#it's important for the Rescue Corps Wraith forms
thatonepikminperson · 2 months
More Mixed Wraith AU Lore, such as how creatures can become Wraiths, and common Wraith powers
First of all, let's just get this out of the way. Natural Born Wraiths come from meteors that hold their core, unless they were in the first gen, then they were creature by creatures who have long since fled the planet due to radiation and nukes (Read more for more LORE)
Let's start with how creatures that aren't wraiths become wraiths
Ways Wraiths can make things into other Wraiths (BTW if a creature gets turned into a Wraith, it can still bleed, while Natural Born Wraiths can’t bleed)
Fully Direct Transformation
This is just like it entails. The Wraith uses most of its energy and power to try and create another wraith. Only works on beings still alive. Will keep the memory of the new Wraith’s past life
2. Direct Transformation
Same as before, but not all the energy and power is put into it. The failure rate is much lower tho, and can work on creature’s that JUST died. Won’t keep the memory fo the new Wraith’s past life
3. InDirect Transformation
You’d think this wouldn’t be possible, but it actually is. Some Wraiths (Reflection, Stone, etc…) have their methods to kill have a SMALL AS BALLS chance to convert a creature into the same type of Wraith they were being killed by. For example, if you get turned into a statue by the Stone Wraith, but you become a Wraith, you are now also a Stone Wraith. It’s called indirect because the Wraith didn’t directly cause you to become a wraith, chance and RNJESUS did. Otherwise, you’d be a corpse. The creature will get their memories too.
4. Fully InDirect Transformation
Same as above, it is truly indirect, aka, the Wraith finds something dead, and uses its power on it. Like above, it has an EVEN SMALLER AS BALLS chance to convert a creature into the same type of Wraith that they were affected by. The creature will get their memories as well.
5. Feeding off of creatures
Though extremely rare, it IS possible for a Wraith to be created just from another Wraith feeding off of them. The creature has to be alive, and it won’t keep it’s memories once transformed
6. Possession
Some Wraiths are able to just take over a creature’s body. This will convert the creature into a Wraith, and combine the two consciousnesses. This is one way to create a mixed Wraith. The creature does keep its memories, and even shares them with the Wraith that took them over
7. Item takes over/obsession becomes too much
This is an exclusive way to turn for Solids and Plasmas. This way involves a creature becoming so obsessed with the object that they become one with it. (Example: A human becoming so obsessed with the statue’s that the Stone Wraith creates that they purposely take one and eat it. Yes, that makes them become a Wraith. Another example is what happened to Bernard. Wraith Mirrors can offer one a deal and if they accept, they just walk in, and become a Wraith.)
8. Meteor lands on creature
Yeah, so most Wraiths now-a-days come from meteors, and if that meteor lands on a creature, they would fuse together. This mostly creates Mixed Wraiths, or Solid Wraiths. 
Now, it's time for Common types of Powers/Effects Wraiths can get (In no particular order)
Transforming Powers
The AURA OF FEAR powers
Going Invisible
Making Fire/Electricity/Water/Poison/Crystals/ANY HAZZARD (let’s be real) out of nothing
Messing with communication devices
May or may not be messing with Ships and their ability to crash
Killing wildlife (Like, being toxic)
Trance/Brainwashing Powers
Aura of love (People are more likely to love the Wraith than fear it)
Biomass absorbing powers
Hole being a storage compartment
Breathing any type of air
Core Recovery (If cracked)
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rael-rider · 6 years
My thoughts regarding Cates’ GotG #1
What I liked
I like the fact that Groot is still speaking, that Cates didn’t ignore what Duggan did to himi. This will sound as blasphemy but I would be OK if “I am Groot” never comes back in the comics. Not because it’s considered to be gimmicky, but because writers tend to use it as a writing crutch.
Having Groot say “I am Groot” and having other characters react with shock over what he said while leaving the reader (or viewer in case of the movies) wondering what he said it’s also pretty overdone. Let him talk.
I also like that he has his old personality back. He’s less pompous and regal and lacks his flowery speech (which I liked) and he comesoff as an angry teenager (but that has to do more with Cates’ form of writing) but he’s pretty similar to the Groot of old. Which I like because I find that Groot more interesting.
Peter is less of a clown, and more sharp, witty, and sarcastic.He’s more proactive and gives the impression that he really did care what happened with the missing Knowhere. I though him referring to the Novas “pigs” was weird since he was also technically a space cop at one point. Then again this new Nova Corps is infuriating and I loved that he started asking that Nova guy what the hell they were going to do about what was happening with the whole Knowhere is missing situation.
The whole cassette player being broken was Cates’ not so subtle way of saying “I don’t want to do MCU Guardians” which is good in my book.
I know I said I don’t like MCU synergy but Peter having a new ship named after Winona Ryder was pretty cool. The Nova guy asking if it was named after Rich was funny too.
I like how the Guardians formed, it’s spontaneous, maybe overdone in superhero stories but I liked it.
We get a new GotG team that’s not the MCU roster, finally.
Rocket is not in this comic for unspecific reasons but also because he’s going to be in Avengers: No Road Home. Not that I hate Rocket but Ewing is writing that Avengers comic and I liked his Rocket mini so I’m looking forward to him writing Rocket.
Wraith got sucked into that vortex thing.
Wendell is back as Quasar!
What I didn’t like
The implication that Cosmo, Darkhawk, Smasher, Wendell Vaughn, the Starjammers, etc... are presumed dead. Only because Wraith and Kallark who got sucked in and they appear in a future cover I am willing to bet they aren’t dead. I don’t worry about Adam or Vance because one can die and the other can find ways to come back. I hope they aren’t dead because killing all of those cosmic characters just like that is a good way to piss off cosmic fans.
It’s weird when you have big name characters in the background (at least big name for cosmic) and they don’t do anything. I have a hard time believing Wendell and Adam wouldn’t have said something in that scene with Eros talking about Thanos.
It’s a Thanos centered story and you only see Adam Warlock in the background? And suddenly Cosmic Ghost Rider is an authority on Thanos? Pffftt. Maybe Cates can’t write Adam.
What is the point of Cosmic Ghost Rider? Other than the rescue scene where CGR has his chain wrapped around Stormbreaker he was totally irrelevant and his scenes in the story stuck out like a sore thumb and did nothing to contribute to the overall plot other than remind us that he’s there. Seriously, outside the rescue scene, take the panels with him out and you wouldn’t really miss much. Heck the story would flow better without his constant inane interruptions.
Also CGR’s spot on the team could have gone to a better character.
Bill and Silver Surfer are worried about fighting the Black order meanwhile Rich is soloing them in the next issue of their comic. The Black Order shouldn’t be a match for those cosmic powerhouses.
I don’t expect Cates to know but it’s still a big sign writers and editors don’t care much about small time characters. Gladiator was in Darkhawk’s vicinity and not once did he tried to kill him. Chris killed Lilandra (though unwillingly) and Kallark loved her and mourned her death. It’s really not important to the story but if you know the characters this feels wrong.
The Thanos candidates thing doesn’t make sense. Why is Luke Cage being targeted as someone close to Thanos and who Thanos possibly implanted his mind into? Why not suspect Adam, Pip, Eros himself or any Eternal. Get people Thanos actually frequents in the list. Only Gamora made sense.
Even then it’s not that good of a plot. Augh just leave Gamora alone, let her rest. Better yet make peace with Starlin and have him write a story with her.
Cates should also give Thanos a rest, he really can’t write a good Thanos (nor can Jason Aaron for that matter).
Why are the Black Order even working for Hela? Also I miss when Hela was a pretty neutral entity instead of her being straight evil. I also hope she’s not the Thanos in her body.
A Nova fan asked Cates where Rich was and Cates just answered with “keep reading”. I am pretty tired of seeing Rich bounce from title to title once in a blue moon but unfortunately this is what it feels to be a fan of a character that’s not in the MCU or the writer/editor favorite. Still I rather he not appear in the cover of a comic he’s not going to be in because I get unnecessarily happy only to be let down. Also why put the other characters like Adam and Darkhawk anyway? They didn’t do anything either.
The art felt rushed in some panels and better in others, and the coloring wasn’t that great. What is up with Phyla’s cosmic awareness effect. Also at some point you see a panel with Knowhere floating above a planet and it’s painfully obvious they used a low res image of the moon for the planet and just put a greenish blue filter on it. Come on, I know Marvel people need to meet deadlines but I rather this comic comes out a month later and get a better product than this.
Marvel also needs a better quality printer, sometimes the ink comes off if I hold a comic for awhile and gets in my fingers. I also leave finger prints in my comic. It’s annoying AF and it’s not the first time it happened. They either need better quality printers or switch to the cheap paper or I dunno do something about it at the least. All in all it was an OKish issue, not anything great and I think the one thing I liked the most was Peter Quill reading like THE Peter Quill of old.
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