#it's so no longer friday lolz
onthewaytosomewhere · 5 months
Ficlet Friday ( too late?)
I just got home and its technically Saturday when I saw this, but if you're still interested . . then take firstprince and try a ficlet with:
8. 'I don't want to admit how turned on I am by that...'
never too late :) - tho i am also late getting it posted but technically it got finished at some point yesterday but i was a slacker - lolz - really it's the whole i have these things to do now part of what you think will be a bit of vacay doing nothing lolz
so without further rambling - here ya go luv - hope ya like 💚
Henry is used to Alex’s quirks by now; after all, he will be marrying him soon and figures they truly know each other better than anyone else. Nothing he’s discovered about Alex has ever got him as much as that first time he ever saw him in his glasses in Kensington, his closeted self marveled at the many facets that he discovered about Alex during that time when it was just the two of them, well, with Shaan, and his PPOs and Alex’s secret service agents dogging their paths. But this moment right now is really getting him for some reason, he can’t quite place.
Alex is sitting at his desk, deep in thought, open books and papers strewn across it, and his glasses are hanging from his lips by the side armpiece he’s never needed a name for before, but Henry is sure there is one for. That last part is what he is currently stuck on; he knows he has a thing for Alex’s glasses, usually when they’re on his face, though. It’s the juxtaposition of those glasses sitting between what he’s heard others say are cock-sucking lips; of course, he’s the only one who knows how well they do that. He leans against the doorjamb. He knows he’s staring, and some people would think most people are past that stage when the other person is your fiancé, but Henry will never get enough of looking at Alex. If he’s also thinking about the other things those lips can do while admiring the love of his life, well, right now, that’s just for him to know.
Alex looks up at him, and his eyes widen. Those glasses are still sitting between his plump lips, which have obviously been bitten, and worked with his teeth as he’s been working today. “Hey, Hen, stop being a creeper and either come into the room or don’t.”
Henry walks into the room and plops down into the chair that sits between their desks. “I was not being a creeper but simply admiring my fiancé. Is there something wrong with that?”
“You do know you can come admire me closer, right, not just from afar – like a creeper.” Alex laughs around the glasses, still balancing there, and Henry can’t help but chuckle along. “But, that look you had didn’t just look like your admiration face, so what’s the real reason you were holding up the wall?”
If you must know, I don't want to admit how turned on I am by that ...” Henry nods towards Alex.
Alex pulls the glasses from between his lips and sets them down on the desk, “By what, part of me sitting here like I always do working are you turned on by, may I ask? Is it the ratty sweatpants, the holey t-shirt, or the mess my curls are after not doing anything other than running my fingers through them quickly?”
“Well, I would, and do, find any of those things hot on you. In this instance, it was actually the arm of your glasses between your lips. I don’t think I’ve seen you do that before, and well, let’s just say it was giving me thoughts.” Henry chuckles and continues, “I know Nora and Pez always joke about your oral fixation, but I’ve never really thought about it.”
“Huh, I’ve always done that and never really thought about it. I guess maybe I’ve always been orally fixated.” Alex stands up and walks around the desk, standing in front of Henry, “How about I show you what else I can put between my lips?” Alex’s exaggerated eyebrow wiggle should not be at all appealing, but Henry’s sure it’s actually the way he bites his lip along with it that has him standing from the chair and pulling him out of the office and to their room. He needs to get this man to bed, and hopefully, they won’t leave for a while.
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
How does harutaka feed themselves? Does haruka go full boywife? What are shopping trips like?
haruka 1000% goes full boywife are u kidding me.. dont get me started on harukas whole lost day hour thing abt being a grown up. like how the years go by and all of a sudden u find urself no longer a kid and u realise u cant do anything by yourself... so that plus he 💖s food so he'd be interested enough to learn how to cook. i stand by my hc of kido hibiya and ayano holding cooking lessons for everyone. i think haruka would learn from any of them especially if we go by the general idea that haruka and takane live in the hideout post str for at least a lil bit. during that time kido probably still always cooks LOL i think haruka would be in there in the kitchen with them cuz she wants to learn and also kido lets him lick the spoon 💖 kido and haruka bonding sob sob sob kidos emo bc konoha was like this too minus wanting to learn. but theyre also kinda excited/flattered over someone being interested to learn from them. and probably a lil flustered abt how serious haruka is about it LOL
oh right harutaka Sorry im obsessed with all the characters i think when they live alone harukas like this is what ive been training for i have to be best wife. my hc is takane is a very picky eater. my proof? 1. canonically hates tomatos (known enemy for picky eaters) 2. her wish is to literally never eat. i think she has a lot of problems with food texture (autism) so haruka has to rly. experiment. takane doesnt like that many meals. theyre very apologetic when they cant eat what he makes and haruka is also a lil sad but its ok he eats everything anyway lolz
shopping trips 1 million snacks. mekakushi dan has pizza night every friday haruka and takane are always in charge of snacks thats their specialty. they eat so much junk food
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matbarzyy · 4 years
Wasted Love (part 3) [T.S.]
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A/N: I have no motivation to write so enjoy this even though I was supposed to make this chapter a lot longer. Hopefully I’ll be back with the rest of this series soon but who knows at this point lolz (getting this degree is going to end me)
Word count: 1932
Easter brought about yet another event at the rink. Alessia was quietly finishing up work in her office when 5pm rolled around, and she stretched into her seat before reaching for her phone. One last text from Claire had gone unanswered, but it was only one last confirmation of their plans for the night so Alessia didn’t make much of it.
Fridays were the only days everyone could really leave work on time, so she got up from her desk and began gathering her essentials back in her purse. She had plenty of time to get out, Claire was only meant to meet her in twenty minutes and they were hanging out at the bar across the street.
Ever since she had started taking time to be with the team after work Alessia had realised that letting Jordan believe she was working late was the best way for her to get some time with a friend.
“Allie let’s go!” Tyler barged into her office without so much as a knock. It startled her enough to make her jump, and she got ready to tell him off, the words about to leave her mouth until she saw the look of excitement on his face.
“Go where?” She softened, putting her bag over her shoulder.
“Come on,” he bounced on his feet and pulled her from behind her desk to drag her through the facility.
“What’s got you so excited?” Alessia exclaimed as she stumbled after him, following blindly and dodging a few people along the way.
She didn’t have to think much to know he was taking her to the rink, but what she didn’t understand was why. Tonight was a family skate, players with their wives and girlfriends, kids and other relatives. Alessia didn’t fit in there and she had already told Tyler she had other plans.
Tyler stopped abruptly when they reached their destination, and in her course Alessia almost sent them both toppling over. She still collided into his back, but he didn’t say anything about it.
“Look,” he motioned to the ring, decorated with a banner for the event and coloured fairy lights all over the place.
Families were on the ice, Alessia was able to spot Jamie among the others. The youngest players were messing around although mindful of the kids around, and the older ones taught their kids how to skate. Some held their babies, making them discover what being on the ice felt like for the first time.
Tonight was special and Alessia didn’t want to be in the middle of it. This was their own little universe, it was intimate and she was just one of their coworkers.
“Why do you want me to go?” She asked quietly because Tyler had mentioned she should come at least three times this week.
“Because now you’re with us, you should get to enjoy the fun parts of the job too. Weren’t you supposed to meet with a friend tonight?” He asked, watching her nod slowly. “Why don’t you tell her to come in, we’ll get her a pair of skates, it’ll be fun for everyone.”
Tyler’s excitement had died down, but he was still looking at her with the same expectant look in his eyes. His voice was calm, he used that soothing tone he always took to reassure her whenever she was stressed or upset, yet she still hesitated.
Jordan was the main thing on Alessia’s mind, and not in a positive way. His frustration about her staying out after work was still growing, the whole thing had escalated and Alessia didn’t want to upset him further.
“Ty, I really can’t stay late,”
“It’s five,” Tyler almost whined. “Live a little!” He made his tone cheerful again to get her to cave in.
He knew he had won the second she shook her head with a sigh, taking her phone out of her bag and texting Claire about the change of plans. She was too busy typing to see the way he beamed, but had Jamie been around he would have surely given Tyler the disapproving look he was growing accustomed to whenever he was around Allie.
What she did see was the way he bounced on his feet again as he got impatient waiting for her, and the corners of her lips rose. He could be such a child sometimes.
“Alright Seguin,” Alessia followed him to get a pair of skates, sitting on a bench to lace them. “You’re lucky I actually like skating,”
“Oh yeah?” His own skates replaced his shoes in what felt like half a second to Alessia. “Need help?” He noticed her pulling at the laces.
“I’m good,” she refused, finishing up fast enough and getting up again. The tightness around her feet was familiar, and she suddenly felt more excited about stepping onto the ice.
“Show me what you got,” Tyler motioned for her to go first.
In her confidence, Alessia forgot how many kids were on the ice on top of a bunch of reckless hockey players. She started off just fine and Tyler remained behind to watch, laughing at the way she showed off her skills, but as soon as a little girl cut off her trajectory she lost her balance.
Tyler stepped on the ice, gliding slowly to come help, but with a few awkward waves of her arms she almost regained her stability. She would have been just fine if someone hadn’t skated fast right next to her at that exact moment, startling her again and making her fall backwards.
Alessia’s exclamation when she hit the ice had Tyler rushing to be next to her in a few seconds.
“Are you okay?” He worried immediately, trying to see if she was hurt.
“You get slammed into the boards ten times harder and keep playing,” she winced as she pushed herself into a sitting position. “Of course I’m okay,” she reassured him and accepted his hand to get back to her feet. “Thanks,”
“I can see you’re a pro,” Tyler chuckled now that he was sure she was fine. “Thanks for the demo, champ.”
“I can skate!” Alessia defended herself, glaring at him and letting go of his hand to skate ahead of him, trying to prove her point.
“Yeah sure,” he laughed and ignored his protests, easily getting in front of her and turning around to skate backwards with her hands in his. “Let me just make sure you don’t end up on your ass again in less than ten seconds,”
“Rude,” she snorted but made no move to get out his hold.
They skated hand in hand for a while until Alessia’s phone pinged with yet another text that let her know Claire made it to the rink. They parted so that she could catch up with her friend and the two ended up holding hands as they talked and skated together.
“So this is your life now, uh?” Claire asked as they took a break on a bench.
“I mean, it’s actual work during the day but yeah,” Alessia leaned back against the wall behind them, taking in what she had achieved. “It still feels crazy that I made it here all on my own,”
“Well it’s not like Jordan would’ve been any help,” her friend snorted, earning a glare. “Oh come on,”
“You always make him sound so bad, we’ve been together for ages,” Alessia sighed and pouted a little, making her turn softer as she replied.
“No, you make him sound bad and I just put it in a less concealed way.” Claire brought her knee up on the bench to look at her. “When’s the last time you actually had a good time being around him?”
“We get along great at home,” her tone became defensive and Claire knew better than to try to have this conversation again.
“Okay,” she decided to drop it and stood back up. “Come on, let’s get back to it,”
Tyler saw them coming and stopped to let them step onto the ice without being trampled by the rest of the team. Most kids were tired now and off the ice, so things were getting a little rowdy.
“Ladies,” he motioned for them to go first, giving Alessia his stupidest grin to make her laugh.
“This is the first time you actually look like you have manners,” she teased because of something that had happened earlier during the week.
“Excuse me?” Tyler gasped, his hand over his hard to show his offense.
“You eat like an animal!” Alessia threw back, earning an eye roll and a whine from him.
“It was one time!” He complained before starting to make excuses for himself. “It didn’t have breakfast before practice and I was running late for a meeting, I had to be fast!”
“You’re disgusting,” she chuckled in response while Claire watched from the side, amused at the exchange.
“Oh I’m disgusting? You sure you wanna play that card in this situation?” He slowly inched closer to her, and since Alessia was facing him and had no chance of escaping by skating backwards she immediately started warning him.
“Tyler I swear to god I will- FUCK!” She screamed as he threw her over his shoulder and kept on skating. “I’ll kill you!” She tried to hit him but he was laughing too hard to care.
“Take it back!” He sped up, taking advantage of the space the others were clearing now that they were staring at the scene he was causing.
“Put me down you freak!” Alessia tried to wriggle out of his grasp and yelped when she felt his grip was less tight. At this speed she was too scared to fall from his shoulder if she moved too much.
“Insulting me isn’t helping,” Tyler said in a sing-song voice, a shit-eating grin taking up most of his face. He thought the situation was hilarious and he loved being the centre of attention.
“I’m sorry! You’re not disgusting! Just put me down!” Alessia pleaded, holding onto his jersey for dear life.
“There,” he laughed, helping her get steady on her skates. “See, that wasn’t so hard,”
“I hate you,” she grumbled as she adjusted her clothes and regained her balance.
Tyler gave her a playful eyeroll and held his hand out for her, which she didn’t hesitate to take so that they could skate back to the other side of the rink where Claire had stayed through the whole scene. She gave Alessia an unreadable look as she joined her again, and after skating and talking to them for a while Tyler went back to his team.
“You know…” Claire trailed off for a second, trying to find the right words as she once more noticed Tyler glancing back at them while he was supposedly busy with his friends. “I wouldn’t encourage you to like… cheat on someone, but that guy looks like he’s into you and he’s already a million times nicer than Jordan.” She eventually let out.
“Tyler?” Alessia almost choked on air. “No, god where did you get that idea? I’m sure he’s not interested, and it’s not like I’d be either. Jordan is… I’m with him and that’s not going to change anytime soon. I’d never do that to him.”
“I’m not sure Jordan thinks of you as highly as you think of him,” She watched as her friend shut her out once more, so she held back a sigh and tried once more to knock some sense into her. “Keep this one around, he looks like he’s a good friend for you.”
tags:  @itrocksmysocks​ @kerwritesthings​ @pupsandpucks @shawnsreputation​ @whythough1319 @smit41​ @glassdanse​ @fiveholegoal​ @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @thefootballfaithfull
tumblr decided to be a bitch with the tags, strikethrough means I couldn’t get the tag to work.
Please reblog and let me know what you thought
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sissyprincess50 · 4 years
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Your girlfriend, Jenni, just left for her first date with her new boyfriend. Mike, a football player at the local college, who makes her call him 'Daddy'. And Jenni loved to oblige. All day long you heard her on the phone, "Yes Daddy, no Daddy, please Daddy?" See, Jenni had enough with your inability to last longer than 30 seconds in bed. On top of that, instead of trying for any resemblance of a sex life, Jenni instead had taken it upon herself to start telling you in bed about all the hot guys she dreamed about instead of you. Just the thought of a big strong man caused you to wet your pants night after night, after hearing Jenni's steamy descriptions. Jenni finally decided it was time for you to embrace your new role in her life. "Sweetie, I did a little shopping yesterday. Come take a look at your new wardrobe!" Giggles. Laying on the bed was a tight fitting pink blouse, a pair of bright-colored girls leggings, and a big pink puffy diaper. "Now, if you still want me in your life, this is your new daily attire. Don't worry I stocked your entire closet. And your diaper drawer lolz. I mean, its only fitting your someone who can't satisfy a woman and wets himself at the thought of a big strong man." Back to the date. Before Mike arrived, you had to help Jenni dress for her date, including a pair of 'Yes, Daddy' panties, which you had to kiss 100 times on your knees. Jenni made it a truly humiliating experience, painting her lips and then doing yours. Dowsing her eyebrows in mascara and then making sure your lashes popped too. While Jenni finished her makeup, you were demoted to kissing her feet, for 15 minutes. When Mike arrived, you were made to answer the door in one of your new little outfits, your diaper butt looking puffy as ever. And then it happened, out came the little phrase Jenni had instructed you to say, "Hey Daddy, thank you for taking Jenni out tonight." Mike immediately broke out laughing. "Oh youre so welcome loser! And hey! I brought you a present." In his hands was a Disney Princess coloring book. Jenni made you thank him and kiss the book and Mike's crotch before returning to the living room. Then Jenni went in to embrace Mike, who lifted her dress and spanked her on the ass. To which Jenni replied, "Oh thank you Daddy!" And off they went for the night. So, instead of going out with your girlfriend this Friday night, you were sitting on the floor with your Disney Princess coloring book with your new babysitter. Emily, one of Jenni's best friends from high school. Jenni had asked her to watch you tonight, to which she eagerly obliged. Suddenly, she stood you up and turned you around on your knees so she towered above you. "Okay loser, here is how tonight is going to work. You are going to completely wet yourself right now and I'm going to record it. Then, you're going to do everything I say. Including coming over whenever I call to do my chores. Got it?" You nodded in shame. She started to record, "Okay princess, turn around and show me your diaper." She stood you up and pulled your leggings down. "Aww youre so cute! You must be wearing these diapers because youre mommy knows you cant stay dry. Aww omg did you just mess yourself? Turn around and smile for the camera diaper dork hehehehehe." Emily then immediately posted it on all social media, tagging you in each post. From that moment, your fate was sealed. Have fun princess.
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ohwellpapel · 5 years
JULY 19, 2019 / Friday
(but i guess coffee sums up my life & duhhh!!!!!! ITS COFFEEEEEE YOU KNOW)
And will also like to thank mah main bffs (meb & lor) who accompanied me earlier 😚 WE HAD SO MANY TEA'S TO THE POINT THAT WE FORGOT THAT THERE ARE OTHER PPL ALSO IN THE COFFEE SHOP LOLZ (sobrang ingay namin as in)
"I think because u don't know & u dont care about the people around once you are with your friends." DI BA!!!
So in short, i had a great day. And hoping that I can sleep better tonight :-)
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mybukz · 4 years
Fiction: Drilling Down by Aimee Lee
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Image by Rudi Fargo on Unsplash
“Morning, Dr. Leong,” Teck Wai’s dental assistant greeted him as he entered his clinic from the back entrance. The smell of disinfectant punched through the air. He never got used to it despite running this surgery for 15 years. It reminded him he had more than ten grueling hours of melodramatic patients, pointless small talks and back-breaking procedures ahead.
He gave his assistant, Gayathri, a quick nod, and entered his office. Through his peripheral vision, he saw a middle-aged woman in a ridiculously elaborate outfit peeking into the treatment room. Datin Hayati was a dental cerewet disorder. She carried a bejeweled hand-held mirror to identify flaws invisible to the naked eye. Teck Wai loathed her, but put on his best chairside manners for this fat cash cow. He would need two cups of coffee if he was going to start his day with her.
He shut the door of his office behind him and flipped his Macbook open. A window with a lewd video from last night popped up at him, and he hastily closed it. His friend and business partner, Vincent, had sent it with the subject line: Syok. Must watch! A grainy cell phone footage showed a young woman sprawled unconscious on a hotel bed, the cameraperson slowly removing her clothes and fondling her. Teck Wai wasn’t sure if the video was real or staged, but it didn’t stop him from enjoying it.
Finally at 8 in the evening, after two molar root canals, countless orthodontic follow ups and a tricky veneer case, he put his instruments down for the day. It was a Friday night, and he usually met up with Vincent at a karaoke place in Kuchai Lama for beers. Vincent was Teck Wai’s classmate in university way back in 1995, and while they came from drastically different backgrounds, they hit it right off at dental school, and had been firm friends ever since. Teck Wai’s parents had to make withdrawal claims from their EPF to put him through university, while Vincent strutted confidently into the orientation hall with a beautifully pressed shirt and a Patek Philippe glistening on his wrist. When they graduated, Vincent had given him a huge loan to get his clinic up and running, in exchange for a share in the business. Although Vincent passively reaped in profits from his running of the clinic, Teck Wai still felt indebted to his friend’s generosity. It took him many years to arrive at this point, but these days when they were together, Teck Wai no longer felt insecure of his own humble beginnings. After all, he had convinced his parents to move out of their shabby home in Rasah New Village to a trendy 3-storey bungalow in Seremban 2. Like Vincent, he had a sports car, several luxury watches and a Callaway golf set he never touched.
He circled the shoplots three times before he found an empty parking slot. He was growing resentful of these new bubble tea and dessert places in Kuchai Lama, and all these youngsters and their Myvis double- and triple-parking everywhere. As he was about to turn off the engine, his phone buzzed in his pocket—a text from Vincent.
Bro, sorry lah I have to ffk today. Meeting up with A, it read. ‘A’ was a twenty-three year-old woman Vincent had swiped right on and been texting for two weeks. Apparently things have gotten hot and heavy digitally, and they were ready to meet in person. This was where Teck Wai drew a line. He had been married for nearly 20 years. Of course like any man, he would occasionally visit a massage parlour for a B2B, or sit with flirtatious Vietnamese girls at a karaoke. But he would never have a mistress; that would be cheating.
Lucky bastard, he texted back.
Face 7/10. Boobs 10/10 came the reply.
It was no fun drinking alone so he decided to head home. Teck Wai and his family lived in a comfortable bungalow in Bukit Jalil. He bought the house 10 years ago, when his wife, Poh Yi, was pregnant with their second child. She had insisted that they would need the space. The mortgage came up to be more than RM 10,000 a month. Teck Wai reluctantly added this to his growing list of monthly commitments. Since his wife had worked so hard to marry into wealth, she didn’t think she should ever have to lift a finger to work again. Shortly after they moved into this beautiful, spacious place, Poh Yi suffered a miscarriage. Their daughter, Serene, remained an only child ever since.
Inside the house, Poh Yi and Serene were at the dinner table, finishing up their meal. He often worked late at the clinic, his dental assistant having to tapau a greasy pack of chap fan for him. They looked up in surprise. The Indonesian maid brought out a bowl of steaming white rice and a pair of chopsticks.
Serene whipped out her phone and started to watch a series of 15-second dance videos, each with music more annoying than the last. Teck Wai cleared his throat. He had not had a conversation unrelated to patients or investments in a long time. And he definitely had not had anything in common with his own daughter for years. It seemed like yesterday he had taken her and her friends for badminton, tennis and swimming. He didn’t know where all this time went, and suddenly she was already 16 and no longer took any notice of him, other than to ask for pocket money. Even so, she often solicited her mother to do it on her behalf.
“How are your studies, Serene?” he asked. It was a question his father often asked him over the dinner table when he was 16. He always indulged his father with how well he did in class, and how he measured up to the brightest students in school.
“Fine,” she replied, not bothering to look up from her phone, her thumb repetitively swiping its screen. He looked dejectedly at his wife, willing her to break the ice. She hardly seemed to notice, as she moved towards the living room, and tuned in to some Korean drama or other on her iPad.
“So tell me. What has been going on with you? Your friends?” Teck Wai was determined to have a conversation that lasted more than 5 seconds with his daughter.
“Fine,” she repeated.
“Don’t you have anything more to say to your daddy than just fine?”
She looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes. “You are never home, why do you suddenly care now?” she said without a hint of anger, so softly he was not prepared for the venom her words packed. Also, when did she start speaking with an American accent? That bloody international school. He never should have sent her there in the first place.
The next day in his office, Teck Wai was still haunted by his chilling, but perhaps unsurprising, fight with Serene. He couldn’t even call it a fight, there had been no yelling or display of emotions on his part, she simply got up from her chair and went back up to her room. The house and the dinner table were full, but there he sat all alone.
He didn’t think it was that long ago when he felt like he was the most important person in Serene’s life. She made Father’s Day cards for him every year for the longest time, and called him the best daddy in the world when he brought her to Hong Kong Disneyland and Universal Studios in Singapore. He always gave her what she wanted, and now he couldn’t even get more than a cold ‘I’m fine’ from her. He just wanted to know what was going on in her life, was that too much to ask?
Suddenly a thought struck him. These teenagers. They put everything online these days, don’t they? Only a couple of weeks ago, she took a selfie with him on her phone that digitally applied horrendous make-up on him. It made him look a little like Datin Hayati, if he were to be honest. He turned on his Macbook and typed her name into a Google search bar. It didn’t take long to find a blog with the title ‘Not-Your-Typical-Girl’ splashed across its home screen. In the About Me page was a selfie of his daughter pouting, clad in a skimpy black top he had never seen her in. ‘ENFJ, Gryffin-whore, #wokeAF’, read her bio. He had no idea what any of those words meant. Serene revealed quite a bit of herself, both physically as well as emotionally. Her latest blog entry, from only a week ago, read:
OMFG - X surprised me at school today!! He came to pick me up after school and parked his bright red Mazda convertible, and parked right in front of the school gates. There was LITERALLY a small commotion as everyone was wondering who the hell’s sports car it is. To be honest, I was a little embarrassed but also a little proud. Like, HELL YEAH that’s MY MAN!
Anyways, X said that he had got us tickets to watch Avengers in Mid Valley at 3PM. I told him there was no way I was going to go to MV in my school uniform, it’s so embarrassing! And oh my gosh, would you guys believe it?! This sweetest man reached into the backseat of his car and pulled out a ZARA paper bag with a beautiful dress inside. He really spoils me. Of course once we got to our usual quiet parking lot in The Gardens, I had to reward him, and OBVIOUSLY we never made it to the movies lolz ;)
Before Teck Wai could read any other entry, there came a knock on his door. “Coming,” he responded as he adjusted his facemask and slipped on a pair of gloves. He greeted his patient half-heartedly and mechanically picked up his handpiece and started prepping a large cavity on his patient’s lower molar. His mind was still on the entry that he had read on his daughter’s blog. Who was this supposed boyfriend X? He didn’t have much to go on, but could deduce that it was an older, and apparently wealthy boy with a sports car. What did she mean by rewarding him? He didn’t care how mature his daughter thought she was, in his opinion 16 is way too young to be getting physical with boys - especially with college boys! He had no idea how much his daughter knew about sex and birth control, he had just assumed that these were girls’ talk, and Poh Yi should have had it with her. But then again, after her miscarriage, Poh Yi has been increasingly distant with Serene. She much preferred spending time with her friends, having high teas and shopping with his credit card every other day. The only time she ever perks up with regards to her daughter is when someone remarks that they must be sisters.
He felt the tip of his dental bur slip and nicked the inside of his patient’s cheek. The patient did not notice but blood started to ooze from the cut. He clenched his jaw in frustration, and saw his assistant, Gayathri roll her eyes as she moved the suction tip to the small pool of blood in the patient’s mouth. He then rushed the procedure along and filled the tooth without his usual meticulousness to it, his heart was just not in it today. As his patient leaned over to gargle and spit, he noticed the blood “Eh doctor, why bleeding ah?”.
“Uh, your gums. You should floss regularly,” Teck Wai answered, already making his way back to his office.
He went down a rabbit hole reading his daughter’s blog. She wrote frequently and most of the entries were pretty mundane. They were usually about friend dramas at school, or pictures and videos of some Korean boy band or other. X made his first appearance in the blog only about 3 months ago, in some older entries Serene had referenced numerous boys - B, R, Z and many other initials, that she had been chatting with on Tinder. It was the same dating app that Vincent uses to meet women online. On more than one occasion, he had whipped out his phone and started swiping furiously at his phone, showing a series of women’s profiles to Teck Wai.
“See this one, this type of woman is my favourite. Confirm got daddy issues, little bit insecure, always want to impress in bed. Syok man!” Vincent would remark. Teck Wai felt sick to his stomach, imagining that someone somewhere was also saying something similar about Serene. He had to find out who this X is, he just needed to know. Of course, he would have no objections to Serene having a boyfriend, he thought of himself as a modern 21st century father, and accepted that she wouldn’t be a child forever. But he would not tolerate sneaking around after school and doing God know what in a parking lot. He would not be kept in the dark.
He had to strategise. It was nearly impossible to get his daughter to speak to him about her day, moreover something as personal as this. She would be mortified if she knew that he had found her blog, and read about her escapades which might or might not be sexual. He shuddered at the thought. If X frequently picked her up from school, then he could probably get a glimpse of who this boy was. Maybe he could find out where he went to college, and try to speak with him there, man-to-man. He knew he couldn’t wait around Serene’s school in his Porsche, it was much too conspicuous and she would recognise his car at once.
“Gayathri, can I borrow your car?” he asked his assistant during lunchtime. It was an old navy Proton Wira, the perfect camouflage that he would need. He knew that she often walked to the nearby shops for lunch, and never needed her car at this hour.
She was quite taken aback at the request, “Ummm..”
“Don’t worry lah, I will help you put petrol,” he added quickly. He also knew that no one would ask too many questions about free money. Gayathri passed him her car keys, albeit hesitantly.
He drove her old car towards Serene’s school, and on the way reminisced about how decades ago as a new dentist in government service he drove a Proton Wira, not unlike this one. Vincent was the one that convinced him to upgrade to a BMW, he said that which doctor would be seen driving around in a Proton? At the time, he was trying to save up to repay his PTPTN loan, but Vincent was right - his car had to reflect his current social status. Only wealth can attract more wealth, right? But what he felt was only loans attracting more loans. First it was his old BMW, then it was the cost of setting up his business, his extravagant wedding dinner, their first house, Serene’s arrival, a bigger house, a flashier car. Before he knew it, he was 45 years old, stuck in a hamster wheel of back-breaking work for long, gruelling hours. His only joy being increasingly expensive toys.
He parked Gayathri’s car under a tree near Serene’s school and waited. He didn’t see any red sports cars, that would have been hard to miss. He caught sight of his daughter with a group of friends, and they seemed to be headed towards the shops. No surprise visit from X today then, Teck Wai thought. He was simultaneously relieved and disappointed - he wasn’t sure what he wanted to achieve from this stalking, and was glad that he didn’t have to face the upcoming confrontation just yet. He continued doing this everyday with Gayathri’s car for 2 weeks, when he finally saw a red Mazda MX-5 parked at the school gates one day.
His heart raced, he wanted to walk right up there and speak to this young man right away. He had to be careful, it was 1.00PM and the last bell would ring anytime soon and Serene would see him accosting her boyfriend. The window of the Mazda rolled down, as the driver’s hand stuck out, a cigarette dangling from his fingertips. Disgusting, Teck Wai thought, a smoker? There was nothing he hated more as a dentist than a smoker. He snapped himself out of his judgment, and slowly drove by the Mazda, with the windows rolled down he could perhaps get a glimpse of the boyfriend.
To his horror, this was no college boy. Despite the modern haircut, and trendy clothes, the Mazda owner must have been in his forties, perhaps even close to his age! What in seven hells was Serene doing with this man, this predator? It cannot be, his sweet baby daughter, his only child. His blood began to boil, and in his rage failed to see an oncoming car at an intersection, and nearly crashed his assistant’s car.
For the next several weeks, Teck Wai was completely consumed by the thought of his daughter being exploited by a much older man. He couldn’t get the image of this man, this ‘X’ out of his head. His narrow, untrustworthy face, his lecherous hand all over Serene, his disgusting smoker’s breath. He felt nauseated at the thought of this, and had lost his appetite, he felt his regular surgical scrubs loosen. He was distracted both at work and at home, imagining possible scenarios of confronting his daughter over and over again. There was no point discussing this with Poh Yi; she had a terrible temper and would definitely widen the rift between them and their daughter.
His friend Vincent has to get in touch with him, but he had been too distraught to engage in a proper conversation. Several days ago, Vincent had sent him a photo of several of their buddies from university at their regular karaoke bar. They were all flushed with alcohol and were surrounded by half a dozen scantily clad young girls. ‘You are missing out, bro!’ read the accompanying text. Only a couple weeks ago, this would have been a completely normal Friday night for him, and now he felt absolutely disgusted by himself. Were his friends and him so different from Serene’s boyfriend? But surely, none of the Vietnamese girls who worked at the karaoke were as young?
One day a new patient walked into his clinic, a man who looked to be in his late 30s or early 40s. He was extraordinarily well-groomed, with perfectly coiffed hair and overpowering, unmistakably expensive cologne. The patient perched his Ray-Bans on top of his head, and reached out to offer Teck Wai a firm and confident handshake. Teck Wai was taken aback, it was rare for patients to shake his hand. It is unusual, if not a little bit rude to shake a gloved hand. He peeled off his gloves, and reached for a new pair. He motioned for the patient to take a seat, as he glanced on the patient’s file that Gayathri had just laid down on the desk.
‘Xie Jason’ it read, he was a new patient and had no prior record. That’s an unusual surname in KL, Teck Wai thought. He scrutinised the patient who was now sitting docile on his dental chair. Was this X? Was this the man that he had been vividly picturing himself strangling for weeks? He had been playing it out in his imagination for so long that he had distorted the real image of X from the afternoon outside Serene’s school. Now that he was possibly right in front of him, Teck Wai couldn’t even be sure if it was really him. He felt a burning sensation in his ears, he clenched his jaws under his surgical mask and calmly asked the patient, “Yes, what can I do for you today?” A stench of halitosis and tobacco escaped the patient’s mouth as he answered “Just cleaning, doctor.” Surely there was no mistaking that this was the cursed boyfriend that he saw?
He didn’t think that his hatred for this vile being could get any stronger, but when he peered into the patient’s mouth with his probe and mouth mirror, it was a dentist’s worst nightmare. The inner surfaces of his teeth were completely stained and there was nothing more stubborn than tobacco stains. He set to work wordlessly as he removed the heavy chunks of calculus a fleck at a time, each time his nostrils completely attacked by the putrid stench. The patient got comfortable and settled himself deeper into the dental chair and pulled out his phone. He opened up a bright pink app with a flame on it that was somewhat familiar to Teck Wai. Soon it became clear that it was the same dating app that Vincent had often used in front of him. Teck Wai glanced at the patient’s phone as he could see picture after picture of attractive young women pouting back at him. He felt the tip of his scaler slide as he was momentarily distracted and probed too deep into the patient’s periodontal pocket. “Ouch! Watch it!” he winced.
Teck Wai was seething with anger and disgust at this man, for not only taking advantage of his 16 year old but also clearly cheating on her by preying on other young women. He made very little progress with the cleaning, looked up at the clock - it was 7 in the evening. He told Gayathri that he could finish up the case on his own, and she could leave. After he heard the surgery’s door click shut, he turned to the patient and said “I have spotted a few cavities which look quite deep. I would need to give you some nitrous oxide to relax, okay?”. The patient nodded as he pulled the mouthpiece over his face.
He could feel the patient’s body begin to relax and his eyelids drooped, he didn’t protest when Teck Wai bound his wrists tightly to the dental chair with latex gloves. He was only half conscious and the dentist held a pair of forceps against his upper incisors. Teck Wai gripped the tooth firmly and began rotating expertly for several seconds before the tooth luxated from the patient’s jaw. He dropped the tooth onto the metal tray with a delicate clink, and moved on to the next tooth, and the next. Some of them slipped easily like popping pills out of their blister packs. The molars were trickier as they had thick, long roots that anchored strongly to the alveolar bone. He heard several roots fracture, as the patient groaned in his semi-consciousness, but he couldn’t care less, this was no ordinary procedure. When he finished removing every single tooth, he laid down his forceps and looked at the gory pile of teeth piled up on the tray. Some dental student would be very lucky to have this complete set, he thought. He stepped back and looked at X, who only 20 minutes ago swaggered unassumingly into his surgery, flawlessly put together. It was a stark contrast with the now-edentulous patient, his mouth collapsed and bright red, the front of his chest covered in blood and saliva.
“Not looking so handsome now, are you Romeo?”
Aimee Lee is a Sri Petaling girl who grew up sipping pasar malam bubble tea before gentrification and fancy tea rooms took over the local area. She practiced dentistry before pursuing a Masters in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine under a Chevening scholarship. She now works in scholarly publishing, developing editorial content for public health and medical journals. In her spare time, she empties her bank account buying books and runs a quarantine book club at @i.read.and.drink.tea on Instagram. She lives in London with her husband.
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I think except for one day, I went to the nearest mall almost daily during lunch break.
I just need to cool my head off, get away from the confines of the office for a while.
I was also the spendthrift this week.
I ate gelato (small size) for two consecutive days. Had fastfood lunch twice. Drank milktea. Bought a pair of jeans and a shirt.
Speaking of clothing. Yep, I finally purchased that cropped flare jeans I’ve been eyeing for a while. In fact, I already tried it on three times on different occasions, just to be sure. Like I’m afraid the salespeople might have already recognized my face for always passing by the department store and not buying anything lolz. 
Ever since mom pointed to me a lady wearing one and told me I should wear a jeans like that, I was on the lookout for the perfect pair. I already searched for the same type of jean in other malls but to no avail. I googled that this style was in around 2017, so maybe that’s why I never found any displayed at malls lately. 
Like my boyfriend jeans, cropped jeans isn’t a very popular style and isn’t for everyone, but it is for me. I love that these jeans are figure-flattering and make me look unique and more my personal style, and most importantly, makes me feel a thousand times more comfortable than skinnies. Seriously, I don’t want to wear skinnies ever again... for reals!
The cropped flare doesn’t make my muffin top disappear, but magic happens when I wear tuck in tops! The tuck in hides my belly, and the cropped design makes my torso lean and longer. I was mindblown myself when I first tried it on. I never wore a jean that made me look I had a waistline. What a find! The only takeaway is that I can’t wear it to work coz of the frayed hemline. Anyways, I’ll be on a lookout for a clean hem of the same style in the future.
The tee I bought earlier at Surplus. Initially I saw a NASA hoodie displayed on a rack outside the department store but the size was too large for me. Being the space junkie that I am I was instantly thrilled. I went to their main display area and luckily found a smaller size in black. Just when I was about to buy it, I saw a NASA tee hung high on the wall at the men’s area. So I quickly tried it on and decided to buy that instead of the hoodie coz it’s cheaper and I love the NASA logo that looked legit lolz. Perfect esp. now that my company finally permits us to wear tees on Fridays! 
Now I will digress but still in connection to space stuff... I’ve always been interested in astronomy since I was young. But there are no local courses in Astronomy and it’s another story to go back to schooling again at this time and age. But it’s always at the back of my mind. So I googled online courses, just in case it comes up. There are no options offered by local school but there are actually a lot by international schools. And then I realize I can study ANY kinds of subject in this websites for free. I made an account in EDx and for starters, I enrolled in a course connected to my career. I still haven’t started it yet, maybe later tonight if I had time. If I adapt to this kind of learning, I will proceed with other courses and of course Astronomy. Never stop learning, self!
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Workouts and Basketball
Ugh I’ve been so bad at tracking this week. So now I’m gonna try to do a recap. Lolz.
March 10 Friday we went out to dinner for Ani’s birthday and I didn’t work out because I came home early to hang out with people. The Nova game was on before we went, so we made some amazing spinach artichoke dip and proceeded to eat most of it out of stress bc that game was legitimately awful. We somehow pulled out the win even though Seton Hall totally deserved to win lol. But it’s ok because the dinner afterwards made everything better - they had alcoholic milkshakes, so essentially I died and went to heaven.
March 11 T slept over and bc she’s a freaking nut, she convinced us all to wake up super early before Erin’s and do a round of Speed 2.0 T25. Poor Mikey did it with no shoes and that’s easily the worst one on your feet and knees even if you have the CORRECT shoes. Woof he was a mess that day. We got to our pregame and left an hour later after chomping on mims and pannies (mimosas and pancakes) and jamming to Galway Girl. When we got to 30th, it was so freezing you couldn’t feel your face, so we tried to scurry from bar to bar to limit our outdoor exposure. We ended the day exhausted with Wendy’s and Wawa, which is really the proper way to conclude your day drinking. Thankfully the Nova game was much less painful to watch and we won the Big East Tournament 🙌🏼 bless.
March 12 Lazy Sundays are the best, but I had a benchmark run to do, so I got out there and fought off the cold at the pier. Fortunately it was a pretty day!  It was also Selection Sunday, aka the day everybody starts really loving college basketball even if they’ve never really watched.  Villanova came out on the very top for the first time ever, which is a pretty badass thing to do the year right after a championship.  Go.  Cats.
1.55 mi 9′48″ min / mi
March 13 Monday I left work a little early because of the impending doom of the Nor'easter on Tuesday, but I had a recovery run to do.  I finished again on the pier, and took a cool down jog around the block to get that pic of the waters before the storm.  My selfie is my face despite my boobs hurting because of how cold it was when I stopped running.  Woof indeed.  I like that I’m not tied to tracking every time I run though, because I ran back home as well without putting it on the Nike app.  #fit for the sake of being #fit.  But also because when I was walking back to the bridge, I got a snowflake in my eye and I was like oh, time to go back I guess.
2.01 mi (but like probably more) 9′27″ min / mi
March 14 Next to nothing to report.  I worked from home, made those beautiful pancakes, and gave up on work midday to beat Bioshock 2.  Spoiler, the first Bioshock has a better ending and better story.  I’m partial to that one, sorry.  I barely took 1,400 steps the whole day and did not leave the apartment.  It was a disgusting mess outside so.  I didn’t feel that bad about it.
March 15 I had a Nike Training Club workout on the way, so I brought my sneaks to work to do a workout in our gym.  Wore the black Nike Flex 2016s for the first time in a while, and when I did a bit of a warmup on the treadmill, I was like holy shit, now I understand why going to a running store to get fitted is actually super helpful.  Those shoes hurt my feet and did not support me whatsoever after wearing the Brooks’ for a few weeks.  Damn.  Shoes make all the difference.  Instead of focusing on cardio, I did some shoulder / arms work for a bit before getting into the NTC workout.  Unfortunately, my half marathon plan thought I needed a slow boring stretching workout, so that’s what was on the docket.  I finished barely sweating.  Blech.  Sometimes I hate working out in a gym because I feel like I’m wasting my time.  I need to find time efficient circuits so I don’t feel like I’m not getting enough done.  My arms looked big af and not in a good way, but I liked the shirt I was wearing so meh.  Progress pics amirite.
When I got home, Ani and I decided to make a post-it note bracket on our wall in our kitchen so we did that while I ate that beautiful salad.  Cats all the way, obviously.  And we really just love Northwestern’s story so we love them a lot too.
March 16 The madness begins!!  Clearly I was mostly preoccupied with games all day at work.  I even ran my longest run on the treadmill for the first time in a while (!) without headphones (!!!!) so I could flip between games on the tv. The first mile recently has sucked for me - sometimes my heels hurt, sometimes it’s my shins, sometimes it’s my ankles.  Yesterday it was my left shin and my right heel.  But then it goes away once I run for a little while longer.  Wtf.  I make sure to stretch all the things after each run, so what am I doing wrong?  I wonder if my form is wrong somehow.  Like I know I’m a heel-toe runner, which isn’t great, but like most people run that way and I’ve never had problems like this before when I like actually ran more so what is going on.  I know I should probably build up my leg strength and lose some weight to help the pressure, but like.  I do that by running and putting pressure on it.  SO.  Idk.  I pushed past what I was supposed to do and ran a 5K just because I was feeling it.  Endorphins were kicking in which was awesome, since I definitely felt like I could go for longer if there wasn’t a guy waiting for me to get off :/ that’s the other thing that sucks about gyms.  You gotta be like courteous and stuff.  Can’t wait for my goddamn gym in my building to be finished!!!!!  Even though they said it was supposed to be done when we moved in (October) and they just started working on it a few weeks ago (March).  Bye apartment building management.  You blow harder than Villanova in the first half yesterday.  Good thing we came out on top bc we’re a second half team and Jay must’ve screamed their ears off at halftime.
3.31 mi 9′30″ min /mi
This post was a clusterfuck.  Oh well.  I’m bored at work bc half my team isn’t here and basketball isn’t on yet.  Once again, go cats.
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hthomas145 · 7 years
Hashimoto Roullette: Part 2 fuck dairy
So this is week two of my diet experiment. If you read last week’s post then you saw that I cut out gluten for a week. I started cutting it out on Sunday, and Wednesday night was the first night of dress rehearsal for the show I was in (by the way I was in a MainStage show lolz). I played two characters in the show, one who wore jeans, a t-shirt, and a hat, and the other character who wore a yellow polo short and black dress pants. When I first tried the jeans on they were snug enough where I didn't need a belt, and the dress pants were loose enough where, even on the last belt loop, they could have been pulled down if someone was trying hard enough (shout out to myself for losing weight since my fitting). The costume fit consistently from then until Friday night, then Saturday, I went out to an early dinner with my parents before they saw the show, in addition to an early lunch at Chick-fil-a. I ate gluten at both meals, then that night, I tired my costume on. The jeans were straight up tight on me, and the pants were no longer loose on me either. Based on the short experiment, I'm going to be cutting out gluten from my diet for the foreseeable future (except gluten found in alcohol ;) ). 
This week, I'm cutting out all dairy which isn't super hard because I don't eat a ton of it anyways. I also weighed myself yesterday and discovered that I have lost three more pounds since last Wednesday, which makes almost fifty since August *high fives self*. This week is going to be easy, but next week I'll be cutting out cruciferous foods, and that’s a food that I have heard gives a lot of people with Hashimoto’s disease trouble. Guess we’ll find out!
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I joined the company about four months ago. He's been there for about a year longer. There doesn't seem to be any rules about dating in our office--I do not report to him. I have also never been this attracted to someone before.I was instantly attracted to him my first week on the job and I felt it was mutual. Within my first month on the job, we kissed (with tongue)...I don't do random hookups so this is totally uncharacteristic of me. It was a random outing. I had plans to go to watch a game at a bar with a friend outside work (male) and invited another coworker who invited him. One thing led to another and we were holding hands and making out for hours. I wanted to crash on his couch because I was really drunk and lived far away. We initially Uber'd to his place and then he put me in an Uber home.The next few months were super hot/cold. I made a few advances while drunk during company happy hours, but they were shut down. He kept trying to be around me, but I was getting mixed signals. Most of my friends are male and they visit the office sometimes--he is always visibly jealous. He also has asked me in the past who I have gone on things with after seeing Instagram posts of me. I sent him a drunk Facebook message saying I was drunk but thought he was cute. He never responded to the message, but I did notice his flirtatious behavior did not change.After enough of the mixed signals, I started ignoring him. He came back around and tried to initiate conversation. I can tell he's very attracted to me.I'm the only technical girl in the office, so some of my coworkers flirt with me. There's one guy in the office who's couch I crash on and we are friends. It's unclear whether my crush thinks we are hooking up.I went on a group outing with him and other coworkers (including the guy who's couch I crash on sometimes) a few Fridays ago. I was brown out and he was fairly sober. We met up at the office. He was constantly changing his name on this app to troll and I changed his name to "Fuckboy" because I was drunk and also annoyed at the mixed signals. When we got to the bar (with live concert), I tried to stand next to him. I attempted to reach for his hand, but I accidentally touched his phone. He was viability annoyed and said: "Stop touching my shit. It's getting old." I didn't realize he said this and thought he meant "Don't touch me." so I freaked out and told him to move to the right because there was a ton of space. I then went to my other coworker who is a good friend and started freaking out about what happened. The guy I like was in earshot and could probably hear everything. We didn't talk for the rest of the night.I assumed he was mad at me and that that was that. So I spent the weekend trying to move on. He was out working remote the following week, so I didn't have to worry about any awkwardness. I am radio silent on Monday. On Tuesday, he sends me a Slack with a hi emoji. I ignore it. On Friday, I reach out to him with a legitimate work question and he makes the conversation personal about what he's currently doing and that he can be available to chat about the work thing even though he was at a fancy car dealership. I tell him I can't talk now, but I give him a summary of the work thing.He then randomly shows up at 4 pm on Friday. I'm on the couch at work with a male coworker and we are going over some work stuff. I don't really have a reaction when I see my crush (because I wasn't expecting him there) and I just ignore him. Later on that afternoon, I send him a Slack message asking him if he wants to talk about the work thing. He responds with the shrug emoji and we have this awkward conversation consisting of only question marks and the shrug emoji. He then proceeds to send me the Jack Johnson song Flake. I don't understand what he's getting at, so I respond with "Lolz." I see him in person later in the office and he seems a little annoyed by me. My friends feel it's him flirting, so I send him a Facebook message with a link to "Falling For You" by Colbie Callait. He doesn't respond to the message, but on Monday is extra friendly.This week, we had a meeting: just me, him and another coworker about a work project we are on. Randomly in the meeting (totally unsolicited after I mention some tool I like to use), he says: "I dated a girl a few weeks ago who said he likes [some other tool] instead. That was a deal breaker." He later clarifies it was one date and not dating. But it was weird because the other coworker is not really socially friends with him and doesn't understand why he would bring that up. I was visibly annoyed at him for the rest of the meeting. I felt like he was trying to solicit a reaction. He knows I like him. Why else bring it up? He also directed it at the other coworker even though it was based on something I said. FWIW I have told his friend (also a coworker) about bad dates I have been on in the past.I want to tell him I like him, I'm not dating anyone (he seems to get the idea I date around) and figure out what his deal is. How do I do this? via /r/dating_advice
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onthewaytosomewhere · 2 months
First Lines Tag Game
tagged by @typicalopposite - thanks luv 💚
Rules: post the first line(s) of your 10 most recent wips (i did the ten i was last in that actually had a first sentence and not just nonsensical rambling)
Alex Claremont-Diaz has always thought of himself as a bit of an enigma, even before he became a werewolf and opened an all-night coffee shop, Moonlight Coffee. (all night spn coffee shop -dark & cozy)
When Philip sees Alex and Henry under the cake at his wedding, he can’t help but think about another time that Alex was covered in frosting, at least parts of him. (ooops this one is now out of the bag lolz - pip had alex first)
Surprisingly, Liam has never had a one-night stand before, so he’s never needed to learn the proper etiquette for how this is supposed to go. (another liam/pez one night stand series fic)
Henry is, quite frankly, fucked.(that one from the 2 friday ficlets that grew a life of it's own)
Alex is nearly bouncing out of his seat on the plane, and Henry can’t quite figure out why. (firstprince olympics proposal fic)
Henry is a young man, as far as anyone can tell, fair of complexion with his flaxen blond hair, and strong of body. (seeking the (sex) services of a witch)
Alex is on stage at their new regular gig, and well, he can’t seem to take his eyes off the blonde walking the floor, greeting patrons, and helping out behind the bar. (the one where alex is in a cover band and tries to seduce henry through 90s/early 2000s cover songs)
Henry unlocks the doors of his bookshop, Lost in the Pages, just like he does every day, although who knows for how much longer if business doesn’t pick up. (hockey and books)
Henry is absolutely enraged, how Alex could have done this to them is beyond him. (um ... yeah firstprince and that's all ur getting for now)
Alex meets Beatrice Fox the first night he goes to his new favorite bar, he is walking home and almost walks past it, before he decides to walk in. (what to do when ur bffs bro is hot - really just an excuse to write bea & alex as friends and henry a silly boy lolz)
ok it was kinda fun to actually see which were the last 10 i'd been in that actually had first lines and not just a bunch of rambly nonsense lolz
(no-pressure) tag ur it! @adreamareads @tailsbeth-writes @taste-thewaste @eusuntgratie
@duchessdepolignaca03 @sparklepocalypse @kiwiana-writes @cha-melodius @everwitch-magiks
@cricketnationrise @orchidscript @thesleepyskipper @blueeyedgrlwrites @getmehighonmagic
@priincebutt @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @thinkof-england @suseagull04 @porcelainmortal
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iheartsurveys · 8 years
What’s better: winter break or spring break? Not in school anymore, but I always liked winter break just because it’s longer. And I <3 the holidays. Though my last spring break I was in Italy so that was pretty awesome
Are you cold, hot, or comfortable at the moment? I’m fine
How many concerts have you been to in your life? So many. Especially since going to college. That’s a lie even before college I had been to a lot. I love going to concerts
What’s your favorite TV show? HIMYM, htgawm, friends, svu are my main faves. I really liked series of unfortunate events as well, I hope they continue that.
Would you ever have sex with the last person you texted? No thanks
Would you rather paint your room puke green, or eat a potato bug? Uh definitely paint my room puke green. Puke green might actually be kinda cute if you decorate the right way lolz. Not that I’m about to repaint any time soon
How old were you when you had the chicken pox? Never had it thankfully
Ever had a friend named Alex or John? No one really comes to mind
Are you one who misses a lot of school, just because? No. I missed some school for migraines though
What type of music do you listen to the most? Alternative & pop
What are you looking forward to in the next month? Really looking forward to this weekend, I’m going back to school for homecoming which will be fun. Though I’m gonna see two guys I used to date because they’re both friends with people I’m friends with, so that’ll be fun.
Is there anyone that you’d love to just spill your guts to? I don’t really have anything to spill
When was the last time you painted a picture? In like December, I painted a canvas for my mom for our kitchen
Where is the person you have feelings at right now? No feelings~~
Can you drive? When did/do you get your license? Yes. In 2010
Have you ever had to get braces? Yep had them middle school until freshman year of hs. I kinda need/want Invisalign for my bottom teeth because my wisdom teeth fucked them up
What brand and flavor was the last gum you chewed? It was a car cup, I forget which one I buy…orbit or eclipse maybe. I think spearmint
Are you happy with your relationship status? Idk. I’d like to be in a relationship but since I’m living at home idk how that’s going to happen, and I kinda want to focus on me for now also so. Yes and no
What did you have for lunch today? Was it good? I didn’t have time for lunch today I was so busy . Which one: chocolate chip or sugar cookie? Choc chip
Who was the last person that you sincerely apologized to? Umm idk maybe my mom
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Why or why not? No, because I just don’t. It kind of gives me a headache
Do you like the color orange? Is it your favorite? No, it’s actually my least fave
What kind of ice cream did you last eat? Choc peanut butter
What kind of stuff do you like on your hot dogs? Nothing, I’m a plain hot dog kind of gal
Have you ever been in a spelling bee? No
Do you enjoy talking on the telephone? Who do you talk to the most? Not particularly. I probably talk to my mom the most which is weird because I live at home but she calls me on the way home for work every day pretty much. No one else really calls me besides my dad every once in a while or Zoe.
Do you think the last person you texted is attractive? It was a group text w my friends, they’re hotties
Does it bother you when people don’t answer questions with exact answers? I don’t really read other people’s surveys for fun/to critique. I’ll just stumble upon them on the tags or based off who I follow
Do you know how to snap your fingers? Yeah
In what order do you get ready in the mornings? It depends on what I’m doing. I usually get up and eat something, then I’ll do my hair, brush my teeth and get dressed, and do my makeup. Then go do whatever.
When did you last cry? What for? Friday because I broke my toe falling down the stairs and it fucking hurt
Where were you at 9:18 this morning? In my kitchen eating breakfast
Where did you kiss the last person you kissed? In his bedroom
When was the last time you consumed alcohol? Two weekends ago
What is in your bag for school, or work? I do neither of those things currently. In my purse I keep my wallet, an eos hand lotion, Chapstick, whatever lip stick I’m wearing that day, some aleve, hair ties annnnd that’s usually it
The 2nd to last person you texted, how did you meet them? In my sorority
Do you call it a crush, or do you just say you like someone? I like someone
Have you been drunk in the last week? No
What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Bagel w cream cheese
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onthewaytosomewhere · 2 months
Happy Friday! Could I have ⛺ & Firstprince please? And of course I don't mind smut 😇
well my mind apparently took don't mind smut to mean plz give me smut lolz
this can also be found on ao3 if you'd rather
so behind a cut for smut
Henry isn’t sure how he let Alex convince him to camp in a tent in the middle of nowhere instead of the cabin he had wanted to do but here he is. Here he is … sprawled out on the inflatable mattress in their tent , naked, with Alex between his legs and sucking his cock as if he’s a starving man and it will provide him sustenance. The sounds as Alex’s head bobs seem to reverberate off the tent's walls, and he’s sure they travel out to the surrounding wooded area. Alex has always been enthusiastic when he’s got Henry’s cock in his mouth, from that very first time when he was unsure what he was doing and why he wanted to. Alex once told him that having Henry’s cock in his mouth was almost a zen moment for him. That being in Henry’s presence from the very beginning was a sort of revelation of what it meant to give parts of yourself to someone so completely and never wanting them to give them back, even if he didn’t realize at the time that was what he was doing. Alex’s lips come off Henry’s cock with a ‘pop,’ and he whimpers so loud it should be embarrassing at the loss; well, if there was any bit of Henry that could still feel embarrassment around Alex. They’ve seen each other through so much that there really is nothing left to be embarrassed by. Henry’s eyes meet Alex’s beneath the curls that are overdue for a cut, but he’s certain Alex has realized he likes, so he hasn’t cut. Alex licks slowly up the underside of Henry’s cock, and his hips lift off the mattress as his head is thrown back. Brought out of his thoughts by this man who inspires so many of his deep thoughts. Alex is whispering endearments that Henry’s not 100% sure if he’s meant to hear; it would not be the first time Alex has told Henry’s cock how much he loves it in sappy fashion. Alex redoubles his efforts when he swallows Henry back down, and Henry isn’t sure he can hold on much longer. He’s proven right when Alex’s fingers grasp his thigh, and he loses all semblance of control, coming down Alex’s throat with a shout that he knows if there is anyone nearby, they will hear. Alex pulls off slowly, his tongue gliding along Henry’s shaft as if he’s trying to get every last drop of come. Alex slides up between Henry’s legs so his cock is above Henry’s, and he reaches for it only to have his hand swatted away, “Uh, uh, I told you exactly how this was gonna go earlier. I was going to suck you down until you came down my throat and then mark you up with my come. That I ring from my cock with my hand, you’re too blissed-out from that expression on your stupid pretty face to be useful. Well, for more than somewhere for my come to land.” Alex’s cock already looks painfully hard when he takes up position between Henry’s thighs. Now, with his hand working across it, Henry’s convinced there isn’t a prettier sight. If Alex wasn’t right about Henry being blissed out, he’d want to get his mouth on him, but they’ll be here for the entire weekend, so he knows he has time for that. For now, he mutters sweet nothings to Alex, just nonsense, but he knows it’s hearing Henry’s voice that is doing it for Alex, not what he’s saying, That is until Henry utters the words that he knows will get him there, “Alex, come for me, love, you’ve been such a good boy today.” Alex is coming, and the warm come splashes across Henry’s stomach and cock. His spent cock twitches as if it wants to go for round two, but Henry knows that isn’t going to happen yet. They both need time before they can do this again. Alex plops next to him on the air mattress. After wiping his come from Henry with the wipes they made sure were accessible, he promptly attaches himself to Henry like a limpet. At that moment, he thinks maybe this tent camping thing won’t be so bad.
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onthewaytosomewhere · 3 months
Hi!! For ficlet friday: 🧡 + firstprince? (Feel free to make it smutty!)
ask for smutty and it shall be delivered lolz - so dropping it beneath a cut lolz
Henry is beside him, his hand wrapped around Alex’s cock, the slow drag up and down making him at least a little bit crazy. He’s been healing from a fall and not yet got the okay for anything super intensive, so it’s slow and at Henry’s pace, and Alex is so fucking here for this. Henry is going so slow with him that he feels so loved and cherished; of course, he also is kind of going out of his mind, as they’ve been at this for so long, he’s not even sure time is a real thing anymore.
Any time Alex makes any noise that isn’t obviously a result of the hand wrapped around his cock, Henry stops and checks in to make sure that Alex isn’t re-injuring himself. It’s the most intense edging he’s ever experienced, and it’s not even intentional. But he really needs to come; it has been too long; he hasn’t even been able to use his own hand, and well, he lives with his incredibly hot boyfriend, who lasted all of 3 days before he was beating off in the shower. Alex appreciates that he attempted not to rub it in, but he almost wonders if he wouldn’t have rather watched; it might have been more satisfying than occasionally hearing him through the wall of the bathroom.
“Henry,” he pants, “Please assume that any sound I make is a positive one. Don’t get me wrong, I love that you don’t want me to get reinjured, but, baby, I can’t take much more; I need to come so damn bad.”
Henry kisses Alex’s forehead, and then he’s moving. Before Alex knows what’s happening, he’s between his legs on the bed, carefully spreading them a little more so that he can fit. “All right, let’s get you that orgasm, shall we?”
Alex nearly laughs, but then his cock is engulfed by Henry’s mouth, and there is nothing funny about that. Especially when Henry swallows around him, and well, he’s never claimed to be a strong man. That’s all it takes; he’s been in Henry’s mouth for under 2 minutes, and he’s coming; he attempts to warn him, but Henry just doubles down, working him through his orgasm. He trembles when Henry pulls off but attempts, as best he can, while injured, to pull Henry up so he can make his best attempt to get Henry off as well.
Henry is on his knees, still between Alex’s legs, and his underwear is tugged down under his balls, hand wrapped around his cock and sliding up and down it slowly. Alex is surprised he doesn’t instantly get hard again, but apparently, all that unintentional edging wore him out. “Oh, fuck, baby, go faster, I need to see you come, need to feel your come on me now.” That’s all the encouragement Henry needs before he works his fist up and down his cock faster; Alex can see the way his breath hitches in his throat as he works his way to orgasm.
It doesn’t take long before Henry comes, and when it hits Alex’s stomach, blending with what is pooled and already cooling, the contrast is enough to have him matching the moans escaping Henry. Henry stays there, breathing in heavy gulps, hand loose around his cock for a moment before he is off the bed, walking to the master bath and back with a warm cloth, wiping Alex down. He tosses the cloth into the hamper and is back on the bed, carefully cuddling Alex in what seems like no time at all. Alex drifts off to Henry, whispering how much he loves him and wishing for a brief moment he could stay awake longer. Post-coital, Henry is so incredibly mushy, and he loves that.
this can also be found on ao3 if you'd rather
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