#it's like a siren song slkfjas
not-poignant · 8 months
Thanks for answering! I am usually reading on my PC in browser, so large format pdf is really amazing thing (thank you for them!!!!), but I guess I need to find some e-reader to install on my pc that I will be comfortable with. Can't wait for the story!
Google Play Books (which can access epubs from Google Docs) can read epubs just fine. There's a ton of different ways to open them. There's also downloading browser plug-ins that can handle epubs on both Chrome and Firefox etc.
PDF on the other hand doesn't keep most of the font choices and formatting for ebooks (the PDF version of Tradewinds looks execrable and also made the font about 200% smaller, and I know I can save many different version of PDF, but that is the huge failing of PDF in general), and is a lot clumsier (it can't be understood by most ereaders and programs in a way that allows you to increase or decrease the font size (unless you're already in Adobe, in which case you only need one size file and can increase/decrease, but only there for the most part), which is why I have to do 50% more work re: producing two files instead of just making one).
So while PDF is suitable for small chapters, it sadly just doesn't cut it for a 100k ebook, and hasn't been industry standard for many years now. :( Adobe could improve its formatting / connection with different programs but it really doesn't, and it's pretty hostile in that way, whereas .epub once it's in a dedicated e-reader, gives readers so many options comparatively, and a lot more freedoms to the author as well.
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