 2 episodes hold up and that the show ends well.
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acerathia · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers 💖
thank u for the dag erika @kedsandtubesocks !! and!! open tag for everyone who wants to!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
as of now, 10! i'd like to think im pretty consistent with posting on there fjsdlkf
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
88,099 words lolol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
honestly, anything that tickles my fancy. a lot of bnha, some jjk, naruto ofc, and honestly, even genshin, hsr, lds, undertale, orv. i even had a phase where i was writing marvel fics hahaha
4. Top five fics by kudos
let's see
drowning in you (Rafayel x reader)
The Apple of my Eye (Izuku x reader)
equilibrium (Aventurine x reader)
Grave Robbery (Katsuki x reader)
two birds: a tragedy in five acts (Obito x reader)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I honestly get so excited over every comment i get, i cant help but immediately respond 😔
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
idk if it's considered a fic, but that short dabi piece, i cant find the link o7 but it was pretty angsty but in terms of an actual fic, i would consider the ending of 'two birds' as the angstiest ending? maybe
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i would say that on terms of happiness, most of them are equal, bc i tend to end fics on the same place during the momentum hahaha
8. Do you get hate on fics?
this question assumes that people outside of my mutuals read my fics hahaha, no, not really o7
9. Do you write smut?
i've never written explicit smut, just alluding to it or using metaphors. i dont feel comfy writing smut (yet) hahaha
10. Craziest crossover?
never done a crossover o7
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
again, no hahaha
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
boring answer, again no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes,,, i did write a fics with my bsf in middle school. but also, kinda during my wattpad days... dont ask hahaha
14. All time favorite ship?
my mutualy x happiness <3
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my marvel fics honestly had pretty cool ideas, but i'm just not into it anymore lolol. but also, one huge fic ive written in ms for mm, but bc it was on paper, i lost everything o7 i'd like to think that even if i take breaks, that i pull through most of the time, unless i completely lose interest
16. What are your writing strengths?
good question, uhm, i think my writing style is nice? idk
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I often cant pull through if the plot is supposed to be longer, as it feels like i lose momentum, also, i often get distracted in the middle of writing and lose my thoughts hahah
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It depends imo, whole dialogue in another language can rip one out of the vibe, but bits and pieces if done correctly can hint at the personality of the character. esp if one considers how people do that too (i loveee using random english words while speaking other languages)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
naruto o7 ive got a track record worth years atp
20. Favorite fic you've written?
in terms of the overall writing, i like 'two birds' a lot bc the foreshadowing was real hahaha, but also the way i used rhetorical figures and stuff plotwise i like drowning in you, bc it was so self-indulgend and very soft
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mychemicalraymance · 2 years
Tbh my favorite books when I was a kid (pendragon series) sort of are fucking awesome. I started re reading them. I never finished but ill have to now that I'm thinking about them. Tbh theyre really like.... diverse which is not necessarily a literature virture on its own but its pretty cool considering the culture of children's lit when they were published. And it feels really genuine. The characters are unique and fleshed out. Like his first friend and love interest is a girl who is like, a warrior, and supposed to be from an alternate planet that is based off of Africa. His second friend that he meets is modeled after a pacific islander with an Australian accent (maybe maori?) on a thriving Waterworld utopia, essentially. I say modeled off of because like Africa and Australia and races don't exist in the alternate dimensions but like theyre "our" references via they way they look and obviously this is a children's book series, theyre not going to deconstruct the idea of race in totality. But it doesn't ignore real world racism, the traveller from second earth (1940s america) is a black man. And also obviously the effects of tokenization and subconscious racism are going to affect the way these characters are going to be written by the white author but like... loor is sooooo fucking awesome. I love her. He also has a tendency to make all of his female characters and love interests stubborn and headstrong im guessing as a way to not damselfy them but becomes repetitive after a while. But like I love them. Lol.
There's also the fucking... tragedy of it like I loveee. The characters LOSE all the time. Their homes are devastated and destroyed and wiped from existence, literally and metaphorically. Bobby is FORCED to be a traveler lol his family and home and dog are blipped from existence OVERNIGHT. its fucking brutal. And earth is like. ... apocalypsed. Its GONE. Some territories are other territories after an apocalypse. Fuck. The young travelers are literallyreplacments for the older parent figure travelers like they all fucking are fated to DIE!!!
Also it invented the hunger games way before the books, the two TV announcers in the dystopian televised obstacle course death games book are the same as the hunger games. ✍
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loveerinn · 5 years
another one ig. a poem from earlier this year. a little more raw. incredibly angry. someone told me the poems I spend the least time trying to perfect are by best ones. I disagree. But ... Date & Time: Unknown.
until you can sit down and say that a boy could scold you and tell you how to be who you were
don’t speak to me
close the lips of vixen, a prey lethal to the touch of a fake
that’s how he thinks of you
have you ever stopped and asked yourself the need for intricately weaving a fabric of patterns mismatched into our drapes
how he didn’t belong and let us go along believe WE were misplaced
but wait no that’s not you that’s me... and fuck the notion of overzealous anxiety
yea she speaks to me but at this point we’re not friends
it’s a toxic relationship i care to keep cause she’s the only one that’ll make amends
with buildings and bridges in my psyche
it’s psychology in that she’s providing me epiphany
cautiousness, for threats like you
she makes you question every thing you thought you knew
and we’re tied. bound together but ive been in worse
it’s funny to feel like all our social interactions are cursed
damn, aren’t you glad i said respect your wishes?
that i didn’t flinch or show you tears over the thought of some stupid kisses
i mean the ones that you had, don’t front you little shit
acting like some part of your mind didn’t also think see and feel it
but he was new and fresh and safe and fuck the person that always stayed
lol stayed ..? no i left with tandrums and whiny uproars
on deaf ears, that always went ignored
and can you imagine the actual novel
there i was taking an apology, but you made me feel like i groveled?
how do you say “i’m sorry”
“but this is why i did it”
explanations are one thing, but your lack of decision was truly committed
ironic isn’t it that you could latch onto the things with no answers
maybe i’m the dumbass for thinking you’d wake tf up any faster
we were a design in the making not yet finished
and you just let him keep taking the cloth, the patterns, ... the important parts of our fabric
& yes there’s jealous
shits and tons honestly.
you needa calibrate the intricate working of the problem
that you say you knew me as “green”
but didn’t know other colors on the palette
of my tongue, dying to speak rubbing on the roof and the lines of my gum
numing on my lips til i bleed
concede in the reality that you didn’t know, couldn’t see in front of your eyes
not surreal is it, that you were rainbow blind
colors in the soul of a being that’s been left behind
you left me behind
and yea i was jealous
you weren’t mine but i was my own territory to overcome
and you loved the traits of me in him, when i was a spirit that you knew none
i a being that knows none, and i had to find my definition in a boy
who didn’t hinder his diction
in trying to reflect with his bullshit benedictions
man, but i was “blessed” to listen to tripe and trip
of a boy who toyed with my seasons
use to tell me what i needed to fix and “the reasons”™️
and the weathers of my body couldn’t take it
i was hot like the musk of a summer i knew not
knew not the warmth and pleasantries of spring
you left my whole body, winter freezing
and the leaves of my trees falling on the ground like wisps
a friend that reminds you of bullies that use to torment on your lisp
fuck in all actual, I wish I had the voice to tell him to “suck a dick “
but that would contradict the level of softness i’m trying to build
but also break me cause it’s the texture of my soul that’s complacent
to the way you make me feel and-
sigh. i knew i started to feel off when you two were suddenly chummy
it’s kinda funny, that you laughed at my worry of him taking you from me
no actually that’s comedy
you left and made a choice, so he didn’t really do that did he?
do you know how it makes me feel
when you defend the honor of a boy who took away the only for me that felt real
and we’re not friends!
so it doesn’t matter
that i troubled myself with questions of your actions and “what if i chased her”
but you didn’t catch me
however i wasn’t running, actually
casually, aware of the fact you don’t seem to care
and i could be the grand prize but you wouldn’t play the game
what is it about a boy that’s similar to me in so many same..
blame ... “on me or you?”, i ask myself this same bullshit everyday
how do you get through, not being able to make your own favorite thing stay
how do you not ruin the ruins that are left over in new construction
careful for the eruption, that is me losing my mind
it’s fucking 3:03 pm and i’m not fucking alright
maybe i can’t be alone
cause too long, gets me in my head and thoughts
the sheer comedic tragedy of that statement on me isn’t lost
i admit
he became the garbage for disposal of my feeling
but you didn’t even seem to realize that all the WASTE was built from his leavings
and yours don’t forget you were a piece that did crap too
i can’t even speak out loud the way you made me feel and what that made me do
you ever realize emotions are draining? might as well call them toxic
not a waste of time, i’m sure they stand for something, but they just add conflict
i’m home sick. for a place i haven’t inhabited called security
don’t play with me, confidence is constantly lacking
i’m homeless. in a figure sense
there was a time it was literal and even then i didn’t even get so obsessed
with the living space of a place i haven’t inhabit,
say this so much i may as well patent it
I’m homesick . all the time. that’s all there is to that so i’ll just leave that & drop this rhyme
you use to tell me i made him feel bad aww shucks
poor baby oh that’s his luck
being bullied, but that girl that suffered his ministrations
don’t expect demonstration. from you? he hid his administrations
maybe i’m over dramatic
but there’s this picture that opened everything in my attic
i’m an addict to the taste of destruction
i’m high off your lack of love and
I’m just aware of hospital, a temple, a body, ignoring its sickness
if i were to ever give you this.... just remember ... this is my reality not my way of a “diss”
i feel stagnant but the history shows i’m growing
it’s funny i don’t think i ever HAVE to project the things both you and i be knowing
unlike the one that will capitalize on the facts that he’s changed
but to mute, you need to be aware of your past and future stage
as in the times you were different and supposedly brand new
head so damn big, missing
the point that cuts straight through..
it cuts me
can’t you see that
that his misgivings breed reactions
can’t you see me ripping and dripping
and my voice calling
fuck damn there goes my heart sprawling
on floor
and you step on it so who are you ... either of you, to implore that you ‘loved’ me
bitch, bite me
and mind you it’s not dead
my hearts alive still beating
lifeless only from the feeling the pressure of a heeling
bounded to death, trying to heal from the fatal steel from irony
lol ... to think it’s my real laughter and ability to love you’ve stolen from me
how did you take it considering you dont do that
god i’d fight through hell and hire waters and you especially ... to get it back
god i hate even listening to me
ever been so aware of what it could be
should be oh goodie
there she goes again ‘nother long stupid poem from me
It’s crazy... a long time ago I thought about giving this to the person it was intended for... I even wrote it in the poem. Letting them feel how much I was hurt everything I was feeling. I talked myself into thinking they wouldn’t care anyways. Or they wouldn’t wanna hear it. Or they’d take it wrong and it’d make it worse. Or they wouldn’t understand my feelings... or any of it. So I never gave it to her.
Now I wonder if it would’ve changed anything. sigh. probably not. who knows.
Loveee Erin
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samtastic-sims · 8 years
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MORE!? replies about toddlers being the cutest things ever?? + some love from some very loving & lovely people xD
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@geekstersims​  replied to your photo “After mom & dad went to work :(”
should i be concerned that im feeling sympathetic for a pixelated toddler :P
Probably xD But I’m in the same boat as you gurl
@geekstersims  replied to your photoset “Dancing with mom :3”
i just love the lil butt wiggle :3
It’s literally my favourite thing xD
@midpoosimmer  replied to your photoset “Having 3 toddlers will make you pass out from exhaustion immediately...”
That's what you get for having toddlers, HA! xD, post more, I really like your cutiepies, I don't know if it's cause they're Kodaline's, but I really freaking love them. Thank god I play on long life span, I might just get to see Shay's toddlers.
I would love to see Shay’s Toddlers xD
@midpoosimmer  replied to your photoset “Harley loves watching T.V. He’s constantly asking Kodaline to turn it...”
My kinda kid, I did that too. Sure, later on we realised I did cause I couldn't see from the couch, but oh well, glasses get cool once they grow on you. And when all the kids at school stop mocking you for it. And when you manage not to step on them. And when you finally get ppl to stop pressing their fingers to the glass. And when you realise the reason you can't see your phone in the morning is cause you still haven't put your glasses on. and when... you get it xD
I do get it xD Although I’m not that blind yet. Getting there though
@neopixiesims replied to your photoset “Harley destroyed the doll house and then cried about it”
sounds just abou/t right for toddler behaviour
So right it’s scary xD
@plumbobage  replied to your photoset “Dancing with mom :3”
OMG the cute might kill me
I’m already dead xD
@mintsimster replied to your photoset “Harley loves watching T.V. He’s constantly asking Kodaline to turn it...”
I love this house! It's so colorful and bright and it makes me suuuper happy to look at lol
Thank you so much! :D
@simply4sims  replied to your photoset “Dancing with mom :3”
This might be the cutest thing I've ever seen
It’s cuter to actually watch it :P
@simsy-baby replied to your photoset “Twinsie love :3”
too cute i can't ;-;
So.hard.to.look.at.the.cuteness :P
@simflix replied to your photoset “Storytime!”
Your are so brave having three toddlers. I have two in game right now and I'm dying x_x
Their cute little faces took over and my brain stopped making logical decisions xD
@vixrotre  replied to your photo “After mom & dad went to work :(”
Poor Torin D: First his mom got pregnant, then he got TWO siblings, and now his parents are gone to work D: So much tragedy in such a short time!
Yeah exactly, poor little guy’s having a hard time xD
@jinxedsimmer  replied to your photoset “Torin rejected Marley’s hug, guess he reeeallly didn’t want any...”
i've yelled at my toddler twice because of this lol
It gets so annoying xD
@trypixels  replied to your photoset “Marley & Harley | Clingy & Fussy twins”
One of my sims has twin girls and they are fussy and clingy too and they are so much work omg
@touchmypixels  replied to your photoset “Marley & Harley | Clingy & Fussy twins”
I remember my sim had twins once in TS3 and I deleted one
LOL You are savage
@shaysugar replied to your photoset “Now that there are 3 monsters kiddies in the house, Kodaline & Tyler...”
Oh so that's why they can do so much. I knew it was unhuman to be a buttler.
I had the exact same thoughts :P
@patronusxcharms  replied to your photoset “Kodaline had twins! Torin wasn’t very happy about the new additions”
LMAO this is so accurate for toddlers, EA did such a good job on their personalities
Ikr!? It’s amazing actually :D
@blueskysims  replied to your photoset “Kodaline had twins! Torin wasn’t very happy about the new additions”
OMG! Your sims are going to be extremely busy...
Yup they definitely are :P no regrets
@heihu  replied to your post “I would love your sims/Tumblr if they were more Realistic and didn't...”
I love everything about your blog, gameplay and sims! <3
Ahw thank you so much!! <3 ditto!
@selahgio  replied to your photoset “Torin’s always exploring”
Making it so toddlers can climb the stairs is like one of the best features TS4 added for tots.
It’s the best thing ever! And also that they can climb into their beds themselves :P
@mangoruby replied to your post “I would love your sims/Tumblr if they were more Realistic and didn't...”
AAAAHH thank you :D
@sugarinesssims replied to your post “I would love your sims/Tumblr if they were more Realistic and didn't...”
Love your adorable alien sims <3
aw fanx ! <3 I love your sims in general :D
@littlenettleheart replied to your post “I would love your sims/Tumblr if they were more Realistic and didn't...”
I love your simmys ��
Thank you vewi muuuuch! :3
@bufui replied to your photoset “@cyprin-sims wanted to see the exterior of the Jiffy’s home … so here...”
Teach me your decorating ways.
Classes start at 5:30am first thing! xD
@birbsims replied to your photoset “@cyprin-sims wanted to see the exterior of the Jiffy’s home … so here...”
oml their house is so cute!!
Thank you lovely! :D
@peacemaker-ic replied to your photoset “I can’t”
omg he is gonna be a heartbreaker with those big blue eyes. His parents are gonna be wrapped around his little finger.
Well he’s a lucky one then xD Big blue eyes are my weakness :P
@spellcasterr replied to your photoset “I can’t”
You can't??? Girl, I can't ! I'm legit going to burst. This boy is too cute
Giiiiirrrl ... I hope you're bursting in a good ways though xD
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