#it's omegaverse because that's the story the author wanted to tell. you fools. you absolute buffoons
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crehador · 11 months ago
i don't know if i think it's really funny or kind of a shame that many people are going to know tadaima okaeri solely as "the omegaverse bl" when it's actually such a sweet slice-of-life about community, family, the struggles of the older generation to understand the younger and vice versa, recovering from social isolation and how recursive that recovery can be, forging lasting friendships as adults, and so on. it's so wholesome and drama-free that it barely has any plot to speak of, but what it lacks in plot it makes up for in themes and man. what beautiful themes
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astharoshebarvon · 4 years ago
About to finish Bad intentions and start Good Intentions. It looks really good from what I can see. Just going through it made me smile.
I am going to enjoy it!
I am starting it now!
Thankfully, there won’t be any garbage, forced hetero crap or that absolutely disgusting and vile homophobic shit of changing the submissive male into a female and giving tons of delusionary, stupid, idiotic, lame reasons as to why we wanted to change a boy into a girl.
Just say you want to fuck the dom male and turned a lovely young man into a creepy, cringey, horrid self insert/ofc.
Or you can say the thing which is absolutely true -
We are very afraid of saying we hate MM ships and gay people. We know we’ll be called out for being horrible so we’ll give thousand of excuses and try to play victim.
God, I absolutely loathe genderbending. I despise it with everything I have.
Imagine being foolish enough to say, something like sebastian/ciel exists-
Bitch, please! I can name so many fm pedo relationships which are loved like anythin. There are many many apologists for them.
Seriously, shut the fuck up!
It’s astounding how straight shippers have to make everything about them and them alone.
The world does not revolve around you.
Imagine being so shameless that you have to resort to, yOU are HeTEROphobIC if you dislike the so called disgusting, lame self insert ship which these losers have the fucking audacity to put in MM ship tag.
Yes, we don’t want to see your self insert fantasies in MM ship tag at all. Stay mad about it!
The ship will always and always be MM. Stay pressed you have to resort to these underhanded, cheap tricks to get people to read your lame fantasy. No one would give a flying fuck if they just tag these lame fics as OFC, self insert fics and remove MM ship from it.
Would these people do the same for fm and ff ships? No, they wouldn’t. None of these  jerks would do that.
Because they don’t get the urge to change fm and ff. This sudden desire only comes when they see two guys romantically involved.
Who the fuck are you trying to fool saying it’s not homophobic? Please, get out of here. Only liars like these people will believe this horrendous lie.
I am so glad this shit can only exists in fanfic circles, this horseshit will never see the light of day or come into actual novel stories.
Small mercies.
You’ll not find any, actual published, paid authors of MM romance spouting this bullshit.
I recall there being some very descriptive fm scenes in some MM novels around 2008-2015 and well, what do you know. Only freaks like these assholes liked it. They were frowned upon and absolutely loathed by most readers who made the fact known that they didn’t like it.
Have some fucking decency, please!
In next books, those authors completely removed them.
When you tell these little shits would they do this in their so called fm or ff ships, or ask them why this horrid shit doesn’t exist in them, they are suddenly like- we can’t read.
These losers are actually changing the submissive’s guy’s entire gender because they want to fuck the dominant male, will not stand for two guys being together, and still have the guts to say, we are not homophobic.
No wonder idiots like them also said, but ABO/omegaverse does not belong to MM slash genre- bitch, please. Just shut up, stop talking, please.
Evey time these people open their mouth, more bullshit comes from them. 
 Fem Will Graham exists, and they are not murder husbands, they are husband and wife.
Just, just stop. Even an idiot can tell this whole crap screams  of homophobia.
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hannigram-a-b-o-library · 8 years ago
Posting this as a post to replace our previous “page”.
Feel free to drop us an “Ask” if you can’t find what you are looking for here!
Hey, I’m kinda new in town, can you tell me more about Alpha/Beta/Omega // Omegaverse?
Oh boy, can we! We could probably talk about it all night! But the best way to discover more is to read some fics, because everyone has their own take on the A/B/O AU and some writers even write several stories set within completely different A/B/O societal structures.
The basics you need to know: Society is usually split into two genders (male/female) and three secondary genders (alpha/beta/omega) which come with a variety of anatomical differences as well as societal norms and dynamics. Biologically the most important aspect is the heat/rut mating cycle that drives alphas and omegas to mate. You will notice Mpreg, yes male omegas can get pregnant! And also see the word “knotting” a lot, and there’s no way we can address this without confirming - yes, knotting, like dogs. This whole thing rose out of Supernatural fandom werewolf fics so… what can we tell ya? But the most important aspect of many fics is the societal dynamics. You will find lots of parallels drawn within fics with feminism and gender and sexual equality.
If that sounds like something you’re interested in, then dive right in! If you want to know more, do check out this awesome Alphas, Betas, Omegas: A Primer by norabombay
How does the Library work? 
On a weekly basis we trawl tumblr and AO3 for new content. 
Then on a weekly basis (usually Sundays and occasionally Wednesdays or both), we reblog and crosspost everything we’ve collected, along with anything you have submitted to us or @ at us. 
We will crosspost from AO3 (with an @ to the author if we know their tumblr handle). However we always try to reblog from tumblr if there is also a tumblr post, so that the creator gets the blog traffic.
Where can I find things?
Originally we started out by logging everything in Pages. Which was not only time consuming but also it turned out that tumblr hadn’t made the pages function available on Apps - which is how many people access tumblr. As such we discontinued updating these pages, but instead have now set up this MASTERPOST.
The Masterpost links through to tags on the blog so that you can click a tag/pairing/theme/dynamic you like and scroll through everything we have so far reblogged. The Masterpost is constantly updated (so do always check back), as new tags/pairings/dynamics, etc are added.
NB: In the future we may reformat the pages to host all completed fics from AO3 that fit out remit, but this is going to be down to time constraints of the mods. 
Can I link you my own fic/art/gifs/etc?
Yes absolutely! We will blog your own work or any recommendations you have, as long as they are Hannigram/rarepairs/AUs etc and A/B/O in nature. Feel free to send it as an Ask, submit it via the blog, or @ us in your tumblr post so we don’t miss it.
What about where only a single chapter in an ongoing fic is A/B/O ?
You are more than welcome to link it to us, but where possible link us the specific chapter(s) and/or make clear which chapter(s) are A/B/O so we can make this easily accessible for the readers.
Tagging on Tumblr
On a weekly basis we search for various Hannigram and A/B/O related tags within tumblr to find your posts and reblog them.
To help up find you, please tag your posts as Hannibal and/or Hannigram and include at least one variation of an A/B/O tag - such as omegaverse, alpha hannibal or omega hannibal, etc.
Important Note: This is not fool proof. If your blog is marked as private it may not come up in the searches. Also - we know from experience that tumblr tags do not always work regardless of the settings and searches we use. For example the posts of almost all our Mods never show up in searches despite being tagged correctly, Overcoming fic updates show up only 50% of the time, many ongoing fic and art series that we know of rarely show if at all. Please tag anyway because we still do find a lot that way!
I linked you/posted/blogged some a fic/art/etc but it hasn’t been reblogged yet!
Our current schedule is that we run a queue of reblogs and AO3 crossposts every Sundays (and occasionally on Wednesdays). However, there will be times this might not be possible due to life constraints of the mods.
If Sunday has come and gone and you were not reblogged please feel free to send us an Ask to double check we saw it. As always, we’d always prefer to get things more than once than not at all.
Regarding Asks - we tend to save these up and answer a few in one go (usually not on a Sunday). So replies to Asks may get posted any day. If we anticipate a long delay in replying to an Ask one of our Mods will possible message you to let you know that we are on it! 
Canon, non-canon, AUs and Rare Pairs!
We will reblog all of these as long as they fit out remit of being A/B/O in nature. As always, to ensure we find them on tumblr please do let us know about them in our Ask box or @ us. 
On a weekly basis we search the Hannibal (TV) and Hannibal Extended Universe tags for A/B/O fics. We strongly recommend you include your rarepair fics under Hannibal Extended Universe. See this info post for more details.
We also encourage creators to also tag as Hannibal and/or Hannigram on tumblr so that it isn’t missed by us or other readers.
What about reccing non-con, underage, specific kinks etc?
It isn’t going to be to everyone’s taste but we won’t censor submissions/reblogs/crossposts. We only ask that they are clearly tagged where appropriate (including AO3) so that readers know what they are getting!
Can you link my tumblr name in the library pages or crossposts?
We’re can’t @ tumblrs in the library pages, as unfortunately they don’t work the same as posts. However, where the tumblr name is known or given we will include them in any crossposts from AO3.
What if I see something mistagged or logged wrong in the library/Masterpost?
Please do get in touch with us via the Ask box if you think there are any errors, or with suggestions how to make this more user friendly. We are totally not infallible, so we welcome any and all feedback.
Is there anything you won’t reblog?
For the sake of our Follower’s dashboards, we will not reblog overly long tumblr posts that do not include a “keep reading” page cut.
We also don’t currently reblog works inspired by Overcoming (only the fic and podfic updates) as it has it’s own blog that we would just be duplicating - see post here for details. The only exceptions being works tagged specifically for one of our infrequent fests.
We reserve the right not to reblog or crosspost from AO3 anything from creators who have abused or harassed this blog directly or any of it’s mods. We’re sorry to have to add this, but based on events that occurred we don’t believe we should be compelled to cater to anyone who has behaved poorly, harassed, abused and/or threatened this blog or anyone associated with it.
Can we link work from anywhere?
Yes! Link us the AO3 or tumblr no problem! If it is on another website please be sure to mention if it is your own work or who should be credited/source if it isn’t clear.
This is awesome! How can I get more involved?
The first stage of this library is to fill it, so the best way you can get involved right now is to read, write and rec the ABO to us. Just drop them into our Ask box so we can reblog and add them to the library.
We also run occasional events/fests that we welcome participation in.
Who the heck are you people and what is this all about?
Just like you, we are readers, writers and lovers of A/B/O. We decided to set up this blog after seeing something similar (non- A/B/O) in another fandom and thinking “why don’t we have one of those for Hannigram A/B/O?!”
Our aim is to create a user friendly and interactive resource in the form of a library of A/B/O works in easy to find categories, as well as a blog dedicated to reblogging A/B/O works and recs. In the long run we hope to do more to encourage more A/B/O writing in this fandom, which is so excellently suited to it!
This blog is administrated by @desperatelyseekingcannibals / TigerPrawn and @VictorineB / Victorine with assistance from @tcbook / TCbook and @Slashyrogue / nightliferogue
Feel free to say hi to us!
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