#it's really something this game can make me feel bad for hindley of all people
melonisopod · 6 months
Spoilers for Canto VI part 2
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Headpats and ear scritches could have saved him.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
Valentine’s Day Reads
Happy Valentine’s Day!  As I often gripe about badly done romance on this blog, I thought I’d list a few books that actually do it well.  Some are classics; some are decidedly not.  But I love the love stories in all of them.  I tried to cover my bases, and while I won’t say that all of these are all-time favorites for me, they do stick out in my head for their romantic plotlines and the chemistry between the leads.  Hopefully, something here will appeal to you.
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.  Scarlett is a spoiled, vivacious southern belle on the eve of the Civil War.  She wants Ashley, a gentleman whose romanticism and genteel nature embody the antebellum era they’ve grown up; he’s the one man she can’t have, engaged to his sweet, kindhearted cousin Melanie.  As the war begins and becomes increasingly brutal, Scarlett must grow up and become a survivor, pining for Ashley while engaging in a game of wits and and emotion with Rhett, a man whose cynical and opportunist nature makes him a pariah in the south--but perhaps might also make him Scarlett’s true match.  The love/hate narrative is really defined by GWTW, which is less a tragedy than it is a coming of age story.   Scarlett and Rhett’s chemistry and rightness for each other is undeniable, but held back by the fact that she can’t recognize her own true feelings, committed to an idea rather than reality, and he is too protective of his own feelings to admit that he loves her.  GWTW is one of the few “classics” out there that is truly and compulsively readable, and it suggests a lot of Deep Things while at the same time entertaining you with a frustrating, gorgeous romance.
Cinder by Marissa Meyer.  Cinder is a cyborg, shunned by society and neglected by her stepmother and stepsister--despite her status as a gifted mechanic.  When the stepsister she loves grows fatally ill, she catches the blame, putting her in a precarious position.  At the same time, however, she finds herself as the mechanic of none other than Prince Kai, heir to the throne of the Eastern Commonwealth.  As Cinder becomes more entwined in political intrigue through Kai, she must also fight her feelings for him, and her lack of self-worth.  It’s hard to explain this series without spoiling a lot--and while The Lunar Chronicles is one of my favorites series, I’ll admit that Cinder--though the first book--isn’t my favorite (that honor goes to Scarlet, the second book in the series).  But Cinder and Kai have a fantastic, sweet romance that of course draws from Cinderella, as every book in the series draws from a different fairy tale.  Yes, there is a lot of sci-fi going on in The Lunar Chronicles, and various space politics, but ultimately, each novel is a love story, and the couples you meet in one book return in the next.  (Except for Fairest, the excellent villain origin story prequel, which is an obsession story.)  Highly recommend if you’re on the lookout for some fun, romantic YA with a sci-fi spin.
Beauty by Robin McKinley.  The awkward Beauty doesn’t much feel like she deserves her nickname, especially when she pales in comparison to her gorgeous sisters.  But when her father returns from the castle of a mysterious beats, she rises to the occasion, offering to be the beasts’s prisoner in his place--and determined that she can tame it.  Obviously, this is a Beauty and the Beast retelling--but it’s a definitive one.  This a slow-burn romance, and the book is as much about Beauty learning to love herself as the beast.  But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some excellent moments between the two of them.  When you’re looking for something with a bit less heat and a bit more gentle romance, check this out.
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore.  Miel and Sam are childhood friends, having weathered prejudice--Miel is an immigrant, and Sam is a trans man--together, as well as the strange roses that grow out of Miel’s skin and the attention that attracts.  But just after their relationship crosses a line--going from pining to physical--confusing the two of them, the Bonner sisters return to town.  Rumored to be witches, they want Miel’s roses, and will do whatever it takes to get them.  McLemore is really, really good at magical realism.  And there’s a lot of that in this book.  But the central story here is Miel and Sam’s relationship, their pasts, and how they’re struggling to come to terms with who they are.  The story is both romantic and erotic, and perhaps part of why it feels so incredibly real is that parts of it reflect McLemore’s own life.  Whether or not that’s true, however, is irrelevant--it’s impossible to not love her dreamy prose and the intensity of Miel and Sam’s feelings for each other.
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones.  Liesl is underappreciated and in many ways repressed, taking on a lot of responsibility at the family inn.  Her sister Kathe is the beautiful one, and her brother Josef, a gifted musician, is the talented one--regardless of the fact that Liesl herself is a driven composer.  Ever since they were children, the siblings have been preoccupied with the Goblin King, but though he inspires her music, Liesl has dismissed him as a childhood fancy.  Until, that is, Kathe is taken by goblins--and the Goblin King needs a bride.  To save her sister, Liesl takes her place as the Goblin Queen.  While initially repulsed by the Underground, she becomes enthralled by her new husband’s world, and their shared passion for music.  Wintersong is well-written and thoroughly addictive, laced with a kind of erotic intoxication.  You fall for the Goblin King as Liesl does; you fall for his world as she does.  It’s morally ambiguous and dark and strange, and quite perfect for those who never got over David Bowie in Labyrinth.
A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux.  Jilted by her self-obsessed boyfriend and left penniless, Dougless asks for a knight in shining armor and gets one--in the form of Nicholas, a medieval knight sent forward in time.  Dougless is initially disbelieving, but as she and Nicholas learn about his real legacy--which falls short of what he expected--they gradually fall in love.  However, their relationship is cut short by his sudden disappearance, sending Dougless back in time to find him.  This is a classic 80s romance novel, and therefore I had to include it.  It’s silly; it’s problematic; it has quite a few sex scenes, some of which may or may not involve ice cream.  But there’s a kind of purity to its cheese and silliness that is lighthearted and unique to the era.
The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre.  Deanna Madden wants to kill people.  So, she stays in her apartment all day, making a living as a cam girl.  As a result, she has to have a lot of things delivered to her--prompting the interest of the delivery guy, who just wants to get to know this woman he’s never even seen.  Too bad Deanna wants to murder him.  Basically, this is an erotic novel; there are a lot a lot a lot of explicit sex scenes, and a few different men who may or may not have a romantic interest in Deanna beyond her body (and if the series continues beyond the three books it’s already had, I wouldn’t be shocked if the author expands upon that).  But there’s something sweet about a guy and a girl who really don’t know each other being genuinely intrigued by one another--and the fact that the relationship’s main obstacle is Deanna’s own desire to kill makes it all the more interesting.
The Hating Game by Sally Thorn.  Lucy and Josh are work rivals at their publishing company--though “rivals” may be putting it lightly.  They loathe each other, regularly taunting one another throughout the day while competing.  That competition gets ramped up a notch by a promised promotion that only one of them can get.  But as they each struggle for the job, Lucy and Josh begin to realize that the tension between them may not just be professional.  The Hating Game is a rom com, but like... a sexy one.  There are plenty of UST-filled moments throughout the book.  And the great thing is that Josh isn’t an asshole, like most men in these sorts of books are.  He doesn’t want to ruin Lucy’s life; he actually seems into her, not into dominating her.  If you want something light and lovely and hot, go for The Hating Game.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.  Heathcliff is an orphan, brought to Wuthering Heights by Mr. Earnshaw and raised as a “lesser than” sort of foster child alongside Earnshaw’s children, the abusive Hindley and spirited Cathy.  Equally wild, Heathcliff and Cathy become childhood best friends, and their feelings gradually deepen into intense romantic love as they grow up.  But Heathcliff is socially unsuitable for the upper-class Cathy, and when she agrees to marry her shy neighbor Linton--while vowing to love Heathcliff forever, out of his earshot--he runs away.  When he returns, Heathcliff is wealthy and bent on revenge; but the feelings between himself and Cathy remain, leading two families and multiple generations into ruin.  I feel like a lot of people are immediately put off by WH because it’s not told from Heathcliff and Cathy’s perspectives, exactly.  In fact, the story is told long after their children have grown up, by Nelly, a housekeeper who observed much of the story’s events, to Lockwood, a visitor to Wuthering Heights.  It’s also a really twisted love story--as much of a hate story as anything else.  Heathcliff and Cathy resent and adore each other in equal measure.  They thwart their own happiness over and over, and both are beasts to those that love them.  But this novel is so significant precisely because it shows that two hideous people can love each other--and it conveys a haunting sort of passion that seems almost out of place in a novel of its time.  The strain of morality running through Jane Eyre--tempering its subversive plot--isn’t present in Wuthering Heights.  Even when the cycle of abuse that consumed Heathcliff and Cathy finally is broken, the people that do so are hardly angels.  It’s a sad, angering, obsessive story.  But at its core, this is a book about love--and the things both terrible and great that it drives people to.
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater.  As a little girl, Grace was attacked by wolves--and since then has been somewhat obsessed with the yellow-eyed wolf in the woods behind her house.  Sam is a wolf in the winter and a boy in the summer, his transformation completely involuntary and based on the temperature.  This time, when the weather warms, he finally meets Grace, and they begin a tentative relationship--but if Sam can’t figure out how to stop himself from changing, he runs the risk of becoming a wolf forever, and losing not just Grace but himself.  Maggie Stiefvater has become increasingly famous for her Raven Boys series, and don’t get me wrong, I love that series.  But I love The Wolves of Mercy Falls more, and not just because it was the first book of hers that I ever read.  There’s a lovely approachable, understanding tone to Shiver--her writing is still beautiful and lyrical, but the simplicity of Grace and Sam’s love story set against the backdrop of a complicated, fraught situation is impossible to resist.  As the series continues, another very good, contrasting romance is added in--but I can’t really get over how incredibly soft Sam and Grace are, and how much this series feels like young love to me.
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Hello and welcome everyone to another edition of Graps and Claps, this time taking me on the monthly jaunt to Hindley for Grand Pro Wrestling and their 'Friday Night Thriller' show with the Main Event for the GPW Heavyweight Championship between the Champion Joey Hayes and Liverpool's No.1 Zack Gibson.
Arriving in Hindley for 6 p.m we made our way to The Hare & Hounds to meet up with GPW regulars Ben & Tom for a pint in what many people call an 'Old man's' pub and that description is very apt as it feels like that local village pub where you get the same people visiting every night - reminiscent of the comedy - Early Doors, also add in a couple of doggo's traipsing around wanting to be stroked this is very much a homely pub to visit when in Hindley. In this pub I had a £2.70 4.5% pint of Chocolate & Vanilla Moose Stout (Purple Moose Brewery) which was a bob on pint - so thumbs up all around for this place.
Last pub before going to The Monaco Ballroom was The Hindley Arms which is maybe the most aesthetically pleasing pub in Hindley, but one where you can think when it gets packed on a weekend, fights would happen all over the shop. Only the 1 pint in here which was a £2.50 pint of Black Edge Brewery Porter that was fine but not of the quality of the previous pint in The Hare & Hounds.
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Arriving at the venue for tonight's wrestling, a massive queue snaking round the ballroom was prevalent meaning the continued success of crowds in attendance at GPW continued. One standout of last time as noted in Graps and Claps was the addition of a hot pie oven which proved a smash with the audience in attendance at the Rumble show, but sadly as I walked past the pies were not there, culminating in what has been a sad week for culinary delights at the graps, after the disappearance of the TIDAL vegan curry last Sunday - sad times indeed! With that said let's get into what went down on this evening:
Bare in mind for tonight that the winner's of all the matches except for the last two would get an opportunity at the Crazy Cruiser 8 tournament on the 30th November.
First up we had a Tag Team title match with the new Champions, The Austins (L.A & Lana) taking on two members of The House of Isaiah in the form of Nate Travis & Nick Maguire who were also accompanied by Jacob North and Matthew Brooks still in capture under a hood. Early opening of this match was The House both dominating L.A, L.A did manage to hit a meteora in between but was soon stifled in his attack, once L.A managed to make a comeback he made the hot tag to Lana who came in and cleaned house hit a double team sidekick in the corner to Maguire. Jacob North tried to get involved but he was thwarted by Brooks who stopped him from interfering, this led to the finish of Maguire being hit with a Tilt-a-Whirl stunner from Lana to get the victory for The Austins in what was more of a showcase for The Austins. 
After the match, Matthew Brooks whilst celebrating his release from The House was then low-blowed once again from behind by Isaiah Quinn, which in turn Quinn then went down to the ring to remonstrate with his minions, in which he turned on Nate Travis and dismissed him from The House of Isaiah. 
Next up was a Grudge Match set up from Ste 'Bin' Mann turning on long-time partner Jett Fashion. The bulk of this match was dominated by Mann who continuously laid in the boots to his former friend but it was a case of Mann getting too cocky for his own liking as he was caught with a CHEEKY ROLL-UP by Fashion for the 3 count, this for me was an indication that this feud will continue on to another match, as for the Grudge Match stipulation this fell a bit flat on this occasion compared to other blood feuds in GPW so hopefully they will have something better in the bag for next time (Maybe a Dumpster match?).
Third match was a four-way match where 3 people would qualify for the Crazy Cruiser 8 and 1 wrestler would be eliminated if they got pinned, so it was very much a case of must not lose in this match. Your 4 competitors for this contest were as follows - 'Jumpin' Jimmy Jackson, Jack Griffiths, Soner Dursun and Isaiah Quinn who was greeted with chants about his Purple Pants and also a Purple Pants sign from one GPW follower which was immediately ripped up by Quinn.
This for me was the best match of the opening half, with I would say Griffiths looking impressive in the process and is maybe one wrestler who could surprise in the Crazy Cruiser 8 tournament. Finish of this match came when Quinn hit a top suplex to Griffiths, which was followed up by Durson hitting a huge frog splash to Jimmy Jackson to get the 3 count to advance with Quinn and Griffiths and send poor Jimmy Jackson packing out of a Crazy Cruiser opportunity.
Back from the break we returned with GPW Owner Johnnie Brannigan coming out to address the status of the GPW British Title which is currently held by an injured Sam Gradwell. Brannigan in a decision what must have been hard for him, stripped Gradwell of the title as Sam is out of action for somewhere of up to 12 months which is a big hit to the GPW shows as Gradwell has been one of the stars of the show, but as ever this is an opportunity for someone to step up and take Gradwell's lofty perch. Brannigan after this announcement, then announced that there would be a British Title tournament starting in January 2019 and he then announced four of the competitors in the tourney - Mickey Barnes, Kameron Solas, Chase Alexander and Rizzy Khan.
Out came Sam Gradwell, who wasn't happy with him being stripped of the title but he promised that there would be a 'Second Coming' like some Hindley Jesus figure and he would once again become the GPW British Champion once again. After his speech though, Gradwell indicated that the 4 lads in the ring weren't there to aid Johnnie, they were there to lay the boots in on poor Johnnie which they duly did. Cue the whole locker room emptying including Si Valour, Tu Byt, Rio, Drill and The Young Guns to brawl all around the ringside area - this was certainly a chaotic scene.
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The last Crazy Cruiser 8 qualifier was next with Martin Kirby taking on Sandy Beach (Inflatable shark and 'Sandy Shark' chants in tow) in a highly anticipated contest for those in attendance.
This was a fascinating match as Beach initially was playing the bad guy to Kirby's good guy shtick but in among the adulation for Beach the roles got reversed and this turned into a great bout (Props to both guys for reading the crowd right here, which you don't see enough of in British Wrestling). Kirby when in control hit a Michinoku Driver to Beach for a two count, Kirby did call for a Sable Bomb but this was reversed by Sandy who got the roll-up victory on Kirby to advance to the Crazy Cruiser 8 Tournament, all that was left for Kirby was the AAAAAAAARRGGGGHHHHH Finger Point of Doom to send him to the back.
With Sandy Beach, it is amazing the turnaround in the crowd's reaction to him from someone you wanted to see get beat when he would make unwelcome appearances for open challenges, but along the way he has proven what a fantastic talent he is with great performances against El Ligero, Damon Leigh, The Rumble performance and also this match against Martin Kirby. Also take into account the Inflatable Shark japes with the 'Baby Shark' inspired chant which has got him over with the kids in the audience in such a magical turn of events - trust me when I say that Callum Corrie/Sandy Beach is certainly a star in the making.
Next up we had a 'Open Challenge' Tag Match with the former Tag Champions - T-Bone & Craig Kollins offering out two willing victims in the back for the evening which turned out to be Stoxx and J.J Webb who were both in for the beating of a lifetime. This was comparable to one of them 1990s Road Warrior squash matches where the victims never got a chance as Kollins and Bone hit suplexes and lariats to both Stoxx & Webb and then duly finishing them off with a Double Mass Murder Splash for the win to put them back in contention for another tilt at the GPW Tag Team Titles.
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Main Event time now for the GPW Heavyweight Championship with Zack Gibson taking on Joey Hayes. As ever Gibson was being booed mercifully by the Hindley crowd as he started his promo about looking up to Joey and nicking some of his moves in the process and also a great line of being a wrestler in GPW and not wanting to miss the last train back, but then telling Joey not to worry as this match wouldn't last too long. Before we get into the match, it has to be mentioned that Gibson's WWE music is the absolute drizzling shits - devoid of any musical hooks or anything of that ilk (bring back You'll Never Walk Alone).
Another stellar match up in this second half in a back and forth contest where Gibson was well on his way to victory hitting a Helter Skelter for a close two fall. Joey had Gibson at one point in the Cross Hayes but Gibson managed to reach the ropes with his feet to break up the move, but it was another Cross Hayes in the centre of the ring which would prove Gibson's undoing as he tapped out to Joey in around 20 minutes to bring an end to proceedings at 10pm with a handshake to Hayes.
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This was really a show of two halves with the second half proving the better of the two with storyline development between Brannigan and Gradwell plus two killer matches with Kirby/Beach & Hayes/Gibson which would stand out anywhere in the country. GPW are back for there last show of 2018 with the Crazy Cruiser 8 on the 30th November - check the website for ticket details. 
Time to set up back up the road to the train station but not before a visit to The Edington Arms for a pint, a game of pool and me murdering a Britney Spears classic "Hit Me Baby One More Time", go and check @britwresawaydays on twitter for the full video (cover your ears - you have been warned!).
I hope you have enjoyed reading this review and any comments/feedback are welcome, I will be back on The Indy Corner on Monday with a review of Progress Wrestling's show in Camden for the Main Event of Walter vs Zack Sabre Jr for the Progress World Title, so until then - BYE!!
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