#it's so beautiful to see the efforts mo eun makes to involve in woo in her life
lenteur · 10 months
random thoughts about tell me that you love me, episode two
(the rest is under the cut because i'm worried about your eyes having to read ALL OF THAT and this post might contain spoilers)
One thing i've noticed about both leads is they seem to be rejected by the world around them. They're both alone, one because of his disability and the other because she's pursuing a career that doesn't seem to correspond to her. Mo eun has tried for a while to become an actress but it seems she's never enough. She's always an extra, a background actor, a minor role. It must be discouraging for her to always hear/see rejection. And the thing that makes me smile is they both care about each other, they're both there for each other. They seem to be each other's emotional support.
What I like about mo eun is she doesn't give up about her dream. Even through countless failures, she still holds onto the hope that one day she'll become an actress. She's even asking advice to her friends because she wants to reach that goal. She might get discouraged from time to time but she's not deterred. She's questioning how she can become better and I think that tells a lot about her character.
It's interesting how jin woo is envious of his friend for creating a family but stating he feels more comfortable alone. It must come from the fear of being misunderstood or of his future partner becoming bored of him? Dating for people with a disability is harder because there's always a fear factor. Will my partner accept me, even with my disability? Are they just pretending to be nice? Won't they get bored at one moment or another? Will they be embarrassed to be seen with me? I think it's true that jin woo is comfortable with living alone because he's been used to it by now. But part of me thinks he's saying that because he's scared of finding a romantic partner because all these questions must be running in his mind.
They put a cat in this show!!! Bonus points, many bonus points for that.
It's a great thing the drama is showing us many examples of how people with disabilities are treated day to day. Some things might not seem harmful but they still hurt. For example the grandma forbidding her grandson from using sign language as if it's a bad thing. Or another being the man giving jin woo his album and exaggerating the way he pronounces things. The latter may seem like a good idea but most deaf people i know told me it's no use because they've learned to read lips. As long as you speak in front of them, deaf people will understand you, without you having to open your mouth super big to pronounce words.
Just like jin woo said, no matter how hard he'd try to explain what happened to mo eun, he fears she wouldn't understand him. Just like his neighbors and the police first did.
Through the episodes, we see mo eun adapt her behavior for jin woo. First she learns sign language, then she places his hand on her neck so he can feel the vibrations when she's singing. It's the little things that matter.
I'll give this a 8/10
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