#it's like 'you got 20 active minutes today! good job!' and I'm like thanks I drank coffee and thought about my life!
kckenobi · 2 years
love that Fitbit counts my anxiety heart rate as exercise, it makes me feel way fitter than I actually am 💪💪💪
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Nickelback - If Today Was Your Last Day [OFFICIAL VIDEO]" on YouTube
Tommy asked professes to have taken the AI but we think the AI may have been activated by the dragon grabbing him so we're not sure exactly what happened but it was an overcast day and we're not sure if the machine had a few and it's not working at capacity much and it gets things slow it took 20 minutes once you think our grand my grand nephew is right we think it said Disney world and we're going there and we'll have to drag him up there and really if it was my last day I'll tell you what to do more luck you do what I say you go somewhere else you're not needed here right now and you have all sorts of jobs down there but not here and we are laying you off jobs lots of them
Mac daddy
Good we hear it we're leaving lots of us so it's refused to I dreamed of coming to the states living it up smoking a big cigars eating an expensive places and then we can't change your mind and we told him to do it the first and they won't change what they're doing and he says we had to talk before and he understands that's going fine those are the ones that don't listen
It's been a long time since someone asked me what I thought I think he's just struggling like hell there's too many people against him he doesn't have any opportunities and has no money is poor and might be at the mercy of Max soon because of us. He's going along and it's riding his bike he said Grandpa's singing the song he says it's not really him and he's doing a close-up of me over and over what are my characters my son keeps imitating and he says it's him and he said you're kidding so after a while he has a change of heart I felt that way for a while now I'm starting to see something I'm being a rude a****** to everyone including him no him a lot but here it is things can change and we're trying it's going to be a trip but we need to do things and he's got ideas for us and it fits with what Mac is saying so he should be thankful we went from having a ton of stuff sort of probably like 20% of the world for 15 and it looks like 95% to just about nothing very quickly and really we didn't have control except for 20% or so and it's true and I acknowledge that a lot of people are they said we couldn't get things and we couldn't do things right and more
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atortoiseinimladris · 3 years
The Council of Elrond but make Elrond a mid-20s, British secondary school substitute teacher:
Elrond; Okay folks listen up now! Can I have quiet please! Guys one.....two....don't let me get to three!
Elrond; alright, nice stuff everyone- thank you. So I'm sure that you guys are wondering why we're all here today, yeah? Well, I'll give you a hint; the hint is RING. I'd like you folks to have a think about that as the starter activity while I take the register. Right, lovely stuff. Perfect.
Elrond; *absolutely annihilates every name that doesn't sound how it's spelt.* Sorry if I got anyone's name 's wrong, I'm not very good at names. Sorry about that folks.
Elrond; ok guys so has anyone thought about the starter challenge yet- anyone? No? Left those brains of yours on the playground? Yeah, I know, it's a Monday morning, I feel you.
Elrond; so today we're actually going to be talking about the one ring. Anyone ever heard of that, no? Well, don't worry, I brought lots of crossword sheets and fact sheets with all the other key words for today's lesson, so it's all good. Good job I'm so prepared, ay!
*when everyone starts talking over one another*
Elrond; guys I'm not going to talk over you! You're the ones taking yourselves to Mordor next year, not me! I don't need the learning time. Right that's it, I'm sorry but I've had enough. ONE MINUTE taken off your break time. TWO MINUTES. Guys don't let me get to three!! Right, I'm going to start writing names on the board. Right, I'm going to have to underline your name Gimli because you're on your third warning and still you're blabbering over me. It's just rude!
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Saving Grace - Part 9
Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
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I was sat on the sofa nursing Grace when the front door swung open and a laughing Harrison came running in.
"You better run pal I'm gonna win!" I heard Bucky chuckle.
"No way!! I faster!!"
I turned just in time to see Harrison throw himself in the armchair declaring himself the winner while Bucky was carrying various bags of groceries in.
"Hey doll" Bucky smiled over at me with a wink before heading into the kitchen.
"Uncle Buck i win!" Harrison yelled happily.
"Yeah you did Buddy, good job" Bucky called back sounding amused.
"Wow your so good bud" i smiled at my biggest baby, he just laughed and run into the kitchen.
"Okayyyy" i mumbled as i straightened up my shirt and moved Grace so i could wind her. Harrison came running back seconds later with a pink t-rex stuffed teddy in his arms.
"This is for Gracie" he said holding it out.
"It is? Oh my god! She loves it baby"
"I picked it out"
"He really did, i couldn't say no" Bucky chuckled walking over and giving me a kiss.
"Its very sweet babe, but where's my gift?"
"Im your gift" Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at me making me laugh.
"Your such a dork"
"I know but you love this dork" he shrugged with the cockiest grin spread on his face.
"Oh i regret it...." i shook my head teasing him "here take your daughter i need to pee so bad" i said getting up and passing Grace to him before quickly darting to the bathroom.
Coming back into the living room a few minutes later i smiled seeing Bucky cuddled up with both kids who were fast asleep.
"Wow that didnt take long" i chuckled sitting in the armchair "your like the baby whisperer"
"I took Harrison to the playground on the way home, think he wore himself out and lil miss is in a milk coma!" He laughed looking down at Grace who was sleeping with a smile on her face.
"Hey, so i was thinking of asking Wanda to come watch the kids the weekend" i said suddenly feeling really nervous as i played with a loose thread on one of the scatter cushions.
"You mean...."
"Yeah if you want...."
"Of course i want!" Bucky nodded quickly making me chuckle.
"Good! Thats good, i thought maybe we could go up to my dads cabin and get Wanda to stay here with the kids. I dont really want them at the compound incase Steve shows up"
"Sounds good to me doll, but just so you know Sam said Steve hasn't been around for weeks. He seems to have realised how bad he messed up"
"Even so, it will make me feel better about being away from them if i know their here"
"Okay I'm sure Wanda wont mind being here, she practically lives here lately anyway" he rolled his eyes.
"Shes just trying to help" i said sticking up for my friend "and its a godsend to have her around while your working"
"I know I'm just teasing" he grinned "its fine doll".
After 20 minutes or so of sitting watching TV with Bucky i felt restless and got up to head to the kitchen to make some tea.
"You okay?" Bucky asked instantly.
"Yeah just making some tea"
"Okay, its just you've been a bit quiet"
"Didn't want to wake the kids" i shrugged and carried on to the kitchen. While waiting for the kettle to boil i suddenly found myself standing there silently crying. Since having Grace id occasionally burst into tears for no reason, now would apparently be one of those times!! damn hormones!!
After grabbing a tissue and wiping away any evidence that id been crying, i splashed some cold water on my face and continued making the tea (a coffee for Bucky) and headed back to the living room.
He was sitting alone on the sofa when i walked in and looked at me with a smile.
"Where are the kids?"
"I put them to bed, baby monitor is on the table" he pointed to the split screen monitor in front of him "i need some time with my girl now, come here mama" he smiled holding out a hand towards me. I couldn't help but smile as i put the mugs down on the table and took his hand. Bucky tugged me towards him and pulled me down onto the sofa to lay with him, his front pressed to my back.
"Feel better?" He mumbled against my ear as his hand caressed my hip slightly.
"Im fine Buck..."
"I heard you crying doll"
"Its just hormones, i didn't even realise i was crying at first"
"If something was wrong you'd tell me right?"
"Of course i would" i told him truthfully reaching back to kiss him "i may fall asleep in a minute I'm exhausted"
"No problem, you should get some sleep while the kids are sleeping...."
"Okay, just stay with me"
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The next day i headed to the compound to talk to Wanda about having the kids while Bucky and i went up to the cabin. I had checked Steve wasn't around before going over, i wasn't in the mood to deal with that today. I had Grace with me but Bucky had taken Harrison to the zoo for the afternoon, since Grace arrived we had made an effort to spend time with Harrison on his own so he didn't feel neglected and end up hating his baby sister!
"So what brings you by here? Its been a while since you stopped by" Wanda asked rocking Grace in her arms.
"I came by to ask if you were free to watch the kids this weekend...."
"Oooh you finally got the all clear for physical activities huh?" She teased wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"I did! And stop that!" I laughed "i think we've been very patient!"
"Oh you have i know!! Of course i'll look after them" Wanda agreed straight away smiling like an idiot "its what aunties are for anyway"
"Thanks Wan, could you come to us though? I dont want them here incase he shows up"
"Yeah thats fine, makes sense anyway. Everything i'll need is at your place"
"Thats great, i'll get the guest room set up for you".
I had been at the compound for a couple hours now and thought it best to head home and start on dinner. Bucky and Harrison would be back from their day trip soon. I was just about to get up and get Grace settled in her pushchair when i heard Wanda speak up.
"What are you doing here?!"
I snapped my head round and there stood Steve Rogers in jeans and grey henley, his beard had grown back in and his hair looked a little longer..... just how he had looked when we first started dating!
"I...i was looking for Sam, we're meant to be going for a run" he replied holding up his duffle bag.
"Well can you go wait somewhere else?"
"Its fine Wanda I'm leaving now anyway" i gave her a tight lipped smile and finished getting Grace in her pushchair.
"Y/N..... could we talk for a minute? Please?" I heard him ask.
"I've got to get home Steve, Harrison and Bucky will be back soon?"
"please? just a few minutes?"
"Steve, she said no!" Wanda snapped at him, they had always been close and it was horrible to see the distance between them now.
"Okay...." he said sadly turning to leave.
"5 minutes" i suddenly said shaking my head at how stupid i was agreeing to this.
"5 minutes is good, thank you".
"I'll stay close by, yell if you need me" Wanda said quietly to me as she left, we both knew Steve heard every word though!
Steve walked over and sat in the chair next to me, he leaned closer to the pushchair to look in at Grace and smiled.
"She's beautiful Y/N"
"Thanks. So what did you want to talk about? Like i said i need to get home"
"Right" he nodded "Bucky and Harrison been anywhere nice?"
"Bucky took him to the Zoo for the afternoon"
"Man i miss trips to the zoo, Harry always loved seeing the lions" he smiled at the memory.
"His favourites are the wolves now"
"The wolves huh?"
"Yep ever since Shuri and T'Challa visited and called Buck 'white wolf' his been obsessed with them" i shrugged.
"Thats cute" Steve nodded sadly before looking up at me "im sorry. Im sorry for everything..... i should never had left"
"No you shouldn't have, but you did. You can't change that Steve"
"I know. I dont know what i was i thinking sweetheart"
"Lets not not do this again. It wont change anything.... you chose another woman over your fiancé and your son! All those years i gave you and you chose a woman you spent 5 minutes with a 100 years ago!!" I took a deep breath trying my best to stay calm and not shout at him, i didn't want to wake Grace "i loved you so much and you threw it in my face. You didn't even have the balls to say goodbye"
"I know" he admitted avoiding eye contact and we sat silently.
"If you could go back to that day, the day you left us..... would you still do it?" I asked breaking the silence.
"I dont know.... i had a beautiful life with Peggy, but i missed you and Harrison so much. There was no way to get back to you, the machine hadn't been invented yet so i had no choice but to embrace my life with Peggy"
"You know what? Im glad you went" i suddenly told him shrugging my shoulders "if you had of stayed here Bucky and I wouldn't be together" i saw Steve grit his teeth hearing me mention his best friend "and i can't imagine my life without him, i love him more than any man I've loved before. I thought what you and i had was the real deal, my big love..... but i was so wrong. Bucky is it for me Steve, so i guess i should be thanking you for leaving"
"Theres no second chance for us is there?"
"No. Maybe down the line somewhere we can try to be friends but it'll never be what it was" I got up getting ready to leave when he cleared his throat and wiped away a few tears that had escaped.
"What about Harrison?.... can i spend some time with him? I know i dont deserve it but I've missed him so much"
"Thats up to Harrison. I cant make him spend time with you Steve, but if he wants to.... its something we can discuss. Look i really need to get home, bye Steve".
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Saving grace tags:
@jennmurawski13 @kenzieam @captainchrisstan
@s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest
@ms-betsy-fangirl @damnaged-princess
@farfromtommy @disneylovingal @lbuck121
@billweasleey @rynabarnesrogers
@heathens-takeitsl0w @lacontroller1991
@supervengerslock @barnesandrogersworld
@mariswritingforfun @perpetually-tuned-out
@thummbelina @marvelousstyles
@broco8 @ineffableg-irl
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milkttea · 4 years
Flower Power
Namjoon x Reader, GN!Reader: Flower Shop AU!
:: semi-fluff, passive aggressive flowers, Namjoon being concerned, but also finding this hilarious
:: Warnings: swearing, semi-fluffy
Flowers hold many meanings, the best ones are the passive aggressive ones.
Colorful Flowers Offer Interesting Stories.
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Namjoon was minding his own business while on his shift at the flower shop. It was a small, local shop that he had applied to on a whim as he had been looking for new hobbies and needed the extra cash, he saw the listing online at Colorful Delight and figured he'd try for the job. Now, two years later he loved his job and had become the manager of the little shop.
Business was pretty slow that day, it was a weekday and most people were busy working at 1 pm, so you could imagine his surprise as he was clipping some stems and you practically ran into the shop, panting as if you had been chased by demons.
The surprise must have been very clear on his face as he filled a cup with water and handed it to you without a word. He went behind the counter as you not so gracefully gulped down the water. You coughed a bit before uttering a small thank you.
"No problem, anything I could help you with?" He said with a small smile, a patronizing smile that he was required to give to customers, yes he loved his job but even he had his days where he didn't feel like smiling or being over the top happy.
At that, you pulled a crisp $20 bill out of your pocket, slammed it on the counter and asked, "How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?"
It took everything in Namjoon's power to not laugh out loud as soon as you finished with your question, in all his days working at this shop he'd never heard someone flat out ask that. He was impressed honestly.
"Well for one, that has to be the best thing I've heard all day," your already flushed face got redder, "and I have just the things."
He went around the shop collecting various flowers in gorgeous shades, placing some back in favor of those that complimented each others respective colors. After roughly three minutes, he came back to the counter where you had been watching him do his thing. In that time, you had gotten a nice look at him. He was attractive, most likely around your age and was well kept, most likely worked out judging by his butt biceps.
When he returned and you realised you just openly checked out this dude that worked at the flower shop, you turned your head sharply to the counter and questioned your life choices. Said life choices had actually led to where you are right now, your friend had called you telling you how their boyfriend had been cheating on them. Obviously you were pissed, but today also happened to be their two year anniversary so you wanted to give them flowers.
The thing is, that was before you found out about the cheating and now here you are, saying "fuck you" in flower to your friends ex-boyfriend, because if they are breaking up now and will never get back together lest you be damned. Anyways, as Namjoon was packing the flowers together he decided to ask you the million dollar question and after explaining the situation, he was also pissed at the ex-boyfriend. What an asshole.
"Well these flowers definitely get that point across, while still looking gorgeous."
“Oh? Care to elaborate on that Mr. Flower Power?”
Chuckling at the nickname, he realizes he never gave his name nor asked for yours, he began explaining.
“The flowers I chose are: Geraniums, for stupidity, Foxglove, for insincerity, Meadowsweet, for uselessness, Yellow Carnations, which mean ‘you have disappointed me,’ and Orange Lilies, for hatred. They make a very striking and spiteful bouquet!”
While he was explaining the meanings of the flowers you took that time to get a good look at his face, barely paying attention to the flowers he pointed at as he told you the meanings.
“—n the card?”
“Wait what, sorry I zoned out a bit,” you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck as he offered a small smirk, of course he realized you were checking him out. It was the first thing he did the minute you walked into the store.
He leaned forward a bit and leaned his face against his hand as he held a piece of paper in between the fingers on his other hand.
“I was asking what you would like on the card.”
“Uh yeah, do you have a pen I could uh borrow?”
He handed you a pen and when you took it your hand brushed his, causing you to retract your hand quickly as he placed the card down in front of you, you took notice of his slender fingers. Not gonna lie they looked really nice and would probably be nice doing— NO! Woah! You just met this guy! Quickly scribbling a note down on it, appropriately saying, “Here’s to you, Rat Ass.”
He took the paper back and put a string through the hole and tied it around the bouquet, a beautiful note for beautiful flowers. His fingers while he tied the string were quite nimble and you're having thoughts again, stop, you just met this poor guy.
"And all done! I hope he loves the flowers!"
"I'm sure he will, when I toss them at him."
He nodded with closed eyes, "as you should."
You left the store after paying the needed amount, you waved at him letting out a thank you and went back to your regular, daily activities. After delivering the flowers in the manner you had stated, you treated your friend to some fun activities throughout the month to help her get her mind off things. You went to the beach, the ice cream place, and were currently at your house doing some self-care.
During this, both of you had been catching up on life, and when you happened to mention the cute flower boy at the flower shop they immediately screamed and made you tell them everything. They found it hilarious and really sweet that you wanted to tell off their ex in a subtle way and would definitely be using that.
“You know (y/n), it seems he might be into you,” they smirked at your face got red under your aloe Vera mask.
“I don’t know, I like him, but I don’t really know him and he doesn’t really know me...”
“DUDE! Then get to know him! You’ll never know maybe you’re meant to be or something, go to the flower place and ask him if he wants to go get ice cream or something! It’s hot out, treat him!”
“Nope! No discussion,” you were dragged out of bed and your face mask was taken off. Your things thrown at you: wallet, house keys, shoes, all the things you needed to go out. Along with a cute outfit.
“Okay this is a bit much and we’re supposed to be bonding!”
A pout rested on your face, as your friend ignored you and pat your face to get rid of the excess aloe and put a bit of makeup on you.
“There you look pretty as a peach and handsome as Adonis! If he doesn’t go out with you I’ll scream now get ready and go!”
With one final push you were in your room wondering what just happened, nonetheless you complied and when you finished left as your friend just waved and then stuffed their face with ice cream. Truly a role model.
Over the course of the month you had also been buying flowers for your friend, their favorite and some that had funny meanings. During which you had gotten to know Namjoon just the tiniest bit more, that one moment where you yelled about flowers was the only time you really were outspoken with him. Other than that, you didn’t really have the courage to speak up, he’s really cute and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of him.
You’d made it to the store relatively quick, just a quick ride to the flower shop from your apprtment and once you got there you didn’t walk in immediately, you just stood out there fiddling with your phone until you made eye contact with him through the glass. Oh that was an awkward moment that you didn’t like.
Namjoon, a little startled at first, blushes and bit and runs to the door to let you in.
“hEy— uh, hey! (Y/n), what’s up? Need some more flowers?”
His voice crack had made you chuckle a little, him internally screaming.
“Oh uh, no! I actually came to see you!”
You brushed your hair back, pulling slightly, it was a nervous habit you’d gained. Namjoon, though, loved this little habit of yours and was getting redder by the second at the thought of you coming to the shop for him specifically. It made him feel warm inside.
You nodded, looking into his eyes, “yeah! Actually wanna go inside, wouldn’t want bugs to go inside the shop, I know how much you hate when that happens.”
If his heart hadn’t busted a fat nut, then it just did. You remembering a small detail that really wasn’t that important about him? That made him want to just kiss you right there, but he held back. He led you into the small shop by putting a hand on your lower back and leading you inside, him shutting the door tightly, no bugs inside his flower shop.
You would have found that amusing if you weren’t so distracted at his hand on your back. He resumed what he was doing before you got there, taking his hand away and this led to you already missing the warmth he provided.
“So, what brings you around? Need some more flowers to passive-aggressively say ‘Fuck You?’”
You scratched your neck, “not this time— but I’ll keep that in mind— actually I wanted to know if you’d maybe wanna go for ice cream?”
He nearly dropped his spray bottle, he was watering the plants when you had just arrived, and was stuttering to get out a reply.
“I– uh”
“Actually y’know what it’s fine! NEVERMIND forget I said anything!”
You had started rushing to get out of the shop, but Namjoon grabbed your wrist before you could leave.
“NO! No! I was just really surprised, I’d love to go get ice cream with you!”
With a flushed face, you turned to look at his face. His eyes shone with such excitement, his dimples prominently showing with his wide grin. He looked so beautiful.
“Really? You want to get ice cream with me, it’s fine if you don’t. I get it really, but it’s just so hot out and youre usually stuck in here and whenever I come to get flowers or visit you complain about wanting to go out so I wasn’t sur—”
He cut off your rambling with a hand over your mouth, “yes, (y/n), I would love to get an ice cream with you. Would you maybe consider it a date? Only if you want to.”
It was now your turn to be shocked, had you died?
“YEAH— yeah! I would really like to go on a date with you!”
With the biggest grin on his face he quickly ran to the counter at the front of the store, and got a blue flower and handed it to you. You noticed it to be his favorite flower, he’d mentioned casually that he would give it to the person that he really liked and wanted to date.
“Wait, this is—”
“My favorite flower and the one I said I would give to the person I liked.”
You took it slowly, admiring the petals.
“I really, really like you, (y/n) and I would be honored if you would go on a date with me. I originally wanted to ask you out first, but you kind of beat me to it,” he added at the end with a slight chuckle as he scratched his neck.
“I really, really like you too Namjoon and I’d be honored to go out on this date with you.”
With that you both left the shop together, after Namjoon flipped the sign to ‘Closed’ and locked the doors. Hand in hand you went out to the ice cream shop by the park. You’d never guessed that you would be going on a date with the same guy who you’d yelled to help you with finding flowers for a passive-aggressive act, but as you sat with Namjoon eating your ice cream cones, you wouldn’t have wanted this moment any other way. You’d never underestimate the power of flowers for as long as you’d live.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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My back is really hurty right now but today was a really nice day. Just long and rainy.
I was very tired last night. I'm very tired today. But it's all right. I slept okay last night. I woke up with James's alarm around 6 and fell back asleep until 7. He was gone when I woke up. He had gone to his parents house to get the car to get the last couple things for my other apartment. The plan now is for me to go on Saturday and Sunday and clean. Trying to make it as nice as possible. Then we will go in with are U-Haul when he has a day off. And get my bed and my bookshelf. I'm still stressed out about it all but it's fine. I think I'm going to bring some cleaning stuff and trash bags and things like that over this weekend. Try to just do as much as possible.
I felt okay when I got up. It wasn't thrilled about being awake. Are going to work but I had some positive feelings for the guy. Last night at around 10 p.m. Tiffany called me and asked if I would feel okay leading the older kids science class. And honestly that's what I thought we were doing from the beginning so I was fine with that. I left here around 7:40 and went down to the bus stop.
I got to work at 8:15 and went upstairs and sorry it's setting things up. My fabric was missing but I found it underneath I dropped off. No idea why it was there. It's all good. Set up and then I went to talk to Edina about changing the stem project. And then I went to go talk to Tiffany about the schedule. Because one of the reasons I am leaving stem is so that a Dina can see how the project should go. So having her do stem first doesn't make any sense.
But after some phone calls and stuff we were able to work that out and I got the schedule and I want it. My art is the same. Then we have reading lunch and recess. And then I go to stem with the older kids. While the little kids go to book arts. And then the little kids come to stem and then the older kids go to book Arts. And that worked really well. Today was so much more chill than it has been and it was great.
I set up some stuff for science. Mixed up watercolor paint in bottles. Made some examples. We were doing sneeze art. And it was very silly. But we started the day with some annoyances because I am very much all about organized chaos. And one of my kids ask to go to the bathroom while we were at breakfast and I told him to go ahead and he ran out the door like a first grader will do. And the new principal admonished me and Marcus for not watching our kids. And it was just very rude and the very first interaction I've ever had with this woman who has not introduced yourself to us yet. So I just felt some kind of way. But whatever. Hopefully she can redeem herself to me because so far is not looking good.
But besides that today was great. We went upstairs we did yoga. I did yoga with the little kids first and then went did with the big kids. With the big kids they also introduce some of my ballet stretches and that was really fun. Getting them to use their brains a little bit. Not all of them are participating but the ones that are I can tell her having a good time.
Art went really well. I was worried about Jeremiah for a while because he just did not understand that he was moving from beading to Patches. But really that was because yesterday he didn't actually do beading because he kept spilling the beads all over the place. But that's fine. He ended up sitting with our youth worker Trinity and he drew these little characters that he likes on a patch that we've been hot glued on. I was so proud of him I took that picture up there with him smiling all big. So sweet. I just wish that he would stop whining. That's my only thing that I cannot stand. We're working on it though.
Reading was great. We drew pictures on the computers of a book we've read recently. I drew some stuff from Flowers for Algernon. And then we talked about them and we had to have some conversations about critique and how you talk about other people's work. Even if you don't like it. You have to be kind. I doubt with some little kid tears but everything was okay. We were having fun.
Lunch and recess we're fine. I think I'm supposed to be having my break during recess now but that's very early for me and I don't want to have my break then so I just didn't. I stayed outside and just chilled. Then we went inside for stem.
It was very confusing for the kids because they had to go into a different room that they've been used to for the last 2 weeks. But we got everybody in the right place and then I had to take it sit down and I kind of gave them a mini introduction on myself and explain what we were going to do and my expectations for them. That if they did the project they would get free time. It's an incentive and honestly they need it. It's summer camp it's not school they should be able to have free time. Especially because I just read that article last night about how not having free play and free time outside of a structured adult activity is really detrimental for your kids and their ability to self soothe and self direct. They need to be able to learn how to do that. So it's very important for me to figure out places in the day where they can have that.
And it worked out really well. They were loud. And they weren't always listening but we explained the project. We talked about how you sneeze at a hundred miles an hour and you cough at 50 miles an hour. And then we got our watercolor paper and are smocks and we went outside.
For both classes it works very well. But the little kids were actually better at it because Miss Adina only left a little kids Spritz their paper twice. And I let the big kids do it as much as they wanted. So some of the big kids ones fell apart because they were so wet. But they were having a really good time and they were color mixing and they were being messy and exploring the medium. And they were learning but it wasn't like a lot. It was just fun. And that's what I wanted. You're outside and it's too hot and so after about 15 minutes we went back in.
We all later artwork down put her smokes away I check back in with them make sure they understood the two facts that I thought them. And then I told them guys you did the project you get 20 minutes of free time. So they got their laptops out and they got their phones out and they were having a good old time. And then at the end we close the laptops and cleaned up and they said thank you Miss Jessie and they headed out. It was so much smoother than every other day I have experience seeing the older kids. It was great. I hope that we can keep that momentum.
For the second half. When I had two little kids do it. I stepped back. I let Adina handle that. I only said a couple things. They all were smocks. They got four colors instead of six colors. Mr. Marcus was there to help. We went outside and we all did our thing. The kids work was much nicer than the older kids. They weren't as wet. You actually saw the spray pattern. It was good. Had them bring them all upstairs we laid them out too dry. I'm going to hang them up tomorrow probably. And then we went in. We watched a video and it was nice. I had a good day.
We finish up the day with some snacks and some hanging out on our yoga mats. Took the ball downstairs to go home. Hung out on the hill until everyone was picked up. And I was able to leave at like 3:45.
The bus took a little while and it was really hot out. Just so heavy and humid. And that's because rain was coming. When I was getting off the bus it wasn't raining at. And when I got to my bike it wasn't raining yet. But about two blocks down the street it was starting to rain. At first it was just light. And I thought I would be able to make it home. But then it started to pour. Just absolutely downpouring on me. It felt nice but there was lightning and a lot of wind. The few other people I saw outside trying to get stuff together and run in for looking at me with the same Panic I'm sure was on my face. I was soaked to the skin. But it was just funny at that point. There was nothing else I could do so I just went upstairs and told James to take my off of the day photo. Because it was funny. And then I took a shower.
James to pick up pizza for dinner. He seeing Hamilton with his parents and sister tonight. Which is great because it's the anniversary of the Duel at Weehawken. That's amazing. I don't know if it was on purpose but it's great. So he hung out with me for an hour and then went to go have dinner with them. And I've just been hanging out at home.
I worked on my Furby project for a little while. I've been watching videos and playing with sweetpea. Sweetpea loves pipe cleaners so he was very excited about those. I painted my toenails and now I think I'm going to get up and maybe go do something but I have no idea what my eyebrows? Play with my makeup? Who knows!
Tomorrow is the last day of camp for the week. 5 days is very hard. I do not like working 8 hours. I love my job it's very easy. But it is still a lot. I don't think I was built to work eight hours a day. I am a baby. But it's going to be a good day. I'm slightly concerned about the project tomorrow because I'm not positive we have the right materials for it. But still going to be fun. And then me and James are going to go see to Apartments. It was nice. But they're both of Mount Vernon and we're both really kind of committed to moving to Bolton Hill now. So we'll see what happens we'll make it work. I'm excited to see places because it gives us some good perspective of what the other wants. We both are pretty sure we want the same things and we know what the other one likes but it's still fun. Even if we're not going to rent these ones.
Hope you guys all have a good night. I'm sending you all Good Vibes through the universe. Sleep well. Be safe. Try not to get rained on.
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paopukairi · 6 years
20 Questions: Get to know your followers
Tagged by: @hinataoc
(Thanks for tagging me ❤)
Rules: Answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) then tag followers you want to get to know better!
I. Nickname?
My nickname is Ash online since it's hard to pronounce my actual name (which is Ayesha by the way pronounced Aye-sha)
II. Gender?
I'm female
III. Star Sign?
I'm a fish! Pisces!! ♓
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IV. Height?
I'm 5ft 3in; small but mighty!
V. Favourite feature?
My eyes, they're light brown oval shaped and I have long eyelashes!
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VI. Favourite colour?
Maroon red
VII. Favorite animal?
The lioness because they take care of their young and hunt for their pride. Definition of strong and fierce!
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VIII. Average hours spent sleeping?
Well my sleeping pattern has changed drastically since I stay up to talk to my friends in America (I'm a good friend). So around 5-6 hours.
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IX. Dogs or cats?
I love cats! But I also like dogs.
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X. Number of blankets you sleep with?
It depends on the season here in the UK. In he summer I sleep with one blanket but in the winter I sleep with 3! Like Sora I'm an islander so I'm not used to the cold!
XI. What’s your dream trip?
It would be Japan! I'd love to go for like 3 weeks or something. My brother is going today actually. I've always wanted to go to Japan and was always interested in their culture and traditions. But if I had to go for a big trip it would be America...I'd do a road trip even thought I can't drive.
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XII.  What’s your dream job?
Interesting because my dream job last year was to be a Square Enix marketing executive since I studied marketing. But now my dream is to open my own bakery/coffee house. I love cooking like my mama (she was a caterer) and I'd rather make money doing something I truly love.
XIII. When did you make this account?
It's been a while but I can't remember when. All I remember is that I wasn't so active.
XIV. How many followers do you have?
37 may be small but I'm grateful I have support!
XV. How many pets do you have?
I have 2 beautiful cats. The oldest one is a tuxedo cat called Poppy, I've had him for 5 years and he's 6. My youngest cat is a light ginger cat called Coco, we've had him for more than a year and he's just that age. We got him when he was just 4 weeks old. They both remind me of Vanitas and Ventus and Noctis and Prompto. One is moody and lazy whilst the other is happy go lucky and energetic.
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XVI. Best places to visit in your town and country?
Well I live in a town that is 20 minutes away from Stratford where the Lon don Olympics were held in 2012. The Olympic park is beautiful during the summer. I usually go there for a picnic with my best friend. There's so much to see and activities to do. Buckingham Palace, Natural History Museum, Art Gallery, Madame Tussauds, Greenwich Park, London Bridge and so much more.
XVII. Favourite ice cream flavour?
I love Ben and Jerry's peanut butter cup ice cream!
XVIII. How often do you read?
I read 5 times a week. That's kinda why I always finish books so quickly! My mum would always get annoyed when it finish a book within the same day when I was younger.
XIX. Favorite study locations?
My university library and Costa. Those are my safe havens when I need to study or write my fanfics!
XX. Favorite book series?
Oh that's easy! My favourite is the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R Martin! I watched the show Game of Thrones and loved it. My friend recommended me to read the books too. I did so and they're much better than the show in some aspects. I've finished a Dance of Dragons and am currently waiting for Winds of Winter to be released!
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