#it's honestly really nice to see Ataru's mom be more like a mother who does love her son even if he does get on her last nerve lol
misteria247 · 2 years
Differences that I've noticed between the Urusei Yatsura manga and anime is the relationship between Ataru and his parents, mainly his mother. While in the anime Ataru's mother is always looking incredibly disappointed in her son and wishing he was never born, in the manga she's actually quite nice to him. Like she still has her moments of calling him an idiot and yelling at him for making stupid decisions but it's more like a parental exasperation. There's actually quite a few moments where she gets snappy whenever someone crosses a line with Ataru and she's more than willing to beat someone up if they mess with her son.
It's honestly really cute and I like seeing their relationship be a lot more realistic in the parent/child department.
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