#it's just luck that wwx doesn't ultimately let him down
cqlfeels · 3 years
Not to rant or anything but...
(Rebloggable - under the cut for length)
You know, I GET why this fandom thinks LXC should've suspected JGY sooner (especially if we're talking CQL rather than MDZS) but the hill I'll die on is that actually no, he shouldn't.
Based on the evidence he has access to, there's no strong reason to suspect JGY has done anything out of the ordinary for a man in his position - secrets are to be expected for a sect leader, as are frankly immoral compromises. Let's remember LXC - whose formative experience as a young man was to turn his back on children and elders burning to death so he alone could escape unharmed - knows better than anyone that powerful people literally cannot keep their hands clean indefinitely.
And of course, there's a long history of people being cruel to JGY for classism and other isms, so he's right to take rumors with several grains of salt, no matter how many people agree the rumors just have to be true.
Having said that, the instant LXC does come across an accusation that has any credibility, he actively encourages investigation even as he admits that he doesn't think it'll go anywhere, and also makes sure to help as much as he's able, even though it's pretty clear that it's not what he'd emotionally like to do.
By Guanyin Temple he definitely doesn't trust JGY unconditionally anymore, but he still gives him chances to explain himself because like... Putting aside all shipping. If your closest friend of 20 years turns out to be awful, the right thing to do isn't to say "oh okay, my bad, I think someone should kill you right now immediately without delay" but to ask questions to make sure that there's no misunderstanding, that there are no attenuating circumstances, etc. It demonstrates strength of conviction, not naivety. Especially because there's no such thing as due process in the CQL/MDZS world! JGY won't get another chance to explain himself if LXC doesn't give him the benefit of the doubt right then and there!
So like, it's not even that "Being Too Kind Is Better Than Being Too Cynical" - it's just that objectively, LXC isn't being too kind, he's being fair. He's assessing the situation based on the evidence he has while remaining open to new facts. It just so happens that the evidence he has access to is overwhelmingly favorable towards JGY 🤷‍♀️ (I suspect that's the part that trips people up.)
All of this doesn't mean that JGY is a little angel uwu, just that LXC's belief that he's largely good is pretty logical and justified. And that belief changes as he learns more! You can see LXC's trust wearing away as he gains access to new info! But you can't hold LXC accountable for not acting sooner on information he didn't have sooner!
Imho LXC, who's often accused of blind trust, might be one of the characters you could most easily make a case for attempting to be impartial. So like. Unless that sparks you lots and lots of joy, give the gullible cinnamon roll trope a break maybe? It's just fanon, it's not canon that has to be followed religiously!
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