#it's kissy time for Omega
ghcstcd · 1 year
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starshideurfics · 3 months
Thirsty Thursday - Ring my bell, part 5
part 4
steddie, omegaverse, flagging/signaling culture, there’s plot now, in the smut, mdni 🔞
Eddie is surprised when he walks up to his dealing table and sees Chrissy Cunningham waiting in her cheer uniform. He considers turning around then and there, not wanting to risk her jock boyfriend coming to look for her and going all feral on him and bashing his face in. But he really needs to save his money, so turning down a paying customer isn’t something he can do.
He considers walking again when she startles so badly, but mostly he’s worried about her. She’s got blockers on, so he can’t scent much from her, but the tension in her shoulders tells him enough. The girl needs weed, or some xannies. All Eddie’s got on him is weed though, so it’ll have to do.
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She’s still so jumpy, so Eddie hams it up, trips over himself to get her to laugh because laughter is easy. He shifts enough that the guitar pick he wears around his neck sneaks out from his collar.
Chrissy’s been fiddling with her own necklace—a padlock, just like Steve’s—and she asks, “What’s that one mean?” and then turning beet red. “Sorry, I just- You’ve always had the rings, didn’t think necklaces were your thing.”
“They’re not. But… Easy to keep a pick handy.” He pulls the chain forward, revealing the pendant it came with, the guitar pick a convenient excuse. Chrissy’s eyes go wide at the little anatomical heart, pierced with an arrow, and Eddie grins. “Gift from the prettiest omega I know.”
“Oh…” She shrinks in on herself again, and he knows he has to get her laughing.
“Second I scented him, thwp!” He clutches dramatically at his chest, mimes being shot through the heart and falls off the bench. Eddie pops back up. “It’s like he just gets me, about everything.” He tucks the necklace away, swings his legs back around the bench, and pulls out his lunchbox, offering her a discount on the already jacked up price for an ounce.
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“Do you have anything… stronger?” Chrissy asks, glancing over her shoulder again, like she’s being watched.
“Not with me. Possession is 9/10s of the law or whatever, so best not to have anything too hard on me. And really, you should start with the weed.”
She nods, blue eyes so big in her face. “But, what if it isn’t enough?”
He pulls out a pen, writes down his number on her hand. “It’s spring break, so you can’t drop a note in my locker. Gimme a call, and I’ll see what I can rustle up.” He knows he’s got some Special K squirreled away, for in case Steve gets one of his bad migraines and he wants to sleep through it. “Or check the medicine cabinet—see if your mom’s got a secret Xanax script. One of those will melt your worries.”
“Okay, yeah. Thanks.” She smiles, and it looks real enough. She pushes herself up to standing.
“So do you want the weed?” Eddie joggles the baggie in front of her.
“Right, sorry! Yes, I do.” She reaches into the band of her skirt and pulls out a couple fives, trading him for the weed.
Eddie schools his face when he takes them from her. “Pleasure doing business. I hope it helps.”
“Me too.”
He watches her leave, the bills sitting close enough to her skin and sweat that they stink with her scent. Eddie thinks it’s vaguely fruity, but it’s too covered over in acrid fear that he isn’t sure at all.
Eddie sees Steve across the parking lot, the basketball game getting out the same time as Hellfire, and he has to clench his fist to keep from waving. He wants to run to him, kiss him, sweep him into his arms and deposit him safely into his van so they can drive home together.
Instead, he bids the guys goodnight and drives to Forest Hills alone. He beats Steve by more than 20 minutes, since he has to give Robin a ride home. Which means Eddie can do a modicum of cleaning, including rearranging the blankets and pillows on his bed to be a little more nest-like for Steve’s comfort.
Steve doesn’t knock, just comes straight in, and Eddie races to him. “Hey, Puppy, how’d the game go?” he asks, kissing him hello, waiting for an answer before going total horndog on him.
“Lucas scored the game-winning basket, so please have the guys congratulate him next week.” Steve has already complained about Eddie’s refusal to hold the game for Lucas, even took away his pussy privileges for a week until he’d groveled and explained how he had the entire year planned out, he couldn’t skip a week since he was finally graduating. This campaign was his baby!
And Steve liked the sound of Eddie graduating, so he was willing to forgive this one discretion.
“Of course, Stevie. And Erica held her own. You should be proud of your youngest.” He grins wide, and Steve fondly rolls his eyes.
“Please stop talking about the twerps like I birthed them.”
“But that’s what you want, isn’t it?” He sinks down to his knees, puts himself level with Steve’s crotch. “Want a pup of your own,” he murmurs, hand coming up to cradle Steve’s belly, “Right here.”
Eddie smells it when Steve slicks his pants, his sweetness sickly with his desperation for that little dream.
“Want you to shut up and fuck me already,” Steve moans, gripping Eddie by the collar and pulling him to his feet. He’s sloppy as he kisses him, and Eddie purrs.
He loves Steve and Steve loves him, and they both see their future together. He’s really getting sick of waiting for that future to start. But at least he gets to take Steve to bed right now.
The next morning, the basketball team wakes up in the shell of Benny’s Burgers. There’s blood and black on the ceiling, and Chrissy Cunningham’s broken body on the floor. It takes nearly an hour for the boys to stop screaming long enough to call the police.
Part 6
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screamingcrows · 4 months
🎲 kiss kiss for dottore hehe
You rolled 3! That's a little forehead kissy! "Hold. Three, two- you're not relaxing," Dottore chided, eyes fixed on the display in front of him, "we'll have to redo this. Remember, you pull all you can, return to the initial position and relax for three seconds. You have to relax the muscle during those seconds or my data points will be muddled. Understand?"
"That's what I'm doing," you whined softly, having had quite enough of his tests already.
In truth, the many tests weren't half as bad as you made them out to be, certainly more pleasant than the outlook of succumbing to your Eleazar, muscles already akin to rusty hinges. Whether he did it for you specifically or not mattered little.
"If you were doing it properly, these readings would be useful. One more time."
As you followed his directions, mind wandering in a way that was only ever possible when your body was guided by his smooth voice, your eyes came to rest on the crude metal structures lumbering in the corner. They stood like remnants of the departed, already stripped of flesh and reduced to nothing but bone and the wish for a better future.
"Are you done gawking? We'll need to fit one of them to you next and repeat the measurements tomorrow. I'll configure the strength of their assistance tonight based on what you just did. Go rest for now."
Without comment, he saw how you struggled to stand and went over to lift you up, handing you the nearby cane before removing the small electrodes from your exposed skin.
"Omega should soon resolve this for good, the exoskeleton will be ready for your rehabilitation once you're cured."
"A heretic asking me to have faith? Ironic," you smiled at him, ignoring his scoff.
Every step was tiresome, infuriatingly so as of late with all the exercises he pushed you through. An idea crossed your mind, body coming to a halt before your mind could intervene.
"Don't I get a reward for my cooperation?"
"And what about the aid I've provided thus far, or the promise of having a tool to combat muscle atrophy, do those hold no value?"
"A kiss and I'll be quiet for the fitting tomorrow."
Dottore groaned almost playfully, glancing towards his creation. The press of his lips against your forehead was pleasant, if a little disappointing.
"Run along then. And be ready at eight."
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niichanism · 2 months
another throwaway-ish acesabo fic i might finish eventually maybe not. the logic and characterization started bugging me but also this ain't about that. i wanted to write alpha sabo wearing a muzzle while rejection-sensitive omega ace is extremely pissed to be denied kissies
Me in 2014, unenlightened: omegaverse is just a cheap tactic to make stoic blorbos pathetic Me now: I think ace one piece should experience PMS 
set ambiguously after marineford but ace lives + nothing huge is going on with the RA
TW: omegaverse, pre-heat pms??? lmao, this one actually isn't that spicy it's just silly summary: ace: what if you helped me with my heat. hahaahaha jk. unless sabo: (malfunctions)
“Another meeting?”
Even Ace is surprised at the sharpness in his voice. It's been jumping out of him these last few weeks. He wants to swallow it back down, this twitchiness, but as Sabo turns his good eye back to him, he tries laughing it off instead.
“Yep.” His brother shrugs, smiling. “Duty calls.” “Hmm.”
Ace had his responsibilities as second division commander, but they so rarely involved paperwork. Everything was hands-on, on the go. Meetings were like rallies or even parties more often than not.
He misses it a lot. It feels wrong to sail under any other flag. But Pops was good at protecting people, and that's something Ace can do. Besides, Sabo is here. Sabo, who still has a way of keeping Ace relatively sane– up until recently, at least. There’s a moment where Sabo catches his withered expression, but neither of them say anything. 
Ace falls back on teasing, hand on hip. “I’m just wondering if you ever get to have any fun is all.” “I have plenty of fun, Ace,” Sabo huffs, “especially when you’re around.” “Oh, yeah?” Ace is fairly sure— Sabo must be thinking of the fun they had a few weeks ago.
They’d saved a coastal town from some shitty pirates, which was already a good time in itself. They went to the tavern to drink– the place had good stuff, on the house for good deeds– went back to a good room– it’s actually pretty foggy from there. The emotions remain more than the specifics.
But he remembers riding Sabo stupid. Lighting the lamps so he could see when the sky went dark. And how pretty he looked, panting, his golden hair haloed on the bed. His bruising grip on Ace’s thighs. The sensation of his cock swelling like he could knot Ace outside of a mating cycle. He remembers Sabo’s face, lost in pleasure– growling, even– eyes scrunched tight, the flash of his white fangs in his open mouth.
He remembers thinking that it was so good. In the morning, though, Sabo was gone. He’d left a note on the nearest surface, in a rough scrawl: gone on mission
The total lack of specifics was somehow just like him, so Ace had huffed and climbed back into bed. Half-conscious, he’d searched the sheets for the elusive scent so often trapped beneath Sabo’s stuffy, high-necked outfits. And he tried to pull together soft little shreds of memory from the previous night. He hadn’t meant to ruminate. Just to check. Because no matter how he turned it over in his head, it all still seemed like a dream. And if it had happened, should it have happened at all? They never talked about it. Busy, busy days in the Revolutionary Army. Normal, normal brothers who were still learning each other a year after meeting again. Maybe Ace had made a mistake. All those vivid images were  tiny embers that refused to die– for weeks now, he was plagued with curiosity. Then shame. 
When they first met again, Sabo hadn’t reacted to his second sex beyond a small, almost comical lift of his brows. Ace had been equally cool about it on the outside, and he held himself to that, but the fact that Sabo was an unclaimed alpha had gotten under his skin.
If he was going to be honest with himself, it was posing a real fucking issue. 
Ace had always been on the more impulsive side, but he really thought he smoothed that out– if not in terms of danger, then at least when it came to getting along with people.
Of all people, Sabo should test him the least. 
And it sucks because he doesn’t, really. He and Ace still get on well. Better than well. What he's testing are Ace’s instincts.  Ace had always been able to ignore them in the past, so their constant pounding in his head had surprising power and he ended up blurting out stupid shit like never before. He hadn't even been that clingy when they were kids. He knew and yet the antsy energy remained, dunking his moods and driving him crazy.
“That’s a relief,” Ace says, throwing him his utmost charming, normal smile. Sabo doesn't seem to take it at face value– figures– but past the semi-concerned twitch of his brow, he manages not to fuss over it for about three seconds. 
“I’m glad, too. Are you… is everything good?”
“Everything's good,” Ace assures, a little too quick. The last thing he wants is Sabo looking at him like that.  “Go on, don't be late,” he urges good-naturedly, sending him off with a lazy wave. “You just let me know if you need any countries set on fire or anything, yeah?”
Sabo looks like he wants to ask something else, but they have another half-conscious second of conversation with their eyes. Sabo’s face crinkles slowly into a smile, and he leaves, taking part of Ace's peace of mind along with him. 
A week later, Ace visits Sabo in his room. “G’morning,” he yawns, hand on the doorframe. Sabo looks up from his desk– coffee in one hand, paper in the other.
“Ace. Good morning. Where have you been?” Sabo asks, casual enough. 
Ace closes the door behind him and leans against it, nearly clenching his teeth against the nerves in his gut. “Sphinx,” he replies cheerfully. “To visit Pops and Marco.”
Sabo turns away to set his newspaper down. “I see. How's Marco doing?”
“Good,” Ace replies. “He’s on top of things as usual. I just help out here ‘n there.”
The revolution lets him come and go as long as he's smart about it. Well, Sabo lets him come and go. Most of the world still thinks Portgas D. Ace is dead, and the RA thinks he should keep it that way until it's the right moment for a blaze of glory. 
No way that's happening until Ace gets his head screwed on straight again. But it's different when he has to be an omega about it. Show up at Marco’s door like a twitchy stray to ask what the hell his body is doing and how to make it stop. He's got a mind that’s too fond of bad ideas, but this sleep with Sabo or else one is throwing him for a loop. 
First of all, stop taking suppressants, Marco had said, way too coolly. You haven't had a mating cycle in– two years now?
Can't I just sleep with people and get it out that way?
Sorry, Ace. You have to pass a heat. 
Ace had gone quiet then, stomach dropping through the displeasure of it. 
You know, there's ways of making it easier, finding a safe partner…
No, I can handle it. I mean, I'll figure it out. Marco. Thank you.
So there it was. He'd tried to take a vacation from his unreasonable instincts only to find out they had to be confronted.
When he looked at his options, his brain became scrambled eggs. The anger in his heart demanded consolation and so he ended up right at Sabo’s door. 
“Want some?” Sabo asks.
It refreshes his attention, and Ace’s eyes fall upon the mug in Sabo’s elegantly gloved hand. That other kind of hunger stokes cinders inside of him. “Nah. Coffee's gross.”
Sabo smiles against the rim of the cup. “Useful, though.”
“How about we get some food in you down at the mess hall, too?”
Sabo raises his eyebrows. “Wouldn't turn that down. Give me a second.”
Ace glances around while the desk gets organized. “I also wanted to ask a favor.”
Sabo pauses where he's just stood up, and looks over, a little too keen for Ace’s liking. “Yeah?”
“See, I was wondering if I could…” he starts– then shakes his head, laughing at himself. He didn't learn to be polite for Sabo. He comes closer and clasps his hand firmly on Sabo’s shoulder, ignoring the low screech of desire that comes with it. “No, let me start over. Will ya lend me some of your clothes?”
He can't help the light pink flush on his own cheeks, but he's genuinely pleased at how Sabo’s face changes. 
He does the eyebrow lift thing, and his hazel-eyed stare becomes that much more sharp, like this simple question does what the coffee couldn't. Ace likes that he doesn’t look away. But then, he's also at a loss for words, unspoken or otherwise. If they'd never been separated, if Ace wasn't a tough guy and Sabo wasn't a child soldier, this would be an easy script to follow. 
Sabo glances down as if he has to examine what he's already got on. Those tough, tan pants that fall just right and the flouncy undershirt and fitted vest; Ace is vaguely amazed at how well put together he looks when the sun’s not even past the rocky horizon of Baltigo outside. 
“Lend you my clothes?” he repeats. “Here I thought you had such a problem with them.”
Well, yeah, they make Sabo look snooty as fuck and they seem as freeing as a straitjacket, but–
“I do, but nesting’s not about fashion, it's about scents.”
“Oh… that's what you mean?”
Now why is Sabo so alarmed, blushing like a village maiden?
“What?” Ace asks, pinning him with an edgy, somewhat challenging look. He crosses his arms, since Sabo looks like he wants to sink into the floorboards. “Why are you so surprised? Did you think I don't nest?”
“Well, no–”
“I nested even when we were kids. It was like the one normal thing I did.”
Sabo laughs haltingly. “I remember. It's just that you insisted it was for Luffy’s sake–”
“Yeah, we thought it might make him less whiny,” Ace reminds him. What a puzzle that had been. Pups raising pups– that Luffy turned out half-decent was a fucking miracle, and maybe Sabo had more of a hand in it than he did. The angel on his shoulder had a lot more sway when it spoke with Sabo’s voice. Makino had loved the idea of their nesting with the clothes she brought, though. Everyone loved Makino, so if she thought it was a good idea, Ace had figured it was. “I guess I just got in the habit, man. You don’t actually have to give me anything, don’t worry about it.” Bless his heart, Sabo doesn’t let this awful feeling in Ace’s stomach take root.
 “What? No, Ace, I didn’t say you couldn’t have any,” he says quickly, eyes as wide as a skittish woodland creature’s. “Please take something. It just surprised me. Nobody’s ever asked me before.” Ace sits with that for a few seconds. He shouldn’t feel happy that Sabo was deprived of meaningful pack bonds. But he feels light as air knowing that he’s Sabo’s first here, too. “Okay,” he says, grinning. When he catches sight of Sabo’s awkward, half-grimacing expression in turn, he snickers. “Could’ve just stolen some of your clothes to save us the awkward little chat, huh? You have so many, you wouldn’t have even noticed.” Sabo rubs his face between thumb and fingers, flustered. Another stilted laugh bubbles out of him. “No, I mean, sure, if you need something from me, you can have it,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Ace’s smile softens, but it feels like a supernova, a victory. He’s having trouble stripping his eyes away from Sabo, the genuine pleasure on his rosy face. “But I’m glad you asked.” Ace bites the inside of his cheek because he feels like he’s about to start purring and Sabo hasn’t even given him anything yet, hasn’t even touched him. He’s out of joint for sure. “No big deal. Used to nest with Luffy’s clothes, too,” Ace tells him. He wrinkles his nose. “He smells like meat and dirt, though.”
Sabo relaxes. “You love meat and dirt.” “I do,” Ace laughs. “Yeah, Lu smells weird as fuck and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ll take your gift too. Much appreciated.” And now that he’s got his consolation prize, Ace yearns to get the fuck out of there. Even if he’s curious about fucking Sabo again– just to check– his upcoming heat is something else. It’s going to be beyond terrible, so much so that he already feels like a sweaty human fireball when it comes to mind, and he honestly doesn’t want to think about it. There’s a reason he hasn’t stopped downing suppressants for two years. Sabo’s clothes and memories of nesting in their treehouse will have to do to ease his fraying nerves. Ace has been through worse, so he should be stronger. He should be stronger. He should pass his heat and then, if possible, have sex with Sabo once more just to get this heavy, cloying attraction out of his system– Ace claps his hands together. “That’s settled, then. Breakfast?”
He needs to do something with his body that isn’t standing here and taking in everything that makes Sabo Sabo. But his brother doesn’t budge or even glance at the door. “When do you need them by?”
 “Hm?” “I mean…” Sabo looks to the wall and back. “It’s soon, right? You stopped taking your suppressants.” Ace frowns, and twists his head over to sniff. “Damn, do I smell rank?” “No, no, you’re fine I think, as long as you don’t go anywhere too cramped or hot…” Sabo’s nose twitches; his mouth thins. “Are you going anywhere?” Ace’s eyebrows jump at the sudden steeliness in his voice. He fixes Sabo with a look on the border of teasing and genuine annoyance. “Sabo, have you never been around an omega or something?” “I have,” Sabo says, somewhat irritably. “Just… older ones, or… subordinates…” “Subordinates,” Ace repeats, teasing. “Well, it’s an army here, Ace, not exactly a family,” Sabo sighs, idly massaging one gloved hand with the other. “But now my brother is about to go through a cycle, so shouldn’t I make sure everything is fine? Are you going back to Sphinx for your heat?”
“Kinda thought I’d just stay here and bolt the door.” Sabo studies his face for a few seconds, then relents, throat bobbing. “Okay. Are you going to need… anything else?” “Well,” Ace starts. He puts his hands on his hips, rocks on his feet. “What’re you offering, Sabo?” Sabo swallows again. Ace almost hears it. Shit, it makes him want to pounce. “Oh.” He shows all his teeth. “I’m low maintenance, promise.” Sabo shakes his head, his smile completely lost on his face. Ace’s head gets foggy and hot and his mouth just starts moving.
“T’ tell the truth,” he admits, “it’s… gonna be a tough one to ride out since I haven’t had one for two years– that’s what Marco said. But it’s short notice, don’t really wanna go through the trouble of finding someone I can trust.” Despite knowing how terrible the heat is going to be– and it’s always worse than imagined– he can hardly think of anything that motivates him less than finding a viable partner out of the blue. The thought has worked like a boomerang, just bringing him memories of Sabo’s hands, arms, lips. Something tells him he shouldn’t trouble his brother with his cycle like this. Something else tells him that nothing in the world would be better. Like Sabo his brother and Sabo an alpha could be different things– and they’re not; Sabo is Sabo. 
Ace the brother and Ace the omega are different things, though, and by the four fucking seas, he should know to keep it that way.  “Are you serious?” Sabo asks. Again with the eyebrows raised way up, his stare both hawkish and disbelieving. Ace’s heart beats like a drum. This is a gamble, he knows. But he’d regret anything less. “Dead serious,” he drawls. Go big or go home, and he’s fearless. He understands very well that he can’t always get his way. Can’t make people want him. He gets that. They do or they don’t. It seemed like Sabo did that first time. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a world where Sabo doesn’t. Kind, loyal, capable, pretty-faced Sabo…
He holds up his hands. “If you don’t wanna, that’s that, but I remember last month– kinda– sorry ‘bout that–” “Don’t be sorry,” Sabo chokes out. Nice of him not to play dumb. Ace nods. “-- it was good! Real good. You’d be helping me out, if you’re up to it.” “Well–” Sabo falters. He shifts his jaw around, looks altogether way too serious, rigid. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Ace.” Ace freezes. “Yeah, you’re right,” his mouth says without his permission. Now his heart’s beating in a bad way. Why’d he say that? Sabo never became a pirate. Maybe he’s not built for that up-front, casual kind of thing– “It’s not that I wouldn’t,” Sabo says with that same hasty voice from earlier. Now Ace recognizes that it’s not an endearing fluster, but a quick course correction meant to coddle Ace, and fuuuuck, he really showed his hand at the worst time.  “I just think– I’m not very available– I couldn’t be any help–” Again Ace’s hand comes down on Sabo’s shoulder. Maybe a little harder this time. “Sabo,” he says heavily, and sucks a deep breath in through his mouth. Sabo shuts up for the duration of his exhale, too, and then Ace smacks his shoulder a few times, grounding them both. “It’s fine. It’s cool. You’re super busy. It’s only a heat. Just forget it.”
Sabo looks more horrified than placated. Damn. Ace is pushing a smile harder than ever before because what else is there to do? Yeah, he’s pissed, but he’d be a prick to take it out on Sabo. 
“Wait, I don't think you understand. It’s not you at all. I just think–” “Yeah, I got it. Not cool of me to spring it on you. Way too short notice. And it’s just a heat,” Ace repeats, also trying to convince himself. His stomach feels like it’s about to mutiny, empty itself of its fat 8am nothing. Like nausea lives there now. 
So Sabo doesn’t want him.
That doesn’t even feel entirely true– But Ace is not going to push it.  No regrets, but also damn him and his bad ideas. Sabo grabs his arm. “Wait, Ace–”
He feels overstimulated and shrugs Sabo off. It takes a few seconds to even formulate a response around his brain mysteriously exploding with something like starvation pains. Sabo looks somewhat heartbroken for him, which is worse. It’s just a heat. Sabo is his own person, obviously. His own person who could probably have anyone other than Ace, what was he even thinking. 
Stalling, Ace ruffles his own hair back into somewhat of a bedhead, and tamps down as hard as possible on what wants to come out. You don’t want me? 
Am I causing problems again?
 Can you just hold me for a while, please, please– “If you feel like you need someone for it, just–” “Damn, don’t put words in my mouth,” Ace manages. He turns on his heel. “‘M hungry. I want food in my mouth. Let’s go get breakfast, Sabo.”
They sit across from each other for breakfast in the mess hall. If he’s around, Ace eats there even if Sabo doesn’t; like this, he learns the names of all the dour-faced veterans and bushy-tailed idealists, and they also know not to bug him if he lands face first in his plate. That doesn’t happen today. Sabo sits across from him with that disconcerted look, frowning more than Ace has seen him do in a while– it’s irritating– and Ace stuffs his face like they did not have that conversation. Once his stomach is fuller and he feels stronger, strong enough to hold his instincts at arm’s length again, he reasons that it went as well as it could’ve. Of course he had to ask. Was he just not going to ask? Like a coward? And at least now he knows. Yeah, he feels like a popped bubble or a capsized skiff now, strangled by that rejection in a way he hasn’t been for years, but this time it’s just omega stuff kicked up to eleven. That’s why it feels so beyond his control. 
He’ll get all his hormones sorted with a heat, and then he’ll stop feeling like Sabo’s lost, horny puppy dog. Awesome plan. He slams his bowl down. Sabo’s been talking to some staffers– he really does have his sexy little gloved fingers in everything all the time– and he glances up at the noise. “... No seconds?” “I said I’d help train some recruits today,” Ace informs him, stacking his tray up. Sabo frowns. “Really?” “Yeah– quit that, stop worrying about me.” Sabo takes a deep breath and rubs his neck. “I’m not…” Ace laughs. “Get better at lying. Look, this isn’t my first rodeo, okay? Won't be so bad. And us, we’re fine.” “Of course we are,” Sabo says, and leaves the but hanging in the air.  For now, Ace is fine with that. He whacks Sabo’s shoulder. “See you around?” “Yeah…” 
And the back of Ace’s neck tingles, because he feels eyes on him until the moment he leaves the room. * A nice breeze and a few hours of physical exertion do him good, even if he still feels like a time bomb. At least he can make himself useful until pre-heat starts kicking his ass.  He does indeed see Sabo around. He’s hard to miss at his height, with his stature, having left the top hat behind on this relatively casual day. And casual though it is, he sees Sabo cross from one end of the compound to the other, passing the training yard, no less than four times in six hours. 
Maybe that's not unusual? Except that Sabo stops to look at him every time, arms crossed and not quite focused. 
He's not there when the bell for dinner rings, which raises some questions, but Ace pushes it out of mind. He focuses on the roasted turkey and how he's going to have to ask for heat rations from the cook, who he hasn't quite won over just yet. Maybe in the morning when he’s less sleepy.
He's about to pass out in his room when there's a knock at the door and it opens. Huh. A guy has to question the point of knocking, then. 
Sabo closes it behind him with his foot, approaches Ace’s bunk– nest half-made and sadly lacking– and waits for him to stand up before holding out a folded set of clothes. Ace can't help the way he perks up at the gift. 
As he reaches for them, Sabo leans in and sniffs. Ace goes still without even meaning to, mechanically closing his hands around fabric. 
“You're getting close.”
“Hi to you, too, Sabo.”
Sabo leans back with a frown. “I really think you should stay in until it starts, Ace.”
“How are you? I'm doing fine, thank you for asking.” 
His voice is pinched. Briefly Ace traces the shape of his scar again and sighs. 
“I think I've got at least a day or two left ‘til it really sets in and gets, y’know, smelly.”
At age 18 he'd fought off a navy squadron in pre-heat, even, and any pirate in a mile radius knew not to fuck with him. Surely the revolutionary army guys are as disciplined as pirates? 
Sabo apparently doesn't think so. His face darkens. It's tough for Ace not to grin, but he tries. He brings the clothes closer to his chest. Sabo's wearing a whole other prissy outfit– so the ones he brought must've been from today. Ace feels itchy with that knowledge. 
He remembers practically tearing his brothers’ clothes off of them when they were kids, so brashly insistent on tossing them into bed, and laughs a little. Sabo scolded him then, too. 
“I'm not joking, Ace.”
“Obviously not,” Ace says lightly. “I can handle a fever, Sab. You worried about my hot, irresistible pheromones?”
Sabo’s face loosens like a lightning flash before his mouth firms up hard. Ace has the sense he's stepping on something he shouldn't. 
“Yes,” he answers, huffs, and rolls his eyes. “You know, a lot of these people haven't mated in years. If it was anyone but you, I’d probably ask you to use the heat rooms in the infirmary.”
That doesn't make him feel special. He scowls. 
“Don't really wanna be cooped up in any room at all for long,” he edges out. The worst thing is that he trusts Sabo is looking out for him, in his own needlessly intense  way. 
Ace catches the inside of his cheek between his molars.
“I'm telling you, ‘s not even pre-heat yet,” he says. His gland hasn't swollen up, there's no miserable heaviness to his groin, and he still has more than enough energy. So much energy he almost feels like he wants to fight.  
He's so hopeless sometimes. He sits on the bed just to put some space between them, looks dourly at Sabo. 
Sabo's surveying the room. There's a few trinkets, misplaced socks, log pose on the standard issue dresser. He hasn't made a home here, but it's something. 
“I still need to get my hands on some water and food for it,” Ace continues, trying the rational angle.
Sabo shakes his head, tic in his jaw. “I'll take care of that,” he says, and his voice is gentle, reassuring. And Sabo always does what he says he'll do, so. 
Ace frowns though. He feels fidgety, full of tinder sparks. He rubs at his neck, eyes shut. If he hunkers down now, he's just going to be… alone… for a while. And usually that’s no problem.
It's not like this room is a prison cell, but he learned just how slow a few days can pass when there's no one to talk to. He sends another silent thank you to Jinbei for keeping him somewhat more sane for that, but his friends can't do anything about his heat.
It's just a heat.
Sabo says his name and Ace realizes he doesn't know how long he was staring at his lap just now. 
“Ace?” Sabo sounds worried. “You still have your baby snail?”
“…Huh? It's somewhere.” 
“Right. So– that's how we’ll–” Sabo gestures, though he seems confused by exactly what he's doing. He pauses, puts his hands on his hips, and smiles. “You just call me on that when your heat starts.”
Ace’s brow twitches. He's not gonna show that side of himself to Sabo just for shits and giggles. Sabo looks at him and cools down, mouth falling open, smacked with some realization.
“Oh. Right. Sorry, are you still–” Again with the gesturing. “I changed my mind about what I said earlier.”
Ace leans back on the bed, incredulous. His arms are taut behind him. Sabo takes in the line of his body, then looks up. Oh, he's serious. 
“Changed your mind?” 
Sabo nods, all sincere, unflinching eye contact. “Yeah. I can’t just walk around doing business as usual while you're suffering in here. You even told me it was going to be bad. Can't take it lightly.”
Ace hums. Shit, he's getting too used to being saved by his brothers. 
Shaking his head, he pats the stack of clothes. “Couldn't have led with that, chief?” 
Sabo shrugs, smiling helplessly. 
“Will you wait for me?” he asks, voice butter smooth. “I have to get some things ready, and then I’ll be one call away when you feel it coming on.”
“Koala says you never answer your snail.”
Sabo makes a face. “Not fair, she's making generalizations. I can't always answer the snail if I'm sneaking around or fighting–” he takes another breath, pauses. “-- and I won't be– I mean, I'll be right here.”
“So…” Ace looks down. “You want me to hunker down now and just wait for you?”
It seemed like the biggest drag in the fucking world two minutes ago. To himself, at least, he can't deny all the warm, fuzzy feelings dredged up. Sabo also seems happy. They're on the same page again.
“I can bring you some comics tonight?” he offers. Ace laughs. 
He's a world-class wanted man who spent years in the Grand Line, and Sabo thinks he still likes comics? 
He's not wrong. 
“Ehh… just bring me all the papers with stories about Luffy,” he suggests, grinning. The two of them are collecting like crazy. “And the ones about Pops if you got ‘em.”
Sabo smiles. “Okay.”
Excitement grows inside of him. There’s whole-body relief  for the first time in ages. He hates that it's not something he could've accomplished on his own, but– he knows better than that now. 
“Thanks, Sabo.”
Sabo nods. “I’ll take good care of you, Ace, I swear.”
Ace’s ears go hot. He chuckles, looking aside. “You don't gotta say shit like that.” 
“Well, I mean it–“
Ace crashes back into his bed, sprawled over clothes and extra blankets, head tilting back and eyes shut. “I trust you.”
Sabo walks a little closer into his peripheral vision. All serious-faced again. His chip-toothed, wild brat really grew up into a soldier. “Full disclosure, though,” he starts. “I've never shared a heat with anyone.”
“What a surprise,” Ace says breezily. Haha, looks like he's gonna be Sabo’s first again. 
 Sabo doesn't even catch the dig for what it is. Ace clears his throat. “You'll be fine. When was your last rut?” 
“Uh. Not too long ago, actually.” 
Ace looks up at the ceiling, considering that. It means that Sabo’s alpha instincts likely won’t be so intense. Ace isn't sure how he feels about it. He’ll be burning off two years of suppressed heats and also the traumatic stress, according to Marco. 
He worries his lip between his teeth, glances over. “Did ya spend it with anyone?”
He doesn't know why he asked that. 
Sabo sort of stares into the corner of the bed. “Not… really…”
Ace laughs even though he wants to hit something suddenly. “What does that mean?”
“I mean, I didn't,” Sabo says with more certainty. Ace trusts that– and it's not his business, he reminds himself. Sabo’s free, all they ever wanted.  “I didn't share it with anyone. Full disclosure again, I don't like how I get during my ruts.”
Interesting. What does that mean? Ace tongues at the corner of one of his fangs and considers asking. 
He sits up, hunched over his knees. “Sabo. You will be fine. If anyone’s gonna embarrass themselves it's me.” Now that he thinks about it, that's pretty likely. His head dips as if the force of gravity hit it all at once, and he rubs the base of his skull.  “Sorry. I wouldn't bug you with this if it wasn't… believe me, it's just…” 
Something gets caught in his throat. 
“No, Ace, you can always ask.” Sabo is fast to sit down next to him. “I want you to ask.”
“You’re my brother,” Sabo says firmly. 
Ace can’t do anything but laugh. That really was one of the best ideas he ever had. He could get half-drunk on it at any time. He lifts his arm for Sabo to cross. Sabo returns the echo of their surprisingly idyllic childhood, then settles back into place, looking rather mindful of… something. That’s the thing with Sabo. He always seems to have a thousand things on his mind, but you can’t guess when or even if they’re going to come up. Ace leans over and nudges his shoulder. “I’d do the same for you if you had a bad cycle,” he swears, “you know that, right? Drop anything to take your knot.”
Sabo’s shoulders shake with his laughter, though it winds down fast and thin. His eyes flit away. “Dude, stop.”
Ace grins, leaning over. 
“Huh, maybe it is starting early…” “Ace, I mean it, please,” Sabo coughs into his hand and then stares at Ace so intently that any playfulness snuffs out. “I need to be prepared for your heat, as much as possible.” Ace blinks a few times. There’s an absurd amount of pomp and circumstance around this. It’s embarrassing, humbling– unexpected. He scoots closer and slaps his hand on Sabo’s back, hard. “Don’t treat it like a chore,” he says cheerfully. “You can have fun, too! I trust ya, and I’m not fragile. I’ve been working on my haki, I could probably kick your ass now–” “That’s not what I mean either,” Sabo says, ruefully shaking his head, but he doesn’t elaborate and Ace is getting sleepy. Sabo pats his thigh and stands up, winding an arm back to loosen up. “Alright, I’ll take care of reading material and the food ‘n water. You’ve got the clothes for nesting. Anything else?” “Nope,” Ace says. He said he was low maintenance and he means it. He shoots finger-guns. “Just you and that dick!” Sabo snorts. Ace tracks his movement and finds himself standing up, walking along to the door. Restless, suddenly. “Good night, Ace.” “Night, Sabo.” They stare at each other. Desire comes to life on the tip of Ace’s tongue. His skin prickles with it.
 Sabo is helping him. It’s too much to ask for anything else– especially not after all of Ace’s insistence that he didn’t even have his pre-heat yet. This isn’t need. Not his health. It’s just wanting. Inexplicable, childish wanting. Now that he’s going, Ace wants him to stay. With his hands, which touch Ace so easily; and his tough, pretty smile; and his scent, like the high canopies of the forest stretching toward the sun. In this stuttering, overborne moment, for once, Ace is unable to get his head around the feeling they’re sharing. There’s a huff– it could be either of them– and then Sabo nods, turns the knob, and leaves. Ace waves. Stands there, processing. When nobody and nothing else so much as crosses in front of his room in the next few minutes, Ace free falls into his privacy– into that clunky bed that’s so much more agreeable when arranged to soothe his instincts. Sabo’s offerings are washed in his scent. Ace buries his face in them. His heat is going to colossally thrash him this year. Now he’s stuck inside this tiny, sterile room for a while, too. And he is so, so lucky. The longer he has his nose to Sabo’s shirt, the luckier he feels.
It’s unfair of him to want more.  -
Sabo comes in the morning with a box of newspapers and a tray of breakfast. He has enough sense to have brought enough for both of them to eat together– they make room to do so on the floor. It’s surprisingly cozy. Ace cheerfully gnaws on toast and downs orange juice while pawing at the pages, eyebrows raised at this or that headline. He always grins whenever he sees “straw hat” emblazoned on the front pages. Sabo has the same enthusiasm, finding Ace first thing to show him whenever something new comes up. It’s been a little while, though.  “D’you think he’s okay,” Ace asks, mouth half-full of apple as he holds up one of the more recent ones. Sabo looks up, slurps the rest of a ham slice into his mouth, pauses. “... Of course he is.” “Uhuh.” Another bite. “Why’d you have to stop and think about it?” “He’s a little reckless, isn’t he?” Sabo notes lightly. “But you said yourself that it always works out for him.” He did say that. It does seem a little suspect though. Ace runs his hand back through his hair again, frowning. He knows Luffy is much bigger and stronger than he used to be. He’s reliable, in his own way. His friends will take care of him. All things that Ace has thought to himself any number of times, with increased frequency in the last few weeks. He can’t wait to start walking himself back from the edge. 
“Hey, it’s perfectly natural for an older brother to worry,” says Ace. “Sure is. Do you wish he was here?” “Yeah, a little,” Ace admits, since it’s Sabo– then he immediately thinks better of it. “Well. No, he should be out there becoming King of the Pirates, yeah?”
One-handed, he shifts some of the pages aside to find a picture of Luffy– well, a picture of Luffy’s wacky limbs splayed across the sky in some foreign land. How can you not root for him? When he glances up, Sabo’s smiling just the same as he is. “Yeah, of course,” Sabo replies. “You know… you know we can call him, right? Well, call the Sunny to talk to him.” Ace huffs. “What’s he gonna say? It’ll be the same as always. That kid....” He takes a deep breath. “We’ll see him when we see him.” “Alright, well, if I call him I’ll say you’re busy–” “Hey, if you’re gonna call him anyway, that’s different–” Sabo snickers. Ace starts cleaning up, annoyed again that Sabo has to play errand boy for him until his heat starts kicking his ass. “How are you feeling?” Sabo asks, setting the box of newspapers aside. “Fine–” Ace pauses when he feels Sabo’s bare hand on his forehead. He squints at him critically, an incredulous joke on his lips, but again, Sabo’s so intense at random times. It’s less work to just let him tire himself out. “You know,” Ace reminds him, gently lowering his hand, “you can’t really check my temperature ‘cause of the whole–” Sabo almost squawks when Ace makes use of his logia from the shoulders up, torn into red and orange flames licking the still air, then settling back into flesh. Sabo blinks at him, annoyed, while Ace gets his laugh in. 
ummmm ur honor i love them. anyway yeah the idea is like. ace in heat is very Not low maintenance and wait. this:
Ace in heat was boldly confrontational, glaring at Sabo like that.
 He started up with I’m sorry only to realize that Ace was channeling all that mysterious ire at his mouth– or, no, at the dull, thin bars of the alpha muzzle strapped over it. 
“You going to keep the gloves on, too?” Ace asked scathingly.
“Do you want me to?”
instead of finishing the rest of this fic can't i just.. RP it or smth...
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
(The Bad Batch) Hunter x Reader: Worried
A lil something for the Hunter fangirls!! Enjoy!
Word Count: 776
Warnings: Mentions events that took place in "The Crossing", Kissy
“You’ve been awfully quiet.”  The low rumble of his voice echoed softly in your ear.  As his gloved hand sought yours, you released a sigh, shoulders sinking in relief as his presence soothed your nerves.
You took note of Wrecker hauling a boulder on the other side of the dimly-lit tunnel, granting you and Hunter a moment to converse in some semblance of privacy.
“Omega and Tech have been gone for a while,” you said finally.  “I just hope everything’s okay.”
Hunter clasped his hand over your own, giving it a reassuring squeeze.  You relished the contact, leaning into his side. 
“They’ll check in soon.”
His profile betrayed no underlying fear.  No uncertainty.  Even while Cid’s bogus mission went awry, getting worse and worse by the hour, he’d hardly looked phased.  It was a wonder.
When the ship was stolen and the crew broke out into debates about who was at fault, he calmly redirected the team’s energy with the simple statement that arguing was not helping the situation.
While Wrecker grumbled and griped about how long it would take to dig your way out from the collapsed tunnel, Hunter made the argument that complaining would not make it go any faster.
He was right in both cases, and yet even you could not stave off the doubts that crept into your mind.  Would you all make it out in one piece?  Could you get the Marauder back?  How many failed missions would it take for Cid to turn on the lot of you?  And now, would Tech and Omega be alright?
His level-headed nature was almost enough to convince you there was no reason to be concerned. 
Hunter turned to face you completely, the corner of his lips turning up.  “Everything will be alright.”  His brown eyes searched your face, measuring your expression, hopeful that his words put you at ease.
A familiar, nagging thought crept its way back in.  You felt the need to pout under his gaze, lifting a brow.
His amusement grew at your shift as you pulled away slightly.  “What?”
“You don’t exactly reassure the others this much.”
Hunter leaned forward, countering your withdrawal by gently pulling you back into his space, so that you had nowhere to look but at him.  You met his eyes and felt helplessly drawn in at the tenderness they held.  “The others don’t quite worry like you do, sweetheart.”
Your lips parted with a reply that itched to be heard, but you couldn’t bring yourself to utter it.  As much as you wanted to protest, his statement wasn’t exactly inaccurate.  Besides, it was hard to argue when his lips found your neck.
“I just…don’t want you to think I can’t handle things like the rest of you,” you breathed, hands gripping broad shoulders as he trailed a series of soft kisses toward your ear.  
There.  You’d said it.  The thing that had been weighing on you for quite some time.  The reason that you’d fallen silent in the last few hours.
“Not for a second,” he murmured.  “You are one of the strongest people I know.  I actually think it’s…adorable how you worry for everyone.”
“Adorable?”  You hadn’t expected to hear that word from him, huffing quietly.  “Yeah, right.”  Your breath hitched in your throat when he nuzzled against the base of your neck.
“Utterly.”  His tone was heavy with sincerity.
“Well,” you exhaled slowly.  “I was not aware of that.”
“You look after each member of the squad in a way we’ve never been looked after before,” he continued, lifting his head to meet your gaze once more.  “Before you came along, do you think anyone worried about us?”
His question pierced you like a blade.  Before you joined, the squad had been on mission after mission, taking on the riskiest of tasks for the sake of the Republic… without anyone to worry besides each other. 
You buried your face in his chest, squeezing him tighter as he sighed.  “Either way, it’s only a matter of time until we’re out of here and find a transport.”
“Uh yeah,” Wrecker interjected, huffing.  “You guys done?  We’ve still got a lot of boulders to move.”
You and Hunter separated, him rolling his eyes while you smiled apologetically.  “Sorry, Wreck.  You’re doing a great job.”
“Yeah, yeah.”  He waved your comment off humorously and stepped aside so you could join him at the wall of collapsed rock.  You nudged him and knelt down to start rolling the nearest one, stealing a look at Hunter.
The sergeant was at your side in a moment to help, and just like that, you were dead set on getting out.
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
i have to edit the angst but my only thought is the mc getting kissy with hobi and giving him lots and lots of hickeys, ones that she spends a lot of time on, sucking them pretty and deep purple. licking at them and kissing them once they get dark enough. and eventually hobi realizes that she's spending a lot of time on them so he asks, voice all husky and a little fucked out because he likes his neck getting sucked on. he's never blushed harder than when she says "😠 want everyone to know the pretty alphas mine, that you're ours, can't believe the others dont mark you up enough, gotta fix it"
and he of course, predictably goes rim road strait and lets her do as she pleases, because he's never seen an omega with such a possessive streak. not even jin and jk get like this outside of their heats but shes a determined little thing. just imagine how hobi would flush under the pack's examination later, marks dotting all up and down his chest and neck, his scent glands on his wrists, his hips- literally everywhere. he'd be a little embarrassed but so pleased as they poked and kissed at each one. teasing both of them for it~
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blouisparadise · 1 year
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Upon request, today we have another part of our friends with benefits rec list! You can find part one here, and we also plan to have another part to this that will come out eventually. Be sure to check out these fics and show them love. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) A Treat For You And A Treat For Me | Explicit | 3416 words
Louis blushed at Harry’s flirty tone. “You’re just saying that to get in my pants.” He giggled, half joking. “But thank you. I’m glad you like it.”
“Not just to get in your pants, baby. I’m being honest. You’re always cute. Are you wearing mascara?” He asked, licking over his lips. Louis in makeup always did something to Harry. He loved it.
Louis nodded, leaning forward. “I am. Do you like it? I’m also wearing some cute Halloween panties under my costume.. if you wanna see them later?” He murmured, letting his lips touch Harry’s lightly before pulling away, a tiny smile on his lips.
Harry’s mouth opened a bit, but no words came out. Instead Louis was lifted up and carried in Harry’s arms, up the stairs. “Later? I wanna see them now.” He whispered into Louis’ ear, hot breath sending shivers down Louis’ body. “Missed you so much since last time.”
2) Kissy | Not Rated | 6876 words
Harry buys a motorcycle against Louis's advice, and it might be the best mistake of his life. Kissy.
3) You're The Only One Who's Making Me Come, To My Sinful Senses | Explicit | 9355 words
Louis the dance major and Harry the business major meet on Tinder. They hook up regularly and come to find out they like each other more than they let on.
4) I Would Wait Forever (And Ever) | Not Rated | 10018 words
Louis is brave but has the worst timing in the world, Harry doesn't want to lose his best friend and they just don't communicate enough.
5) Butterfly Kisses | Explicit | 11832 words
Himbo Harry is smitten with stem cell researcher Louis, who only dates smart people.
6) Before You Go, Can You Read My Mind? | Not Rated | 13415 words
Harry can listen to whatever is going inside of Louis’ head and breaks up with him. Louis can never let it go.
7) Kiss Me Once, Kiss Me Twice | Mature | 13487 words
“You’re a fucking brat, you know that,” Harry muttered through clenched teeth, bones already burning with the pure desire and hatred mixing in his body. It was an intoxicating rush of adrenaline and something else that probably came with fucking Louis Tomlinson. He squeezed his neck just a little tighter. “I can’t stand it.”
Their lips were brushing against each other, just moving with the ragged movements of their mouths and harsh breathing.
“You’re a lying piece of shit dickhead,” Louis muttered right back. That was all he did, challenge and nag. He loved to have the last word and Harry let him because he used all his energy to fuck him mindless.
8) Wait For Me (To Come Home) | Explicit | 16066 words
"I’m always soft for you, that’s the problem. You could come knocking on my door five years from now and I would open my arms wider and say, ‘come here, it’s been too long, it felt like home with you.’"
9) Dance Like Waves Along The Wind | Explicit | 17031 words
A Greek Mythology AU where Louis is Adonis and Harry is Poseidon. Louis would really like to move on with his everyday life without everyone on Mt. Olympus talking about his ex, who just happens to be the God of the Sea.
10) Keeping The Flame Alive | Explicit | 19706 words
Recording with One Direction never felt like this. There’s a couple reasons for that, Harry thinks. One is that they did most of their recording on the road, rushed and in busses and hotel rooms, never in one place long enough to really get an argument going. The other, larger and more important one, is that back then he had the sweetest, meanest little omega around to distract him from all of that frustration.
The first time around, when he’d been recording his debut solo album, it hit him pretty hard. He likes to think he’s better adjusted to it now, but frustration is warring under his skin nonetheless. He doesn’t want to be told what to do most of the time, and he especially doesn’t want to be told what to do when it comes to his music.
What he does want right now is that sweet, mean little omega right in front of him with his mouth on Harry’s cock. Unfortunately, the best he’s got is his own hand and a shared toilet. So. That’s really not going to work.
11) The Evenness I Fake | Explicit | 26372 words
Harry doesn’t do relationships. He has a perfectly enjoyable friends-with-benefits agreement with a perfectly lovely omega, and he doesn’t see the need to change that anytime soon. The small fact that Louis giving his attention to another alpha makes Harry want to put his head through a wall isn’t nearly as much of an issue as everyone’s making it out to be.
12) Let Me Carry Your Weight | Explicit | 28633 words
Louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. on his journey to better himself, he meets harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
13) Building Me Up (But Buttercup, You Lied) | Explicit | 31007 words
Harry’s mouth felt dry just saying those words. What he had with Louis was so much more than a simple ‘fuck buddies’ situation. It was slow kisses in the morning between soft sheets and shy smiles, it was holding hands in the afternoon while walking and eating ice cream. It was breakfast for dinner, laughing and licking honey from each other’s lips as they shared goals and even some secrets, it was happiness, it was glow.
To Harry, what he had with Louis meant everything. Until Louis decided it meant nothing.
14) Tarnished But So Grand | Explicit | 32258 words
Louis hides in places. Harry always finds him.
15) You’re An Alpha, Harry! | Explicit | 32900 words
Right before Harry goes to university, he presents as an alpha. Struggling with his newfound identity in a completely different environment, he seeks advice from the notorious Louis Tomlinson, an omega whose claim to fame is being the local campus sex expert. Sex Education AU.
16) Sweet Like Honey | Explicit | 33117 words
Weeks of flat shopping with their limited budget with Louis as a librarian aid and Harry as a barista and arguments about whether a balcony or extended bathroom suite were more important (Harry wanted to be able to feel the crisp night’s air and watch the sun set and Louis just wanted to take long bubble baths) led to them stumbling across the perfect fit. A small flat only ten minutes from campus with a cramped but lovely balcony and an included bath.
It’s affordable too… well, sort of. But they always manage. Louis picks up more shifts as an aid, adapting a habit of bringing his Psych textbooks and homework with him to finish in between duties, and later his script so he can quietly practice lines with little distraction.
Harry also increases his number of shifts at the cafe and valiantly endures the nasty customers who for some reason flock to their establishment like moths to a flame.
For a while, it’s enough.
17) A Common Place Affliction | Not Rated | 36508 words
“You should go home,” Louis muses, and Harry can feel the omega crouch down to become eye level with Harry, poking his cheek with a dainty finger. Harry lifts his arm, taking a peek at Louis’ face. Louis looks tired, he notes, but not exhausted, and there’s an eyelash stuck to his cheek. Harry doesn’t hesitate to lazily reach out and thumb over his cheek.
“Can’t,” Harry croaks, blindly twisting his hand around to grab at Louis’ offending finger and just holding it. “C’mere. Take a nap with me,” he asks after a beat, opening an eye to look at Louis.
Louis raises an eyebrow. “M’not going to nap with you in the middle of the ER, H.”
Sighing, Harry squeezes the young nurse’s finger. “Nobody cares.” He knows they do; they’ll annoy nurses and probably worry patients when they catch sight of a nurse and surgeon sleeping on the job. Let alone in the middle of the emergency ward hallway. Harry can hear the complaints now: ‘these are the people we’re supposed to trust with our lives?’
18) Smoke Between Your Teeth | Explicit | 37015 words
Louis tries to stop his addiction to cigarettes and discovers he's been addicted to Harry for much, much longer.
19) The Space Between | Explicit | 39917 words
Harry Styles is the alpha rockstar who can’t sleep and doesn’t know why.
Louis Tomlinson is the omega PhD student who helps him figure it out.
20) Where I End and You Begin | Explicit | 42730 words
Global rock sensation Harry Styles is set to perform in his sold out residencies across six major cities. What happens when his usual makeup artist can’t make it and they hire the most beautiful human he’s ever laid eyes on? Surely it couldn’t be that hard to remain professional.
21) Two Can Play That Game | Explicit | 44221 words
Harry and Louis have been best friends since they were little. Now being flatmates, both being single, they decide to hook up during the weekends as that is easier than having to go look for someone nice to hook up with.
But can friends with benefits really work? Or do feelings get in the way?
22) Social Cues | Explicit | 55860 words
To Harry, Louis was becoming as tangible and essential as music in his life. He still was a mystery but at the same time, he was one of the most real things Harry had. He just hoped he could live up to the image Louis probably had in his mind of him.
He could play the part, after all, what was published of him wasn’t as detached from reality. He didn’t think of himself as a rockstar cliche, although he couldn't deny he did sleep around, partied a lot, and did some drugs. But then again, wasn’t that what the majority of his friends back in his hometown were doing at college?
Harry wanted to impress Louis, he didn’t want to disappoint or leave his expectations unfulfilled, so he’d give him the full rockstar experience.
It was a very simple plan, what could possibly go wrong?
23) Know I Think You’re Awesome, Right? | Explicit | 60113 words
“Well, that’s not very Treat People With Kindness of you.”
“Neither is approaching someone with the sole intent of criticizing a cause they’re clearly passionate about, given the amount of time they’ve dedicated to advocating for it,” Louis snaps.
“Sure, but I’m not the one with the button,” Harry shrugs.
“So, is there actually something I can help you with, or did you just come to push me into pepper spraying you as well?” Louis is quickly growing impatient. Hell, he was impatient the moment that Harry made his grand entrance on campus yesterday.
“I’m just trying to assess the environment here,” Harry says, “Because if this is all you’ve got to offer trans people who just want to be able to use the bathroom in peace like the rest of us, then I’m not sure I fit in.”
“Allow me to save you the trouble, then: you don’t.”
24) Quite On The Contrary | Explicit | 63816 words
Neighbors x High School AU where it all started with Harry moving next door to the Tomlinsons, a balcony break in, mixed feelings, a poorly thought-out initiation, several missing sweaters and a lot of non-platonic activities.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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enoughyi · 3 months
#5: Peck & Bite
Ship: Imelda Reyes x f!MC (Julia Wright), Poppy Sweeting
Summary: Imelda and her contemplative mood.
Prompt Number: 64. Being Unable To Open Their Eyes For A Few Moments Afterward. [>>>link to the list]
Word count: 681. Rating: T.
A/N: It's brainrot-powered. Characters are in their 20's.
Based on my Imelda nsfw!headcanons post and on an one where I wrote Imelda is a tad superstitious. I don't remember the number.
Why has my writing blog turned Imelda x f!MC x Poppy kissy fluff? I frankly have no coherent answer nor idea, how. And I regret not, and hope this little nearly-a-week long journey has been so far a joy! :D
This song, btw:
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @espressoristretto-patronum @celestial--sapphic @ladyofsappho
Imelda wondered littly about times when it was just Poppy and Julia.
Julia was a dreamy girl. Poppy was peculiar according to some, and pensive to Imelda's mind. A halcyon amidst the disarray of poaching seas; Poppy couldn't be more driven towards her. It was only natural for them to tag along on their beast rescue impetuous escapades -- and at some point, fall head over heels for one another. A Ravenclaw like Julia must've been so at Poppy's crude flirting; a brazen Hufflepuff like Poppy couldn't escape Julia's peck of curiosity.
They looked so happy.
Their funny hobbies; giggly exchanges in the corridors and classes, somehow avoidant of professors' attention or pithy comments; the life they had, against all odds, was picturesque and serene.
And did Imelda envied both of them, many years ago.
Yet did she expect an intervention of nearly divine capability; turned each of their lives to a meeting point on a joint that would lead them to a future of inseparability, reliance, in other words, love.
It was a fairly long story; when a snake falls from the sky there has to be an explanation how it has gotten up in the air, has it not. But its starting point; it has never allowed Imelda a single contemplationless moment. Whenever she would ask Julia if she regretted anything; whenever she would ask Poppy the same question; however they would answer, Imelda would always feel either they didn't know, or were as contemplative, or preferred to call it infuriatingly simple.
Only in a fairy tale you'd have everything you could want from life, for a steep faeian price of course, and able to run with it, carelessly.
Poppy and Julia were unanimous in how to call Imelda's worry.
A mere superstition.
Because life is unpredictable; anything can happen; Julia happened, everything was and isn't just probable, it all is possible, no need to be worrisome, yes?..
Perhaps Poppy's word had some weight to it; her peculiar interest to fae creatures could lead her to this conclusion. But Julia's upbringing, inept in a magical sense, could only pack her mind with every fancy piece of literature about magical creatures of inestimable strengths and unfathomable powers. But when confronted, oh, that woman was an obduracy; her eyes almost glimmered with a familiar splinting sharpness Fig had when told his beliefs about magic were strange.
As if Julia knew something nobody else did. Acted as she pleased, -- or, no, was doing in accordance to the flow only she could sense in the air. Or was it a superstition getting a hold of Imelda, again?
So she asked her again.
"Neither of us regrets anything," Julia said. She was nearly asleep, but forced her eyes open at the sight of Imelda's distress.
It didn't feel right keeping her awake. "I know but it's all just…"
"Yes?" Tiredly, Julia added, "What is it?"
"It… It just doesn't feel real."
Julia's intent to sit up wasn't an available option, not for this late hour, not after Julia had been pleased; not after five-technically-six words, again, ruptured something in her heart, visible in a tired spark in her stubborn gaze. Was it Imelda -- or the Slytherin tendency to bite with venom instead of hitting with a peck of a snout; she hurt her, again.
Imelda's hands were on her shoulders, bony under the chemise; Julia's fingers ran up her cheek. She whispered, breathing out air strongly, "I am real very much though. You can't snap fingers and get rid of me. Consider me a pet fae; we've been through this again, and again, but we've yet to meet that bothersome thought of yours."
"Yes but are you really--"
"Really." She always pecked at the lips. "Get to sleep. It might be the Morpheus' clamant call to you. I'm limp. You're about to crash."
And she always got a bite back, always then breathed in sharply, eyelids flutter in the lingering warmth of this want-to-believe kiss. It could also help her to get to her own much warranted, wanted sleep.
Julia was a dreamy girl.
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fyodior · 1 year
Wait oh my god, omega reader in heat with alpha verlaine AND alpha Rimbaud 👁️
ok so we've already discussed this some, and what i think their different strengths as heat partners would be -- verlaine would be much better at alleviating your sexual needs whereas rimbaud is likely better with the emotional/physical support. basically verlaine will fuck you raw and rimbaud will make sure you drink water
so i definitely think they tag team it like that. when you wake up agitated and so horny you can't breathe, rimbaud will rub your back and do breathing exercises with you as verlaine gets himself hard fjdjfjfd and as he fucks you, rimbaud will prepare some light food and drinks to make sure you stay hydrated and fed, which he has to really encourage you to take a few bites of afterwards. your insanely overwhelming omega hormones and scent drive verlaine fucking crazy and he ends up fucking you half to death so you're rightfully exhausted jjfjdsjfdj but rimbaud is still going to gently force you to eat and drink, and will help you either take a shower or bath afterwards. he's pretty adamant about keeping you clean too. he'll help you rearrange your nest when it falls in disarray and scent/provide you with every single sweater he owns to comfort you when pieces of your nest inevitably need to be washed. he is the most gentle, patient, and loving caretaker
verlaine on the other hand. his talent is fucking. it's not that he's a bad person and doesn't want to provide you with emotional support, that's just something he has almost no experience with and doesn't even know where to start. that being said, he'll very gladly still try, and his hugs and cuddles and sweet words are very very comforting. but good god no one does it like him. when you've fallen back into the subspace-like, primal horniness and your pawing at verlaine and whining, he'll be very gentle and kissy as he lays you on your back and spreads your legs open. shhh honey, its ok, he'll whisper into your ear as you whine and cry out, your body overwhelmed by its own biology. i'll take good care of you, give you what you need, make you feel all better. which is exactly what he does ehhehehehe you're screeching and clawing at his back as he stuffs you so full of his cock you can feel your guts rearranging. he marks and scents you just like a good alpha should, and you breathe a little easier when you inhale his scent on you. even though he's not in rut, he has to be careful and hold himself back, because your pheromones and slick that's leaving him and the sheets absolutely soaked are triggering his own alpha instincts, but he knows when you're in such a fragile state he could hurt you badly if he gives in. he will indulge and force your thighs wide open so he can spend damn near an hour drinking up every ounce of slick you have to offer - it's so fucking sweet and absolutely intoxicating, and having his tongue shoved inside of you is a good alternative when he's waiting to get hard again. and exactly like a good alpha should -- he knots you. a switch flips in you as soon as the base of his cock swells and he releases all of his cum right into your womb, one that allows you to calm down even just the slightest amount. it feels so right to be full of his cum and for it to be plugged up inside you, for the two of you to be physically inseparable, even for just a short bit of time. verlaine's knot gets big, and your painfully sensitive, swollen cunt stings and aches as he stretches you out even further than his own girth, but you've never felt like something has belonged to you more.
all of this isn't to say that rimbaud won't support you sexually ever, he just doesn't have that high of a sex drive. he can and will fuck you slow and sweet with his fuller cock, draping himself over your back and spreading your cheeks wide so he can rub his cock over every single inch of your pussy, and fill every single crevice with his cum. he gets chilly though, so typically he'll want to fuck buried deep inside the nest under the covers. i can see him teasing you sometimes, though, wanting to have a little fun. im imagining verlaine is gone for some reason, either just in the shower or off very briefly to see chuuya or something, and rimbaud is your only alpha for the next hour or so. hormones dont care when and where the best time would be to fuck, though. you've woken rimbaud up and pounced on him, mewling please pleaseplease, arthur please i need you to fuck me, but he's still half asleep and not really in the mood. so, with a small smirk, he'll position you onto his lap and kiss you, whispering honey sweet words onto your lips. "you can take care of yourself just this once, can't you? for me?" you cock your head a bit, confused as your brain is cloudy, but get the point after he yanks your soaked panties off and grabs hold of your hips to help you rock against his thigh. you gasp as your swollen clit rubs against his toned thigh, finally understanding what he means. he doesn't have to convince you more, you can be a big girl and do it yourself this time. he offers you a sleepy smile as you throw your arms around his neck and start frantically humping his thigh, dirty moans and whines directed right into his ear as your body shakes. your heightened senses makes the stimulation feel blinding, and your body seems to have a separate mind of its own as grind down on his thigh, lips spreading so you can get direct contact with your clit. you're wet, so wet, and rimbaud almost thinks you've wet yourself as you come not long after, but it's just the ungodly amount of slick and squirt released from inside you as you succumb to your orgasm, shaking and crying. you collapse into rimbaud's arms, and that's how verlaine finds the two of you when he finally returns. you passed out, drooling on his chest as he hugs you close and pets your hair.
moving on from sex (booooo boo tomato tomato tomato) i just wanted to briefly talk about how sweet i think verlaine and rimbaud would be about you blabbering about having pups. clearly, heats have one purpose and one purpose only, to breed -- and that's what you want. they'll very patiently listen as you whine about how badly you want to get pregnant, how badly you need them to get you pregnant, and just pet your hair and laugh. it'll come with time, my love. just wait, they'll coo. they'll tell you how beautiful you'd look pregnant with their pups, and jokingly argue about who's pup you'd carry first. they decide to settle it with a game of rock, paper, scissors, and verlaine wins. here's to hoping you have cute little blonde pups <3
and that is just a mild glimpse into what i think alpha verlaine and rimbaud would be like when reader is in heat <3
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wisted-twunderland · 1 year
Happy Birthday, @veilofthorns! :D
A scenario for @veilofthorns and her TWST OC, Kissy.
Idia x F!MC, rated E for everyone
There was a girl in the board game club room. If Idia had a level bar for his experience with girls, it would be at level zero. That’s why he was standing in the doorway of the classroom, frozen still. He had heard about the new student that had somehow managed to worm her way into an all boys’ school. Some kind of extenuating circumstances. Maybe she was an exchange student? From like a princess school or something? Azul was talking with her, offering to tutor her (for a price) seeing as she was a new student, and the girl rebuffed him politely. She looked up at Idia. 
“Hi there!” she said brightly.
Idia stammered and shielded himself with his board game. 
“Eh? Huh?”
“Idia, this is Kissy. She is the newest member of the board game club,” said Azul. “Come have a seat.” He smiled at Idia over his glasses, knowing full well he was putting him on the spot.
Idia grumbled, and said to himself under his breath, “If there was going to be an event of this difficulty, someone should have let me know beforehand…”
“Sorry, what was that?” said Kissy.
“Never mind,” mumbled Idia, and he slowly scooted himself over to the table, seating himself as far away as possible from the new girl.
Idia peeped at her from out of the corner of his eye. She had hair the color of a raspberry gummy bear, and half of it was pulled onto the top of her head in a jaunty ponytail. Her big eyes were framed by round spectacles. She was cute.
Idia felt his face get hot. Wait, what?!? 
“Alright Idia, what game did you bring today?” said Azul. 
“T-this one,” said Idia, setting the game on the table sheepishly. Why did she have to be here? 
“It’s an expansion pack for the Supremacy, the deck-buiding game we played last week.”
“Oh, I think I’ve played a game a lot like that one back home,” said Kissy, “You have to build your deck to accumulate money and win points, right?”
“You know this one?” said Idia in disbelief.
“Well, I’ve played one that looks really similar. Deal me in, please!” said Kissy. 
Idia dealt the starter cards to each person at the table and began laying out the cards they would use for the round, thoughtfully selected by him to interact with one another.
“Oh yeah,” said Kissy, “I brought some cookies,” said Kissy. She pulled a container from her bag at her feet and popped off the lid. 
Idia’s eyes snapped up as the smell of sweets washed over him. 
“Ah, I will pass, thank you,” said Azul, frowning as his eyes wandered wistfully over the baked goods.
“I-I’ll take one, please,” said Idia, “I mean, ugh…” He had spoken without thinking. So much for going unnoticed. 
Kissy smiled brightly and handed him two cookies. “Here you go!” Oh. She was really pretty when she smiled like that. The table of students stared at Idia, waiting for him to take them and for the game to begin. 
“Idia, please, take them and let’s begin,” said Azul, sounding pained. Kissy’s hand had stopped in front of Azul’s face as she reached across the table to Idia, and Azul’s face was one of agony as he resisted temptation. 
“Uh, t-thanks,” said Idia. He finished dealing out the cards and took a bite. 
They were really good?!?
“Eh? Huh? No way, did you make these?!” said Idia.
“Yeah, Grim and I made them at the dorm! I used to make this recipe all the time, it’s a favorite in my family.” 
Idia devoured the next cookie in two quick bites. “So good,” he said around a mouthful of cookie, “These are like ‘HP fully restored’, whee hee.” 
Idia jumped as Kissy laughed. Oh no. He said something dumb. Ugh, what was it with this girl that was making him act like an omega nerd?
“Whatever, let’s just play.” 
“And with this card, I get two more actions, and I can collect up to two cards from the trash,” said Kissy. She had a long line of cards in front of her, and helped herself to some castoff cards. “So that leaves me with one purchase and 8 gems, so I’ll get a Kingdom card.” 
“Whee hee hee,” giggled Idia, “You’re totally spamming that card trio.” 
“Well, that’s what you picked this combo for, right?” said Kissy, picking up the cards she had earned.
“Heh, yeah, it’s totally OP. I just didn’t expect anyone else to use it.” 
“My turn,” said Azul. Using my Dwarf, I can pick two jewels from my discard pile. I’ll take the diamond and the platinum, giving me a total of 8, which I will use to buy the last Kingdom card. And that’s game.” He smiled smugly. 
The players began counting up their winning cards. As Idia sorted his cards, he felt his eyes drawn to Kissy. She was sorting her cards into piles based on category, mumbling under her breath to add the totals. Her hands were really small, and her nails were teeny. Cute.
“Idia? What’s your total?” said Azul.
“Huh? Oh, uh-umm…” Idia quickly tallied his cards. “36.”
Azul smiled smugly and pushed his glasses further up on his nose. “You’re off your game today, Idia, quite literally. Looks like I’ve won with 40 points.” He stood up briskly. “I must be off, I have to prepare for Mostro’s Lounge’s opening tonight.”
The other board game members said their goodbyes and began leaving. 
“That was really fun!”
“Eh?!” The cards Idia was holding slid from his hands and dropped onto the table. Kissy had suddenly appeared beside him, and was picking up the remaining cards to sort them. 
“You picked a good combination of cards,” she said.
“W-well, you did pretty okay, for a normie,” said Idia. Kissy laughed. 
“I don’t know if I would call myself that,” she said, “But I mean, what is normal, really?” 
“Pfft,” Idia grinned. “Well compared to me, you totally are.” 
His hand bumped into hers as they both reached to put the cards back into their slot. He recoiled as if her hand was a hot poker. “S-sorry,” he stammered. His hands were perpetually cold, and they were probably sweaty. She was definitely gonna be grossed out. 
“You’re fine,” said Kissy, smiling at him. She continued to put away cards, as if nothing had happened, while Idia remained largely frozen. Kissy’s smile caused paralysis, and he was unable to move. 
“Heeeee…” Idia giggled to himself as he walked down the hallway, causing the students around him to hurry away. The new expansion pack for Supremacy had just arrived that morning. This one was dark-magic themed, and introduced a night cycle and cards that could only be played at the end of the turn. Kissy had been talking about this one; Sam had it in his store but it was expensive. Idia had ordered it that same day. Apparently there really were perks to being the son of a multi-billion dollar research company. 
“Wonder what she’ll bring todaaaaaay…” Idia sang to himself. Every week, Kissy brought one of her top notch baked goods; brownies, cupcakes, cookies, toffees…
“Whatever it is, it’s gonna heal all my status effeeeeeeects…”
He threw open the door to the classroom. 
“Hey guys, I got the…” He froze.
The classroom was totally empty, except for Kissy. 
“W-w-w-where is everybody?” said Idia. 
“Um, I guess they couldn’t come,” said Kissy.
“Wh-w-w-what?! So it’s just…only…you??” Idia could feel the tips of his hair turning pink.
“Yeah,” said Kissy, “But we can still have fun. I brought baklava today; you like it, right? Ooh, is that the new expansion?” Kissy reached for the box.
Idia swung the box out of her reach. Since when did this become a boss fight?!
“I-I-I just remembered, I can’t come today either,” said Idia. “I am totally underleveled for this…” he mumbled under his breath. 
“What? You just got here!” said Kissy. 
Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Idia liked Kissy, in fact, he liked her A LOT, so much so that the thought of being alone in the same room as her made him feel like he was going to combust. 
“I need to go,” Idia squeaked, darting out of the room.
“Hey, wait!” said Kissy, following after him. 
Idia started running down the hall, but he only went a few yards before he was completely winded. 
“Totally…underleveled…” he wheezed. 
A hand on Idia’s elbow caused him to jump three feet in the air.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” said Kissy. 
Her brows were all furrowed. Her face looked cute like that. She was worried about him.
Idia stammered for several seconds, trying to eek out an excuse as he scooted away. 
Before he could say anything, Kissy said, “Oh, I get it.” 
She clasped her hands in front of her and studied the floor.
What? What did she mean?
Kissy looked up and smiled at him. “I’ve scared you off. Sorry, I must have come on too strong…” She was smiling, but Idia could see little tears at the corners of her eyes. 
“Don’t worry about it,” she said, her voice breaking a little bit. “This always happens.” She chuckled humorlessly. “I’ve never been good at being friends with guys.” She turned to go. 
“W-wait,” Idia’s hand shot out, grabbing her wrist, then dropped it immediately. Ugh, he had touched her with his gross cold hands. Critical fail!
“See?” said Kissy. Tears were falling down her face now. “You’re grossed out even just to touch me…” Her bottom lip began to tremble. 
“No, it’s because I LIKE YOU!!”
Huh? Did he just say that? Oh crap. He just picked the wrong dialogue option. This would definitely lead to the bad ending. Idia felt himself go to mush, and time seemed to slow down. So much for eating her delicious sweets, and seeing her smile, and talking about games with her. It’s funny, he had started looking forward to Board Game club more than the next chapter of his favorite manga, more than the next story event in his favorite gacha game. Because of her. He couldn’t remember a time he was this psyched about something. But now it was over, because he blew it. 
Kissy sniffed, and Idia was brought back to the present. 
“You do?”
“AUGH!” he squeaked. It was time for a strategic retreat. Better to go now than lose what progress he had.
He turned on his heel and walked towards the opposite end of the hall, his skinny arms and legs pumping to get him out of there as fast as possible. This would all be over soon, he would be back safe in his room, and this memory would only haunt him every night for the rest of his life as he tried to fall asleep. 
“Wait!” Kissy grabbed his wrist. Eh? Idia was immobilized; her moves inflicting status effects were way too strong!
She gave him a watery smile.
“I like you too, Idia. I like you a lot!”
Huh? HUHHHHHHH?!?!?!? 
This couldn’t be right, he was an omega nerd loser who only left his room when absolutely necessary, he had cold sweaty fish hands, there was no WAY a cute girl like her would…
Kissy laughed and wiped her eyes with her free hand. Then her hand around his wrist slid down and squeezed his hand. 
Idia could see the pink glow of his hair reflecting off of the walls of the corridor. He groaned and put his hand over his eyes. 
“Why are you so OP…” he whined. But he didn’t let go of her hand. 
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mybrainismelted · 8 months
wip wednesday!
thanks for the tag @sam-loves-seb
a small snippet of an upcoming chapter
“I’m fine, I’m fine.  Some damage to my leg, I’ll probably never be full active duty again, but it doesn’t affect me at all most of the time.”   Sam pulled back, looking him over in turn.  “You were gone when I woke up, and nobody would really tell me what had happened.  There were rumours, of course, and we all knew you had been branded… “ her fingers reached up to gently touch his neck.  “But we weren’t allowed to ask about you, or talk about you, and we couldn’t even find out where you had gone.  I’m so glad you are ok.”
The two of them laughed, and hugged again, before Ian turned to introduce her to Mickey and Iggy, as ‘old friends from his neighbourhood’.  She greeted them politely, eyes lingering on Mickey for a bit as she took in what was probably the first male Omega she had ever seen.  She leaned in and half-whispered to Ian “He’s pretty.  Is he taken?”  Ian snorted and told her that she needed to learn a bit more about this place before he would answer that question, while Mickey blushed, and Iggy kicked at him under the table, making kissy faces at his little brother.
tagging @jrooc, @juliakayyy, @dynamic-power, @crestfallercanyon, @ms-moonlight-inn, and @darlingian if any of you want to share!
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driftward · 8 months
For the Kissymeme:
🤎 kisses all over - nyx and either the candyman or omega
💕 kisses not on the mouth- karasawa and whichever city leader shes brave enough to motorboat
💘 mutual pining - zoissette and lyse
More kissy memes I sure did get a lot of these for something I didn't reblog
🤎 kisses all over - nyx and either the candyman or omega
“Miss Blackmoon!” called out a voice that Klynt did not recognize.
“Please do not be alarmed,” said Nyx.
“Sure, okay?” said Klynt, as an Elezen man rushed up to Nyx, and began peppering her with kisses, babbling between each kiss.
“My little petal!” he exclaimed. “My beautiful lovely doll,” he extolled. “My precious gem,” he gushed.
Nyx, for their part, just stood there. Klynt might have thought they looked uncomfortable, and had it been anyone else, she would have stepped in and grabbed the guy by the scruff by now to check in and perhaps say a few stern words as needed. However, that was the way Nyx always stood, with the facial expression Nyx always had, that was to say, none, and Klynt was pretty certain Nyx did not do or put up with anything Nyx did not want to.
So instead, she just stood off to one side, feeling a bit awkward.
Nyx eventually reached out and took the man by the chin, and gave him a single kiss in return. This was such a surprising thing that Klynt never could have guessed at in a thousand years that her brain stopped. Until that very moment she would not have guessed Nyx even cared. The man seemed pleased, all smiles, as he stepped back, taking both of Nyx’s hands in his own.
“Oh, I am so pleased to see you, my wonderful muse! I didn’t know you were back in the city!”
“Not for long. I am here on assignment. Speaking of. My companion, Sergeant Klynt Gohtawyn.”
Nyx stepped to one side and gestured at Klynt, and Klynt, still bewildered, gave the man a jaunty two-finger off the brow salute.
“A friend of yours?”
“Indeed. Our ends and means currently coincide.”
Klynt had also not been certain until just that moment that they were friends.
“Ah, if I may introduce myself, then,” said the man, bowing with a flourish and taking Klynt’s hand.
Klynt’s brain still had not began forward or any motion just yet, so she just stood their, dumbfounded and found dumb as he shook her hand. “Good woman Klynt Gohtawyn, I am Candeaux Vidalle, Eorzea’s finest connoisseur of confections, chocolates, candies, and other culinary curios of the sweet persuasion! My sister is a famously fast courier for the Immortal Flames who helps deliver a dramatically dynamic deluge of delicious desirable delights from around the realm to your dining domicile! It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said. He paused halfway through a handshake pump to trace the fingers of his off hand along the tendons of her wrist. “Oooh, such tendons! Strong. And with that slate coloration, and the scent of salt so strong - from Limsa, are you? Maelstrom, then? My, the things you must have seen on the sea!”
“He is the one that provides me with those dried and salted plums you are fond of,” supplied Nyx.
Well. They were friends, weren’t they, and somehow Klynt hadn’t fully allowed herself to notice. Klynt's brain shuddered back into motion. "Pleased to meet you... Candy Vidal?" she attempted. Elezen names and speech still eluded her. "Candeaux," the man corrected, but he winked at her. "Ah, but the utter delight in that all of Eorzea mispronounces it the same way! I could not have picked a finer name, wouldn't you agree? Well well, the pleasure is mine! Any friend of my elegant little lady is a friend of mine! May I show her the art we make sometime, my sweet?” he said the last to Nyx. “If you wish,” said Nyx.
“Oh, very good, very good! Well, I do not wish to keep either of you - I know the look of people about their business. Feel free to stop by my store any time, my salty seaworthy friend! I think we have a matter or two we might discuss. And will you be dropping by later, Miss Blackmoon?”
“Not soon. We are on mission. It is a very high priority.” “I understand, I understand. Well, take care of yourself! Ta ta!” the man said, before giving Nyx another half dozen hurried kisses and waving as he walked away.
Klynt just looked down at Nyx, bewildered, but Nyx was already walking off, and Klynt hurried to keep up. Fortunately, they were explaining as they went.
“We met in his candy store. He introduced me to a number of things when I indicated I was exploring as much flavor as possible. I believe he became enamored with me at that time. Now he gives me candy and dresses me up and makes paintings. He appreciates my ability to hold a pose.”
“…okay,” said Klynt, still feeling off balance and out of sorts by the entire exchange.
It always promised to be a strange sort of day with Nyx around, it seemed.
💕 kisses not on the mouth- karasawa and whichever city leader shes brave enough to motorboat
Karasawa Atraxae was the up and coming woman of the hour, the adventurer whose name was on everyone’s lips, possibly a sign of the rebirth of the heroes who had gone before and the maybe even the symbol of a brighter future for all. She was also, right this moment, interminably bored.
Another state dinner in Ul’dah, another evening spent with various merchants and up-and-comers attempting to get in her good graces, all of them jockeying to see how they could use this adventurer to their advantage.
It was all a bit of a farce, and she had little patience for being pawn or queen. But, she did want to make things easier for her friend. And so she accepted invites to these things from Lady Lilira, and tried to smile at the right times and not look like a glutton at the food trays and not just walk out to a balcony and take a dive for a breath of fresh pavement.
Fortunately, this night, Raubahn was here as well, dressed in his finest Immortal Flames uniform, bare chest flanked by metals and accolades and the fancy ropes and other decorations that declared him to be general, and worthy of that station. Many of the upper class of Ul’dah gave him a wide berth, which was perfect.
Atraxae sidled up to him. “General.” “Karasawa.”
She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall next to him. “Hate this,” she said, quietly enough that only he could hear.
He just snorted before taking another sip of his drink.
“Does nobody around here just say out and out what they want or need, or is it always just weird vague gestures at words I’m supposed to root for meaning out of like a pig in a sty?”
That was a figure of speech she’d picked up during a visit to the Silver Bazaar. It suited her. She liked the shape of it.
Raubahn gave a short laugh. “Aye, lass, that’s the way of things with these men and women. I don’t hardly trust any of them at their word because few of them are willing to give it in any straightforward manner. No, it’s the language of power. Vagaries you can always deny later, and few promises any of them are willing to commit to keeping.”
The two stood there for a bit, each watching the dignitaries walk back and forth, as merchants were making conversation half as much as they were making deals.
The part of her that tried to do right by Karasawa decided to bow out for the evening.
“Ya wanna scandalize every single last one of ‘em and get outta here?” she offered. And maybe also make sure she never got invited to one of these for at least a sennight.
“Don’t tempt me,” muttered Raubahn into his drink.
“No, seriously, this’ll be hilarious. You can pretend to yell at me about it after and ‘escort’ me outta here and we can both be gone just like that.”
He glanced sideways at her, clearly intrigued. “Dare I ask what you have in mind?” “Let me motorboat them tiddies.”
Raubahn blinked at her, lost. “I don’t know half those words, lass.” “Here, just… just lean over a bit, and do that flex thing you do sometimes to make your pecs look all big, I’ll handle the rest.”
Raubahn looked at her with a frown, but then sighed and shrugged, and set his drink down. He rolled his shoulders a bit, then clasped his hands in front of him, and flexed in a popular gladiatorial pose, showing off his impressive chest.
Atraxae winked at him, wrapping a hand around one of his arms. “Don’ forget to yell and be mad at me,” she said.
She then buried her face in the cleavage of his chest, and made the loudest most obnoxious wet noise while rubbing her face vigorusly back and forth, luxuriating in the feel of his muscles.
She felt Raubahn go stiff and his posture go tight, and his chest fair rumbled as he struggled to maintain his composure.
The room was silent, except for Atraxae making a terrible spectacle of herself.
Raubahn finally managed to half yell, half squeak - an impressive feat for a man whose voice was deep enough to drill for bedrock - at her.
“Alright that’s fair enough of that!” he said, before stopping, standing up straight, and then breathing in deep to manage a proper bellow while Atraxae looked up at him with the fakest saddest expression she could manage.
“Out with you!” he roared, and he grabbed her by the arm, and the room exploded into hushed whispered and scandalized gasps as he marched her out. Atraxae made eye contact with a few choice dignitaries on her way out, winking and blowing kisses, managing to save the last one for Lady Lilira herself, who looked halfway between shock and utter joy.
Raubahn continued to drag her, out past the doors, shutting them firmly behind them both and fake dragged her down the hallway and around two corners before he finally let go and turned to see if anyone had followed. Atraxae looked around as well, sweeping her gaze back and forth, and straining her hearing.
They were alone. The two looked at each other.
And then they both exploded into laughter. Boisterous, loud, joyful laughter that echoed off the stones and brought a little life back into her existence.
“By the gods, lass, you don’t do anything by half!” roared Raubahn. “Thal’s -balls- I’m not going to be able to show my face for a moon!”
“That’s the idea!” she said cheerfully, putting her hands on her hips and grinning over at him.
He jabbed a finger at her. “Alright, that one’s my fault, I should’ve known better, but never do that again.”
“You sure? I had fun, anyroad.” Raubahn spluttered, and Atraxae erupted into laughter again.
💘 mutual pining - zoissette and lyse
Their relationship was complicated, Zoissette and Lyse. Yda had been Zoissette’s first true friend amongst the Scions, in many ways. And with Papalymo as her mentor and as Yda’s ever present partner in arms, they had been close.
Papalymo’s death had sent them both spinning, and perhaps defined their relationship for the hard moons to come. Yda onto her new course, as Lyse, and Zoissette, as a woman who felt the world was falling apart faster than she could fight to keep it in one piece, but who had to keep going, keep it all from falling apart.
As Yda, she had always seemed so young to Zoissette. As Lyse, she blossomed into a woman, finally exceeding the limits she had placed on herself for so long, finally growing into the person that she was certain Papalymo had known she could always be all along. Heart and light, even in the dark. Especially in the dark.
And from Lyse's perspective, well. Zoissette was always so neat and organized with such a sharp mind and able to sound smart without also sounding like she was somehow better than you. Zoissette was somehow grounded in a way the other Scions frequently weren’t, and even though she obviously smarted in the wake of the revelation of the deception of identity, she managed to stay close, close enough to confide in. Doubts and fears, Zoissette was always willing to listen to her.
They fought side by side. They spent moons together. Zoissette had fought for her home not so long ago, and now here she was, no less willing to fight for Lyse’s. How could Lyse not admire that? How could Lyse not wish she could hold that feeling in a bottle, in her hand, and keep it with her forever? And how could Zoissette not feel something in return? Maybe it was the various wounds wishing to be filled by care, maybe it was the desire to talk with someone who might understand what it was to stand against and yet also for their home, maybe it was just hurt seeking comfort. It could not be, and so it never was. For both of them, just pain seeking solace.
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honeyblockm · 1 year
Livestream of my head is like mwah mwah mwah csapnap kissies oh man I want to put my mouth on Kenny omega's biceps blood blood blood blood what if there was a creature or perhaps a shark. Eepy time. Wake up thinking about cquackity. Oh man I want to kiss cquackity on the mouth covered in blood. I miss splorts. I want to fuck a robot so bad. Trying to explode common app with my mind catkiss catkissies ckarl cwilbur cfundy mwah mwah mwah mwah. I would let AM from I have no mouth but I must scream do unspeakable atrocities to me and his pussy is infinitely fascinating. I should take another nap
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thvnderdraws · 2 years
question, how would nightmare feel after the fight that chan comes back to him, and heals them both up with her shadow magic. she pats killer and nightmares head and is silent the whole time, course she starts chit chat and just said she was protecting the balance.
she also allows them to rest on her booba cuddling up with one at a time or all of them while they cuddle into her blanket cape inside of it resting on her warm body while they heal up because chans shadow magic heals really quick and also talks to the other bad sanses as well, and after she gives them tiny kisses on the forehead before waving goodbye.
and then for cross and dream, after the fight chan went to cross when he passes out and helped him out carrying him bridal style and taking him to the omega timeline, same with dream.
she left a little note to cross saying "sorry i had to leave so quick, i have some duties to attend too, i hope you feel better soon ^^! signed, .cs ~" and she leaves her signature with a kiss on the note *black lipstick*
she also gave a little kiss on crosses forehead when he passed out and gave dream one too *he wasnt passed out* ^^ and when cross wakes up he sees some shadows erupting from his wounds healing it up quickly.
how would they feel or act when chan does this? seperate pls ^^ *headcanons + cross, dream, nightmare, killer, horror, and dust*
zamn this is long- i feel like i ranted--
its okay!
cross !
he doesn’t remember chan giving him a little kiss, but when he wakes up and realize he got a kiss, he’s very happy! and even better, the kiss made the pain go away. He’s very thankful
also he’s keeping the little note very close to his heart <3
dream !
oh, the boy is flustered, he was expecting getting a kiss too, before she could go he told her he’s glad he helped them, while giving a tiny kiss on her hand <3
killer !
oh, he instantly forgets about all that, as long as he gets a lot of booba cuddles he’s happy lmao
nightmare !
he won’t forgive very quickly, but he appreciates the cuddles, at least he is getting healed up faster than he would have alone
horror !
horror doesn’t really know what actually happy but is very happy that he got a kissy too lol
before she could go he gave her a muffin he made to heal his boss and killer, he hopes she likes it!
dust !
he was using healing magic when she gave him a little kiss, so it startled him and the magic zapped killer
his soul is beating very strongly in his chest, oh boy what could that even mean 🤔
he gets distracted with paps yelling that he wants a kiss too !
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namujoon9401 · 26 days
This is a sequel to Into the Den of the Wolf! Please read that first!
They r on a date
Kenji was running late.
it was his first official date with Rina and he was running late.
The bus had been delayed in getting home from his afternoon class, and now he was scrambling to get dressed and out the door.
Of course he hadn't picked out an outfit the night before. Of course there was a power surge while he was gone, causing the digital clock above the stove to show the wrong time. Of course he had to feed his cat, Ami, before leaving.
All this is to say that Kenji was running late to his first official date with his new girlfriend (alpha?) and he feels bad about it.
He had texted to let her know, and she had responded with a don't worry about it baby with a kissy emoji.
Which of course just made him worry about it even more.
By the time he gets to the restaurant, he's sweaty and out of breath from running. He probably stinks, too.
Kenji takes a moment to catch his breath and compose himself before he walks in. He runs a hand through his hair, now slightly damp with sweat.
He spots her from the window, sitting by herself.
The alpha looks extra pretty today, wearing all black with a long black trench coat, slacks, and a turtleneck, dyed silver hair styled off her forehead. Silver jewelry shines in her ears and at her neck.
She spots him looking at her through the window. She smiles, waves him over.
Kenji quickly makes his way inside and sits across from her.
"Sorry I'm late." he says, sheepish, sighing at the welcoming curl of her bergamot sea salt scent.
She waves him off.
"I'm just glad you're here." she says with a soft smile.
A waiter comes around to take their drink orders.
When he leaves, the silence stretches between them.
He fidgets in his seat.
Rina's piercing gaze is boring holes through him, her green eyes laser focused.
She's leaning back in her seat, posture relaxed, arms crossed. She regards him with a slow smile.
"You look cute, babe. You got all dressed up for me?"
Kenji promptly flushes red.
He's wearing a soft blue sweater and brown corduroy pants with a green cardigan. His hair is styled (or, was, at least , before he had to run here.) So he wanted to look cute for his first date with Rina. So sue him.
"I-I." He squeaks, fidgeting even more. He's not sure how to respond. "I guess." he says, not meeting her eyes.
She barks out a short laugh.
"You look nice too." he blurts, because.
Because he's nervous and he doesn't know what to say because this is a date, a real one, and this is ridiculous because they've been best friends for years so why is this so difficult.
“Thank you.” Her smile is genuine.
There’s a pause.
She snorts. “Why are we so awkward? This is stupid.”
“God, I’m sorry.” He groans, scrubbing at his face. “I’m just nervous because I wanted to make a good impression. You know. As your…boyfriend.”
He whispers the word boyfriend as if it’s some kind of curse.
She chuckles, eyes bright.
“Kenji, come on. I’ve seen you sob over cheesy romance movies. And I still like you. Okay? So there’s no need to worry about that.”
He grins, pretending to roll his eyes. “Okay.”
They talk for a while, the awkwardness having been broken. The restaurant is nice, a quaint little Italian spot that's not too fancy (they are still broke college students, after all) and the food is really good.
At some point after their main course but before dessert she laughs at something, laying a hand on his.
He stares, flushing. Any words coming out of Rina's mouth right now are no longer being processed by his brain, focused entirely on that hand.
She's stroking his hand softly with her thumb, the veins in her (larger than his) hands prominent. The omega can't help but stare, blushing.
She notices him staring.
Seeing him flush, her smile turns to a smirk.
She says nothing, but her eyes tell a different story.
Slowly, she strokes a long finger along his hand, tracing along knuckles and veins.
Then, while maintaining eye contact, Rina laces their fingers together.
He’s not sure why this simple act makes him so hot under the collar. He’s sure his scent is surging.
Why is this so hot?
His breath is coming shorter, for Christ’s sake.
Okay, Kenji. Cool it. She’s just touching your hand. Get a fucking grip.
“God, you’re adorable. Smelling so pretty for me.”
Then, as if she can sense it, she leans in to whisper, lips grazing the shell of his ear.
“Wanna see you drenched in my scent.”
Holy shit.
He stands, immediately, chair scraping against the floor loudly.
“What about dessert-” she starts, clearly amused.
“Fuck the dessert.”
They burst through the threshold of Rina’s apartment.
Rina kisses him immediately, softly at first, hands grazing at his waist, gripping his hips, skimming at the soft warm skin under his sweater.
“Can’t believe I'm allowed to touch you like this.” The alpha murmurs,
“Shut the fuck up and kiss me-”
Rina laughs softly as she complies.
The kiss is wet, dirty, neither of them holding back now.
Kenji’s mind goes pleasantly blank, filled with nothing but the alpha’s rich scent and his overwhelming need.
She quickly takes control, walking him up against the side of the couch.
They kiss again and again, licking into each other’s mouth, panting, lips cherry red and slick with spit.
They kiss for what feels like hours. Kenji’s need only grows. Rina becomes more and more dominant, with soft growls and nips to his lips, his neck, his shoulder.
Their lips part with a wet noise, sounding much more obscene than intended.
The alpha pivots to his shoulder, kissing lightly at the scent gland nestled at the base of his neck.
He gasps, eyes wide as a jolt of pleasure shocks through his system.
“Again, again-” he whines.
She laps at it, tongue laving over the reddened patch of skin.
It’s a moan that she pulls from his lips this time, a soft little ah sound that makes her eyes darken and scent surge.
“Last time-” she starts. She doesn’t need to clarify.
He nods, shaky.
“Seeing you under me, I could hardly believe it. I’d wanted you for so long. But it was over so quick…”
She leans in closer, voice dropping to a low murmur, eyes lidded.
“Wanna take my time with you, pretty thing.”
He kisses her. Hard.
And then they have sex gn.
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sailorkamino · 2 years
Heat of the Moment
relationship: alpha!stucky x omega!reader
word count: 3.4k
summary: You've haven't been with Bucky and Steve for very long but you already know that you want to be bonded to them. The opportunity comes sooner than later when Bucky suddenly goes into rut for the first time since the 40's.
warnings: body insecurities(bucky doesn't like his prosthetic/scars), threesome/poly relationship, p in v sex, knotting/abo dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, possessive stucky, breeding kink, handjobs, fingering, some cum play, oral fixation/finger sucking, brief vagina spanking, breast play, unprotected sex, biting, mentioned oral sex, metal arm kink, praise kink, pet names(doll, puppy, angel, peach, pretty girl, sweets)
a/n: the much requested part 2 of happy ending! this is also my 1st full length smut. i've been hesistant to write smut bc i worry about the pacing, i would love some feedback!
smut! minors dni
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Bucky is a little, well, clingy today. More than usual.
When you giggle at your phone he’s suddenly poking your sides with his socked feet. “What’s so funny?” He asks with a pout. “Just a meme of Stevie,” you hum, typing a response. Meanwhile the blonde focuses on his crossword (he’s long since given up understanding internet humor). Bucky frowns as he sits up, feeling left out. “What’s a me-me?”
You grin as you boop his nose, “you’re so cute. It’s called a meme and a funny picture or video from the internet.” You show him the blurry image of your boyfriend with a glass in his hand. He appears to be in the middle of talking, with his mouth curled up in a goofy smirk while winking dramatically.
Under it was a bubble of text from you that read: “omg is that when Thor brought Asgardian mead?” That’s when he sees the contact at the top of the screen: a picture of Natasha with the name ‘Red Scare’ below it. And a kissy face. Suddenly the me-me doesn’t seem as funny anymore.
He’s quiet for a moment before suddenly wrapping you in his thick arms, pulling you against his chest and laying down. You squeal in surprise but giggle as he places loud kisses against your face, his stubble tickling your skin. He smirks in satisfaction when he notices your phone dropped on the floor. Steve watches curiously. He's known Bucky long enough to spot the thinly veiled jealousy but says nothing, simply enjoying your shrieks of laughter and the other alpha’s satisfied scent.
Later that day when the blonde announces he is going on a run (because even on a lazy day he has to exercise) Bucky is not happy. “Do you remember this morning when you asked me to stay in bed? And I told you if I stay in bed now I’m gonna have to run later?” Steve asks as if he’s talking to a child. Bucky grumbles, curling into your side like a large cat.
You kiss his head while scratching his back. Your attempts to sooth him seem to work as he winds his mismatched arms around your waist. Your other boyfriend smiles at the sight and is just stepping out the door when Bucky speaks up.
“Will Sam be there?”
The deep growl in his voice has you (embarrassingly enough) clenching your thighs in an attempt to hide your sudden arousal. You hope they won’t notice but of course they do. You feel their burning gaze fix on you for a moment before they try to mask their reactions. You had yet to do anything beyond heavy petting together, Bucky is very bodyshy thanks to Hydra and you and Steve don’t want to pressure him.
You watch the blonde clench his jaw before managing an answer, his voice sounding strained. “No, he’s busy with Tony. Something about upgrading Redwing.”
Bucky responds with a simple “good” before leaning in to nibble on your earlobe. You shiver as Steve blushes, obviously affected by the possessiveness in your partner’s tone, before hurriedly exiting the apartment. You suppress a smirk at the thought of Captain America himself trying to hide an erection in those grey sweatpants he insists on wearing.
After about an hour of restlessness Bucky manhandles you into his lap, making you gasp in surprise. A teasing smirk plays on his lips, “why don’t we give Stevie a little show when he gets home?”
You nod embarrassingly fast as his lips descend upon yours, a little rougher than usual but you love it. Eventually his mouth pulls away from yours, making you whine in protest but it turns into a moan as he trails kisses across your jaw and neck. Suddenly the omega part of your brain starts nagging you: nest. Nest. Nest.
You try to focus on Bucky but being the annoyingly perfect alpha he is, he quickly notices your conflict. “Hey, what’s wrong, baby doll?”
You pout, not feeling like talking and really just wanting to kiss him again, but he holds you in place by grabbing the back of your neck. You can’t help but whine at his grip. You feel his cock harden under you but he remains stern. “What’s. Wrong.”
That time it doesn’t sound like a question. You start playing with his hair, not knowing how to explain yourself. “I don’t know. Can we… go to bed? It’s comfier.
Bucky wants to hit himself. Of course! Omegas like soft things! He glares at the couch under you, planning to buy a new one as soon as possible. It’s not good enough for you. Without a word he stands with you in his arms, making you cling to him with a suprised squeak. He looks at your favorite blanket for a moment before grabbing it as well, carrying you both to your bedroom.
When Steve opens your suite he’s almost knocked down by the scent. It’s you and Bucky but stronger. And sweeter. He can hear you two talking now in hushed voices. “Alpha’s home,” Bucky giggles, followed by kissing noises. Despite the need rushing through his body Steve grins. His mates are adorable.
He stalks to your bedroom, swinging the door open a little too roughly. You jump at the loud sound. Steve wants to apologize but he’s too distracted by the gorgeous sight in front of him. You and Bucky are tangled up amongst the softest pillows and blankets you own. You’re still in Bucky’s pajama shirt you were wearing when he left but you’ve lost your sweatpants, leaving you in lacy blue panties.
“Why didn’t you call me?” He asks, a protective growl in his voice. You pause, a confused pout on your lips. “I’m sorry, I thought it was ok for us to do stuff alone” you mumble, scent becoming distressed. Alpha’s upset with you. Normally you would have no problem sassing Steve but you’re feeling especially sensitive today and don’t like his gruff tone.
Bucky pulls you closer, wrapping you in a blanket and sending a disgruntled look to Steve for upsetting you. The blonde shakes his head, trying to clear his mind. “What? No ─ that’s not what I meant. I love seeing you and Buck together, you never need my permission for that. Or anything.”
You peer at him from your spot tucked against Bucky. “Oh… then why did you sound all growly?”
Steve runs a hand through his short hair in exasperation. “Do you not realize what’s going on?”
You crane your head to look up at Bucky, who seems equally puzzled. “We were kissing…” he trails off innocently. “I think you two are scent blind,” the blonde grumbles, finally approaching the bed. “You’re in rut,” he states, pointing at Bucky. “And it’s sending you into heat,” he points at you.
You furrow your brow. “But it’s not my team for my heat yet.” You look at the brunet quizzically. “When’s the last rut you had?”
“I don’t know, before the war I guess?”
You let out a sad whine as you nuzzle into his neck. Steve takes his boyfriend’s hands with a pained look on his face, “oh, Buck.” Suddenly, insecurity creeps into your mind. You pull away from Bucky’s hold to meet his eyes. “Wait, is that the only reason you want this? Because of your rut?”
“Of course not, angel. I’ve wanted you since the second I saw you.”
“What took you so long!?” You whine, offended at the thought of being deprived of Bucky dick for so long. He lets out a sad sigh, avoiding eye contact. “I was afraid of losing control and hurting one of you. Plus my arm… it ain’t pretty.”
You feel your heartbreak at the confession. Steve’s face turns deadly serious as he cups his boyfriend’s face. “Buck, look at me. You’re beautiful. I’m just as attracted to you as I was back then and I always will be. Nothing will ever change how I feel about you, alpha.”
“Exactly. I actually find it kind of sexy,” you purr, stroking Bucky’s jaw line. You watch with satisfaction as it clenches under your feathery touch.
“Doll…” He trails off, obviously not convinced.
“I’m serious. A super strong arm that never gets tired? That’s straight out of a wet dream.” His gaze grows darker, making you shiver. “Really?” He asks lowly. You crawl into his lap with an affirmative hum. “I’ve thought about how good your arm would feel when I’m in heat. How nice and cool it would be against my body.”
Steve watches the two of you closely, overcome with affection and lust. Watching you comfort Bucky reassures what he already knew ─ you’re perfect for them. “Yeah?” Bucky whispers. “Yeah,” you purr, lips brushing his. “Knot me, alpha. Please.” Steve licks his lips, voice rough when he speaks. “Don’t make our girl wait, Buck.”
Something in Bucky seems to snap as he rolls you over, pinning you under his body. “Tell me what you need, pup.”
“Wanna feel you,” You whimper, tugging at his clothes desperately. He rumbles a “good girl” in approval then sits up so he’s straddling you, pulling his shirt off over his head. You try not to drool as your hands wander his sculpted body, fingers running over the thin trail of hair that leads to his bulge.
Steve grabs him by the back of his head, smashing their lips together. You feel your panties dampen at the sight. You reach out to the blonde’s shirt (that’s still on for some reason) and pull gently, hoping that will send your message. He pulls away from Bucky, looking down at you with a smirk. “Need something, peach?”
His dominant tone has you squirming but Bucky’s strong thighs hold you in place. “Off,” you simply demand, looking up at him through your lashes. He grins, discarding both his shirt and his pants. You hold back a whine at the sight of his perfect body, tugging him in bed so you can kiss him too.
“I think you’re a little overdressed,” Bucky teases gruffly as you and the blonde pull apart. You’re about to sit up to help him take off your top but a loud rip makes you freeze. “Sorry doll,” he grunts, not sounding very sorry as he discards the torn fabric, hands going straight for your breasts. “God, these tits.”
Steve nips your jaw. “Don’t apologize. She liked it.” He grabs your cheeks in one large hand, making you look at him. “You love how strong our alpha is, don’t you, peach?”
“Yes, yes, I love it,” you babble, gasping again when Bucky does the same thing to your panties. “Oh baby doll, you’re so beautiful. Look at how wet you are,” he muses, kneeling between your thighs so he can slowly rub your clit. He uses his metal hand to hold down your hips as begans to finger you. “Need you, alphas,” you whimper, a new wave of heat crashing through you as Steve plays with your swollen nipples.
“I know, I know, pretty girl, but I gotta stretch you out first. You’re so fucking tight,” Bucky groans. He scissors his fingers inside of you until you're arching off the bed, shoving more of your breasts in Steve’s face. “I’m ready, I’m ready, please,” you beg.
Bucky growls, taking off his underwear in one swift motion then goes back to kneeling between your thighs. He pushes your legs into the air so he can rub his cock against your hole. You gasp at the size. “Tell me if I hurt you doll.”
You nod desperately. “I will, Buck. Promise.”
He smirks at your neediness, finally pushing in with a deep groan. You whimper at the fullness when he bottoms out, heavy balls resting against your ass. He studies your face, making sure you aren’t in pain. Normally you would coo at his sweetness but all you can manage is a whimper of, “please alpha.”
Bucky growls, thrusting into you so hard the bed shakes. He’s borderline feral from going so long without a rut as his hips snap against yours. “Good girl. Just lay there and take it” he growls roughly. Both you and Steve moan at his words.
You notice the blonde jacking himself off beside you and clumsily put your hand over his. “Aw, you wanna make me cum, sweets?” He pants. You nod desperately as Bucky grunts above you. “Cum on her tits.”
Steve obeys, moving so he’s kneeling beside you with his large dick pointed at your chest. You continue to twist your hand around him, sighing lovingly. “I really love your cocks.” Both men chuckle breathlessly at your words. “So good for us. Isn’t she, Buck?” Steve coos, looking at your other partner.
“The best. Our perfect mate,” Bucky praises gruffly. You preen at his words. Suddenly you twist off the bed with a loud moan as he hits your G spot. “There, there! Don’t stop!”
“I don’t plan to,” Bucky pants, lifting your hips so he can angle himself even deeper inside of you. “That’s right, pup. Fucking scream for me.”
“I’m gonna cum,” Steve groans, twitching in your grasp. “Make a mess on me,” you whimper through labored breaths, peering up at him. With a growl he releases on your chest and face. You use your tongue to lick away some of his cum as Bucky grunts above you. “You want my knot, pup?”
“Please, I want it so bad,” you whimper. The sight of you pleading, covered in your other partner’s seed, is enough to push him over the edge. “Cum for me,” he commands gruffly. Your orgasm hits you hard, making you cry out in pleasure as Bucky fills you up. You whimper as the brunet leans over you but it turns into a gasp when he sinks his teeth into your neck. The sharp sting quickly fades to ecstasy.
You're overwhelmed as you feel the bond form between you, simply whining into warm skin. He gently kisses the small wound, nuzzling into you. Steve watches with soft eyes. “Come on, sweetheart. Why don’t you be a good girl and bite him back?”
You’re filled with a new rush of energy as you angle his head to the side, placing your own mark on him. He moans in your ear, “oh doll, I can feel ya.” You sigh happily, pecking his shoulder. “I feel you too, Buck.”
He rumbles happily before rolling the two of you over so you’re spooning. You whimper as his knot is jostled inside of you but it turns into a content sigh when he throws his metal arm across your sweaty body. Steve moves to get up, making you whine in panic. He coos soothingly, “aw, it’s alright peach. I’m just getting a rag to clean you up.”
You start to get restless as Bucky’s knot goes down inside of you, squirming as the familiar need washes over you. “You need to be fucked again, sweetheart?” Steve asks, trailing a large hand to your sex. He groans at the sight, “oh alpha, her hole is just leaking.”
Bucky growls possessively, rutting into you unexpectedly. “Don’t want my cum dripping out of you, puppy,” he grits out against the shell of your ear. You whimper helplessly in his strong hold. “Don’t worry Buck, we’ll keep her full,” Steve soothes, cupping your pussy. “Then when she needs a rest we’ll fuck each other.”
You whimper at his filthy words as Bucky growls behind you. “I get to fuck you first. I missed that tight ass.” He kisses behind your ear, “you wanna watch me bend Stevie over? Make him cum untouched?” You clench around him at the mental image. “Yes, please.”
Bucky hums against your skin. “But first, Steve needs to bond you, doesn’t he? I think you’re ready for another knot.” As always, he’s right. Your tummy starts fluttering in anticipation. “I’m gonna pull out,” the brunet announces, squeezing your hip.
Before you can protest you’re suddenly empty. You can only whine for a moment as Steve rolls you over on your back. Once he gets you into position he wastes no time thrusting his cock inside of you. You squeak in surprise as his thrusts rock your body, making Bucky coo. “Fuck, you’re big,” you whine. Steve smirks proudly, “you can take it, sweets. You were made for us.”
You whine at his words as Bucky descends onto your breasts, still sensitive from Steve’s earlier activities.
“Am I hitting your sweet spot, pretty girl?” The blonde grunts above you. You can tell by his smug tone he already knows the answer. “Yes, so good,” you mewl as you fist one hand in Bucky’s locks. His beard scratches your sensitive skin, quickly soothed by his warmed mouth.
“Fuck, I love these tits. Imagine ‘em when she’s pregnant,” Bucky growls against your heated skin. He’s too far gone to have a filter at this point but you love it, a high pitched moan leaving your lips. “You like that peach? Wanna be knocked up by your alphas?” Steve pants.
Your head is too fuzzy to respond, overwhelmed in the best way. Bucky gently slaps your clit at your lack of response, shocking both you and Steve. You clench around his cock at the light sting. “Answer your alpha, doll,” Bucky demands. You whimper. “Yes Stevie, I want you to knock me up,” you manage, looking to the brunet for approval.
He rumbles happily as the man above you slams into you even harder. Bucky runs a thumb over your swollen lip. You instantly kiss the digit. He smirks as he gets an idea, shoving two fingers in your mouth. You began to suck on them with a content look on your face.
“You just needed something in your mouth, didn’t ya, baby doll? I would let you suck my dick but I don’t wanna be in Stevie’s way when he bite’s ya.”
“After,” you manage to respond around his thick fingers. He smirks, the scent of pleased alpha making your head spin. “Ya hear that Stevie? Our pretty ‘mega wants to suck us off.”
“You’re gonna look so good on your knees, peach,” Steve growls above you. You can only whimper at the filthy promise as a familiar pressure begans to build in your stomach. “Gonna cum,” you mewl around Bucky’s fingers, spit running down your chin. “Me too, sweets. You gonna milk my knot?” The blonde growls, hips snapping against you.
Bucky pulls his wet digits from your mouth and uses them to rub your sensitive clit. “Go on doll, make a mess,” he urgers. The stimulation is all you need to push you over. Your arch of the bed with a gasp. The blonde continues to hit your g spot as your legs tremble, before he cums inside you with a growl. He bends over to bite you under Bucky’s mark as his seed drips down your thighs.
You lay on the bed, feeling physically and emotionally exhausted from bonding with two super soldiers. Your mates move around you to clean you up and tuck you in. They grab any pillows or stuffed animals that fell from your nest and place them around you.
Steve fetches you some gatorade as Bucky curls up behind you. When the blonde returns he makes you sit up, despite your multiple protests, to sip on the healthy drink. “Good girl,” he praises, petting your head. You grin at his words as you sink back into your pillows. “Rest now, princess. When you wake up it’ll be time to eat,” Bucky croons sweetly in your ear. “Then I can eat you.”
You whimper as Steve joins you in bed. “Don’t get her excited, she needs rest,” he lightly scolds, wrapping around you protectively. Bucky looks at his boyfriend teasingly. "I know, that’s why I’m gonna fuck you while she rests.” You pout. "Wanna watch,” you protest drowsily with a yawn. Steve pets your hair soothingly. “Of course, sweet girl. We’ll wait for you ─ won’t we, Bucky?”
Bucky peers at him through dark lashes. “Yes, alpha. I’ll be good,” he coos, only half jokingly. Steve’s cock twitches against your soft thigh. “Tease,” he growls. He only smirks in response. Enclosed in their strong arms and comforting scents you let yourself drift to sleep.
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