#it's not fluffly but my heart is filled with fluff
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writer-rider-flirty-thirties · 11 months ago
I reread The Black Games trilogy and I realized I never truly finished the last two chapters of the third installment (despite reading the whole triology at least five times) and y'all...
It rocked me emotionally.
Anyways, I love the trilogy so much and I'm so happy I finally got to finish it!
(also, it has my favorite OCs ever!!!)
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jake-g-lockley · 9 months ago
Gentle Sutures (Marc Spector x reader) 
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Wanna be Tagged?
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A/N: This story is for my dearest @softieekay thank you for being there for me <3 Warnings: slight hints of past abuse, but the rest is fluffly fluff flufffff
Word count: 1.4k ☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Marc Spector was head over heels in love. He had been standing in one spot for god knows how long, staring at you while you worked. Never in his life was he accustomed to so much calm. If his alter did not sign him up for volunteering, he would have just been sitting at home, sulking as usual. Now all he wanted to do is walk over to you and tuck the beautiful coil of hair that frames your face behind your ear, not that it bothered him, he just wanted to touch you, feel your skin under his fingertips. "It’ll only take a second, auntie." you said, the biggest, most purest smile gracing your face.
Marc grew to love that smile in the past few months travelling around with you. You are a junior resident, always keeping to yourself but you lit up the whole woom whenever you interacted with patients. In the times that he spoke to you, or gained the courage to approach you, he found out that all you wanted in this world was to help people in need. He knew from the way you would treat them, you would definitely become a world class doctor.
Marc watched as your dexterous hands drew blood as quick as ever, even before the patient got a chance to wince.
"Are you a nurse, my dear, your blood drawing technique is excellent! '' the patient exclaimed.
"Oh no, auntie, I am merely a doctor. "You smiled shyly.
"Well, coming from a former nurse, you make an amazing doctor, my dear!" the patient said, taking ahold of your hand.
Marc could tell that you had a faraway look in your eyes, just for a few seconds before snapping out of it and squeezing the patient's hand back. Your eyes suddenly met Marc's as if you knew he was watching and Marc swore his heart nearly stopped when you gave him a small smile.
"Marc, I think it's time for you to walk away and stop gawking at her like a lost pigeon, mate." Steven suddenly said, making Marc blink and turn on his heel comically, almost running into another volunteer.
“That one’s handsome.” your patient tells you as you snickered at the confused army man.
Your eyes widened and you covered it with a gentle scoff.
“I don't date who I work with, auntie." you say sticking a plaster on the patient's arm.
"But you're thinking about it." the patient says with a sing-songy voice. as she gets up and you roll your eyes playfully.
Truth be told, you thought Marc Spector was one of the most interesting human beings you're met. Whenever you had the chance to look into his eyes, you knew he had been through a lot. You felt like you wanted to unlock every single secret behind those eyes but at the same time you wanted to help him forget all of them.
You watched as Marc stumbled around for a while, mumbling to himself. You watched as a little boy toddled up to him and started pulling on his housers. Marc turned and startled himself but knelt down next to the boy and smiled.
You felt something pull at your heartstrings as you watched Marc interact with the boy. Your hand immediately found your necklace as your thoughts dived into your past. You strained hard to keep the thoughts at bay but it only made you tremble. you pulled the chair behind you and slumped on it, the horrible yelling filling your head and ears.
You didn't realise you had your head in your hands and that you were not breathing until you heard your name. You lifted your head and your eyes met big brown ones which were full of concern and worry.
Marc tucked your hair behind your ear and cupped your face in his hands. You found yourself mimicking the breathing he was making you do and soon your heart slowed and you calmed down. You closed your eyes and leaned into Marc's touch as his thumb stocked your cheekbone.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me. '' You whispered, but Marc was already shaking his head gently.
"You have nothing," Marc's thumb wipes the tear dripping out of your eyes, " to be sorry about.
You sighed and nodded, your hand caressing Marc's hand  that was so ever gently cupping your face.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You looked up at the sky and sighed as you placed your kindle aside. You felt better now, but you kept imagining Marc's beautiful brown eyes calming you down. You breathed in, the salt in the air filling your lungs with warmth. The rhythmic cadence of the waves echoed like gentle sutures, delicately mending the fractures in your tender heart.
"You don't look like the beach kind of person, you know. "A deep Chicago drawl suddenly interrupted your thoughts.
You gasped as you turned to your left, big brown eyes and tanned skin meeting your sight. The eyes widened slightly and the person moved back slightly.
“Sorry, sorry, you scared me for a second. Too stealthy dude!” you chuckled, clutching your chest.
"Force of habit." the army man gives you a gentle smile and scooches closer.
The both of you sit in silence for a while, listening to the sound of the waves and watching the sky print its own masterpiece as the sun sets over the horizon. The silence was comforting, and Marc's presence was more than a warm blanket that you had been expecting all your life.
You were the first to look away from the sunset.
Marc was absolutely stunning in the evening glow. You found yourself smiling at the way the corners of his eyes pinched as he gazed at the view before him. The hook of his nose and his plump lips made the blood rush to your face.
“You done gawking yet, doctor?” Marc smiled and turned to you.
“I was not gawking” you scoff, which made Marc belt out a laugh.
Suddenly, Marc’s hand was on your face. He plucks something from your face and shows it to you.
“Eyelash.” Marc turns his whole body towards you and looks at you with a twinkle in his eyes. “Make a wish, sweetheart.”
You bit your lip and closed your eyes. You wanted nothing more than to just have peace and quiet. Your life has been loud and scary, a little quiet would be all you need to heal. Peace would mend your heart and god knows where you would ever find it, but you wished with all your heart.
With that, you blew and felt warmth fill your heart.
“Hey.” Marc whispered .
You slowly open your eyes to see Marc looking at you with a dopey, boyish look on his face.
“You are an amazing door, you know that?” He says, cupping your face with his left hand, his right reaching for yours that were on your lap. 
“And you're gorgeous.” you swoon, your brain misfiring the second you leaned into his touch.
“Woah, where did that come from?” you say, pulling slightly back, but Marc held you in place.
“You are exceptionally gorgeous too, sweetheart.” Marc quips and gives you the most dazzling smile.
Nothing could have prepared you or Marc for how you reacted next. You leaned in and placed the softest kiss you've given anyone on Marc's lips. You pulled yourself back almost immediately, your hand flying to your lips as you watched a bewildered expression creep up Marc's face. “Oh god Marc, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I did that, don’t know what’s happening-”
“Shut up and let me do that again” Marc cut your jabbering off instantly.
With a lurch, Marc pressed his lips to yours and you felt your body give way as your hands gripped at his shirt, falling and pulling him down with you. You deepened the kiss and Marc groaned into your mouth. When you both finally broke apart, you were out of breath and Marc pressed soft kisses on your neck until you came to.
“That was …” “Absolutely amazing, just like you.” Marc gazes down at you, admiring the way your hair is splayed around you like a halo and the light of the sunset making your skin glow. Marc lays down next to you pulling you closer to him as the both of you stare into each other’s eyes as if you were searching for something. “What now?” you whispered, your heart preparing itself to hear the worse from Marc. “You don’t need to worry about what is next, my angel, just be in the moment.” Marc’s words curled around your scared heart, encasing it in peace like no other. “I’m glad I found you.” you say, tears forming in your eyes.” “I’m glad I found you too sweetheart.” Reblogs are appreciated ~~ Tagging: @fandxmslxt69 @randomnessfangirl @bodhisattva11 @marc-spectors-wife @nyotamalfoy @steven-grants-world @whatsliferightnow @minigirl87 @wonderfulboiledcoldpotato @alexxavicry @autismsupermusicalassassin @flordelalunas  @euphoricosmo  @sky-robin @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sugarpunch-princess @violet-19999 @swiggy-needs-mental-help @ghostheartbeat @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @britishscum @spookyysilverr @bubblezuku @cookielovesbook-akie @mandoloriancookie @pimosworld @thewintervalkyrie @anonymously35 @nerdreader @marylovesdilfs @jakelockleysdoll @pigeonmama @sarveshishwarishsuta
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royal-bubble-tea · 10 months ago
Seventeen - Seungcheol- Imagine
Seungcheol x gn! Reader Fluff 🌸
Imagine dropping Seungcheol off at Pledis. Well, you were meant to just drop him off and then go your merry way. But you have clearly underestimated just how whipped this man is and how much he wants to show you of. He walks straight into the practice room announcing your arrival to the rest of the members. Some immediatly get up to greet you by hugging you (Dk, Hoshi, Mingyu) and some just wave in your general direction (Woozi, Wonwoo, Vernon). With you being happy to see some of them and starting to chat, you miss the look on Seungcheol's face. His expression is filled with pure love and adoration. He is standing two steps behind you, arms crossed but no one can miss the heart eyes he is giving you. Almost no one. Jeonghan is coming over, slightly bumping into him. When Seungcheol looks over Jeonghan just wiggles his eyebrows and moves his head in your direction making kissing faces which cause Seungcheol to blush and shove him away. But with Jeonghan being the drama loving queen that he is the ruckus gets noticed by you. You turn around and notice just how disorganized everyone is. With you feeling guilty for causing delay of their practice time you make your way over to Seungcheol telling him that you are on your way and you wish him a nice day. At the door he looks at you and before you can say more he leans in to kiss you but you move out of the way. Not wanting the others to see, not that you did not love this man it was just that you were not in the mood for being teased with no end by the rest of Seventeen for the next weeks. However, as you look up again you come across the most heartbreaking facial expression you have ever seen. Seuncheol is fucking pouting at you because you did not want to kiss him in front of the members. Before you can explain yourself you hear someone calling his name. With the door handle in your hand you turn around again to call out to him, wanting to wish him a nice day, but as he turns around his gace just melts your heart. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are still in an adorable pout. Without thinking about it you run over to him, grab his face and plant a very loud and very obvious kiss right on his lips. He looks at you in shook, his ears slowly turning red but before anyone can say anything you turn around and flee from the scene. The last thing you see as you close the door is a blushing Seungcheol and the noise from the members wolf whistling.
Just a short and fluffly blurb that came to my mind. 🤗 I wish everyone a nice week.
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kingmaxstatic · 8 months ago
💗the Starvoltz >:]
[For The Ask Game!]
Their bed was comfortable, so comfortable one could confuse it for a trap. Starline squirmed a little as he laid his back against the comforters. A soft purring clicking noise admitted from him. Cozy was the one way to describe this scene.
Voltz, of course, was right next to him. That's why he was so utterly giddy. The swan managed to to the impossible, get Starline excited to relax.
"I love those little noises you make." Voltz purred.
"I love that one noise you make." Starline retorted.
Suddenly, Voltz felt his neck feathers fluff up. He was also so easy to fluster, it was one of the things Starline adored about him. Crawling forward on the bed, his tail swished mischievously. He wrapped his arms around Voltz' shoulders, he admitted a small giggle.
"What are you doing?" Voltz said between laughs.
"Loving my husband! Why? Can't I shower my husband in affection?" Starline's voice took a bewitching tone.
He nuzzled his bill against the fluffly feathers on Voltz' cheek. Heart beats flutters in both chests. Loving, Starline was being loving and that wouldn't stop. Especially not after the noise that would proceed to admit from Voltz' beak.
It was a honk, a typical trill honk any swan would admit. But knowing it was Voltz was what drove him wild. There was practically hearts in the platypus' eyes as he leaned even closer.
"Oh how I love your beak... how it gives me such sweet things." Starline said with another purr "Sweet words, sweet honks, sweet kisses.".
And Voltz thought his stomach couldn't have more knots in it. He tried to reply with anything but it all came out as stammers. Wrapping his arms around his back, Voltz just gave Starline an awkward fanged smile.
"Ohhh sweet heart.." Starline mumbled before he leaned in.
The way their hands roamed over their comfortable sleepwear. Sounds of their loving hums that filled the void of their oh so close lips. Inevitable, the kiss felt inevitable. An unspoken truth or an unwavering fact like the moon that glowed in the sky.
Finally, bill met beak in another embrace. Their eyes closed softly as they kissed. Though the moment felt melodically long, it couldn't be described with words. Hums admitted from the both as their tails wagged, Voltz allowed Starline to lay on top of him.
After the kiss, they finally parted. Starline's magenta eyes stared into Voltz'. Utterly hypnotic was how he would've described his eyes. Webbed hands finally found each other as foreheads met as well.
"That was... amazing." Voltz sighed, love welling in his heart for the man before him.
"You say that about every kiss we share, darling~" Starline teased.
"Because they are!" He sputtered "I-I probably should never talk after these kisses again." he said with a sigh.
Starline giggled as his gaze turned delicate "Never shut up again, please.".
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hina-hina · 2 years ago
Hi! How are you doing? Well i hope! This is my first time sending a request (ever) and i don't know how exactly this works. I apologize if I did/do something wrong!
But i was wondering if you could write something about a reader who draws everyone in the group because they are so inspiring and cool! And they know that, even teasing Ghost because they never saw the reader draw him even as a little stick man haha.
But what do you think would happened if the reader left their skechtbook open on the pages dedicated only to Ghost (and he ends up seeing), even with small poems or love declarations in the corners of the page? The descripition of the drawings can be whatever you want, spicy ones, fluffly, badass memories the reader has about him, anything!
(Reader doesn't participate directly in the battlefield but act "behind the cameras" because they are a little clumsy and desperate when it comes to pressure.)
(Simon riley x gn or fem!reader )
And if you can't write this at all is tottaly fine! I don't even know if you are gonna read this lol. Also, i love your writing and the way you write everything with the right measure of fluffly stuff makes everything even better. Without further ado, have a good night / afternoon / day.
☆anon! <3
Hello friend!! First off, thank you for all the sweet stuff you said about my writing!! It really warms my heart knowing people like what I write. Second of all, this request is so cute!! I also quite like to draw and I love the headcanon of any character drawing him or what he looks like!! Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!! (≧∇≦)ノ
→ COD Masterlist
|| Ghost With an S/O Who Secretly Draws Him ||
Tags: Military!Reader, Artist!Reading, Fluff, Blushy Ghost, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Soft Ghost, Awkward Ghost (lol)
Warnings: None
Gender-Neutral!Reader // Romantic
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So, like what is stated in the request, you worked as a intelligence analysis for the 141
You spent a lot of time with the 141, working with informants to properly distribute intelligence to its members
You worked off field, often staying on base due to your clumsy nature
You liked to spend time with the 141 while they were on base, usually by hanging out in a pub or in the rec room
When Soap noticed you drawing one day, he encouraged you to draw him which then led to you drawing other members of the 141
Your sketchbook was filled with pictures of Captain Price, Gaz, Soap, and even a few of Laswell
Most of these drawings show them in action, a way for you to express just how inspiring they are
You drew everyone, everyone except Ghost
This often caused him to get teased as you guys hung out, Soap making numerous comments about the mask causing him to be "undrawable"
Ghost doesn't seem to mind all that much, but you really can't tell with the mask how he feels
Whenever the subject gets brought up, however, you start to blush and try to change the subject which made Ghost slightly curious
Therefore, one day when he goes to your on-base quarters in order to inform you of an upcoming briefing
When Ghost knocks on the door, the door opens due to it having been cracked
Ghost pauses for a moment, before stepping into the room and calling out your name
When he notices that the room is empty, he starts to leave before noticing your sketchbook laying open on the edge of your bunk
He knew it was wrong to invade your privacy, about to leave and reprimand himself for even considering looking through your property
However, when he caught a glimpse of a skull drawing, he couldn't help but inch closer
He told himself that he would just take a quick look and leave before you even knew he had went to your room
This fails however when he gets a really good look at the page
On the page, beside the photo of his skull mask, is a photo of him
Or, what he could guess is what you think he looks like without his mask
He is surprised at how accurate it is, a few scars missing here and there but overall he could tell it was meant to be him
He forgets himself for a moment, picking the boot up to get a closer look
He notices that you had wrote notes in the margins, notes on things that were apparently wrong with the drawing
He glances back at the ajar door before quickly turning the page
On the next page, he is even more taken aback
This page includes photos of him in action or just relaxing in the rec room, some with his mask on some without
He notices more writing in the margins, noticing that it is written in a much fancier way that the notes from the previous page
He reads it, feeling his face become hot from under his balaclava as he realizes they are love notes
From poems to letters, they range in tone and length, obviously being well-thought out
He is very taken aback by the words, not thinking that anyone could ever say these kind of things about someone like him
Suddenly, he hears footsteps coming up from down the hallway, causing him to snap the book shut and spin around, not having nearly enough time to leave as you appeared in the doorway
You had clearly been coming back from the showers as you pause not expecting him to be standing in your room
When you ask him what he is doing there, he feels himself at a loss for words
Before he could even collect his thoughts you realize your sketchbook is now missing from where you had left it, searching Ghost's masked face before realizing
"You looked through my sketchbook..."
It wasn't a question, rather a statement of fact
Ghost sighs, feeling the edges of guilt pulling at his consciousness, holding the closed book out to you,
"Price sent me to find you and your door was left open, so-"
You snatch the book from his hand, "So you thought it was fine to go through my stuff?"
Ghost feels a twinge of annoyance at your tone, before reminding himself that he was in the wrong
"It was wrong. I'm sorry."
You fiddle with the edge of your book, not daring to make eye contact with him
"...Did you read it."
He briefly considers lying, if only to give himself more time to process his feelings
He doesn't do this however, replying with a quiet, "...Yes."
You nod, turning away to set your book and shower caddy down before heading toward the door,
"I'll go talk to Price about getting transferred. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable-"
His hand shoots out and grabs your arm, causing a shiver to run down your back as you turn to face him
It's hard to tell anything about what he is thinking with the mask so you just wait for him to continue
Eventually his grip loosens, but he doesn't let go,
"It didn't."
"It didn't... Make me uncomfortable."
This surprised you, but when he didn't continue you turn fully to him, about to probe him to continue when he awkwardly moved his hands down to your waist to pull you further from the door
"I... like you... too."
The words are forced out, him clearly not being used to this but not willing to let you just walk out of his life
You smile shyly back at him, placing your hands slowly on the sides of his neck in case he wants to pull away
He doesn't
He nods, showing you a rare vulnerability that proves that he wasn't used to this at all
You can't help the urge to kiss him, placing your hands around the edge of his balaclava
"May I?"
He doesn't respond, instead taking one hand off of your waist to pull off his mask completely, placing the hand on the side of your face before moving closer to you, silently asking for a kiss
You quickly oblige
The kiss is soft, just a quick press of lips filled with a gentleness that he deserved
You pull back, pressing your hands into his cheeks and marveling at the way he presses into your hands
"Guess I wasn't too far off, huh?"
He smiles slightly, grabbing your hand and moving it down to the large scar that stretched across his cheek,
"Forgot this one."
You move your hands across it lightly, just your fingertips making contact
"I'll get it in the next one."
You smile, moving back in for another kiss and wrapping your hands around his neck to pull him closer
He knew the two of you would be late to the briefing
He couldn't find it in himself to care
Thanks for reading!! ⇣Taglist⇣ @scarlettprooff @unabashednightmarepizza @kk00789 @cl0udii-m00n @polar2oidsworld @meepsters-world @uwu-i-purple-you
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ashwhowrites · 2 years ago
If you are still taking requests, could I please request 9 from the fluff prompts “. . . sorry, I talked too much” “No no no not at all. Keep talking” with Eddie. Maybe he's rambling on about one of his passions and he is so used to people shutting him down but the reader is absolutely enamored?
Your writing fills me with pure delight and I keep trying to sneak reading it at work.💙
I am for sure still taking requests! And flattery works well on me so you will definitely get your request written with a sweet message like that!! I am so happy to hear you like to read my work and it fills you with delight. I will make sure to make this extra fluffly for you.
“… sorry, I talked too much” “No no no not at all. Keep talking”
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Eddie was heading to his deal after school, walking and sitting at his usual bench. He rolled his eyes as Jason sat in front of him. "Let's make this fast." Eddie huffed out, opening his lunch box. Eddie was measuring out the weed when Jason spoke up, "So what exactly is a hellfire club?" Eddie looked up, silently puzzled. Why was he asking him about hellfire? Jason never cared. All he wanted was to make his life hell. Eddie glared as he answered with a stiff tone. "We don’t need to do small talk. This is about $30." Eddie handed over the bag filled with weed. He was thrown off by Jason's expression. He almost looked genuine. Eddie always had a soft heart, thanks to Wayne. "It's a DnD club; my friends and I play. It's a fantasy game. We form an adventuring party and explore fantasy worlds together as we embark on epic quests and level up in experience. We each have our own personalities. I'm-" But he was cut off when Jason laughed; the genuine expression was gone. "Wow, those theater classes are paying off. You truly thought I gave a shit about your freak club. " He scoffed and threw the money on the table. And with that, he walked off back to the school grounds. Eddie's shoulders slumped. He knew that not many people understood DnD and thought it was dumb. But that was one of the places he felt himself. Those kids looked up to him, and it made him feel good. He's so used to people looking down on him. It was something he knew so much about he could talk about it for hours, but no one ever wanted to listen. With a slightly worse mood than he showed up with, he went to his van to head home. ~~~~~~~ The next time Eddie got passionate about talking about a topic was with Steve. Eddie was in the middle of a rant about how horror films were truly works of art. Steve believed romance was the top tier. "Listen man, chicks dig horror films. It gets them horny or some shit." Eddie's main point was that he believed nothing got a girl fired up faster than a horror film. Eddie was not one to give up during an argument, so he started stating his facts. He goes into full detail to back up his theory. He was feeling proud of how much information he was able to bring up, but once again that feeling in his gut returned when Steve spoke up, "Okay, I got it, damn you didn't have to keep talking for so long." and he went to help a customer. Eddie felt embarrassed. He knew he got too into his conversations and would go over the top. But the feeling of someone telling you they aren't interested in talking with you or listening to you always hurts. ~~~~~~~ Eddie tried not to talk too much about things. That feeling that had turned his mood sour was something he didn't want to experience again. But once again, he couldn't stop himself in class when the topic of music was brought up. He proudly stated how he played guitar and was in a band. He was working in a group, and they had to create a song with chords. Eddie decided to take the role of the group, as his sweetheart had taught him well. The group had to share their work with the class. Eddie was passionately stating how his mind came up with certain parts of the song. He felt confident and, for the first time, smart about how well he understood the material. But then that feeling was running down his throat and landing in his stomach when a voice spoke up. 
"Yo freak, I don't care about how you made the song. Quit talking, we have other stuff to do." Defeated Eddie headed to his seat in the back of the class, with his curly head down.
Eddie was forcing books into his dirty locker that really needed to be cleaned out when a soft and gentle voice came from next to him. "Excuse me?" Eddie looked over and saw the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. Their eyes were big and sparkled. Their hair was styled to perfection. And a big smile was stretched across their faces. Eddie felt his heart literally skip a few beats. He then realized he had not answered. "Oh yes, Hi." He fumbled out with a shy smile. They laughed, and the smile got even bigger.
"I'm new and was wondering if you could help me out." Eddie's ears were attentively listening to them. It was like their voice were his new favorite sounds.
Eddie nodded quickly and put out his hand. "I'm Eddie." "I'm Y/N" They shook his hand with a soft grip. His stomach did flips at the contact. Eddie spent the rest of the day showing Y/N around, helping them get to classes, showing them the nearest bathrooms, and even asking Y/N to join his lunch table, to which they happily agreed. Eddie and Y/N were getting closer as the days passed. They shared many classes, sat at lunch together, and Eddie lied and said he studied at the library on Fridays, just to have Y/N alone at least once a week. And tonight, Eddie was finally going to ask Y/N out. He had no idea if they were even interested, but he had to take the chance. "So Y/N, any plans for this evening?" Eddie asked as Y/N hopped into his van. Y/N quickly answered with a no. Eddie felt relieved at the fact that they didn't have plans. "Would you maybe want to go out tonight? To like, dinner or something? on a date? " Y/N was caught off guard by the question. There was definitely a crush growing on the metalhead they spent all their time with. They felt a blush heat their cheeks and a smile form. "I'd love to." they answered, and they had never seen Eddie smile bigger than today. Eddie decided on a diner. Granted, he couldn't afford an expensive place, but he hoped a diner would be a good choice. "Don't worry Eddie, I've loved diners ever since I was young. This is a great choice. " Eddie felt himself smile at that and was pleased that this date was going in a good direction.
As the date went on, the conversations flowed effortlessly. His cheeks hurt from how much he was smiling and laughing. He could feel the crush growing more and more. He tried to steer the direction of things he knew he'd go over the top with. He really liked Y/N and did not want to annoy them with his constant ramblings. The date ended and he brought them home. He sealed the date with a kiss and a new hope in his chest. He felt like he was on cloud nine the whole way home. Smiling to himself and fist bumping, he was proud that he didn't get carried away in conversation. Maybe he was getting better at keeping himself composed. ~~~~ Y/N loved spending time with Eddie in the last few weeks. He was sweet, caring, and hilarious. But something kept nagging in their minds. It felt like he was walking on eggshells when they spoke. Y/N wasn't sure if they were intimating or boring. But Eddie is honest. He'd say something, wouldn't he? Y/N and Eddie were cuddling on his couch, in his small and cozy trailer. Y/N's hand was delicately rubbing Eddie's chest over his hellfire shirt. "So what is hellfire?" They asked softly. Eddie went stiff. His mind went back to Jason, and that sickening feeling arose in his stomach. He tried to stay clear of hellfire and DnD conversation because he knew he couldn't stay quiet about it. "Just a club." He mumbled with a shrug. "What's the club about?" Y/N asked as they looked up at him. They could see the anxiety in Eddie's eyes. They just didn't understand why he was so distant and scared. "Its DnD." His answers were short and quick. They weren't giving up on him. "What's DnD? I'm not sure I've heard about it.” Eddie made eye contact and he could see the curiosity in their eyes. Y/N was different from Jason. Eddie shouldn't treat them so badly. He sighed and began to describe the events of DnD.
Eddie was lost in his rant when he looked at the clock. His eyes went huge when he realized he had been talking Y/N's ear off for 20 minutes straight of just DnD. He quickly shut his mouth, mid-explanation. He reasoned that since Y/N had already zoned out, they wouldn't even notice his thought was incomplete.
But to his surprise, Y/N looked up at him, confused, "Why did you stop? Did Dustin defeat Vecna? " Eddie was lost for words. Not only were they listening the whole time, but they were asking him to continue. "Oh, I'm sorry. I talked too much, so I didn't want to bore you. " His words made their heart hurt. How could he think that they didn't want to listen to him? He never talks too much. This was the most they had gotten to hear him speak in weeks. They smiled encouragingly, "No, not at all. Keep talking. I need to know how it ends. I love how passionate you sound. " Eddie swears he fell in love right there. His chest felt like it was going to explode. He felt accepted and understood. For once, someone wanted to listen to him. Someone cared. And he vowed not to mess this up.
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wandaromanova · 4 years ago
Date Night
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cussing, sexual suggestion, that’s all!
A/N: hello! here is some fluff for y’all! hope you enjoy! happy reading <3
anon requested: Hi honey! I saw that your requests are open :)) I was wondering if I may please request a fluffly Natasha Romanoff x fem reader one shot, where she surprises the reader with a lunch date (reader has had a super stressful week!) and then convinces her to take the rest of the day off. Later on maybe Natasha starts dropping hints at their future together and later on in the week she proposes (maybe somewhere that has meaning to them) after a very romantic dinner. Thank you!! :))
Summary: Natasha convinces her girlfriend to take some time off of work. They end up having a date night unlike any of their previous ones.
Word Count: 3K
| masterlist | request rules/guidelines | wips |
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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Natasha stared up at the tall building with two bags of food in hand. She was about to surprise you with some lunch, considering you haven’t been able to take a single break the entire week.
Seriously, even when you were at home, you’d be working on paperwork or taking call after call from your company partners. You’d then go back to work the next morning and completely neglect your own needs, the only thing you’d focus on was anything work-related.
You were the CEO of a major telecommunications company and things have been super hectic around your office. You barely had time to breathe with everything that had been going on, so, Natasha thought that it would be a good idea to give you a nice surprise.
She made her way into the building and got into one of the fancy elevators, quickly tapping the button to the top floor and stood in silence, lively elevator music filling the small space.
When the doors opened, she walked out and was greeted by your secretary; Megan.
“Hi, Ms. Romanoff. Ms. L/N is just in her office working on some paperwork. She has a meeting in 20 minutes, though.”
Megan sent Natasha a friendly smile. The redhead simply nodded and mumbled out a small ‘thank you’ before opening the door to your office.
She was met with the sight of you hunched over your desk. The light poured into the tall windows in the room, providing sufficient lighting.
You glanced up from your papers at the sound of the door closing softly. Natasha smiled at you and held up the bags of food. Your lips turned upward at the sight of your girlfriend of five years.
“Honey, what are you doing here?” You asked as you got up from your desk, quickly making your way over to greet the Russian. You pulled her in by the waist and into a tight hug.
“I thought you could use some lunch. You haven’t been taking care of yourself and I’m here to change that.” Natasha mumbled into your neck as her arms rested on your shoulder, gripping onto the food she still had in her hands.
“Baby, you didn’t need to come all the way here. I’m fine, just been super busy lately is all.” You pulled back slightly and stared into green eyes.
“Yes, I needed to. I can’t just standby while you’re practically drowning in stress.”
Natasha got out of your embrace and made her way over to your desk, placing the food down and turning around, leaning onto the table with two hands gripping the furniture behind her.
“I’ll manage, it’s kind of my job.” You let out a small giggle, rounding the desk and sitting on your chair. Natasha turned in her spot as you patted your lap.
“Come on, let’s eat the food you brought. I have a meeting soon so we gotta be quick.”
Natasha walked toward you and sat in your lap, your arms circling around her waist. She opened the food and laid out the plates of Thai food.
Natasha fed you and herself. You both sat in silence, simply enjoying each other’s company.
Occasionally, Nat would mimic an airplane or train noise as she moved the spoon closer to you, laughing as she abruptly shoved the utensil into your mouth.
After fifteen minutes had passed, you looked at your watch and sighed. You had another meeting that would probably be ridiculously long for no reason.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I have to get going. I have a meeting in five.”
You moved to get up, but Natasha refused to move off of your lap. You raised an eyebrow at her, the redhead giving you a stern look.
“Take the day off.” You shook your head in protest. You couldn’t take a day off, not now at least.
“Honey, you know I would if I could, bu-“ Natasha immediately cut you off, pressing her lips against yours before pulling back quickly.
“You can though. You’ve been working more than necessary! Please, it’s not even a full day off, it’s half a day.”
Natasha gave you the best puppy dog eyes and pout that she could, knowing how it affected you. Of course, she ended up winning.
“Fine, fine.” You muttered out, leaning forward and pressing a button on your desk-side phone, paging Megan, who sat just outside your office.
“Yes, Ms. L/N?” Your assistant’s spritely voice rang through the phone.
“Megan, could you please clear the rest of my day? I’m taking the day off.” You heard some shuffling on the other end of the phone before the woman replied.
“Okay, your schedule has been cleared and your meetings have been rescheduled to tomorrow.”
Natasha, who could faintly hear the other end of the conversation, smiled triumphantly and placed a soft kiss on the side of your neck.
“Thank you.” And with that, you hung up and returned your attention to the beaming redhead in your lap.
“You never play fair.” You mumbled against her cheek as you placed a gentle kiss against her skin.
“All is fair in love and war, moya lyubov (my love).” You rolled your eyes at the Russian while holding back a smile.
She got out of your hold and stood up, grabbing both of your hands and forcefully pulling you to your feet.
“Let’s go! I know a few things we could do today.” Natasha spoke seductively and sent you a little wink before grabbing the trash on your desk and throwing it away in the small trash can you had under the table.
You watched with a wide smile as she waltzed toward the door, making sure to sway her hips a little more, exaggerating the movement. There was an extra spring in her step that caused her red locks to bounce with each movement.
She turned her head around when her hand was on the doorknob, smirking at you.
“Are you coming or not?”
“I have a feeling I will be soon.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
4 hours later
You laid in bed with Natasha by your side, her head resting on your shoulder with an arm around your torso.
After hours of love-making, you guys had finally gotten to relax. You both just stayed there in each other’s arms, appreciating the moment.
“Honey?” Natasha spoke, breaking the silence.
You tilted your head to look down at her, the redhead already staring up at you as you hummed.
“Have you ever thought about what you want your future to look like?”
This wasn’t the first time you guys have discussed the future. You’d both mention small tidbits of your aspirations and goals, but never went too far into the details of it all.
“Well, first starters, you’re definitely there.” Natasha smiled up at you with bright eyes. It absolutely warmed your heart to see her so full of joy.
“Really?” You nodded your head and kissed her forehead, the redhead briefly shutting her eyes as your soft lips met her skin.
“Really.” You pulled back, brushing your nose against hers. The redhead placed a hand on your cheek, as connected your foreheads.
“Well, I see you in mine too. Maybe we would end up leaving this penthouse and buy an actual home together.”
You nodded with a wide smile. The thought of buying a property with the woman you adored had you giddy.
“Yeah, definitely. Then maybe we could have little rascals of our own running around. We could find a surrogate or maybe even adopt if you’d want to.”
Natasha felt like she was going to melt into a puddle of love. The thought of having children to raise with you filled her with more joy than ever.
“I’d love that.”
The moment was cut off when a loud yawn tore through your body, promoting a little giggle from your girlfriend.
She cuddled closer to you, her arm tightening around your body with a smile on her face.
“Let’s get some rest.” Natasha’s words were slightly slurred, the exhaustion of your previous activities hitting her.
“Yeah, so we can have energy for a round two.”
“Yeah right, more like round ten.”
“Go big or go home!”
“Go to sleep, idiot.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
5 days later
It was a Saturday night and Natasha had practically forced you to not go into work.
Usually, you would go into the office on Saturdays, despite having the day off, to get some extra work out of the way, but your girlfriend was extremely persistent.
So now, here you two were, getting ready to go out for a date night. You had to admit that this was a good idea.
You couldn’t remember the last time you and Nat had gone out on a date; it was a rarity with how busy you both would be majority of the time.
You walked out of the bathroom after brushing out your hair, your heart racing at the sight of your girlfriend clad in a simple black body-con dress that hugged her curves in all the right places paired with a cute, black blazer.
She straightened her hair and did her makeup just the way you liked it.
You stalked over to the woman who stood in front of the full-body length mirror, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind and placing a soft kiss onto her cheek.
“You look gorgeous, baby. I’m so lucky.” Your eyes raked over her figure through the reflection of the mirror before meeting her green ones.
“Thank you, but I’m the lucky one. I swear, if we didn’t have reservations, I’d rip your clothes off and take you right here.”
Natasha’s voice came out husky when you kissed the side of her neck. You sucked on her skin lightly and went to leave a mark, but the Russian turned around in your embrace.
“No marks, not until after dinner at least.” You let out a small whine, pulling her front against yours tightly.
“Oh come on! It’s not like we haven’t ditched our reservations for dinner before. I miss you.”
You tried to go for her neck again, but she flicked your forehead. You stared at her with a look that screamed ‘what the fuck was that for?’
“Don’t give me that look. I’ve been looking forward to having a date night for months. We aren’t missing this. Let’s go.”
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Two hours later
Natasha had taken you to one of the best restaurants in New York. You weren’t one for fancy places, you were more of a ‘let’s order takeout and watch tv’ kind of gal, but Natasha absolutely loved luxurious dining experiences.
When you both arrived, the waited immediately escorted you both to the most private table in the house.
The table was set with candles and rose petals were spread across the tablecloth. You were blown away, seeing as the table overlooked the city.
Natasha pulled your seat back for you, placing a soft kiss on her cheek as you sat down. You watched as she rounded the table and sat in the chair across from you.
Her skin was golden as the candlelight brightened up her face, accentuating her green eyes beautifully. She had a cheeky smile on her face and wiggled her eyebrows at you before looking at the menu.
Of course, the redhead ordered the best wine the restaurant had to offer, immediately asking for a bottle of the alcohol.
You two talked about anything and everything over the course of the dinner. You had to admit, this was probably one of the best dates you guys had ever been on, besides your first one, at least.
As you both finished off your meals and were given the check, you noticed that Natasha couldn’t seem to sit still.
She was tapping her fingers against the table anxiously as she gnawed on her bottom lip. You placed your hand on top of hers, stopping the insistent movement.
“Is everything okay, baby?” You asked in concern. It was really unlike Natasha to be nervous, especially during date night.
She was usually relaxed and content whenever you both had time to spend out together.
The redhead sent you a reassuring smile and flipped her hand over, intertwining your fingers before bringing your conjoined hands up to her lips, kissing the back of your hand.
“Never better, hon. Come on, there’s somewhere I want to take you.”
Natasha placed her credit card into the bill holder and waved down a waiter and shortly after, you both walked out into the cool New York air, hand-in-hand.
•❅──────────────── ‎⧗ ────────────────❅•
Your eyes lit up when you noticed where your next destination was; Central Park.
You had always loved the park. There was something so beautiful about the scenery and the usual liveliness of the area that brought you so much peace and comfort.
Natasha led you towards a pond that was located in the heart of the park and you immediately recognized which one it was.
The redhead stopped in her tracks on top of the tiny bridge that hovered over the pond.
“Do you remember this spot?” She asked you as she turned around to face you, hand still linked with yours.
“How could I forget? You took me here on our very first date to feed the ducks, which completely backfired.” You let out a laugh at the memory, Natasha’s cheeks turning red.
“I wouldn’t say it backfired…” The redhead mumbled shyly which only made you laugh harder.
“Honey, you ended up getting attacked by pigeons because you were holding the bread. You walked me home covered in bird shit and your clothes were absolutely torn apart.”
You were practically crying from your laughter and you felt Natasha’s hand heating up in yours.
“It wasn’t funny! I really liked that outfit.” Natasha pouted as your laughter died down.
You placed a kiss onto her pouty lips, her frown quickly replaced with a bright smile.
“Anyway, I took you here because this is where our first date was which obviously resulted in us dating.”
You nodded your head at her words, deciding to remain silent when you noticed she had more to add.
“And, well… this is where I want our last date, as girlfriends, to be.”
You felt your heart sink at her words. Was she breaking up with you right now? It didn’t make any sense! She didn’t ever show any indication that she was unhappy or wanted to leave you.
However, before you could completely break down, Natasha let out a shaky breath, and it was then that you noticed how shaky her hands were.
“Y/N, All my life, I never thought that I’d find love. After all of the things that the Red Room had taught me and forced me to do, I never believed that love was in the cards for me, but then I met you, and everything changed.”
You stared at Natasha curiously. This definitely didn’t sound like a breakup. So what was she going on about?
“I never ever thought that one day, I’d find someone that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. I never thought that I’d ever want to buy a house and build a family with another person, but god, I’m so fucking happy that I was wrong.”
Your eyes watered when the gravity of the situation finally sunk in. Your thoughts were confirmed as Natasha let go of your hand and slowly bent down on one knee in front of you, reaching her hand into her blazer pocket, revealing the small velvet red box that had been tucked away in the material.
“Baby, these last five years have been the best years I’ve ever had, and it was all because of you.”
Your hands flew up to your mouth as a gasp escaped your lips. There were tears in your eyes as she revealed a gorgeous engagement ring to you.
“Y/N, I want you, every day, for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?”
Natasha’s voice was unstable as she tried to hold back her emotions, but that went out the window when you frantically nodded your head in agreement.
“Yes!” You whispered out in shock. Natasha looked up at you with a wide smile.
“Yeah?” The redhead asked for confirmation and you let out a small chuckle.
“Yes, of course, I’ll marry you! Is that even a question?” Natasha grabbed your left hand shakily and slid the ring onto your finger.
You were both crying at this point. You didn’t care that you were both stood in the freezing cold, in the middle of Central Park.
All that mattered was that this was going to be the beginning of the rest of your life with the woman you loved.
Suddenly, Natasha stood up and picked you up by the waist, twirling you both around.
Honestly, you were surprised she didn’t stumble, considering the fact that she was wearing such high heels. Luckily for you though, she didn’t fall.
You were both laughing like maniacs when she finally stopped spinning. You were like two teenagers in love without a care in the world.
You leaned down, still in her arms, and kissed her passionately.
You could feel all the love and adoration she had for you through the kiss and you prayed to God that she could feel just how much you felt for her too.
When Natasha disconnected the kiss, she placed you gently onto the floor, your arms immediately going around her neck, hers securing themselves around your waist.
“We’re getting married?” She asked in disbelief. Natasha genuinely couldn’t believe that you said yes, even if you never gave her any indication that you would say no.
“We’re getting married.” You reassured her, kissing the tip of her nose, practically melting as her nose scrunched up adorably.
This definitely wasn’t what you expected the night to be like, but you wouldn’t change any detail about it for the world.
You were going to be Y/N L/N-Romanoff.
And that was a name you were going to carry around proudly.
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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Hello 🥰 Could I ask for a scenario where Levi discovers that his s/o needs to cuddle a stuffed animal for sleeping? 🧸 Thanks 🥺💕
This turned from fluff to fluffly hurt comfort in seconds, sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy this
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Warnings: mentions of death and grief
Tags: fluff, hurt/ comfort
Teddy Bear
The dark corridor was merely illuminated by the tiny flicker of a small flame. Hot wax dripped in not too sheer droplets on your thumb, solidifying at the touch as it burned blotches on your tender skin. The feeling stung excessively, leaving an unpleasant numbing behind that you just couldn't ignore even if you tried your best to.
Your night gown felt foreign on your body as it slipped off either of your shoulders once you tried to align it on your form. You were sure you could see it being pumped from your intense heartbeat as you approached the all familiar wooden door, anxiety forming in knot at the pit of your stomach.
Almost every surviving scout had gone through something similar after a certain expedition, that you were sure of. The anger that grief would bear along with it was an enormous bargain to handle on your own and over the years with only a shattered, hammering heart you've had to deal with great losses. You had basically signed up for it.
It had been days since you had gotten out of your room, or let alone sleep. In the span of three enormously long days, you had sat there, eyes dry and shot open as you stated at the wooden ceiling, with your breath hitched on your throat. Any tear had distinguished; whether for the amount of ones you had shed at the scene or in the following days. The only thing left behind was pain and sorrow, grieve and despair.
You loathed that your dorm room, once bubbling with the laughter and tingling giggles of your friends was now bathed in a numbing silence that deafened. As despicable as it could sound you also loathed that there was no one you could trade to have the dorm bed beside you occupied with it's rightful owner once again.
You vividly recalled nights that you and your best friend would lay in silence as you'd tell her all about your forming relationship with Levi, or the way that her eyes looked under the grazing moonlight, awestruck to the sight of you falling in love and even much more eager to get to experience that on her own.
You still recalled how she'd clutch your stuffed bear in between her bosoms, already eager to let you know that her dreams never consisted of peaceful cottagecores nearby rivers unlike other girls'; uncertain as she was for her future she'd rely on her feelings to make her dream of a better future when she'd experience falling in love freely, passionately. And now, with whatever left of her burried six feet under the ground, you knew she would never get that chance that she had so longed for.
So in a way, what you were about to do was comical, ironic and it felt disrespectful to your fallen friend. Your guilt on your upcoming actions ripped through your bowel, causing horrid growls to ring through the paper thin walls of the headquarters and yet, you needed the mellow touch of your lover.
You had turned down his despairate attempts of comfort for a short amount of days in hopes of coming to terms with the loss of your best friend on your own. It was still so hard to get a grip of this new reality that you were forced in, and as reluctant as Levi was, he was all too familiar to the pain of being robbed off of someone of great importance to your character. He had granted you enough space for as long as your sorrows needed to stop burning lumps at the back of your throat, always promising you would be able to find him whenever you wished for.
Along with your hand mellowy knocking on his door twice came a wave of nausea in the pits of your stomach.
"It's me" you muttered. "I can't sleep."
As the door ripped open, the look in your eyes told him everything he needed to know; you were already past the stage of feeling empty and lost. Grey eyes bore into yours with endearment, his own exhaustion hid behind the soft expression of his face. With his brows not furrowed as per usual and his cheeks glowing in the faintest flustered color he stood there calmly, taking your form in for some silence filled moments. Reluctantly he shot his arm to the small of your back, bringing you closer, causing your jaw to clench as it came in contact, ever so slightly with his head.
"I can't do this on my own!"
"I know. That's why I'm here."
His soft voice cooed you as he guided you inside his office, pushing you ever so slightly to help you move faster.
You reluctantly sat on the bed, feet trembling as they barely touched the ground beneath them. The edge of your nightgown swayed as you rocked your feet back and forth in anticipation of what was to come, seeing that you barely had any chance to sleep in Levi's embrace at all; it was only natural for your mind to wander in territories of barely experienced feelings. Nevertheless the newfound warmth in your heart awoke from the comfort that the thought of this action provided you.
Soon enough, your eyes watched as Levi slipped out of his grey wash button up shirt, casually slipping into a loose fitted shirt. His hands came to loosen on his belt and undo the buttons of his military pants; the sight of relief that escaped him was more than enough to confirm to you how long he would have waited to free himself from the uneasiness of military clothes. In a way it felt like you were both saving eachother.
By the time he plopped himself into the bed, dragging your body to accompany his onto the feathered mattress, your eyes were already heavy with sleep. It seemed like Levi's aura was therapeutic, watching his meticulous nighttime routine play out in front of you was set to distract you from your sorrows.
Tonight was going to turn your to be a difficult night, that much Levi knew of; you had seemed his silent comfort, his wordless affection that present its way in the form of his hands around you, bringing you closer to him at any given chance. Tonight he had to be the one to hold you with your back against his chest, the smittening sweetness of the way his lips felt nuzzled against the crook of your neck awakening all of his protective instincts.
But as you cuddled his arm, bringing his somewhat clenched palm under your cheek, Levi's eyes shot wide open.
"Please be my teddy bear." You mumbled in between exahusted, half asleep words. "I burried my teddy with my friend, to keep her company."
The half smile that curled up on his caused an eeree heat to spread throughout him as he nuzzled his pointed nose on your nape, rubbing softly as he puffed hot air out of his nostrils. He wasn't surprised that as calm as he was this heat rushed through all of his body, engulfing him in the tender embrace of sleep.
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miyalove · 4 years ago
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⤷ pairing. bokuto koutoro x gn!reader
⤷ genre. tooth-aching fluffly fluff, best friends to lovers, college au
⤷ warnings. oc insert (jamine). mentions of alcohol, alcohol consumption, clichés upon clichés, bo just being the absolute CUTEST, *unedited
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2.6k | with the virus on the rise again, you decide that a lonely valentines day seems like the safest option, but bokuto has other plans.
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“can you believe we’re gonna have to spend this month in quarantine, again?” a high pitch whine echoes through your laptop speaker. when you look over, jasmine (a close friend of yours) is slumped over her desk chair glaring at her ceiling.
“shouldn’t be that hard, though.” you nod at what konoha says.
“that’s what i was thinking too,” you add in. on your laptop screen are flashes of familiar faces. each one of them smile back at you, doing their own thing as well as keeping up with the virtual conversation. akaashi scribbles into a notebook for one of his classes while he speaks, “we’ve been quarantine for a couple months already. what’s another going to add?” 
it seems that you, akaashi, and konoha are the only ones that see eye to eye. you mentally debate in your head, nodding to his words. in the middle of your thoughts, a sharp whine cuts you out of it. 
“yeah, but this is different!” 
the sudden sound makes you jump. when you look back at the screen, bokuto’s face covers his side of the monitor. he’s up close to the camera so the most you can make out his is nose and big, piecing eyes. the weird angle makes you laugh.
“how is this so different, bokuto?” someone muses. you can’t focus on who though too caught up in the way your best friend whines to get everyone’s attention. it’s a cute habit that he hasn’t been able to break since middle school. for what it’s worth though, you think it just makes him all the more adorable. 
“this is a month of going out and being in love, guys!” he moves frantically. big beefy arms flailing around to further prove his point. his his bottom lip guts out, mocking some sniffles. “quarantine’s just gonna make valentines die!” 
“exactly what i’m saying!” jasmine pipes in again. she takes a big bit of her food before continuing her rant. as she speaks, a piece lettuce falls out of her mouth. across the screen, akaashi blatantly glares at her gross habits. konoha stifles a giggle and you can’t help but to join in on the teasing. seeing konoha’s body shake with silent laugher really got you. 
your friend is unbothered by the giggles though. 
“this is the month of love!” jasmine punctuates her statement with a loud slam to her desk. “we should be g-getting out and doing lovely dovely valentines day shit, right bo?!”  
swiftly, bokuto springs back to life, shaking his head in agreeance. his eyes are wide and filled with stars. he moves way too fast for his camera to pick up so a good majority of the time he speaks, his figure is lagged with pixelated squares. 
“jay get’s it! yeah, yeah!” his glitched out figure suddenly appears further in the back of his room now. his fully body is on display and pixelated or not, you can still make out the way his defined thighs flex while he moves. “you’re supposed to be out and doing all the cute couple stuff!”
“but what if--”
“--and even if we’re not a couple, you can still do things like that! there’s stuff like... platonic love.” the last few words get cut off but you’re able to connect the dots. the way bokuto so proudly voices his thoughts without any doubt is a trait you admire. he means what he says and he says what he means. it’s really as simple as that. if only you could do the same. your shoulders fall at the thought.
you quickly snap out of your funk though. you’re in a call with all your closest friends, they’d notice a change in your demeanor in seconds. shaking your head to rid of any lingering thoughts, you stifle out a cackle. 
“well, platonic or not.” you perk up. “it still seems like a lonely valentines day is an order for everyone.” 
your friends nod despite jasmine’s grumbling. you don’t notice the way bokuto sighs. his brows are scrunched and lips are pressed into a thin line. determination glows within his hues. he’s a little irate how everyone was shoving the topic aside, but most importantly, he’s a little sad that you’re going to have to spend this valentines day all alone!
he’s known you for years and the fact that you’re alright with spending the day of love all to yourself? when you have him right there with you just waiting for your call? it’s personally heartbreaking. 
okay maybe he’s more than a little sad. 
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besides the constant buzzing from all your friends spamming the group chat. you spent most of your valentines lounging around your home, just like you had promised. your hair is loose, messy and untamed. it matches the outfit your wearing that’s just perfect for simply relaxing. during the morning, you made yourself a quick breakfast. in the afternoon, lunch and a nice bath was the agenda. now in the evening, you’re settled in your living room while netflix’s latest rom-com plays in the background. 
you don’t really know what’s happening or who these characters are but today’s the day of love so why not celebrate it with a bottle of wine and imaging you and bokuto as the main leads of some stupid flick.
you’re in the middle of pouring another glass when your phone chimes with a special ringtone you set for someone special to you. it immediately catches your attention. you feel your heart shake and you know it’s not because of the alcohol.
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the fluttering in your tummy seems to spread with the stupid nickname. you let the movie play in the background while you send him a quick response.
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your phone chimes with another texts while barely had time to put it down.
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before you can say anything back, a knock at the door interrupts your focus. mindlessly, you make your way to the door. when you open it, you expect to see someone (maybe even bokuto), but instead you’re meet with a big, bright red box sitting on your doormat. 
with the bright red wrapping and the comically large bow right on top, you simply can’t miss it. the box is big enough where you have to hold it with two hands in fear of dropping it. it’s heavy too and when you shift it slightly, whatever’s inside rattles. to top it all off, there’s no label or tag or anything that indicates this package is specifically for you. your brows crinkle. confusion pressed deep within your worried frown.
your hues trace the halls of your complex looking for someone, anyone to explain this random comeuppance. you weren’t expecting any packages. so what is this all about? something inside you tells you to leave it alone. your mail man doesn’t deliver packages at 6 o’clock at night so it can’t be that. is it possible that this was misplaced? you would feel horrible if this was some kind of surprise for a lover and their partner had gotten the buildings wrong. 
your phone vibrates in your pocket and for now, you decide to put the mystery package on hold. the special ringtone you set for a specific cutie makes your nerves jump in it’s confines. placing your glass down, the wine is long forgotten.
“hey, bo,” you great him with a smile once the call goes through.
“hey there, bun,” his grin falters a bit. it’s alarming how fast you can tell something is wrong. bokuto’s always been every expressive but still you’re able to read him like an open book in a matter of milliseconds. your connection goes as far as silent cues too. when he slumps his shoulders or pouts his lips during a test. he sighs differently when he’s shocked by wonder or sadness.
it’s the same with you to him. bokuto, despite popular belief, is so good at keeping up his friends cues. he’s able to read mood changes and tries his very best to cheer up the people he loves if he ever catches them slipping. he’ll even go as far as making a fool out of himself just to see that special person smile.
bokuto koutaro is a shining star and you’re beyond happy he’s in your reach.
“everything alright?” it’s a question that has him conflicted. you can tell from the whirl wind of emotions that were set off as you spoke. his brows are scrunched in concern, his bites at his bottom lip (which in any other case would be sexy), and most worrying, he’s not as cheery as usual. he seems tense and nervous. 
“ahh!” it comes out as an anxious sigh, “i was just thinking, is all!” his hands shoot up in a defensive position. it doesn’t take him long to start explaining.
“i was calling ‘cause you said you’d be lonely today and i didn’t want ya’ feeling like you weren’t loved, (y/n),” he’s looking away now. golden hues finding the floor or ceiling far more interesting. one of his hands comes to rub at the back of his neck, a nervous habit you picked up on.
the way he shyly smiles, so unlike himself, makes your chest heavy. the rapid beating of your heart shakes your ribcage. i didn’t want you to feel like you weren’t loved. he loves you. your conclusion feeds into he butterfly wings that tickle your stomach. he’s so adorable. the way he looks at you makes you want to kiss that conflicted little pout right off his stupidly gorgeous face.
“that’s real sweet of you, kou.” you smile up at him. grabbing at the box, you tuck it under your arm as you make your way to your living room. when you seat down on the sofa, the light conversation with bokuto takes a turn.
he can’t help the light chuckle that escapes him. “did you... find anything on your porch today?”
“yes... actually.” cautiously, you eye the box that’s been propped up as a temporary phone stand. “was it from-”
“did you- did you open it?” 
suddenly the last texts he sent makes sense now. the way he called you so shyly and played it off as best as possible. the nervous ticks that you don’t usually see when you talk. the glimpse of hope that maybe- just maybe, bokuto would come sweeping you off your feet this valentines day.
“not yet.” a bright teasing smile over takes your features as you say your next word, “why?” 
on the other side of the screen, bokuto’s cheeks flare up. the redness traveling past his neck and nips at the tip of his ears. you’re not an idiot. if he was the one that knew the box was there- then of course, it’s from him. without second guessing, you shift your phone propping it against a lone candle centered on your coffee table. 
you waste no time ripping into the wrapping paper and unboxing the goods inside. bokuto watches attentively. his eyes sparkle with excitement and a toothy grin takes over him as he leans towards the camera, trying his greatest to get the best angle possible. bokuto looks like a puppy excitedly waiting for their owner to come home. the anticipation is killing him.
shoving the tissues paper aside, you note the heart shaped confetti that the box is littered with. it’s a cute touch but the mess it’ll create as you take each item out has you holding back a laugh.
of course, bokuto notices. “what that all about?” you can see the upturn of his lips even without looking at him. it’s practically etched into your brain (and you wouldn’t have it any other way). 
“what’s what all about?” you dust off your hands, the glitter sticking to anything and everything. another giggle escapes you while you try to confide the mess as best as possible.
“all that laughing!” he sulks out. in your peripheral, you see him pull a face. bottom lip gutting out and big golden hues growing impossibly bigger. “i wanna know what’s so fuuuunny!” 
it’s too much. the way the box messes just like him. the way hearts are practically glowing within his iris. the way your heart trembles with each playful teasing, every kissable pout, and little shy glimmers. with every drawn out compliant and booming laughter that shakes your whole body. you just can’t keep a straight face with bokuto. no matter how hard you tried.
“i’m laughing at you, silly!” it’s a sudden response that has him bending over in a joyous fit of guffaw too. it’s the kind of laugh you hear from afar but know exactly who it is. each item you pull out, bokuto tells a small story about why he got it. despite knowing him for years, you hadn’t known how sentimental he was. the same memories you played on repeat so late at night where the same ones he dreamed about. the thought makes you beam impossibly brighter somehow feeling impossibly lighter.
you unwrap a bracelet with a paper plane charm on it. “for when you told me you wanted to travel the world!” he beams. “wherever you go, you can add a charm thingy to it!”
latching the jewelry, it’s a perfect fit. the metal tingles at your skin with how cold the metal is. it makes you thing of how warm bokuto’s hands are and how he’d gladly help warm you up. reaching in more, there’s a bag of all your favorite treats, gift cards to your favorite restaurants and boba shops. pairs upon pairs of fuzzy socks (”i know how cold you can get! so i wanted to do somethin about that!”) with cute little comics and characters on it. there’s candles with your favorite scents laced into the wax. 
“oh my god. this is--” you’re speechless. “you’re amazing, kou. really this is just... amazing.”
it is in this moment, when the sun has finally set and low quality of the call perfectly captures his ethereal presence and beaming smile. the way pure admiration and warmth radiate off of him even through your phone screen makes you realize one thing. sure you’ve liked bokuto koutaro but... oh boy are you in for it now.
“amazing valentines for an amazing person.” you curse at the heat that spreads up your neck. he’s too sweet. too considerate. too... perfect.
rummaging through the wrapping, your hand hits one last thing in the box. you feel the petals first. it’s smooth under your touch. velvety with each on you pick at. the steam is the opposite, rough at the touch. some thorns hadn’t been cut properly so if you grabbed it fast enough, you would have gotten pricked.
“a single rose?” you eye the flower. the petals colored a fiery red that matches the way bokuto blushes. 
“yeah! it’s nice, right? i figured putting a buncha flowers in the box would be a little hard to get around so i opted for the better option. then again, i could have just... put it on top of the box, huh.”
“kou?” you try to cut into his rambling. 
“but then someone could’ve taken it, i suppose. then this while thing would have been ruined! and now you’re probably asking ‘well what thing would have been ruined. kou?’ i’m glad you asked!”
you didn’t but maybe saying that’ll ruin the moment that he so obviously worked hard to get to. the rambling he’s been doing for the past minute is a big indicator that he’s coming to a conclusion. swallowing down your laughter, your expression crinkles in question.
“i guess what i’m trying to say, bun, is... will you be my quarantine?” 
you would be stupid to say no.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 5 years ago
Summer Crushes
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A/n: so.....this gif screams camp counselor so I had too. It aint gonna be long but I had to do it (not thoroughly edited sryyyy) (should I start a general tag list? for like all my posts?)
Tagging: @hyunsunq​ @blueismacolour
Warnings: FREAKING FLUFFLY JISUNg with kids, like one or two curse words
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Y/n and Jisung are stuck in the middle of a problem, as well as about twenty rambunctious children. They both like each other but are kept apart by the strict rules of their summer jobs as camp counselors. How do they go about making sure their feelings are not overlooked?
Genre: non-idol au, romance, pure fluff, camp!au, camp counselor!au, college!au
Summer. Arguably the best season. The sun beat down on my shoulders as I ushered my little girls from the mess hall. This was the third summer I had worked as a camp counselor. It was a great way for me to earn money while my classes were out for the summer. 
“Ara, Hyejin, get  your backpacks girls!” I said corralling the two eight year olds back into the group. My walkie talkie went off notifying me the bus was pulling into the front of the campgrounds. 
“Hey! Y/n!” A voice called out to me from across the clearing. 
I turned with a smile, immediately recognizing the deep, smooth sound. “Jisung!” He smiled and jogged over to me, leaving his campers with our friend Chan. My heart skipped a beat seeing his bright smile and messy dusty blonde hair bouncing towards me. “Hi,” 
He looked me up and down before giving a quick wave to my campers. “Are you excited about the trip today?” He stood a step below me, his hands on his hips. We were taking the campers to an amusement part and then staying the night up in the mountains. 
“Yeah, I am!” 
Jisung smiled as a little girl pulled on my sleeve. He watched with happy eyes as I helped her tighten the straps of her backpack. “Did you get the seating chart for the bus?” He nodded and pulled a sheet out of his jeans pocket. 
His fingers brushed against mine as the paper traded hands. Jisung smirked seeing the blush on my cheeks when I quickly pulled away. It was no secret that we both liked each other. Jisung was a great guy. He was intelligent (most of the time), funny, and the best with kids. Jisung and I even attended the same college, we had discovered. 
The problem was, there was a strict rule against counselor fraternization. The camp was very serious about relationships between counselors. Jisung didn’t exactly make this the easiest rule to follow.
My eyes scanned over the chart and I felt Jisung’s stare on me, making my little girls whisper and giggle. “Why is my name scratched out in the front of the bus?” I asked. Did the office kick me off the trip? Jisung came up onto my step, leaning over my shoulder to read the paper. I tried to still my beating heart. 
“Oh- I think you were just moved. I’ll ask, Mr. Park.” He said in a happy voice, taking the roster back. “Buses are loading in twenty minutes!” He called over his shoulder. I watched Jisung’s form jog over to the front office. 
“Y/n, do you have a crush on Jisung?” One of the little girls asked, crossing her arms very sassily. I turned to find a militia of about nine eight year olds behind her. All of them waiting to hear a story about Jisung sweeping me off my feet, like a prince wielding a marshmallow stick sword. “One of the boys told me that Jisung likes you.” The girl said cocking her hip out.
Doing my best to stifle a laugh I crouched down to their level. In interest, they all leaned as if drawn to a magnet. “Promise not to tell anyone?” They all nodded, resembling little bobble-head toys. I nodded my head ‘yes’ and gave them a wink. The little girls squealed and cheered.
“Come on, girls. Let’s head to the bus.”
My feet pounded against the rocky uneven pavement as I did my best to keep up with the girls. When we finally reached the other end of camp we found some of the boys helping Chan load up the bus. 
“Hey, girls! Why don’t you give us your bags and get on the bus?” They squealed and handed off their things. Chan smiled at me and held his hand up for a high five. “Lia is already on the bus. Apparently, she’s taking the front station.” He said as my hand clapped against his. 
“Thanks, Chris!” With a smile, I managed to get the girls onto the bus with no bickering about seats. “Remember girls in the front and boys will be in the back!” I called. Lia reached up for a high five as I passed her seat behind the driver. 
“I’ll take attendance when the boys get on.” She said, setting up her pillow against the window.
After thanking her I shuffled through the tiny aisle to the middle of the bus. My hips bumping up against the sides of the seat, my body becoming a pinball. When I got to the middle of the bus I threw my bag and pillow into the two seats and looked across the row. A black bag and pillow with Doraemon on it lay in the window seat. A guitar case was tucked under the cushions of the bus seat as well. 
“So that’s why my name was crossed out from the front,” I whispered to myself. 
After a few minutes, a loud clunk shook the bus and little boys started stampeding past me. “Hey! Don’t run! I swear to god, Dongmin, if I have to put another freaking bandaid on you, there are gonna be no snack privileges for the rest of the day!” A familiar voice called out into the long vehicle. 
His familiar long fingers found a place on the seat in front in front of me. “Hey, cutie,” Jisung whistled down to me with a wink. He swung himself into the seat across from me. His legs being too long for the seat propped themselves onto mine across the aisle.
“You sneaky bastard.”
“Y//n there are children present,” Jisung said with a cheeky smile. We both ignored the sound of Lia calling roll as we stared at each other across the row. I brought my legs up onto the seat to sit cross legged, flinching as my bare leg brushed against the metal buckle of the seat. Smirking, my hands reached for his shoes and started untying his laces. “Yah- hey! Stop!” He said with a laugh trying to pull away.
When he finally managed to pull his feet back over, he sighed knowing he would have to untie a very difficult knot that joined his shoes together. I almost died laughing when the bus started moving and his head banged against the seat in front of him.
“Jisung, how long is the ride going to be?” A little boy asked peeking over my seat.
“About two hours,” I said, Jisung shooting me a playful glare. The little boy thanked me and I watched Jisung sit back up in his seat, putting his backpack between his legs. His hand placed itself on the empty seat beside him and his fingers drummed against the cushion. I laughed turning to the scenery flying past us. “Is that a hint or something?” 
“Just come sit with me already.” He whined. 
Jisung’s frown was replaced with a grin as I stood up, grabbing my pillow and started moving towards the aisle. Chan shot me a look from the back of the bus and then rolled his eyes with a smile. He couldn’t say anything without being a hypocrite. He was totally sneaking out after hours to see the cute girl who worked in Arts and Crafts.
The second my butt touched the seat Jisung’s arm wrapped around me pulling me into his side. “Could you be more obvious?” I asked quietly, looking up at him and hugging my pillow. An impish smile crept onto his lips and he shrugged before taking my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. In a feeble attempt to hide it, he just tucked them under my pillow and pulled my legs over onto his lap. “Jisung this doesn’t help at all.”
“It helps me.” He whispered in my ear, goosebumps crawling up my arms and legs. His thumb brushed over my knuckle sending a smile onto my face. The bus eventually quieted down. Nothing like a long drive that could knock out a few kids for an hour or two. “Did you sign up for classes yet?” Jisung asked, adjusting so his head rested against the window and I was leaning almost on his chest. 
I nodded, enjoying the way it felt to be with him. “I’m going to be doing full time next semester. Did you get the schedule you wanted?” He nodded and I could feel the rumble of a laugh in his chest. We kept our voices low so as not to wake the sleeping kids around us.
“I finally got all my core done last year so I can focus on stuff for my major and I have more time set aside for the studio.” 
It felt so easy to talk to Jisung. Like I had known him for years and not just a month or two. We talked about anything and everything. From our lives outside of the camp to the worst pizza place we had ever been too. Eventually, Jisung’s radiating warmth and his soft voice lulled me to sleep. He didn’t complain when I snuggled further into his chest. Soon, he followed me and rested his head against the window arm still around me and hand still tangled with my fingers.
Laughter filled the air as our group of twenty kids burst through the gates of an amusement park like cattle on a stampede. Chan raced to a bench the kids surrounding him. “Okay! We are going to split up into two groups! Lia and I will take half of you and Y/n and Jisung will take the other! Have fun guys and stay with your counselors!” Chan shouted through a microphone.
Jisung smiled at me from across the sea of eight year olds before making his way over. Our group of ten kids (five girls and five boys) surrounded us waiting for instructions. 
“Okay, everybody! Who’s ready to have fun?” Jisung cheered his eyes sparkling. A loud cheer erupted from our group and we headed off into the park. A little boy, whose name was Jihyun I believe, held onto my hand as we walked through the park. “Y/n,” Jisung called out. My heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of me.
One of the little girls from my group, Ara, clung to Jisung’s back, her arms around his neck. His hands securely held onto her legs as he carried her a bright smile on his face. “Y/n, should we go do games first or rides?” Stilling my heart, I pulled out the map I had gotten near the front.
“Let’s do games and then we can eat lunch.” He nodded before gleefully running with the kids towards the games. Jihyun and I ran to catch up. For the next hour, we watched the kids play all the carnival games and helped if we were needed.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Wanna play a game with me?” Jisung asked holding out his hand. His eyes lit up when I took it. “Come on,” The boy said, blonde hair bouncing as he tugged me across the walkway to a game booth.
“How many?” The attendant asked. Jisung pulled out his wallet and handed the man enough for six throws.
His hand brushed mine, intentionally of course, when he handed me the balls. I could see it in his eyes when our fingers touched. He motioned for me to go first. My first throw at the five stacked bottles was terrible. Jisung did his best not to laugh when I almost hit the attendant. The second throw knocked away two bottles.
I huffed in frustration. “You want help?” Jisung asked, already coming over behind me. His hand came over mine, the other on my waist. I turned my head, leaving only a few inches between his face and mine. “Y/n, I know I’m very attractive but you have to look at the bottles.” He teases. I was very tempted to elbow him in the stomach, but I like the feeling of Jisung holding onto me.
Jisung whispered in my ear how to best aim for my last shot. The ball left my hand and hit the center of the stack sending another two bottles flying. However, there was still one left standing. “Oh well,” I said with a shrug. Jisung’s hands slid away from my waist.
“Don’t worry, babe,” Jisung said sending a wink my way. He took three of the balls from the attendant and waited for him to reset the bottles. Jihyun ran over and held onto the back of my shirt. I smiled and patted his head before turning back to Jisung. He made a big show of rolling up his sleeves and blowing a kiss to me. His first shot powerfully flew through the center of the stack sending all but two bottles onto the floor. 
Jihyun and I cheered as Jisung readied his second throw. The muscles in his arm flexed as his hand let loose the ball. The bottles were sent crashing to the floor. Jisung did a little happy dance before he looked at the prizes. “Uhh...Give me that one up there, please.” He asked politely. 
The man got down the toy and Jisung turned to me with a cheeky smile. A blush spread across my cheeks when he handed me the teddy bear with a red bow tie. “For me?” I asked. He nodded his ears turning a little red when I took the prize with a happy smile.
“Can I get a little kiss in return?” He asked puckering his lips and closing his eyes. Jihyun laughed and covered his eyes. I turned around to see Ara and her friend giggling at the scene. 
His eyes shot open when I said ‘yes’. “Wait- what?” He stuttered, watching me step forward and place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Hey, kids! It’s time for lunch!” I called leaving Jisung standing by himself a blushing mess. 
The rest of the day was spent taking the kids on rides. Much to Jisung’s displeasure. I had no idea how afraid of rollercoasters he was until he clung onto me screaming for his life on the first ride. It was the swinging boat. I found it very cute though. 
With exhausted kids, we all boarded back on the bus to drive up into the mountains. Thankfully, it wasn’t a long trip. Jisung and Chan stayed behind to set up camp while Lia and I took the kids to watch the sunset. 
When we returned the boys had fully set up not only the kids and counselor tents but they had gotten a fire started as well. After a quick dinner, the kids sat around the fire while Jisung played his guitar. 
Our voices lifted up into the sky mingling with the stars as we sang along. Jisung looked over to me, sitting against a log with a sleepy Jihyun leaning on my shoulder. He smiled and continued to play more songs for the kids. 
Before it got too late and the bugs came out, Lia and I put all the kids in the tents and to sleep. Lia stayed with the kids, her eyes starting to close as she read them a story. Instead of remaining in the tent, I chose to go outside and clean up the campsite. 
My ears picked up on laughter coming from the boys' tent. I turned to see shadows dancing against the canvas and Jisung’s unmistakable voice floating into the mountain air. He was telling some dramatic story about a super kangaroo and a heroic squirrel saving the world from giant man-eating squid.
When the lights in both tents had been turned out I started to extinguish the campfire. The sound of a tent unzipping joined the symphony of crickets and wind. 
“Hey, don’t put it out just yet.” 
Jisung stepped out of the tent, almost tripping with his foot caught on the fabric. “Be careful,” I said between laughs. He carefully closed the tent and shuffled over to the campfire. He lowered himself onto the ground, resting his back against a log. “That was a cute story,” I said packing up some of the dinner supplies. 
“What story?” He asked, looking up at me with cute eyes.
“The one you just told the boys.” 
Jisung blushed, and lowered his head, his arms draping over his knees. “You heard that?” With a nod and a laugh, I sat next to him, our shoulders touching. After a moment Jisung pushed the heat away from his full cheeks. It took all my will power not to roll my eyes when he yawned and draped an arm over the back of the log, his hand brushing the other side of my shoulder.
“Oh...very smooth, Han.” 
“Can't go wrong with a classic.” He joked, stretching out one of his legs. 
I turned to find him already looking at me, the fire dancing in his eyes creating a new kind of glow. “You’re really good at playing the guitar,” I whispered, looking into his eyes.
“You have really beautiful eyes.” He said tilting his head, blonde hair falling in front of his dark brown stare. Goosebumps were crawling up my arms.
“You are really good with kids...” My voice trailed off at the end. I was unable to keep my gaze from drifting to Jisung’s plump lips, which were just barely lifted up into a smile.
“Your smile drives me crazy,” Jisung whispered, leaning closer to me. 
My teeth dragged over my lip, bringing his focus fully down to my mouth. “Jisung there is a rule about counselors dating.” He smiled knowing I was more trying to convince myself than him.
“Who said anything about dating right now? I was just going to kiss you.” 
My heart hammered against my chest. “You are such an idiot,” I said keeping our little staring game going. Jisung let out a breathy laugh leaning even closer.
“After camp ends can I be your idiot?”
“Can you possibly keep your hands to yourself for that long?”
He looked up at the sky, pretending to think. “You know what...I don’t actually know.” I laughed and tried to ignore the feeling of my heart jumping when his hand brushed over my shoulder. “Even if I couldn’t, I don’t think it would change your answer.” An impish smirk slid onto his lips. 
The same smirk from when we met at the beginning of the summer after he dumped an entire bucket of water balloons on me. The little mischievous smile sent butterflies flying in crazy patterns in my stomach. 
“Fuck it. Just kiss me already.” 
Impatiently I took his face in my hands and slammed my lips against his. The skin on his cheeks was soft, and I could feel the sharp line of his jaw under my hand as his lips danced over mine. Though I had made the first move, Jisung quickly took the lead.
My fingers played with the ends of his blonde hair when leaned and deepened the kiss. His lips dragged over mine at a painstakingly slow pace, sending my senses into overdrive. 
Jisung pulled away, his eyes fluttering open along with mine. He grinned keeping himself as close to me as possible. My hands slid back down to rest on his jaw.
“Yeah...I don’t think I can go all summer without that again.” Jisung leaned back in smiling against my lips through the kiss.
Requests are open my lovelies! Just send an ask!
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deepperplexity · 4 years ago
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Prompt: 6. Christmas Food
Request: @slytherinmagic38​ - "I have a request! Would you be open to writing a fanfic on Snape x Lily? They're my OTP... *^* Can it be super fluffly? >///< I live for the fluff XD"
A/N: So I got this request and I just had to make it a Snapemas fic since I got a fluffy idea regarding Snape cooking a whole Christmas dinner for Lily and their friends. This fic is a little OC (and AU) for many characters; you'll see ;) (Disclaimer! I am NOT good at fluff, sorry slytherinmagic38, but I will do my best!)
Setting: Spinner's End, Snape's House
Pairing: Snape x Lily
Word count: 3674
Warnings: Fluff, Love, Kissing
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // SNAPEMAS POST
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He had been slaving in the kitchen since the early hours of the morning. The house smelled of ham, turkey, gingerbread cookies, potatoes and all things good with Christmas food. He was so nervous he had barely gotten any sleep. Everything had to be perfect. Absolutely perfect. Because she was coming. Lily. Lovely, sweet Lily whom he had adored since the first day they met.
He smiled to himself as his cheeks turned a shade of scarlet red. Just the thought of her was enough to make him all giddy despite being an adult. Despite being nearly 24 years old. He was just a boy in love when it came to her.
The doorbell rang and his entire body went numb. He had just finished setting the table and had lit the last of the many candles that made the room shine in a warm glow. She's here, he thought to himself and hurriedly walked tot he door. He took a deep breath before he unlocked and open it.
There she stood, packed in thick clothes and while she held a pie in her hands. "Merry Christmas, Sev," she said happily and he smiled so wide his cheeks hurt. "Merry Christmas, Flower," he answered and stepped away from the opening so she could come in. Her smile was instantly wider and she handed him the pie before she closed the door behind her.
"It's so cold," she murmured as she took off her coat, hat, gloves, scarf and boots. "Well, it has been snowing." Severus just watched her with glittering eyes as she laughed. "True, true, at least it's nice and warm with you," she said and his heart fluttered at her words. Her cheeks a bit red - from the cold or the sweet words he did not know.
"Well, um, come in," he said as he fumbled for anything nice to say back, "feel free to heat up by the fire." He turned at those words and walked toward the kitchen. Her soft steps echoed behind him. "What have you been cooking? It smells divine!" Severus still smiled, just being close to her made him happy. Happy and content.
"Food," he murmured sheepishly and she laughed. It echoed all through the house and he loved that sound. "I know that, but what food Sev? What lovely creations have you come up with for us?" "Have a look," he said as they entered the kitchen and he placed the pie among a mountain of food - everything from the simplest of homemade bread to the most garnished turkey one could imagine.
Lily gawked, Severus held his breath. She turned towards him and closed her mouth as if she just had figured out it was open. He became nervous and fiddled with his fingers behind his back. "Is it not enough?" he asked as he ventured to look into her clear eyes. "Enough? Oh, Severus, it's far too much!" she gushed with a hand against her throat. "Guess I'm not used to cooking for more than one," he said, "I just, wanted you to have all the things you'd like." She smiled at him and laid her hand upon his arm. "This is more than I could ever want. Let's hope the others are hungry, so it doesn't go to waste." Severus nodded at her words but were totally lost in her twinkling eyes.
"Well, let's get cracking," Lily said as she rolled up her sleeves and rubbed her hands together in a joyous kind of way. Severus chuckled and did the same. "You really are a great cook," she said softly and her face seemed to turn a little red again. Severus felt the heat of a blush as well. "Thank- thank you," he murmured as his voice was a bit unstable from her proximity.
They moved all the food out to the table Severus had set up in the living room. He had clear the room as best he could to fit the giant piece of furniture with all the chairs that belonged to it. Lily bumped into him at times, or she reached across him to place a food item down. Every time she was close the faint smell of ginger, honey and summer wafted up to his nose and he nearly hummed in delight.
Severus tried his best not to touch her but he found himself accidentally touching her hand from time to time as they passed each other. While they each went for the pie in the kitchen the same thing happened again and the warmth of her made him shiver as it spread through him like the softest of summer breeze.
"Flower, I-" The doorbell rang and Severus nearly cursed at the damn sound. "That must be the others!" Lily exclaimed excitedly but her eyes lingered on him. A soft look and Severus felt the hammering in his chest yet again. "I-" The doorbell rang again and Severus sighed. "We'll talk later Sev," Lily said as she left to open the door after she gave him a quick pat on his upper arm. Warmth spread from where she had touched him for that single little moment in time.
Severus followed with a smile. Her red hair shined in the candlelight and he could not help but adore the dress she wore as it fitted her perfectly (and gave him a very fine view as well). She opened the door and a chorus of Christmas wishes exploded in the tight hallway as it filled up with people Severus had invited. Mostly to make Lily happy but also because he was rather happy he had friends. Sure they hadn't started off as friends, rather the opposite but as he had changed, thanks to Lily among others, so had they.
"I'm starving!" Sirius roared. "Oy, oy, hold on a minute," Remus chuckled as he came up behind the man. "Yeah Padfoot, let us at least get inside!" James hollered with a chuckle and Sirius made a fainting gesture as he groaned. Severus chuckled and Lily laughed. It was the most wondrous sound for him. "You can hang your coats there," Severus said as he pointed with open palm towards the wardrobe that he had nearly emptied for the coming guests ease. "Will do," Remus said with a smile and Severus smiled back.
As the men filed in Severus looked outside, to see if Peter were joining as well. But he could not see him. Or the other guests he had invited. As much as he and the Marauders were friends (again, thanks to lovely Lily) he had also invited his own friends. And, a person of high meaning to Lily - despite the fact that he did not quite enjoy that person's company. And he had only had word that very morning that she would indeed join them - with the words 'only for my sister' dashed out at the end of the muggle Christmas card.
"SIRIUS BLACK you hold on just a minute!" Lily's voice rang out with mocked sternness and Severus closed the door and headed towards the living room where the noise came from. He found a rather funny scene on the other side of the wall. Sirius was frozen mid-air with his hands over the freshly baked bread Severus had made. Lily with her hands on her hips stared at him and he looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The other’s were snickering as they shook their heads.
"The food is for all of us, you mut!" The word was said with love and Sirius mocked a howl. "But, the doggie is starving Lil!" he said with a pleading voice and Lily shook her head. "It's quite alright, take one Sirius," Severus said with a short nod. Sirius beamed and winked at Lily before he snagged a piece fo the bread that was dusted with varying seeds and coated in honey.
"You are utterly hopeless," Lily whined as Sirius gulped down the bread with a grin. Severus came up behind Lily and placed his hand ever so gently on the small of her back. She looked up at him and smiled. It was a soft smile, filled with joy and tender feelings. Severus's knees shook a bit as he could not help but feel utterly smitten and frankly in love with the woman. "And you spoil him, Sev," she said with a slight tsk but nonetheless kept her smile. "It's that or whining until the others arrive." Lily nodded, seemingly pondering on something.
The doorbell rang yet again, just loud enough to be heard over the laughter and Christmas carols that blurted from the little radio in the window. Severus were reluctant to move as Lily had sat down right next to him and their knees were softly pressed against each other; despite the fact that she had plenty of room on the couch she chose to sit right next to him.
With a slight sigh Severus got up, "I'll see who's joining us." He walked out of the room as the other continued their conversation on new spells and the possible uses for them in humorous ways. Severus stalked over to the door and opened it. "Mewy 'wistmas!" rang out as little Draco, merely four years old, beamed up at him. "Merry Christmas Draco," Severus said and crouched to his level, "what have you got there?" "'oockies!" He said happily and stretched the little box towards Severus, "Fo' eve'yone." Severus smiled and thanked the little boy before he rose again and Draco went inside; as he eagerly shed his coat, hat, gloves and boots.
"We apologies, we couldn't find a sitter for him," Narcissa said, with a gentle smile. "That's quite alright, I believe Lily will be rather happy. Merry Christmas," he said and Narcissa smiled wider. "Merry Christmas, Severus." "Yes, Merry Christmas indeed," Lucius said with a chuckle as laughter and cooing could be heard from the living room. The Marauders were not quite friends with the couple but they all were friendly enough and James quite often discussed work (the fun parts) with Lucius as they were tightly connected being in the same department at the Ministry.
"I hear the cavalry is here?" Lucius drawled and Severus nodded with a tight smile. "Oh Lucius, stop it," Narcissa chided with a light pat on his shoulder. Lucius smiled at his wife and Severus could not help but wonder if he and Lily could ever have such a relationship. A marriage between them. He pushed the thought away, he was already nervous as it was.
"This way," Severus said and led the couple into the living room where Draco already ran around and played with all of the present people. Lily was the favourite, obviously. Severus looked as Draco told Lily all about the cookies he and his mother had baked for everyone. Lily cooed and praised him for his hard work. Draco beamed at her, as only a happy child could. But Severus only had eyes for Lily. She beamed nearly just as bright and his chest tightened with love for the woman.
"So, are we all here? Can we dig in?" Sirius said as he clapped his hands together with a grin. "We-" started Lily but Severus interrupted her. "Flower, we are not all here yet," he said softly with a tender smile only for her. She looked puzzled while she looked between him and the table as it was set for eight people (since he had a hunch Peter would not arrive as he had heard not the slightest sound from the man). "Draco needs a place to sit, he was not planned." Lily smiled, but still looked puzzled. "We are really sorry, Severus," Narcissa said in a hushed tone. Severus waved his hand. "Nonsense, the boy is a joy," he said with a smile to both Narcissa and Lucius whom both smiled back at him. Obviously relieved.
"Who are we waiting for then?" Lily asked as she was rearranging the table setting. Severus smiled fondly towards her. "That, sweet Flower, is for you to see when-" and the doorbell rang again, "well, there we go," Severus declared before he rushed towards the door so as Lily would not beat him to it.
He opened it swiftly with a smile as he did not wish to make the relationship with Petunia any more strained than it already was. She was a, well, not very likeable woman to be frank. But he tried, by Merlin did he try. "Mrs Dursley," he said and gave her a gentle nod. She huffed. "Petunia is fine," she muttered as she took off her gloves with quite the show. "Petunia," Severus uttered as he stepped out of her path to allow her access to his home. Even if he didn't really enjoy the idea of it. For Lily, this is for Lily, he thought so as not to sneer at the woman as she hung her coat and changed her shoes to a pair of low heels.
"Sev, who- Tuni!" Lily screamed with glee as she rushed past Severus and took her sister in her arms. Petunia smiled as she petted Lily's back and Severus could not help but smile as well. They were opposites but they loved each other dearly. "Oh Lily, honestly, we saw each other just two weeks ago," Petunia spoke with a huff but seemed rather happy her sister was so excited to see her. "That was two weeks ago, and not at a Christmas dinner!" Petunia simply huffed and remained quiet.
"What's going on? We're starving back here!" Sirius called as he strolled into the hallway. "We're all here now," Severus said, "Petunia was the last one." "Well thank Merlin! Let's eat!" Sirius was gone before anyone had time to utter a word.
Severus had been kind enough to tell Petunia who would be joining them so the woman had obviously prepared herself as she didn't sneer or comment on Sirius behaviour. After all, they all knew each other quite well. Well, most likely she knows all of them deeper than they know her. Such a private person, Severus thought as he followed the sisters into the living room where Petunia actually looked pleasantly surprised by all the decorations and the splendid looking food.
"Well then, let's get seated," Severus said and pointed towards the table with an open palm as he waited for all of them to take a seat where ever they wanted. He would take whatever seat available, but he hoped to be next to Lily.
He ended up at the head of the table, Lily to his right and Narcissa to his left. He was quite happy with that. On the right side were Lily, Petunia, Remus and Sirius. On the left sat Narcissa, Draco, Lucius and then James. All were chatting and eating. All seemed happy and content. Severus made sure everyone's glasses were full and asked if anyone wanted anything that was not at the table. Draco, the little picky-eater, said he wanted apples. Sliced apples. Severus chuckled and headed off to the kitchen.
As he was slicing a green apple muffled steps were heard. He turned to see Lily, with a smile and an empty wine bottle in her hand. "Have any more, Sev?" "Top right cupboard," he said with a jerk of his chin. She walked past him, her elbow graced him as she placed the empty bottle on the counter and he stilled for a moment.
"I know you invited her for my sake," Lily said as she stood next to him. "Obviously," Severus stated as he moved the apple slices into a little bowl with a red Christmas pattern on it. "Severus," Lilly whispered as she placed her slender hand on top of his, "that was very sweet." He stilled, a gentle warmth spread through him and he turned his hand to take hers in his. "Anything for you, Flower." The whisper was soft and hushed. His heart hammered as their fingers intertwined.
"How long are you going to keep me waiting?" Lily asked and Severus jerk his head up only to be met with her loving eyes tenderly looking back at him. "Pardon?" "Oh Sev, we've been at this for a year now. Why haven't you asked me out yet?" Severus swallowed as his knees shook a tad. Everything went so still and quiet as she gazed at him longingly. He was out of words. And air. He sucked in a huge gulp as he noticed he really wasn't breathing.
"I didn't know- I wasn't sure-" he rambled as her hand squeezed his gently. "You know Sev, don't be so insecure. You know I'm in love with you." Severus's eyes turned wide and he blushed scarlet. Lily giggled sweetly. "Okay then, Severus, will you go out with me?" she said as the giggles had died down and he just stared at her for a long moment.
"Yes," was the only word that left his lips as he breathed out. She smiled and before he even had a chance to react she had kissed his cheeks softly. "Come on, they're waiting," Lily said and Severus nodded as he were afraid his voice would break if he spoke. So he followed her, a bowl of apple slices in his hand and a bottle of wine in her hand, as they walked back tot he living room and the guest's who were laughing and talking loudly.
An odd feeling swept in over Severus as he handed the bowl to Draco. It was warm and soft. Safe and joyfully. He was, well, he was happy. Truly happy. He had friends, he had loved ones and he had what could be described as a family. Something he had barely dared to hope for. But there he was, hosting a Christmas dinner in his home with Lily by his side and friends all around the table that was covered in the food he had cooked. Surrounded by Christmas decorations and laughter. Now, now I do sort of understand all that talk about family. And friends. Of its importance. No one should live without this. The thoughts were silent yet he smiled warmly as Lily grabbed his hand atop the table and squeezed it again.
"Finally!" Remus shouted and everyone went utterly still and quiet as Remus never spoke with such raised voice (unless he was bantering with Sirius that is). Everyone looked at the smiling werewolf who seemed wickedly pleased. "Maybe now you can shut up about him not asking you out," he said with a grin towards Lily who blushed deeply.
All eyes turned to them and Severus stiffened but Lily held his hand firmly and with a theatrical show she lifted his hand and kissed his knuckles as she smiled so broadly all her white teeth were flashed after the kiss. "Maybe you should make your own Christmas miracle to, Remus?" she chuckled and the looks she gave him told everyone at the table that Lily and Remus had a secret. Severus appeared to be the only one who noticed the slight glance Remus gave Sirius. As if he just darted around with his eyes. But Severus saw that look instantly and knew what it meant.
"What miracle?" Sirius asked with his mouth full of chicken. Severus could not help but internally laugh at Petunias aghast expression at the man's table manners. "Oh hush, don't speak with your mouth full," Remus chided and Severus chuckled as Lily shook her head. "What?" Sirius asked, baffled, "tell me about this miracle!" he raved as he chewed but nobody said anything. Remus simply smiled softly as he shared a look with Lily who gave a just as soft smile back.
"It was lovely Severus," Narcissa said as Draco hung over her shoulder in a deep slumber. "I'm glad you came," he answered. "So are we," Lucius interfered and Severus smiled at the both of them. "We are happy for you, dear Severus, truly." Narcissa smiled at him and he nodded in thanks. "Have a safe trip." "Thank you for the food and company, it was enjoyable." Lucius shook Severus's hand and then they were on their way. Just like Remus, Sirius and James had been a moment earlier.
In the living room - the very messy living room - sat Petunia and Lily. Both held a glass of wine each and they chatted quietly but happily. Severus lingered in the door frame for a moment. Just to look at her, lovely Lily. Such beauty, he thought and that warmth spread even further through him.
At that moment, Lily looked up and smiled at him. "Come join us, Sev." She beckoned him with a wave of his hand. He summoned a glass of fire whiskey as he walked towards the women and sat down in the chair opposite them. "Lily tells me you did all the cooking?" Petunia said and he voice was not quite so stuffy as it usually was. "Indeed, I did." "It was lovely." Severus arched a brow in surprise at the praise that came from Petunia. "Well look at that, another Christmas miracle," Lily giggled and Severus chuckled as Petunia smiled with an ever so slight blush to her pale skin.
"You will look after her, won't you?" Petunia's voice was soft yet stern and Severus nodded. "Pfft, more likely I'll look after him," Lily giggled and Severus chuckled yet again. "Flower, I believe you are right." Petunia seemed happy with the words so none of them pressed the matter further. Severus assumed the sister had spoken just between themselves about the whole thing before he arrived. He was just happy that Petunia seemed a bit more accepting and the fact that Lily had asked him to go out with her.
"Well, I should get going." Petunia stood as she spoke. "Already?" Lily pouted and Petunia gave a tense smile. "We'll see each other in a few days for Christmas." Lily nodded at that and Petunia's gaze drifted over to Severus. "You are welcome too," she said, "if you want. But there will only be muggles there so no magic." Severus nodded. "It would be a delight," he said and he actually meant the words. No, he did not fancy Petunia, or her large husband Vernon and the spoiled child of theirs, but he was happy to have been invited. Happy to have been somewhat accepted as Christmas was a rather huge event in the muggle world.
"I will see you both promptly at eleven then," Petunia said as she walked towards the hallway. Both Severus and Lily followed. "Yes, Tuni," Lily said with a smile, "promptly at eleven." "Anything we should bring?" Severus asked and Petunia pondered for a moment as she took her coat, hat, gloves and scarf. "That bread was quite lovely," she said and Severus smiled with a nod. "I will bring some freshly baked. Have a safe trip," Severus said and left the sister to say their goodbyes in private.
A few moments later the door closed and Severus drank the last of the fire whiskey as Lily stepped into the living room again. She curled up on the couch and looked at him. He looked right back at her. "So, nothing to say?" she asked and he felt as though she was trying to get at something specific. "No, I do not believe so," Severus said with a raised brow. Lily sighed and shook her head. "Nothing at all?" "No?"
It took a moment of silence. Severus turned deathly pale. His back was stiff as a rod. His hands were slightly damp with sweat and his heart pounded so harshly in the confinement of his chest that he feared it might have popped out if it could have done so. She's in love with me, was the only thought that crossed his mind.
"You love me?" he asked. His voice was so low and shaky, it was nearly audible. Lily beamed at him. "I do," she said with a small nod. She didn't move as Severus seemed to rearrange something. The world perhaps. "But, that can't be right?" "Oh, why ever not?" "Because I'm-" "The most handsome and loving man I have ever met? True." Lily's words came so fast he had no time to speak. "The most brilliant and most gentle man I have ever met? Also true." She waltzed over to him as she continued to speak loving words of adoration and for every syllable that left her lips, he felt something in his chest expand.
"Severus, you always look down on yourself. Why can't you just see how wonderful you are and let me love you?" Lily asked as she sat down in his lap and laid her hands on his shoulders as his arms instinctively wrapped around her. "I love you," he whispered softly and she smiled as her fingers caressed his jaw. "I love you too." Her lips graced his cheek tenderly.
"What do you say about skipping the whole dating ordeal and just love each other?" Severus swallowed yet nodded at her words. "Flower," he murmured and as some sort of courage surged threw him he kissed her soft lips tenderly as her hands cradled his face and his arms pressed her towards him. The smell of Christmas food and her filled his nose and he loved every moment of time she gave him. Just as he loved her lips on his. Christmas miracle indeed...
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So this turned out to be a long fic but I just couldn't stop myself. I'm not good at short stuff and I felt this had the potential to be "dragged out a bit" so to speak. Lily is not a character I enjoy shipping with Severus personally BUT this was fun to write and I love to take creative liberty with characters like this. Make love where there is supposed to be hate according to canon.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one and that it was up to scratch both as a Snapemas fic and a request despite my rather poor skills in writing fluffy stuff xD ^^
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // SNAPEMAS POST
Tags: @lizlil​ @snapefiction​ Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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liafics · 5 years ago
pairing: requested fluff dominic x reader
warning: unprotected sex, slight mention of body image issues 
a/n: first time writing fluffly smut (yes i’m that kinky lmao) so i hope y’all think its cute - also, guess what? tumblr is still glitching and not showing my posts under their tags lmao
masterlist request smut prompts
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y/n stood in front of her mirror. it was unexpected, she never thought the insecurities would resurface again. but they have. it’s not something she’s open about. people are typically so quick to shut the conversation down with empty compliments, it makes y/n’s feelings seem invalid. and that just makes it worse. that speck of insecurity lingered in her brain, and was amplified by what she saw in the mirror. 
to her dismay, dominic entered their bedroom. she was in her everyday cotton panties and bra, suddenly feeling that she’s been getting a bit careless with her appearance lately.
“what’s that sad face for, my love?”
she spun around, startled to hear his voice as he caught her in a rather sensitive and private moment. y/n felt too exposed and embarrassed at that moment. she shot him a small forced smile as she reached for her sweater laying on their bed.
“baby, what’s the matter?” dominic softly asks, as he walked to her and stopped y/n from leaving the mirror’s reflection.  he wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head, as they both stared into their reflection together. dominic held her tightly, just enough to feel a sense of protection from his grasp, but y/n’s eyes were filling up with tears. at that sight, she instantaneously felt inferior to other women, almost undeserving of dominic.
dom’s face softened as he caught a glimpse of her tears slowly streaming down her face. he could tell her mind was wandering off to some dark place. she sighed, realising that it’s time to properly voice her insecurities. she trusts dom, but it’s still difficult to express what she is embarrassed about.
“…i just don’t like my reflection, pretty sure you don’t either” she murmurs.
he jerked back from y/n. she thought that such movement confirmed her suspicions, but then he spoke up.
“you see your thighs?” dominic questions.
“well, when i look at them i can see all the moments i’ve laid my head on your lap, as you played with my hair to comfort me. you’re so loving, y/n.”
y/n looks down to the floor with a small smile, her boyfriend still manages to make her blush.
“and your waist, oh god. i absolutely love how effortlessly my hands can lay on your body and hold you. we just fit together.”
how can he be so fucking adorable. at this point, y/n lets go of any tension in her body. she didn’t even realise until she finally relaxed.
“your eyes, y/n. i love how they light up whenever your excited for something. i love seeing your heart through them whenever you look at me. look at us baby, we look so beautiful together, and that’s because you are drop dead gorgeous.”
they remained facing the mirror for a while. y/n’s sad tears are now replaced with sweet happy tears.  she finally turned and faced him directly, their lips met as they expressed their love for each other. it was gentle, yet passionate. y/n’s heart couldn’t be filled with any more love. their kiss grew more heated, as dominic pulled her closer against his body. his hands subtly reached out to her back, to unclasp her bra.
“let me show you how much I truly love your body, baby.” dominic softly whispered against her lips.
he picked her up, carrying her across the room to the bed, laying her down gently. blood rushed to her face, as he played around with the waistband of her panties, before slowly pulling them down. dominic could tell she was feeling nervous. he leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek, followed by her lips. he slowly moved down to her neck, leaving soft warm kisses. then, he kissed across her collarbones, leaving a trail down her chest. he placed a soft kiss on each breast, the blush on y/n’s cheeks deepening into a redder tone.
“i definitely love these” he chuckled. he took a nipple in his mouth, sucking it gently, as his hand played and softly tugged on the other one. y/n let out a small whimper, her body arching towards dom’s mouth. he pulled away, his hands roaming down her body as he looked into her eyes. he loved this type of physical intimacy.
“i’m glad you told me about this. it gives me even more motivation to show you how truly beautiful you are.”
his kisses travelled downwards, placing kisses on each side of your hips. her legs inadvertently opened, earning a smirk from dominic. his hands gently laid on her thighs, as his tongue grazed over her core. it was incredibly delicate. she could feel his mouth lightly sucking and teasing her clit, just enough to get her more comfortable. y/n’s soft moans filled the room, and she could feel him smirk against her core. dom reached for her face again, kissing y/n as tenderly as possible as he slowly slid into her, causing her to instantly gasp at the sensation. y/n was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t even realise that dom had undressed himself. this was a kind of gentle intimacy that was almost too vulnerable. but it felt too right.
she held onto dom, her legs wrapping around his waist to bring their bodies even closer. y/n could feel every thrust deeper inside her, as her nails marked dominic’s back. her shy timid noises were getting louder, as she felt herself tighten against him. he buried his face into her neck, his groans sending vibrations all the way down her spine. dom pushed y/n’s legs further up his sides, granting deeper access into her. he watched her, slowly becoming breathless yet managing to repeatedly murmur his name. she felt him tense over her body, as he pinned her wrists down whilst he released into her. the pressure on her body was becoming overwhelming, as y/n felt herself tighten around dominic and coming apart, not too long after him.  dominic laid on her chest for a while, both with a huge smile on their faces.
“you’re beautiful beyond belief, y/n.” dom murmurs, as he traced little shapes on her skin.
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mortallydeliciouschaos · 4 years ago
Highlights of 2020
I was tagged by @maddiesup, thank you so much! I’m so glad you though of me! Quickly before it’s 00:00 where I live lol
list your top 10 shows (bl or not) you watched in 2020 (doesn’t necessarily have to be shows that came out in 2020 though!)
tag at least 10 people you appreciated this year
tag 10 more people to continue the tag
Let’s do this y’all!
Top 10 shows
1. #GayaSaPelikula (Like in the movies)
Ngl, it’s one of the best shows I’ve watched this year. The struggle of coming out and ofcourse the struggle of finding yourself was beautifully displayed. Also, Gav breaking down had me in tears, I compare to him in quite some aspects so it hit close to home. The music is amazing and I listen to the playlist almost daily. BUT THE QUOTES! The ending quotes, they are one of my favourite quotes ever.
1. Let’s make room for those who’ve lost their sense of home.
2. You are entitled to a love that lets you dance without fear or shame.
3. You own the rights to your own truth.
I can’t wait for season two!
2. Where your eyes linger
It was the first Korean BL I watched and I’m sad that the full show was only 80 min in total! To be honest I wanted to see so much more of both of them and I’ll rewatch it so many times in 2021 too, I already know. The bestfriend but also master-servant dynamic and just all of them as a cast hold my heart. I hope to see many more good bl’s from Korea in 2021!
3. Cherry Magic
I kind of finished the year with Cherry Magic! And if that wasn’t an amazing ride! The characters, the setting the fact that it wasn’t just another teenager love story but actually a bit more mature. Also seeing ‘older’ characters still struggle with insecurities and anxiety is such a refreshing thing to view. This had made me much more excited for other Japanese BL’s that are still on my watching list! ALSO Kurosawa being a cutie and just wanting Adachi to be happy and Adachi trying to get out of his comfort zone it’s just- amazing. The show was truly magical. (I’d share my watching list but it’s 100+ shows so maybe some other time y’all)
4. TharnType: 7 years of love
I love the first season of TT a lot so I was low-key counting down the days until the second season came for all of us. (as a fan I of course do see the toxic parts but that’s also for maybe another post sometime, probably not lol) But I was excited to see how they unfold the rest of the show in 2021 and I love what we’ve had so far. I mean I do get annoyed quite a few (Fiat ngl) but the sweetness (and hotness, I mean who are we kidding) from Tharn and Type I love it a lot!! I can’t wait to rewatch it a million times when it’s finally ended. Can’t wait!
5.  My Engineer
As much as I started watching for Bohn and Duen, I stayed for Ram and King. Their dynamic is amazing and even though they’re not the main couple they have way more depth to their relationship that I had expected there to be. I truly fell in love with King as a person (got so obsessed that I bought a bag similar to his). Ram doesn’t deserve the struggles he has to go through. I can’t wait to see how all of their stories (not only RamKing’s) will unfold in the new year. I hope so see so much more of all of their faces and I’ll keep an eye out for their other projects in this upcoming year.
6.  Strong Woman Bong Soon
Not a BL but what a show, I actually started this show in 2019 once and a few minutes in I lost all attention and couldn’t find a motivation to continue watching but when I started this year the pilot had me wanting to know what would happen and I also didn’t expect to fall face first for our one and only In Kook-Doo (Ji Soo). If you haven’t watched it yet, I hope it will come on your watch list because it only took me 2 to 3 days to finish it because it’s so good. Do not start watching it if you have more important things to do (test, deadlines, etc) cuz you might not actually finish.
7. The Prince of Tennis
I watched it earlier this year and then rewatched it at the end of the year and I still loved it so much. I tend to like sport anime’s quite a bit, and this is actually a ‘live-action’ version of an anime and I fell in love with all of it. The characters, their quirks and all of their ‘powers’ and ‘moves’, I always go quicker through the show than I think and then it’s over so quickly :( Still, if you like sports anime (free, haikyuu, etc) check it out!
8. 2gether (& Still2gether)
2gether is the epitome of fluff and even though it holds a dash of angst and a lot of amazing character development. I had a smile on my face the most of the time I was watching this show. And Still2gether was one of the best surprises for me this year, extra episodes in the same year? More of my fluffly bois? My angry-I-stab-you-boi and puppy-boi facing challenges and overcoming them? The KISSES? Yes. I don’t have much to say other than, it was good and I do hope to see more of both Win and Bright, I hope as a couple in the show ngl, soon but I’ll support them either way. I wish them so much succes and love.
9. Ingredients
Ingredients was a show I saw quite a bit of on tumblr, and we all know, if your mutuals watch it, put it on you list! So it got on my list the beginning of 2020 but I actually started watching it more towards the end and I fell in love with both of the characters and all of the support characters too, I hope to see much more cuteness from both of them and I can’t wait for other episodes. Also why are the episodes only so short? I want more of my bois :D
10. I’m Tee, Me Too
Not a BL, but I love the characters and they are THE pillars of GMMTV so I had high hopes. And my hopes were met. A great show and even though the actors didn’t play the others romantic interest you could still see the amazing dynamic all of them had together. If you want to laugh (with a dash of angst for character development) then this is such a good show for you to watch!
People I appreciated this year!
so many people, I love you all so much! (sorry if I forget you :()
@the-speediest-boi @sarawatism @negrowhat @incorrect-tharntype @kindaanartblog @leeairisu @lovelysunshine96 @zaintseeme @cu-tine @mewsuppasit
Thank you guys for making this year amazing and bringing so much joy to me <3
It’s been floating around tumblr for awhile so consider yourself tagged if either I already tagged you as a person I appreciated or if you want to fill it in anyway!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope all of you stay safe and healthy this new year! Let’s all work together so we can do much more later :) I love all of you and I hope all of your loved ones also stay safe <3
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angelic-holland · 6 years ago
First Instagram
Summary: Tom visits you in New York before heading back to London, and you two go public.
Warnings: fluffly fluff fluff, feelings, smut (a wee bit)
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I know I said these would be blurbs but apparently I don’t know how to write short things, peep the rest of the series in my masterlist (linked in bio). Enjoy!
“Missed you,” Tom says, face nuzzling into your neck in the doorway of your apartment, bag forgotten on the floor. 
“Missed you too, how are you? How was California?” You ask, pulling him into your apartment.
“It was so great, had a really good time on the talk shows and interviews and such. I know you gotta catch up on the movies but I think you’ll like this one,” he says, detaching his arms from your waist for a second to grab his bag and close the door behind him. 
“You know, I watched Spiderman Homecoming, the other day,” you say as Tom’s arms wrap back around your waist. You squeal as he lifts you up, kissing you as your arms steady yourself on his shoulders. 
You missed Tom, you missed his voice, you heard it often on FaceTime and through calls but something about having him here, in person, was almost like a sensory overload. 
His warmth, his scent, his voice. His everything. 
“Wanna see your tattoo!” Tom all but shouts against your lips, his eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas as he sets you down and you take his hand in yours, guiding him to your bedroom and tugging down your shorts nonchalantly as you sit on the bed. 
His eyes grow impossibly wider and his lips turn up into a smile, his tongue between his teeth as he kneels on the ground. 
You sit up with your arms resting behind you, shivering as his hands rest on your knees, spreading your thighs further. 
It wasn’t sexual, sure, it’s been a solid three weeks or so since you’ve seen him and you couldn’t wait to ride him until you couldn’t anymore, but there was an innocent twinkle in his eyes as they roam up your thigh to the small Spiderman face resting on the outer edge of your upper thigh. 
“Can I touch it?” He asks, big brown eyes looking up at you, gentle fingers gliding around it.
“It’s still healing, you can touch it the next time you see me sport.”
“Sport?” He laughs, cheek resting against your thigh. 
“I’ve been, ahh,” you gasp as his lips trail up your leg, leaving soft kisses in his wake, “I read the Great Gatsby, sport.”
“Isn’t that what Gatsby calls Nick?” He asks, and you don’t even realize his lips are inches away from your red lace panties until you look down at him.
“Yeah, Nick has a huge gay crush on him.”
“That’s not in the movie.”
“What? Tobey McGuire does a pretty good job at it if you ask me,” you say, voice softer now as his hands rest on your hips, fiddling with the band of your underwear under your Tattoo Dice T-shirt. 
“I guess the book might be different,” he sighs.
“You could listen to the audiobook of it,” you suggest, knowing he doesn’t like reading.
“Maybe I’ll give it a try, sport.”
You collapse, literally onto the bed in a fit of giggles, which pulls Tom to laugh against you, the vibrations against you making you moan. 
“What’s so funny?” He asks as he climbs onto your bed, wincing as it squeaks underneath both of your weights. 
“No, just, funny, having a casual conversation while you’re sitting like that between my legs.”
“I quite enjoy being between your legs,” he smirks, nose nudging your hair out of the way so he can kiss your neck.
After a few heated rounds filled with passionate kisses, miss you, miss you more’s, and several orgasms, you collapse on top of Tom, his fingers drawing patterns on your sweaty back as you both catch your breath.
“Harry wants us to go to the Coney Island place with him tonight.”
“It’ll be packed.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, lips ghosting along yours.
“And people will know who you are.”
“Mhm,” He mumbles against your lips, tongue gently meeting your own.
You kiss lazily for a few minutes as you think.
You could go with them, get noticed with Tom, everyone would know you’re a couple. They’ve already seen pictures of you leaving the club that fateful night, but nothing was ever confirmed, nothing was ever brought up again really. But as you kissed, eyes peeking open and looking at the beautiful man underneath you, feeling his strong arm around your waist, his cool fingers against your back, you thought, what the hell? 
You pull away from his lips, “let’s do it.”
“Yeah? We can tell people we’re boyfriend and girlfriend?” He asks, voice rising in excitement.
“Yeah dork, we can tell people you’re my boyfriend, now let’s shower and get ready, I wanna meet your brother.”
“So this is the very special girl Tom talks about, nice to meet you,” Harry grins as the two of you get into the car. You insisted the subway would be easier but Tom said Harry hated the feeling of the New York City subway.
“Well you’re not living until you’ve been shoved up against a million people in the subway,” you laugh but agree, this was much nicer. 
“Ever been to Coney Island?” You ask and Harry shakes his head.
“It’s on my bucket list to try the hotdogs there, What’re they called?” Harry asks, camera hanging out the window.
“Nathan’s? They’re the best,” you sigh, head resting against the window on your side, Tom’s hand resting on your thigh, drawing smiley faces into your thigh around the Spiderman.
“Harry I expect like a million photos of tonight, gotta find one worthy of Instagram,” you say, and the brothers laugh.
“Don’t worry, I document like everything, you’ll get plenty of teeth rotting cute pictures of the two of you,” Harry teases and you all laugh.
On your way in to get tickets for rides, a few people recognized Tom and you happily stood back and watched as he took pictures with the fans, talking to them animatedly about the movie.
“This happen a lot?” You ask Harry as he takes pictures of the sunset. 
“All the time,” he laughs.
The rest of the night is much of the same, you’re grateful nobody’s decided to mob you.
Harry practically drools over the hot dog.
You and Tom go on the Cyclone, an old wooden roller coaster, Harry hangs back to take some pictures of the nightlife.
As you are strapped into your seat your hand grips his arm tightly.
“I’m not scared,” you say straight away. 
You were.
“Oh good, because I’m a little scared,” Tom laughs, hand covering your own.
You glance at him and he’s got a frightened little smile on his face and he might actually be scared. 
“Alright, we can be scared together,” you laugh as the coaster starts to move. 
And you grip his arm right and you’re both screaming and laughing the entire way. You glance over once during the ride as you go up one of the larger peaks, the sun was setting but it shone across Tom’s face, illuminating his slight tan and the few freckles that dotted his cheeks. He looked beautiful, and you wanted to shout it from the rooftops for the whole world to hear. 
“You’re beautiful,” you whisper as the coaster pauses at the top. 
“Huh?” He asks, eyebrow quirked as he looks at you.
“I said,” you start before the coaster tips and you’re falling, fast and hard, heart thudding against your chest, dropping down the jump and screaming, Tom’s screams a comfort to your ears. 
As you race along the track back to where you started your grip doesn’t lessen, you’re still falling. Thud thud thud, goes your heart.
“You’re beautiful,” you say, wriggling your eyebrows as you unfasten the restraints from the ride.
“Why thank you, darling, shall we go find Harry?”
You nod, and he helps you up, hand clasping in your own, swinging between you as you walk out of the ride area.
Tom and you are playing at one of those carnival games, where you toss the darts and if you pop a balloon, you win a prize. He at first tried to insist that he could win it for you, that huge stupid teddy bear on the top shelf. 
After a few tries he let you play with him and you joke that you’ll win in one go. You don’t. 
“Alright, you guys tried your best, how about pick anything from the bottom shelf?” The man running the booth says, gesturing to the small teddy bears and trinkets.
“Whatcha think princess? You want the teddy bear?” Tom asks, hands wrapping around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder as you look over the prizes you could get.
“I think so,” you nod, and the man grabs one for you, handing it to you.
You hold it tight to your chest, “what’s his name?”
“Hmm, why don’t we name him sport?” He laughs and you gasp.
“It’s perfect!”
“Can we go check out the water?” Harry asks.
“My feet hurt from walking everywhere,” you grumble, hoping to call it a night.
“Here, your chariot awaits,” Tom says, turning around and holding his hands out.
“What you want to do? Give me a piggyback ride?”
“Hop up princess,” he says and you grip your new teddy bear tighter in one hand as you jump, his hands catching your thighs with ease as you grip his shoulders.
“I’m not killing you am I?” You huff as he starts to walk.
“Nope,” he assures you, thumb rubbing your thigh as he walks with Harry down to the water.
“Wait wait wait!” Harry shouts, running in front of you.
“What is it?” Tom asks, coming to a halt.
“This is a really cute picture, now act natural,” he says as he clicks away.
“Wait! We need one with sport!” You say, pulling the light yellow teddy bear out and sitting it on Tom’s shoulder as your head rests on his.
“Look over there!” He says and his hand moves from under your thigh to point at something, causing you to slip and let out a small scream, his hand scrambling back to catch you. 
Harry erupts into a fit of laughter, hunched over, pointing at the photo he just got.
Tomholland2013: pretty great night visiting my girl, sorry for almost dropping you sport
Attached was a teddy bear emoji. Tom’s caption made you laugh through your sleepy haze on the way back to your apartment.
He had chosen the picture Harry caught of your mouth wide open in a scream, his eyes wide in horror as he readjusts his grip on your leg, your newly won teddy bear dangling from one hand as the other clutches his shoulder when he almost dropped you. There were a few other photos Harry snagged, of you walking hand in hand, of his chin resting on your shoulder as you picked out the teddy bear, but this one by far was the funniest and the most memorable. 
“Should I tag you?” Tom asks, cheek resting on your shoulder as his hand hovered over the tag button.
“Sure,” you figure what harm could tagging you do? You were already in a million photos taken by what seemed like every person at Coney Island. 
“Done,” he says, posting the photo and turning his phone off. Your eyes watch as his fingers trace along your palm, along each crease, up to your fingers, dancing along them before finally intertwining with yours.  
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Falling fast. 
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my-emotional-self · 6 years ago
Birthday Surprise
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, Smut
Request: Hi there!! First I wanna say just how much I adore your writing, I think you are absolutely fabulous!!  And….well, tomorrow is my birthday and I would love maybe a Chris one where he’s trying to plan the best birthday ever for his girl, but everything than can go wrong will.  But it ends in some fluffly smut and quite possibly a single cupcake with a candle on it???
Requested By: @caramara3
A/N: I have to tag @daffodils-in-ink in this, only because it’s also her birthday too!  So happy happy birthday to you two beautiful people!!! <3
Chris was frantically trying to rush you out of the house that morning.  “Baby, please, just trust me.  Go and meet my mom and sisters at the spa.  It’s my birthday treat to you,” he ushered as he helped you put your coat on, holding your purse out to you.  
Your brows furrowed at his rushed pace, but then again, a spa day with his mother and sisters did sound fabulous.  “Alright I’m going.  I love you,” you said, giving him a peck to his lips.  
“I love you too baby,” he remarked, shutting the door.  
Chris took a deep breath of relief, placing his hands together and rubbing them back and forth. He had a lot of work to do to get ready for your surprise party later this evening.  
He had spent all morning and early afternoon setting up, but he couldn’t help but feel something was wrong in the pit of his stomach.  
“Honey I’m home,” Scott’s voice echoed throughout the house as he came in through the front door.  “And I’ve brought gifts!”
Chris turned to see Scott emptying the decorations bag onto the large counter top of the kitchen; his eyes growing wide at the sight.  
“Scott!  I asked you to get PURPLE decorations!  Her favorite color is purple, not pink!”
Scott looked at the decorations scattered across the counter before turning to his brother.  “Do you want me to go exchange them?”
Chris looked at his watch, seeing that you would be back within the next hour.  “Ugh, no we don’t have time!”
As he and Scott began to decorate the house and the backyard, the guests began to arrive in drones. Family and friends from both sides gathered in the backyard, sipping on drinks as they awaited the birthday girl.
Chris began to feel even more nervous, wanting today to be absolutely perfect for you.  The two of you had been dating for close to a year; this was the first birthday of yours you would celebrate with Chris.  
His phone began to ring and he quickly answered it.  “Three hours late?  You have to be kidding me.  Is there any way you could get here faster?....Yeah…I understand.”
“Shit,” he said as he hung up the phone.  
“What’s going on?” Scott asked as he stepped closer to his nerve wracked brother.  
“I got Y/N’s favorite band to perform tonight but now they are three hours late.  I wanted them to be here and set up before she even got here.”
Scott placed a comforting hand on his brother’s shoulder.  “Just breathe Chris.  Everything will work out in the end.  Y/N loves you and no matter what happens, she’s going to be thrilled about tonight.  
“I’m ready for bed,” you softly chuckled from the backseat of Lisa’s car as she headed back to your and Chris’ house.  The spa had been nothing short of amazing.  You had gotten a hot stone massage, a facial, and then ended your time in a mud bath.  It was the perfect birthday gift Chris could have gotten you.  
Opening your eyes, you saw that Lisa was just parking into the driveway and you unbuckled your seatbelt.
The sky was now dark, as you and the girls had stopped for a quick bite to eat after the spa.  You wondered curiously why Lisa, Shana and Carly were all getting out of the car with you and heading into the house, but you paid not much attention as you opened the front door.  
It was dark inside and you called out for your boyfriend.  “Chris?” you cautiously called as you slowly crept through the darkened house with your hand on the wall.  “Are you home?”
Just then, the lights came on and your eyes were flooded with people jumping for joy.  
“Happy Birthday Y/N!” everyone cheered with arms in the air.  
Your eyes grew wide at the sight before you; your hand coming up to hide the wide openness of your mouth.  
“Happy birthday baby,” you felt Chris’ hands come from behind you and land around your waist.
“But my birthday isn’t until tomorrow,” you asked with confusion.  
Chris shrugged, giving you a kiss to your temple.  “Yeah but this way you wouldn’t suspect anything.”
You grinned, turning around in his arms and hugging him back.  “This is the best birthday ever!”
As the night grew on, you mingled and chatted with everyone who had shown up for your surprise birthday party.  You were even shocked to see that Chris had gotten your favorite band to perform!
Without a doubt it had been the best birthday of your life.  You had no idea Chris had planned a surprise party and you were even more surprised that his family and everyone else was able to keep it a secret from you.
When the party was beginning to wind down, after many people had already left for the evening, you saw Chris leaned up against the house; his arms folded across his chest with a scowl on his face.  
“Babe,” you quietly said as you approached him.  “What’s wrong?”
He let out a dejected sigh, lowering his head.  “The fahkin’ cake is ruined.  I got a call about fifteen minutes ago saying they dropped the cake while loading it into the car.  I fahkin’ ruined your birthday.”
Your heart sank, not for your ruined cake, but for the way Chris felt.  “Chris,” you spoke softly, lifting his face with your hands.  “You did not ruin my birthday one bit.  If anything, you made this day the most special day of my life.  I don’t care about a birthday cake.  I care about the fact that my boyfriend went through all this trouble and planning to have a surprise birthday party for me.”
As the party guests had all left, there was only Lisa as she began to clean up the mess.  
“Ma, don’t worry about that. I’ll get it tomorrow,” Chris said with a soft chuckle.  
“Are you sure?”
“Yes Ma.  Please.  Head on home. Thank you for taking Y/N today.”
You smiled, giving Lisa a hug.  “Yes, thank you for everything today Lisa.  I had a great day with you and the girls.  It couldn’t have been a better start to my birthday.”
Chris shut the front door of the house after his mother left and his eyes landed on yours.  He gave you a sinful smile as he reached down and picked you up; heading straight for the bedroom.  
“Wh-what are you doing Chris?” you asked with a shaky breath as he lay you down onto his large bed.  His lips were attached to your throat, suckling away at your soft delicate skin as you arched your back at his teasing.  
“Tonight is all about you my love,” he whispered into your ear before giving your lob a nibble, making you shudder underneath him.  
He made quick work of taking off your clothes, along with his.  He stood before you in only a pair of boxer briefs while you lay stark naked on his plush comforter.  
His mouth and tongue made quick work of your neck, slowly descending down your chest before grasping onto a nipple with his mouth.  “Agghh,” you cried out as pleasure washed through your entire body; your legs coming up to wrap around his torso.  His tongue made quick work, circling around your hardened nub while his right hand trailed down your soft stomach, pulling a moan from you.  
Your hands fisted into the comforter as his fingers found your clit; another soft cry escaping your mouth as he circled around your most sensitive area.  There was no other noise in the room besides your deep breathing and the sounds of your wetness.  “Fuck I love how wet you get for me baby girl,” Chris cooed before his tongue dipped into your belly button.  
Your body felt on fire, yet your skin was breaking out into goosebumps.  Chris knew exactly how to handle your body and you loved every minute of it.  
Two of his fingers slipped passed your opening just as his mouth made contact with your mound.  “FUCK!” you roared in delight as your hips bucked upwards, craving more.  Your moans quickly turned into heavy panting as he crooked his fingers inside you; working you quickly to your orgasm as his tongue flicked and nibbled your clit.  
Fire began to pool in your lower abdomen as you felt your high begin to edge.  “Right there baby don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop!” you cried as his fingers pumped rapidly into your core, hitting your g-spot.  Your body began to tighten in all the right places as he gently nipped on your clit forcing you over the edge.  Clenching your eyes, you felt as if the earth stopped; his name screaming from your mouth as your inner walls pulsed around his fingers.
Chris was still lapping at your juices as you came down from your high.  Slowly lifting your head up you saw him smirk before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand causing your body to shudder yet again.  
He began to crawl up your body, gripping you under the arms and hoisting you up further onto the bed as your head met the plush pillows.  Taking your wrists, he placed them on the iron headboard; a devious smirk on his face.  
“Hold on tight baby girl,” he mewled, parting your legs wide open.  He grasped his hard cock in his hands, teasing your wet folds and getting himself slick before plunging deep into your core with one swift motion.  “You’re all mine,” he growled as his cock came to the hilt.  
“All….yours…,” you panted out as your hands tightened around the iron bars.  
Chris’ hands seized your waist, pulling your hips into him as he thrusted up into you.  It was amazing how Chris knew your body so well; what you truly enjoyed and tonight was no exception.  
The loud smacking of your hips meeting together echoed throughout the room as he set a speedy rhythm; wanting to find his own release.  
“You feel so good baby girl. Your pussy is always so wet and tight just for me,” he breathed out as your eyes met his dark lust filled ones. You loved when he talked to you during sex, even anything dirty as his voice in such a sex and lust filled state turned you on more than anything.  
For the second time that night you felt the tightened coil in your stomach; your body locking up. Chris was hitting your special spot with the tip of his cock and that was all you needed as he brushed passed it over and over again.  “CHRIS!” you cried out in pleasure as your body convulsed below him.  
Your walls squeezing his cock is what sent him over the edge himself; your name tumbling from his own lips as his hips stilled their thrusting.  His warm seed coated your inner walls as the two of you panted together from your highs.  
Chris pulled out of you and collapsed to your side; his arm slung around your torso and holding you tight to him.  You hummed with content, placing a kiss to his forehead as you lay in post coital bliss with him.  
But all too soon he got up from the bed, rushing into the bathroom.  He came out a few seconds later with a warm cloth and cleaned the two of you up before putting on a pair of pajama pants.  
Feeling rather cooled without his presence near, you got under the covers and lay in bed with a blissful smile on your face.  Looking at the clock, you saw it was half past midnight and this was already turning out to be the best birthday you ever had.  
“Happy birthday to you…” Chris’ voice made you turn to the door and see him standing there holding a single cupcake with a candle.  “Happy birthday to you….happy birthday dear Y/N…happy birthday to you.”
By the time he was done singing he was kneeling on the floor next to you as you situated yourself into a seating position.  
“Chris,” his name left your lips in a breathy whisper.  “I thought you said the cake was ruined.”
He smiled at you; that special smile that was only meant specifically for you.  “I always come prepared,” he replied back.  “Make a wish beautiful.”
Closing your eyes, you wished that you could live in this moment forever; be as happy as you were just like this with Chris by your side.  Opening your eyes, you took one big breath and blew out the candle.  
Tag List: @the-wayward-robot @badassbaker @guera31 @tanelle83 @xjjlex @chrisevansfanfic @joannie95 @princess-evans-addict @pumbibaby @patzammit @brastrangled @mrs-captain-evans @notyourtypicalrose @sfreeborn @esoltis280 @xxloki81xx @poerebel @bornfortherainydays @livslookingforloki @raveviolet @southerngracela 
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snow-whiteandred-rose · 5 years ago
The Only One
A/N: Recently I reminisced about past crushes and that was when this idea came up. As always it’s fluffly fluff. Have fun. Vanessa Genre: Fluff Pairning: Taehyung x Reader word count: 1,6K
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It was Friday night and your boyfriend Taehyung and you wanted to spend the evening in the new fancy bar near your apartment. The bar was on the rooftop of a skyscraper so that you could have a great view over the city. Also you only have access when you got a special vip ticket. So it was pleasant that you could enjoy the time with Taehyung and must not waste a thought about that some fans disturbed your quality time. Jimin and your best friend also joined you. You guys had a lot of fun together. What could be better than your best friend dating your boyfriends best friend? “Do you want another drink”? Tae asked. “Just a water please, I already feel a little tipsy from the last drink.” “Then I will be back in a few minutes. Hope you will not miss me.” “I’m doing my best. Hurry up.” Tae smiled, pecked your lips and went to the bar.. You looked at your best friend and smiled when you saw her kissing Jimin. You were so happy for her. You always wanted the best for her. And what could you say: Jimin definitely was the best for her. He treated her well and every time you saw her, she looked so shining. Being in love was good for her and her confidence because she was always doubtful about herself. In the past you told her so often that she was so great and handsome. Now you were happy that Jimin showed her exactly that everyday. Because you wanted to give them privacy you opened the door and went on the roof. You looked at the sky and toke a deep breath. It was really hot inside so it was comfortable to feel the fresh air around you. After a few seconds you heard the door closed behind you. “It’s really nice to see you. I wanted to talk to you the whole evening. You look so beautiful,” you heard a voice behind you. Your body froze. “Please God, please tell my that this isn’t true,” you thought. Slowly you turned around and looked at the face of your ex crush. Even when you got over him it hurt to see him again. You had a crush on him for two years. Two years you hoped for a relationship with him. And then when you thought your wishes came true he broke your heart really bad. But even when he hurt you so much there was also something good in it... you noticed that he was an idiot and he didn’t deserve you. Besides that you are now in a relationship with the most handsome and lovely guy you've ever met and who really loved you. So why? Why did it still hurt? “I didn’t expect to see you,” you answered. He took a step towards you to cause you to take a step back. “I’m working for the embassy now and I know the general manager of this bar.” You rolled your eyes. The moment you wanted to answer you heard the voice of your boyfriend. “Here you are. I thought you already run away from me. Eehhmmm... everything ok? Or did I interrupted you at something?”
“No, everything is fine. I was just about to go inside.” You went to Taehyung and gave him a quick kiss. “Yyyooouuuu!!!” You heard your best friend yell. ‘Oh, no. Please not!’ She was running outside and you could read her anger on her face. When she stood in front of him she threw the rest of her glas in his face. “I have waited for this so long. You cock-controlled idiot!” After this she smiled at you and said “It was me a pleasure. Let us go inside.” And just for you to hear she whispered energetic ”don’t look at him, do you hear me? Don’t look at him!!!!” Nothing easier than  that. You just wanted to forget this meeting. When you went back inside you saw your best friend gave Jimin a high-five. “I’m proud of you Jagi,” he told her definitely stifled a laughter. “I know what’s the best for us now... we really need a shot.” “Oh yes, same thought I just had. ,” Jimin smiled. The only one who didn’t seemed amused was TaeTae. You know he could be really jealous. Also because he thought sometimes that you deserved better. Somebody who had more time for you. But you didn’t care about that. Taehyung was the man you wanted to be with. “So do you want to tell me what was going on there? Who was the other guy? And don’t tell me you don’t know him,” he said quietly but still angry. Great! Now it was your fault that this stupid idiot spoke to you. “TaeTae, it was nothing... it was just a guy I knew from the past.” You cupped his face between your hands. But he removed your touch. “Do you still have feelings for him?” You hesitated, maybe a little bit to long. “Okay, don’t say anything. I know the answer,” he closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “I’m going home. I need to be alone now.” “Okay... I understand.” You didn’t want him to go. You wanted to tell him, that the past didn’t matter. But you were frozen. Everything was to much. In this Moment Jimin and Y/F/N went back. “The queue was so long. But now we have our shots.” “Not for me... I had enough for today. I go home.” “Taehyungie... don’t go,” Jimin whined. “See you soon guys.” Without spent a look at you he turned around and left. “Y/N! WTF happened?” Your best friend asked angry. You told both everything. “And you told him that you don’t have feelings for him anymore? Yes? Did you?” “I wanted... but I don’t know why I couldn’t say it. What’s wrong with me? I’m over him. But I was so shocked to see him. I never excepted this and so everything came back.” Your eyes filled with tears. “No! Don’t cry because of this damn idiot!.” “She’s right,” Jimin cheered you up,” and everyone knows that you love Taehyung. You both are perfect together. So drink your shot and than you’ll go to your man and tell them that you love him!” He gave you one shot. “Cheers everybody!” “Thanks for your words. That is exactly what I’m gonna do now. I love you both.” You were thankful for the support from your friends. You hugged both before you hurried up to left the bar. On the exit you ran into your ex crush. “It seems like you like to knock me out.” You choked inside. “Think what you want but I’m really done with you!” You just left him there and rushed the few blocks to your apartment. In the elevator you had the feeling that the time stood still. Why did it took so long? You had the feeling that it was the longest ride of your life. So you were really happy when the doors opened and you went the rest to your door. You took a deep sigh and hoped that he cooled down. You opened the door and darkness surrounded you. “Tae?” You called quietly but didn’t hear any reaction. Went to all rooms but he wasn’t there caused your heart to broke and all bad thoughts bursted into you. Sadly you laid down on the sofa. ‘What’s when something happened to him?’ ‘What’s when he is gone?’ You tried to displace all these bad thoughts and remember all the good things. His smell, his boxy smile, his lips against your skin. With these imagines you felt tiredness overcame you and you closed your eyes. You couldn't sleep long but you were awaken by strong arms lifting you up. “What..” you mumbled and opened your eyes. “Shhhh,” you heard Taehyung whisper and felt his lips against your temple. He carried you under the blanket of your bed.. You sat up and pulled him closer to you. “I didn’t wanted to wake you up,” he said. “I expected you at home... but you weren’t here... I want you to know that I’m really sorry. In the past I had feelings for him, but that’s over. I was just so shocked to see him again. I don’t know why I couldn’t tell you that earlier. I’m such an idiot. You are the one and only for me. It is always you,” you declared yourself. You cupped his face between his hands and laid your forehead against his. “I’m also sorry... it was stupid and childish that I went without you. I don’t know what have ridden me but I was jealous that there was someone else. I know damn stupid but look how handsome you are... I was scared that someone could take you away from me. You belong to me.” “That will never happen. I love you so much.” “I love you too.” You looked in his dark brown eyes. That and his arms around you it felt like home. Slowly he moved his lips towards yours. You closed your eyes, expected his lips every second but he was just let them gently ran over yours. “Can you kiss me, please?” You whined. He leaned back and laughed. “Don’t be impatient.” But you didn’t want to wait anymore. So you grabbed his neck and pressed your lips against his. He growled and pulled you closer to him. The whole voltage of the last hours felt apart. You two just enjoined the near and touch of each other. Tae let himself felt backwards and pulled you with him. A gasp escaped you and you smiled while kissing him. After minutes of passionately kissing you must break the kiss. Even when you two wanted to continue but you felt already the Oxygen deficiency. Tae rubbed his nose against yours and pecked your whole face. You laid your head on his chest and stroke softly with your fingertips above his collarbone. His arms still hold you tight. After a few minutes you recognized the regular movement of his chest caused you to raised your head carefully. His eyes were closed and you could hear his soft snoring. You smiled because you knew that Taehyung always wanted to hug something/someone. So you could still enjoy his near. You gave him a tenderly peck. “Sleep tight my little Winterbear.” You laid your head on his chest again and fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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