#it's sgdlr all over again
birbsong · 2 years
the fact that this is prequel,,, ugh i am not prepared to find out what happened
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starrywangxian · 5 months
link click ost - where does it play?
i'm a little diseased so i went through the whole of link click season 1 so that i could make a list of where each song on the ost plays. i thought i'd share it in case anyone else is curious too~!
some things to note first:
be aware of spoilers!!
if you'd prefer to listen to it in a playlist, here's a spotify version :)
here's a youtube version too :) - be aware that the songs won't repeat so they'll only be in order of the first time they're played bc youtube won't let me add the same song more than once :(
if you notice any mistakes or errors then please let me know!
feel free to add things in the reblogs/comments/tags <3
i'll be using the chinese versions of the songs!
i'm working on doing season 2, episode 5.5, the extras and daily life in lightime but i did this to procastinate studying for my exams so i'll do those soon? (i recently finished season 2 so i need to emotionally recover before i rewatch it again bc damn it did a number on me)
episode 1: EMMA
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - the opening where cxs goes into a picture
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening ofc
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the first mission
arabesque by av4ln & yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma talking to mr. zhu
pray by 天門 - cxs as emma talking to her parents on the phone
overcome by 天門 - cxs as emma thinking of her parents cooking spring rolls
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma in the meeting
dear candy by the cheers cheers - emma riding on her bike home thinking of her parents, reading the message that cxs sent to her parents, on the phone to her parents
overthink by 饭卡 - the ending ofc
episode 2: 秘方 (secret recipe)
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the second mission
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening
relaxation by 天門 - cxs and lg looking at the photos on their sofa
hazy by av4ln - cxs as yu xia and talking with lin zhen
memories by 天門 - cxs as yu xia as she eats noodles with lin zhen
invigorate by 天門 - cxs as yu xia trying to get lin zhen to tell her the secret ingredient
pray by 天門- cxs as lin zhen taking the picture with yu xia
overcome by 天門 - cxs as lin zhen in the taxi looking through her bag
与你有关 by 泠鸢yousa - the noodle lesbians <3 "林贞" "欢迎回来" T^T
overthink by 饭卡 - the closing theme
episode 3: 只许输,不准赢 (to lose, not to win)
news by 天門 - ql listening to the radio on her run as a man watches and follows her
calm by 天門 - chen xiao calling ql an old witch!
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance time
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg and cxs talking about the photo and chen xiao explaining his case, cxs going into the photo!
turbulence by av4ln - boooo the other basketball team are bullies, cxs in the basketball court and complaining about his glasses, the boys are basketballing and getting their asses handed to them, lg dusting the bookshelves like an unbothered king, cxs as chen xiao taking a photo with flash and the big bad bully basketball player injuring lu hongbin (the captain)
silence by 天門 - lu hongbin has to sit out and cxs subs in for him
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao subs in an kicks their asses! yeahhh go sports! (i really love how this part is animated, it looks so good and flows so well) also cxs thinks about his and lg's "first meeting" confirming that sports are gay.
alright by av4ln - cxs as chen xiao is playing "bad" basketball bc lg said he can't win :(
decision by 天門 - the chemistry teacher (mr. ma?) explains to cxs as chen xiao that the school will get rid of the basketball court so this will be the basketball team's last game :( "what exactly does basketball mean to you?" again cxs is thinking about his "first meeting" with lg over a basketball game.
hero by 天門 - lu hongbin hurts his bad knee and cxs as chen xiao subs in again and slays the court! big baddy basketball bully number 2 slaps chen xiao and big baddy basketball bully number 1 steps on his glasses :( (again i know nothing about basketball and have no interest in it but this part slaps, the music paired with the fluid animation is so good)
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao says 谢谢 to the big baddy basketball bully who stepped on his glasses and gets a three-pointer so now the basketball teams are tied. lg tells cxs to leave the score at that but cxs as chen xiao passes the ball and... scores!
overthink by 饭卡 - intense basketball cliffhanger outro
episode 4: 告白 (confess)
sprint by 天門 - intense basketball recap from last episode, as lg explains that you can't change key moments in the past (everyone point and cry at the hypocrit)
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance break from the intense basketball gaming
irritation by 天門 - cxs having a breakdown bc he changed the past by winning the game :( lg's face is blurred during the flashback of his and cxs's "first meeting"??? double meaning??? lg is not there thinking that this basketball game meant that lg doesn't exist or that cxs and lg don't meet hmmm
silence by 天門 - the chemistry teacher explains that the basketball court will still be torn down despite them winning :(
memories by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao giving lu hongbin a ride home on his bike as he delivers the message :)
wind by 天門 - chen xiao's first love and lu hongbin's half-sister liu meng :) cxs as chen xiao takes pictures of the siblings <3 then lu hongbin takes a picture of the love birds <3
peaceful by 天門 - liu meng walking home cxs as chen xiao, cxs delivers chen xiao's message to liu meng <3
pray by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao eating food with his mum :) but lg says that they still have to argue :( so cxs delivers the message to chen xiao's mum <3
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs realises that it's 12th may 2008... :(
overthink by 饭卡 - intense and sad outro :( what will cxs do?
episode 5: 告别 (farewell)
decision by 天門 - again lg is telling cxs not to change key moments in the past huh sure hope that doesn't bite him in the ass in the future, cxs thinking about the villagers and the earthquake/landslides :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dance break as if your heart isn't about to be ripped from your chest
silence by 天門 - mumma cheng singing to her son cxs :(
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as chen xiao trying to warn lu hongbin and liu meng about the earthquake but the family are all arguing :(
turbulence by av4ln - lg guiding cxs, liu meng and lu hongbin talking, mumma chen packing things and then hiding under the table
beginning by 天門 - mumma chen talking to chen xiao then singing the same song that mumma cheng sang to cxs to her son chen xiao as cxs as chen xiao cries :( xcs experiencing chen xiao's memories of chen xiao's mum and his own mum :(
silence by 天門 - mumma chen saying goodbye to her son and husband :(
时光教会我的 by 邹俊健 - chen xiao and his dad at his mum's grave :( hearing chen xiao's messages :( flashbacks of chen xiao taking pictures of his mum :(
pray by 天門 - adult chen xiao singing the same song that his mum sang to him (and cxs's mum sang to cxs) to his child as he thinks of his mum :(
overthink by 饭卡 - policeman jumpscare and cliffhanger ;0
episode 6: 寻子 (search of the child)
news by 天門 - dou dou asking his mum to play with him
irritation by 天門 - dou dou's mum noticing that he's gone :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - sad and intense dancey dance :(
decision by 天門 - flashback of lg comforting cxs about chen xiao's case, "don't ask questions as the past will always change because of us" :(
turbulence by av4ln - policeman jumpscare take 2, ql shooing xiao li (the policeman) away (as she should), dou dou's dad asking for help
silence by 天門 - cxs giving harsh advice to dou dou's dad :(
dear candy by the cheers cheers - ql explaining how she saw dou dou being taken away :( scenes of dou dou's parents and flashbacks of dou dou and his family :( dou dou's dad putting up missing posters of dou dou :(
news by 天門 - xiao li looking through files and noticing that page seven isn't there hmmm
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg looking at the surveillance footage as dou dou's dad recounts what happened that day
chase by 天門 - cxs chasing dou dou and the kidnapper as lg guides him
overthink by 饭卡 - oops cxs bumps into people who recognise him ;0 cliffhanger once again >:(
episode 7: 梅姨 (aunt may)
sprint by 天門 - "you must keep a low profile as if you were never there" whoops, cxs sprints away from his problems, mission failed, we'll get 'em next time
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - recover for a minute with some dancey dances
(idk but it's when ql breaks the news to dou dou's dad that they couldn't find anything and confesses that she saw dou dou being taken away)
mission by 天門 - cxs finding a picture taken by dou dou the day he went missing! lg taking a look at the picture
turbulence by av4ln - cxs as dou dou picking up the marble, looking at the trafficker's face, xcs sniffing the ball and getting drugged then taken away, walking past ql and xu shanshan
(i'm not sure but it plays when we see dou dou's memories of his dad giving him the triple star warrior toys)
ominous by 天門 - cxs as dou dou looking around the hotel room, looking through the trafficker's bag
power by 天門 - cxs as dou dou beats the shit out of the trafficker (mei piyan) both physically and emotionally using the move master siwen taught him
hope by 天門 - dou dou reunites with his family :) dou dou's dad was finding the triple star warriors :') mei piyan is caught yippee >:)
overthink by 饭卡 - run the cases by lu guang first so that cxs won't see the photo of emma :')
episode 8: 错失的讯号 (lost signal)
turbulence by av4ln - lg looking at the photos
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - anywayyyy let's not think about the implications
wind by 天門 - "xu shanshan" arguing with cxs, ql talking about their college days and explaining xu shanshan's case
memories by 天門 - flashback of ql and xu shanshan talking about dong yi, flashbacks of what happened that night
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan picks her nose to reject that one guy, ouch)
(idk but it's when xu shanshan and dong yi take the picture together)
入海 by 毛不易 - the song that xu shanshan sings in karaoke!
ominous by 天門 - cxs as xu shanshan recognises the serial killer from the photos and follows him
peaceful by 天門 - what dong yi said to xu shanshan :)
overthink by 饭卡 - that's not xu shanshan...
episode 9: 善意的恶果 (consequence of goodwill)
turbulence by av4ln - phone call with mystery man
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance
ominous by 天門 - ql taking cxs's phone away and lg explaining the situation to xiao li, lg looking at the surveillance footage of the serial killer and telling the police his liscense number then seeing cxs in the footage
mission by 天門 - cxs going into the footage on his own without lg ;0
(idk but it's when the police go to liu min's house)
(idk but it's when emma is telling her plans with her parents to liu min in the car)
(idk but it's when emma is struggling in the car with liu min and cxs is in the boot)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - emma's mum ringing her but she can't answer... :( emma thinking of her parents, cxs thinking about what he's done and screaming in the boot of the car
decision by 天門 - cxs revealing that he knows what he's done :( and telling ql that he can enter photos
overthink by 饭卡 - cliffhanger ;0
episode 10: 圈套 (trap)
ominous by 天門 - recap of last episode: the police telling lg that liu min wasn't the killer and that emma was walking alone
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - distract you with dancey dance
silence by 天門 - cxs remembering what happened to emma in the photo
strain by 天門 - lg checking the selfie of xu shanshan and seeing xu shanshan in her apartment getting attacked
pray by 天門 - cxs deciding if he's going to go into the photo, cxs putting photos in the red room, the police in a meeting, chen bin telling lg that he hasn't found xu shanshan in her apartment, cxs entering the photo
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan yells at himself)
news by 天門 - liu min is his house drinking and reading the news/checking social media
overcome by 天門 - ql telling cxs as xu shanshan about cxs, cxs thinking about his childhood with ql (they're so sibling-coded :') <3)
peaceful by 天門 - flashbacks to lg helping ql and cxs paint the shop :')
turbulence by av4ln - cxs asking to take the lead (let him cook!), the killer outside the shop, cxs as xu shanshan confronting the killer
power by 天門 - lg slaying!!! running to trap the killer in the red room, cxs as xu shanshan slaying the killer!! (i really love this part okay)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now then, this game... is over!" AND THE CROWD GOES WILD
episode 11: 帶着光的人 (pinnacle of light)
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - cxs starts the process that prevails in season 2 where they will explain things after you've already seen them happen so he's explaining his plan to capture the killer with a recap of what happened last episode
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - last dancey dance :(
power by 天門 - the slay confrontation from last episode but now with the added context of cxs's slay plan (this part is really cool too)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - the confrontation, cxs going into the photos of the victims as we see their memories and their deaths :(
ominous by 天門 - "liu min" being arrested, chen bin saying that lg is mature for his age hmmm
turbulence by av4ln - "liu min" explaining what happened with emma
clouded by cled - flashbacks of emma's life: with her parents, at her job, her parents texting her as she stands on the bridge
keep in mind by 白鲨JAWS - cxs talking to emma on the bridge as we see flashbacks of emma and flashbacks of cxs going through the photos, xu shanshan seeing dong yi :') "eventually, we will meet people who will shine their light on us" :')
(idk i was too busy crying but it's the part where lg says "death is a major node that cannot be changed" and ql cuts an apple...)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now the game has been reset" WORST CLIFFHANGGER OF ALL TIME, WHEN I GET YOU DIRECTOR LI WHEN I GET YOU!!!
songs that are in the album ost but that i couldn't place:
(maybe they were unused or were used in other stuff that wasn't the main donghua like pvs or smth)
joke by 天門
ordinary by yuma yamaguchi
afternoon by 天門
luminous by av4ln, yuma yamaguchi
struggle by 天門
nostalgic by 天門
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mimicha-arts · 6 months
Link Click Musical - Song translations
The original lyrics can be found on Niebo's blog Credits for tl & editing: @mimicha-arts, @sgdlr-asdfghjkl, @sciencehawk, @elaraqwq, @chocolatexiaoshi
M5 (CXS) Back to the past
Fear and guilt fall upon, mingling with each other, Helplessness and indecision consume me I once thought that I would never lose you Now, how can I go back to that time?
When I lost your trace and the signal of our bond broke I realised, changing the game* would overwrite the original timeline
*Cheng Xiaoshi changed a score of Chen Xiao’s basketball game
You reminded me, But I misunderstood Complaining about you indifference It's all my fault When you suffer, falling into the whirlpool of time and space
I can’t see, I can’t hear, I can’t catch up, I can’t find your silhouette, I can't guess, I can't speak, I can't think, I can't draw your traces Which time and space have your whereabouts? Will you be erased completely, disappear? As long as you can be saved, I do whatever it takes
Can I turn back the clock hands, Go to the past, pause time, and restart again? But a thousand pasts create all the futures
Even if we go back to the beginning, Even if you and I haven't met Let time restart again I have to go back and save you ~ As long as you can be saved, I do whatever it takes
M10 (LG) Broken time
Looking at you, lost in thoughts, I feel powerless Ridiculous me - feeling wronged, unable to voice it My lies unraveled Looming words of break up divide us, our shared history pales Meetings and farewells, the bitter end is an ending too
If you were to start all over again, you could make a mistake - rewrite someone's life And if I remained indifferent, let you get in trouble, how would you feel now? Would you blame me for staying on the sidelines, hiding the truth, for not warning you? False hopes impact the mission Inflamed emotions betray the trust
The light outside the doors has dimmed, There is no way to find a compromise, to make a different choice Despair holds hands with bitterness, leading me Behind the doors time is frozen - the betrayal is fanning up the flames Time pulls along the stubborn you and the conceited me
This rule traps you and me - the harder you fight, the harder you fall The outcome, destined by fate, is not something we can rewrite Crossing two timelines, the predestination of fate is an iron cage No way to escape from the intertwining of past and present Night and day clash with each other like you and me
The light outside the doors has dimmed - time behind the doors has frozen Silence holds hands with the darkness of night, flashes before my eyes Keeper of the rules, interfering in the fatal game - this is who I am Time pulls along the stubborn you and the conceited me
"Past or future - let it be" I lost
Source (recording from rehearsal)
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