#it's possible that Joseph Q. FrenchPeasant is doing rather better in this world
marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
pet peeve
the ice-cold Take that “well, Belle and the Prince will probably get executed in the French Revolution!!!!”
the original novel was published 50 years before the Revolution even started
so like. assuming they both live to be 70-something, and the French populace still feels the need to revolt in a world where the reigning monarch- or the reigning monarch’s father or grandfather -learned not to be a selfish dick from a fairy’s curse, sure, that MIGHT be an issue. pretty big “might,” though
people really do see “17-″ at the start of a year in French media and jump right to a specific 10-year period at the very end of the century, don’t they
(I’m more interested in the possibility that the United States might not exist in this universe, because the ruler of France is too concerned about getting their country through difficult financial times to get involved in a foreign war. since, you know...either taught not to be a selfish dick via curse, as stated above, or raised by someone who was)
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