#it's still his birthday in my timezone! barely
autumnally-art · 1 year
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happy birthday to april’s fool
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mimikittysblog · 1 year
BFF! Jake: Your Ex Tries to Get You Back
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Synopsis: How each member of Enhypen would react when their best friend (who also happens to be their crush) has their ex trying to get you back.
Genre: fluff and a tiny bit of angst, but barely there | headcanons
Tagging: @findingjuyo 😚🤭
Heeseung - Jay - Sunghoon - Sunoo - Jungwon - Niki
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
You and Jake met when you were still in australia during school.
The boy is just naturally friendly so you guys became friends very quickly.
Besides that you two were the smart kids in your class.
So you guys liked to challenge yet also help each other for classes.
Like you two can go from "Hah! I'm a point higher than you! makes me smarter" "oh shut up"
to "Okay can you help me with this formula?? I could barely understand her in class today" "Of course!"
Biggest rival yet closest friend type thing hehe.
Dude thats so cute heheheh just constant bickering but always helping each other hehehe
Okay so the boy is good at everything.
Academics, sports, talent and such a nice boy.
Of course you were gonna fall for him.
you and like half of the schools population..
Now you weren't gonna lie, you were heartbroken when Jake told you he was gonna leave Australia.
However you were also completely ecstatic for him cause he was chasing his dreams.
You even were there to send him and his family off at the airport.
"Don't you dare forget me when you're a big star okay?!" You said while hugging him
"We don't even know if I'm even gonna make it past auditions Y/n!" He chuckled.
"Hush. You're Jake Sim!!! They're dumb if they don't accept you. and if they are that dumb I know you'll just keep trying till you make it!"
He just chuckled more and hugged you tighter before he had to board.
Though as you made your way out of the airport you suddenly got a text from him.
"Could never forget you. Hehe forgot to tell you that. Don't forget to vote for me!!"
"Of course Jake"
after that man did you vote for him like CRAZY.
You weren't really sure if you should text him during this as he was busy and timezones and such.
so you ended up never sending the texts.
So you unfortunately lost touch.
But you always tuned in to I-LAND to see how he was doing.
The day he was announced as a member of an enhypen you shedded tears.
"Knew you could do it Sim." You said to yourself.
As you continued your life in Australia you were able to get yourself a partner.
They were honestly wonderful to you.
Soon enough though you got a scholarship to a University in Korea.
Unfortunately your partner didn't want to do long distance.
You tried to convince them but they were pretty set on it.
It also kinda led to an argument so..
Oh well..
After you moved and settled in you actually got a text from Jake
"Hey there stranger, it's Jake! Hope you remember me. My mom told me you moved to Korea. Wanna meet up?"
You never texted back so fast.
It was so good to see each other again.
You guys gave each other the biggest hug.
Jake showed you around Seoul to get you familiar with the place.
While catching up of course.
He even taught you some extra korean along the way
"Your pronunciation is good but also kinda cute hehe" He teased
"Not as cute as yours when you were on I-LAND" you teased back.
After that day you guys became close again, despite his hectic schedule.
He always tried his best to make time for you.
Cause you didn't know this but he had always liked you too.
He was always just so comfortable around you and he loved everything about you too.
Your smile, eyes, laugh, heart, the list goes on.
Just. everything!
And he wanted to tell you soon.
That soon is today!
Today happens to be your birthday.
and the boy decided to take you on a date and then finally confessed.
So early in the morning he took you for breakfast then you went to the library.
For lunch he brought you to an animal cafe.
Probably a dog cafe but if you like cats more or maybe you can’t be around dogs for some reasons then he'd take you to a cat cafe.
Finally before dinner he took you to an arcade where he was just an absolute dork.
He played any games you wanted.
He also actually planned to let you win all of them..
Boy got competitive 🙄
But! He made it up by winning you any plushie you want.
Took him a few tries but he got them.
Suddenly as he was trying to win you another prize your ex called.
You then excused yourself to answer the phone.
Our poor Jakey quickly got nervous.
What are they calling for?
Are they asking for them back?
No they didnt want a long distance relationship..
But.. what if?
I think they're worth any distance..
No its their birthday! maybe they wanted to be nice and wish them a happy birthday but who still says happy birthday to their ex..?
"Jake you good?"
"아! 깜짝이야!!!”
He didn't even realize you were back he was so lost in thought.
"You scared me!!"
"Clearly, You okay tho?" You giggled.
He took a deep breath then nodded, before finally asking who that was.
You then explained how it was your ex and how they wished you a happy birthday.
But.. they also asked if the two of you could get back together.
Jake was starting to sweat.
"W-what did you say?"
"I said no of course! I don't like them like that anymore, plus that chapter is just over." You explained.
"..Good." He mumbled.
Jake smiled and took your hands before finally confessing to you.
"Good cause I wanna be with you instead. Can I Y/n? Can I be yours?"
To say you were stunned was kinda an understatement.
So without any hesitation you quickly pulled him into a hug.
"It would be an honor to have you as mine Jake."
And with that he finally took you out for dinner at your favorite place.
Best birthday ever me thinks 🤭
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2023
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spnexploration · 2 years
I've Got You
Happy birthday @iprobablyshipit91! I wrote a Protective!Dean one-shot for you (I'm hoping I got my timezones right...!)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Words: 740
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You blearily opened your eyes. Your heart was thumping in your chest, your breathing panicked. You dizzily looked around you, a sense that you’d just been running from something but now didn’t know where it was. You couldn’t quite remember what it was that was after you, which was even more terrifying.
The room span. Or maybe your head did? You didn’t know.
“Hey, hey, you in there?” Something was touching your face. Repetitively. You couldn’t focus on it, over the feeling of the blood pumping in your ears and your hands shaking.
“Y/N! Y/N! Sweetheart, you with me?”
Suddenly you had a thought – was that the thing you were running from?! You tried to get away, but for some reason you couldn’t. You couldn’t seem to stand up, couldn’t seem to run. Your heartrate impossibly increased, again.
“She ok?”
“Eyes are open but I can’t get her to respond. I don’t think I’m getting through.”
You tried to move again. There was something after you, you had to get away! What kept stopping you?!
“Whoa, whoa, sweetheart, you gotta stay still. We only just got the drip out of you.”
Someone was holding you! That’s why you couldn’t get away! You started to struggle: kicking, hitting, anything you could do to get out of their clutches.
“Fuck, Sammy! She’s freaking out. I can barely hold her. You got that new antidote yet?”
You couldn’t move your arm, they were holding it still! A sharp pain! What were they doing to you?! Your heart was about to leap out of your chest and gallop away, it could barely keep up with this pace.
You continued to thrash about in someone’s hold. Or was it two someones? There seemed to be a lot of touchpoints on you. You’d count them but you had to get away.
“How long’s it going to take to work?”
“I don’t know Dean, it’s not exactly an exact science mixing my own hybrid-Djinn antidote on the fly!”
You screamed. Maybe that would help.
“Come on sweetheart, you gotta come back to us, ok?”
Was that Dean?
“De-Dean?” you stuttered. You couldn’t find him, you couldn’t tell one shape from another in front of your face. But you thought you’d heard him.
“Yes, sweetheart, I’m right here. I’ve got you.”
“What? Where? Why- why can’t I- what’s happening?!” You started to flail your arms in front of you, trying to get to Dean. Trying to get through the sea of shapes and colours in front of you that you hadn’t worked out what they were yet.
“Hey, hey, please stop, sweetheart,” Dean said, while hands tried to stop your arms. “You gotta calm down for me.”
“Where are you?!”
“I’m right here.” Something moved your hand and suddenly you felt stubble under your fingertips. “This is me, I’m right here.”
You blinked a few times. The shape. The shape in front of you. It was… Dean?
You stopped fighting.
“That’s it, that’s it, good job sweetheart. Can you see me now?” You nodded. “Ok, good. Now I need you to start calming down. Tell me something you can feel.”
“Umm, umm, my lungs.”
“Good, good. Tell me something you can see.”
“Something you can hear.”
“My heart pumping.”
Dean chuckled, “Ok, we’re trying to calm that down. Let’s take some nice, deep breaths.” You did, feeling your breathing coming more under control. “That’s it, now we’re getting somewhere.”
“What- what happened?”
“Half-breed djinns. I think they mostly got you with the fear kind, but just enough of the original to let Sammy mix up an antidote.”
You remembered the fear, the running, the feeling of something after you. You started to shiver. Pretty quickly your whole body was shaking uncontrollably.
Dean started shifting position so that he was sitting on the floor. He nodded to Sam who held you up while he moved. Once Dean was in position, he reached out and pulled you onto his lap, encouraging you to lean against his chest. He wrapped his long arms around you and held you firmly.
You clutched the front of his flannel.
He gently stoked your head. “You're ok,” he murmured quietly. “I've got you. Sammy and I killed the djinn, it can't hurt you anymore. Nothing is after you, you're safe.”
You slowly relaxed against him. The shaking reduced, your breathing slowed to a normal rate.
He kissed your forehead, “I've got you, sweetheart.”
Everything Supernatural taglist:
Dean Winchester taglist:
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
I saw your tag about meeting your boyfriend because of posting on Tumblr and I'm very curious as to how that happened. Like, did you find each other's blogs, saw you had stuff in common and met up IRL? What happened? Please give us details (if you're willing to talk about it, no worries if not!)
Also, for a boyfriend tag, may I suggest... Calcium. Cuz you're a skeleton and calcium makes bones stronger... I'll see myself out
(Referencing the tags of this post)
Oh my gosh. Buddy you have just opened up Pandora’s box. Brace yourself for the most adorable couple origin story ever.
He followed me fairly early on into the process of me posting my work on Tumblr. I don’t remember exactly, but I think my TPiaG mini comic “Heart-to-Heartbreak” was the first post he ever reblogged from me. After that, he was super enthusiastic and involved with my blog and engaged with basically every post I ever made. This guy was one of THE followers of my work— if I posted something, he was always there to like it and share super thoughtful commentary or hilarious jokes.
I absolutely adored him even back then, and we had barely exchanged a handful of messages on Tumblr where he thanked me for inspiring him to get back into art and writing, and I blubbered about how meaningful that was to me. We eventually followed each other on Spotify and I think that’s about the point when I really should have realized I had it bad for him. I was CONSTANTLY rambling to my mom about how much I wanted to be this internet stranger’s best friend, but I was super hesitant because our family has been huge on online stranger danger and never really talking to anyone unless you know exactly who they are in real life. I’m an adult and all, yeah, but I was still super anxious about internet strangers at large— though he never once made me uncomfortable or wary :>
Eventually, he made a goofy post about it being his birthday, and I bolted to tell my mom about that and how I didn’t have enough time that day to polish up any content of his favorite characters I’ve written and post it as a gift for him. I was utterly distraught and pretty much full-on monologuing to my ever-so patient mother about how much I wanted to befriend this man and how amazing he was and how shy I felt about the matter, and she looked me dead in the eyes and told me to ask him if he wanted to message each other more and get to know each other better.
I sent him a message over Tumblr, we exchanged Discord usernames, and I’m pretty sure it was just over a week of messaging and getting to know each other more and more every day later when he told me he thought he was in love with me— to which I very eloquently rattled off a bunch of nonsense that ended in “I don’t know how to communicate this other than by saying ‘dude, same’.”
After that, we’ve only gotten more and more mutually obsessed. Thankfully he’s in the same country as me, and we’re even timezone neighbors, so he’s not on the opposite side of the world— and when I realized some of my household were going on a trip to the same state where he lived for a family wedding, I SCRAMBLED to insert myself into that trip last-minute. We had originally thought that we’d meet up when he could drive to my state (a process that would take a long time because of some complicating factors), but when I realized my family were flying down there, I was practically foaming at the mouth with the thought of seeing him so much sooner. We met up not that long ago and were even able to meet some of each other’s family members (my family absolutely adores him, and I think his likes me a fair bit too, hehe). But listen: when I tell you I adored him before, I was absolutely head-over-heels for him when we met in person. I got to hug him and I had this thought come to mind of “Oh. This is the person I want to marry.” And I’ve never once doubted it :>
During the times we met up we mostly sat around and basked in each other’s presence and stared at each other. I ended up breaking eye contact a lot because I kept getting flustered and also because this man is TALL and I had to periodically rest my neck 😂 I was able to give him some pins I had made of our PMD team that represents us, and my boyfriend. My boyfriend, you guys. He had the gall to send me a screenshot of an eBay listing of the world’s most adorable Snorlax plush weeks before while we were on a call together, bought it immediately after I had said I loved the plush’s face as we hung up, and then GAVE ME IT WHEN WE MET UP.
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Look at him. That’s my son now. I was trying to think of what to name the little guy when my toddler niece dubbed him Tummy. My boyfriend approves of the monicker— as he should, because it’s the bestest name for the bestest boy.
TL;DR— He followed me on tumblr, I desperately wanted to be friends with him and sent him my Discord username on his birthday, we exchanged “I love you”s a week later, and I was almost sick on a plane because I was so excited to see him during a trip to his state for a family member’s wedding. We are absolutely obsessed with each other and kind of instantly Knew from the get-go that we’re going to be each other’s Person™️.
As for the tag, I'm not sure I’ll go with it but I’m starting to consider “The Boyfriend Bird Feeder”, because it works out to the acronym BFBF which I find funny, I mainly want to make the tag as a way for him to easily find posts where I’m talking about how amazing he is whenever he needs a pick-me-up (and so people can block the tag if they find me raving about my man so much annoying lol), and his persona that we spent all day yesterday cooking up looks like this:
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nc-vb · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞
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Happy Birthday, Kaveh! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ I'm only two hours late in my timezone, sue me!!! just something quick & small for the loml.
pairing -> kaveh x gn!reader
warnings -> none, minor stressors/triggers.
notes -> extremely self-ship coded. totally never had any of this happen to myself; certainly not.
wc -> 2k
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Procrastination. Exhaustion. Forgetfulness. Then, last minute responsibilities.
You didn’t mean to leave things to the last minute. Usually, it isn’t so bad that you would leave such a thing to the day before. Thesis writing, yes— guilty as charged; your closest friends and family have watched you scramble and panic to complete and submit your assignments before their due date, have watched you fly out of the library or out the doors of your house with a thick package in hand containing some kind of assignment. Even putting off doctor’s appointments out of sheer laziness for having to get yourself there became a habit— when was the last time you’d gone for a check-up, anyhow?
But this is different, this time. This, you think, is unforgivable. If it had been anything to do with your own birthday where you’d forgotten something, you wouldn’t have paid much mind nor care much about it. But it’s not. It’s Kaveh’s.
This simple, nearly-overlooked fact is why if anyone decides to walk through your front door, they’d find only chaos within your modest home. Your first attempt at baking a vanilla-flavoured cake from scratch had ended in utter failure, having turned the temperature of your oven one hundred degrees higher than you’d meant to, while the second became due to having slipped on a drop of cake batter and sending the newly-filled cake pan flying through your kitchen and into the brand new diamond-shaped crystal vials you’d purchased to put various types of home-brewed essential oils into. Suffice to say, the strength of your throw meant there were no survivors. Oh… The flowers left out to dry outside had been forgotten about in the meanwhile, and it’d taken only a short sun shower for your plans to make potpourri with them to become completely scrapped.
Broom in hand, you mindlessly sweep up shards of glass from the broken vials into a pile in the middle of the floor.
Anything that could have possibly gone wrong, went wrong. After all the time that it took to find all of the ingredients, all of the flowers for the potpourri and the oils, and all in the nick of time to bring over to Lambad’s for Kaveh’s surprise party— what can you even tell him? Knowing Kaveh, he’d still try to placate you and calm you down when you finally tried to explain the situation to him, that the only reason your efforts ran out had been because you forgot it was his birthday.
Your movements are quick to end the longer you find yourself stewing on things. Because everything really should have been foolproof once you had a plan in place: Cyno and Tighnari would swing by to collect the cake and your gifts and bring them along to the tavern, and when Kaveh was due to arrive a half an hour later under the ruse of you taking him out for a simple dinner, he’d arrive there, pleasantly surprised by the faces of his friends and by the cake you’d painstakingly made. It would be an entertaining night of food and drink and friends, and by the end of it, Kaveh and yourself would return to your own home rather than Alhaitham’s, an arrangement neither of them minded to have arranged.
At least the cake will have made it, you say, glancing to the dome-covered thing resting on your counter. Covered in berries of various types and split through the middle and filled with a vanilla custard, it awaits the arrival of your General Mahamatra and Forest Watcher friends. And when they finally do, surprised is barely the correct word to describe their expressions.
“… under… normal circumstances, I would’ve thought up a joke to try and cheer you up,” Cyno admits quietly, his one visible amber eye flitting about the entirety of your kitchen. “I don’t think this is one of them.”
Tighnari sighs almost exasperatedly at him. “Well, I’m glad to hear you at least know how to tell the difference.”
“Sorry for the mess,” you say from your place at your dining table, a hand still raised in greeting from when they first walked in. “It’s all yours, the cake.” You gesture to the damned thing sitting a few feet away from you. “Thanks for coming to get it.”
“Sure, ______,” Tighnari says. You watch him carefully tiptoe around the piles of glass and batter splotches in order to reach, and just as cautiously lift it from the counter to secure it in his arms.
“Are you sure you don’t want any help cleaning up?” Cyno asks.
“If these were normal circumstances, I might’ve said “yes” to your first offer,” you start to explain, “but since they aren’t, and given the fact that I’m probably going to start crying the second you both turn around to leave, no. I’m sure I don’t want help.”
The two exchange a look with the other, their mouths curved down into frowns.
“After I’m done throwing myself my own party of a most piteous kind, we’ll meet you for Kaveh’s.”
“All right, then,” Tighnari says. “Deep breaths, okay? You're alright.”
“Y-Yeah.” And just as you’d predicted, the second they leave, salty liquid is quick to gather along your waterline and completely spill over and down your cheeks. “Damn it.”
Just once, could something go right? If not for you, then for the things you do for others? You’d swear you’d been either cursed in another life or just saddled with an unfair amount of negative karma in this one, and would give anything for just a smooth ride of a day.
“Deep breaths,” you repeat to yourself, voice thick from your tears, using the broom to sweep up the piles into a dust pan. “Deep breaths, deep breathing, c’mon…”
You manage to tidy up with kitchen with less than a minute to spare; in wiping down the last of the mess off the counter, your front door clicks open, swinging creakily on one of the three hinges and revealing the man of the hour.
“Ah, ______! I’m back.” Per his typically routine, Kaveh rests Mehrak on the miniature settee sitting by the door, hangs your house key on the hook above it, and slides off his flats before moving quickly over to you. Before you can even lift your arms all the way, your movements still delayed, Kaveh wraps his around yours, pulling you tight into his warm chest and placing a lengthy kiss against the crown of your head. “I missed you.”
“Welcome home,” you say, voice muffled by his scarf. “Missed you, too.”
For a moment, he hums, before forcing you away from him to examine you.
“What’s wrong?” he insists. Slowly, you shake your head.
“It isn’t anything special… Just that the things I wanted to get done today didn’t… exactly get done.”
“Oh.” By the look on his face, you can tell he’s trying to stifle his relief. “Were they important things?”
“… yes. I’ll try again tomorrow, but I’m just… still a little overwhelmed by it to go into detail right now.” You sigh heavily, only to collapse back against him. “I really missed you so much.”
Softly, Kaveh chuckles, and gently squeezes you to him. “Thank you. Whenever you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here. Okay?” You nod.
“… it’ll definitely have to wait until later, though. Don’t want to ruin the party’s mood before we get ther—” you instantly seize on the spot, sleep-heavy eyes quick to widen at your blunder.
Sensing you having gone stiff within his hold, Kaveh pulls back and smiles bashfully at you.
“D-Don’t panic!” he says. “I’ve known about it for a little while now. Ah, w-well… sometimes, you talk in your sleep.”
“Ah. Oh.” Damn it. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, either.” He plants another kiss against your forehead. “Surprise party or a regular one— I’m happy, regardless. Besides! I’m a good enough actor.”
You scoff playfully at him. “I’m glad I’m here to be able to tell you that you’re really not— everyone’ll know, instantly.”
He huffs. “You don’t believe me, huh?”
“Alhaitham will know instantly,” you decidedly correct. Kaveh purses his lips.
“… okay, fine. Alhaitham will know.” His next breath is harsh. “He’s really coming, too, huh?”
“Now that’s how you should act when you walk in,” you muse. “You’re really that surprised by this?”
“Well… it’s just… it’s Alhaitham.”
“A-And—””The two of you were once good friends,” you say, interrupting his lame attempt at reasoning with you. “Just because he’s always short with you or sarcastic, it’s not for a lack of caring. You two being polar opposites isn’t a bad thing. Hm…” An unnameable expression rises onto your face. “If not for me in the picture, I’d have bet you two would eventually start dat—”
“Argh, this again?” You giggle into the hand he’d lifted to cover your mouth. “Anyway… I suppose we should be going soon, or he’ll have another reason to get sarcastic.” Placing a kiss upon his palm and successfully flustering him, you grin.
“Can’t have the birthday boy late for his own birthday, right?”
“Right.” Hand in yours, he leads the way back to the front door, only to pause and look to the kitchen wall. Your eyes widen at the batter splatter you’d missed. “Uh…”
“L-Later, okay?”
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As foretold, Kaveh’s acting is below average, but as you both agreed, only Alhaitham is the only one to notice. Arms folded over his chest and legs crossed in his seat, he sends a raised eyebrow and a flat expression in your direction.
To your relief, everyone who had responded to your invitations sent out a month ago had been able to make it.
Cyno and Tighnari and Collei had easily been definite “yes’s”, their answers sent back the very next day.
Alhaitham, you didn’t have to question, despite his response of “if my schedule isn’t full, I’ll make an appearance”.
Dehya and Candace had been a long shot. With Dehya and her commissions, she’d been a little difficult to track down, but eventually, you’d managed to pin her at a desert Eremite outpost during a reprieve. Candace, you knew might’ve been the only flat-out “no” due to her duties at Aaru Village, and had even said she may not be able to send a proper response in time.
Nilou decidedly tracked you down to give you an in-person response, and even tell you she’d work on a dance just for Kaveh.
The Traveler and Paimon, who were only bondable thanks to their connection with the Adventurer’s Guild, managed to find you on the streets of Sumeru at the tail-end of their own commission to tell you they’d be sure to make it.
But certainly, the most surprising appearance goes to the Vahumana representative— Hat Guy. Quite obviously, his name had been a moniker, but even still, you can’t help but to laugh every time you have to say it. Okay, maybe he noticed Kaveh’s poor acting, too. He looks young, but still as though nothing could escape such watchful eyes.
After the day you’d had, yes; it really is such a relief. Even the cake made it in one piece! you happily realize, spotting it over Collei’s shoulder.
You drag your eyes away from the scene and focus them specifically onto Kaveh. He’s glowing. You’d argue that he always does, even on his darkest days. Golden and ruby red— he’s truly dazzling, so much so that you find yourself squinting.
“______?” he calls, and perhaps not too non-suddenly. “Are you alright?”
“I get to spend the birthday of the man I love with them,” you answer proudly, returning the few gentle squeezes he gives your hand with a tug of your own. The skin at the corner of his eyes crinkle when he grins. “I'm great. Happy Birthday, Kaveh.”
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@c-a-v-a-l-r-y @leis-stuff @auraee @rvisn @plinkuro @vcvoxu @minty-vxnilla @ChaoticHearts-19 @stygianoir @imeanwatever @N-akaharachuuya @katelynwithpaint @sadflightlessbirds @sunnyf4lls @mydickisbigger @endlessmari @chocogi @hunterluv @kwelibeeery @okadahimiko @junephantom @kom4ya @barbatosfavouritenun @amilium @whorerificstuff @swivy123
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© nc-vb/niicevibe 2022-2023 please don’t repost! reblogs & comments are always appreciated.
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
I check N's account every now and then. My parasocial self thinks she still have something for Tom. She often post stories whenever T or Z go viral. Few things I remember:
1. Her posting being at Soho House (I think in London) in 2023 when Tom celebrated his birthday in Soho House (US) with his family and Z.
2. Her posting on Sept 1 or 2 2022 (depending on the timezone) and captioned it Good old goods. Well what I see on the post is she wants to show that she's out and happy (nothing wrong about that but girl, why sept 2 of all dates?)
3. When Tom went viral because of fixing his girl's door, N posted a story about his current boyfriend being a handy man or something to that effect (well I admit I may be overthinking this one and my understanding of British humor could be wrong)
4. Shared a story about attending Dorian Gray opening night which happened the same day as Dune 2 premiere in London (and TZ went viral that day as expected)
Sorry for the rant, just need to let it out..
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Thanks Anon for your confession....
I'm just going to be honest here since that's what I usually am on my blog lol. I'll give you my honest opinion. 😅
I'll first be honest and admit that I really haven't paid much attention to N (if at all) since 2021 lol.
Once it became apparent that Tom dumped her to get back with Z, and he and Z were starting a relationship back up again, I really didn't see the need to follow whatever N was doing tbh.
I mean, maybe you might be on to smthg? But my honest feeling is that you might just be reading a little too much into innocuous things. Just because N posts on the same day as smthg going on with TZ doesn't automatically mean she's not over Tom or over a breakup.
She and Tom barely dated each other... 👀 It's not like they dated each other for years upon years, or even went out on dates like a regular couple (most of their time together was spent indoors during the Covid-19 shutdown).
Honestly? It's 2024. If she were still pining after a guy that dumped her almost 4 years ago back in 2020, I'd say that it's time for her to go to therapy and figure out what's going on there, coz that's not normal. 👀😬
With that said, I personally doubt N is still holding a torch for Tom. It was pretty obvious when she was throwing shade re: their breakup, but after 2021, I haven't seen her behaving in that manner. I also kind of get the feeling that she made peace with the whole thing long time ago.
Sometimes, I think fans forget that Tom was actually her rebound from Stanley. Tom himself was also still rebounding (imo) when he dated N. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I really don't think it was as serious as some fans made the thing out to be tbh.
Last I checked, N seems perfectly happy with her new beau. ☺️
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jikjinz · 9 months
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cw: l.dongheon x fem!reader, fluffy smut; oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v sex; some feelings etc., not much is happening and it's mostly vanilla but lmk if i missed anything
wc: 693
a/n: it's my birthday :DDD i'm scheduling this post for 00:01 on saturday 23rd so that you won't be misled by the timezones anyway i had to uncrust my skills yet AGAIN and since i saw a screenshot of dongheon from the ep at the gym i'm writing all of this from my grave. peace out and i hope to come back here in no time again :DD
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“you’re my princess, right? i will treat you as one.”
it’s not like dongheon is treating you differently on everyday basis but today is an even more special day. your birthday.
his head rests between your tits as he’s inhaling your delicate scent. he’s taking his time with you, not like any of you is in a hurry anyway; the fact that he even took a day-off is actually surprising to you.
“mmm, my- pretty princess,” dongheon is mumbling to himself while kissing your chest gently, while his hands roam around your thighs, hips, and waist. you’re sitting at the edge of the bed, with dongheon trapped between your legs and his head in your chest. your hands mindlessly run through his hair as you slowly doze off, lulled by the slow tempo and by the overall coziness of the situation.
dongheon slowly moves down with kis kisses, trailing a way down to your cunt, and as you lay yourself down on the mattress, he’s spreading your lower lips with his fingers.
“so that’s why you barely touched the dinner,” you laugh, remembering his words about how his dessert will satify him enough. but it’s like dongheon doesn’t hear anything; like he’s in his own world, which is actually true in a sense.
he starts by kissing your clit, slowly swirling his tongue around it, earning a few whimpers falling from past your lips. slowly pushing one finger inside you, he still nips and sucks your clit, which only drives you off to the crazyland even more. there’s nothing else on your mind, only dongheon, his lips, fluffy hair messed up thanks to your hands, and soon you start dozing off about other parts of his body, causing you to clench around his calloused finger as you mewl about how good it is.
it doesn’t take long for him to bring you over the edge; your hips move on its own as you ride through the ecstasy, using the face of your boyfriend for it. you smile through heavy breaths when dongheon gets up, runs his hand through his hair and stares at you with that eyes, full of desire and lust with sprinkles of drunken fascination.
“my princess- so good,” he says, hand going up from your waist to your inner thighs, spreading your legs apart. with one hand, dongheon adjust his length to your entrance, and the other is holding your leg over his shoulder. “can i?”
and when you agree, it’s when the fun begins.
dongheon is slowly pushing his length into you, and even if it goes in inch by inch, it’s still making you full. the way you clench around his tip alone is not helping, though at least he gets to know you’re as needy as him. nice.
“impatient, are we?” he laughs when he notices how you try to wiggle your hips just to lure him even more inside. “i’ll make you feel good in no time, i promise, but- you need to- be calm, okay?”
his own brain is slowly shutting off, words not making much sense together. not only your walls suck him in so delightfully but also that cute stare you give him, asking and begging to finally start the good stuff.
with the last push, his impressive length is all inside you. your eyes roll back, your lips part and a moan escapes past them. that’s when dongheon kisses you with the passion burning inside him, letting you know that the flame is all for you. after few kisses, your muscles relax and as you cup your boyfriend’s face, you let him take control.
dongheon breathes in. he’s on the verge of breaking and using you like a fleshlight; he knows that it’s your day and he’s ready to make you feel so, so good, although the feral thoughts can’t stop creeping into his mind.
he rolls his hips into you once, then once again. thrust after thrust, he’s calming down thanks to the steady pace he started. kissing you again, he swallows your moans as you do with his; you two start to melt into each other, becoming one for eternity.
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@ jikjinz / @ ness-iness 2023, do NOT copy, translate or repost !!
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 6 of 21 questions
better interface on wattpad
Matt was currently smiling at his phone. To be honest, Matt had been smiling at his phone a lot these past few days. The only reason why: a girl called Lily whom he had been texting for almost two months. Their game of 21 questions started by the girl in early March had quickly become random conversations about their days, hobbies and thoughts. Although it had been nice several weeks, Matt was still careful not to say too much to the girl as he was afraid that she might discover his identity. He felt like he was safe for now, but that didn't mean he would start lowering his guard – she was still a stranger after all. However, at this moment, he was just happy to see that she had texted him.
I have no idea what time your plane is but you said in the morning so
Have a safe flight :)
He noticed that she had sent it a couple of hours ago, meaning that she was either a very early bird, or simply living on the East Coast – the latter made more sense. He quickly texted back to thank her and put his phone in his pocket before joining his brothers that were arguing as always.
As the three were going to Hawaii for their friend's birthday, they decided to vlog their trip and so they were filming themselves on the way to, as well as at the airport.
Matt, his brothers Nick and Chris, plus his friends Nate and Madi – the birthday girl – had finally arrived in Hawaii. The first thing they wanted to do was explore the surroundings and they obviously had to record the beautiful place.
As Matt was now holding the camera after Nick had filmed for a bit, he tried to tease him when they were nearing a market where birds were. See, Nick had a fear of birds and this felt really funny to Matt when he pointed out the parrots to the group:
"Nick, loot at that. Oh my god, there's millions of them!" Matt was trying to sound dramatic as he then called his other brother. "Chris, there's hundreds of them."
"I'm not as scared of big birds like this," Nick said as he was explaining that only tiny birds were scaring him – ok, weird much but it's valid.
A couple of days later, the group was still enjoying Hawaii as they were now playing baseball near the hotel. Although the trip was supposed to be in honour of Madi, she was just chilling and sitting on the grass while watching them.
It was now Matt's turn to throw the ball at Nick while Nate was holding the camera. After several successful hits from Nick to Chris – who was trying to catch the ball dozens of metres behind Matt, Nick failed at hitting the ball Matt threw to him. This led to the middle triplet bending down in front of Nate, who couldn't resist a comment:
"Ooh, got a nice angle of your ass Matt".
Nate was definitely Matt's hype man as he kept cheering on him.
Even though Matt's focus had completely been on his brothers and friends since the beginning of their Hawaii trip, his thoughts went to a certain someone. He realised that with the timezones being twice as far away, he barely spoke to Lily as they had a six hour difference. They had only exchanged a couple of texts regarding Pokemon and Gravity Falls as it was their main common points.
However, when he saw the gorgeous landscape they were in front of, he couldn't help but take a picture to send to Lily. He knew she loved taking pictures of whatever she would see, but she had made it clear a couple of times that she especially favoured the beach and the sky. Those two gifts from Mother Nature had always looked breathtaking to the girl and she had even sent some of her favourite photos to Matt, who had to admit that the way the moon or the sea could be depicted by Lily was something people wrote poems about.
This is the reason why Matt kept comparing his texting companion to his older triplet, as he could only find similarities between them the more Matt talked with Lily. And what he appreciated the most about her was how she looked at the world with such admiration: to Lily, Earth was a museum waiting for people to come and discover the art hidden all around.
As Matt was quickly skimming through his gallery to select a nice picture of the sea, his brother Nick couldn't help but look at him and how focused he was on his phone. The older triplet being the most observant of the three had noticed that Matt had been spending more time on it lately, but he knew not to say anything about it – Matt would talk about it on his own terms if it really mattered and if he wanted to share this with his brothers. For now, Nick would leave Matt alone and pretend like nothing was happening – close to how Chris was acting although he actually had no clue.
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Wow you seem to really like it
Ig you’re growing on me bc the landscape made me think of you
Bro i’m gonna cry, that’s so thoughtful
It makes the picture even more special
Thanks again 🫶
You're welcome :)
How's the vacation going btw?  
Honestly it’s going incredibly well 
I’m spending most of my time exploring with my brothers and our friends
So yeah it’s going pretty great
Good to know :))
I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and don’t hesitate to send more pics bc it looks GORGEOUS
Thanks, and will do!
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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paalove · 1 year
if you are still taking prompts, would you be open to write something about an Akk Ayan proposal? I know this is always the cheesiest prompt one can ask for but we don't have proposal fics 😭 and I would love to read one from you 💕💕
also on ao3
It takes Akk two missed dates (complete with unlikely excuses) to figure out what’s going on.
Aye loves lying about stupid shit for no reason- No, there’s always a reason, it’s just always stupid as hell. The first time Akk figured that was his birthday after high school, but of course then there was the college incident.
Two months of Aye earnestly insisting he was going to miss Akk when they were studying in different countries, two months of Akk wistfully checking timezone websites and flight times, also a few weeks of being concerned about what his roommate would be like, all culminating in Aye’s Latest Fucking Surprise.
(“Hi, roomie, I’m called Aye, I-“
“Yes! That’s my name! I’m a first year to-“
“-Aye,” trying to suppress the smile because he really is annoyed by this bullshit.
Blinking, wide innocent eyes, “Don’t get a crush on me, I actually have a boyfriend.”)
So, when he realises that Aye was absolutely not out picking Thua’s birthday present the time he forgot their plans to see Wat’s latest production – three weeks after Thua’s last birthday – he doesn’t jump to any negative conclusions. It takes effort, of course, because Akk’s brain still hates him and he still has problems with the idea that people like him on purpose, but.
He doesn’t jump to any negative conclusions; he thinks about it.
They’re both working, now, and after last year their schedules are actually starting to be kind of manageable; that’s why there have been multiple dates for Aye to forget.
Aye wouldn’t forget or miss a date if it wasn’t for something big.
Or for the dog.
He’d definitely tell Akk if something was wrong with Singto, though, so it’s got to be something for Akk, and…
Okay, yeah, the time Kan (operating under orders) had decided to “stealthily” measure the circumference of all Akk’s fingers is a clue, too.
Aye’s proposing.
And Kan’s working as Aye’s operative, under orders from Thua, because he’s a traitor.
Luckily, there’s one person Aye will never be able to compromise, and he’s the best person they know at gathering information.
He picks up the phone.
On the first ring, Namo answers, “Hey, Akk! What’s up? Do you think the raise is going to come through?”
“Who told you about me asking for a- Never mind. I know Aye’s planning something – probably big and specific. Can you find out-“
“Location and time? I’m on it. Oh, by the way, I sent a new collar for Singto, did it arrive yet?”
It’s impossible to get off the phone with Namo in under an hour unless you just hang up; Akk’s asking for a favour, so he won’t do that.
Actually… he’s asking for two.
There’s another piece of information Namo needs to get for him.
Even though he has his own plan now – still a secret, he’s pretty sure, because he knows Aye’s tells by now – he sometimes can’t resist needling Aye.
Biting his lip and trying to seem more sad than he is barely suppressing glee, Akk pouts at his apologetic boyfriend and asks, “Am I being too needy? If we need to go on fewer dates-“
“-No, no, I was just busy with- Thua’s present, it’s a big one,” Aye says, clearly relieved to have remembered an excuse from earlier. “I’m only a little late, right?”
Akk nods as solemnly as he can and says, “If you’re sure… but we could go on fewer and make each one bigger. Like… like the summer after high school.”
The guilt on Aye’s face freezes and he peers at Akk.
Guileless. He has to be guileless. Akk blinks back, trying not to laugh. There were fewer dates that summer… and multiple big surprises. But he’s only making the first connection, right, Aye?
Head tilt.
Aye’s suspicious squint deepens.
Then the moment passes; Aye shakes his head rapidly and says, “We don’t need to. It won’t happen again.”
“Okay,” Akk agrees peaceably.
It won’t; the wedding won’t be a surprise, for sure.
When Namo gets back to him with a date, Akk thanks him profusely and sends him several dozen photos of Singto in the various outfits Namo’s bought him over the years, then checks his own calendar.
He’s got that day off, of course, but the day before is a holiday, so…
The day before that. It’s two days before, so Aye’s going to be able to salvage his plans for a party instead; it’s still close enough that it’ll really frustrate him.
They’re cuddling in bed.
Aye’s nuzzling the back of Akk’s neck, and his hair is tickling Akk’s cheek; Aye decided to grow it out in their senior year, and Akk approves of this decision.
He’s very cute in the headbands he wears for workouts.
But he’s not dressed for a workout, now, because they’re both naked – unless Akk’s boyfriend-slash-backpack, spooning him like a koala, counts as clothing. It’s something they’ve debated before.
Akk votes clothes.
That’s not super important; what’s important is the kisses Aye’s pressing to the back of Akk’s neck, and the afterglow, and the way their position means Akk can reach out his right hand to the bedside table and open the drawer.
“Again?” Aye smiles into his neck.
Akk does a fake-considering hum and takes Aye’s left hand in his own, stroking it with a thumb, before saying, “Maybe in a minute. Something to do first.”
He giggles to himself, can’t help it.
Aye’s smile against him twitches, fond amusement at Akk, but he still doesn’t guess. His eyes must be closed.
So, Akk opens the box, takes it out, and pulls Aye’s hand further over.
“What do you think?” he asks, slipping onto Aye’s finger. “Does it fit?”
Because of their position, Akk can feel the moment his boyfriend stops breathing. It makes him giggle again.
“Akk,” Aye demands, unwrapping from around him and sitting up.
He rolls onto his back and looks up at Aye, who is staring at his own hand, eyes wet.
“Oh, yeah,” he remembers. “Also. Do you want to marry me?”
Still staring, Aye says, “It does fit. How does it fit – did that asshole tip you off?”
Akk sits up too and puts an arm around Aye’s waist, pulls him in, and kisses his shoulder.
“You were keeping secrets,” he reminds him. “What else could it be?”
“Asshole, you did this on purpose,” Aye accuses.
“Mm!” Akk hums into his shoulder. “Well?”
Pushing him onto his back, Aye twists in Akk’s hold until they’re facing each other and says, “You’re the fucking worst.”
“Don’t try to keep secrets,” Akk laughs. “We talked about this in college. Will you marry me?”
“I’m the one who’s proposing, asshole-“
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dnangelic · 11 months
@espectres asked: ❝ It's for your art room. ❞ Shou explains with a fond smile, tapping on the edge of the opened white gift box held in Daisuke's hands. Giddiness glistening in his eyes and seeping through crinkles along them, despite how much he tries to play it cool. A suncatcher, hung into the interior of the box by careful pins, displayed delicately as every detail made itself fabulously present. Stained glass in shapes of a few, small dancing rabbits following one another, each on their strings leading to all kinds of bright and colorful gemstones and crystals arranged together smartly, ready to break daylight into countless colorful slivers of shine, alluring, pleasant to look at, inspiring even. ❝ My Kaa-chan is good with jewelry, she was a great help. ❞ Promptly, he feels heat rising to his cheeks, thinly clogging his ears uncomfortably. Giving away a hint, indicating that the whole thing was handmade, with help of his mother- but by himself. God, it all feels so sappy. His hands retreat to his pockets, smile simmering into a tight line as he momentarily averts eyes, awaiting a comment or a reaction like a boiling pot ready to erupt. It's utterly silly, how the sheer embarrassment almost makes him forget the other gift. ❝ Shit, wait - ❞ Is it too late now that Daisuke has already opened the first one? Would it be breaking some kind of unsaid rule? Shou was sure he had already done that somehow. It doesn't make him as nervous as he should be, though. ❝ This is for Dark. ❞ A small box fetched from the depth of his pocket, it sits in the palm of his hand with ease, plain and black with an even darker bow adorning its width. It hides a pair of silver earrings, dangle ones with long, simple bars design, something that wouldn't draw a lot of attention when shinning in the darkness, perhaps a little practical for the Phantom Thief career, trivial as it seemed. ( IT'S NOV 11TH FOR ME IDK TIMEZONES ARE CONFUSION. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE DUDES. )
and it feels extra embarrassing to have shou of all people subtly flustering before him ; leaves the niwa shy , timid , and awkward as ever --- but daisuke can't help it , and maybe shou would understand that before giving him a good sudden slap or shake to loosen up the atmosphere , complete with some sort of goading , dislodging remark that would somehow save face for both of them , instead of leaving them to stand about like a pair of two nervous puppies just seconds away from leaping at each other . shou's giddiness was a thing evident enough to turn infectious , and daisuke liked to think that he understood just what kind of gift this truly was : a mixture of equal understandings and their very own bared hearts .
wasn't it breathtaking ? wasn't it inspiring ? wasn't it both made and meant just for him ? a connected prismatic of myriad colors and lights , complete with rabbits : the perfect self-expression and reminder of shou's very own person --- of course , that was right , shou-kun's always been just like this . when daisuke dares to delicately remove the other's handiwork and lift it upwards so that it could better shine , it briefly seems a halo in the air ; the niwa's very own accepted , adopted glimmer and crepuscular ray . the boy's smile itself as he admires it is nothing short of divine , the instinctive shift of his free palm to his chest the first clue to the bursting well and frantic pound that was starting to grow beneath .
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' ... it's amazing , ' his breath , despite how close it seems to a gasp of wonder , still summons a gentle , cherubic gust that winds about the decorating rabbits . the dancing light and jubilant hares in his eyes is everything reflected ; a sunset backdrop , a red wheat-field of awe . ' is it really okay if i have something like this ? even though your kaa-chan helped you with it , too ? '
he liked to think that he understood just how much shou loved his mother ; how much tenderness must have been patiently imbued into their shared craft . surely shou , who was only ever honest with himself and his opinions and desires , did not labor over such beautiful things with his most loved figure for just anyone . meanwhile , prized art , objects , and jewelry-pieces were far from any sort of rarity within the phantom thief's hands , but there had never once been anything like this before , either .
theft ; taking , was never the same as becoming recipient ; giving .
--- and the act of generosity too , by any sort of standard , should have been considered a human miracle .
in the moment of silence that shou leaves him to fill , dark's presence sweeps in like the fluttering cover of his cloak and black wings . daisuke allows it , feeling the tips of his fingers lending one last touch to the suncatcher before it's put carefully away , back into its container's interior . ' ... for me ? ' it sounds incredulous and yet , daisuke can still see everything ; understood that dark as well would hear and share every traded echo of thought , every pulse of warmth and strong feeling .
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' i don't really like being an afterthought , but since you actually bothered to get me something ... i guess i can forgive you . ' it's --- a lie , and daisuke nearly desperately exposes it to no one who would hear but dark himself . you're feeling just as unworthy as i am . you're feeling just as speechless and happy . instead the soul of the niwa merely watches as the small box is opened , and the earrings are briefly marveled at with an expert eye . you were worried it might have been a trick . "i" can't remember anyone's last kindness , "i" can't remember anyone's last gift , "i" can't even begin to imagine why anyone would ever bother to celebrate my own birth like this ...
quietly , with a different sort of smile from his usual sharp-tooth grins , dark affixes both earrings onto his person before testing and demonstrating their placements with a quick flick . ' ... well , how is it ? sorry if you were hoping i'd burst into flames or get a rash from the silver , but the color still suits me well , right ? ' emiko as well would have been no doubt thrilled to learn of the accessories' importance , quick to catch on and even quicker to coordinate with a mother's hen-pecking insistence . ' lucky you . everyone will want a pair after seeing the great phantom thief dark wearing these for his next heist . but if that isn't enough , then ... '
a cold hand presses upon shou's head to amiably ruffle the boy's hair , the swiftly-generated heat of frazzle and friction his unspoken gratitude --- when dark's palm finally falls over the boy's face in a brief curtain , daisuke is soon left standing before him once more , gifts and boxes in arms , earrings still in place at his very own lobes . the red flush of his cheeks deepen until he gasps a little at the realization of his returning shift --- but because the only person in front of him was shou , the niwa easily finds it in himself to muster up his very best smile , punctuated by the rare , blissful sound of a carefree laugh .
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' --- thank you , shou-kun ! ' not just from me , but dark as well . ' with something like this , i think i can keep going for the rest of my life ! i'll take good care of everything . i'll keep it all right with me ... ! ' and then , day by day , whether time moved on into a week , a month , or even years from now , ' i'll always ... always be looking at it and thinking of you . i hope you'll remember that , okay ? even if i don't get to always see or hear you in person , your voice has still definitely reached me . ' just as , perhaps , shou had never recoiled at the sight of him , or his secrets ; his other self , or his hidden life . there were things that could be laid bare only between them , and what could have possibly been more precious than that ?
sappy , embarrassing , awkward and filled with spontaneous moments --- above all else , what they had was still undeniably sincere .
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shions-songbirds · 5 years
Icing on the Cake
Also posted on ao3
Todoroki didn’t celebrate his birthday. He never really had, considering, well, his home life. That had changed in their first year, because Midoriya wouldn’t stand for him not celebrating it, but, in the end, he didn’t really care about his actual birthday. And he didn’t really like that Midoriya made such an event of it. That didn’t mean the gesture wasn’t sweet or that he didn’t appreciate it, he did, very, very much, but it just wasn’t really his thing. It wasn’t so much that he minded being the center of attention, he was training to become a hero, that came with the territory, he more just didn’t like his friends going through all that trouble for him. For a day that had never really mattered. Sure, Fuyumi would give him a gift, would do her best to spend some time with him, more than usual, but it didn’t actually mean anything. January 11th was just another day. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad, but ultimately, it was just another day, for whatever that meant. 
But, every year without fail, a few days before his birthday, Midoriya would throw a little party with the help of their friends and classmates. He’d enlist Satou to make a cake, ask Iida to help him organize everything, get Uraraka’s help decorating, so on and so forth, dragging everyone in to be a part of it. It made every part of Todoroki scream at the thought of how much needless effort his friends put in to make an impressive birthday party. He knew if they had the option they’d drag him out of the dorms to a nice restaurant or something, but dorm security made that nearly impossible, and so instead they endeavored to make something impressive of their shared living quarters. 
Which Todoroki really didn’t need. He didn’t need anything impressive, he didn’t need all his friends to put in some much effort on his behalf. He had never needed his birthday to be anything special, it never had been, so really, they didn’t need to worry about it. But they did, they always did, and though he’d told Midoriya time and time before that they didn’t need to plan anything special, the class still came together on it every year and Shouto was left feeling touched but tired. 
And he was always tired afterwards. That many people all with their attention centered on him drained him pretty quick. The party was as grand as a party hosted in a dorm common room could be, a too big cake sitting on the counter, decorations ranging from a “Happy Birthday, Todoroki-kun!” banner to a bunch of tacky streamers and dumb little things hanging up and about that he was sure took hours to take down, now that he’d ever been allowed to help with that. They’d also go out of their way to make some “special” dinner for the class, usually just cold soba, where a couple of classmates would generally start trying to make it, Midoriya included, only to be chased out of the kitchen by Bakugou, barking at them that he wouldn’t let them “fuck up his damn boyfriend’s dinner”. Or so Todoroki had been told. 
A lot of planning went into it. Unnecessary planning. But every time, when he entered the dorm commons and saw it decked out in things for his birthday, like right now, he felt a smile appear on his face despite himself, felt touched that his classmates and friends would go through all this trouble. 
He walked up to Midoriya, bumping their shoulders together. “You went too far, again,” he told him, shaking his head. 
“But you’re smiling,” Midoriya pointed out, “which means you aren’t upset about it.”
“Oh I am, you put in way too much effort, but,” he paused to pull him to his side in an awkward side hug, “it always feels nice to see how much you care. Even if you didn’t need to do all this.”
“Of course I did. And I made sure it couldn’t possibly get in the way of yours and Kacchan’s date this year, so I think I did just enough.” 
He shook his head at the reminder of the ordeal last year, where the time of the party had directly coincided with when Bakugou had planned to take him out for his birthday so they’d have all day out without it interfering with their classes. That hadn’t been pretty, and trying to prevent his boyfriend from murdering one of his best friends was really not how he had wanted to spend the day. And it had lead to a trashed party and ruined date plans, which made pretty much everyone unhappy, considering the party was a class wide effort. Avoiding a repeat of that was really the only birthday present he needed. 
“Good that’s… good. The last thing I think I’d ever want is a repeat of that disaster,” he told Midoriya, getting a very hasty nod in return. 
“Kacchan wouldn’t talk to me for an entire week afterwards,” Midoriya admitted.
“Like that’s a new thing?”
“Well, he hasn’t really been like that since our first year, so I thought we’d be fine but… yeah, no, he wasn’t happy.”
“Are you surprised?”
“....” he said nothing for a moment. “No….” 
Todoroki laughed, and the two kept on like that for a little longer before Midoriya shooed him off to go spend time with their other friends. Which was fine. He’d kind of been intentionally avoiding that because that meant talking to a lot more people and he didn’t really have the energy for that, but it was nice all the same. Observing the Bakusquad’s shenanigans as they bickered over whose gift was better (Todoroki didn’t know, he hadn’t opened any yet) was fun. He enjoyed watching people take glances at the cake on the counter, as though wondering if they were allowed to get into it, which, he didn’t care, if they wanted to they could. He’d never had much of a sweet tooth, so the cake was pretty low on his list of interests. He knew they wouldn’t, knew they valued the tradition of birthday boy getting the first piece over their own desire to eat it, but he really didn’t much care. 
He and Momo talked for a little bit about essentially nothing, and she handed him a new dumb romance novel she had found, and he genuinely hoped that was the only gift she had to give him. She had the tendency to go overboard. They all did, actually, but she had the finances that allowed her to do more than everyone else and he did not trust her. Not at all. 
And then there was Shinsou. The local cryptid found him first, but that was always the case. Trying to find Shinsou was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, there was pretty much no chance. If he didn’t want to be found, he pretty much didn’t exist. 
“You look like you’re having fun,” his friend chimed sarcastically. Todoroki shook his head. 
“Too much going on,” he said in reply. He’d been down here barely an hour and he was already exhausted. 
“You can always just leave.”
“Do not be the devil on my shoulder, I will succumb and I don’t want them to think I don’t appreciate it.”
“I’m always the devil on your shoulder. Because honestly, what’s stopping you? God? Societal norms? Courtesy? Ha, they’re meaningless. Powerless. I say just leave.” 
“Shinsou, you’re terrible and I don’t know why we’re friends.” Todoroki huffed. Shinsou laughed. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he replied, and obviously the conversation was over, because he walked off without another word, disappearing into the shadows. How he did that Todoroki would never understand. 
The afternoon went on much like that, with brief conversations with friends, and the pile of gifts he had yet to open growing and growing. They ate dinner together, Todoroki watching his friends goof around with a fond smile on his face, and after they got into the cake Satou had made. It was a good birthday, all around, and he was happy to be there with them, but oh he was tired. The party exhausted him like it always did, left him dead on his feet.
He hauled himself up to his room and collapsed on his bed, burying his face in his pillow. He was tired. So, so tired. But he was happy. He’d had a good night. His social energy was less than none but that was fine. He was touched and that was what mattered.
He kept mostly to himself over the next couple days, focusing primarily on recharging in some much needed isolation, or lying against his boyfriend and watching a movie, stealing energy from him, until Saturday. January 11th. His actual birthday. The friends he saw around showered him in more happy birthdays, and it made him smile, honestly. 
And then he saw his boyfriend. 
“C’mon Icyhot, we have plans today,” Bakugou told him, swinging an arm around his neck and dragging him off towards the doors of the dorms. “I already got us permission to leave for the day, before you say anything.”
“Oh. I hadn’t even thought of that,” Todoroki admitted sheepishly. 
“You’re an idiot,” he said, though his tone was laced with affection. Or what affection sounded like from his boyfriend who had practically no actual tone differentiation. With that wonderfully affectionate comment, the two of them walked to the gate of the school and out.
“So… where are we going?” he asked Bakugou after a moment, as they walked down the sidewalk, watching the cars drive by. 
“You’ll find out when we get there,” was all he got in reply, which, fair enough, he supposed, though he’d prefer knowing. 
“Helpful,” he said instead. They were holding hands as they walked, moving past a myriad of cute businesses and restaurants, places that seemed interesting but if that wasn’t where they were going then so be it. And if they weren’t stopping at a bus stop or going to take a train, then obviously it was somewhere near enough to walk to, which left so many and yet so few things. He didn’t figure they’d be going out to breakfast, and frankly he hoped not, because he had already eaten earlier that morning. They weren’t nicely dressed, so it obviously wasn’t going to be anywhere particularly fancy, not that a fancy lunch or dinner seemed much Bakugou’s speed. He just felt horribly confused as to where they could possibly be going. 
He was both shocked and confused when he found himself outside of what seemed to be an arcade. Bakugou refused to look at him. 
“Shitty Deku told me that you said you’d never been to an arcade before but you wanted to, so this is our first stop for the day,” he told him, still refusing to meet his eyes. It took Todoroki a moment to realize that he was embarrassed, that it embarrassed him admitting that he’d wanted to take him out to do something he hadn’t ever done before. He smiled gently, squeezing his boyfriend’s hand, because that was so cute and sweet and he was just… touched. He was touched. 
Bakugou didn’t acknowledge it, but his face was red, bright red. How cute. He dragged him inside the building, getting some tokens from a machine and then letting go of his hand, letting Todoroki look over the area around him. 
“Whatever you wanna do. It’s your birthday or whatever,” he said. Todoroki grinned before grabbing his boyfriend’s arm and dragging him off towards what looked like a fighting game. 
“Then we’re doing this, first,” he told him, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. Bakugou scoffed, a little ‘tch’ of a noise.
“You think you can beat me? Good luck with that. But hey, for your first time, I’ll go easy on you,” Bakugou said and he said it so suggestively, it had Shouto reddening. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, put your money where your mouth is,” he replied, trying to mask his embarrassment. It didn’t work. But Bakugou did indeed put his money into the machine, and Todoroki, admittedly, was awful at the game. They played a good couple rounds, and he hadn’t managed to squeak by with a win even once, always getting completely crushed by his boyfriend’s skillful play, which certainly did more than his hasty button mashing in his desperate attempts to keep up. Annoyed at his losses, his competitive streak sparked, he dragged Bakugou away from the fighting game, ignoring his laugh because that was so not fair. He had never done this before, he deserved to be cut some slack, thank you. He refused to be laughed at. 
So he dragged him over to a racing game next, getting the same taunting laughter and the promise that he would lose. Which annoyed him, even if it was probably true. Neither of them expected him to absolutely kill it in the racing game. 
His first victory was, perhaps, a fluke. Neither of them knew how he’d managed to pull off a win in the last few seconds of the race, but he had, and they were both left in shock. Bakugou didn’t allow him to get a word in about his victory before huffing quickly that “we both know that was a fluke, let’s do that one more time” which Todoroki really couldn’t argue, because he was right. That definitely felt like a fluke.
But he won again. And he won again. And he won again, watching his boyfriend get huffier every time, even though he tried to be supportive and a good loser. He tried, which Todoroki appreciated, he just failed monumentally. 
“Good job, even though you only barely managed to scrape by with that one, how about--” Todoroki cut him off before he could propose one more round.
“How about, instead, we go and try one of those stuffed animal crane games?” he offered, pretty sure that something that was decidedly without competition was probably the best bet for this little adventure of theirs, if they didn’t want to end up here literally all day, which he was almost certain his boyfriend would not have the money for. And that sounded bad, but he knew Bakugou wouldn’t let him pay a dime today, far too stubborn for that, and he just really didn’t want to waste all of his boyfriend’s money on a racing game for hours. 
Not that the crane game was any better, he decided after a moment of playing. They were gunning for a cute but goofy looking stuffed pomeranian that Todoroki was exceedingly fond of. He didn’t say it was because the little thing reminded him of his boyfriend, but that was absolutely the reason. And they kept getting so close to snagging the little thing. So close. And yet. They had put far too many tokens into the damn thing at this point, and for what? They remained empty handed. But neither of them wanted to admit defeat to the sinister, villainous machine that was most definitely rigged, a fact that they were most definitely not about to acknowledge. 
Honestly, Bakugou looked about ready to blow the machine up, his face scrunched up in a dedicated sort of anger, and Todoroki found himself more than willing to help him, if it came to it. Would that technically make them criminals? Yes, but honestly, he thought the cops could understand where they were coming from on this one. These plush toys were way too hard to get, and this was costing them far more money then it was worth. 
But as they watched the claw tighten snag the little pomeranian by its neck and tighten its hold, he felt that the gods were smiling down upon them. The fluffy creature didn’t slip from the claw’s grasp, it was carried slowly but seamlessly over to the drop, and both he and Bakugou watched it with rapt attention, hoping that it wouldn’t once more elude them. And when it slid down with a thunk, he pulled his boyfriend into an excited kiss, uncaring of any other company around them in the arcade. Bakugou didn’t protest, kissing him back just as eagerly, and when they pulled apart a little bit later, he pulled the fluffy plush toy out of the hatch, holding it close to his chest. 
“We got it,” he said, still a little breathless from their kiss. Bakugou nodded. 
“We got it. Little fucker’s all yours now.” Did they waste too much money on it? Absolutely. Was it a complete waste of time? Without a doubt. But did Todoroki love this plush puppy more than he loved himself? Unquestionably. This fluffy monstrosity held against his chest was the best thing he’d ever gotten. And if, in his head, he named it after his boyfriend, well that was between him and his plush toy, thanks. 
The arcade took longer than Bakugou had planned, on account of the puppy currently settled within Todoroki’s arms, but it wasn’t late enough to require a change of plans. Snagging his boyfriend’s hand, the one not currently gripping the plush toy like it was something sacred and beloved, he pulled him out of the arcade. Their next stop still wouldn’t require the taking of a bus or train. In fact, it wouldn’t even take much of a walk from the arcade. It was a small place, a tiny restaurant tucked out of the way of heavy foot traffic. A cozy, simple little place, where they sold a food Bakugou felt his boyfriend would enjoy. It wasn’t particularly unique, or special, but the experience of doing it together, well, maybe that would make it something a bit more special.
The place was a simply monjayaki shop. Todoroki was pretty certain he had never been in one, his father having never been too big on going out to eat, especially not to get something as simple and cheap as monja. And as they started actually making it, he became all the more certain that this was definitely not a part of his childhood. This was far too commoner for his father’s “refined” tastes, and he loved it. He loved every second of it. Loved watching Bakugou as the two of them made their food, loved watching it cook before his eyes, loved all of it, loved everything about it. He loved this. 
He loved Bakugou. 
Oh, did he love Bakugou. 
And oh, he had just said that aloud, if the vibrant flush on his boyfriend’s face was any indication. He wasn’t sure if he should acknowledge it. Wasn’t sure if he should say anything more, but Bakugou made that choice for him.
“...I love you, too,” he said quietly, barely loud enough for Todoroki to hear. “And if you’re gonna be making confessions like that then you should be callin’ me Katsuki,” he said it like it was just something that may as well happen, not like it was an important admission, not like it meant that he wanted to be called Katsuki. Todoroki was definitely red himself, his heart melting in his chest, staring at his boyfriend with what were undeniably heart eyes. 
“Then call me Shouto, Katsuki,” he told him, subtly trying the name on his lips, feeling it on his tongue, as he stared at him a moment longer, before the smell of burning food hit his nose and he realized they had definitely left their monja to cook for too long in their moment of simply staring at each other. They scraped the burnt mess off of the skillet, stared at it, both of them decidedly not hungry for it any longer. 
“Want to go back to the dorms?” Katsuki asked (Katsuki, Katsuki, Katsuki), to which he hastily nodded. 
“... when we get back, do you want to watch movies together in the common area?” he asked in return as they paid and left. Katsuki hesitated a moment before nodding.
“If I get to chase everyone out of there, then sure,” and that sounded more than perfect to Shouto. And if the entire walk home he pressed himself a little closer to his boyfriend’s side, if he quietly whispered Katsuki’s name the entire way back, getting an elbow in the side when he kept at it too long, well that didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the two of them, and how close he could be to his boyfriend, how much he got to relish being in the same space as him not just for this but for the rest of the day, and longer, hopefully longer, much, much longer. That’s what he wanted. Everything he needed. 
And exactly how they spent the rest of the afternoon. Curled up on the couch, exchanging kisses as they sat cuddled together, watching random movies Shouto had never gotten to see in his childhood. The feeling of Katsuki pressed against his back, every little kiss they traded back and forth, the shine of the tv and the din of cutesy movies and overly extra action scenes, old super hero movies and movies that were apparently a hallmark of the childhood he hadn’t had, and he found that this was the most at peace he had ever been. This was what he wanted for his birthday, what he needed, just a quiet couple hours between the two of them, a loving day in. Everything about this was perfect, idyllic, this was everything. Being together with Katsuki was everything, all he could ever have wanted. This was perfection. This was the best birthday he had ever had. 
And if the next morning, he woke up to a hundred livid texts from his father, and a couple from his friends, links to articles that were posted about him and Katsuki being a thing, well, that was just the icing on the cake.
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raibebe · 2 years
D-1 Hybridverse
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Genre: fluff Words: 1.049 Prompt: samoyed hybrid Jeno x female reader Warnings: none
A/N: Day six of Jeno’s birthday celebration! I mean technically it's already his birthday in korea but we're going with my timezone because time math is exhausting. Anyways. Happy birthday to the man who sneaked his way into my heart and simply won't leave.
previous< | Jeno birth celebration | >next
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“Pups…” You softly called into the room Haneul and Aerum were sharing. “Hey,” you smiled when you saw your son slowly blinking his eyes open. “Morning, Mommy,” he yawned, pulling his blanket tighter around himself, a small smile on his face. “Good morning, baby boy,” you greeted him back, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead and ruffling his bed hair before you sat down on his sister’s bed, gently tickling her body beneath the blanket. “Get up, sleepyhead. Come on,” you laughed when you felt her squirm around and her soft giggling reached your ears, “Let’s get up so we can make breakfast for Daddy.” “Is it time?” Haneul asked, his eyes wide as he trotted over to squish himself into your side. “It’s Daddy’s birthday today,” you confirmed, pressing another kiss to your son’s forehead. “Come on, Aerum, we need to prepare!” He immediately perked up, shaking his still cocooned sister until she started to struggle and kick at the blanket. “Shut up, you’re so annoying,” she whined, finally showing her impressive bed hair, her big white Samoyed ears standing out strong against the dark color of her hair. 
“Hey, no arguing,” you scolded your pouting children, “We have a mission to get done.” “Breakfast!” Aerum exclaimed, quickly shedding the rest of her blanket to expose her stark white tail as well that was wagging wildly as she flung herself into your arms. “Yes, baby,” you laughed, cradling the toddler to your chest. “I prepared some stuff already, so we can get started right after you’ve gone to wash up, okay? But you gotta be quiet or Daddy will wake up.” “I can be quiet,” Haneul immediately assured you, his voice barely audible. “I know, baby,” you smiled, getting up and holding out your hand that you didn’t need to secure Areum to your chest for him to grab, “Let’s go get you washed up and dressed and then we’ll make some pancakes and maybe some eggs if you want to.” “Can we make small sausages as well?” Your son asked with big puppy eyes that he had perfected for years already. “Yes, we can,” you immediately gave in, squeezing his small hand to see him smile that smile you adored so much on his dad but even more when it stretched your son’s chubby cheeks. 
Making breakfast in a quiet manner with a five-year-old and a three-year-old turned out to be harder than you had thought it would be. Especially if your three-year-old was being extra clingy and your five-year-old had already too much excess energy after emptying his cup of milk. “Sshh,” you scolded Haneul for the umpteenth time when he was laughing loudly at how he was decorating the pancakes for his dad. There was absolutely no way Jeno wasn’t awake at this point with his superior hearing but you hoped that he’d just stay in bed and would act surprised when your kids would go to wake him up. “Mommy?” “What is it, baby?” “Can we go wake up Daddy already? Wanna show him my drawing,” Aerum asked quietly from her spot on the counter where she was attentively watching you flip the pancakes over, adorably reminding you whenever the batter started to bubble that you needed to flip it over or it would burn. “You think it’s time?” You smiled, taking a peek at the pile of pancakes you had already made and the small sausages in the other pan. Your daughter just nodded enthusiastically, holding out her arms so you could help her down from the counter. “Okay, go grab your brother and your presents. I’ll meet you at the door.” Watching your babies running off as quietly as a toddler and a small child could while holding their tiny hands and with their white tails wagging behind them absolutely warmed your heart. Smiling to yourself, you placed the last pancake onto the stack and plated the small sausages Haneul had insisted on making before you turned on the coffee machine for a much-needed cup of hot coffee. 
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You were pretty sure this would be the highlight of your day, if not the whole month: Both Haneul and Aerum were staring at the closed door of your bedroom with wildly wagging tails and their artworks clutched in their small hands. It was so adorable you had to hold in your urge to coo at them and squish their baby cheeks. Your phone at the ready and recording a video for safekeeping, you carefully opened the door, revealing your seemingly asleep husband but his twitching ears and the smile on his face already gave him away. But those signs of course went way over your pups’ heads as they bolted into the room, screaming happy birthday and jumping onto their father. “You scared me!” Jeno exclaimed loudly, teasingly tickling his giggling babies. “Happy birthday Daddy!” Haneul simply screamed again, pulling out the last syllable as his voice climbed up into a little howl that he was working so hard on until it would be perfect. “Happy birthday!” His sister joined in, her ability to howl not as polished as her brothers was. But to make up for it, she threw her little arms around her Daddy’s neck to hug him tightly. “Thank you, baby,” he smiled brightly, his eyes curling into crescents as he pressed kisses to whichever part of her head he could reach, reveling in her little giggles. “Where’s your Mommy, huh?” “Here,” you smiled, turning off the recording to walk up to the bed as well. “Happy birthday, love.” “Eeeew!” Haneul screeched when you leaned down to press a sweet kiss to your husband’s lips. “You little demon, watch it or you get all the kisses as well,” you laughed, climbing onto the bed as well to catch a squirming Haneul in your arms, pressing a very loud kiss to his cheek. “Me too, me too,” Aerum demanded, earning herself a big smooch from her father. Happily laughing, Jeno lovingly nuzzled against her until she joined in, bonking her head against his. “Now where are my presents?” He laughed, grabbing his babies so they both could sit on his lap, explaining their drawings to him with bright eyes and widely gesturing hands, their tails softly thumping against the mattress.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
if you're still doing prompts - a sebchal or piarles fix it for yesterday maybe? i love ur writing btw! thank you :)
hi anon! i've seen this early morning today (idk your timezone) but i wasn't in the mood for anything, so thank you for waiting! i think i have something you may like :) im posting this just after i typed it, so excuse the possible mistakes.
He doesn't want to send the message. His finger is hovering over the screen, reading and re-reading the words over and over, but he doesn't want to send it. He also wants to send it more than anything in the world.
He's so tired. So, so tired.
The phone lights up and new message comes in. He can't even pretend to ignore it, because the chat is open and he'd seen it, and the two colored checkmarks are taunting him.
I'm on my way. Hope you're not asleep.
He sighs, and the sigh carries the weight of every supressed emotion he's been feeling for the whole day. The whole season, comes the traitorous thought. He pushes it away, typing fast.
Door's unlocked. I'll be in bed.
He takes off his clothes and gets into bed. The English cold is a constant, but he thinks most of the cold he feels is coming from the inside. His heart feels numb, and his brain is slow. He can't think on it, he just can't, so he doesn't. He stares at the nightstand, illuminated by the outside lights, his fingers moving unconsciously by the pillow.
The door opens softly, brightening the room. He closes his eyes, because it hurts. Everything hurts.
He can her the sounds of clothes being take off, and a soft "Oof" when something makes contact with the leg of the bed. Then there's movement, and strong arms wrap around his middle. He shudders, because his hands are cold. He doesn't open his eyes.
"Hello, love."
He burrows back into the embrace, his eyes stinging behind his closed eyelids. He opens his mouth to answer, but his breath stutters, and he barely manages to inhale.
"It's alright. I'm here. It's alright, Charles."
He tries to calm himself down, but it's pointless. It's the first time today he's felt safe, the first moment that he feels like he doesn't have to play his designated role. His whole body shakes as he lets go.
Fingers twine in his, and soft kisses are pressed into his neck and hair. He feels grounded by it, and lets himself feel the exhaustion without worrying that he will be perceived as weak or ungrateful. It takes him some time to stop crying, and then he just feels selfish.
"I'm sorry," he says, raising up the hand to kiss the fingers tethering him to the world. "How was your birthday?"
Seb doesn't say anything for a moment, only holds him tighter.
"It was good. I'll tell you all about it sometime."
Charles wants to say Tell me now, but he can't make himself do it. He is too raw, and Sebastian is so good to him, because there is no expectation in his words, no bitterness, not a hint of passive agression. Only a statement of fact. When you feel up to it, I will tell you.
"I love you," Charles whispers, because he doesn't know what else to say. Because there isn't anything else he can say, nothing else that's truer in this world.
"I know," Seb says, kissing his head. "I love you, too."
They lie in silence, and it's not opressive, nor is it anxious. It just is, and Charles wishes he wasn't as exhausted. He wishes for many things, but he's long ago accepted the fact that dreams are insubstantial, and they crumble, and they hurt most when you wake up from them.
The only thing substantial are the arms holding him right now.
"Do you think I'm wasting it?"
The words tear out of him, and he bites his lip too late. Seb's hand in his tightens for an instant. Charles doesn't want to know what Seb will say. Charles needs to know what he's going to say. Charles is so, so tired.
"I can't tell you that," Seb says carefully. "Nobody knows that except you."
Charles nods, but Seb isn't done yet.
"What I do know, however, is that what I wrote on your helmet is the absolute truth. I know that you burn bright, the brightest, and that is something that nothing can change."
Charles' eyes sting.
"You're one of the best drivers they've ever had," Seb says, and his voice is focused. "And if they don't see it, well. Fuck them."
The intensity of the proclamation startles Charles, and he lets out a giggle. Seb pulls at him, and Charles goes with the movement, turning around.
Sebastian's eyes sparkle in the darkness. He looks tired, but he's as beautiful to Charles as ever. There's a grin on his face, offset by the softness still visible in his eyes.
"No, listen. Say it with me," he says, and Charles giggles again. "Fuck them. Say it," Seb says, and pushes a bit on Charles' ribs, tickling him. "Fuck them. But say it with feeling."
Charles looks at him, looks into the eyes of the only man who knows exactly what Charles is feeling in that moment. He thinks about his own role in Seb's career, but before he can fall into a guilt-spiral, Seb pushes at his ribs again and he gasps and laughs.
"Stop," he says, but he's laughing.
"Not until you say it," Seb says, then tickles Charles again, like the bastard he is. Charles squirms, and Seb kisses his nose quickly. "Say it, or I won't stop until you pee yourself."
Charles knows Seb isn't bluffing, because he is a bastard at his core. It's one of the reasons Charles loves him so much.
"Fuck them," he says, and the first time it doesn't feel real. "Fuck them," he repets, and this time laughter falls from Seb's face.
"Fuck them," Charles says for the third time, and the words resonate with all the rage and pain and hurt that tears at his heart.
"Fuck them," he finally whispers. Seb's face mellows, and he nods slightly.
"There it is," Seb says, and leaves a kiss on his lips. "You are more than they want to make you be," he says, and Charles knows he will never love anyone else the way he loves Sebastian, because when Sebastian says these things, Charles believes him.
"I love you," Charles says. "Happy birthday, mon coeur."
When he finally kisses Seb properly, both of them are smiling into the kiss.
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tlcwrites · 3 years
A birthday gift for @paper-n-ashes
Summary: When you steal the Supreme Leader's sweater, there are... repercussions.
Word Count: 3483
Tags/Warnings: Kylo Ren x Fem Reader. NSFW, 18+. MINORS DNI; PIV sex, unprotected sex (no glove no love), oral sex (m receiving), fingering, heavy dom/sub dynamic, praise kink, breath play, I'm probably forgetting other kinks but I finished this at 3AM last night and I'm not even sure that I used real words let alone remember what I wrote so if I missed any let me know and I'll update the tags, smuuuuuuut for daaaays, canon what's canon The Rise of Skywalker can go fuck itself mostly except for that beautiful white set of rooms on the Steadfast.
Author’s Note: It's my hetero lifemate @paper-n-ashes' birthday today (at least in my timezone for a few more hours so IT COUNTS sorry Sarah at least you got to read it yesterday) and she has been waiting SO patiently for me to finish this damn fic. I started writing it back in like November? Maybe even October? and have struggled so fucking hard with finding the mojo to finish it. Then out of the blue this week, said mojo came back and I figured Sarah's birthday was the perfect deadline. So, voila. And don't forget to go tell her how awesome she is.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SISTER IN THIRST AND SHAMELESS HOEING. I couldn't actually get you Kylo so I got you this instead. #throne room hair is the best hair forever the end
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You’re perched on the sofa, open book on your lap, when the comm chimes. You can’t help your soft smile; it’s finally that time of the day cycle.
You don’t bother answering the comm, since it’s an alert, not a call. Closing your book, you rise and return it to the bookcase set into the wall of the lounge. With a gentle press, the hatch closes, and the bookcase disappears into the stark white expanse of the rest of the room, precious cargo hidden. Books are an expensive indulgence, even for the Supreme Leader.
Or whomever he choses to share them with.
You cross to the base of the stairs that lead to the chamber’s entrance and open a small compartment, also a part of the structure of the room. You toe off your slippers, setting them carefully inside the cubby. Your soft leggings pants are next, folded carefully. You start to remove your sweater as well, but hesitate. It is chilly. For all of the technology the First Order has amassed, you’d think they’d have figured out how to keep their Destroyers at a comfortable temperature.
You leave the sweater. He’ll definitely have an… opinion about it.
Now bare but for the sweater and your bra, so scant it hardly deserves the term, you take your place at the base of the stairs. The hem of the sweater brushes your thighs. Standing tall, feet together, hands clasped loosely behind you, you wait. You keep your eyes on the blast doors.
When the doors finally open, you smile softly. “Good evening, Supreme Leader.”
His cape billows behind him as he descends the stairs (he’s clearly inherited his family's flair for dramatics). As he reaches the bottom, you respectfully drop your gaze. His boots stop in front of you, your bare feet looking so small compared to his. But then again, everything looks small compared to him.
He raises a gloved hand and strokes the back of a finger down the collar of your sweater. “What’s this?” His voice is throaty and deep. As usual, it sends a thrill through you.
You keep your eyes downcast. “A sweater, Supreme Leader.”
“Clearly.” His finger continues down from the collar of the garment, caressing the soft rise of your breasts. “Perhaps I should rephrase my question.” His finger catches your nipple, and you can’t help but gasp. “What is my sweater doing on your body, when your body doesn’t have permission to be wearing anything?”
You finally risk a glance up. His face is impassive, but there’s a glint in his eyes. He’s amused.
You raise your chin. He loves when you’re confident. “It was cold.”
“Cold.” The finger continues to tease your nipple through the fibers. “In space.” The tease turns into a flick, and you barely smother your gasp. His lips twitch. “Imagine that.”
He’s in a good mood. You decide to toy with him. “Perhaps I simply need something substantial to keep me warm, Supreme Leader.”
One eyebrow raises, ever so slightly. He’s going to play along. “Do you find my care unsatisfactory?”
“Of course not, Supreme Leader.” His finger has shifted to your other nipple. You take a shuddering breath. “I would never dare to question your wisdom.”
He shifts almost imperceptibly closer to you. “And yet-” He brings that accursed finger back up your sternum, tracing up your neck and ghosting over your jaw. “-is that not exactly what you’ve done by ignoring my directive?”
He passes the leather-wrapped digit over your lips, stroking the soft skin. “Nothing to say, pet?”
You drop your eyes again. “My most sincere apologies, Supreme Leader.”
His hum of approval reverberates in your chest. “I imagine they will be.” He applies the barest hint of pressure to your lips. “Open.”
You comply immediately, opening your mouth enough to allow his finger entrance. The leather tastes so different from his skin. He presses the thick digit inside, and doesn’t have to say a word as you begin to suck obediently. He adds a second finger and you can’t stifle your moan.
“Good girl.”
Two words. Just two words, hummed in that honeyed voice, and you can practically feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. You glance up once more.
He’s watching you, his pupils blown wide with arousal. Maker, you love his eyes. You can always read him through his eyes. He tries so hard to bury his emotions, but nothing can be hidden in their cinnamon depths. And right now, his eyes say that he’s about half a standard second away from losing what’s left of his famously little control.
Hmm. Time to have a little more fun.
You deliberately graze his fingers with your teeth, the leather of his glove supple under your bite.
His cheek twitches and you know instinctively he’s chewing on it. “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart,” he warns you.
Pulling your mouth off his fingers with a ‘pop’, you smile serenely up at him. “Whatever do you mean, Supreme Leader?”
“You know exactly what I mean,” he purrs, dragging his spit-soaked fingers along the edge of your jaw, his own clenched as he tries to keep himself in check. “Careful you don’t get burned.”
Your smile becomes less teasing, and more sincere. It’s okay, you think, knowing he’ll be able to feel your emotions. You never guard yourself around him. I trust you, Master.
There’s a split second when his eyes search yours; for permission, for acceptance, for confirmation of that trust that you hold in him and that he holds in you. It’s a breath of a moment, but he leaves his raw self exposed.
He’s affection starved, your Supreme Leader, even if he’ll never admit it. Deep inside, where even his former masters couldn’t reach, is that little boy he once was; still desperate to please and be praised by those too focused elsewhere to pay attention, and terrified of disappointing those who do. It breaks your heart that he’s spent his whole life feeling so alone.
Your dynamic fills that void in a way he feels safe with. It’s on his terms. He needs your adoration; needs your worship. He craves the affirmation. No more abandonment and fear from those he should be able to trust most; no more abuse and gaslighting at the hands of those who are supposed to guide him.
Just trust, and love. Pure, unconditional love.
He presses his lips to yours.
You whimper into his kiss, pressing a hand against his massive chest to steady yourself.
In the next moment, he scoops you up, pressing you against the window and hooking your legs around his waist. You yelp at the coolness of the transparisteel against your back, even through the sweater, but he swallows your cry as he plunders your mouth.
“Kylo,” you whimper when he lets you up for air, but he ignores you, sucking a line down your neck to your collarbone.
“Get this off,” he growls, tugging at the neckline of the sweater. “Or I’ll take it off for you, and it won’t survive the removal.”
You let go of his shoulders, grasping the hem of the top and practically ripping it over your head.
His mouth is on you in an instant, those plush lips teasing one nipple at a time through your lacy scrap of a bra.
“Maker!” you gasp, flinging the sweater in the general direction of the floor and bringing both hands to grip his hair. Frantic fingers twist his dark waves. You could write sonnets to his hair. “Kylo!”
You feel the clasp of your bra come undone. He rips his lips from your breasts, and with one barely-there flick of his fingers, the undergarment is on the floor next to the sweater.
“Did you just-” It’s next to impossible to smother your giggle when you realize what he’s done. “I can’t imagine the Force is meant to be used for that.”
Kylo ignores you, although you’re positive you can detect the barest hint of a blush on his ears. But then you’re not paying attention to his ears, as he’s sucked one of your nipples back into his mouth and is grazing it with his teeth. Your moan turns into a shriek when he hooks his arms under your legs and hefts you higher against the wall, so it’s easier for him to feast on your flesh.
He shifts your weight to one of his massive arms, that paw of a hand gripping the opposite flesh of your rear as he brings his other hand back up to your mouth. “Open,” he commands once more.
You take the two still-gloved fingers as deep in your mouth as you can, gagging slightly as he presses on the back of your tongue.
His dark chuckle is breathless. “Such an eager whore,” he murmurs against your chest, your answering whimper going straight to his cock. Pulling his hand back, he nips the skin at your collarbone at the same time he drags the fingers you’ve just drenched straight through your swollen folds below.
“Do you even deserve my fingers, Pet?” He smirks as you drop your head back and moan. “Such a wanton little thing you are.” He teasingly traces a circle around your clit with just a fingertip, satisfaction growing at the sound the movement elicits from you.
“Master,” you gasp.
Without warning, he twists you away from the window, carrying you with ease to his desk. When he drops into his chair, he’s unable to suppress a sharp intake of breath as he settles you on his lap and brings your core into direct contact with his cock, hard and throbbing beneath his trousers. The contrast of your nudity with his still-clothed body is intoxicating. He guides your hips to roll against him again, your moans simultaneous as your cunt makes slick the leather stretched taut over his arousal.
Already closer to his breaking point than he'd prefer to admit, Kylo clamps his teeth down on the inside of his cheek hard enough to break the skin, the pain working as usual to allow him to refocus his energy and reclaim control of his passions. Unhinged as his reputation is, there is part of his life the Supreme Leader rules with meticulous care- you.
He knows you love him, and you’ve declared time and again it’s unconditional and without reservation. Your submission is a gift he knows he will never truly be worthy of. Maker knows he adores you with every part of his long-shrouded heart. But the fear never leaves him. Decades of distrust and broken promises means he lives in terror of the day his tenuous temper snaps, and he horrifies you or, stars forbid, truly hurts you.
That dark voice lurking at the back of his mind teases him with a possibility somehow perversely worse than fear or injury: abandonment. That you’ll inevitably see him at his most honest; broken, contemptible. Unworthy.
He loathes himself all the more, because he knows if it comes to it, he couldn’t survive letting you go. He isn’t strong enough to endure the loss of the only light he still has.
Unaware of his internal torture, you grip the front of his gambeson and try to rock your pelvis against him, whining as you’re foiled by his hands still gripping your hips. “Master, please.”
Your voice jerks him back to reality, and your begging makes his cock twice as hard. “Something you desire, Pet?” he purrs, grateful you were too wrapped in lust to notice his momentary lapse.
“You, Master.” You can’t help a frustrated whimper as you try once more to undulate against him and are again prevented from doing so. “Please, Kylo, let me please you.”
He reburies his anguish, and smirks at you. “Very well.” He releases your hips. “Please me.”
As soon as he lets go, you’re sliding off his lap and on to your knees, scrambling to unhook his belt. He obligingly helps you open his trousers. You make quick work of the placket and draw out your prize, salivating as you pump his already-leaking cock.
He hisses as your mouth engulfs him. “Yes, just like that. What a good, good girl you are.”
A lewd moan escapes around his length as he fists his hands in your hair.
He doesn’t need to say another word. You can read it in his eyes, every filthy, dark thought as you bob your head on his shaft. How good it feels when you take his cock in your throat; that he knows exactly how hot and wet it makes you when he fucks your mouth; how knowing you’re waiting in his quarters to be used as his personal whore is the only thing that gets him through the day. You moan again, and one corner of his mouth twitches.
You know him well enough to recognize it as a smirk.
“As delightful as this is, Pet,” he finally sighs, a slight waiver to his voice the only indicator of how close you already have him to release, “there’s a different part of you I desire at this moment.”
Releasing his cock with a ‘pop’, you continue to stroke him with your hand as you beam up at him. “As you wish, Master.”
Your mouth and chin are wet with precum and spit. He drags his thumb through the mess and brings it to your lips, his cock jumping in your grasp as you wrap your tongue around the digit.
“Up,” he snaps.
Rising immediately, you can’t help your squeak as he spins you to face the desk and pulls you back onto his lap, impaling you on his cock with one hard thrust. You gasp, unable to cry out as all the air is expelled from your lungs. Your arms are wrenched behind you by invisible bonds, the posture thrusting your breasts out. You hear his low chuckle as he tweaks both nipples while simultaneously bucking his hips, eliciting a shriek from you.
Thick fingers twist into your hair, pulling you back until you're flush with his chest. His breath is hot against your ear as he snarls two words that have your cunt clenching in anticipation: “Ride me.”
No further encouragement is necessary. He works your body over as you rock in his lap, reducing you to a burbling mass of arousal. Releasing his grip on your hair, his hands make their way down your body, the leather feeling so kriffing good as he caresses every inch of you.
Plush lips drag against your jaw as he leans forward, pressing his chest closer against your back. He trails his fingers up your thighs while simultaneously dragging his teeth along your earlobe. The noise that escapes you is undignified at best, and positively libidinous at worst.
The bastard’s smirk is obvious against your heated skin. “My beautiful Empress,” he murmurs, licking a stripe up your neck.
You can’t suppress your panting as he nips at the sensitive spot just below your ear. “I’m not your Empress,” you manage, your voice breathy with arousal as you continue to move.
“Mmmmm.” Kylo hums as his right hand trails up your abdomen to gently cup your left breast, those elegant fingers plucky at your nipple and making you moan. “Not yet.”
“Oh.” You squeak as he latches on to your pulse point, his teeth scraping over your skin as he marks you. His other hand drops to your core, fingertips stroking your folds as deftly as a musician plays a hallikset. You cry out as he deliberately ignores your clit, but your cry becomes a gasp as he abruptly slaps the inside of your thigh. “Kylo!”
“Feel how wet you are, little whore.” He pulls his hand from your cunt and wipes your slick across your cheek. “Only the most depraved whores drip like this.” When he wraps the same hand around your throat, you sob in euphoric bliss. His chuckle is low. “Look at you, reduced to a needy slut who wants nothing more than to be filled by her Master.”
You can’t help but moan as he tightens his grip, the other hand on your breast squeezing hard.
“Speak, Pet.” His order is hissed in your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “Tell me how much you want my cock.”
“Need you, Master,” you gasp, deliciously light headed from the lack of oxygen. “Need you to- oh, Maker!- need you to fill me, need you to fuck m-me oh!”
A squeal erupts as he abruptly thrusts up, hard, and proceeds to set a brutal pace. Helpless to do anything but take what he gives you, all you can do is wail and enjoy the desperation in his movements.
When he stands and surges forward, shoving you against his desk while still buried in your swollen heat, it’s just enough to send you over the edge and you crash into your climax with a scream.
Over your shoulder, you hear Kylo tsk in admonishment. “Oh, princess,” he chides, as you feel your Force bonds tighten even more, “you know better than to cum without permission.”
With that, he shoves you forward, pressing your chest flat against the thermoplastic and using his knee to spread your legs. You willingly comply, relishing in his hiss as he pumps into your wet, waiting warmth. He finally releases your throat, and the sensation of your cunt clenching as you cough is too much for him. His pace becomes blistering, each thrust sending your pelvic bone into the edge of the desk; speech is now beyond your power, incoherent babble all that remains as he obliterates your cunt.
The lewd symphony of your coupling is punctuated by his growls and your cries. You can already feel the crest rising anew and you beg for salvation. “Master, please!”
He grips the back of your neck, anchoring your head, snarling as he takes you with rapid, deep thrusts. “Do you think now you'll be able to follow instructions?”
You nod frantically, trying desperately to stave off your orgasm. “Yes, Master!”
His voice is deeper than ever, trembling slightly as he uses your body to chase his own end. “Tell me, my little slut; who owns you?”
“You, Master!” You can’t hold back the shriek that erupts from your lips as you feel that subtle tickling of his powers against your clit.
The sounds you’re making have him right on the edge. “You’re mine, all mine,” he sneers as you cry out once more. “Say it.”
“Yours, Kylo,” you gasp. “I’m yours!”
“You need to cum again, sweet little Pet?” When you frantically nod, he fists your hair and yanks your head back. “Do it,” he hisses next to your ear. “Cum for me. Now.”
You explode around him, screaming your pleasure. His echoing roar is your only warning before he slams into you a final time, ripping himself from your heat and snatching your body off the desk. You land on your knees just in time to receive his spend, splashing across your face and chest as he pumps his length.
It takes several moments before you can even start to become aware of your surroundings once more. In that time, Kylo has bundled you in your favorite cozy blanket, and cradles you in his lap as he smooths your hair back and murmurs sweet words of praise. His seed still decorates your body, and you preen as you feel his hands, finally ungloved, gently rub it into your skin as one more claim of his ownership.
Your contented sigh is what alerts him to your consciousness, and he can’t help his proud smile as your eyes slowly flutter open, or the chaste and caring kiss he presses to your temple. “How are you feeling, princess?”
A beaming smile is his reward. “Wonderful,” you sigh, and then giggle. “And filthy, in the best possible way.”
“As requested,” he slyly teases.
You notice that sometime during your torpor, he’s shed his gambeson and trousers, replacing them with soft lounge pants and  the stolen sweater. Hooking your fingers over the neckline, echoing his own earlier actions, you tug gently. “Thief.”
He laughs, your favorite sound in the galaxy. “The Jawa calls the Ewok short.” Your answering eye roll elicits another chuckle and another brush of his lips. “Happy birthday, love,” he murmurs against your forehead.
“Thank you, Supreme Leader.” Your smile is soft as you raise your face, content when he understands the overture and leans down to press his lips to yours. A/N: Alexa, play "I Want Kylo Ren To Rail Me on a Desk" by Beyoncé or someone.
Likes and reblogs feed my dirty, dirty soul. I always want to tag mutuals but then I feel like that would be super presumptuous even though I love being tagged, so IDK I guess send me an ask if you want me to tag you in new writings?
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Alright. TMI! When my periods are bad, they are baaaad. Debilitating cramps. Night sweats. Crazypants emotions. And the obvious, Aunt Flooooo. Why do I bring this up? Aside from personalization is honestly, I think Bo thinks his partner is kinda badass for just making it through most months. But when it's bad he's needed, desperately. You know he loves it! He loves they can't get all big and bad for him, they're needy for attention, and he gets to eat all the gross food he wants to because they have cravings. I just feel like all them boys would be great at dealing with it honestly. But I crave Bo. Hehe
Big sis!!!💗So, you know why I offered to write you a personalised blurb (👀), and I'M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS FOR YOU!!!! You and Bo always flow so beautifully when I write the both of you and I'm more than happy about diving in once again! Hopefully this piece lives up to the last one I wrote you! And if not, please don't be shy about letting me know and I'll happily write you something else!🌸 I love you lots!
Been working on this for a while but I figured your birthday was the best day to post it!! (Hence my question about timezones...👀 didn't wanna miss the day!!!) Hope you're having a wonderful day (one as lovely as you or I'll square up to the universe!🔪) and some goodness!! You deserve it all and MORE!!!!💖
So, warnings! THIS IS NOT A READER INSERT PIECE; she/they pronouns, "you" and Bug used, talks of periods, blood, pain, taking unprescribed painkillers, strange emotional patterns, Bo is My Brand Of Soft™ (so you KNOW I made myself cry writing it😂), swearing, possessive language ("his Bug"/"your Bo" etc.), canon typical depictions of co-dependency between the beautiful and terrible twins.
Word count: 2, 153 (😳)
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Every month, you dreaded the inevitable. Every month, you had to mentally prepare yourself weeks in advance to experience debilitating pain, night sweats, the cravings which changed every time you thought you had it satiated, emotions on such a rollercoaster that you wanted to get off the ride even before you were fully boarded, and the blood... who needed horror films, when you got to deal with a massacre in your underwear every few hours for days on end? God, if it wasn't for the fact that you experienced periods so you were used to it, Bo would wonder how the fuck you were able to stomach the sight of all the blood he and his brothers occasionally came home caked in. Sometimes, he still marvelled at how well you handled yourself when Aunt Flo came to visit... he could never fuckin' do it.
Shit, even if he could, he wouldn't want to. Neither did you, but you dealt with it anyway. A blank stare or a teary eye roll and a, "for fuck's sake" would be your only reaction before you took your stained clothes and sheets to cold water. No matter how well you prepared yourself, you were almost guaranteed to leak and to ruin at least two articles of clothing. You fucking hated it. You were a constant mess throughout, no matter what you did or didn't do to help yourself along the way. You were always able to get the majority of the blood out before you tossed the clothes in the washer to salvage the material from whatever your bare hands couldn't remove, and your intimate knowledge of bodily stains and how to remove them was just one of the many, many things Bo admired and appreciated about you. He had learned so much just from watching you take care of yourself, and he was a quick study. He could take just as good care of you as you could after just a few months of witnessing your periods and what it did to you; before, during and after the bleeding stopped.
So, in fact, could his brothers.
It wasn't unusual to find you curled up in bed or on the sofa for much of the time you were menstruating. Bo had taken to leaving your favourite blanket always slung over the back of the sofa for times like that; sometimes he couldn't - wouldn't - move you from the sofa to the bed for all the pain you were in. Sometimes it was best to leave you where you had found a comfortable position, even if, to the brothers, it looked extremely awkward. Still, when you were found there but stretching hurt you, one of the brothers would throw the blanket over you, adjust any pillows, and make sure that the pad of paper next to the sofa was updated with what medication you had taken to help with the pain - if you took anything - when you had taken it, and how long it took for it to kick in. The living room almost seemed to become an at-home hospital room for the clinical attitude with which Vincent approached taking care of you. If you voiced how unnecessary it was - for, indeed, he was known to be overprotective - then he would simply glare at you through his mask. A clear message to let him take care of you; he was going to, whether you wanted him to or not. It felt like being stabbed with a shard of ice to the heart, so you kept quiet. If Vincent was anyone else, you wouldn't have done, but you had learned to appreciate the... strange ways with which Vincent showed his love and support to other Sinclairs.
If you questioned his methods of self-expression, he would clam up so fast that you would never again be able to peek over the top of the walls built up so high within him that even Vincent had to stand up on the very tops of his toes to see over the broad edge. He was so much like Bo when it came to his emotional unavailability, among a great deal of other traits, or perhaps Bo was like Vincent in that way. It was hard to tell, even now, for their ways of taking care of you were so similar. They fed off each other, co-dependency fostered, festered, between them from so young a age that there could have been any other path for them but the one they had been on for decades before you had come into their lives.
No Sinclair was easy to read, and that was why love and gratitude hit you as hard as they did when Bo was sweet on you and took care of you. He thought that you were such a badass for being able to get through each month as it came; your periods knocked the absolute six out of you and it was all you could do to keep the space between your thighs and your clothes, bedsheets and anything else you touched clean of blood (it got everywhere), let alone handling your daily responsibilities and duties on top of your cravings, emotional whiplash, and everything else which plagued you as your body went through a mini birth to expel the uterine lining. It was amazing how you were able to function as if you weren't bleeding non-stop, and Bo couldn't help but to shake his head in wonder at you as you, yet again, moaned your way off the sofa to help him with something which he had already told you thrice was handled by him and his brothers. All he wanted was for you to rest, especially when it was so bad that you could only lay down, staring blankly at the television, tears rolling down your face from the pain despite the regular doses of painkillers which Vincent gave you.
"Would ya' quit movin' around? Y're starting to bug me," Bo's minute smile at his pun, just a small upward quirk of those sinful lips, died just as it was big enough for someone else to notice, because you looked rough and he so hated seeing you looking every inch as miserable as you felt. But, still, you were gorgeous, beautiful, and he loved you dearly. "Makin' y'reself hurt more, s'not right, darlin'. Keep still, yeah?"
Bo's hands hovered on either side of you, as if to stop you from getting up, but you were in too much pain to notice. When you needed Bo, you needed him badly, and he would lying if he said that he didn't love this one part of your period. Your need for him and for his comfort only increased, as did your dependency on his brothers to help take care of you, though you could and would take care of yourself; they just liked to support you and you let them because you loved them. If they overstepped, you told them. If they didn't do enough, you would tell them. You were very communicative; you had had to learn to be from too young an age.
You wanted Bo's attention more than anything right now, you needed his touch, his voice, his smile, his eyes, the very particular way he tucked your feet in with the blanket and made his way up your body by tucking you in at both sides at the same time, then making sure you were able to move around if you needed to, his hands delving under the blanket and searching for the heat pad, fingers rubbing at your belly as he did so. You needed Bo and he played into it as much as possible, not just because he needed to be needed by you, but also because he wanted to thank you, in his own way, for showing such vulnerability in front of him. It wasn't easy for you to be strong but it wasn't easy to show the true extent of your pain, either. You loved Vincent and Lester, you did, but you craved Bo.
It was the one craving you could never satiate; the more you had of Bo, the more and more you wanted him. It was a sweet torture, the most delicious burning, and he was aflame right beside you, for a flame shared is a flame doubled. Bo seemed to reward you for loving him by returning that love to you tenfold, especially when Aunt Flo, the callous bitch, was in town. She could give Trudy a run for her money for all the pain she put you through each month.
"Bo ~ " You practically whined as you lifted your arms up to Bo, as if to say, 'pick me up'. "Hurts." Oh, but even that small movement caused you pain and you winced, that frown Bo hated deepening on your face. Immediately, Bo straightened up and grabbed the notepad left on the side table, icy blues scanning the page to see when you last had some painkillers. Two hours ago, he could say with confidence, thanks to Vincent's meticulous and thoughtful record keeping.
"M'sorry, darlin'," Bo sighed, his lips turning down in a genuine look of sympathy, "Can't give ya' anythin' for at least another hour."
You shrugged. It wasn't the pain bothering you. It was the lack of Bo cuddles. "Don't want medicine," You held your arms up again and this time, Bo leant down, down, until he could gingerly wrap his arms around your middle from where you sat on the sofa, his chin resting on the gentle slope of your shoulder, "Want my Bo."
"Your Bo, huh?" The smug tone Bo was trying to achieve was utterly ruined by the more than obvious affectionate expression. He turned his head and pressed a series of kisses to the side of your face; starting at your temple and moving down to the corner of your jaw. "I got'cha, darlin', y'know I ain't gonna' say no. Not when yer' like this."
"Or ever."
Bo nodded in agreement as he eased himself down beside you, lifting an arm up so you could curl right into his side, practically sat on his lap. "Right." A pause and then, "C'mere, love, get in real tight. Make ya' snug as a bug in a rug."
Lester's fond chuckle in response to his brother's penchant for shitty puns (where else did Lester inherit his sense of humour from? The twins had practically raised him) coming from the other room made Bo smile, which in turn made your heart melt and you smiled, too, a sweet reprieve from the constant pain you were in. Seeing you relax into Bo's body made Vincent happy from where he was painting across the other side of the room, and sweet Jonesy, spread out on the kitchen floor, wagged her tail slowly as she took stock of all her humans under one roof together. Mama Vincent was her favourite, though.
You hissed in pain and Bo cooed. The sound was devoid of his usual mockery as his hand slid beneath the blankets, fingertips quickly finding and then brushing against the skin just beneath the waistband of your trousers. Your navel tingled with the ghost of his touch as Bo rubbed small circles into your skin, the pressure just right due to how carefully you had taught him to look after you; Bo loved you just as much as you loved him, and he was eager to learn, wanting to please, needing you just as you needed him.
"Shush, darlin', s'okay," Bo pressed a tender kiss to your forehead and let his lips rest there, as if his kiss could sink into your skin and ease your pain from the inside out. He certainly wanted it to. "Bo's got'cha."
He did. Come hell or high water, Bo would always protect you. And if he couldn't, well, he'd stay right beside you until whatever it was passed, even if that was your body carrying out a very natural and normal function. Especially then, for he so hated seeing you in pain. His Bug.
With that, he turned the television on, put the volume on low, and you fell asleep to the feeling of fingers in your hair, lips at your temple, arms and a blanket around you, the distant sound of a paintbrush over a canvas, the quick sounds of a knife whittling away at a piece of wood, and the quiet thump of Jonesy's tail against the tiled kitchen floor. You found your rest in Bo's embrace and as for Bo, well, his rage was stilled by your presence, but his nerves amplified.
Your birthday was coming up, and he had a ring in his pocket with your name on it. Quite literally; it was a personalised pre-emptive congratulatory touch from Vincent.
You and Bo were practically already married; what was making it official?
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and the final chapter for the bots birthdays! only an hour and a half before the deadline in my timezone. I was given less than 24 hours notice for something else, so i got very delayed by that, but it's here!
now it's time for the bots to get their presents! nothing concerning here. Nothing at all.
All of the presents had been moved to the third floor, which looked like it was half decorated for a different party, though the bots weren’t sure what that would be. Sure it probably wouldn’t be too hard, but when there was a stack of presents sitting in the middle of the room, your focus tended to be drawn to that.
Jrum immediately dove at the presents and Grum was almost right behind him, but both of them were stopped. Since most of the presents were paired up, it seemed like it would be better if the presents were handed to the bots so that they were kept together. Grum agreed while Jrum didn’t care either way if it got him presents faster.
The small bundle of IOU’s was handed to the bots first, them being the most lackluster looking and only really getting them turned in once the season turned over. Grum still went through them individually so he and Jrum could thank the respective Hermits, which they appreciated. Bdubs followed up with giving a pair of vouchers to Snips. In the chaos of checking everything, Xisuma knew that, yes, a haircut wouldn’t cause issues with going to the next season and wouldn’t be left behind. But otherwise Xisuma hadn’t thought it through, and nor had Bdubs. “Bdubs?” Grum started, earning a ‘yeah?’ from the other Hermit. “Jrum and I don’t have hair.”
There was silence for a few minutes until Bdubs processed the sentence and yelled just a little in frustration as the Hermits laughed a bit, though he joined in with them shortly. Jrum just said they could figure something out later and put it in with the IOU’s.
Impulse handed ‘his’ gift over next. What had originally just been a treat basket for each bot had evolved slightly with Tango and Zedaph adding in to the baskets. Tango had thrown in a key to Decked Out for each bot as well as a pair of second fake keys which were instead for ravager petting. Meanwhile Zedaph had thrown in a pair of toys he had made. Apparently after the scare with Grum, he had snuck back out to the modded world and made what were essentially miniature contraptions that the bots could use as toys. Grum’s was a sort of joybuzzer type of item, but instead of shocking the other person, it was meant to send out a tiny, non-damaging firework when the user high fived someone else. Well, Grum didn’t have hands, but it was close enough. Meanwhile, Jrum had gotten a sort of piggy bank for diamonds. If he put it in the correct place and pressed a button, a flap would open with the face of a fox before its paw would come out and pull the diamond in.
There was a loud sigh from Grian as he pulled out two barely wrapped presents. “Etho, I assume these are from you?” Said presents were a stack of light gray glass panes that, put together, looked like a full block. They were kept together with ribbons in either blue or red, which were nice to most people. Grian, however, was an avian. And from the flat angle instead of the ridged angle, it looked almost like a pair of floating ribbons. Etho started to make some excuse about the bots not paying for any yet, but then Grum got ahold of his glass, unwrapped it, then ate an entire pane of glass.
There was silence for a moment before Jrum followed suit. “What? You gave us quartz cakes with diamonds. As well as Impulse’s various treats. You know we can eat non-food items.”
Cleo’s present was a number of clothing items that fit the bots better than if they raided their parent’s wardrobes (mainly Grian’s) to dress up in. Otherwise it was leftovers from the zoo and Keralis’ city, but she had still managed to customize a few articles just for them in case they wanted to wear them outside of play. Stress followed it up with an assortment of toys she bought in the hub. It wasn’t the most personalized, but it was numerous, and kids could always use toys in general.
Keralis followed in similar suit to Stress. Since he couldn’t give straight diamonds to Jrum, he instead hunted down wandering traders until he found one with the right trade. One exchange later, and he had eight nearly identical plushes that looked like diamond blocks. While he gave those to Jrum, Beef gave some album art to Grum which he really enjoyed.
False originally planned to give the bots customized weapons before realizing it wouldn’t really work well with the season change. Instead, she gave them some less useful items after forcing some enchants on them. Jrum was given a pair of shears while Grum was given an upgraded Mumbo for Mayor shirt.
After that, NPG, EX and Prof came over, Prof showing off his presents first along with the books associated with them to explain all the items and the agreement he had reached with Xisuma. Grum and Jrum looked over the items in awe before EX was pushed forward. The bots looked up, obviously expecting a gift. At first, Evil Xisuma kept with his story that his present was not destroying the server, but after getting kicked by Prof, he sighed and pulled out a pair of sweaters that were colored for the bots respectively though with a stripe of the other’s color going through the middle to make sure Grum’s wasn’t mistaken for Grian’s. Lastly, NPG handed the decks of cards over and gave a quick rundown of what they were. He then said he would explain it fully later, but it was time for the main presents.
The bots looked over to see Grian and Mumbo pulling out two larger presents that weren’t actually wrapped, just covered in blankets. Grum and Jrum uncovered their presents before being so in awe, their eyes actually changed to nether stars on their screens. 
Grum’s present was his audio hardware. Back when he was still just a mayoral robot, he had helped make the campaign songs. After getting his body, he had managed to make a few note block songs after studying and slightly upgrading the song Etho had placed in Keralis’ building. Jrum’s, on the other hand, was a replica of Grian’s machine from last season that would steal Mumbo’s mustache. It was disabled for now since in remaking it, Mumbo had added redstone similar to The Button so he wouldn’t lose his mustache every other day ending in y.
With the final gifts shown off, the bots started playing around with a few while Grian and Mumbo took what gifts would be used later. Xisuma helped them with transportation, or at least that was what he told the others. While that was half the truth, the other was about one gift that hadn’t been produced to the bots. A gift that none of the Hermits themselves had added. That being a single, plain white box, that opened up with a pair of masks that Grian was all too familiar with, along with a note specifically meant for Grian. 
It looked like Grian wasn’t the only Watcher just living in Hermitcraft. After a slight bit of discussion, the three agreed that it could be saved for another day, possibly even the following season if Grian asked about it. Today, however, was about the bots, and their birthday.
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