#it's nothing perfect but.. yeah couldn't help myself <333< /div>
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solar-nightengale · 8 months ago
Finally, whichever prompt you want but you have to make one or more of your sillies interact with one or more of mine. Godspeed 💗
HELLO MY DEAREST!!! Sorry I know you started with a different one but all of these maaaaaay be getting completed in a different order NFBHR
Listen, I would say I weighed my options out but tbh the moment you said you weren't picky, this was my immediate pick LOL!! Though I DID have to weigh on who to have him interact with for a hot minute. Whether Chaos or >:) 😏😏
Either way I'm sorry to put your baby through the horrors once more, you know I adore him greatly, but also
1) Angst is my Life Blood
2) It's time to give him a different blue fairy as an example of how another really should have been acting until now :)
Idk how well your baby will be written so if his voice isn't working I'm very sorry
Hope you enjoy this uhhhh mess 💕💕💕💕 (sorry it got. Very long LOL)
shielding the other one with their body
To say she was surprised to feel something barrel into her was an understatement. Malvina was almost thrown off her feet at the strength of what caught her from behind, the blue-haired woman turning with a sharp retort waiting on her tongue. But that all quickly melted away the moment she realised it was not a something that shoved her; but a someone.
The boy stood up shakily, the woman wasting no time to hold her hands out and help him stand.
“Hey, you alright, dear? Are you hurt?” she asked quietly, stealing a breath at the clear skies staring back at her in the young boy's eyes. Though not the same, they were… similar, yes. And they held the same worry she would recognise from a mile away, already seeing the mounted apology brewing in his mind before he could even go to voice it.
“I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to shove you, ma'am!"
Malvina shook her head, dusting the boy's shoulders. "Don't fret in the least bit, okay? No one was hurt, it's fine." She gave him another smile but it was quick to wane on seeing the still etched-in worry on the boy's face. Though she kept her tone light as she spoke to him. "Why the rush? In a hurry to reach somewhere?" She asked curiously, watching as the boy's eyes widened again.
Oh that was a shrill voice she'd recognise from anywhere.
Sure enough she saw Reul Ghorm in the flesh, in clothes she'd never seen her in before and striding towards them with a purpose. The hand she still had on the boy could feel him growing stiff, Pinocchio ready to bolt at any moment and yet he seemed frozen as though a deer caught in headlights.
Malvina didn't need to know anything else to realise just who had caused him this much grief. She didn't need the whys or how's or what's. If she was any similar to what she knew in her own realm… Gods, is this someone he can never escape?
Her eyes narrowed her hand still on his shoulder as she straightened up, pulling the boy Immediately behind her the moment the brunette reached them.
"Can I help you, miss?" She asked with the coldness of a polar icecap, watching calmly as Blue finally reached them.
"I need to speak with him." The Blue Fairy stated, straightening up in the process.
Malvina, with her hand still held out behind her to keep the boy back, huffed quietly. "With a tone like that? I don't think so."
"Pinocchio, step out from behind the lady this instant." The Fairy asked, Malvina stiffening herself under the scrutiny she was showing.
Seems that hasn't changed around here.
"He will not. And you won't be issuing the demands here either." Malvina continued, as she stepped a touch closer. "Just what horror has a boy like this committed that you felt it was right to yell at him like this?
"That is none of your-"
"It becomes my business the moment it involves a child being in your particular company." Mavina interrupted, biting back a grin at the indiginant glare that took over what calm the fairy previously had on.
"How dare you-"
"Yes, how dare I indeed. May I remind you that it is your duty to guide the children of this world and not break them over every whim and wrong, Blue. Is this something you of all people needed to be told about?" Malvina continued, her words unwavering as solid oak, despite the growing flame in front of her.
"I don't know what story he's spun for you already but you have no reason to get involved." Blue proclaimed, Malvina allowing herself the desire to scoff.
"He doesn't need to tell me any story or half-truths even, it's always been issues with you in particular." She quipped, smirking at the fae's continued annoyance. "Has he already worked to make amends?"
"It's a simple yes or no question you don't need to give me more than a single word as an answer."
Blue bristled, glancing around at the boy still behind the other. "No. No he has not."
Malvina nodded glancing back down at the boy still behind her. "Prok-Pinocchio?" She corrected herself, seeing the boy look up. "What does one usually say when they've made a mistake?"
His eyes were on the ground again, Malvina watching with sympathy as he wrung his hands together. "I'm sorry. It was only an accident I-I didn't mean to break it."
"You should be well aware about how-"
"That's enough." Malvina whipped around and shot back.
"Miss, this boy-"
"I said back off, Reul Ghorm!" The Fae demanded a little louder, her lips forming a thing line as she glared up at the fairy. "You do not need to lecture him any further. Kindly take your leave."
The women stared off, one looming over the other. But Malvina couldn't bring herself to care. She was never bothered about her defiance, especially when this bitch was involved. So she stood, squared shoulders up and head raised higher, an unrelenting shield against whatever the woman may still try to throw their way. The Blue Fairy stepped back, the anger still prominent but lessening.
"Geppetto will be hearing of this. As well the Sheriff." She glared back at Malvina before walking away.
"And I'm sure both will be delighted to hear how you tried to take your emotions out on him so publicly." Malvina called back, uncaring about the look she was shot. She watched on until the fairy left, letting herself relax at last.
"I'm really sorry about this."
She looked down as Pinocchio spoke once more. The ocean was once more turbulent, a sight she was all too familiar with as she crouched down once more, giving the boy another smile once more.
"You don't have to apologise to me, dear. And I'm sure whatever it is that happened didn't warrant such a reaction from her."
"You don't really know that." He commented, the boy looking up at her.
"Well then, call it my intuition instead." She held the smile again as she spoke, her eyes warm and quiet. "And again, my intuition tells me that nothing warrants such hostility."
"It was some garden statue or something, but it was an accident, I-I swear!" He exclaimed.
"I believe you. And again, I tell you, it's okay." She tilted her head a touch, trying to catch the boy's gaze. "Chin up, little sunflower, there's nothing to be upset about. What's broken can still be fixed." She pointed out, her smile widening at the curious look the boy gave her. She waved her hand, watching the stardust form and fall. He looked on in wonder, eliciting a chuckle from the woman. "So how about you show me what it is that happened and we go do exactly that?"
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prettyboyhq · 5 years ago
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Karasuno boys x sick!fem!s/o
Trigger warnings: mentions of sickness!
Requested by: @animegirlfromvietnam
A/n: this is the third try because the other two drafts were merked by tumblr :(((
Daddychi, I luh you 🥺🥺🥺
He spent a bit of time with you before the game, seeing as it was a weekend one.
However, not too much time!! He's the captain so he has to be there early.
He gave you his hoodie though, not able to resist your puppy eyes.
"Rest, okay, love? I'll see you afterwards."
"I love you, Dai!"
"Love you too, honey."
He has husband petnames, FIGHT me on this
When he and his team walked onto the court, he could have sworn he heard you cheering.
Except, you wouldn't right? You were sick.
He didn't check, it'd throw him off his game to check and worry about you.
However, afterwards, when you collided into him, he welcomed you with a hug and leaned down to whisper in your ear.
"I thought you were staying home?"
"Wanted to support you." You mumbled against his chest, and he chuckled lightly.
"I was going to bring home a CD for you, you know that, right?"
Suga, oh yES PLEASE
He probably babied you all day before the match.
"I made soup!"
"Koushi, I can feed myself."
"You're sick, baby, let me work my magic!"
He tried to make you promise to stay home and rest, but failed to notice your crossed fingers
During the game, he got put in to set, and managed to raise his teammates morale to the brim!
When he got on though, he could have sworn he heard his beautiful, stunning, and very sick s/o cheering for him.
Noooo. She wouldn't
He was proven wrong after the game however, when your form enveloped him into a warm hug.
You smiled up at him, but he was pouting ever so slightly.
"Weren't you staying home?"
You pressed a kiss onto one of his beauty marks.
"That's a dirty trick!"
He's so stressed
Please help him
"I can stay home from the game, if you need me to??"
"I'll be fine, Ace."
"Are you sure??"
He'll hear you cheer and just swivel his head to the stands
But like mid jump so he'll just slam into the ground
"I'm...I'm good-"
He is good! You're cheering for him! And if you are, that means you must feel a lot better, right?
He's surprised, when you give him a post game hug, that it isn't accompanied by a kiss
"G-good work! That was a bad fall, though, how's your side?"
You're still sick????
He frets and frets, and eventually you two go home where he makes you tea and thanks you for coming
"Look at me! The best boyfriend ever bringing you ice cream!"
Let's you play with his hair, and maybe style it if you know how
"I'll win just for you!"
"You mean 'our team'?"
Really bummed you can't come, but you're sick! You can't help it
Mid game, he'd manage to save a particularly hard serve, but when he heard your cheer of "GO YUU!"
He completely forgets your sick, and gets hyped
They win, of course, and yuu you two embrace post game.
"Did you see my saves in the first set? They were all 'wah' and 'bam'!"
"I-Im so proud of you, Yuu!"
Immediate pout
"Wait! You're sick!"
You're in his arms now, sorry I dont make the rules
"Your perfect boyfriend is going to take perfect care of you!"
Bald simp man <333
(Thank you, Ennoshita)
Then he ruins it by deciding kisses are the best meds.
They're not.
Even when he's leaving, he's pulling every trick
"5 more for the road?"
Scouts the audience one last time to see if you're there
And when he sees you?
"Keep your shirt on, Tanaka."
Even after the game he doesn't let up
"Victory kithes??"
Like, begging, hands and knees.
And who are you to refuse?
He's sick 2 days later
He felt so bad for you!!!
You ended up having to reassure him you wouldn't die.
"Tadashi, it's a cold."
"But what if it's more??"
You cuddled for straight HOURS while watching ghibli movies and drinking tea.
Eventually though, he had to leave for the game.
"You'll do great, 'dashi! I know how hard you've been working!"
He got put in a quarter way through the game, and immediately tried a jump float,
What caught him off gaurd though, not only his win, but, if he focused, he could have sworn he heard a cheer he reconized.
Convinced himself it was nothing until after the game when you wrapped him in a huge hug
"Tadashi!! Your jump float!!!! It was so good!! I'm so proud of you, baby!!"
He sheepishly held you close, a flush reaching his ears,
"P-please be safer next time and stay home." Before pulling away a bit and looking at you.
"Was it really that good?"
Please just praise him
He is surprisingly good at this, he's taken care of Natsu when she gets sick, so he has experience
Doesn't mean he isn't still hinata.
Literally so bummed you can't come.
Kageyama hits him
However, afterwards, when you come up and hug him tight??
He doesn't care if he gets sick, kisses, hugs, and cuddles for the rest of the night.
He gets sick a week later.
(Sorry his was so short!)
He really wants to help but is very confused
"Eat your soup, Boke!"
His Google search history is filled with
'How do I help my girlfriend not be sick'
'Girlfriend sick what do'
'Help girlfriend has a cold'
You have just been vibin the whole time while telling him
"Tobio, I had cough medicine earlier."
"Tobio, I don't need more soup."
"You can't kiss me, you have a game in a half hour."
He's pouting about that.
Just give him some butterfly kisses, that should help.
During the game, he doesn't hear you cheer, his complete focus is on his teammates and the ball.
However afterwards, he's a bit bummed you couldn't come, especially because they won
"Yamayama, are you SULKING???"
"BOKE! I am not!"
He is.
At least, until you suddenly hug him tightly from behind.
"Good work, Tobio! I'm so proud of you!"
He's happy now, even if he might get sick if he kisses you
He had texted you before the game, but didn't come see you because 'he didn't want to get sick'
Totally not because it broke his heart to see you at anything less than your best, and knew he would miss the game if he came to see you
Reminded you to rest, well, not exactly reminded, more like told.
"Get some sleep, idiot, yamaguchi misses you."
"You don't???🥺🥺🥺"
"Look who's drawing conclusions? Go to sleep."
However, during the game, after a particularly good spike, he heard a familiar scream, that sounded just a bit abused from sickness.
He tried not to look at the stands
However, afterwards, when your form barreled up to him, enveloping him in a hug, he just "tch"ed and hugged you back.
"Shut it, Tadashi."
"Gomen, Tsukki!"
You were both exhausted, you from the exertion of cheering, and him from the game, so you bussed home together.
"Good work!" You croaked at him, a stupid smile adorning your face.
"Shut up.. and thank you for coming."
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