#it's only when finwe remarried that that gets dispelled
armulyn · 10 months
Galaxy brained idea that maybe three people will get:
Feanor and Fingolfin with the Noldorin inheritance being identical to that of the Annieran rulers in the Wingfeather Saga, specifically the Throne Warden/High King set-up.
(For non-Wingfeather Saga fans: In Anniera, the crown prince/princess is the SECOND child of the high king/queen, and the eldest child becomes the Throne Warden, whose job is to protect his/her sibling from all harm/guide them in their rule. The Throne Warden is very much honored for their role, but it's made clear from birth that they will never rule.)
(For non-Silmarillion fans: Feanor is the eldest from Finwe's first wife, Miriel, and Fingolfin is his eldest son from his second wife. This is a race of immortals, so remarrying has been unheard-of before this. Feanor hates Fingolfin's guts, and after Finwe dies there's a bit of puzzlement of who actually is the king here?)
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