#it's hilarious and i'm not kidding about the lesbian skinny dipping moment KJFSDFDKS
danny-chase · 2 years
When was Ravens comphet era??
After the Brother Blood arc (the third one) she falls in love with Dick while she's super new at the whole experiencing emotions thing, and Dick has been nice and worried for her in the past (and he was the one to try and save her from brother blood during the titans flop era, though it's also because he was brainwashed and acting erratically). She accidentally makes Dick fall in love with her due to her powers as well, and influences him to kiss her and dream about her - at which point Kory figures out what's going on and has a gay lil lesbian moment skinny dipping with Raven and explains the different types of love, and that sorts everything out. it's not explicitly called out as comphet, but ehhh that's what i call it
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