#it's just really slick and cheery and unpretentious and fun
leam1983 · 3 years
Free Guy - Ultra Quickie
Just watched the movie.
I find it kind of ironic that a movie dissing doucher execs and sequel-baiting producers pushing profit over originality calls itself original, when a large swath of its basic premise was done with someone that did a better job without the Ryan Reynolds star-power.
That someone is Yahtzee Croshaw, better known for his Zero Punctuation video review series. That better product is his first published novel, called MogWorld.
Stop me if you've heard this one: NPC wakes up and breaks its cycle just as the gameworld they're inhabiting is about to be pulled out of service, and effectively speeds the MMO's demise along by exhibiting free will in the normally girded constraints of game event instances. That's MogWorld, and it's also Free Guy. The novel predates the movie by thirteen years.
I mean, it's a great movie - it's pure Reynolds charm and effectively the best Deadpool threequel until Disney puts its big-boy pants on and authorizes a script - but MogWorld is Pratchett by way of early-aughts-grumpy-and-jaded-mumorpurger-player; which makes it even better in my opinion.
I'll have to talk about that book more in-depth, eventually. For now, however, the bed beckons. Ye Olde Real Life Save Point, if you will...
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