#it's him and zl that's going to be the real doozy lmao
inundatae · 9 months
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An interesting thought that occurred to me is that with Neuvillette's voicelines and as with discussion with @grislyintentions that while Neuvillette is predisposed to carrying a vast amount of disdain towards the Archons and most of what is associated with them, I also don't believe that such beliefs are set in stone with him.
There is so much love and compassion with Neuvillette and he is known for his impartiality or at least his attempt at making an attempt to be fair and impartial. His position as a judge is paramount to him (to the point that I believe that judgement and justice was likely as much a part of the hydro sovereign as was their role as the god of life).
Which is why when he's throwing around such measurements of time as "four hundred years" when he chooses to eventually meet the other archons, I feel like there might be a plan there. We know with how there's already somewhat of a ticking clock that's counting down to some large world changing events that such time is likely not going to be allotted for Neuvillette.
But it's a fun thought that in his mind, perhaps he means to spend an equal amount of time with the other archons, to get the measure of their being. After all, he spent four hundred or so years with Furina, it is only fair that he allows the rest of the archons that much time.
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