#it's that they're being held hostage by Boss or were disposed of by Boss
16th-of-a-twigg · 4 months
typically if done right, everything you see and hear on screen has a purpose. So why was my overall feelings of Rogue this episode that of not a trustworthy person? - "Bad Guy" being played in the background when we first are introduced to them - We know Rogue has a "New Boss". The Meep in the special ep mentioned they had a "Boss". -The Tardis growls at Rogue. - They're a bounty hunter by trade and only flip their attitude of disposing the Doctor once it's revealed that he is one of a kind. (🤑 anyone?) - The in Tardis interaction gave the impression that the Doctor's info dump about his life and the Tardis' capabilities was something Rogue wished to exploit and would at some point double cross. Depositing the aliens in an abandoned, one way trip dimension plot gave me bad vibes. (I thought it looked like they wanted to steal the Tardis with the way they were inspecting it like new real-estate ) - If the monster of the episode was someone who could shapeshift and was always hiding their true self, Rogue not revealing their true name but a fake one holds some parallel connotations. -THEIR FAKE NAME - Rogue meaning: a dishonest or unprincipled person (don't ask me why Rogue then sacrificed themself) in this essay i will -
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